#he's always arriving shortly with a chipper attitude
Comparing You to Their Ex-Girlfriend
Featuring Osamu
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Osamu Miya x Fem! Reader (she/her pronouns)
Warnings: swearing, arguing, under appreciation, mentions of ex’s, mentions of alcohol, Atsumu being the voice of reason 😵‍💫
AN: I’ve been wanting to continue this series for a while and I figured who better than our favorite Twin, Osamu 🥰
*Atsumu fans please don’t come for me, I adore him I promise 🥺
You and Osamu had been dating for a little over a year and what a year it’s been. Filled with tons of highs and equal lows, you and Osamu had navigated it all together.
When you’d first met Osamu, he had just opened his first Onigiri shop and things were hectic, but you somehow made it work. You’d visit him whenever you could, stop by to support his business and even stay late helping him clean up after close. You were the epitome of a perfect girlfriend and yet, sometimes it felt as if your good deeds went unnoticed.
You knew Osamu didn’t purposely ignore you, he was just busy being a business owner. The stresses of the early mornings and equally long days were hard on him. Still, you wished he’d occasionally throw a “thank you” or a “what would I do without you babe” your way. Nevertheless, you continued to thanklessly help your boyfriend whenever and wherever you could.
On one particularly busy Friday night, you swung by the shop to help Osamu close up, excited that he was leaving the shop in the care of his valued employees so you could spend so much needed quality time together. You pushed open the door, announcing your arrival as you did most everyday, only this time, you were not met with your usual chipper boyfriend.
“I’m here!” You shouted, the door sitting behind you as you placed your coat and purse on the coat rack besides the door, a welcome addition to the cozy little shop. The kitchen door slammed open as Osamu immediately started in on you.
“Dammit Yn you are so late! What took you so long? I’ve been cleaning all by myself!” He shouted as you looked at him, a bit taken aback by his hostile attitude.
“Geez Mr. Grumpy, I’m sorry I’m late but the train was packed, and I had to wait for the next one. I did text you,” you clarified, walking over to the counter as Osamu huffed and turned heading back into the kitchen as you followed.
“Well, I sent everyone home early because I assumed you were coming to help me, but I guess I shouldn’t have because I pretty much did everything myself,” he growled as you stood by the kitchen sink, eyes narrowed on your unusually hostile partner. He was never this mean, never this rude to you.
“Samu, I said I was sorry, ok? Geez it’s not like I don’t come and help you every day after I work a full 8 hours. I even take the train opposite my normal station just to be here to help,” you recalled, trying to keep your cool. Surely something had happened today to warrant this.
“You act like I’m forcing you to be here Yn! Like I’m making you help me out with my store!” Osamu exclaimed as you crossed your arms over your chest. You were done being patient and forgiving.
“I never said that Samu! I offer to help you and I’m always glad to help but you don’t need to yell at me especially when you can’t even spare a thank you half the time for all that I do for you!” You roared, pissed off that he seemed to be blaming you for the free help you offered him.
“Don’t act like you're such a saint Yn! You weren’t here through any of the hard stuff like Amy was! Now she was a real saint!” Osamu hissed as your eyes widened and you took a step back.
Amy was Osamu’s ex-girlfriend and someone you had always felt inferior too. When you had met Osamu, he had told you about how Amy had left him shortly after opening his restaurant, stating that he never had time for her. Osamu was a broken man when you met him, and you worked to help pick up the pieces. He worked long hours, sometimes 7 days a week just to avoid being alone. When you came into the picture, that all changed as you helped him manage his store and make time for himself, cherishing every small moment you had with him.
Tears welled in your eyes as you stood tall, your eyes locking with Osamu’s as you spoke, “Well if Amy’s such a saint, then why don’t you call her up and ask her to come help you close shop because I’m done!”
You pushed open the kitchen door, quickly moving to grab your purse and coat as you swiftly left Onigiri Miya. Osamu stood still as a statue, his mind flooded with guilt as the words he had spoken to you rang over and over in his mind. He snapped from his stunned state, running to the door as he made his way outside to try and catch you.
“YN!! YN!” He shouted, the streets flooded with people as he looked all around for you, only you weren’t answering him, you weren’t there.
You cried as you walked to the train station, your vision blurred from the mascara that flooded your eyes and cheeks. You sat down on the train, pulling your phone out and calling Atsumu.
Your relationship with Atsumu had been relatively strong since he visited his brother's restaurant often with his teammates. You valued Atsumu’s opinion no matter how idiotic it might be at times. The phone rang as you waited for the star setter to answer his phone.
“Hey YN, what’s up?” Atsumu cheered as your voice broke, and you started crying harder.
“A-Atsumu,” you agonized over the phone as the atmosphere of your phone call suddenly changed.
“YN! What the hell? Are you ok? Where’s Osamu?!” He shouted as you began crying harder, surely clearing the entire train car with your blubbering.
“I-I think Osamu is still in love with Amy!” You cried harder, a sigh escaping Atsumu before he spoke.
“Trouble in paradise? I always told you that you were too good for him Yn, but I’m confused, why do you think he’s still in love with that squealing pig? She left him!”
“He-he told me that I’m not as good as she was and that-that I’m not supportive like she w-was,” you responded, snot now running down your nose as you wiped it on your coat sleeve, not even caring how you looked.
“YN, Samu can be a jerk sometimes, trust me but he loves you. There’s no way he would go back to Amy after all the shit you do for him.”
“Well, he never acknowledges all the help I give him, nor does he ever say thank you!” You shouted back as Atsumu sighed again, rubbing his temple.
“Samu adores you YN and he always brags to me how you come after work to help him and how you stay super late just to make sure he gets out at a decent time. He really does appreciate you Yn,” Atsumu countered as you rolled your eyes, frowning angrily that Osamu bragged to everyone about how you helped him but yet never seemed able to spare a single word of appreciation.
“Yeah, well now he’s going to have to figure it out himself because I’m done! And don’t try to talk me out of it Atsumu, your brother is such a fucking asshole!”
“Hey Yn, you ain’t telling me anything new. I’ve been telling people he’s an asshole for 20 some years!”
You talked with Atsumu for a few more minutes before arriving at your home station. You bid him a farewell as you made your way home, swinging by the connivence store to grab booze and drink snacks to drown your sorrows.
Osamu locked up his shop, his mind elsewhere as he made his way back to his apartment. He had been on autopilot since you’d run out, the words he spoke continuously looping in his mind. How could he have said those things? He no longer harbored any feelings for Amy and hadn’t for a long time. He knew shortly after he met you that you were the one for him. You were just as devoted to his dream as he was, and you were always so happy to help him in any way you could.
His phone rang as he entered his apartment. He was hoping it was you but instead he was greeted by the annoying picture of his twin brother flashing on the screen.
“What?” Osamu growled, answering his phone as he heard a chuckle coming from the receiver.
“Messed up big time didn’t ya?” Atsumu laughed as Osamu grew more annoyed by the second.
“What the hell did you call for?” Osamu hissed back as Atsumu cleared his throat, his tone suddenly becoming serious.
“Just wondering how you're going to make it up to her. You really did it this time man. She called me completely heartbroken from the train station,” Atsumu responded as Osamu felt his chest tighten. Sure, he had felt like a jerk before but now he felt like a complete asshole.
“What do I do Sumu? I love her and I really fucked up this time. I brought up Amy which was a fucking low blow and I know it. Worst of all, YN is a million times more supportive than Amy ever was,” Osamu acknowledged, sitting on the stool at his kitchen counter.
“We’ll have you told Yn that?” Atsumu asked as Osamu played with a pen on the table.
“Told Yn what?”
“God you really are an idiot! And here everyone thought I was the stupid one! Have you told Yn how much you appreciate everything she does for you? How she comes after working all day to help you clean up? Or how she makes sure you get out at a decent time? Or even how she stands outside advertising your stupid new onigiri recipes that sometimes taste like absolute garbage?”
Osamu paused, looking up and staring at the picture of the two of you outside of Onigiri Miya. It was one of the first pictures you’d had taken together, and it was right after whirlwind sales day. His mind tried to recall all the times he had thanked you and all the things he had done to show his appreciation. His mind came up blank.
“Fuck! Fuck I haven’t even told her thank you once!” Osamu shouted, grabbing his keys and running from his apartment to the street below.
“Damn not even once Samu? And people say you’re the nice twin?”
“Shut up ya idiot!” Osamu snapped as Atsumu chuckled.
“Go make it up to your girl, ok? But remember who saved your relationship! I want an Onigiri named after me!”
Osamu ignore his brother as he quickly hung up the phone and ran to the station, tapping his feet as he waited for the train to arrive. Thankfully it wasn’t busy as he boarded and waited for your stop.
He ran from the train, booking it across the city as he made his way to your apartment. He took the steps two at a time as he pounded on your door, out of breath as he waited for your answer.
The door opened slightly, your eyes narrowing on his as you slammed the door right in his stupidly handsome face. Alright he definitely deserved that.
“YN please! Please baby- please just listen to me. I know you hate me, and you have every right too. I was a completely selfish jerk, and I said some awful things to you. I’ve taken advantage of all your help and kindness, and I haven’t even bothered to once acknowledge it. The truth is that you’ve done way more for me than anyone ever has, even Atsumu. You loved and supported me and never once complained about it,” he breathed out, tears welling in his eyes as he continues,” I know I don’t deserve you YN but please just know that I love you and I wouldn’t be where I am today without you.”
Behind the door, your eyes flooded with tears again as you listened to his words. You loved Osamu more than anything and while his words stung, you knew he said them out of anger. While it still didn’t make it right, he had come all this way to apologize so the least you could do was hear him out. You turned around, opening the door as you peeked at him, his beautiful eyes meeting yours.
“What you said hurt Samu. It gutted me when you brought her up,” you cried as Osamu deflated. He knew what he said stung. He hadn’t met for his anger to get out of control like that. He knew he had to fix this.
“I’m so incredibly sorry for bringing her up Yn. I don’t have any excuse for what I said. Amy never gave me what you give me. She never supported my dream like you do and that’s why I love you so much Yn. You’re it for me,” he whispered as your eyes again flooded with tears and you opened the door, pulling him into an embrace.
“I love you too Samu and I’ve only ever wanted to see you happy. I love helping you and I don’t need praise all the time but sometimes it would be nice,” you responded as he pulled you in right, holding you close as if you would disappear if he were to let go.
“I can do that Yn, I can definitely do that.”
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Infinity’s Descendants
“Zaz and the Camorra Pt. 1”
« Celeste, Je suis revenue. Ou es-tu! »Azazelle asked as she entered the estate. « Cele, ou es-tu? » Celeste didn’t respond and The younger sister knew just where to go. « Mon Dieu. Elle prend plus de bains qu'un bébé oiseau. » Zaz mumbled as she ascended the stairs. When Azazelle entered Celeste’s head was rested on back of the tub and she was holding a flute of champagne with a couple of raspberries in it. “Ah Zaz, you are back. Have you quenched your thirst?” she asked with her eyes still closed. “I have sister but there is something I need to tell you”. Her little sister’s voice told her everything she needed to know before she even opened her eyes. Her confirmation was the sight of Azazelle standing before her with ripped garments and literal blood on her hands. Celeste downed the remaining champagne in the flute and got out of the tub. “Celeste please do not get upset with me. I can explain everything” Azazelle’s voice and eyes were apologetic but that didn’t matter.
Celeste didn’t even bother to grab a towel she just started in on her little sister “I pleaded with you! Azazelle I begged you! Do not succumb to your thirst is what I said and you gave me your word! How could you do this to us?!” Celeste began pacing back and forth “Why must you constantly push the agenda? Why do you always have to have more!? I am trying my best to look after you and you-”“Look after me?” Azazelle interjected. “I do not need you to look after me! I never asked you for any of this Cele and lest we not forget that YOU left me!” That sentence hit Celeste like a sack of stone and mortar. “You would not believe the things I have been through even if I told you, so don’t you dare try to question my actions and motives. I have absolutely no reason to lie about any of this yet you still do not believe me!” Celeste walked over to her sister and grabbed her hand “Azazelle I want to believe you I truly do but your actions have spoken much louder than your words. Will you allow me to see for myself?” Celeste asked, allowing her anger to subside and her matriarchal nature comeback to the forefront. “And just how would you do that?” replied Azazelle. Celeste began to lift Azazelle’s wrist, when she bore her fangs Azazelle snatched away from her. “What the hell is wrong with you! I am trying to explain something to you and you are trying to feed from me. Am I some sort of joke to you?” “No, Zaz. That is not the case, I have-“
*ahem* Cassius cleared his throat interrupting the sisterly quarrel. “That is enough ladies” Cassius tossed Celeste a towel. “Both of you get dressed and meet me in the sitting room”
The sisters made it to the sitting room before Cassius. They sat in silence awaiting him.  Finally Celeste looked at her little sister and sighed. “Azazelle, I am sorry. I should have reacted differently. It’s just that things have...” Cassius walked in as Celeste was talking to her sister. She glanced at her sister then back at Cassius. She felt it would be better if Cassius heard the news from her rather than Azazelle. “Cassius, Azazelle and I have some things we need to share with you” she said. “Does it have something to do with Azazelle leaving the estate?” he asked. His reply surprised both sisters. “Yes” Celeste said cautiously. “I am already aware of the fact Azazelle was away from the estate. What I am unsure of, however, is what your involvement in the matter is” He was clearly upset but that was nothing new. It was quite easy to upset Cassius and Celeste had found it best to tell him the truth whether he liked it or not. She might as well get it over with so they could begin to move past it she thought to herself before speaking. “It was I who let Azazelle out. She is my sister and she was starving” “Very well then. The truth of the matter is none of that is of any importance now.” This was another response that surprised both sisters. Cassius continued to speak. “Azazelle you are to attend a disciplinary hearing tomorrow night.” “Disciplinary hearing? What for?” Asked Celeste. “I was not done speaking celeste.” he said frankly., his response letting Celeste know she was not off the hook for her actions. “Those three men that you killed tonight” he said looking at Azazelle. “What of them?” she replied. “They were members of the Angeli Oscuri. I am quite sure neither of you know who they are or what that means so allow me to enlighten you. The Angeli Oscuri are a squad of death dealers who belong to House Giovanni-Mointoire. That house also happens to be…” “The house you belong to” Celeste said completing Cassius’ sentence. “Exactement. Death dealers are elite soldiers that are sent to handle various problems and threats to our house and our existence.” Azazelle perked up in her chair at hearing this. “I do not understand. Why I was marked as a threat” she said, this was the most intrigued Celeste had seen her sister when in conversation with Cassius. “You weren’t. It was simply by happenstance that they encountered you.” His response seemed to be a disappointment to Azazelle because she sat back in her chair seemingly losing all interest. “So again I ask the need for a disciplinary hearing is what?” asked Celeste. She too was interested in this matter. If it was simply an accident there would be no need for any disciplinary action. “By killing those men Azazelle broke one of the Camorra’s rules. There are very few rules and they are very simple. They are as follows;
1) Hunting and/or killing any Vampire is forbidden within Giovanni-Montoire territory.
2) Biting a noble or drinking the blood of a noble is forbidden and constitutes immediate execution
3) All newborns must be presented to the Camorra and subsequently trained and taught the rules once they are placed in a House
“If there is to be a disciplinary hearing then I shall show up and state my case. I will inform them that those men attacked me and quite frankly classifying them as ‘elite’ is an absurd stretch of the truth” Azazelle said simply. “I am so tired of your...” Cassius was struggling to find the word “...rebellious attitude Azazelle!” He finally managed to say. “It is imperative that you understand just who it is that you are about to stand before. These are the elders of the most powerful covens in the vampric world.” “Cassius, she is not a child. She understands” Celeste said with tone advising Cassius to be cautious. “Very well then. I must be going now, I have to return to Giovanni-Montoire. I will return here tomorrow and we will leave at sunset. Azazelle, you will have to ride with me. Celeste, I will make arrangements for you and Mariana to travel together” Cassius walked over to Celeste and gave her a gentle kiss on her forehead. “I know this may be difficult request but please, do try to behave” with a smile and a bow Cassius left the room.
The night passed quickly, as did the day. Celeste had tried to talk to Azazelle throughout the day but her little sister was very quiet. Honestly, Celeste couldn’t blame her but she admired how strong her little sister had stayed thus far. The all too familiar sound of trotting horse hooves tickled Celeste’s ears and she began to make her way to the front of the estate. When she got there Azazelle was heading for the front door. “Zaz! Surely you were not going to leave without giving me a hug?” She shouted. Azazelle smiled “Of course not. I was just going to ask Cassius if I needed to bring anything” The sisters hugged. Each not wanting to let the other go. “I hate to interrupt but we must be going now or will will be late. Mariana should be along shortly, mon étoile” Celeste could not help but feel uneasy as her love and her sister walked away from her.
Celesete tried her best to keep her mind occupied as she waited for Mariana to arrive. As Cassius said Mariana arrived maybe 20 minutes after Cassius and Azazelle had departed.
Mariana’s mood did not match that of Celeste. Mariana was chipper. She filled Celeste in on all that had been happening with her since the last time they had spoke. “Celeste you have hardly said a word since we entered the carriage. Ca va?” She asked. “Je suis désolée. I am just a but nervous I suppose. I do not really know what to expect. All of this is still very new to me” admitted Celeste. “C’est vrai! You have never been to a disciplinary hearing. I must admit i did find it a it odd when Jareth told me that I was to bring to Giovanni-Montoire for the hearing but I have shared with him how i wish to expand our friendship so I am sure he is doing this as a kindness for me” “How sweet” Celeste said with a smile. Mariana was so smitten with Jareth Celeste found it cute. Mariana smiled shyly for a brief moment. “Back to the hearing, oui?” “Oui” replied Celeste. Her sister’s hearing was more important than anyone’s relationship. “Most of them are usually a bore but tonight should be different. It has been quite some time since someone has broken any rule in a manner as extreme as this. I am excited to see how my father and the other elders of the Camorra decide to punish the insubordinate” Celeste’s eyes widened. “Sweetheart you must calm yourself. You have done nothing wrong so you have nothing to fear” said Mariana. “May I ask you something?” “Of course! Céleste you are my friend you can always ask me whatever you like. You do not need my permission” Mariana smiled. “I have heard Cassius speak of the Camorra and just a few moments ago you said that your father was an elder in the Camorra. What exactly is The Camorra?” asked Céleste. « Ah, bon question mon amie » Celeste could tell Mariana found true delight in her world. “The Camorra, are small council of elders who implement and enforce vampiric laws that we are to be obey” « Je comprend, merci » replied Céleste.
“You must wait her until they come and get you. I am going to offer you a piece of advice. Wether you chose to use it is your choice” Azazelle looked at Cassius. “Keep your head down, do not speak unless you are spoken to and if asked to state your case do not disrespect them and do not defy them” Azazelle shook her head showing she understood.
The circular room Mariana had walked them to was vast and opulent with marble floors and marble columns. “Have a seat with Amélie I’ve there I will join you shortly. I must say hello to a couple of people before the hearing begins” said Mariana. Celeste sat beside Amélie and the two had just enough time to exchange greetings before Cassius appeared and joined them.
In the center of the room there was an elevated platform that 6 beautiful throne like chairs sat upon. In front of that platform there were three tiers of seating with about 50 chairs on each. On the ground level, which just so happened to be the level Celeste and Cassius were seated on, were arm chairs made entirely of ebony outfitted with tufted back cushions of black velvet with ruby buttons and matching seat cushions. On the second tier, the arm chairs were gilded in gold with silk the purest of color of white adorned on the back and seat cushions. A stark contrast of the darker chairs on the tier below. On the third tier there were far fewer chairs maybe 10 or 15 in total. The chairs on this level appeared to be smaller versions of the 6 seated on the platform in the center of the room.
The 6 seats in the platform were now occupied and the room was quickly filling up. “Who are these people?” Céleste asked looking around the room. “You have seen Marrius and Amir before. The ones you do not know are Lasko, he is the head of House Léon and Desmond he is the Head of the Maizère family. Both of those Houses are part of the Brézé coven. The two empty seats are for the Elder of the Corsini family and the elder of the third house that makes up the Brézé coven” as Cassius was explaining Celeste saw someone she didn’t think she would be seeing again anytime soon. “Cassius, why is he here” asked Celeste.
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“Leo is a death dealer as well. He is one of the Cavalieri Bianchi” replied Cassius. “Mon dieu” was all celeste managed to say the rest of the Cavalieri Bianchi took their seats with Leo. She had never seen men as beautiful as them.
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“Their names are N, ten, Ravi and the one who cannot seem to comply with the unspoken dress code is Ronin”
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“He’s the rebellious one in the bunch” Celeste swallowed.
Jareth walked in the room and was followed by Athan and several others Céleste had never seen before. One of them in particular caught her eye and Both he and Athan bowed politely to her from quite a few chairs over.
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Jareth made his way to the top tier in the room. He unlike Mariana looked like he would rather be anywhere but here. He almost looked a bit angry Céleste noted. He paid no attention to the others who were trying to speak to him in the top tear.
The room grew quiet shortly followed by the loud sound of a very heavy door being opened. Azazelle was escorted in by a male and a female vampire. She was seated in a small very uncomfortable looking wooden chair. It took no time for the hearing to begin.
“This newborn possesses no self-control and must be punished for her crimes” said Marrius, the head of House Giovanni-Montoire.
“How does he know that all of this took place?” celeste asked as the details of her sister’s offense were shared. “I told him” replied Cassius. “How is it that you know this took place? And why would you tell them” She asked a little too loud. “Quiet, please do not interrupt them. I had no choice. I had to tell them” Whispered Cassius.
“What do you suggest Marrius?” asked Amir. “Slave to my house perhaps” Marrius said exuding an air of nonchalance. “Un moment, This newborn took out two of your best, you say?” Lasko, the head of House of Léon, asked leaning forward enough to make eye contact with Marius. « Trois » replied Marrius. “Then perhaps it’d be fitting for a demonstration? If she is as skilled of a fighter as was explained; her abilities would be wasted as a house slave” Lasko challenged; he knew Marrius wanted Azazelle for himself because she would add more power to his House. Marrius looked over at his group of death dealers and raised his hand. Two of them rose and started making their way to where Azazelle was sitting. Amir did the same and Ravi descended the steps as well. “Les soldats s’arment!” commanded Marrius.
The three vampires grabbed their weapons of choice and took their places in front of the still seated Azazelle.
“Cassius, qu’est-ce que c’est? What are they going to do to her?” celeste asked. Celeste started to stand “Non, do not move.”  he said grabbing her hand “I’ve seen her fight. She will be alright”. Marrius saw Cassius do this then focused back on the matter at hand.
Azazelle stood before her challengers and took a deep breath. “Shall we?”
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phoenixrp-blog1 · 7 years
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“You gotta know how to treat me like a lady. Even when I'm acting crazy, tell me everything's alright.” - Dear Future Husband by Meghan Trainor
NAME: Aubrey Savage
AGE: 40
OCCUPATION: Sentinel Officer
BIRTHPLACE: Miami, Florida
FACE CLAIM: Emmy Rossum
Aubrey thought she had it all as she grew up. A great home life, friends, and she was head-over-heels in love with her high school sweetheart, Brent. However there were little things she didn’t catch on to; His constant need to check on her, the attitude when she didn’t answer her phone, the overly tight grip on her arm when he wanted to leave somewhere, or the belittling remarks that increased over time. They were chalked up to being both overly caring and teasing at the same time, however there was no denying the truth after the black-eyes started.
She was a young woman and all she knew was the life she had forged with him. They met as freshmen in high school and kept their relationship going all four years and even afterwards. Brent constantly was between jobs and in the process increased his intake of alcohol, the liquor only fueling him further when his outlet for anger was Aubrey. Sure, she tried to leave more than once, but he always found her and convinced her to come back with claims he had changed and was sorry. Over time she started to accept this as her life and shut down, the toxic relationship at home causing her approach to others to be just as toxic to keep them at bay. The final straw was when Aubrey’s sister called her in the middle of the day in the midst of a panic attack. Aubrey immediately grabbed her car keys and headed for the door but Brent stopped her, claiming her sister was simply being over dramatic and that Aubrey didn’t need to leave. An argument ensued and Aubrey, fueled by her sister’s need, did not back down and made it out the door.
That evening, while still at her sister’s apartment, she gathered up the courage to break things off with Brent over the phone. He took it uncharacteristically well, something that hadn’t happened any other time she tried to leave, and she foolishly was not suspicious. What she had anticipated to be a smooth transition was far from it, for when she arrived to gather her things Brent was there waiting for her...With his gun. The police bought the story that he thought she was a burglar and the entire incident was accidental, but there was no way for them to know the truth. Aubrey tried her best to get them to understand but her screams fell on deaf ears and it wouldn’t be long before she knew why there was no response to her pleas - She was dead, watching as a ghost as Brent was deemed innocent. He even dared to shed a few tears and the entire thing infuriated her. How dare he! He may have gotten away with it legally but she wouldn’t let him live on peacefully after all he had done to her. Vengeance would be hers.
For over a year she haunted Brent and all that he did. He would never get a full night of sleep again but all of Aubrey’s efforts still did not satiate her need for revenge and it enraged her more. This anger should have been something she avoided but she embraced it and used it to her advantage. It soon became too much for him - The constant whispers taunting him of his guilt, the stress from lack of sleep and coming home to his home trashed - And he suffered a heart attack.
Satisfied by her revenge, Aubrey moved on with her life though it wasn’t simple. She had caused Brent’s death, she was the one driven strongly by her anger without ways to control it. It has now been years since she she settled in Castor but the possibility of becoming a poltergeist still lingers over her. Even while using her job as a Sentinel to channel her emotions, it is a daily struggle to keep her guilt and anger in line, and part of her wonders if she’ll ever regain full control and be able to live without worry. The question is, though, what will happen if she doesn’t?
Personality Traits
POSITIVE: Passionate, Strong-Willed, Quick-Witted
NEGATIVE: Distant, Agressive, Hot-Tempered
CHARLIE: Charlie is one of the few that helps keep Aubrey grounded. She finds his large caffeine intake amusing and a way to distract her from whatever troubles her. He knows more about her own species than she does and she doesn’t hesitate to ask him for input or advice.
FREJA: Freja’s difficulty making friends did not play a part for her and Aubrey. She was one of the first few of the Cirque that the Ghost met and the some of the mermaid’s traits reminded her of her old self growing up. She just can’t place why.
BLAIR: Aubrey met Blair shortly after the other Ghost joined the Sentiels. Blair has every right to be angry over her own situation...Yet she isn’t, and it fascinates Aubrey. She’s curious as to how her colleague can remain so put together, far away from the path Aubrey was going down.
GERALT: What Sentinel wouldn’t have Geralt in their phone on speed dial? This man’s talent and respect for weapons has most definitely won over her friendship. Though, with his craft, she’s got no problem calling Geralt her favorite. Whenever a new weapon comes out, she’s on the phone with him and ordering it. The same goes for when her weapons need fixing or replacing.
ADELA: This woman’s strength intrigues her, leaving Aubrey completely excited by the prospect of getting to know her. She knows, though, that there is something more to the woman than the air she gives off. To Aubrey, if they were to become friends, she’d hope the woman wasn’t involved with anything that could get the both of them on Mischa’s bad side.
LYDIA: Despite her lack of need for eating what-so-ever, she finds the woman’s artistic ability with food to be more than interesting. She’s seen the woman cook when the Sentinels get called in for some sort of call of a domestic disturbance, but that’s usually the only time she sees her. Though, someday, Aubrey might actually meet the woman for coffee.
TOBIAS: This sweet Angel has got to be the only one she can tolerate without feeling that aggression boil up. Sure, he was chipper just like the rest of them, but he seemed so sweet that she couldn’t help but be nice to him. Since she’s gotten to know him, though, she’s fiercely loyal and would do anything for Tobias. If he’s ever hurt, though, you can bet her anger is raging and she’s fighting off becoming a poltergeist.
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12085 · 9 years
what's the deal with pequod, isn't that just like your pilot
pequod is no man he is a feelingof knowing there is hope and a way home 
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