#he's a scapegoat he's a man he's a martyr he's a lover he's a god he's vicious he loves to the point of his own destruction he's a monster
wardenannie · 3 years
A lot of baby/pregnancy fic tends to focus on the end of pregnancy/the beginning of the baby’s life. But I wanted to do a little character study into Levi, so here he is over the course of 10 hours after learning Hange is preggo~  (mildly nsfw)
10 Hours
Hour 0
 “So...” She faces away from him. Her single eye locked on the sky beyond her window. Hange Zoe, fourteenth Commander of the Survey Corps, will not turn to face him. She is sat at her desk, hands folded on its top. Levi cannot see her expression, but he expects that it is as grim as her tone. 
He braces himself for bad news. 
“I’m pregnant.” 
The birds beyond the window stop singing. The clouds cease their trek across the cerulean sky. Levi’s breath is stuck in his chest, a painful lump between his lungs. 
“Come again?”
This time she does look at him, pinning him to the floor with an emotionless glance over her shoulder. 
“Pregnant. Expecting. Vertically impaired bun in the proverbial oven.” 
The short joke is lost on him. He exhales sharply, like someone punched him in the gut, “Oh.” 
Hange sighs and resumes her staring out the window, “Just think on it. You don’t need to say anything right now.” 
Levi swallows thickly and gladly takes the excuse to exit the room. His head is spinning, heart thundering in his chest. Pregnant. It doesn’t feel real yet. 
He retreats to the relative safety of his quarters. 
Hour 1
Levi punches a hole in his wall with a snarl. Untoward anger radiating through his limbs. 
Sheetrock and plaster rain down, dirtying his pristine floor, further incensing him. He kicks a second hole in the wall, shouting with the impact of his booted heel. More debris falls. 
He paces back and forth, occasionally tugging a hand through his hair. He’s sweating, he feels filthy. 
But he knows that Hange isn’t lying. This is not the sort of sick joke she would pull. But they had been so careful, hadn’t they? 
He replays the penultimate moments of their last few encounters over in his head, and quickly realizes that they haven’t been as careful as he’d thought. There is nothing quite like losing himself in the depths of Hange... Commander Hange. 
Shit. He curses himself and perches on the foot of his bed, resting his head in his hands. 
What the fuck is he supposed to do now? 
Hour 2
Eventually he finds himself spread eagle across his bed. His eyes trace along the wooden grain of the ceiling. His head still spins when he thinks too deeply about anything, and a strange ache has settled into his chest, like a fist around his heart. 
Does he love Hange Zoe? Would it be fair to bring a child into the world if he didn’t? 
They’ve never said the words aloud to one another, but he knows in his heart-of-hearts that he does love her. She anchors him to reality, instills in him a drive to live where there might have only been despair. 
His fists clench and unclench rhythmically in his linens. Levi shuts his slate eyes and breathes deeply, trying to calm and steady himself. 
He is in love with Hange Zoe. He can admit that to himself now, in what feels like the most dire of circumstances. 
But can he love a child? Is there enough room in his heart? 
He rolls onto his side and covers his face with a pillow. 
It still feels unreal. A bad dream playing out before his waking eyes. 
Hour 3
He oscillates back into denial, then anger. 
Who are they to bring a child into this terrible, cruel world? An Eldian child, a scapegoat, a martyr for Marley to string up and burn. 
She has to be lying. Hange cannot possibly be telling him the truth. No Walls, no Gods, no omnipotent powers could be so terribly sordid as to bring an infant into the world now. Not while they are on the brink of war. 
Hour 4
He remembers his childhood; years spent wasting away in a whorehouse. Starving while his mother wasted her ill-gotten wages on booze. Levi was a bastard, fatherless. The only male role-model he’d ever had was Kenny, and look where that had gotten him. 
“I can’t be a father,” he whispers into the dying light of his quarters. 
He doesn’t know how. 
Hour 5
He takes his supper in the mess hall when he would normally eat within the privacy of his quarters. He hopes that the noise might distract, that interacting with his... his kids... might help him to better grasp his current situation. 
The irony of it isn’t lost on him as he sits in silence amongst his young comrades. In a way he has been a father to them where their own had become titan food. 
He watches Sasha scarf her food with abandon, Connie teasing her between his own hearty mouthfuls. He watches Jean roll his eyes at the two of them, then take a moment to proudly pet the patchy stubble that has begun to grow in around his chin. 
Levi listens to Armin excitedly pontificate to Mikasa and Eren about Marlean cuisine and meal customs. Mikasa listens on in contented silence, a small smile on her lips. Eren’s eyes are distant, like he isn’t listening at all. 
Levi wants to smack him on the back of his head. The twerp has been acting up a lot more as of late. Secretly, it worries him. 
His kids. 
Who needs a baby when they have it this good? 
He sighs and looks down to his tray, food untouched. 
They’re Hange’s kids, too. 
Their baby. Theirs. 
Hour 6
He returns to his quarters, stomach tied up in painful knots. He remembers Kenny, how the man had taught him the cruel, ruthless ways of the Underground. 
He remembers Isabel and Furlan. How he had allowed himself to love so selflessly only to be burned and brutalized in the end. What if that happened to Hange? Hange who he had come to rely on more than anything, anyone. Childbirth was a dangerous thing, everyone knew that. Even with the new, fancy anti-biotics being imported from the mainland the risks were high. 
What if he lost her? 
Her remembers Erwin who he had loved as a father, a brother, a martyr and a dear comrade. He remembers his Commander dying on that rooftop in Shiganshina. He remembers the blood. Icy blue eyes cold and dead as Hange peeled back his lids. 
Levi’s stomach rolls and he flips his upper half over the side of the bed and promptly vomits onto the floor. 
Behind his eyes an image has begun to take shape. Hange laid out in bed, naked from the waist down. Bloody, sweaty, weak and dying as a shapeless creatures squalls on her chest. 
“No,” Levi rasps, wiping his mouth with the back of his hand. 
He feels so weak, so helpless in the face of this indominable thing. The sleep that takes him is unbidden and restless. 
Hour 7
Levi dreams of a cabin tucked away amongst the massive boles of the trees beyond wall Rose. Smoke rises from the chimney, filling the crisp forest air with a pleasant, homey smell. 
Sunlight breaks through the canopy and speckles the ground. Everything is bright and beautiful and alive. The simple wooden door of the cabin beckons to him, and he is helpless but to answer its call. 
Inside the space is cozy and quaint. The kitchen and living area inhabiting the same space. Hange is waiting for him, sitting on a small, plush sofa. She isn’t wearing her eye patch, revealing the milky iris and silvery scar she usually guards so carefully. 
“Levi,” she beams at him. For a moment he is stunned by her simple, unkempt beauty. 
He knows he is meant to be anxious over something, but suddenly he cannot remember what it is. 
He sits down beside her takes her face between his hands and kisses her. 
I love you, he wants to admit the truth. He’s ready. But his lips will not part. The words will not pass his tongue. 
When they part Hange’s expression darkens, long shadows falling over her hawkish features. 
“Levi...” she breathes. 
Shadows begin to creep in from the corners of the cabin. The walls suddenly feel as though they are caving in, and suddenly his peaceful dream has become a nightmare. 
“You’re pregnant,” The sound of his own voice is alien and distant in his ears. He feels small. Smaller than usual. Miniscule and helpless. Why can he speak now? 
Hange nods and then the pair of them are besieged by shadows. 
Hour 8
Levi sits bolt upright in his bed, sweat is gathered on his brow and sharp shivers wrack his limbs. He pants and wipes his face with his palm. 
“Fuck,” he curses. 
He’s used to nightmares, but more often than not Hange is in bed beside him waiting to soothe them away. 
Here, in his quarters, he is completely and utterly alone. 
Levi doesn’t want to be alone anymore. 
He tugs on his boots and stumbles out into the hallway, not caring how disheveled he must appear to any passers-by. He wants to be with Hange, he’s cursing himself for leaving her alone to begin with. 
How selfish does that make him? He’s not the one bearing the brunt of this burden. It isn’t his body and life that are at risk. What must she be feeling now? All alone because her lover left her in a fit of selfish upset. 
When he reaches her door he doesn’t bother to knock. It opens with a rush of air and he finds her where he left her; sitting at her desk, gazing out the window. Her elbows rest on the dry ink of a half finished letter. 
“Levi?” She spins sideways in her chair, facing him entirely. 
He shakes his head and closes the distance between them in two easy strides. He seizes her face between his hands and kisses her roughly, because he isn’t good with words, so he’ll show her how he feels. 
“Mmpf!” She makes a noise of surprise, but then she melts into him, hands lifting to rest on his chest, then caressing around to link behind his neck. 
When they part she gives a small, sad smile and says, “I didn’t think I’d see you again tonight.” 
“I was being an idiot,” Levi grunts, and he helps her to her feet. “A selfish idiot.” 
“No you weren’t, Levi. It’s a lot to take in, I know,” her thumb brushes his lower lip. “I love you.” 
Hour 9
The words are difficult to speak, so he shows her out he feels. He shows her in the reverent way he peels her clothes from her body, the rough, desperate caress of his touch, the slide of his thin lips over her chin and collarbones and breasts. 
He holds her hips and kisses from her navel to her abdomen, and he kisses her there too because despite everything he does want this baby. He loves this baby already, because it is him and it is Hange. The best of the both of them taking shape in her womb. 
Levi abandons all gentleness as he makes love to her. It is animal. Primal. His hands will leave bruises on her hips, and his lips suck hers swollen. 
When he finishes, just after her, he doesn’t bother to pull out. It doesn’t matter anymore. And as he pumps himself into her he whispers raspy and desperate into her sternum, “I love you.” 
The words hurt in such a sublime way. He’s never said them before, not once in his life. But here he is, speaking them, meaning them, bleeding them from his soul into hers. 
He loves her, and he’ll love this baby, too. 
Hour 10
They lay in bed, Hange’s fingers comb rhythmically through his hair, and she presses the occasional kiss to his crown. 
Levi has one arm wound around her waist, his cheek pressed into her sternum, his other hand cupping her abdomen, thumb caressing gentle circles into the skin there. 
“I know you’re afraid,” Hange finally speaks. Her voice is soft and loaded with emotion. “I am, too. But I think we deserve this, Levi. It’s a chance for a life beyond the Survey Corps, for a real family.” 
Levi tilts his head up and kisses her gently. She’s right, but he still cannot help but remember his vision and his nightmare. 
“There’s so much that could go wrong,” his voice is pained. He holds her tighter. 
Hange sighs and rests her cheek on his head, “You’re not wrong, but we’ve got eight months to figure things out, okay? For tonight, just hold me.” 
Levi sighs and melts into her, shutting his eyes. 
In Hange’s arms his sleep is dreamless. 
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