#he's a male in feminist spaces demanding particular attention and wondering why he's getting pushback
I wasnt asking you to give him a footrub or to go over his whole blog so i dont see how its about making you think about a man. I was asking specifically about one post i linked where hes whining about the poor male victims and how women are so mean. Its not about putting energy into a specific male its about the ideas because they are used to manipulate and hurt women. i hope he chokes but in the meantime its the women hes misleading i care about. ps i think ur only getting so many asks on this because you seem weirdly defensive on giving any opinion at all, with anything else you just spit it straight and lay shit out without bullshit which is why i follow u.
I didn't see the initial post referenced. I do not want to comment on what I have not seen. People have pushed and pushed and pushed me to comment on this or that or other post he's made, and the more people do that, the more resistant and suspicious I'm going to get.
Maybe if this had started a different way, maybe if the very first time that man was brought to my attention it was a simple "what do you think of this?" about a particular post I would have checked it out and commented on it, or not, depending. But that's not what happened. And there's no way to backtrack and make it what happened.
I got into it with some scrote who compared feminists to Andrew Tate fans, he brought up being sexually assaulted by a woman for some unknown reason and I called him on his hypocrisy and misogyny. Some random then came to rant in my inbox about the supposed harassment of a completely different male. I made the mistake of answering that ask to say I had no idea what that person was talking about, and this shit hasn't stopped since.
A younger me might have gotten into it--I have years past joined in on things I didn't have all the information for. It's never worked out well. Ends up being a shitfest where I ask what the fuck I'm doing here, why did I waste all that energy in this, what good came out of it, etc.. So no, I'm not going to do that again if I can avoid it.
It will happen that he will show his ass, which will make it to my dash, which I may then feel compelled to comment on. Or it won't.
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