#he's a little spoon and u can't prove me wrong
interstallerrr · 1 year
George today looks like he hasn't slept in days and there's something attractive about that
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donggyul · 4 years
Love Triangle
Member : 이한결 Lee Hangyul
Genre : Fluff/Angst
Note : This is not requested but I popped up in my head lol
Warning : If you have a weak heart or you're sensitive then the warning is heartbreak 💔
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You, Yohan and Hangyul were best friends. How did you guys met? You starred in a drama with the both of them. In that drama, the 3 of you were in a love triangle but you end up with Yohan in the end.
You've always liked Hangyul the moment you seen him. But you didn't confessed because it might break your friendship cause you weren't sure if Hangyul feels the same way too. Being just friends was enough for you. But what you didn't know is that your live was a love triangle all along.
You started wanting more than just being friends with Hangyul. The more time you spend with him, the more you like and love him. So you confessed, and guess what, he rejected you harshly.
From that day onwards, Hangyul kept avoiding you and not answering your calls or messages.
You and Yohan went out to get drinks cause you were feeling down and dejected. But Yohan ended up getting drunk and spilling all the secrets.
(Btw u drank the non-alcoholic drink and he drank the acholic drink so that's why he's drunk)
"I actually like you, you know that?" he said in his drunk state.
Your eyes widened at his words.
"Will you go out with me?" he said looking at you.
"I-I'm sorry Yohan... But I like someone else..." you said and stood up getting ready to leave.
"It's Hangyul right?" he said and made you stop in your tracks, turn around looking at him.
"The person you like... Its Hangyul isn't it?" he said.
You didn't said anything and stood there frozen.
"Sit down... I'll tell you everything..." he said.
You sat back down ready to listen to whatever he has to say.
"But you tell me first... What did you do?" he ask.
"I confessed to him, but he rejected me harshly. Guess I'm the only one who likes him." you said taking a sip of your drink.
"Stupid..." he said.
"Do you even know why he rejected you?" he continued.
"It's obvious... He doesn't like me and I just ruined our friendship by confessing to him..." you said.
"No... Its because he likes you." he said making you surprised.
"What? But it can't be... Then why did he reject me?" you ask.
"It's because I like you... Because I like you..." he said.
"Yohan-ahh... Tell me more... What do you mean by that?" you begged him not understanding whatever he just said.
"Idiot... Because I like you... He's willing to give up the person he loves cause he knows I like you and he didn't want to ruin our friendship..." he said hitting himself.
You slightly teared up at the thought.
All this while you thought that he didn't like you and you were blaming yourself for bumming your relationship.
"I need to go... I'm sorry..." you said and ran all the way to Hangyul's house.
You rang the doorbell multiple times until he finally opened the door.
"We need to talk..." you said going into his house without even asking for his permission.
"What? Hey.. We don't need to talk..." he said flustered at your sudden action.
"Yes we do... You can't ignore me forever..." you said turning to look at him.
"Yes, I can... Close the door when you go out..." he said and went to his room but you stop him in his tracks.
"What are you doing?" he said.
"Tell me the truth..." you demand.
"Tell you what? There's nothing to say" he said and tried pushing you away but you didn't move an inch.
"Don't lie to me... I heard everything from Yohan..." you said.
His eyes widened at what you said. Shocked.
"What did you hear?" he said pretending to not know anything.
"That you like me and you rejected me just because Yohan likes me..." you said boldly.
He was shocked.
"Look... I dont know what you just heard but I don't like you... And I plan to keep it that way..." he said almost too confident making your heart break a little.
"Then I'll prove it to you..." you said.
"Prove what?" he ask.
"Prove that you like me" you said confidently.
"You can't do that... Now please leave..." he said.
But of course you didn't leave.
"I can and I will change your mind Lee Hangyul" you said.
"And how are you gonna do that?" he said.
"What if I do this?" you said and hugged him.
"You won't be able to change my mind..." he said not even bothered to hug you back.
It hurt a little but you're wiling to do whatever it takes to have this man.
"Then what about this?" you said and kissed him.
You pressed your lips against him but still nothing. He didn't react or say anything. He just stood there shocked.
"Fine... I guess I can't change your mind..." you said giving up and leaving, ready to cry your heart out tonight.
"Just know that first kiss are super important to me and you have to take responsibility for it..." you said before leaving but he pulled you and slammed you against the wall kissing you harshly.
You were shocked and happy at the same time. You put your arms around his neck bringing him closer to you. The kiss was full of desperation and you can tell that he's been holding it in for a long long time.
"Will that be enough for me taking responsibility?" he said when he pulled away, your hands still wrapped around his neck.
"Told you I can prove it to you..." you said pecking his lips.
"It's so sweet... How can I resist?" he said.
You laughed at his cheesy ments but he lifted your chin and looked in your eyes deeply. He kissed you again but this time it was soft and slow. He looked down when he pulled away. As if realising something bad had happened.
"What wrong?" you cupped his face to make him look at you.
"I feel bad for Yohan... He likes you and I've never seen him so much in love before..." he said tears falling down from his eyes.
What he said was right and you felt extremely bad too. But this is what you want. The person you want is Hangyul and not Yohan and you knew it well.
"Gyul, you love me don't you?" you said wiping his tears.
He nodded as an answer.
"Then don't think about anything else and focus on me now hrmp?" you said and hugged him.
He tucked his head at the crook of your neck and hugged you back, nodding. You can tell he really needs that hug.
"Care to sleepover tonight?" he asked, head still burried at the crook of your neck.
"What are you thinking..." you said teasing him.
"I'm not thinking of anything... I just don't think I can sleep without you tonight..." he said.
"Then I'll gladly sleepover..." you said.
"Let's go... I'm sleepy..." he said pulling you into the room.
"Wait... I can't sleep in this... Its so uncomfortable..." you said.
"Here, put this on..." he said and threw you one of his hoodie.
"Hug me please..." he said in a cutesy voice after you changed and you did cause who can resist this cute boy.
You spoon him and he layed in your embrace, tucking his head at the crook of your neck getting some sleep. You pat his back until he slowly fell into a deep sleep before falling asleep yourself.
The next morning, you woke up first and took a moment to stare at his facial features. He was sleeping so peacefully and you can't believe this man was finally yours. You didn't know for how long you were staring but he eventually woke up rubbing his eyes cutely like a kid.
"You're awake?" you ask.
He hummed in response. Still unable to keep his eyes open.
"I'll go cook us some breakfast... You're hungry aren't you?" you said and went out of bed but he pulled you into his embrace.
"Don't go... I'm not hungry... Let's sleep some more..." he said half asleep.
"Sleepyhead..." you chuckled.
"You look cute in my hoodie..." he said pecking your forehead.
"And thank you for helping me sleep yesterday... I don't know since when I haven't slept this peacefully." he said.
"Then sleep more... I'll go cook breakfast..." you said trying to free yourself from his embrace.
"I'm not letting you go... How am I gonna sleep without you..." he said whining.
"Fine fine sleep..." you said and patted his back to make him fall asleep again.
"But... I'm really curious... Since when did you like me?" you ask.
"You tell me first..." he said.
"Since the first moment I saw you..." you said.
"Then I guess it's love at first sight..." he smiled.
You smile back and suddenly a wave of tiredness washed over you and you eventually fell back asleep because you haven't slept well too. (since the day he rejected you)
And as for Yohan, well it was hard for him at first but he gladly accept his defeat for your happiness and he was happy for the both of you. After all, he told you all that hoping to put the two of you together and also to stop seeing you suffer because of heartbreak.
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