#he's a Normal Human in this design (he's a vampire but hiding it really badly)
horsemeatluvr23 · 5 months
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mumbo jumbo !!!! with felt tip pen n fineliner :3 i liked this drawing too much to attempt drawing hands.. did not want to tempt fate and ruin it so he is handless
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arachnik · 1 year
hi. quick summary on krisha while i work on their bio:
born in victorian london, raised by their coroner uncle and auntie after both of their parents died of illness. managed to catch a job as an archivist in a museum in london later on in adulthood and overall was pretty normal until they became Not Normal.
their uncle became fascinated with a string of killings in the area after being allowed to perform an autopsy on one of the victims. after looking into it further, krisha notices that their uncle is becoming rather paranoid and decides to follow him one night to see what he was up to. they follow him down into an alley where he is then attacked by some weird spider-vampire creature, but he strangely seems to be holding his own against it until he’s struck down. krisha tries to intervene and save him but to no avail. their uncle dies in front of them, and krisha is knocked out and dragged to an abandoned building.
this spider-vampire creature feeds on krisha for the next few days and is fed it’s blood in order to rejuvenate them, which will turn out badly for krisha Later. krisha manages to escape and kill this thing by fire and is found passed out on the streets barely alive. thankfully they’re taken to a hospital and recover there, in which they recover quicker than humanly possible. but alas things are about to become Worse. krisha begins to feel incredibly ill to the point of being bedridden and begins to change. their nails become sharper, their canines become elongated, and to their horror, they realize that they are becoming the exact same monster as the creature they killed. unable to come to terms with their sudden change in appearance, krisha hides away in their flat, sneaking out only at nighttime given their eyes became especially sensitive to light. it is in the night that krisha begins to realize that the world is not exactly as it seems and there is an entirely different world hidden in plain sight in the city of london. additionally, they come to realize the abilities that come with their new state: superhuman strength, sticking to walls, and worst of all, a craving for blood <3
oh btw did i mention their uncle was basically a monster hunter
embittered and desperate to kill the very same creatures that killed their uncle, krisha sets out to kill any fiend that threatens the safety of the city. they later become known in tabloids only as “the arachnid” but isn’t really seen as a hero, but rather another monster
anyways. as previously mentioned, krisha looks different from other people. their eyes appear to be this endless black void, they look kind of sickly, and so on. parts of their skin are completely translucent, specifically around their mouth, neck, hands, and feet. you can see Everything, from bone, teeth, muscle, and blood vessels. it’s kind of weird .
oh and their web fluid is organic. their body makes it for them
krisha quells their thirst for blood either by feeding on whatever vampire they’re hunting or in times of desperation, feeding on themself. it sucks ! they can’t bare to take human life !
“how does krisha blend into human society” that’s a great question imaginary audience. they dab makeup around their mouth and jaw, wear concealing clothing, throw on some shades and hope for the best. yeah your eyes feel like exploding every time you step out into daylight but hey you still need to clock in
don’t ask me about design that’s still in the works but you know the nameless ghouls from g.host ? yeah. similar vibe and appearance
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kind of a hardass and curt. if you’ve listened to the magnus archives think j.onathan sims but with a sense of humor.
inspos: i.ntegra h.ellsing, louis (amv’s iwtv), abraham van h.elsing, the underworld series, dracula, c.astlevania, Every Goth Band Of All Time
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stinkiesdraws · 2 years
hi!! can you talk a bit about Ethan Stone? and perhaps the other members of the stone family? I see they're vampires! that's super rad!(✧ω✧)
The oldest is Ethan Stone, he is 30 and responsible for his two adopted younger siblings Cecilia who is 22 and Nicodemus who is 10. (Their ages varies depending on an roleplay they would be in!)
Ethan works at a graphic design company, making websites and shit...while his two siblings go to school. They are actually very modern vampires and don't dress like how they did in the picture I posted previously fnkskdks. Ethan forced them to take a nice photo together.
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I tragically don't have drawings of Nico! 😭 I'm really bad at drawing children jfkdkdks....
So I will do my best to flesh out how I view vampires because literally if I don't keep, no one will gkdkdkksks
Okay so the reasons vampires are able/need to drink blood is because all of them are anemic. They have a lack of red blood cell production, and high rates of red blood cell destruction so they need to consume blood just to keep their bodies functional.
They know they have to consume blood once they start getting a few symptoms like fatigue, cold hand/feet, shortness of breath, lightheadness, dizziness, or a fast heartbeat. Depending on how badly they need blood the symptoms will worsen until they go feral which is a state of vampire normally known for slaughtering. They have no control once they go feral and will regain consciousness once their bodies have a healthy amount of red blood cells.
This could be animal blood or human blood can quench their thirst however, drinking TOO animal blood will cause then to become more beast like, while Human blood would keep their humanity.
Vampire Powers
Create other vampires: Only pure bloods can create other vampires through human and it is by the vampire GIVING their own blood to a human. It would create a 1/4 vampire, so weaker than a pure blood or half blood. They can also impregnate or get pregnant humans and can spread the vampire heritage that way too.
Flight: A pure blood can fly on their own; other vampires change shape to fly.
Misting: Gives the vampires access to places that are hard to secure or reach.
Strength: Equal to that of many men; increase with age.
Hypnosis: Useful for luring and ensnaring victims.
Control the elements: Power extends over wind, rain and other natural forces.
Control of animals: Power extends over many creatures, including insects, rats, fleas and bats.
Eternal life: Varies in length; not all vampires are immortal. They age normally like humans until they are about 30s or 40s, then their aging slows down rapidly.
Scale walls: Vampires are nimble as spiders.
Transformation: Vampires can turn into bats, cats, dogs, wolves, and butterflies. Also insects, rats, birds, fleas, mice and locusts. They can also appear human, changing their ears and eye color, but they can't hide their little fangys
Drain life force: An attribute of the psychic vampire.
Heightened senses: They have better vision, smell, and hearing
Avoiding sunlight: Depending on how the vampire was raised, if they avoided sun too much while growing up, they don't get a resistance to it and will turn into ash. Older generation of vampires were more likely to avoid the sunlight than newer generations due to cultural differences or different times because of the vampire scare that happened 1700s to 1800s where it was just better to travel at night.
When vampires drink blood from someone or an animal, they produce Endorphins, Serotonin, Dopamine from their fangs to help the being feel better so it isn't traumatic. The only time they don't produce these chemicals is when they are feral, so they have aggression, and don't really care for the well being of their food lol
Thinkin I'm thinking the person/animal could go into basically a temporary high? Basically and the Vampire can also use their powers to erase the memory (but not the feeling and something could be used to trigger the memory)
Idk i hope that's a fun read gjdkkdks i normally just ramble to myself on my discord server 😭
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daylight-imagines · 5 years
Miss Me?
Pairing: Kol Mikaelson x Reader Warning: Bits of violence. Nothing different than what’s in the show. Word Count: 4419 Request: del-rcys
Part 2     Part 3
You had a habit of getting yourself into bad situations. Sometimes it wasn’t your fault. Usually, you were just in the wrong place at the wrong time. For months you’d been traveling. You’d been all over the states and you saved your sister’s recommendation for last: New Orleans.
Caroline, of course, had never been there. But she said a friend had told her about it. You knew that friend was Klaus even if she’d never admit it. You didn’t even want to think about what the Originals were up to, and had every intention of avoiding them during your time there. Things were crazy enough back in Mystic Falls. You didn’t want to be dragged into the Mikaelsons’ drama as well. After all the last time you were around them you had died. Now you were one of the few hybrids left living. 
You hadn’t wanted to leave Mystic Falls. But it was important to learn as much about siphoners as possible. The Twins’ powers were growing and you needed to be able to help them. That’s why you were traveling. You’d been all over the country talking to different covens and witches. Finding ways to help the twins. 
Caroline and the twins were the only family you had left. It hadn’t been that long since your mom died. You were eighteen when she told you about the supernatural- a year before the Salvatore brothers came back to Mystic Falls. By then you had already known though. She’d died a human death even if it was too soon. That’s what she wanted, but that didn’t lessen the hurt. When you were young, the two of you weren’t close, but things had gotten better between the two of you. Now she was gone. That wound was taking a while to heal.
You and Caroline didn’t have the same father. Your parents had met in high school and had a short relationship that ended up with your mom pregnant at eighteen. Liz had granted your dad full custody because she thought it would be safer and happier for you. Even then she planned to be sheriff.
Your childhood had been amazing. Your dad had inherited his father’s business, and it didn’t require too much of his attention. He usually only had to go into work for a few hours each day. Once you were old enough those hours usually happened when you were in school. 
Before you started school, most of your time was spent with your dad. He took you everywhere. It didn’t matter whether it was work, a business meeting, or town function you were with him. The only times you were really apart where during the weekends with your mom. Every other weekend he’d load you and your bags into the car. When you were younger,  you’d be kicking and screaming. He always promised that if you really wanted to come home he’d come to get you. It didn’t happen often but every time you called he was there.
You were twelve when you had your first big fight with your mom. It had been a pointless argument. You wanted to spend the last few days of the weekend at your friend’s house, but she said no. You’d begged for hours. She wouldn’t budge. So you grabbed your bag and went outside to call your dad. He was there within twenty minutes. When you got in the car he didn’t drive away as you expected. 
“Running away doesn’t solve the problem. You can only do that if you face them,” he said. “But it’s your choice. You can go back in and spend time with your mom and sister, or I’ll take you home.” 
Of course, you were twelve so you went home. But it wasn’t the only time you heard those words. It was what your dad always told you, and eventually, it sunk in. You never ran away. It didn’t matter what it was: fights at school, bad grades, fights with your mom. You didn’t run away and you didn’t give up. 
Sixteen was a hard year. You were in a car accident and the other driver didn’t survive. You hadn’t been the one that was drinking yet the universe decided that death was on your hands. The next full moon you shifted for the first time.
For three days you missed school because you were sick. Every muscle in your body ached, you had a fever, and you felt nauseous. The only times you had gotten out of bed were to use the bathroom. You couldn’t eat and you only slept for a few minutes at a time. On the fourth day, your dad came into your room a few hours before dark. He walked over to you and pulled you up.
“Dad, what’s happening?” 
“It’s ok baby. We’ve gotta go downstairs.”
“I don’t feel good dad.” You stood up but started to fall. He caught you and picked you up.
“Everything’s gonna be alright.”
He carried you downstairs into the basement and laid you down on the floor between two columns while he went to lock the doors. You watched as he locked it and put a board across it. He did the same for all the doors. He came back over and bent down beside you. He grabbed your arm and locked a chain around it.
“I need you to listen to me,” he said. “Something’s happening to you. There’s not enough time to explain it right now. I promise I’ll explain it tomorrow.” 
He locked your other arm up then your legs and stood up. The pain in your body increased and you let out a scream. 
“Dad what’s happening,” you cried. The pain kept getting worse. It felt like your bones were going to break through your skin. 
Your eyes widened when your dad yelled. You watched as his bones started to break.
“It’s alright. Look away.”
You let out one last scream before everything went black. 
He explained the werewolf gene to you the next day. He explained how the curse had affected your family for generations. It was a major shock. Especially since you had to hide it from everyone even your mom and Caroline. It hurt to think your mom would want nothing to do with you if she knew, but you understood that she was raised to believe that the supernatural was wrong. Sharing that secret brought you and your dad even closer.
Things changed when the Salvatore brothers came back to Mystic Falls. By then both of your parents had told you about the supernatural, and you immediately knew what they were when you met them. You just wished you’d figured it out before Damon had got a hold of Caroline. When she told you what he’d done to her you’d been ready to kill him. If she hadn’t asked you not to, you would have tried. 
You knew when Caroline turned into a vampire. After her friends, you were the first to find out. She was terrified you’d reject her, so you told her your secret. She never told anyone which you were thankful for. But when your mom found out about Caroline you decided it was time to tell her the truth. 
After that, you were dragged into all the drama your sister’s friends faced. You didn’t mind it since you got to make sure Caroline was safe, but sometimes it was irritating. Especially when their solutions were poorly designed. 
Even though you had to deal with all the threats Mystic Falls faced, you hadn’t been directly harmed or threatened- minus a few wounds here and there. That changed when Klaus came into the picture. By that time you’d experienced nearly fifty full moons. Breaking the Sun and Moon curse sounded like a dream come true, but you’d never want someone else’s life to be the price. You weren’t surprised when Elijah told you all the curse was fake though. It also sounded too good to be true. Too staged. 
Surprisingly you liked Elijah, but you also kept in mind that he was a threat. You also knew your friends wanted him gone, so you didn’t get attached. You had been at the dinner party Damon threw, and you hadn’t been thrilled when they’d daggered him. But you knew there was nothing you could do to change it.
The first time Klaus came to Mystic Falls you and your dad had luckily been able to stay off his radar. The second time you hadn’t been that lucky.
The two of you came home late after having dinner with your mom and Caroline. Everything seemed normal until you stepped into the living room. He was there sitting calmly on your couch.
“Hello. I don’t believe we’ve met. I’m Klaus.”
Your dad stepped in front of you. “Why are you here?”
“Werewolves are hard to find, and there are two of you here. You see, I have a proposition for you,” Klaus said. “I want to make hybrids. And the two of you would make fantastic candidates.”
“No,” you said. He turned his gaze to you and smiled. That smile sent fear through your entire body.
“I wasn’t really asking love.”
He stood up and went to move towards you, but your dad stepped forward. 
“Please. I’ll do what you want, but please leave my daughter alone.”
“Why would I do that?” 
“If you do I’ll be loyal to you until the day I die.” 
“Dad no-“
Klaus thought it over for a moment. A sire bond was helpful, but real loyalty was different. 
“I can promise to spare her today. But if in a month or a year I need more hybrids our deal may change.”
Your dad wasn’t happy with that arrangement but it was better than the alternative. He agreed. 
“If your loyalty to me falters. I’ll make you kill her.”
Within a second Klaus had fed your dad his blood and snapped his neck. You couldn’t help the scream that left your mouth. You dropped next to him and looked up at Klaus.
“Why are you doing this?” 
He didn’t answer instead handing you a vile of blood.
“When he wakes have him drink that.”
He also handed you a slip of paper with a phone number on it and told you to give it to your father. Before leaving he turned back to look at you. 
“If you ever decide you want to become one of us, you know where to find me.” 
“Don’t count on it,” you said. 
After he left you had called Caroline and she brought Stefan and Tyler over. In the end, it had been alright. Your dad hadn’t been too badly affected by his change of species. 
Things calmed down for a while after that. Then an invitation to a ball held by the Mikaelsons arrived at your doorstep. You were afraid that if you didn’t go and Klaus found out he’d be angry and take it out on your father. The ball wasn’t awful. You got to spend time with your sister and friends. But you were surprised when Elijah came up to you later in the night.
“Y/n correct?” Elijah asked.
“I’m surprised you remember. We only met briefly and it wasn’t the best circumstances.”
“I did end up with a dagger in my heart.”
You rolled your eyes. “I had no idea about that plan.”
“You didn’t approve?”
“My friends’ plans don’t always have much thought in them.”
He laughed. “I have to agree.” 
“My, my brother who is this lovely woman?” You turned to see a man younger than Elijah walking over. They shared very similar looks, but this one had a glint in his eyes that both scared and excited you. 
“Y/n this is my brother Kol. Kol this is Y/n Y/L/N.”
“It’s nice to meet you.”
“And you as well.” He placed a kiss to your hand. 
“If you would excuse me,” Elijah said. He left when you nodded. 
“I don’t know why someone as beautiful as you would be talking to my brother.”
“I talk to a lot of people,” you said. “It doesn’t make them special.”
He smiled and was about to reply when Klaus walked up behind him. Kol watched as you seemed to shrink into yourself and lower your gaze to the floor. He turned and saw his brother was the reason. He didn’t like it. 
“Brother, I see you’ve met Y/n.” He turned to you. “I’m glad you came, love.”
“Wouldn’t miss it.”
“Nik how about you go find that blonde you’ve been ogling all night instead of ruining everyone else’s fun.”
Once Klaus was gone Kol turned back to you. 
“What’s my brother done to you darling?”
“My dad is one of his hybrids and that blonde is my sister.”
He nodded. “So you're afraid to anger him.”
“He’d take it out on my family.”
“Yes, he would.” He smirked. “How about we make him unhappy for a moment?”
He held out a hand. “Would you dance with me Y/n.”
You smiled and took it. “I’d love to.”
The look on Klaus’s face had lifted your spirits.
You knew about the white oak your friends had found, but you didn’t get involved in what they were planning. You stayed out of any plans they had involving going against Klaus. 
Your life continued normally until the hunter came to town. Klaus forced you to help find and capture him. Then you had to watch him. When Klaus let for Italy the hunter got out, and he was killed by Elena. After that things went back to what’s normal when living in Mystic Falls. You spent your time learning about the five, helping deal with Jeremy Gilbert, and trying to keep your family safe. Once again your normal was going to change.
You were sitting on the couch watching TV when there was a loud banging on your door. You opened it to find Klaus standing there. He wasn’t happy. 
“You’re coming with me love.”
He grabbed your arm and pulled you along behind him. He took you into the woods. You stumbled along behind him, but he never slowed. You had already noticed the sword in his hand. You were afraid to think about what was going to happen.
“Klaus, what’s going on?”
“The fact that you don’t know means you don’t have to die.”
“Quiet now.”
You could see people standing a few feet away. When you got closer you realized it was the hybrids. Your dad was one of them. Klaus let go of you and you leaned against the tree closest to you. 
“Stay here and don’t move,” he said. “And stay quiet.”
You watched as he moved behind one of the hybrids and ripped his heart out. He moved from hybrid to hybrids not sparing one. Then your father stepped forward and you felt your heart stop.
“You would risk your daughter’s life for this?”
“I would risk mine,” your dad answered.
“You’re going to lose yours while she watches.”
He turned and saw you. You’re sure it was an awful sight. You had scratches all over from stumbling through the wood and tears ran down your face.
Your dad let out a sigh. He knew there wasn’t a way out of this. He mouthed I love you before Klaus ripped out his heart.  
Your scream cut through the silence that had fallen over the woods. It was an awful type of scream that seemed to stem from your very soul. Sobs took over your entire body. You couldn’t breathe and you couldn’t think. Klaus followed the last hybrid and you stumbled over to your dad. Another scream tore itself from your throat when you saw him. You fell to the ground beside him. You were twenty-one years old, but you felt like a child. You sat by the body unable to move. 
You watched Klaus come out of the crypt. He looked at you and threw the sword on the ground. 
“Come here, love.”
“You killed them. You can leave now.”
Suddenly he was right in front of you and you stumbled backward. He grabbed your arm and pulled you up.
“I told your father if he ever betrayed me I’d kill you, but I have a better idea.”
You watched as he opened the vein on his wrist. 
“No.” You tried to break free from his grip but he held on tighter. He forced his blood down your throat. You coughed and stepped back. “Elena’s human. If you kill me I’ll just die.”
“I wouldn’t be too sure,” he said. “You’ll want to go see your sister when you wake.”
He snapped your neck and left you in the woods. Tyler found you and took you to Caroline. It turned out Caroline had taken some of Elena’s blood and hidden it. She wanted it just in case something ever happened to you. You were glad she did. You’d be dead if she hadn’t.
So you became a hybrid. One of three in the entire world. You spent the next few days breaking your sire bond. After that, you locked yourself in your house. You didn’t leave and wouldn’t let anyone in. Three days passed before Caroline forced herself inside. 
She found you in the living room. The room looked like a storm had blown through it. Furniture had been broken, glass was shattered, and you sat in the middle of it all.
“Oh Y/n.”
“Go away, Caroline.”
She stepped over larger pieces of debris and sat next to you. She grabbed your hand and frowned. It had taken a grey tint and there was dried blood from the times you’d gotten hurt during your fit. 
“You’re starving.”
You didn’t answer. You knew that’s what was happening, but you didn’t care. Klaus chose to turn you into a hybrid, you could choose if you lived like one. 
“You know I didn’t want to be a vampire,” Caroline said. “But now I wouldn’t give it up for anything.”
“For the rest of my life, I’ll be known as one of Klaus’s hybrids.”
“Don’t let him be the reason you don’t live.”
You stood up and ran your hands through your hair. “Why should I live Caroline?”
You walked slowly towards the kitchen, and she followed.
“There’s no reason why you shouldn’t!”
“My dad is dead Caroline,” you shouted. 
“You still have a family Y/n.” She was crying now. “I know how close you and your dad were. But we’re still here.”
You held onto the doorway to keep yourself from falling. You couldn’t cry anymore but that didn’t stop you from shaking with sobs.
“It hurts so much Care.” 
“I know,” She said. “But it’ll get better.”
You took a deep breath and looked at her.
“If I look as bad as you we’re both in trouble.”
She laughed. “No matter how bad I look it’s always better than you.”
She walked over and put your arm around her shoulders.
“Come on. The funeral is tomorrow and you can barely stand.” 
You made it through the funeral, and you even made it through the days after. Being a hybrid wasn’t awful either. You didn’t like having to drink blood to survive, but you never had to shift again unless you wanted to. You didn’t have to live in fear of the full moon. You didn’t have to be afraid to hurt someone. 
Klaus hadn’t contacted you since the night he killed your dad. You were shocked. You assumed he’d try and make you his servent like his old hybrids. Not that he could, since your sire bond was broken. It was a shock that he didn’t try.
In the weeks after your dad’s funeral, you moved out of your house. It hurt to leave. You grew up in that house, but you couldn’t live there without your dad. You moved into an apartment in town and went back to taking classes at Whitmore. You tried to live normally, but you didn’t know if that was possible anymore. 
For a while, you were able to pretend like everything was fine. But when Christmas time came you couldn’t pretend.
It was a few days before Christmas- the first one without your dad. It was his favorite holiday. That reminder made the pain of his death come back in full force. That was another downside to being a hybrid- the heightened emotions. So you ended up at the bar. You knew it was a bad coping mechanism, but you didn’t care. Other people deserve to be happy, and you weren’t in the mood to pretend like you were.
You were in the bar for hours before anything interesting happened. By then you were sure if you had still been a normal werewolf you’d be at the hospital due to the amount you drank. 
The doors opened and someone walked in. You could feel his eyes on you before you turned around. Kol sat next to you, but you didn’t lookup. 
“I hear you’ve been through the wringer since the last time we saw one another.” 
You sighed. “Your brother sucks.”
“I couldn’t agree more.”
“Why are you talking to me?” 
“I enjoyed our past conversations. Especially the one at my mother’s ball.”
You smiled. “That pissed Klaus off.”
You regretted looking at him the moment you did it. It was like all the air had left your lungs and your heart sped up. That hadn’t happened before, but he also hadn’t been looking at you like that before. Your eyes met and it was almost like you couldn’t look away. He shouldn't have looked at you like that. You weren’t sure why he was looking at you like that. Flirting was one thing but that- shouldn’t happen. But if it did...no you couldn’t even think about it. Unfortunately for you, the sad emotions weren’t the only ones heightened as a hybrid.
“Are you alright darling?”
That damn smirk. Part of you wanted to slap it off his face. The other part wanted something very different. You let out a breath and realized your mouth was dry. You finished your drink and turned back to Kol determined to keep your composure. 
“I haven’t seen you around lately.”
“Did you miss me, darling?” He asked as the bartender filled both your glasses. “I’ve been running errands for my brother.”
“You listen to Klaus?”
“To avoid being out in a box for an unknown amount of time that’s the price I have to pay.”
That made you stop and think. You couldn’t imagine having that kind of relationship with Caroline. You were always close and always looked out for each other. What Klaus did to his siblings, you’d never understand.
“I’m sorry.”
“It’s been a thousand years. I’m over it,” he said. “How are you enjoying your vampire qualities?”
“I forgot you’ve got prudes teaching you,” he said. “Imagine what it would be like if you embraced it.”
“Then how would you teach me?”
He moved to where his chest as pressed against your back. He leaned in closer to you and motioned towards the other end of the bar. There was a man there who’d been in the bar longer than you. 
“See him?” 
You nodded struggling to concentrate on what he was saying. But one of his hands was running up and down your arm leaving a trail of warmth everywhere it touched.
“Now listen, focus on his heartbeat.”
It wasn’t hard. Besides the bartender, he was the only other person in the bar. Staying in your seat was the hard part. The heartbeat was the first thing you heard but then you the blood flowing through his veins. You hadn't fed on a human, but you'd be lying if you said you didn’t crave it. Blood bags weren’t enough. There was a constant burning in the back of your throat.
“Are you listening darling?”
“Mmhmm.” You were fighting every part of your body to stay in your seat. 
“You get him alone, compel him to stay quiet, take your fill of his blood, then compel him to forget it ever happened. Or till he’s dead if that what you prefer.”
You took a sharp breath and turned away. You leaned against his chest taking deep breaths. The veins under your eyes had appeared and you felt your fangs extend. 
“Well well darling, have you never fed straight from the vein before?”
She shook your head. Kol’s arm was wrapped around your back and he was practically holding you up. 
“Here’s your chance.” 
You looked up into his eyes. He was different from your friends, he was even different than his siblings. There was none of the self-loathing or unhappiness you saw in the other vampires. He loved what he was. He took pride in it and made the most of it. 
You realized how close the two of you were and couldn't help moving your gaze to his lips. You both moved forward slowly. Your lips were centimeters apart when the door to the bar opened.
“Y/n.” Your sister’s voice snapped you out of your daze. Kol was gone. After making sure you had control of your face you turned to your sister. 
“Hey, Care.”
“Are you ok?”
You breathed a sigh of relief knowing she hadn’t seen you with Kol. Or she just wasn’t mentioning it. That wasn’t a conversation you were ready for.
“Yeah. Can you give me a ride home?
Caroline went to wait in the car while you paid for your drinks. When you stood up something crinkled in your pocket. You pulled out a piece of paper with a phone number on it. A phone number you were determined to use but shoved back into your pocket anyway.
Three years had gone by since your transition. That was the same amount of time that had gone by since you’d seen the originals. Kol died and you heard the rest ended up in New Orleans. You’d been in New Orleans for a week and had yet to see any of them. Of course, good things didn’t last. 
A shop in the French Quarter was owned by a witch who could give you information. After your meeting, you left ready to get back to your hotel. Of course, when you stepped out of the shop you came face to face with someone you thought you’d never see again- the same smirk on his face he had three years ago.
“Hello darling,” he said. “Miss me?”
Part 2  Part 3
I want to thank @del-rcys for requesting this series and coming up with some great plot ideas. This is going to be a long series, so if you want to be tagged in future parts comment here, send me a message, or send me an ask. Thank you for reading!!!
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emma-nation · 5 years
Without You - Bloodbound AU (Chapter 11) *For You Sequel*
Summary: Gaius is back. While coming up with a plan to take him down, the gang must deal with some new life-changing events.
Genre: Angst/Adventure/Romance
Rating: T - Warning for violence and language
Tag List: @begging-for-kamilah, @lulu-the-cat, @ilovekamilahsayeed, @zoe6111, @kennaxval (If you want to be tagged in future chapters/fics of this pairing let me know!)
- English is my second language, please forgive me for any mistakes.
- Hope you enjoy it, your reviews and likes are always appreciated. And I hope you still enjoy it now Bloodbound is truly returning, it’s near the end and I promise it’ll be worthy.
- My apologies for the delay. My wrist is pretty bad again :(
- Smut Alert!
Driving alone on the rainy road, a lot of thoughts were running through Kamilah’s mind. Trust. Betrayal. Hope.
She needed to trust her allies. The people she was working with to take Gaius down for good. She trusted Lysimachus with her eyes closed. Her brother used to be her advisor back in Egypt, so he knew very well the best strategies they could be using to strike. She also trust his knowledge about magic. Yet, she didn’t trust Priya at all. During almost a century she hasn't given The Council a single proof she was trustworthy. Her brother assigned her for the most important part of the plan. One that she could not fail, or do anything wrong on purpose... the sacrifice.
And there was Amy. Although her fiancée wanted to assure her everything was going to be alright, she knew how badly that could possibly end. She knew that kiss back in Vega’s mansion, before she entered Priya’s car, could’ve been their last.
Being 2064 years old and stronger than all of them, she could simply find an alternative. Stopping them and going on a suicidal mission to kill Gaius on her own again. Betraying all of them sounded like a tempting idea, when she felt so betrayed herself. Not even for a second, any of them considered her feelings. How Amy’s sacrifice would crush her heart and destroy the last bit of humanity she still had.
She sighed and closed her eyes for a moment to reflect.
Hope was her best and only choice. She looked for the last time at the picture on her cellphone screen, trying to be inspired by Amy’s usual confidence and optimism to believe everything would go as planned.
She parked her car at the Midnight Lounge and announced through the ear plug.
“I’m ready.”
On the passenger seat of Priya’s car, Amy couldn’t help feeling tense. After all, she would die and supposedly return to life, hours later. She looked down at her watch. Under it, there was a black thread tied around her wrist. She shouldn't let any of the parts involved in the plan to know about it, especially the Fashion Designer.
That black thread was part of a spell. A spell that tied her life to Lysimachus’ witch friend, allowing her soul to later return to her healed body.
“We’ll use dark forces,” she advised, “someday we’ll have to deal with consequences.”
Kamilah quickly stated she didn’t care about the consequences. And Amy agreed, what consequences could be worse than Gaius anyways? That was her only chance of remaining alive and see her biggest dream coming true, their wedding.
Before leaving, Amy wanted to make sure everything was ready, just in case she didn’t return. She opened her laptop, watching the messages she recorded for her parents, Lily, Adrian and… Kamilah. There was something else she prepared for the female Vampire, in case she couldn’t be around anymore. Adrian helped her to record an audio file with the sound of her heartbeats. Kamilah always said it was her favorite sound in the world, the only thing capable of calming her when she was too stressed or anxious.
“I hope she'll never have to listen to it...” she watched the rain falling outside, through the window. That’d be a hard blow on Kamilah. She couldn't even imagine how she’d be able to cope if she really died.
“Girl,” Priya broke the silence, “you’re acting like you were going to attend your own funeral. Let’s cheer up the mood,” she turned on the radio and smiled.
“Do you believe we will all survive this?” Amy asked.
“I hope so, I’m too gorgeous to die. Besides, I’m also looking forward to this wedding of yours. Imagine the pictures in the magazines, the comments about the dresses I designed. I can even see what’s comes next, a brand-new line: Lacroix’s Weddings.”
"You're gonna rock!" Amy let out a small laugh. "And who will you be attending the wedding with? A celebrity or... someone I know?”
“By myself. I don’t wanna the photographers to focus on some random date instead of my precious dresses.”
“Okay. Fair enough."
“It doesn’t mean there won’t be a wedding hook-up, of course. Any hot guests on your list?”
“A few, but there’s one in particular that I think you may be interested.”
“There’s nothing between me and Hunter."
“Who said I was talking about him?”
Amy giggled as Priya blushed a little, then frowned. Then she decided to follow what the witch suggested, earning her trust. Making sure that she’d remain loyal to their plan.
“He’s counting on you, you know?” She said. “He has trusted you the most important part, I mean, the one to make sure I die...”
“Hmmm only a small cut in your throat right? If I accidentally rip off your head...”
“You wouldn’t do it.”
“How can you be so sure? I mean, if I see Gaius ain’t dying with your half-death, I won’t think twice before preserving my own life.”
“First, Kamilah would kill you. Second, you don’t wanna let him down. I know it. You won't throw it away, the weeks living under his roof, the intense training, how he worked hard to save your life..."
“Girl, one thing you should know. My life will always come before pleasure.”
“It’s not only pleasure anymore.”
“And why do you think that?”
“You could’ve saved yourself last night. Instead, you saved me.”
Priya was silent for a moment before grinning.
“Well, someday Kamilah will eventually bore you, then... my door will be open for you.”
Amy laughed, knowing deep down she was right about Lysimachus, but Priya would never admit it.
As the Fashion Designer stopped the car, she announced through the ear plug.
“We’re in position.”
“Be honest with me, what are the chances?”
“I never performed such a risky ritual before, but… naturally? About fifty percent. My ancestors will grant the permission and determine if Amy should return to life or not.”
His friend’s words echoed inside his mind. That spell had to work, otherwise Kamilah would never forgive him.
“I promise you, sister,” he assured her. “We’ll bring her back home. Safe and sound.”
Amy was the descendant of Keaseth after all. She was a powerful witch, before Turning herself into a Vampire. With her blood running inside Amy's veins, it made her a descendant of the witches too. The chances of them granting her permission to live were high.
As for himself... he was still unsure about his future. He held the most risky part of the plan, going on a physical battle with Gaius to trap him inside a magical seal. Seeking advice from an old friend, another supernatural Hunter, he learned it could go wrong. He could get himself trapped with Gaius inside the seal, that would eventually consume them both.
But he always accepted this fate. He was willing to die to take Gaius down, for everything he had done to him, his sister and the rest of his victims. He hated that man for taking away his opportunity of living a normal life beside his sister. His opportunity to grow old and die. He Turned him into a beast, something Lysimachus didn’t accept until a few months before.
He parked his motorcycle besides Priya’s car.
“Where’s Kamilah?” He asked.
“She has gone already.”
Lysimachus ran a hand through his hair nervously, because he was willing to say goodbye to his sister. Wish her good luck.
Then he looked at Priya...
“Listen...” he sighed. “I’m not very good at this, but just in case I get killed in the process... you’re an amazing woman, Priya. I hope you’ll always remember that.”
“I know that, Hunter,” she scowled. “Enough with the sappy talk,” she pulled him for a heated and passionate kiss, her tongue moving against his teasingly. “Do yourself a favor and don’t get killed, okay? There’s more when we get home.”
He started walking inside the bar, fearing what was waiting for him...
“I can’t do this, Amy. I can’t accept losing you, not after everything we’ve been through. I care about you… I… I love you.”
“I love you too,” Amy planted a soft kiss on her neck, “and this is why I wanna do this. Gaius will never leave us alone and you know that. If this spell works… we still can keep our plans of spending the eternity together.”
Kamilah focused on Amy's words as she headed the basement Gaius was hiding in. The Mortals vs. Vampires show was crowded, which was good because no one would hear, no one would interrupt what they were about to do.
Right after saying those words, her fiancée kissed her feverishly and lead her to the bed, where they made love for hours.
Kamilah wanted to register that moment as much as possible. She didn't want to forget how her lips tasted like, or the softness of her skin. Kneeling in front of her, she pulled her closer to her body as much as she could, leading to the most intimate moment they ever had, like if their souls were intertwined, as well as their bodies. Finding a rhythm together, she took Amy to ecstasy repeatedly, over and over again, and allowed the girl to do her the same, until they both reached exhaustion and slept in each other's embrace.
When they woke up it was almost time to go, so she prepared her fiancée a special meal. Pancakes, in which she did her best to draw her favorite emoji.
"This is the one you send me the most," she said. "I remember when we started dating, it annoyed me how much usage you made of these."
"Then you got used to them."
"I still don't know the real meaning behind some of them, but Lily said she's making me a dictionary."
Amy's phone buzzed and her smile grew even wider when she read the text:
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"Like you always sent me every morning too, before I was comfortable saying 'the words'."
The girl sighed, placing her forehead against hers.
"Hey, stop, okay? When we get home, I'm going to send you so many of these that you'll want to smash my phone... and I may teach you what some of them mean like..." she typed a reply on her phone. "This one."
Kamilah furrowed her brows in confusion.
"Does it mean you want me to take you out to eat tacos?"
"Uhhh you'll see."
Before she opened the door, that would lead to the basement, she texted Amy one last time:
"It doesn't matter what happens, I'll always love you."
Everything was dark and silent. She didn't hear signals of Harvey or Jameson.
"I'm here, brother," she whispered. "There's no one. I think they moved to another location after the last confront."
"Keep searching."
Kamilah agreed, inspecting every corner of the basement, every door... Nothing. She returned to the main hall, ready to rejoin the group in the parking lot, when a voice spoke from the darkness.
"Searching for me, My Queen?"
Discreetly, she reached for her daggers inside her pockets.
“How dare you, Kamilah? I’ve given you everything! A new life, a chance of being a Goddess, a chance of being My Queen. What else could you have possibly wanted?”
“Freedom,” she answered. “Respect. Love.”
“My Queen...” his cold hands touched her face, “why would you think that what we had wasn’t love? What is love for you? Falling for a mortal, that is only amused by your power, your wealth, and that will eventually wither? She's weak, fragile, temporary. Us... we’re the same.”
“I was never, and I will never, be like you!”
She spat on his face, what she had been wishing to do for centuries and then, she started to stab him. Multiple times. Thinking and re-thinking about every humiliation, every pain, every tear she made her cry... how he separated her from her brother for centuries, how he killed her Italian lover, the things he forced her to do, how he manipulated and controlled every inch of her... In seconds, she was covered with his blood. Though he winced in pain, he remained standing and still, unaffected. A smirk appeared on his mouth.
“Still my Kamilah... that very same Kamilah I found in Egypt. So passionate, so strong, so brave...”
In one last move, her hand sank directly into his chest, attempting to remove his heart.
“I’m sorry, My Queen. You will not have my heart this time.”
As Gaius jerked his hand, Kamilah’s body slammed against the wooden wall. Her wrists and ankles strapped by invisible locks. The Ancient Vampire walked in her direction again.
“Does it bring you any memories, My Queen?” She felt his breath on her neck. “Our happy times together. You used to like this, remember?”
His hands started caressing her body, making her feel deeply disgusted. Kamilah closed her eyes, wishing it'd end soon.
“Maybe if I help you to remember, you’ll be the good woman you used to be.”
When he was about to rip off her shirt, a dagger came flying through the air, slicing off his hand.
“Maybe I should refresh your memory, Gaius,” Lysimachus said, clenching his jaw.
He was contemplating the pouring rain outside through a window, carefully thinking about every step of his plan. There couldn't be any failure, any vulnerability. He needed to do whatever it took to preserve Amy, Kamilah and Priya's lives.
The coldness of a sharp metal blade against his throat pulled Lysimachus back to reality.
"Dead," Priya mocked. "Still getting distracted too easily, Hunter."
"Priya, I thought you were getting some rest before we..."
"I couldn't sleep. Thought maybe you wanted to train one last time before kicking that old ass, but there you are, looking broody, sitting on my dead ex’s armchair... it doesn't suit you."
"Sorry, I'm not as confident and cocky as usual. I just have a bad feeling about tonight."
After serving herself a drink, she joined him near the window, telling about the last time they confronted Gaius’ and how great she did, compared to the rest. Especially, Adrian, who was about to get killed when Kamilah gave him the final blow. His mind was far, far away, traveling through his witch friend’s words about the entire ritual.
It was risky spell, to be performed only by an experient witch, but he had to try. It was the only alternative he could think of at the moment.
“You know it cannot be effective and Gaius live,” she told, “while Amy really dies.”
“He just couldn’t believe such a young vampire like me..." Priya continued her story. "You’re not paying attention.”
“My apologies. I was recapping the ritual in my mind again, nothing can go wrong, you know? I’ll never forgive myself if something happens to any of you, especially Amy.”
“Were you always like this?” Priya asked. “This whole thing of wanting to save the entire world?”
“Most part of the time, yes. We could’ve escaped Egypt, instead I wanted to stay and fight for our people, for our country. Kamilah supported my decision and look where it lead us.”
“It’s stupid, in parts, but it’s what makes you different from most of men I’ve ever met. You don’t let go, you don’t back down... even when everything is falling apart around you, you manage to find a way to overcome the obstacle.”
“Is that a compliment coming from Priya Lacroix?” He teased.
“It’s the closest you’ll get from one.”
Through the ear plug he heard his sister’s conversation with Gaius, how she was attempting to keep him distracted while he sneaked into the basement to create the magical seal. He needed to act quick and silent, not letting him notice his presence.
Lysimachus’ mouth turned into a grin as he watched his sister, stabbing the Ancient Vampire repeatedly, getting a revenge for all he had put her through.
“Still my Kamilah... that very same Kamilah I found in Egypt. So passionate, so strong, so brave...”
Just as he finished the seal, Gaius had trapped Kamilah on the wooden wall by invisible strings. He approached her, his dirty hands traveling through all her body...
“Maybe if I help you to remember, you’ll be the good woman you used to be.”
“Show time,” Lysimachus thought.
His dagger flew through the air, slicing off Gaius' hand. The restraints that were keeping Kamilah attached to the wall disappeared instantly.
“Maybe I should refresh your memory, Gaius,” Lysimachus said, clenching his jaw.
“You,” Gaius turned around to face him. “You cannot imagine how many centuries I’ve waited for this moment, boy. You... always ruining all my plans, refusing to accept my bloodline... you’re a shame to our kind! I should’ve exterminated you shortly after your rebirth.”
With his remaining hand, he created an invisible string that began to strangle Lysimachus.
“You’re not...” he struggled to say, “man enough... for a combat, are you?”
“And you,” Gaius finally made physical contact, by grabbing him by the throat, “are powerless compared to me, aren’t you?”
“What about two against one, huh?!” From behind, Kamilah jumped on his neck in an attempt to cut his head off. He let Lysimachus go, using his powers to throw her across the empty room again.
“I can see what’ve spoiled you, My Queen. His presence. He has made up your mind... I’m afraid now it’s too late. You’ve been contaminated. I’ll have to exterminate you too... but first...” with his recovered hand, he attacked Lysimachus again, making him lie on the floor, unable to move. Gaius' eyes were flashing in rage. “I’ll make him watch, as I make you My Queen again and then... I’ll kill you both.”
“Not so fast,” Kamilah threw a lighter in front of him. The fire activated the seal Lysimachus had previously created, without Gaius awareness. When he tried to lunge in her direction, he was unable to leave the small circle.
“I still can kill you both!” By the invisible strings, he threw Kamilah right next to Lysimachus.
His power began to create a pressure inside his head, as if his skull was about to explode at any minute. He was doing the same to his sister. They gave one last look at her and she nodded, giving him permission to follow with their plan.
“Priya...” Lysimachus spoke through the ear plug. “It’s up to you now.”
"I'll just put in inside my car and..."
In only a few minutes they'd be leaving. Amy took the moment to observe Kamilah. Though she was trying to show confidence, she was clearly nervous.
"You've already placed it inside your car," Amy told, referring to a refrigerated box that was carrying multiple blood bags. After the ritual, she'd need a transfusion to live again. Being such an old vampire, her fiancée had contacts in the hospital, who provided all the material she requested.
"I guess I did," Kamilah forced a smile.
Amy looked down to her left hand, her engagement ring. In the weekend, they were supposed to be getting married. Now, the chances her family would be attending her funeral were higher, and the happiest day in Kamilah's life would become another disgraceful memory for her collection.
"So, uhh tomorrow I'll need to check some details of the flower arrangements... for our wedding, I mean. And there's the SPA day I'm scheduling for us, because after this..."
Amy sighed heavily and involved her in the tightest of the hugs.
"Kamilah, you're not good at being optimistic."
"I know, but... I have to be. I preserved myself for any attachments for over a century and then you came, changing everything. I'm not losing you, am I?"
"I can't promise you that but... I'm not losing you too, right? After all, you'll be fighting Gaius."
"You won't. That bastard won't be the one to kill me, that I can promise you."
“Hey, lovebirds,” Priya shouted. “We’re getting late.”
Before entering the Fashion Designer’s car, Amy gazed into Kamilah’s brown eyes one last time, deeply, as the first time they met. Then, she kissed her in the most desperate and intense manner she could find, wishing that moment would never end.
“I lov...” Kamilah’s index finger silenced her.
“Save that for later and..." she rolled her eyes, "I’m being optimistic again. I'm learning from you, perhaps.”
Waiting inside the Midnight Lounge, Amy heard Lysimachus muffled voice through the other side of the ear plug. She could tell he was suffering and struggling in pain. The thought Kamilah should be enduring the same made her stomach hurt.
“Priya, it’s up to you now.”
“Let’s go, mortal,” Priya grabbed her by the arm, then looked at her and smirked. “Don’t worry, I’ll make it quick.”
Amy felt her heart rate accelerating each step they took downstairs. Priya’s hand gripping tightly around her arm, making sure she wouldn’t try to escape. She thought about Lysimachus’ witch friend, who was probably so appreehensive as she was. Her words only a few nights before, telling her to leave the supernatural world behind and go away. Then she thought about her family, and how long she hadn’t been speaking to them, after they refused to accept her engagement with Kamilah. Last, she thought about her fiancée.
“Amy, this is Kamilah Sayeed. CEO of Ahmanet Financial. Kamilah is a brilliant and fascinating woman, but warmth is not her forte.”
Never in her life, she could’ve imagined someday that icy gazed woman could become her fiancée. How that threatening Vampire, that once told her she’d kill her if something happened to Adrian, would become the person she loved the most in the world. She always did everything to make her happy, she planned the most amazing proposal someone could ever receive and now...
“Stop, Amy,” she told herself. “You’ll be hearing your mother’s homophobic complaints again sooner than you expect, before you say ‘I do’ to Kamilah in the altar.”
And suddenly they were there. At that dark basement from where she had escaped only a day earlier. Kamilah and Lysimachus were lying on the floor, squirming in pain as Gaius slowly killed them from inside the magical seal. She looked at him again, how he was powerful, intimidating...
“That’s it, kid,” was the last thing she heard. “Hope I’ll see ya soon, otherwise... bye.”
Before she could even blink, Priya’s sharp dagger sliced her throat. Surprisingly, she didn’t feel any pain. She only started to feel weaker, and weaker, as her own blood soaked her clothes. Her vision went blurry and she could no longer breath... when her body hit the floor, she still had time to see one last thing before everything went dark... Kamilah’s brown eyes.
Additional Notes:
- In case I wasn’t clear about the position they were in the smut scene (I didn’t want to make it too explicit), this is what I meant. *Don’t click if you’re under 18 or at a public place lol.
Next: Not everything will go as planned with the ritual... Stay tuned!
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lightscameramagicrp · 6 years
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- age: three hundred twenty-three - occupation: head of the costume department/actress - tv show: all - species: faerie - faceclaim: sophia bush
There was no denying, from the moment Michaela Beaumont was born, she was beautiful beyond compare. The faerie, with her lightly pointed ears and a soft smile that made you feel like out of everyone, you were the one she so desperately wanted to see, had all of the qualities to be the perfect faerie. And yet, the young girl had never really seemed to fit in. She was awkward and elusive. She’d be the first to run off to another dimension and had a habit of showing up in the wrong place at the wrong time. The other faeries never knew what to make of her and kept their distance for the most part. But, on Earth it was a completely different story.
In the Human Realm, Michaela was the apple of everyone’s eyes having her fair share of suitors. And when the naive girl fell, she fell hard. Thomas was clever with a sharp wit like none other. Not to mention, incredibly attractive. The once orphan had been taken in by a well-to-do family, and by the time she met him, Tom carried himself the way any perfect gentleman with an excellent education and land to his name might. Well, at least to anyone else, but her. With her, he was cocky, blunt, and playful. He made her question the world around her and pushed her to do more than was expected from any woman in that day or age. He was a man ahead of his time and he made her heart skip faster than any other. She hide what she was from him for as long as she could. But one day, when the two had snuck off down near the riverside, she slipped up. She had been balancing on a log, teetering back and forth as Tom took a swim beside her. Only to catch her off guard as he grabbed her ankle to playfully pull her in. The faerie reacted out of instinct. A snap of electricity surging through her and electrocuting him in the water. It wasn’t enough to do any damage. But, it certainly gave him a shock. A horrified look filled his eyes as he ran back to the house as fast as he could. Myki could have sworn that would be it, but the next day, she found a note snuck under her door asking to see her again. They carried on their romance for years after. From the country side of Paris to the heart of London, casting pining looks across the ballroom as they watched each other grow up.
She knew in the back of her mind he could have his pick of any woman he wanted, but it didn’t stop her from hoping that maybe, just maybe, it could be her. That she could settle down with the man who made her feel seen for something outside of her looks; who made her feel alive. She didn’t care that he’d age at a normal rate. She had made her mind. She wanted to spend the rest of her life with him. So, when he proposed, she didn’t think twice about saying yes. 
But, their engagement was short lived. He wanted to know everything about her. He wanted to be apart of her whole world. He wanted to see the faerie realm. To live with her there. At first she indulged him. Creating illusions around them or a light show in the sky. But, there was something about the curious look in his eyes when it came to magic, that just didn’t sit right. She loved him, but his obsession with the other dimension, with her abilities? It couldn’t help, but frighten her. She had loved the human realm because it was the first place she had ever felt like she fit in. Her quirks? Her lovable charm? They were embraced here. It was home. She wasn’t ready to give that feeling of normalcy up. And there were parts about Supernaturals he didn’t understand. The dark parts. The engrained fear of being found out. Of the other monsters that lurked in the night. She was trying to protect him. She was trying to protect herself.
But, the more she kept him from her world, the more the pair fought. 
I’m going to be your husband!
Despite his quick wit and his progressive beliefs, he was a still a man of his time. She loved him. He was man who helped her to find herself. But, it was in that moment she knew she couldn’t be his wife. She couldn’t be the woman he expected her to be.
But, I can’t be your subservient wife.
She gave the ring back and the pair returned to the longing stares across the ballroom, trying their best to navigate a friendship despite wishing for more. Michaela had known, logically, that when she turned him down, he’d find someone else. Of course he would. He was dapper and an incredible catch. But, it wasn’t something she had ever quite thought allowed herself to think about. That was until her little sister, Aylin, stepped in.
Lydia had always been bold, brisk, reckless and spoiled. She was a determined flirt who was girlish past propriety. Her father used to blame her mother for overly-indulging the girl. But, instead of trying to teach her to restrain herself, Michaela’s dad would lock himself up in his study, getting lost in the pages of books rather than deal with his wife and Lydia’s outrageous desires. And when Lydia visited Myki, of course she set her sights on the most desirable man in the room. Begging her older sister to introduce them. 
Lydia was adored in the faerie realm and the naive girl expected to be favored on earth as well. She wanted what she couldn’t have and the more disinterest Tom seemed in her, the more she threw herself at him, desperate to be loved. Not even realizing that she might be stepping on her sister’s toes or stealing the one thing her sister had that was hers and hers alone. So Lydia continued to pester Tom until she finally persuaded him to sneak off with her after hours. Tempting him with her knowledge of the supernatural. And he was lonely. Still heartbroken over Michaela and desperate to know what was worth hiding so badly that it ruined what they had. So, more and more, he learned about the other species that were out there. Him and Lydia indulged in “V” and drank to their hearts content, only to stumble back in the middle of the night laughing at the top of their lungs. He convinced himself that doing this? Hanging out with Lydia would make him in some way closer to Michaela. But, the more they did, the more she slipped away. The friendship they once shared almost completely dissipating as she watched the man she used to know loose himself in the world of magic her family had thrusted upon him.
But it wasn’t enough that she had to watch the man she once loved spiral out of control. She had to lose him too. Lydia picked a fight intentionally, so that Tom could heroically defend her. Only he didn’t win. And by the time his limp body fell against the hard wood floor, it was too late. Tom had died with vampire blood in his system. And Lydia? The scared brash girl ran crying back to her sister. Two fang marks still fresh against the side of her neck as she frantically packed her bags, ready to flea home.
But, love is a funny thing. Because no matter how much Michaela hated who Tom had become? No matter how much she wanted to walk away, she just couldn’t give up on her friend. So, when her sister retreated back to the realm, Michaela stayed behind. She had no interest in being with him romantically. But, she refused to toss him to the side like he had done her. So, she stayed. She risked her life to give him the wake up call he needed to get shit together. She stayed behind to look after his sibling, because hers had ruined him. Michaela Beaumont choose to be banished from the faerie realm, to not be able to return home for over a hundred years, so that she could clean up the mistakes her sister had made. And once he had finally settle into his new life? Away from his sibling to keep her safe? She gave him a kiss on the cheek and walked away. 
Michaela, the outcast, made things right and then spent the next couple of decades alone, moving from city to city in a poor attempt of trying to find something more. Some purpose out there despite just this. The faerie kept the smile across her lips like her own personal shield, but it wasn’t until the 21st century when she was finally started to feel herself again. She fell into acting and found peace telling other people’s stories outside of her own. 
The brunette, now trying to get back to the girl with the free and playful spirit, got a job at LCM acting and being the resident set costume designer; taking advantage of the skills she had pick up over the years, and trying to move on from the past and embrace this next century in her life.
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mangled-dreams · 6 years
Gabriel and Winchester reader hanging out and eating sweets, because reader needed to spend some time away from their brothers. Maybe some extra cute shit please.
Here ya go. Took me a while, but I hope this statisfies your need for fluff with Gabriel and reader.
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Groaning loudly you run your hands through your hair. It's greasy and too long for you taste and you need a shower but that would mean going by Sam's room and for one reason or another he's been a big ol' grouchy bear. Dean hasn't been much better.
Ever since your last run in with some moderately worrisome vampires they'd been acting like big pouting babies. It's not like the hunt went badly, but there had been a cock up. You'd slipped in some blood and nearly lost your life.
It wasn't like you'd done it on purpose, but you're pretty sure having your older brothers seeing you in such a life or death situation really struck a nerve. In all honestly you understand it but it's the way of the game. You already know what happened to Adam and don't have a desire to follow in his footsteps.
Unlike your older brothers you didn't have the distinct pleasure of knowing John Winchester. He knocked your mom up one year in the eighties and then skipped town. To be fair your mother knew what he did for a living... well, if you call it living. She too had been a hunter, just not to the same extreme. She taught you how to hunt the monsters that hide in the shadows.
It was when your path crossed with Dean and Sam that you got to know them. It'd been a bit much, especially with how intense they are and how skeptical they were of your parentage, but after a few conversations, some photos and a screaming match later they accepted you as one of them.
Running your hands over your face you groan and gather up your supplies to take a shower. There's still bits of meat and blood in your hair now that you let yourself play with it  Scrunching your nose you piled everything in your arms and head to the shower. Glancing in Sam's room you see him with a headset on and a book in his hand.
He pauses as you pass by calling out to you sitting up on his cot.
"Yeah?" You ask pausing and backtracking a few steps. "What's up?"
Sam looks you over, looks at the toiletries in your hand then to your face again. "How are you doing?" He asks in his baritone voice. It's no match for Deans but it's pretty intimidating to just about 90 percent of the spooking community.
"Fine. I'm heading to take a shower. There's blood and other shit in my hair." You respond fighting the need to touch your hair again. As much as it is gross to have dead creature bits and blood coating your hair it's worse touching it.
"Gross. Yeah, you should shower." Sam says as if giving you his blessing.
With a quick rise and fall of your brows you nod  giving a tight lipped smile and move down the hallway. You hear AC/DC playing in the large family room of the bunker
Dean doesn’t remark when you pass by. Entering the bathroom you start the shower and strip down. You don’t wait for the water to heat up completely and step in head first. You want this gunk out of your hair quickly.
It’s about ten minutes when you turn off the water and grab your towel, trying your hair and face first before lazily drying the rest of you. You’re in no hurry to get out of the bathroom. The tension in the bunker is nearly at choking levels.
“Well, howdy there partner.” Gabriel partially sings with a bad southern accent followed by a quick whistle. “Getting’ all clean for me?”
Rolling your eyes at his remarks you straighten your spine and look at Gabriel. “Funny, now get out before I roast you like the little pig you are."
Gabriel disappears almost instantly and you dress in silence, well relative silence. You can hear Gabriel chuckling from whatever place he disappeared off too. Brushing out your hair you open the door and find Sam and Dean trying to intimidate Gabriel on the opposite side of the hallway.
It's quite hilarious to see your bothers trying to loom--well not try, they are much taller than Gabriel and can loom over him, but to see his smirking chubby face smiling and hazel eyes roll unfazed by Dean or Sam is too comical. Frowning you cross your arms over your chest and sigh to hide your amusement.
"Down boys, he's here for me." You say watching Sam and Dad snap around to look at you with the firm scowls in place. "Let's go Gabe." You add ignoring your brothers and jerk your head down the hallway. Gabriel chuckles, his smugness level at maximum. "Get your ego in check, Gabriel. I just need chill time." You says walking ahead of Gabriel.
"Well, you heard 'em. I must be going. Keep practicing in the mirror. You almost unnerved me." Gabriel says lightly jogging to catch up to you.
"Don't tease my brothers Gabriel; That's my job." You tell him thankful your bothers didn't call after you. For the most part things have been quiet and allowed you to leave in relative peace. You doubt you'll get that peace for too much longer.
"Come on! It's my specialty! The big moose and that pipsqueak squirrel, you can't expect me not to take a few jabs at them." Gabriel whines still follow you to your own room of seclusion. It's the only room in the place with a special hidden hallway leading out of the bunker for emergency evacuations.
You don't know for sure, but you doubt Dean or Sam know about it.
"They're still my brother's Gabe," You tell him flopping onto the lounge chair.
Gabriel rolls his eyes, his mouth remaining shut, instead he tosses a baggie of your favorite chocolates hitting you right in the stomach and sits down across from you. You both lounge lazily, your feet hanging over the arm rest.
"How's heaven doing?" You ask absently, you don't really care but the silence has stretched on far too long. Gabriel shrugs at the question.
"It's like it's always been, full of angels with sticks up their asses." Gabriel responds in the same tone as you.
"Man, I wouldn't have any idea what that's like."
"Yeah, what's up with them? I mean I'm not their favorite angel in the world, Castiel has that title taken." He isn't able to hide the bitterness in his tone. Despite his sour words about your brothers he actually likes them a lot.  He doesn't quite fit in with heaven and he's not really suited for the average human, that's why he likes the Winchesters.
"Hey, if you want, you can be my favorite angel. I like Castiel just fine, but I prefer more mischievous angels." You offer with a slight shrug. You don't want to let on how nervous you really are at making such a bold offer. It may seen nonchalant and as if you're pitying his hurt feelings. You don't really let on your true feelings, call it the Winchester Curse.
Gabriel stares at you munching quietly on a Nestle Crunch Bar. It's actually really touching that you'd say that. He doubts your brothers would be very happy to hear you say that. Looking at the Sugar Daddy half chewed in his hand he twirls it then looks at you.
Curiously you lift your gaze and glance over at Gabriel, eyes locking instantly. "I'll gladly be your angel."
Your whole face bursts into heat and your eyes glance away shyly. The intensity in his eyes makes you feel as if he's accenting a proposal from you. Despite the shyness you can't help your smile.
"No! No! Gabriel you stay away from 'em!" Dean shouts barreling into the room. You jump to your feet ready to right out of reflex before relaxing.
"Really Dean? You have to spoil this?" You groan like a moody teenager.
"What? Spoil?" Dean stutters flabbergasted by your response.
Shrugging your shoulder you motion to Gabriel still relaxing on the couch, "What? You have Castiel, I want Gabriel. He's a scrappy fighter, not to mention he's not bad company. You got Cas, Sam--whether he or anyone else likes it has Lucifer, I think I can handle Gabriel." You add fairly certain Gabriel can't be too hard to handle since you both are a mischievous.
Gabriel jumps up from the couch, no longer able to sit behind you.  "Yeah, give me a change to make them the happiest hunter in all the land." Gabriel laughs changing your jeans and tee shirt to the fairly tale princess dress. Dean's clothing changes to a generic king costume. In the distance Sam shouts and you assume Gabriel changed his clothing as well.
Chuckling as Sam stomps down the hallway you tell Gabriel, "Pink's not really my color. I like dark blue." He nods, his eyes closing for a moment before your dress color changes to a deep ocean blue.
"Change my clothes back now, Gabriel!" Sam shouts dressing a regal dress in similar design to Deans. You have to cover your mouth to keep from just busting out in laughter. Dean has to hide his similar reaction.
Gabriel gives his trademark smirk and takes you hand before the king and queen and kneels before you. "Your highness, will you take this angel to be your guardian?"
Dean and Sam begin to raise their voices in objections and that Gabriel needs to knock this crap off. You just laugh and hand your other hand over his. "I do." You answer silencing your shocked brother. Their shock is nothing in compared to the shock you get when Gabriel's smile changes from his normal trickster smug smile to a genuine smile and he jumps to his feet, his hands holding your face in place an he kisses you.
"Gabriel!!" Dean bellows, red faced and angry.
Smiling against your lips and winks at Dead. "I'll be back for my bride late. See you then, honey." Gabriel promises stepping away from you before Dean can tackle him to the ground. Stepping back Dean grabs at air, falling into the chair Gabriel had been sitting in.
"Gabriel get your feathery ass back here!!" Dean shouts looking at the ceiling as if it would show where Gabriel went of too.
Sam simply covers his face with his hand, shaking his head groaning. "Really, Y/n? He didn't even change our clothes back." Sam keeps shaking his head, turns on his heel, and walks away less than regally in his regal dress.
It'd be more funny if Dean wasn't shouting he'd cut the arch angel's wings off if he comes anywhere near you again. Sitting down you grab another piece of candy and munch on it feeling much happier than you had earlier.
Oh yes. Having Gabriel as your angel is going to be amazing and hilarious. "Hey Dean," You say watching Dean swing around to look at you. You smile at him. "You look good in a crown." You watch as your words catch him off guard. He's so adorable when he's not sure what to say or do in response.
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