#he'll contribute his manly thoughts like
coyotecares · 1 month
1-a somehow finding out that their stoic, hardass homeroom teacher is absolutely stupid head over heels in love with their goofy, ridiculous, eccentric english teacher and subsequently reading WAY too much into how they interact in passing when they switch periods every morning
ie: in that scene where shouta takes too long to conclude class and makes mic wait, there's a slight pause in his canter before he calls hizashi "mic"-- class 1-a would be gripping their seats to bring that up in the dorms later about how aizawa-sensei probably almost accidentally called mic-sensei "pookie bear" since that's most DEFINIETLY what he calls him at home
they talk every morning when shouta is leaving the room and hizashi is walking in, and every day, class 1-a will watch for subtleties in behavior so closely that some of them don't even breathe or blink
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hersweetrevenge · 1 year
corey cunningham headcanons [volume one]
i have an (over)abundance of time to think about corey, he plagues my mind 24/7, so i'm inflicting a sprinkling of those thoughts onto all of you. based on this list of questions for character development.
topics include: drinks order, grooming routine, money and purchases, scars, how often he cries, siblings, shoes, sleeping habits and favourite holiday.
WARNING for some general angst, as well as mild mentions of smut, child abuse or otherwise problematic parental behaviour and alcohol consumption.
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[images via @/slashericons and @/shitedits]
drinks order
corey's not a big coffee drinker, he usually finds it too bitter, even with milk and sugar. he's happy to "go for coffee" with someone though, he'll just get a hot chocolate or a frappe with a lot of syrup.
he doesn't drink alcohol that often, joan never really drank in the house except for special occasions and she limits ronald to a few beers at most after dinner. as a result, corey is a bit of a lightweight, but when he does drink he always goes for a beer. he hasn't quite developed a taste for harder liquor yet, but vodka is a safe bet because he can mix it with pretty much anything and doesn't have to taste it. he likes the idea of whiskey (the most manly of liquors) but the first time he tried it, the burn made his eyes water.
grooming routine
joan was meticulous about his cleanliness in childhood. he had a bath every night before bed and joan made sure he never had dirt under his nails or behind his ears.
pre-accident corey has taken to showering rather than bathing. he showers every evening and shaves every other day. his facial hair is light/reddish so he can go a few days before it's really obvious he has stubble, but he likes being clean shaven.
he uses 3 in 1 soap for body/hair/face, and yet somehow has the most gorgeous hair in the whole world and (mostly) okay skin. he still gets spots/pimples but he got through his teenage acne stage pretty much unscathed. he doesn't do any skincare. he has a bottle of lotion (on his bedside...) but he doesn't use it often unless he has really dry skin on his elbows or knuckles. it's store-brand unscented. and as a teenage boy in the 2010s, he used an excessive amount of axe body spray. now he has a more grown-up aftershave, but he doesn't use it all the time.
post-accident corey doesn't fair so well. for months after the trial he barely gets out of bed unless joan nags him enough, dragging him on errands or calling him downstairs at meal times. he'd shower when joan forced him to, and shaves maybe once a week.
once he gets a job at the call centre, he has to keep up appearances a little bit again. he showers every day (or other day, if he's not feeling up to it), doesn't mind stubble so much anymore so shaves every 3 - 4 days. when he gets a job at the scrap yard, he's more diligent about showering every day (does not want to go to bed still covered in garage grime.
corey's not a hugely hairy guy anyway, so he doesn't really do anything with his body hair. when he still had hope for getting past second base, he might of trimmed and "manscaped" a bit, but after a three year dry spell, he knows he'd just be kidding himself.
most expensive purchase and disposable income
he doesn't spend a lot of money. he doesn't have a lot of things. the cunningham-prevos are working class, he's used to not having a lot of disposable income to spend, especially before joan married ronald and she was a single mom for the majority of corey's childhood. joan doesn't make him pay rent or contribute to bills so most of his wages go into his savings (saving for what, he doesn't know anymore), and what little he does spend is on snacks and food from the gas station. now and then he'll see a yard sale while cycling home and might stop to look through some books - he has a shelf of tatty sci-fi paperbacks at home - but a few cents here and there barely makes a dent in his pocket.
he did buy his own phone though, as an upgrade from the abysmal off-brand smartphone joan begrudgingly bought him at 18. his phone is probably the most expensive thing he's ever bought, and even then its far from being the latest, most expensive model on the market. he doesn't even pay his own phone bill, seeing as he's on the family plan.
corey doesn't really have any scars, pre-accident. he never really got hurt much as a kid, not with joan watching him like a hawk, but her jurisdiction did not extend to the school playground (luckily for him), where he got his fair share of grazed knees. no lasting scars though.
working at the scrapyard is rough in his hands, though. he hides it well from joan, but he gets little cuts on his fingers and around his cuticles from working. they heal up fine, but he can still see each silvery knick and wears them proudly. they're the proof of his skills, of what he can fix with his own hands.
the cut on his hand from the broken glass eventually leaves a thick scar on his palm. it would of healed more cleanly had he not ripped the stitches so badly and let it get infected. he ends up not being able to feel anything properly in the scar tissue, able to dig his nails into it when he clenches a fist without feeling a thing.
how often does he cry?
pretty often. not always over something specific, he's just an emotional person. as a baby he was (perhaps surprisingly) content, not fussy at all - a fact joan was exceedingly proud of. she'd look at other mothers out in public who just "couldn't control" their children, whose babies wailed and cried. then she'd look down at corey and be reassured of how excellent of a mother she was, with her perfectly happy, chubby-cheeked baby. but that didn't last and as he got older, it become clear he struggled outside of the home and he got overwhelmed a lot. joan said he was just a sensitive boy, was happy to coddle him if it meant he'd stay being a momma's boy, even when other parents would have been worried about his emotional development. he cried every day for the first month of kindergarten. he cried in the locker room at school after a fight he was in when he was 13. he'd cry at night after arguing with joan over whether he could go to college and whether or not she'd fill in his financial aid applications.
after the accident, he was in such a bad state of shock that he didn't cry at all. during questioning, when he was having to repeat himself over and over, he cried out of frustration because it was just an accident, he swears it was just an accident, but it feels like no one believes him and he just wants to go home. then, with the trial, he focused exclusively on that, no time to feel anything at all other than the anxiety that churned his stomach. once he got aquitted, that's when it really happens. he has a huge nervous breakdown, spends the whole night crying to joan while she holds him. it takes weeks for things to get better and there's a lot of crying and borderline catatonia.
he doesn't really cry over much after that. usually it's silly things that set him off, and it sort of surprises him that he can even do it anymore. sometimes he cried when he went to the allen house, or up to the radio station, but not always.
oldest, middle, youngest or only child?
only child. of course. joan only needed one object for her affections, just one person she could shape into loving her and only her unconditionally.
sometimes i wonder if corey was the result of a baby trap; joan having a baby so wally would have to stay and love her and provide for them, until it got to a point where she couldn't care less if wally stayed or not. once she realised corey could be a much better fit for her obsessions, of course.
corey thinks about what it'd be like if he had any siblings (and who knows, maybe he does if wally was unlucky enough to get someone else pregnant after he left haddonfield). mostly he sees other kids with siblings and wishes he had someone he could be close to, someone who would be in his corner against joan.
pre-accident corey has two pairs of trainers and a pair of "nice" shoes he wore for graduation. he's never been a fashion person, wouldn't even know where to start, but he at least chose his trainers himself, even if joan was with him and vetting his choices over his shoulder.
post-accident corey has one pair of trainers (he threw out the ones he was wearing the night of the accident), those same "nice" shoes (worn to graduation and to court) and his work boots. mostly the only places he goes is from home to work and back again, so he's more often than not got his work boots on. they're well worn and well stained with dust and grime.
corey's naturally a night owl. for a long time, he had a really (really) early bedtime and joan would stay in his room until he fell asleep. it made him wake up early but he'd go back to sleep and then it was difficult for him to get up again at the proper time. but once she stopped watching him sleep, as a reflex corey started staying up late, which made his trouble getting to sleep at all even worse. he has even more trouble getting up in the morning.
he sleeps with two pillows and a duvet. he has a blanket for winter but he usually runs so hot he doesn't need it. he also has a much older blanket he always keeps at the foot of the bed that he's had since he was a kid. it's a bit ratty now, but it makes him feel a little bit better when he's in one of his moods. he has two sets of sheets that joan has on a two-week laundry rotation.
after the accident, his sleep pattern is obliterated. he finds it even more difficult to get to sleep because his thoughts are constantly racing. he wakes up crying from nightmares pretty much every night, so upset he wakes joan and she comes running. he hates relying on her so much, but having her there does help him go back to sleep. it takes months for him to start sleeping through the night again (or as close to that as he's ever been capable of). eventually he starts doing what he did when he was younger, where he'd wake up in the early morning, but instead of going back to sleep, he'd sneak out to either the allen house or the radio station, depending on how much hope he current possessed about the future.
as previously mentioned, he is not a morning person. he often sleeps in later than he means to, falling back to sleep after turning his alarm off. he's late for work at least twice a month but usually more. ronald's on his back about it, but after a scolding he usually let's it slide. if it's not sleeping in that makes him late, it's joan's subtle acts of sabotage that keep him from getting out the door on time.
favourite holiday
corey doesn't really care about holidays too much. joan's neurotic need to control every single aspect of every single holiday means he's used to just sort of coasting through, doing whatever it takes to make her happy (or at least placate her for the day).
if he had to pick a favourite, he doesn't mind thanksgiving. it's less pressure than christmas, where the prospect of giving and receiving gifts fills corey with a special sort of dread. for a long time it was just him and joan for thanksgiving anyway, he doesn't have any other family, so there isn't the stress of having guests over. it's actually sort of nice, they have dinner and joan bakes a pie. her cooking is still pretty terrible, but corey's willing to overlook that fact in order to keep the peace. they eat dinner and watch TV, some of his best memories with joan are where they just sit and watch TV. plus, corey has his "what he's thankful for" speech perfected, "i'm thankful that you're my mom, and that you take care of me and love me." joan eats that shit right up.
his birthday became his least favourite holiday for a while. it's torturous having to sit through joan's affections, which she ramps up tenfold for the occasion, and he rarely gets what he really wants in terms of presents. anything he wants is watered down for joan's approval. corey hasn't had a birthday party since he was five years old, but joan still makes a show of getting him a cake and lighting the candles after dinner. the effort to keep joan sweet and show enough appreciation for her giving birth to him is enough to fry his nerves for the whole day.
halloween soon takes the number one spot though. you can't really have a worse holiday than the anniversary of the time a child died in front of you.
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godmybackhurts · 10 months
Ok I am going to go a bit insane about my guy Estrin from 8 Bits. Also if I have any other insane thoughts about him I'll put them in a reblog.
He's so traumatized. He joined the military at 17, scarcely knew a world where humanity wasn't at war with aliens, and became an ODST, a job with a very short life expectancy. He was fully expecting to die by age 30. He was born in 2517, meaning he was 8 years old when the Great War started. He joined the UNSCMC only 9 years later. He was young. And in 8 Bits, he's only 35, but has spent just over half of his life in the military, most of that as an ODST. He's afraid of shooting other humans. Not because if "what kind of monster will I become" reasons, but because there's so few left as compared to when he was a kid. Humans are comparatively rare now, and that frightens him. He doesn't want to contribute to the extinction of his own species. And he's afraid of admitting that he's scared. Not because he's too manly, but because he's a leader, and leaders need to be strong. And being afraid will show your subordinates that something is Really Bad, which lowers morale. So he has no choice but to bottle it up and pretend everything is fine. Even if it's not. Especially if it's not.
And he's tired. Tired of war, tired of fighting, tired of listening to two idiots bicker like children while stuck in a box canyon in the loneliest place in the galaxy. And if he's being perfectly honest, he kind of wants to die. Not in a suicidal way, but in an "if I don't wake up in the morning that is NOT my problem" kind of way. He just wants to be able to eat breakfast without having to scream at someone, or without someone screaming at him, or having to grab his gun. But he can't. Because he failed one too many psych evals after the major trauma of his entire squad being either killed or paralyzed. So he got sold to Project Freelancer like a dog that the UNSC didn't want anymore, and put in a canyon where only two people had enough braincells to rub together. And that other person is on the opposite side. He shoots at her, ducks behind cover, she shoots at him, etc etc. That's how his life is. Could he change it? Yes. But he's too tired to change it. Is it actively making him even more tired? Yes. It's a viscious cycle, one he'll only escape via discharge or death. But he can't die. Because as much as they hate to admit it to even themselves, he and Smithson are in love. And he'll be damned if he leaves her to deal with the perverts under his command, and she'll be damned if she does the same. Locking them into even more of a stalemate. So until he can get a good replacement, he can't leave the canyon. And he's not doing that until she gets one too.
Alright I'm done being insane for now bye
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likelylarks · 3 years
alright, I'm asking... the arm hair!!
i am literally gonna kiss you on your mouth anon 💛💛💛💛 thank you i love you
(this is gonna be really long so if you don't want to read under the cut: daniel likes max's arm hair bc he likes knowing he's got a boyfriend after growing up in the nineties when he didn't think he'd ever get to have one)
max is canonically, with photographic evidence, very hairy on his arms and legs,, most notably in pictures where he is wearing his fireproofs and has his arms crossed and the contrast is really good so you can see all the hair on his wrists
and daniel Loves This, he loves how hairy max is
like, daniel was a proper nineties kid, yeah? he grew up when it wasn't Okay To Be Gay and "gay" was the insult that everyone used. being gay was a joke that everyone laughed at. and as a normal boy saturated in that kind of casual homophobia, daniel made the jokes and he contributed but it never really sat right with him but That's What You Did/Said!! daniel liked, even then, to be part of the group, to have friends (didn't want to be taken advantage of for being too nice, etc.)
so then he's a teenager and now he's in europe and taking racing more seriously and surrounded by different people (that Awaken things within him, etc.) and then he's in f1 and it's still all so homophobic - we've moved out of "gay" being the only insult but this is still Hypermasculinity Central.
and daniel is trying to distance himself from the casual homophobia of his past! (methods include waxing/shaving and getting pretty tattoos and having pastel merch and it's all a Process) and he's going through this process of trying to grow up and figure out exactly who he is and what (who) he wants and it's hard because it still doesn't always feel like he can act gay or be gay or anything (bc like, someone is gonna not like it and call him the f-slur to his face and what's he gonna say to that??? it's complicated?? no)
so then he meets max!! and max is,,, complicated!! because max also doesn't really like or understand the parts of himself that like other men but it's less to do with casual environment and culture and more to do with his father saying "queers can't race" etc.
so he and max get together and it's weird and a little bit of a lot of a struggle for both of them to accept that they can have this
and like (as max feminization is god tier), there's a part of max that sometimes needs to be feminine, that needs to be daniel's girl and daniel Loves doing that for max, loves how max looks and feels and acts and how happy he is but Sometimes!!! sometimes daniel doesn't want his pretty pretty babygirl boyfriend, sometimes he wants - needs - his hairy manly man boyfriend!! (you know bc sometimes you need your boyfriend to perform masculinity for you instead of performing it for him, it's about Communication and Balance!!)
like, sometimes daniel just needs to feel the hair on max's legs and arms and face and he needs to breathe in the sweat of him and look at how broad max is and he needs to be reminded that he's with A Real Man
and like,, part of daniel growing out of his past is understanding that both him and his boyfriend can be manly men, like there doesn't have to be some weird who's the woman in the relationship dynamic (and reconciling this knowledge with max feminization is a Time but he does it and that's why he has pink merch now xoxo),, like daniel likes knowing that he doesn't have to sacrifice who he is to be With A Man
daniel never really thought he'd get to have this, but he can!! he can have the pastel colors and a new outlook on himself AND he can have a man, a boyfriend!! and it's not a joke!! or a slur laughingly said or yelled in his face!!! it's Real and Precious and everything daniel never let himself think about/want as a kid/teenager
so sometimes, max will wear a hoodie and he'll tug up the sleeves and some of the fuzz from the cuff is stuck in max's arm hair and daniel reaches over and picks it off and then runs his fingers over max's arm to smooth the hair back in place and he just, he knows,,
he's a different person from who he was growing up, the world is a different place, and he can be all of who he is
and as amy @fcb-mv33 said, being in a hypermasculine and homophobic sport can really suck sometimes but when he’s with his man, with his boyfriend, there’s something that just makes daniel feel safe as fuck
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