#he'll always go back to her
liillyliilly · 3 months
Strawberry Blond
hinata shouyou x reader words; 2155 synopsis; he's got a crush on that older girl at school- she has to go on a roadtrip with his family. what will a few hours in a car do for them?
The car pushed forward along the road. She looked out of her window to stare at all the passing scenery, eyeing the mountains and eyes gazing at the clouds floating above. The fields of flowers painted a picture of heartache and blushing faces. Willow trees with their branches holding the long tiers of leaves cascading down like waterfalls.
With all the beauty to admire and things to explore using his imagination, Hinata Shouyou was only looking at her.
The Hinata family planned to visit some relatives farther out in the country. She was only there because her father, a business associate of Hinata's dad, needed someone to take her somewhere close to the relatives they had already planned to visit. Naturally, bringing her along for the seven-hour drive seemed like the most effective method of transport.
But for Hinata, the drive became more about the fact that he would be stuck in a cramped space with his crush for a long time instead of visiting cousins.
The reason for his crush? He doesn’t know.
(keep my eyes on the road)
There wasn’t much that interested Hinata outside of volleyball, but the things that did interest him included gaming with Kenma, trying to be better than Kageyama at everything, spending time with his family, and getting to know the ever-elusive girl better. Hinata knew her from school, mainly because she often hung around Asahi.
When Hinata asked if the two were dating, Asahi and her immediately put his assumption to rest.
As it turned out, she was helping Asahi to improve his interpersonal skills, seeing as she was a member of the student council and her job was student satisfaction. Asahi had come to her asking for ways to seem more approachable, thus meaning she was spending time with him, and not in fact that they were dating.
This was a deal of relief to Hinata. But even after Asahi had improved his people skills, she still stuck around.
Hinata still remembers the first one-on-one conversation he had with her vividly. He had caught her packing up her bag from her last session with Asahi, she had moved her schedule around so that they could talk in the gym before volleyball practice.
“Hello! I’m Hinata, Asahi’s protege of sorts. Nice to meet you, L/N. ” Hinata gave a quick bow before standing straight up again.
“Same to you Hinata-kun.”
“I’m not that much younger than you,” Hinata muttered. There was only a year difference between them, seeing as she was a second year, and Hinata a first year.
“Oh, do you not want me to use –kun then?” She furrowed her eyebrows and tilted her head.
He froze up for a minute. Before blurting out a response. “Call me Shoyou. It's my first name.” She smiled and laughed a bit before politely covering her mouth.
“If I plan on calling you Shoyou, then you can call me by my first name too?” She stretched out her hand and Hinata shook it with both of his. Feeling a short jolt move from his hands up to his ears which were slowly beginning to tinge red.
A girl called out to her from the gym entrance, and she nodded. “Well, Shoyou, I got to go, but we can talk later?”
Hinata shook his head up and down so rapidly that Kageyema yelled at him, “Idiot! You’re going to shake all your brain cells out!”
Hinata let out a deep sigh before putting a hand to his heart and letting his eyes glaze over slightly from his daydreams of all the possible conversations he would have with her.
(reach out the car window trying to hold the wind)
“L/N, would you like it if we rolled down the windows? Shoyou radiates so much warmth that it gets hot in the car.” Mrs. Hinata laughed slightly while turning around to face the three children sitting in the back of the car from the passenger's seat.
Hinata exclaimed, holding his hands out to emphasize his embarrassment.
“That’s fine with me.”
Natsu looked from her brother to the girl on the other side of her. She put two and two together and planned something out. Hinata wasn’t exactly discreet when it came to stealing glances in the girl’s direction.
“Mom! I wanna sit in the window seat now!” Natsu complained.
Deceptively, Natsu began to calculate. Hinata started to bounce his knee in his seat, his arm resting on the car door, supporting his head.
“Okay, can you guys move around without us having to pull over then?” Natsu nods before unbuckling both her and the second-year’s seatbelts. “Natsu, I didn’t mean you and L/N switch, you should switch with Sho.” His mom commented.
“Oh, honestly, it isn’t a problem for me to sit in the middle ma’am.” She put up a hand and slid over to the middle seat. But since it was a tight squeeze Hinata and her ended up having their sides pressed up close together, their thighs and the length of their sides completely touching.
“Is this okay Shoyou?” She asked as she pulled her seatbelt across her body.
Natsu sat happily looking out the window and moving her hand up and down trying to mimic a superhero with her hand’s movements.
“It’s great.” He swallowed thickly, quickly turning his head to look out the window.
Eventually, Hinata’s mom rolled down the windows with the touch of a button and Hinata felt cold air nipping at his nose. Sticking his head out the window, the air wiggled its way through Hinata’s locks. When he pulled his head back into the car his hair was sticking out in all directions.
She just couldn’t resist and ran a hand through his hair, before stopping and retracting her hand back.
“I'm sorry.” She squeaked.
Hinata didn’t have many words to say since he was still paralyzed from the feeling of her warm hand against his chilly scalp. So, he just took her hand and put it on top of his head again.
“I liked it. You can keep doing that if you want.” She started running her hand through his hair again. The hair curled around her hand and tickled in between her fingers. Hinata felt a soft hum begin to bubble in his throat. His satisfaction made her giggle slightly at his reaction.
The seven hours spent in that car ride weren’t as bad as Hinata had predicted.
(i love it when you look my way)
Two hours had passed, and Natsu was asleep.
“I think it’s time for a pit stop.” Hinata’s dad brought the car to the side of the long winding road.
Hinata’s parents sipped some tea from a shared thermos, his mom rubbing his dad’s back.
Hinata was searching through the trunk, pushing suitcases to the side. He finally found what he was looking for.
He tossed the volleyball lightly in her direction. She was kicking up dirt and drinking water from her sticker-covered bottle. It fell and rolled around until it bumped into her foot.
“Want to play?” He jogged over to her.
“I didn’t join a sports club, I joined an academic club for a reason.” But, she set her bottle down next to the car and picked up the volleyball.
“I can teach you. When I first started playing, I had to beg people to join in. My third year middle school club included a soccer player, a basketball player, me, and some first years.”
She frowns, “I’m sorry, that sounds like a tough situation.”
After going through some basics, they could hold a decent rally. After she failed to receive it once again, she groaned in frustration. Without thinking, Hinata moved behind her, holding her arms up, and guiding them to a proper receive position. He still hadn’t mastered receiving yet, but he could manage for the most part.
“Like this.”
She smelt like strawberry and vanilla. And he was close enough to feel the way her skin pricked up.
She shuffled away, and tossed the ball back to him, cutting the moment off too quickly for Hinata’s liking. Her heart was beating too fast for her liking.
Six hours into the car ride, the sun slowly setting over the hill. Hinata’s mom swapped with his dad, and she decided to drive the rest of the duration to the destination. Natsu was snoring peacefully, with her chair leaned back. She was drooling on the nice leather of the car.
Hinata’s dad was also asleep, matching Natsu’s snoring and drooling. His mom had earbuds in, listening to her serial killer podcast, humming happily.
“So, student government. What’s that like?” Hinata wanted to know everything about her.
“Well, my experience, or the general experience.”
He could care less about any of the other kids in student government.
“It’s not what I expected, that’s for sure. Instead of solving issues at the school, it feels more like an elite societal clique. Helping Asahi was the only impactful thing I’ve accomplished this year. These kids in student government, they’re just so disconnected from reality. You know Ito Yuuta, yeah? He’s going to essentially inherit half the buildings in Miyagi, there’s no reason for him to be in student government, he even says there’s no reason for student government.”
She pauses, then continues with her deeper musing.
“It’s a sad thing when you go into something with high expectations, and then there’s no reason to be invested in it.”
“But you still work hard?”
“Why wouldn’t I? Just because others show apathy for an organization doesn’t mean I have to. I can’t do it all, but I can do enough. Scrambling to be involved in our school has been the biggest challenge, but I love people. Genuinely, people can be so amazing. I just want to foster community at Karasuno.”
Hinata thinks back on his own experiences. He knows the apathetic approach others give, and how it disheartens even the most motivated. But what else can a person do besides keep working?
“I’m embarrassed.” He admits. “I want to kiss you right now.”
She chuckles, “You’ll need to wait a few years before I consider that. Nothing against you, of course.”
“No, no, I understand. You’ll wait for me though? Right?”
“Wait for you?”
“Just at least give me a chance in the future. I can grow a few more centimeters, I promise.”
Nodding her head, she wraps her pinkie finger around his. Moving their connected hands up and down three times exactly.
“I promise to give you a chance in exactly three years.”
He could wait.
(keep my eyes on the road as i ache)
The rest of Hinata’s first year wasn’t bad. Karasuno’s Boy’s volleyball team made it to the Nationals. She came to watch the games, making the rest of the student government put up posters to celebrate their accomplishments.
The second year was rougher than the first. She transferred to a school in Tokyo. He went to her going away party. He couldn’t attend her graduation, but he wrote a lengthy note to her. Tsukishima did not enjoy proofreading everything Hinata had written.
He wrote about his dreams, his goals, and how he thought about her more often than not. The note was littered with spelling errors, that Tsukishima had to fix, but by the fifth draft it was the perfect love letter.
His third year was the best year by far, only after it had officially ended. With his graduation scroll in hand, he waited at the centralmost Miyagi shrine. Bouncing on the balls of his feet, he fluffed his hair, patted it back down, and then recycled the motions.
She had changed. In all the right ways.
“Me first.” He showed her his diploma, she appraised it.
“Definitely real.”
He shoved his driver’s license into her hand as well.
“Legally eighteen years old now.” She evaluated the ID card.
“Also definitely real.”
They sat on a bench, and Hinata told her about Brazil. She told him about Korea.
“An international cooperation organization? You’re lying.”
“I would never.”
He knew she would never lie about something like that. Something where she would most definitely have an actual impact, an actual community-building opportunity.
He slid his hand into hers, using his thumb to rub the back of her hand. He brought it up to his lips, and he kissed her knuckles. She just smiled in response.
The thing she did next almost made him faint. She turned her body and faced him. He was leaning slightly forward, so she had to duck a little, but she aimed right on target. Giving him a short but genuine kiss.
(look at you strawberry blond)
It was the summer of 2021 when they met again.
He was twenty-five. She was twenty-six and a half.
Right before the Olympics, she agreed to one more road trip with him.
She ended up going on many more.
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hedgehog-moss · 2 years
I lost one of my chickens :( she was caught and carried away by a fox... I’ve been growing complacent about my chickens’ safety I think because we’ve only had one other attack before, a goshawk that swooped in abruptly (unsuccessfully), but no fox sightings nearby so I’ve been assuming Pandolf was a great deterrent. Which he is, just not foolproof. I’ve talked to some people in town about this and they were pretty philosophical about foxes stealing chickens, like “it’s the tribute we pay to woodland animals, it’s just a few hens here and there.” I don’t begrudge the fox for being a fox, if anything I have a renewed respect for foxes because everyone I talked to proceeded to give me their best / worst fox stories, and most of them involved foxes outsmarting humans (learning people’s habits / timetables, opening latches, faking a limp...) Still I feel terrible for my hen, she was only three. RIP Cordy :( You’ll be remembered fondly... (except by the cats.) I feel bad for the other hen too, who just lost her pal!
When I said that last thing, one of my neighbours jumped on the opportunity to try and convince me again to accept a rooster from him. He had a rooster baby boom last summer and I’ve been telling him for months that I don’t need a rooster, I don’t want to raise chickens I just want eggs, and his new argument was that a rooster would protect my hen (or if it comes to that, would heroically sacrifice himself rather than let the hen be eaten—I’m sceptical...) I asked around for a young hen but there aren’t any to be had in this season, so my remaining one is going to be alone until the spring, and my neighbour said she’d get stressed and male company is better than no company. (I wish I could ask my hen what she wants! Maybe she’s penning A Coop Of One’s Own as we speak.) I said the rooster was more likely to stress her out and harass her and he said nah they’re free ranging all day, it’ll be fine, and he’s young so your adult hen will boss him around. I was like, but then will he be any good at protecting her? etc. etc. and after a while I caved in.
When I told her about this on the phone my mum sighed “you’re terrible at saying no”—excuse me, I said no so many times and the guy just kept ploughing on until he could foist a rooster upon me. I’m good at saying no, other people are terrible at hearing it! I reassured her that I had only agreed to take the rooster for a short probationary period, and if he bothers my hen too much I’ll drive him back to his native farm. My mum was like “Drive him back? look I’m sorry I raised you as a city kid but there’s no need to waste gas on driving a rooster around, I’ll have no qualms about wringing his neck for dinner if he’s more trouble than he’s worth.” The rooster’s fate is not sealed though, if he is anywhere from vaguely useful to not actively problematic I’ll keep him, so we’ll see...!
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Hiii everyone, say, how do your Hawkes go go about sharing their estate? If they do it at all? Is everyone free to come and go or are they more private? Or do they only invite their LI to stay? I'm curious!! :)
#lay rambles#my ocs#oc: liam hawke#oc: lilian hawke#both my hawkes are very social w their friends but i love comparing their boundaries around it#theres variation in rules for specific ppl with both of them ofc but theres still general differences#with liam its all very open and everyone can p much come and go whenever#they dont get extra keys (theyll get lost and he doesnt want randos finding them lol) but they know where to find the spare key#and bodhan and sandal and orana know to let them in whenever#hes very lenient in this this regard but he does have rules abt what he does and doesnt want them to do#mostly its about not making too much of a mess lol bc liam prefers to clean himself#(he doesnt trust the crew with his household and also he has particular ways of doing things and Hates when theyre done differently)#so things like keep your dirty garb at the entrance dont cook by yourselves (this was banned after they did it one (1) time lol) etc#also no fucking allowed. do that somewhere else for the love of the maker he does NOT want to walk into that in his own house#(and it also comes back to liam not trusting them with cleaning but also Not wanting to clean that up lol)#also he is not fond of them going into his room uninvited. most of the house is chill but that is *his* space#he accommodates these rules by e.g. having spare slippers and a little washing basin in the entrance hall for dirty shoes/feet#always makes sure to have snacks in stock that he knows they like#food will have notes abt what to leave for leandra/orana/etc but otherwise food is prepared with his friends in mind#and in general he'll make sure to adjust the space/routine in little ways to accommodate them#(air out when fen isnt there cus he doesnt like drafts; keep curtains open cus anders prefers open spaces; etc)#lilian on the other hand doesnt like when her friends come into the estate without a heads up (cept for emergencies)#but once they have her 'ok' its basically mi casa es su casa#dont yknow. overdo it and get too rowdy but otherwise do whatever#however. she also expects everyone to clean up after themselves. she aint here to play maid and youre all adults#also liam has a general 'please try to not be too wild when leandra is here' and lilian doesnt#not cos she doesnt care but cos leandra is bothered by sth she can speak up herself#oh and lilian uses the basement space as temporary refuge for anyone who needs it (mostly escaped mages)#also side note: both offered gamlen to stay but he refused (out of pride/remorse)#...this got long and i ran out of tag space lmfao so this is it for now xD
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softquietsteadylove · 18 days
I just had an evil idea. What if one day Gilgamesh finally had to make good on his promise to kill Thena if the Mahd Wy'ry ever took over her completely? Maybe he deals with it alone or one of the others finds him, up to you. I know you're good with angst so this should be painful
Gil's chest constricted. He felt like he couldn't breathe. He just stared, trying to wrap his head around what was happening. "No...n-no, I-"
The Deviant--the demonic entity facing him dropped its shield onto the jungle floor. Its vines had reached around the Strongest Eternal and retrieved something to serve as a defense. It was a wall of flesh, used only to absorb the shock of a punch.
The body rolled and tumbled, limbs dead weight, blonde hair falling lightly in comparison. Her eyes were still open, and the white colour that had been fogging them cleared to reveal their usual green. It was dark, and they no longer held their shine. The Warrior Eternal was dead.
Gilgamesh's chest puffed as he tried to breathe. He couldn't. What he was seeing didn't make any sense to him. The face of Thena, his lifelong partner, was staring up at him. But it wasn't her. It didn't look like her. His powers dissipated, sparks of gold disappearing into the still and heavy air, a minimal light in the growing dark.
"That is truly a shame," the devil lamented. "Her powers would have been one of the most useful to me."
Gil couldn't understand the words it was saying either. He knelt--fell to his knees. He reached slowly, delicate as he grasped the shoulder of the woman he loved. "Thena?"
She had no response. Her body was heavy as he lifted her into his embrace. He had snapped her spine, destroyed it in a way even an Eternal wouldn't survive. Maybe it was the most merciful way, with Mahd Wy'ry clouding her mind and that thing holding her, maybe she hadn't known it was he who had landed the killing blow.
He didn't know if it was better if that thing was the last she had seen, or if it would have been better for her to see him, only for him to end her life the way he had. As violent as the nature of their powers were, he never wanted to turn that force unto her. Even in all his years thwarting the attacks of her episodes, he always did his best to protect her and himself.
"Oh, Thena," Gilgamesh whimpered. His breath still came sparingly, his throat constricted far too tight. He cradled her head against his chest, the way he would if she were merely having a terrible dream. He ran his fingers through her hair as he watched the golden lines of her energy pull away from her skin, leaving the grey remains of the physical body.
Gold glittered the air again as the Warrior Eternal's life left her in the last way possible. Their own took cautious and unbelieving steps towards them.
He felt the vines of that thing at his back. Horrific appendages made to do worse than end life: made to steal it. He set Thena down gently, unwilling to cause her any more unrest.
The trees quivered as he turned, roaring out the energy building up in his body. Rage and grief coursed through him as he turned and grabbed the creature. His hands were more than capable of crushing through its flesh, no matter what being of natural make or nightmare of the stars. He ripped its arms from its body.
Gilgamesh arched his hands up. He watched the shadow of his sledgehammer fists stretch over the beast's face before he brought them down. The forest blew back from the impact, even more than the last time he'd landed a punch like this. And he kept going.
Every hit, every strike, every scream he let out of his lungs for a loss of what else to do, that thing would suffer. He would make something incapable of death experience the loneliness of pain. He would make it understand what it meant to be alone--what it meant to fear.
The ground impacted from his strength. He continued. He swung his fists, the air bending around him, compressing and bursting, gold streaking through the dusk as he swung at it like an animal fighting for its life.
The thing was dead. He didn't care. He wanted it to be no more. He wanted to beat it down so small that it disappeared into the wind or bled into the core of the earth. His strength would prove that it was still good for something. Now that he had failed to protect his greatest love, he would enact the greatest punishment he could.
"Gil, stop it!"
They were calling him, but he couldn't hear them. He couldn't understand what they were saying. He kept seeing Thena's lifeless face, the feeling of her Cosmic Energy fading into nothing. Now that there was no more Thena, he didn't even feel like he was on Earth anymore. There was nothing to center and anchor him. He felt as if all of his senses had been shut off and there was only pain remaining.
He had never been without Thena's energy to match the rhythm of his, not in all their millennia together. And now, all the air in his lungs was gone, his blood was no longer flowing because his heart was empty and void. He was afloat, trying to follow what remained of Thena in pure stardust.
Gilgamesh roared one last time as he tore the thing apart. What was once its body cavity was forced open with his fingers like an agate, revealing its jagged insides. Its arms were strewn and its head simply was no more. And yet still looking at it only made him want to do more.
"That's enough," his brothers attempted to pull him away, out of the crater he had created.
He turned away, throwing them off of him. He walked back to Thena, laid where he had left her. Her sisters were leaning over her precious body, but he waved them away.
He picked her up again, cradling her head and her poor, broken back. He held her delicate shoulders, which used to curl into him, seeking his warmth. His fingers slid into the depths of her thick blonde hair. She already felt cold.
His tears fell onto her. Once her hand would wipe them away, but now it lay limp beside her. He rocked them back and forth, his body now unsteady without anything real at all for connection. He pressed his cheek to her hair, "my Thena."
He could hear their family moving behind him. They were building a fire, to release her body, to follow her Cosmic Energy back to the stars and their home. But he held her tighter.
You may have to kill her; that was what they once said. And he had said that was a chance he was willing to take. Because he would take any chance in the world to be with his Thena even one more day. And for beings without natural death, he didn't take it lightly.
But this wasn't right. He didn't want to build her a funeral pyre. He didn't want his eyes to watch a fire consume the life of a woman whose every second and minute and hour he would weave into a beautiful tapestry of if he could.
They should have been home. They would have been in Australia, at the home they had built together. He would bury her in the warm, red sands, under the tree she liked. Life without her would be pain but at least he could continue his mission.
His mission was never to protect earth. It wasn't to kill Deviants or serve some far away god. His mission was to protect Thena. It was to love and cherish the woman who had been by his side from the moment he opened his eyes. And he would have spent the rest of Eternity protecting her, until Earth ripped itself in half to mercifully swallow him up into oblivion.
They expected him to give her up. But this was the woman he loved. He held the body of his wife, as preciously as he would on any day, or any night.
Thena had once said that she didn't want to be the one to kill him. She had begged him to kill her first. He had never agreed, because he didn't want to lie to her, but he didn't think he was capable either. He didn't want to endure the pain of living without her, something surely even his strength couldn't weather.
"I kept my promise," he whispered against her forehead, pressing a kiss to it. What a terrible promise it was. He had taken the chance, but to live with it was something harder.
"Gil," Sersi's soft whisper reached him, her hand on his arm.
"Just wait for me, sweetheart," he cooed to his ever-sleeping wife. He wrapped his arm around her shoulders and under her knees, picking her up for the last time. The pyre was ready. Even if it was already lit, he would lean into the fire gently, just to lie her to sleep the way she liked. "I'll come and find you."
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talentforlying · 9 months
idk if john will ever realize just how many times his big sister has had to mourn him because his idiot ass showed up on her doorstep to say a "final goodbye" and then just dropped off the grid for months afterwards. figure out the cell phone thing, man.
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eikichi-supremacy · 7 months
hey so do you think wtv keiko had to deal with growing up with yusuke could be considered a type of parentification
#god chapters where barely anything happens except a character's realization about things can be hard ...#im writing another keiko pov chapter and it's hard because well!!#keiko was never really a main focus in the series and as time goes on she gets even less of a focus so i have to fill in these spots#in her personality and views that aren't really explored. im taking a lot of liberties lets say#and idek if it's gonna read as in character cos of that#anyway im tryna say that like. pre series keiko was basically this presence in yusuke's life and he saw her as a pain but he cared#she was there to scold him and cajole him into going to his classes and she was his only friend#now we know atsuko was negligent and idk how involved the yukimuras were in his life but i feel like keiko#whether directly or indirectly was given this duty like you have to keep him outta trouble#you're smart you're mature he needs someone like you. this responsibility just kind of put on her before she can understand the weight of i#and she can't really comprehend that weight until it's abruptly taken from her. yusuke dies and there's no one to shepherd#i feel like keiko should get to be mad about this. this realization of the nature of their dynamic. keiko planning things around yusuke#who's never done that in his life. not because he's purposely being thoughtless but bc he was never the one to have to plan#to think about what their future looks like. he just kinda drifted along and keiko tried to do damage control. it wasn't fair#yusuke is keeping secrets from her she is scared of high school and that he'll die again without her knowing why and it's unfair#so she should get to be mad also because girls getting to be mad is one of my favorite things 👍🏼#the realization that yusuke won't be lost without her so she shouldn't hinge her life on the expectation that he will be#she worries about yusuke a lot i think. especially after he comes back from the dead. and i think kuwa's presence would help ease that#dread in her heart. it doesn't have to be just me. there's someone who can be there with him always and it doesn't have to be me#the guilty relief of not having to be the sacrifice. but kuwa doesn't mind so maybe it's okay this way#idk just rambles about my fic while i puzzle out how to word it#character analysis#yukimura keiko#yu yu hakusho
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amaraudermind · 2 years
Something something Bruce love Gotham because it's his home, jason loves Gotham because it's in his soul, Duke loves Gotham because it's his family, Steph loves Gotham on purpose
#the void screams#duke thomas#bruce wayne#jason todd#stephanie brown#each member of the batfam having a complicated relationship with gotham is something that can be so personal-#but yeah bruce loves gotham because this is where his family has always lived. leaving would mean leaving them behind.#he loves gotham because it's the only home he's ever known#i don't know what fucked up tether there is between gotham and jason. compells me though.#even when he leaves he can't stay away along. gotham's in his head. in his soul. it's where he's alive and it's where his life is drained#the people of gotham are duke's family and he wants to protect them the way they've always tried to protect him#the city is the people and duke knows these people. he's one of them. he's seen what they go through to survive because#he goes through it too. he loves gotham because it's his whole world. his family. and he'll protect that family#until he dies.#steph though? steph grew up here and hated it. hated the city. resented the people. resented the heroes.#and still every fibre of her being goes into loving this city. into hoping for it.#on purpose. she's going to love this city on purpose. even when it hurts. even when she'd rather die.#even when the whole CITY turns against her. time and again. because she's already decided.#she's going to love gotham. even if gotham never loves her back.#don't mind me i am just rambling nonsensically. i am right though by the way. it doesn't make sense but it's Correct
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melancholic-pigeon · 5 days
Okay this is the *actual* last comment, for real, but I just found out Spider is now smearing me as a convert and accusing me of being involved with drama I was not involved with because he mistakenly attributed my apologies for his public temper tantrum as being about something unrelated.
THIS IS A FALSE ACCUSATION and I do not appreciate having yet another bit of fake malicious intent falsely ascribed to my actions and* attributing a completely unrelated attack to me.
Also, it's very sad and disappointing whenever a Jew gets mad at a convert because something else is going on in the Jew's life and the convert happens to be in the splash zone and the Jew falls over backwards to smear the convert and invalidate her faith.
Just....the childish aggression is making me so, so sad and disappointed, from someone I used to think very highly of, who is now lying about me and publicly smearing me with false accusations based on a conflict he started because he misinterpreted something I said and I went out of my way to give him the benefit of the doubt when trying to clear up the mistake HE MADE that led him to decide bullying and attacking me for three fucking days was appropriate and okay and that I'm the bad guy for saying it's wildly unprofessional to behave like this in public to a former customer face.
Sorry, but facts, reality, linear time and the truth of what I actually said and did are on my side here, and I will not stand for being smeared and attacked and shat all over because I had the gall to try to kindly resolve his uncalled for, unjustified temper tantrum.
I am also not sorry that I left a side note in the tags that it was also unacceptable for HIM to drag his daughter into a stupid internet slapfight based on his own reading comprehension failure. Because it was and is unacceptable, and she needs to hear that message from someone.
End of story. Keep digging that hole as long as you like, Spider. It's not helping your case and is continuing to make you look progressively worse and more unreasonable, and the only person you have to blame is yourself.
*revised for clarity
#don't buy from nerdykeppie#all receipts are under this tag#if you're so offended because my reporting on the things you say and do makes you look bad maybe the problem is you#this whole thing was completely needless#and yet he is continuing to DARVO me because he's pissed that his usual method of smugly lashing out at people over their poor reading#comprehension doesn't work when it's him who failed to comprehend what I wrote in the first place#also REAL FUCKING INCHRESTING that he's lying about me being involved in the jewvestigation of him so he responds by......jewvestigating me#lol#lashon hara. maybe he should study it sometime.#and maybe he'll learn warning others about poor behavior from a business so they don't waste their money there is not lashon hara#but honestly I doubt it because he's never going to let go of his desperate complex about always being the smartest raddest dude in the roo#it looks pathetic and I think he realizes that or he wouldn't have had such a dramatic extended meltdown over the things *he* said to *me*#I also still find it funny that he has conveniently forgotten to address the whole “hey bud your timeline doesn't add up” part#and I think that's because he knows if he were to address the proof that he didn't remember it correctly he would be forced to admit that h#threw a massive shitfit at someone for no reason because his memory got mixed up#so so funny that he can't come up with an answer for that#almost like! he knows he fucked up bigtime and is scrambling to make himself the victim!#also funny that “worrying about someone who was dragged into a fight by a bully” got twisted into sneakily scheming to turn her against him#I'm not a scheming plotter I'm worried because the behavior you showed your child in public was wildly inappropriate TO HER.#it's sad! It's fucking sad and embarrassing and hypocritical and immature and SAD!#but the pretend me other people are attacking because they made shit up is none of my business#if he wants to keep writing fanfic about me he can go right ahead#because again#the more he talks the worse he looks#the more he digs this hole the deeper he gets mired in his own muck#and it's not my job to bend over backwards to keep him from experiencing the natural consequences of his actions.#I really should learn the lesson that people who are snide assholes in one situation are usually snide assholes across the board#really the worst part is knowing I defended him when he threw tantrums like this before#that's what I regret and feel guilty about: that I backed up his shitty behavior and gave it legitimacuy#that was wrong of me and I'm sorry for every time I jumped in as one of his flying monkeys
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hivepixels · 4 months
#i wrote the arsl essay really emotionally if it's illogical i'm very sorry it's just my impression T0TTTTT.........#mumblings#EVEN THE SOLLUX ONE IS CRINGE TO ME I CANT LOOK AT IT ANYMORE i'm just glad people who've gotten something out of it can feel#more reassured in their enjoyment of these characters bcs theyre awesome & i like when people think abt them esp in relation to each other#i was so 👀!!! by how sollux detected his relevancy was reduced compared to the rest of the meteor crew and chose to step away with aradia#and since her arc was pretty much finished around the same time as his i rlly love how they complete their jobs then go off have fun#(well sollux is extra funny bcs he doesnt WANT to be a Main Character but mf can't resist adding his two cents backseat commentary LOL)#anw.. idk if ive ever mentioned but i dont care for pale arsl whatsoever skjskj highkey resent the popularity of that depiction but i don't#have grounds to complain since it gives people a reason to keep including aradia with sollux somehow#once again coming from a dvkt background i often saw aradia and sollux entering as a pair so it was wild to switch to slkt and#find out a lot of sollux shippers don't like aradia as much. or at all#<- was scrolling old posts and saw that people have been discussing this same exact thing years ago LMAO the cycle repeats itself#i think sollux should 🥺👉👈 for aradia forever its funnier to think he likes her so much and she's just. occupied by more important things#ANYTHING SHE NEEDS HE WILL COME.... SHE JUST HAS TO ASK. BUT WHAT CAN SHE POSSIBLY ASK FOR WHEN SHE'S ALREADY SO CAPABLE....... HSJAHAA#back when she approached him for tech and research assistance he could feel useful but now. he's huddled in the corner sad puppy#its so ;;; when ppl make him super relieved to see aradia like WAAGHHHHHH SHE'S HERE... SHE'S HERE FOR HIM!!!!!!!!!#sollux wanting to be more important to aradia is a thought i revisit a lot he just wants to know if there's anything there#but he can't pick Just One Thing and regardless of the outcome good or bad he'll always regret screwing it up#in reality its not his fault lol just like karkat dude's got the self-sabotage instinct for things no one holds him against for so. yeh#STILL don't take my opinions as truth gospel alright i'm a fangirl not a meta writer!!!!!!!!!
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bumblingbabooshka · 1 year
Chakotay/Janeway/Tuvok date ideas always explicitly or incidentally involve pulling each other back from the jaws of death even after they've been swallowed whole.
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hella1975 · 1 year
sometimes i think about the fact my grandparents literally overnight just cut us off and im like. how did u even do that. does it torment you
#eeaao's 'how did you let me go so easily' moment. like i dont let myself even THINK about this too often#bc i immediately beat myself back with the 'if it's hard for you then imagine how hard it is for mum. her PARENTS cut her off'#but like. idk. my nan i couldn't give less of a shit about which is something i always find so interesting#bc even as a child with NO basis for it or any understanding of her behaviour both past and present i still wasn't Comfortable around her#like children are smart actually. i just Knew her vibes were off and i Knew my mum was weird when she was around#like i truly dont think i ever loved my nan even when she was a very frequent part of my life#but my grandad? i ADORED him. id see him multiple times a week and he's the kindest man ive ever met#and hannah what i told you about my mum saying certain people have magnetic auras THAT WAS ABOUT HIM#like i cant actually put into words what it was about him but people just wanted to know him and spend time with him#but he was weak and let my nan walk all over him and when push came to shove he chose her and now ive not spoken to him in 3 years#& i KNOW he loved me. he thought the world of me like it's a bitter unspoken thing between me & my sister that we KNOW i was his favourite#he used to buy me egg butties at agricultural shows when my mum said no and specifically ask for two eggs#he used to sit and eat his soup with me when he came over to do work at the house#he used to play with me. he used to smile all the time. i can so clearly hear the way he'd go ''iya [my name]' with his proper rural accent#or how he'd tell anyone who would listen 'she's tough as old boots that one'#and i could make him laugh like NO ONE else could and he'd light up and go 'give over' and he genuinely enjoyed my company#i KNOW HE DID. and i havent spoken to him in 3 years. he'll be dead soon#and i cant talk to my mum about it bc it's her DAD it is so much worse for her and i cant talk to my sister about it#bc she wasn't close with him like i was and she just shuts the conversation down and those are the only two people#who know my grandad and know what he meant to me so im just here like. he literally stopped speaking to me overnight#i stopped hearing from him i stopped meeting up with him im so so angry with him the love is still there i dont know where to put it now#why couldnt he stay. why did he pick her when she's a loveless void of inhumanity. why werent we enough#hella goes home#my grandparents on my dad's side are also not in the picture funnily enough but idgaf about them. she got that grandparentless swag
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thetimelordbatgirl · 9 months
Ngl Horrid Henry is becoming that show I honestly forget about but then seeing something on it online makes me remember its existence...and also in todays case, how much I hated his parents, cause oh my god, the clip I just saw...
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lynxgirlpaws · 8 months
My dad will just drop some shit on me like "Yeah you know how I'd let you get non-diet soda as a kid? It's bc I wanted you to get super hyper before I dropped you back off with your mom so she'd have to deal with it :)" and expect me to laugh along like that isn't super fucked up and evil like what the actual fuck is his problem
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stellacadente · 17 days
sometimes i think i'll never heal from my trauma
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nerosdayinanime · 1 year
if i do go w sakonji being the owner im gonna pull that naruto gag for kakashi where every image of his face is perfectly obscured by some random object
leaf. bird. a large beetle. some paper flying in the wind. light glare. someone walking in front of him. a bag of coffee thrown across the shop. someone else's hair. speech bubbles. him facing the other way. etc
#kny x tokyo ghoul au#urokodaki sakonji#m tryna think abt how to change the storyline enough to fit w new characters#^silly idea that popped up while i was doing that#i think im gonna go with tanjuro died- kie overworked herself- nezuko was caught in a horrible (orchestrated) accident tanjiro found her in-#she gets ghoul organ transplant and goes home- its a slower transition than in tkg first she gets sick of human food then after a bit#the taste catches up and she stops trying to eat entirely- tanjiro's extremely worried abt her health yadda yadda- she loses herself to#hunger and goes out- tanjiro follows her worried- she stumbles across the temple demon who attacks her-#tanjiro tries to attack him from behind but gets knocked away- giyuu kicks the ghoul's head off- tanjiro immediately#covers nezuko with his own body and begs him not to hurt thema- giyuu takes pause and sniffs. noticing tanjiro's human. also noricing how#hes protecting a ghoul- yadda yadda he ends up bringing them both to coffee shop where sakonji gives nezuko a package and sends them#off with a 'come back whenever you need more'- tanjiro is kinda. in denial. not really processing.#nezuko asks if shes a monster now and his heart breaks. he couldnt believe that no matter what.#he swears she'll never be a monster to him and he'll always be by her side- they get jobs (nezukos 'job') at coffee place#im thinking maybe shinobu to take up touka's place storywise? shes (passive)aggressive towards them (& giyuu<3)#need to rewatch the first 3 eps i skipped them (dumb move) but im also thinking enmu as Sir Freakass#dont know how im gonna integrate genya now#i think i can give him & sanemi touka & ayato's line w genya being. aggressive but not as actively hostile as sanemi#originally i was gonna make him halfsies like nezuko (might still? need some ccg bitches in here) w sanemi as a dove#something something theres NO communication. everyone believes tanjiro is completely clueless except for giyuu & sakonji. when they start#working at the coffee shop everyone hides the ghoul shit from tanjiro (enabling him to stay in denial) up until enmu kidnapps him to#lure nezuko. her and shinobu beat his ass then shino tries to kill him since he Knows but when he looks at her staring him down#with black&red eyes poised to kill him he just calls her beautiful. stops her in her tracks and he notices the carnage & panics over nezuko#broken winged butterfly who stared kindness in the eye.#problem is that part was supposed to be the time genya saw tan&nezu and chilled out. if i do That^ thn i dont know how ill get to there#dont know how id shove genya anywhere in there in the first place but. whatever ill figure it out#this is fun tho#also gonna differentiate between like. character replacements w orig storyline & characters in that worldbuilding#like the KNY Clan au is its own story shit but with naruto mechanics while this is Tokyo Ghoul story but w KNY characters. KNYxTokyo Ghoul#ive thought abt it a few times but if i started replacing naruto characters w kny ones id label it different from ckan au. KNYxNaruto. yk?
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theetwinkleboy · 9 months
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