#he'd often be the ones updating them on how their son is doing
neoyi · 1 year
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"They would never - could not ever - go back to how they used to be; the son would not be the child their parents wanted, and his parents would not accommodate for their son. And that was just something they all had to accept. Over time, mama and papa contacted and apologized - at least the King did - for putting so much pressure on their boy to be more than what one person was capable of, even a prince. The son admitted he, too, had put pressure on himself to live up to a standard - subconsciously so from a youth growing up with nothing but standards - and endured too many sacrifices to name. There was an understanding that day, but their relationship remained forever bittersweet. The undead Lord though, would often visit every other weekend to chat and engage with his eventual in-laws. He had quite the rapport with the King whom shared his love for solitude, card games, and their affection for their respective fiery significant other. He often volunteered to put flowers on their graves once they had passed on years later..."
(From this prompt list: https://www.tumblr.com/yearoftheotpevent/703929864186740736/prompt-list-2023-alt-text-under-the?source=share)
⭐Prince Marine: The Dandy Robot / Art Commission / Ko-Fi / Itch.io / Bluesky⭐
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it is not really a shock that this fandom has a bit of a misogyny problem, but i think a specific one is how the boys are often somewhat babied and given all sorts of pity for every single tiny thing they go through, while the girls with similar issues are often ignored entirely. there are many examples of this, but right now, i am going to talk at length about the Tenmas and the Shinonomes in particular, as them being pairs of siblings allows very direct comparison.
firstly, the one that irks me most: Tsukasa Tenma, and how a ridiculous number of his fans will make absolutely everything about him. including Saki's disability. i do think it's right to acknowledge the impact on him as well- but it gets overdramatic really quickly. i'm sorry to be harsh, but Saki did not spend her childhood in and out of hospitals, believing that she was dying, just for half the fandom to completely brush over her trauma and be like "oh... poor, lonely Tsukasa..."
i rather hate this, because not only does it feel quite ableist to skim over the one directly suffering from the condition in order to massively favour someone who happens to feel a bit of the knock-on effect, but it's also used to unreasonably villainise the Tenma parents. people will go on about how "neglected" Tsukasa was... very well, how exactly would you have handled the situation? they did their absolute best. it was a highly unfortunate situation for everyone involved, and it's unfair to deem Mrs and Mr Tenma as "bad parents" simply because they prioritised their dangerously ill daughter over their confident son who always assured them that he'd be alright. yes, they could have made better choices for Tsukasa, such as hiring a babysitter... but i think people tend to forget that Saki's illness flared up very suddenly and randomly. as the good parents the Tenmas are, they very likely couldn't think properly due to their panic for their daughter. it was instinct to drop everything and get her immediate help. and Tsukasa himself understands this, so it's an absolute wonder that the fandom doesn't. he was not ignored. he was phoned, updated on the situation, reassured that his sister was recovering... and praised by his parents for being such a wonderful brother.
also, with the situation of Saki's hospitalisation, i do feel like Tsukasa's own personality is sometimes not taken into account, ironic since it's him that everyone's interested in. because i would, in fact, be more critical of the Tenma parents, had Tsukasa been a more fragile child. if he had been the type who was easily scared, who could not handle being by himself, who would, in fact, have been traumatised from being left alone- i would say that the Tenma parents would have deserved the treatment they get from the fandom. but... that's not Tsukasa. it has been shown that Tsukasa was always a very bright, self-assured boy, positively brimming with confidence. even when little, he was creative and strong- and his parents knew this. they could have some peace of mind during a stressful time, knowing that their son could entertain himself with ease, such as how he was practising some acting just before his mother rang him. all of this is shown within the Dazzling Stage event which is, funnily enough, the very same event that the lovers of Tsukasa angst latch onto.
of course Tsukasa was heavily concerned about Saki. he is an incredibly caring person, why wouldn't he be? and yes, of course he missed her while she was in the hospital. no one is trying to deny that, nor minimise his suffering. the fandom does that to Saki. while acknowledging that Tsukasa was affected is good, in fact, it is very interesting to see the impact of disabilities beyond those directly affected... it's the fact that it is majorly Tsukasa's issues that are focused on that confuses me. it's disproportionate. i do wish we saw just as much sympathy and discussion about Saki herself, in addition to her brother. the psychological impact that her illness and consequential exclusion had on her, as well as the obvious physical aspect. because that is just as interesting, if not potentially more so, and i will be making a future post about it.
moving on from the Tenmas, i'd now like to talk about the Shinonome siblings, in a little less detail, considering i personally have not witnessed the unfairness of their treatment as much as that between the Tenmas. though, make no mistake, it still exists.
now, Ena is a character who i feel has a certain percentage of those who dislike her. and what are the general traits that people point out when asked why they aren't a fan? from what i've seen, it is her anger management issues, past violence, and a general "tsundere" type of personality that earns her this criticism. i'm not saying she does not have any of this. she absolutely does. she is flawed, as good, complex characters should be. though, everything she is despised for... who else regularly displays the exact same traits?
none other than her own brother, Akito. yet the dislike for him, while it is obviously around, does not seem quite as common as hers. a very short and hot temper? check. shows of violence? check. a sometimes harsh way of speaking? check. can sound aggressive and off-putting on occassion? check. Akito and Ena are incredibly similar when it comes to their more negative traits. i suppose it's not a surprise, considering that they were both brought up in the same, questionable environment. though, why does Ena seem to be hated so much more?
most will bring up the very infamous mention of how Ena and Akito's fights would get physical when they were younger. and how this makes Ena an "abuser" because supposedly, as she is the elder one, there was an imbalance in power... but was there really? it is incredibly controversial to say, but i do believe that the violence between them, particularly that which was committed by Ena, is quite exaggerated by fans. and here is where i think that Akito tends to be babied.
Ena was not significantly stronger than Akito. perhaps not ever physically stronger than him at all except when they were literal babies. there is only one year of difference between their ages. in the current day, it is no debate that Akito is one of the strongest characters, regularly going on runs, being able to sprint with Tsukasa on his back, while Ena is quite on the opposite end of the spectrum, preferring the indoors and such. what i am saying is that it is absurd how the fandom makes it seem like Akito was some utterly defenceless little toddler that was getting beaten up by his Big Bad Sister. realistically, he was fully capable of fighting back- and he does. it's hardly as if we see him cower before her. he has absolutely no issue retorting to her in a snarky manner. when people bring up the whole drama of Ena scratching him, they conveniently forget what he says directly afterwards- that he could dodge her attacks. not to mention, sibling fights getting physical and a little violent is incredibly common, take it from me- i am an oldest sister myself. if you call Ena an abuser, you are saying that you want half the older siblings in this world behind bars.
oh, and people will talk until they're blue in the face about how the "nasty" and "crazy" Ena scratched up her brother when they were younger- are we forgetting that Akito punched Toya in the literal main story? that left a massive bruise on his cheek. that isn't talked about nearly as much as some common sibling scrap.
if you can let similar behaviour slide from Akito... how come it is unacceptable from his older sister? who is, arguably, from what has been shown in the story so far... under the greater amount of stress from the tension within their family. it was her that was explicitly discouraged by their father. we haven't seen such conflict between Shinei and his son, have we? that's not to say that Akito's current personality isn't also explained, having grown up in that environment, but why is it that Ena receives so much less sympathy than him when she, understandably, lashes out?
Saki and Ena have both had it rough. in their own, very different, ways. yet, a staggering amount of pity is given, not to them, but to their respective brothers.
and i must, sadly, wonder... if the mere genders of these four characters happened to be swapped and all else remained as it is...
... would the perception of any of them be quite the same?
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hypostatic-oath · 5 months
Hi there! How do you think a team composition of Raiden, Diluc/Yelan (depending on the day), Kaeya and Kazuha would work? Especially in SAGAU terms.
I headcannon that Ei once referred to Kaeya as "son of Khaenri'ah" and Diluc has been defensive ever since.
Forgive me if I get Yelan's characterization wrong - she's one of the few characters I don't have, the most I've seen of her was the story quest, the Chasm event with Itto and Yanfei, and that she apparently stole a coat Pantalone wanted to give to the Tsaritsa, which honestly would immediately put her in Diluc's good books.
That being said - for Diluc and Yelan, I think the switching would work out really well. I mean, they're both busy businesspeople with probably tightly packed schedules, so I reckon your usual antics might even start a close partnership between the two, even if only on a personal level, i.e. each updating the other on what was done during their turn as that day's chosen vessel, or asking the other to potentially cover for them on a day where they just really really couldn't make it. They'd be grateful for the on and off schedule, it gives them time.
Yelan and Kaeya look like they'd be the kind of fast friends that are friendly only on the surface, because they are both distrustful of each other since they're equally sneaky, but I see them growing accustomed to each other as you take them out together. Hydro and Cryo work well naturally, and I can see them having an easier time working in synergy the more they begin to understand one another. It's not openness - neither of them is going to share their innermost workings with someone like that - but it is a form of comraderie that they both end up being thankful for. I'd wager Yelan reminds Kaeya of Rosaria somewhat, and that on downtimes, the two have gone out for drinks and perhaps some gambling.
As for himself and Diluc, Kaeya finds himself even more thankful for the opportunity. The chance for their bond to truly heal from what happened on the day of Crepus's death had not yet surfaced. He knew Diluc still cared - but in a different, silent, far more distant way than before. Kaeya did miss having his brother have his back, and doing the same for him. The first months were difficult - packed with "This meams nothing" and "I am following the Overseer's will, that is all", with Diluc ditching the place as soon as you tabbed out. Kaeya's teasing feels sharp, Diluc is almost cold, and the two can bicker back and forth so often that one would forget they are not the only ones on the team. The teasing never truly goes away. Diluc never truly lowers his guard. But the moment anyone or anything gets in the way of one, the other will lend a hand almost on instinct.
Diluc justifies it as doing it for you. You placed them together, and you rely on both of them, and it is very clear that you like them both enough to place them on your main team. You surely don't want any of them hurt, right? They both use the same argument to justify not sparring - a suggestion brought up by the Shogun, who was genuinely trying to help. Of course it's not because deep down both of them want the best for one another - it is simply because you want the best for both of them. Of course.
But if that were the reason, why would Diluc place himself between his brother and the Archon every time since he heard that one casual remark? He didn't know what bothered him so much about it - it was accurate, wasn't it? Son of Khaenri'ah. There was a time, once, when Diluc would've called it preposterous - Kaeya was a son of Crepus, just like he was. Regardless of his birth parents, he'd been raised a Ragnvindr.
But... was that really true? Had it ever been?
Being placed on the same team as Kaeya, Diluc finds himself grappling with thoughts he had back when everything came to light. For the vast majority of his life, Kaeya had been, indeed, just as much a child of Khaenri'ah as Diluc was a child of Mondstadt. But a man's future is not defined by his past - instead, his present. Kaeya is as much of a sneaky bastard as Diluc is used to him being... but the more the two work together, the more he realises that Kaeya has become more of a Mondstadter than he himself is aware of. He may have been a child of Khaenri'ah once, but the man he's grown into is as much of his brother as he thought him to be as children.
He does not, however, say this out loud. Ever.
The Shogun has since stopped reffering to him as that - it very clearly makes both of them incredibly uncomfortable, and though it is nice to get a break from the bickering, she was not actually looking to offend anybody. So far she's taken to reffering to Kaeya by title instead, adressing him as Captain. She doesn't strike me as the type to jump directly to being on a first name basis with people, and would want to maintain that distance.
Her and Diluc interact very little - she much prefers the Yelan days now, if only due to the fact that she knows there's still some lingering tension from that little incident. I could see the two getting along somewhat well before, but the relationship definitely soured in that awkward quiet way that never leads to an actual confrontation. But then again, I can see this being a very, VERY tense team. Like seriously the only person here that has no beef at all is Yelan.
Because while the brothers' antics take the main stage - their bickering is dramatic and explosive and their jabs at each other end up taking the attention from othet issues, which is quite thr relief - there is also the strained feelings between Kazuha and the Shogun.
Oh yes.
You and the Traveler may have gotten through to the Archon, shown her the power of people's hopes and dreams, and helped repel the Vision Hunt Decree. Inazuma may now be open again, and the Nation of Electro may be slowly rebuilding itself and its foreign relations after the civil war. The Shogun had her redemption arc, and joined you as a Vessel, and so far she has been nothing but helpful and reliable on the field of combat.
But Kazuha's friend is not any less dead.
Kazuha himself says that he's thought about it, and that he holds no resentment towards the Shogun. His friend died in an honorable duel, and that's that. But not resenting someone doesn't automatically mean a close or good relationship, nor does it mean that what was done has been forgotten. Kazuha supposes he'll trust your judgement, and that the Shogun is there to help - but there's still that lingering fear, that cold sweat when he wakes up and that shiver running down his back, because the aftermath of a war is never easy, and though she's on their side now, what if one day she isn't. Were it not for the brothers' antics - and possibly Kaeya, let us be honest here, he's the one who talks - the team would be... very, very silent.
From either angle, your team is PACKED with tension, but hopefully they'll be able to slowly grow to rely on each other, and maybe mend what was broken along the way.
With a bit of luck they go out for drinks and dango. I think they deserve it.
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puuuders · 1 month
In Pursuit of Something Better ~ part 1
Ghost fanfiction
Authors note: uhhh idk what I'm doing ngl. But I have had a fan fiction idea stuck in my dumb noodle. So if you have any advice to making this look not crappy let me know. Also, this series will probably take a bit of time for updates, because I want to make art for each part and I l have a bit of projects I'm already working on. Anyways, enjoy.
P.S., The title is a take on the translated meaning of "meliora". Y'all probably know that tho
The ghouls are determined the absolute lowest of the low of the clergy, this idea being drilled into their heads by Secondo. However, Secondo retires today.
Read on AO3
1.7k words
Content warning: this part has a lot to do with racism-
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However, this treatment and acclaimed lack of importance was all in accordance to Sister Imperator, and especially Nihil's son, Secondo, who was the current Papa and owner of the ghouls. Emphasis on “owner”. He treated them like dogs. Drilled into their heads how replaceable they are. Since he currently owned them, he could treat them however he'd like. And if it was in an abusive and neglectful manner, then he could do so. Sister Imperator approved of this treatment, often praising him for such “discipline” and “taming” of the “feral beasts”. The ghouls were silent, did their chores, wore their uniforms, and played extraordinarily like - no, because - their life depended on it on stage. Despite their hellish power, it was useless against the clergy. They held a firm spiritual grip on their throats, weakening their ability against whoever had summoned them from The Pit. 
In every aspect apart from supernatural and musical ability, the ghouls were significantly inferior to the human members of the clergy. They were the lowest ranking group. During ceremonies and masses, they needed to sit in the very back, a row apart from the human attendees. In some cases in which there was not enough seating, they either stood, or some opted to sit on each other's laps. They ate last if they were not forced to hunt their own food. They shared one room, the closer friends or lovers lying on top of each other to save space. Social anxiety was not an option for the ghouls. It was a necessity to be social and physical with one other to live somewhat comfortably. Otherwise, if you were a ghoul, you would be sleeping on hardwood and filter feeding. 
Today was another ceremony in which the ghouls were cramped in the corner of the nave, sharing a single but long enough pew for every ghoul to sit comfortably on except for Alpha. A taller fire ghoul, he stood to the side, having given his seat to the shorter earth ghoul, Pebble. How kind. 
This ceremony was definitely one that would spark such selflessness and kindness into the ghouls tormented souls. Perhaps it would change such an adjective to describe them. It was the passing of the torch of papacy to the cardinal, the youngest of the Emeritus brothers, whom of which they were not allowed to interact with until this event. It was the same for Secondo when he was a cardinal. It was a gamble not knowing what he was like apart from the rumors of him being a bit on the feminine and immodest side. But they had no choice but to bid for their well-being. It was either that or The Pit. 
A silent wave of people rising to their feet pushed through the room as Sister Imperator, Nihil and Secondo entered the front of the large hall, coming to a stop in front of the long altar. The altar was topped with a new mitre, some candles, bread, and deep red wine. The ghouls scowled as Secondo took his place beside the mitre, in front of the microphone. How they hated hearing his voice. It brought nothing but negativity. 
“Good morning, brothers and sisters…” Secondo spoke with a low grumble. His mismatched, dull eyes flicked to the back of the room. 
His eyes returned to the large group of humans, not being able to help himself to not find a way to demean the ghouls.
“...and ghouls.”
“Today is a day of empowerment. Of glory to our congregation, message, and cause. And me.”
The humans chuckled humorlessly, as if prompted to do so at his unfunny quip. 
“Although I do not think anyone could perform this position as effectively as I could, I must retire. And, as my brother before me, the reign will be passed down to a younger face, one who may forward the word *almost* as good as I. My dearest brother.”
Secondo extended his robed arm towards the door. All heads turned in that direction, and in stepped a shorter, black haired cardinal Terzo. He looked so much younger and different than his older brothers. He was wearing a black, purple and gold robe, taking on a much flashier and poppy look than Secondo and Primo had. Secondo visibly cringed at this, not making much of an attempt to hide his disapproval. Sister Imperator at least faked a smile, and Nihil gazed as if he were not there mentally. 
Terzo seemed thrilled. He wore a cocky and quivering grin on his face, his black, leather gloved hands decorated with golden nails clasped together. He stepped slowly and deliberately before coming to a stop next to his brother, bowing his head slightly. Secondo audibly sighed before speaking again. 
“It is with… great honor, my brother, to bestow upon you…”
He turned to gently lift the mitre, hovering it over Terzo's head. 
“... The title…”
Terzo closed his eyes as Secondo placed the mitre on his head. 
At the last word, the congregation broke into applause, something the new Papa relished in as he extended his arms and bowed. Some of the ghouls clapped, while some remained cross-armed, which encouraged the more enthusiastic ghouls to quiet down and mimic them. 
“Of Papa Emeritus III.”
“I trust that you will follow in my footsteps, brother,” Secondo spoke again, shooting Terzo a glare, “and bring even more power to this ministry than I did.”
“I like my own footsteps, brother.” Terzo spoke with a grin. 
Terzo simply nodded. Terzo was certainly a more animated character, showing lots of deliberate body language. He strided to the microphone, dismissing Secondo with a double flick of his hand. The ghouls smirked at this. He drew a breath before his thick Italian accent filled the room.
“But thank you. And thank you, people.”
He extended his arms again, gesturing to the crowd. 
“For being here on such an important day. Not just for me, but for all. I am not one for speeches, so let's cut the bullshit, yeah?”
Terzo turned and picked up the plate of bread, pushing his robe out of the way. He muttered something unintelligible under his breath, something about the robe. He then slowly snaked around the room, gently placing the bread in each person's mouth using his thumb and index finger, almost in a sultry manner, no matter what gender the person appeared to be. 
Then, Terzo made it to the back of the room. He avoided any sort of acknowledgement of the ghouls, his eyebrows knitted upwards underneath his minimalistic skull paint as he quickly moved past them. He repeated this process for the blood, spoke a bit more, and then dismissing the congregation to go about their usual duties. 
“Excuse me! Excuse… me.” Terzo shouted as he jogged down the row, his confidence faltering as he got closer to them. He completely misunderstood their size, his confidence chipping away with each step that slowed into a timid creep. They were massive up close. Even Pebble, the shortest one, was at least 5 inches taller. He couldn't understand where the idea of weakness and inferiority came from. Maybe where they were from. 
The room quickly shuffled out of the grand double doors, murmuring voices echoing as the room grew emptier. Terzo brushed off conversation with Sister Imperator and Nihil, shuffling through papers and books underneath the altar to appear too busy to talk. When they disappeared behind the halls, his focus shifted to the ghouls at the other end of the nave. 
Terzo's eyes were understandably drawn to the two biggest ones, who seemed to protectively take a step forward in front of the others. Although their expressions were hidden behind their black masks and hoods, Terzo could feel the unwelcome tension between them. Terzo had never been exposed to a ghoul before. 
“Do you… speak English?”
No response. 
A tilt of the second biggest's head. 
“Er… Svenska?”
The fire ghoul looked up at the biggest ghoul, who's uniform had a bold quintessence symbol at the right part of his chest. He returned the look. Their eyes showed an understanding of one another, sometimes widening and narrowing as if they were speaking telepathically. The quintessence ghoul looked back down at Terzo and puffed his chest out.
Terzo was a bit taken aback by the ghoul’s voice. It sounded like a human. A Swedish accent, medium pitched. Terzo nodded, breathing out. 
“Ah, good, good… I prefer English myself. Do you have a preference?” Terzo asked. 
“No.” The ghoul responded simply. 
“Ah… Alright. What is your name, ghoul?”
“I do not have one.”
“That's no good. None of you?”
Terzo tilted his head, his lips parting as he studied the ghouls with a confused expression. The ghouls returned the glance. 
“Why not?” Terzo finally asked, unsure of what else to say. 
“There is no use.” The quintessence ghoul responded, showing no hint of emotion. 
“Elaborate, ghoul. I cannot understand you if you do not explain.” Terzo said, a hint of playfulness in his tone. 
“Someone taught you that well, eh?” Terzo chuckled. The quintessence ghoul tilted his head up, a glare of annoyance entering his eyes. Terzo's fake smile fell off his face. 
“You do not need to understand. We play for you, we serve you. That is all that matters.”
“Alright. Well… You seem to be…” Terzo stated before tilting his body to look at the other ghouls, who had huddled behind the quintessence ghoul at some point, “... The big guy of the group. Are you busy?”
“Come with me, quintessence ghoul. Your friends are dismissed.” Terzo said, doing his best to sound unthreatening. The fire ghoul immediately ushered the rest back, and they scurried out of the door. The fire ghoul looked back at the quintessence once before disappearing around the corner. Terzo drew  a shakily breath, gesturing with his head for the remaining ghoul to walk with him. 
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karliahs · 2 months
okay just for fun i'm going to compile the garbled knowledge i have about what happens in bnha going forward (so everything after season 5 episode 8/middle of the joint training arc).
this is a few years of passively picking stuff up through tumblr, ao3 and a friend who reads the manga and would periodically upon request tell me how my kids were doing
so...bnha spoilers below the cut, including fairly recent manga spoilers. except they are incomplete, garbled and possibly entirely wrong
upcoming arcs: endeavour internship arc, plf arc, ??? other ones probably, final war arc
bakugou, midoriya & todoroki intern at endeavour's agency. endeavour redemption arc continues to be a thing that is happening
midoriya develops the past OFA users quirks - blackwhip first, then float, and then the others are i think...danger sense, smokescreen, some kind of...healing thing? i have definitely seen them all referenced in fic but i mostly just remember float and blackwhip
touya reveal!! dance with your son in hell!! we stan. i have no idea what the outcome of this is other than that i believe natsuo never gets on board with endeavour redemption but fuyumi does. i think maybe shouto as well...
at some point things about hawks?? and the hero commission's...stuff?? with hawks?? gets revealed publically and contributes to growing unrest about heroes' roles in society. and the touya stuff i think also gets revealed and contributes to this
oh kurogiri obviously. that's season 5 i'm pretty sure. kurogiri is a noumu made from oboro shirakumo, aizawa & mic's (& midnight's?) UA friend who they thought died under some rubble during agency placements. it was actually aizawa they were after but they got oboro instead. aizawa & mic go to confront him and try to get through to him and it initially does not work
while i'm on aizawa knowledge: he gets shot with a quirk destroying bullet in the leg and fucking cuts his own leg off to try and stop it from working. and on what is maybe a separate occasion he loses an eye, i think to shigaraki. idk if eri rewinds one of both of these injuries??
eri does successfully rewind mirio's quirk back. and at some point midoriya loses his goddamn arms?? but eri fixes that. so often when i asked my friend for updates it would end up being about how many limbs my faves currently had
midnight dies. idk how or why. twice i think also dies. again, no context.
aoyama is revealed as the UA traitor. he was born quirkless and was given his quirk by AFO. it was an overall sympathetic he had v few good choices kind of situation i think
at some point everything kind of collapses. i think this is to do with public reaction to hero stuff?? but the whole city seems kind of wrecked and a bunch of people are sheltering on UA's campus i think...and then midoriya for reasons i do not really understand runs off on his own for an iconic yellow scarf of sadness era of going rogue. and 1-a has to track him down and yell a lot about how they love him and he needs to cut it out. this includes a bakugou apology i believe
i think the midoriya run away coincides with OFA reveal?? he writes them letters i think...then he comes back and there's a lot of discussion about baths
climactic midoriya shigaraki fight...we find out shigaraki used to be quirkless. i think AFO gave him the quirk used to kill his family or something equally fucked up. midoriya...throws all his quirks out? to like? achieve something? so he (temporarily) is quirkless...
bakugou dies but they fix it. i think with...shigaraki...somehow. oh and at some point during all this i think kurogiri does do some helpful for the heroes teleporting?? so they maybe did get through to him in the end?
timejump and SHINSOU IS IN 2-A. this is the only thing that matters actually!! my boy!! he did it!!!!! he took aoyama's spot bc aoyama didn't feel like he could come back even tho he'd pretty much been forgiven. so we just missed canonising the iconic 'shinsou hitoshi is in class 1-a' tag bc it's 2-a and fully did not canonise the 'shinsou hitoshi replaces mineta minoru' tag
skjdhfh i'm sure i'm forgetting a bunch that i do actually know and just can't think of rn so i will maybe reblog this if i remember more
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yourhoeshorses · 1 year
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A ref sheet for Joey and their soul horse Summerqueen
Self insert oc go brrr
Also I really cannot wait for the name change update. I don't mind their name being Joey, it just doesn't fit them imo, but it's the closest alternative I could think of from "Jennifer"
HURRAY!!! You pushed a button, here's Joey's backstory
Joey grew up in a small town north of Jorvik City. They often misbehaved or had outbursts at school due to them not being a particularly fast learner and having a hard time connecting with their peers - being bullied for their strange behaviors and odd obsessions with horses. Even as horses are far more common in Jorvik in other parts of the world, it was all Joey ever really cared to talk about.
Joey was never given much time or care by their parents. They never really helped them with their school work, or gave guidance for dealing with squabbles at school other than to "give it back to them" and to "toughen up." Eventually, Joey ended up being sent to visit the school counselor, or the principal, nearly every school day due to disruptions in class, failing grades, and aggressive behaviors towards other students.
This eventually led to a conference with Joey's parents to discuss their behavior, and after repeated meetings, the school counselor suggested therapy riding for over the summer break.
"It's very grounding for people who do therapy ridding," the school counselor would explain, "it may do Jennifer some good to spend time in an environment with people who will hopefully understand her, and Aideen knows horses are all she talks about."
Eventually, their parents agreed, as Joey's emotions were far too much for them to handle, and they were sent off to Moorland over the summer.
Summerqueen lived in a large weedy pasture on a run-down old farm with her herd. She was born, raised, and lived her whole life in this pasture - only ever leaving when the old farmers' grandkids came around to ride them up and down the road every once in a while.
Now that the farmer was too old to ride, and his grandchildren had moved on, Summerqueen and her herd were more or less abandoned in the field; save for when the farmer would roll out a bale of hay. Their manes and tails had become matted, and their coats were left dusted in dirt.
One day, a man and his young son came driving down the road to the farm. When they stepped out of their truck, the boy was shaking his father by the sleeve, practically jumping and pointing at a sheet of paper and then out to the mare, insisting his father needed to get this horse. They approached the old farmer, inquiring about the bay mare in his field and asking if he'd be willing to lease her out to them. The farmer, skeptical of their offer for a raggedy horse, eventually agreed after their insistence.
Joey had ridden horses before. When they were 8 years old, they attended a day camp where they had learned how to ride. They would go on trail rides a couple of times each summer since then. They were by no means a good at riding, but they knew enough to get by on a horse. Now, at the age of 12, they stood in an enclosed courtyard. The stable owner held a clip board, going over that they were here for therapy ridding to help with their unstable emotions and that they would be responsible for the care of the horse being lended to them.
As he finished going over their responsibilities and rules, his son led the bay mare into the courtyard. He seemed almost as excited and relieved as Joey did when fianlly introduced to Summerqueen. The mare was groomed over well enough to safely equip her with tack.
"Parting through and grooming out those matted locks will be a good bonding experience for the two of you," the stable owner explained. Joey wouldn't mind the work. All they cared about was that their world finally felt like it made sense.
All the interests they were told were annoying and obsessive, the constant daydreaming of being carried by a swift steed, the feeling of never truly belonging - it all washed away as they felt their horses muzzle breathe in the scent of her rider from their out reached hand and finally greeting eachother for the very first time.
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After the first summer was over it felt like their heart was being torn out. They begged and pleaded to be allowed to return next summer, and only found the strength in themself to carry on through the winter when their parents agreed to send them back once the school year was finished. During their second summer there, they became friends with Alex Cloudmill. She didn't have a horse at the camp and didn't even live in the area as she only came down to visit every once in a while, but the two grew close over shared hardships.
By the time the third summer rolled around, Joey decided they were not going to return home. They couldn't bear it to be somewhere they didn't feel they belonged anymore. After arguing with their parents to remain in Moorland year round, they gave in and let them stay, telling them they were off on their own now and decided it was better to have almost no part in what Joey does after failing to rein them in.
Joey would stay in spare rooms at Moorland if they were available, otherwise staying in the hayloft of their barn. The Moorlands never left them uncared for and would remind them they were grateful for the extra help they gave during the winter. And yes, they did still attend school, and thankfully, with less head butting from other students.
As they entered high school, Alex would tell Joey about how she had discovered she was a soul rider, along with some other friends she had made. Alex would tell Joey about the dangerous adventures they had gone through together, the great evils they would defeat, and they magic they had discovered inside themselves. And not long after, the same magic Joey would find in themself too.
After revealing they were connected to all four circles, Elizabeth would take Joey under her wing to teach them more about this magic. While Joey began training and working more towards the goal of the soul riders and druids, they moved in with Elizabeth until they were old enough to go out on their own.
Joey now works as a camp counselor at Moorland during the summer and cares for trail horses as they take time off from their wilderness adventures during the winter. Alongside that, they also provide ridding lessons to new riders, training horses, and racing in championships when they have the time. They definitely have their hands full, but they wouldn't want it any other way.
While both Joey and Summerqueen are connected to all four circles, they do have their own preferences for what circles they work with the most. Joey is most connected to the lightning circle, and during the Catherine's Memories quest line became closer to the moon circle while practicing its magic with Linda. Summerqueen is most connected with the star circle as she helped Joey heal their emotions and build up their confidence when they first arrived at Moorland and later became closer connected to the sun circle.
Aaaaaaand END SCENE
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jazzystudios82 · 3 months
Diabolik Lovers - An Angel's Embrace AU: Sofia's relationships with the Sakamaki Family 🥀
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Image made with a picrew. Will probably change it when I learn to draw digitally for a more accurate depiction of the character.
Note (updated info):
Sofia Sakamaki is the younger sister of Akira, Shu, Reiji, Ayato, Kanato, Laito, and Subaru. She is the daughter of Karlheinz and Angelica, and the youngest of the Sakamakis. This 12 year old vampire adores her family very much, even if they can be a bit weird from time to time. . . .
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WARNING: Diabolik Lovers is a dark series with mature themes and topics. Discretion is advised. . . .
Also, keep in mind that some of the information is for an upcoming story and some of it may change in the near future.
Karlheinz | Tougo Sakamaki ♔
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Karlheinz is Sofia's father. Unlike the rest of his children, he was present for her birth.
As she was his and Angelica's child, Karlheinz put in more effort in being present in her life than he did with his sons.
This all started when after she was born, little Sofia had grabbed his finger with her tiny hand, and smiled at him. This melted his heart a little and she instantly became his favorite child.
Due to her being a girl and being far too young to partake in his "Adam & Eve" plan, Karlheinz allowed Sofia to live a normal life: what's normal for vampires anyway.
Unlike her older brothers (minus Reiji), Sofia likes Karlheinz. She enjoys hearing his stories of his accomplishments. It also helps that he only shows her his good side.
He believes that Sofia is the "perfect combination" of him and Angelica: she has her mother's light pink hair and his golden eyes.
Has framed the drawings Sofia makes for him on Father's Day: she would make him drawings for his birthday, but Karlheinz has been alive for so long that he doesn't see the point in celebrating it anymore. It also doesn't help that he's long forgotten the date.
One time when Sofia was a baby, she had mistaken Karlheinz as her grandfather and Reiji as her father in front of him when he tried to get her to call him "papa". Her brothers and mother still find that amusing.
When at work as "Tougo Sakamaki", Karlheinz typically tells his subordinates about the things his daughter does during the week, as he thinks she's adorable. While his workers do think it's cute, they'd rather focus on work than talk about the boss's daughter.
He has her baby teeth in jar somewhere in his castle. He's weird like that.
Karlheinz, however, is not above lying to Sofia. When she called him, using her mother's phone, about why Yui and the past sacrificial brides before her stayed at their home, he'd tell her he's paying back some favors for some friends of his.
He's tried to teach Sofia how to play chess once, but she was too impatient to learn how to play the game properly.
Karlheinz has told her a "fairytale" like version of how he and her mother met, causing her to believe that they are madly in love with each other.
He already had her enrolled at Nevermore Academy, the best and most prestigious school in the demon realm, when she was old enough to read and write.
When it was time for her "Coming of Age" ceremony, Sofia didn't go through the same horrific nightmare-like "simulation" he made her brothers go through when they were around her age.
Karlheinz has portraits of both Sofia and her mother (often of them together) in his castle: in fact, there's so many that they overtake the ones he has of his previous wives and sons. Though whenever Sofia would try to ask him about this, Karlheinz would redirect her attention to something else.
Freaked out a little when she asked him where babies came from when she was six years old.
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Angelica Amor-Sakamaki 🎶
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Angelica is Sofia's mother. Unlike her older brothers with their moms, Sofia is absolutely close with her.
Kind of like Kanato with Cordelia, Sofia takes some pride with how close she looks to her mother in looks. Though she sometimes wishes that she had her mother's silver eyes instead of her father's golden ones.
Enjoys playing dress up with Angelica, especially if it's with her mother's old clothes from her childhood.
When she was four, Sofia would often ask her mother to sleep in her room whenever she had a nightmare. If her mother was already asleep, Sofia would walk from her room and go to her mother's and curl up and drift off to sleep.
Angelica made her a stuffed bunny toy made of fabric of her old dresses so Sofia would have something to remind her of her mother whenever Karlheinz or her father would send for her. Sofia would go on to name her stuffed bunny "Usagi".
Like her older brothers when they were her age, Sofia would lie down on the peppermint smelling carpet in the main room whenever she misses Angelica.
Sofia also loves her mother's cooking, and often watches her prep meals with Reiji and offers help in whatever way she can. Though she'd often end up as the taste tester, but she didn't mind.
Likes to watch movies with her mother and brothers, though she'd typically end up falling asleep before the credits would roll.
Once for her mother's birthday when she was ten, Sofia helped Reiji with making breakfast for Angelica to eat.
Sofia once asked Angelica if she loved her father, Karlheinz, after he told her how they met, with little sprinkles of lies here and there, but Sofia was never the wiser. Angelica was taken aback by this, but she didn't want to break her daughter's heart, so she'd answer with "I care for him" or a variation of that. Sofia would think that was a bit of an odd response, but she could tell that her mother didn't want to talk about this, so Sofia would ask her something else.
She's aware that her mother was married to a different man and had another child before, but since no one really talks about them in front/around her, Sofia doesn't really know how to feel about them. She likes to imagine that they're good people though, since her mother seemed to care about them a lot.
When Sofia got older, she'd try to become less and less dependent on her mother, since she didn't want to "bother" her anymore with her problems and other things. When Angelica heard about this, the older woman would have a talk with her daughter and tell her that she'll always be there for her if she needed her, even if she was a "big girl".
Sofia was shocked to learn that her mother was once a student at Nevermore like she is right now. She feels like it makes her closer to her mother when she ends up in the same house she did and meets the teachers Angelica had (who are still apart of the faculty) speak her praises.
Angelica noticed that Sofia would have difficulty with learning certain subjects in school. So when she hired tutors to help her, Angelica was shocked to learn that Sofia didn't like any of them, as they were a bit frustrated with her and a bit harsh, Angelica didn't like any of that. After firing the tutors, Sofia's mother would hire tutors that were more patient and understanding with her daughter.
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Shu Sakamaki 💛
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Despite being called a "good for nothing" and a "deadbeat" by a certain someone (Reiji), Shu was pretty responsible with Sofia.
He was usually the one to hold and rock her to sleep as a baby when Angelica is tired.
Shu once played the violin for her when she was one in order to get her to sleep. When the worked, Shu even tucked her into bed and gave her a kiss on the forehead.
When Sofia got older, Shu would try to teach her how to play classical music so they'd have more interests. When he noticed that she was having some difficulty in learning how to play properly, Shu would be patient and take his time with helping her.
One time, he caught Sofia dancing to one of Kou Mukami's songs in her room. When she realized Shu was watching, Sofia immediately got embarrassed. He still teases her about it, though never in front of the others.
When Sofia got scared of a clown in the park, Shu decided to take her to get an ice cream and see a movie to help calm her down. Shu understands her fears as he's also scared of clowns (the scary ones).
Shu often has Sofia take naps with him when he senses that she's anxious about something or tired.
Basically a secondary father figure to Sofia.
Sofia of reminds him of Edgar and Akira: Edgar with her smile caring nature and Akira with her thoughtfulness and looks. This makes Shu especially protective of her.
One time, Sofia found a playlist of Shu's that contained "certain sounds" on it. When she was about to press the play button, Shu quickly snatched it out of her hands and told her not to touch his stuff without permission (not in an angry way, more of like an embarrassed way). When Sofia tried to ask why, Shu told her that it just didn't contain any music that she would like.
Sofia is aware of Shu's old friend Edgar. But like with her mother and her first husband and son, Sofia never really asks Shu about Edgar, since she doesn't want him to feel sad.
When Shu went to the North Pole for having to repeat a year of high school, Sofia would try to write letters to him everyday.
Unlike his mother Beatrix, Shu made sure that he showed Sofia the proper amount of affection and gave her space when she needed it.
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Reiji Sakamaki 💙
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Reiji was absolutely involved with Sofia's upbringing in any way he could be.
The man was even responsible for coming up with a "perfect" plan for what Sofia's first words would be. Yes, he was that dedicated.
Practically a secondary father figure to the girl, even though their brothers would joke that he gave more "mom energy" than anything.
Reiji would usually help Angelica with planning playdates for Sofia and what school she would go to in the human realm, since this happened around the time the Sakamakis moved to Japan from Eden.
Whenever Angelica was tired from looking after Sofia, Reiji would have her relax and reassure her that he'd look after his baby sister. He'd typically put her in a baby carrier and do work around the mansion that requires his assistance.
Reiji was the one to introduce Sofia to tea when she got old enough. Though unlike her older brother, Sofia likes her tea iced. She likes hers with fresh fruit. Though Reiji wishes that Sofia would drink tea the old-fashioned way, he still appreciates that he has at least one sibling to drink tea with.
He, alongside Angelica, taught Sofia to put her things away when she's done using them.
Reiji makes sure to keep his potions science equipment away from Sofia so she doesn't hurt herself or break them on accident.
Because of his complicated relationship with his mother Beatrix, Reiji made sure to never neglect Sofia, and whenever she does something that is considered in achievement in Nevermore Academy, such as getting the highest grade in her class, Reiji makes sure to make her feel proud of herself.
He has taught her proper table manners.
Reiji has also noticed that Sofia seems to learn at a different pace than most kids her age, so he makes sure to teach subjects her at her own pace whenever her tutors were too busy.
Reiji has his brothers watch their mouths around Sofia. He doesn't want her to pick up bad words and their habits.
He has taught Sofia some German because she asked: she thought it would be fun.
The bespectacled young man helped with baking Sofia's 12th birthday cake: it was in the shape of a rabbit.
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Ayato Sakamaki ❤️
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Ayato didn't really know what to do when Sofia was born and revealed to be a girl.
The redhead literally looked up advice for "what to do with a girl baby" on Yahoo! answers (depends on what year this takes place).
When he heard about how big brothers are supposed to "protect their baby sisters from the big bad wolfs in the world", Ayato immediately went into "overprotective big brother mode". He even refused to allow a six month old Sofia to have playdates with babies that were male: Laito and Kanato never let him live it down.
His overprotective nature calmed down over the years, since Ayato became one of those "fun big brothers".
Ayato has taught her how to play basketball because she'd watch him play at their house. She was very tired afterwards, but she had fun.
When Ayato learned from Laito that Sofia had a crush, he immediately went to Sofia to find out who it was (overprotective an all), the redhead was extremely shocked to learn that Sofia's crush wasn't someone who was real: it was some character from one of her favorite animated movies. After that, Sofia never told him about her other crush, the very real Kou Mukami.
He enjoys drawing with her. Ayato even has one of her drawings she made him framed in his room.
Ayato tried getting Sofia to like takoyaki. She thinks it's good, but she's not as big of a fan of it as he is.
He brags about having a cute little sister at school.
While Ayato is known to be a big prankster, he doesn't do anything "extreme" with Sofia: one time he wore a clown mask and snuck up on her while she was watching a movie. When he scared her, Sofia cried and ran to her room, hiding in the closet until her mother returned home from an acting gig. After getting thoroughly chewed out by his brothers and feeling extremely guilty, Ayato helped Sofia calm down and apologized to her. He promised that he wouldn't do something like this again and got her an ice cream to make up for it.
Ayato doesn't really understand why Sofia doesn't like drinking blood from humans. He claims that it's natural for a vampire to drink human blood, and when he asked her, Sofia simply says that she just doesn't want to.
While he thinks that Sofia is a bit too kind hearted, Ayato wouldn't change a thing about her.
Affectionately calls her "pipsqueak".
When Sofia wanted to learn how to swim, Ayato made sure that she learned the proper way, not the way his mother Cordelia made him.
Sofia thinks it's odd that Ayato sleeps in an Iron Maiden (without the spikes of course), though this is mainly because she doesn't like small and dark places.
Ayato does his best to not let Sofia anywhere near Cordelia's room. One time she asked why it was locked up, and Ayato simply told her that it was just to keep away a monster. Sofia, naturally, got scared, but Ayato comforted her and said that as long as he was here, no monster would hurt her.
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Kanato Sakamaki 💜
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Originally, Kanato didn't really care that his father Karlheinz and stepmother Angelica were having a baby. Would he still try to make the kid favor him over the others? Yes, of course. But like the others, he assumed that the baby would be a boy due to their father's track record, and Kanato didn't care for having another brother.
But when it was revealed that his new sibling was a girl? His feelings changed in the blink of an eye.
A girl? Finally! Kanato has someone (other than Teddy and Angelica) to partake in his tea parties and dress up games! And when he saw Sofia's tiny form for the first time and she grabbed his finger with her tiny fist? Kanato immediately became attached and vowed to annihilate anyone or anything that tried to harm her or take her away from him and Teddy.
He dressed Sofia up in the cutest clothes and made her the most adorable stuffed animals when she was a toddler.
Kanato attempted to have her first word be his name. It didn't work, but he got over it.
He likes to brush and style her hair: in fact, Kanato styled her hair to look like curly princess hair for her first day at Nevermore.
Sofia is the only one of his siblings that he shares his sweets with.
Like Ayato, Kanato is very protective of Sofia when it comes to boys, though with someone like Kanato, it's a lot more concerning. He did turn Cordelia's lovers and Angelica's unwanted suitors into "dolls" after all.
Also like Ayato, Kanato became very shocked to learn that Sofia developed her first crush. While he was planning to turn whoever her crush was into a "doll", Kanato learned from Ayato that Sofia's crush was a fictional character. He then relaxed and talked to Teddy about how he was going to need a nap after this.
Other than Angelica, Sofia is the only person Kanato allows to talk and hold Teddy.
When Kanato learned of Sofia's old tutors being harsh and impatient with her, Kanato became enraged and killed them. He didn't think that they were worthy of becoming part of his "doll collection", so he burned their bodies and got rid of their ashes.
If Kanato had friends at his school, he'd most likely talk about Sofia. But he still does this with Teddy.
Doesn't like sharing the time he spends with Sofia with. . . .anyone really. Unless they're Angelica.
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Laito Sakamaki 💚
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When Laito learned that he was getting a new sibling, he was happy for his stepmother Angelica, truly, he was, but he had his concerns since it obviously involved Karlheinz. What would his menace of a father do with the baby when they arrived?
He didn't really care if the kid was a boy or a girl.
When Laito learned that his new sibling was a girl, he was rather surprised, but not in a bad way. He was actually a little excited to have a sister in the house after having so many brothers.
Like Kanato, Laito dresses up Sofia in a lot of cute and fashionable dresses.
Laito doesn't want Sofia's innocence to be ruined like his was when Cordelia abused him, so he vowed to protect her from anyone who could harm her in a similar way.
Whenever they have little dress up games, Laito always has her wear little hats that match his.
He usually keeps his door to his bedroom locked so Sofia doesn't find his stash of "dirty" magazines and movies.
Whenever Laito has a girl over, he makes sure Sofia is either asleep in her room or she's with one of their brothers. He doesn't want her to meet whichever girl he's with and assume she's his girlfriend.
When Sofia was a baby, Laito would play a calming tune on the piano whenever she was fussy.
Laito takes her to a local bakery so they can share macarons.
He is helping Sofia with learning how to play the piano.
When Laito learned that Sofia had a crush on a fictional character, he thought it'd be funny to have Ayato think that she had a crush on someone from her school. When Ayato learned the truth, Laito laughed in his face.
He likes that they both have beauty marks on the right side of their chins.
Laito gifted her a bunny shaped pillow once.
Out of all the brothers, Laito has the least amount of trouble with not swearing in front of Sofia.
Like Ayato, Laito also brags about having a cute little sister to his classmates at school.
Sofia is aware of Laito's flirtatious nature when he interacts with girls, but she thinks nothing of it.
Despite being the older brother, Laito comes to Sofia whenever he sees a spider in his room so she can take care of it for him.
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Subaru Sakamaki 🤍
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Due to his close relationship with Angelica, Subaru is naturally the closet with his little sister Sofia.
He typically tries to keep Sofia as innocent for as long as possible: Subaru does NOT want her to have her mind ruined the way his and their brothers' were when they were young.
Sofia likes to help Subaru with his rose garden when she's free from homework and chores. She thinks the white roses he plants are so pretty and fragrant. Whenever she tries to ask him why he specifically plants white roses, Subaru gets quiet and seemingly sad, and would finish with the garden early. This makes Sofia worried that she said something wrong, and would try to do something to apologize to him.
She'd usually make drawings and cards that said "I'm sorry" and leave them by his bedroom door when this happens. Subaru would of course find them a couple minutes later and would put them in a box in his closet for safekeeping.
But Sofia thought to do something different, so she thought about making him something tasty to eat so he'd feel better. Even though Sofia knows that Subaru doesn't normally eat human food, she is also aware of the fact that he does enjoy their mother's cooking. So she would go to the kitchen and attempted to make him a specific soup her mother made that she remembered him liking.
But due to her being six at the time and not having adult supervision, Sofia ended up breaking a porcelain bowl and burning her arm. Subaru happened to be nearby when he heard the breaking of the bowl and Sofia's yelp of pain, so when he saw what she was doing, he immediately turned the stove off and yelled at her for not being careful.
This made Sofia cry and say "I'm sorry" over and over again, and how she just wanted to make him feel better. Subaru was naturally shocked by this, and after calming her down and getting some medicine to help with the burns, he told Sofia that he wasn't mad at her and was just thinking of something else. When Sofia tried to ask what it was about, he told her not to worry about it, and to focus on resting since she was tired from the crying and because of what happened in the kitchen.
Subaru would clean up her mess and would try to finish the soup that Sofia tried to make while she slept. When she woke up, Subaru would have her eat some of it with him while they watched one of Sofia's favorite movies.
He has most certainly taught Sofia some self-defense techniques.
One time when Subaru took Sofia to the park, she found a lost puppy and asked him if they could take it home as a pet. Subaru wasn't sure if it was a good idea, but after he contacted Angelica who told him on what to do, he said they'll only take care of the puppy until the owner came to take the dog back. No one came to claim the dog, as it turned out it was a hellhound and it imprinted on Sofia. The dog, Howl, became her little fluffy bodyguard.
Subaru gets embarrassed when Sofia compares him to a Disney princess whenever small animals from the forest near their home come to him. He knows she means it as a compliment, but still. . . .
Whenever Subaru gets worked up and punches a wall in the mansion, Sofia worries about his fist getting hurt.
Sofia does think that it's a bit weird that Subaru sleeps in a coffin instead of a bed, but she ultimately doesn't say anything since Subaru seems fine with it.
He keeps one of her baby photos in his room.
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Kino Sakamaki 🐦‍⬛
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Kino is Sofia's older half brother through Karlheinz, though not in the way one would think: Kino was in actuality a creation of Karlheinz's that he abandoned in the town of Rotigenberg. When the dark haired young man tried to take over the Sakamaki family, but failed, Sofia vouched for him and pleaded with her mother and brothers to at least give him a chance to redeem himself. This is basically the scene between Charlie and Sir Pentious from Hazbin Hotel episode 2 "Radio Killed the Video Star".
Kino did his very best to hate Sofia when he first met her due to her being half vampire. This lasted for barely two minutes as her kindness ultimately won him over.
While he liked Sofia, Kino was still jealous that the young vampire had a family that loved and cared for her, while he had nothing growing up. Though he'd try to keep in mind that she'd just a child that didn't have anything to do with his past, and was always nice to him. She's the reason why their brothers are even tolerating him.
After a few weeks, Kino became close with Sofia since she helped him get acclimated with his new home. She even helped Kino with decorating his room.
Like Ayato and Kanato, Kino tries to make himself Sofia's favorite brother.
Kino is a little scared of Sofia's hellhound Howl, since the dog growls at him and has tried to bite him if he gets too close to him and Sofia.
Kino likes having movie nights with Sofia.
One time, Kino tried watching a scary movie with Sofia thinking she could handle it. She couldn't and was too scared to sleep by herself, so she'd sneak into Kino's room and sleep in his bed for comfort. He'd be thoroughly chewed out by the others when they found out about it later.
He likes playing video games with her during their spare time.
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Richter Sakamaki 🗡️
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Richter's relationship with Sofia is practically nonexistent. This is due to his constant travels around the world and because he doesn't really care for her, as she's the child of the brother he hates and the woman he obsesses over to this day.
Due to the older vampire still having feelings for Sofia's mother, Richter believes that Sofia shouldn't be here, and that Angelica should have been married to him and give birth to his baby.
Sofia doesn't know how to feel about her uncle, while her mother and brothers clearly don't like him for their own reasons, Sofia at least tries to be nice to him whenever he visits the mansion, though her shyness tends to get in the way.
One time when Richter visited just before Yui's arrival, she tried to offer him a drink of water, and he refused, saying that he was fine. Her brother Laito reassured Sofia that he was probably just tired from his travels and not to worry about it.
When Sofia tries to ask her mother or father what Richter is like, both of them tell her different things:
"Your uncle? Oh, you mean Richter. Stay away from him, dear. Your uncle is a bit of an odd one." -Karlheinz.
"Your uncle? Oh, you mean the one with cloven hooves and the little rat claws." - Angelica.
When Sofia learns about Richter's plans to become the next head of the family and with her mother, Sofia's own hatred for him began to grow.
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Cordelia, Beatrix, and Christa 💔
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For Cordelia, Sofia wasn't really her biggest fan (to put it kindly). Due to her young age, Sofia wasn't aware of everything that Cordelia did to the triplets, but she knew just enough to know that their mother was a terrible woman. This had started when Sofia, at six years old, wandered around the mansion and came across a locked up room she had never seen before: her brothers and mother would keep her away from that specific area of the house. When she asked about the locked door, the triplets and Angelica knew that she was too young to know all the details, so they told her a simplified version of what she was like. So when Cordelia was resurrected in Yui's body because she possessed her heart, Sofia became worried for her friend and helped Reiji with making a potion to expel Cordelia's soul from Yui's body. Sofia is also unaware that Cordelia tried to poison her and her mother when she was still in the womb, since everyone agreed that would have been too much for her to handle.
For Beatrix, Sofia, while she didn't hate her like she does with Cordelia, disliked that Beatrix seemed to have been too strict with Shu and neglectful of Reiji from what she heard about her. She does wish that Beatrix had lived long enough to make up with her sons and have a better relationship with them.
For Christa, Sofia doesn't really know much about them since Subaru and Angelica don't talk about them much. For a while, Sofia thought that Christa was dead, and that's the reason why her mother and brother don't talk about her. However, one day when she and her mother were visiting her father in his castle, Sofia heard the sound of a woman crying. Concerned, Sofia had followed where the sound was coming from, which led to a metal door that was unlocked and a spiral staircase. Sofia walked up the staircase and when she reached the top, found a sobbing woman with white hair and a white dress, Christa, in a cell. When Sofia tried to ask her what was wrong and if she needed help, Christa mistook her for Angelica due to her near identical resemblance to her old friend. When she asked Sofia how things with Subaru were doing and if she left that "terrible man" yet, Sofia had no idea how to answer her, except with that Subaru was doing fairly well. When Sofia tried to ask her for her name and who the "terrible man" was, one of Christa's episodes began to take place, and worried for "Angelica's" safety, told her to go before she gets hurt. Even though she didn't want to leave her alone, Sofia did as she was told and ran down the staircase, making sure to close the door behind her. When Sofia's mother and father found her and asked what was wrong since she seemed shaken up, Sofia didn't say anything about her meeting Christa. She simply told them that she thought she saw a sad ghost woman and got frightened. While her parents knew that she wasn't being honest, they didn't push her for answers since she seemed like she didn't want to talk about it.
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Anselm | Akira Amor-Sakamaki 🩸
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Akira is the older brother that Sofia never got the chance to meet. He was killed by a vampire hunter long before she was born.
Because of how close her brothers were with Akira, Sofia tends to ask them what he was like when he was alive.
She feels a little jealous that her brothers got to know him and she didn't.
Whenever she sees his portrait, Sofia feels a bit of sadness. Though she wonders how this can be if she never met the man to begin with.
However, during her stay/imprisonment at the Tsukinami castle, Sofia had made friends with a familiar/follower of Carla and Shin, an amnesiac young man, who wore a cloak and mask, that went by the name of "Anselm".
Anselm knew that Sofia was the Tsukinami brothers' prisoner, and that all she wanted was to go home and be with her family again. But he wasn't allowed to disobey their orders, so Anselm tried to at least make Sofia's stay as comfortable as possible until Carla and Shin changed their minds and let her go.
Anselm was the one to make Sofia's meals and get her to reveal information about Karlheinz that the Tsukinamis could use against him.
Sofia liked Anselm, as he was the only one that wasn't scary to her originally.
He'd read to her every day in an attempt to comfort her so she could sleep.
When Sofia asked him, knowing of his condition, if he any potential memories of the people who cared about him, Anselm told her that all he could remember was the moment of his original death: where he protected a woman he assumed to be his mother from an attack by some kind of demon hunter. The attack left him with a scar on his face, and his resurrection had somehow erased his the important memories of his past. Sofia could tell that this upset him, so she gave him some space afterwards.
The two became close to the point where they came off as an older brother and a younger sister.
When Akira had finally regained his memories, he tearfully reunited with his mother and brothers, and had properly introduced himself to Sofia, who was overwhelmed with so much emotion that she ended up crying.
He does think it's a little funny that Sofia gets jealous that he has their mother's eyes and she doesn't.
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This took a lot of work. Which part of this was your favorite? And in case any of you were wondering, Akira's picture was made with this picrew that I found.
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dykeyote · 10 months
ok my dndads queer hc post randomly gets notes but i disagree w many of the takes now so im updating it . spoiler warning theres a WHOLE lot of lezzies . just doing the dads kiddads and teens HOWEVER i will say that mark likely is for sure a lezzer
darryl: bisexual and probably the most cisgender one here but he's actually SO cis that it becomes almost gnc . he/him
ron: transhet guy but he thinks his transition is like very unique to him and everyone else is doing it the exact same as each other so he doesnt really get that hes Transgender bc he thinks everyone else is doing it in a really different way than him all together . not in an angsty way hes perfectly okay w that . he/him
henry: trans bi guy we know this to be true . he/him but if you called him they/them prns he would be like well yknow ive never thought about that before but you know what go right ahead (: he doesnt exactly enjoy it but he appreciates just how gosh-darn nonbinary positive you are that he'd still encourage it
glenn: bisexual and like .... hes cis he doesnt really care abt gender much but when nick came out as trans he definitely said something about like . "dude if i was trans? id totally use they/them pronouns thats sick as fuck" and then moved on and this sort of haunted nick for a while . he/him but again he doesnt really care
jodie: cis and bisexual but in such a boring way that he might as well be straight
sparrow: tgirl lesbian who was out at one point but is not now for Normalcy Reasons . she/her in theory
lark: transneu nonbinary and aroace . not out about either of these things but not really as a like Actively Closeted thing they just dont really think abt it . they/he in theory
terry jr: tgirl lesbian also but this time out AND butch . she/he
grant: gay of course . and like .... he is cis and this wont change but he'd be a good deal happier if he was more gnc i think
nick: tguy butch lesbian . he mostly but he doesnt really care that much
link: kinda-stealth tboy (not really intentionally or anything he just doesnt really see it as relevant that often so most people dk) and gay . he/him but he doesnt really care that much
taylor: honestly idk what i think is going on w his gender but i DO know hes aro and bi . give me some time to think on that ok
scary: out nonbinary tfem lesbian!!!!! we know this!!!!!! she/it and when she writes her pronouns down she always writes the it in VERY BIG AGGRESSIVE HANDWRITING to make it clear that its SUBVERSIVE AND WEIRD
normal: bisexual tgirl . currently in a like . Questioning Phase in s2 i feel like ..... her turmoil abt being a Normal Son is tied to that . any pronouns but she primarily
hermie: bigender (girl + boy) gaybian :3 was an open bisexual tguy originally but around the poison ivy era had some Gender Complexity . he/she but certain Method Personas have diff pronoun leans whereas normal herm is pretty 50/50
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yaminobean · 5 months
CPC X Hazbin Hotel: My Dad, the Devil.
A universe where Leland decides to go for shittest dad of the year and sacrifice his youngest son, Frederick to the devil for power to show up Jack of the Pastel Kingdom. Lucifer immediately senses the daddy issues in Frederick and adopts them. I haven't written this in but Lucifer does grant Leland his wish but he doesn't get to live to enjoy it. Leland dies in the enchanted forest, having slipped and plunged off the cliff around the Pastel Kingdom. His power immediately goes to his wife. I like to think that when he died and arrived in Hell, Lucifer sent him to the deepest pits to be tortured for eternity. The main change that happens with Lucifer is that he makes an effort in dealing with his depression when he takes in Edie. He's let his depression separate him from his family before and he refuses to let it happen again.
Eden "Edie" Morningstar facts
- When Edie first came to Hell, she was a little hesitant around Lucifer and mainly refered to him as Mr. Morningstar or Mr. Scratch.
- It took Edie 6 months before she called Lucifer Dad regularly. She did once when she caught the flu and had a fever. She began to see Lucifer as her parent when the fallen angel stayed with her while she was sick. Edie hated being sick because when she was Frederick, her father rarely visited her and forbade anyone from doing so. When he did, he'd always complain about how often she got sick and how inconvenient it was. Leland also expressed disgust at touching her body and often abstain from touching her when she was sick. So when Lucifer put on light puppet shows to cheer her up and held her as they waited for the medicine to take away her headache, the word just slips out. Luci, of course, almost cries and waited with bated breath for it to happen again.
- Edie's style is heavenly inspired by a more colorful version of Charlie's emo phase.
- Asmodeus helped Edie discover her gender identity when she turned 13. When she came out to Lucifer, the king was more shocked by her name choice than her gender reveal. Memories of the garden still brings in complicated feelings but he's still supported her choice.
- Bee tries to convince Lucifer to enroll Edie in one of hell's academies, more so to give the young ward a chance to make friends. But Lucifer opted for homeschooling instead.
- Edie still likes to read and still likes a good fairytale to curl up with at night. Though when she got older, her interest branched out to true crime and some forensic studies. Her serial killer knowledge often concerns her Dad.
- She calls Beelzebub, Titi Bee and Asmodeus Uncle Ozzy. The only sins she doesn't get along with is Mammon and Paimon. Paimon makes caustic comments and Mammon is a crass and vulgar creep that tries to hug her way too long for comfort and loudly declares himself her uncle. He mainly uses that to extend some form of power over her.
- Satan has never spoken to her and she's honestly terrified of him.
- Edie's health issues actually got better while staying in Hell. When Lucifer learned about her asthma and immune issues, he and the family physician worked to help Edie manage these conditions with potions and magic asthma spray. This actually gives her a sense of control and she does feel less at the mercy of her body. She also has some potions that help her transition.
- Edie is the reason Adam doesn't personally show up to meetings in Hell. This event is know as The Fudge Butt incident.
That's all I got so far. I'll update later with some other aspects that I may or may not write as a fic.
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marine-indie-gal · 2 months
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So I've recently found out that there was once a Website for the Video Game Adaptation behind Space Goofs, "Stupid Invaders" where each of the Characters had their own Bios that stated some backstory lore for each of them (including the Antagonists).
Sadly however, from what I've received, the Website itself got shut down ever since Flash had stopped working. However, the Website links as well as their own Video Game Bios still remained on the Franchise's Wiki.
But while diving into some browsing to find some Info, what I found to Me of what was surprisingly interesting towards some Tiny Info on Bolok's Origin Life (which only held about Small Details but there wasn't any much to say on how he became a Hitman) according to the Video Game was that he was somewhat found in a Trash Can and that his own Parents did had some compliments about their Son.
As it's been stated before, Bolok's Father is a Professional Bounty Hunter like his Son, but when we truly never get to hear any mentions towards his Mother (almost as if his Father was more important to his Life than the Mom. Other than calling your own Son as a Future Killer a Little "Terror").
Because since I kept looking at @gingacd's Art of Bolok many times, the Art has somewhat to inspire Me more to draw Lucien as I've recently developed some Headcanon Lore behind his Life (including his own Parents and Caretaker who I've interpreted).
Shoutouts to @gingaswag/@gingacd who've inspired Me.
A Few Notes:
- While drawing some personal interpretations of what Lucien's Parents might've looked like, I'd imagine his Father looking a bit more "Square-Shaped" compare to how if Lucien's meant to be more "Pentagon" and his Mother being a bit more "Cone-Shaped" (mostly the Chin part).
- I made Lucien's Parents have Different Eyes on their own based on their Son's Eyes (so The Father is the one who his Son "borrowed" the Jaundice part while also giving the Mother some Red Eyes with Pupils) which are both Akins to Bolok's redesign in the Game (who he had Hazel Eyes with Pupils but no Jaundice (which is strange because I actually prefer the idea of Bolok having Jaundice while also serving some Red Eyes)).
- Speaking of which, while trying to imagine his own Family, I'd already gave each of them names, so Lucien's Father's name is "Emanuel" while his Mother's name is "Odile" (in both of my Headcanons).
Anyway, here's my own Fan-Origins for Lucien Bolok.
Bolok grew up living his Life at a Complex Apartment within a City. His Mother was a Huge Workaholic who worked as a Cleaning Lady while his Father was a Professional Hitman as he would always come home late (even if the Wife wasn't around for their own Son or Not as whenever when Odile went out to work as a Cleaning Maid for her clients, she too would sometimes come home late and to leave her own Son behind to wait). Despite being a Busy Family, they tried not to be very neglectful of their Son (whom they love) but Lucien already knew as to how much their own Jobs were very important to them since they needed to grow more Money in Order to Survive Life, he'd be the One Housekeeper to settle all of his Chores just like his Mother alone in his Apartment.
In his School Days, he was treated equally but he was more of an Outcast than any of the Other Students (especially his Classmates) since at Recess, he would often be alone doing his own things unless if some Kid were to ask if they could hang out together. Despite being a bit Harmless around Other Kids at his own Age, they would often make Fun of his Bald spot which Lucien tends to hide as his Mother gave him a Sockhead to cover up his Bald Head (since he was born completely with No Hair just like his Father, which kinda embarrasses him when he was a Student). Despite the fact that Lucien did had Neutral Grades as a Child (with a Few Good Grades and Others Not So Much), he would often stay home to re-work on his Homework which disappoints in his Parents considering that their Son gets No Break, even Emanuel told his Son off to never waste his own time with Too Much Work since both Emanuel and Odile wanted their Child to go out and play with Other Kids to make Friends with. But because that Lucien was so Different from so many other Kids, he often wondered though on how he should live his own Life.
On his Roof Days up on His and His Neighbors' Apartments whenever he went upstairs, when he's not busy working like his Parents, Lucien would often go up to see the World as he would often feed some Birds who would come in at the Rooftops for he was more of a Bird kind of Person (he would even feed Birds some of their Garbage Food or even Birdseeds), but most of all, he would always play as The Adventurer in his Imagination during his Childhood through a Play of Pretend (to in which, Odile compliments him, calling his Son a "Terror" but Emanuel suggests that "He'll Maybe Grow-Up To Be An Army Man"). Though the Workers of the Apartment whenever they come up on the Roof would always have mixed feelings of Lucien being alone outside (some wouldn't mind due to his Chilled Nature while Others would find it a bit "Too-Weird" for whenever his Parents weren't around despite still taking care of their own Son).
Needless to say, all things were considered to be "Normal" in Lucien's life.
Until One Day, After getting a Quick Detention in School (after when Lucien fought with some Other Student who was a School Bully), Lucien came home late but only to find out that in his Apartment stairs was some Strange Man who was Extremely Scared (while still looking like a Complete Mess) as he was begging for some shelter after a Huge Frightful Chase with some Hitman that he was Targeted to. All of the Other Neighbors from the Other Apartments refused to help the Poor Man. The Last One left on the Block had to be Lucien considering that the Poor Man asked the Child if it would be Ok to have some shelter at his own Apartment after being rejected multiple times since he wanted to find some Shelter to hide away from his Secret Killer. Despite the fact that Lucien was told Not to Talk to Strangers, he couldn't help but feel so sorry for the Poor Guy as he had take him. Only this time, he hide his Unwanted Visitor in his Room because he knew where if his Parents were to find out on why a Stranger is at their own Apartment, he might end up getting Grounded.
Lucien fed the Poor Stranger while giving him extra Shelter when his Parents weren't around (even his own Father kept searching for his Missing Target that was still out there) as Lucien would tend to hang out with a Fellow Friend that he didn't felt that he didn't feel alone with a Special House Guest. However, it wasn't until that very long when their Secret had to kept being hidden when Odile found out that her own Son had hid a Stranger behind his Closest which freaked her out which caused Lucien to run back to his Apartment from the Rooftop, shocked that their Own Guest was found all along. Lucien tried to explain to his own Mother that the Man who he found was completely lost and had nowhere else to go since he had been running from his Killer that wants to shot him. Feeling sympathy for the Poor Victim, Odile now accept their own Guest to live within their own Apartment as long as they could have a talk with Emanuel to find out on who the Killer is just so that Lucien's Father can shot him to set the Innocent Man free.
But as soon when things turned out to be very unexpected of what should've had been, when the Father had to came home during the night after failing to try to find his Target, the Family had to eat some Dinner at the Table after what a long day had been for them. When Lucien had to ask his Parents if he were to eat in his own Room (in order to save up some Food for their Secret Roommate) but Emanuel constantly said "No" to his Son as he ordered him to finish up his own Meal at the Table but Odile defends this as she lets Lucien go with his own Food as he carried to his own Room. Emanuel felt disgusted as to why he let his own Wife get away with their Son eating in his Room (as part of their own secret that she was about to reveal for Later) but Odile didn't felt like wanting to have an argument with her own Husband considering she never really did want to have none of that for she promised Emanuel to tell him the Truth.
When Lucien had fed their own Roommate to his own Food that he never really did bother to finish that he did had to share it for the sake of it, he heard an Argument coming from both of his Parents when Emanuel bragged to Odile of why she never bothered to let her Son take her own Sockhead off to have his own Bald Head be exposed fine just like his own Bald Head but Odile thought that the idea of their Son having it would be only for the best until he gets older since she didn't want their own Child to be Mocked of by Other Kids. When Lucien had to come in to see his own Parents fighting, he saw that his Father was constantly yelling while blaming his own Mother for not letting their own Son to who he wanted to be through his Whole Life as he even blames Odile for "spoiling" him too much. Seeing his Poor Mother being Victim Blamed with Tears out of her Eyes, Lucien had to step down and stand up to his Father for yelling at Him as he broke out the truth that he only had to fed an Unwanted Guest in their own Apartment. Triggered by this kind of Question, Emanuel asked of what kind of "Guest" that they had the Entire Time while they left their Son alone since Lucien was supposed to not let any Strangers come to his life.
But as a Sudden Noise grew coming from Lucien's Room, Emanuel quickly rushed off to where he had hid his own Stranger where the Son and Mother duo were trying to hide, only to reveal that it was actually his Target that he had been chasing out for Days that their Unwanted Visitor had recognized Him. Revealing to be None Other than his Target who his Client hired to Kill, Pierre Beaufort, it would've have seemed as if though that their Unwanted Guest (Pierre) was stumbling upon his Killer's Home, so depth through awareness that he had been befriending his Killer's Son all this time. The Victim felt deeply frightened to face up his own Serial Killer in Person but as Odile had to stop her own Husband from doing so when Emanuel was trying to shot him through a One Shot, Lucien quickly had to grab Pierre by the Hand to help him escape from his Father's clutches as he instantly pushed him out on the Window where Pierre had to run all the way through the Staircase to get out of this Mess. But unfortunately, Emanuel pushed his Wife away as he went out to chase Pierre (leaving his Family from behind). Fortunately however, things didn't go as lucky as plan for Pierre for when he was in a Dead End with no where else to turn to, he was instantly shot through his Head, leaving Emanuel's Client's Unfinished Business now completed.
Shortly after the Death of his Long-Lost Target had to be sealed, Emanuel and Odile had a big huge fight while Lucien was trying to get some sleep but couldn't bare the nonsense of his Parents fighting but it was the very first time when they fought, especially seeing on how that through a Child's Eyes, they never did witnessed seeing a Huge Fight from their Parents for their Child had watch their Fight from behind through a Brief Peek of his Door for it was the very first time when Emanuel and Odile had started a huge fight over their Unwanted Visitor since Emanuel had to shot him ever since his Client was actually the One who hired Him to shot that Guy but Odile always never bare to understand the idea of Shooting Someone as a "Target", especially when it means for Someone who wishes Someone Else in their own Life to be "Dead". Emanuel states that being a Hitman is only a Job that he can witness to capture a Few Criminals for a living. This Argument ended up in a Huge Fight when Odile's disagreement with her Husband turned into a Physical Beating as Emanuel abused his Wife throughout the Night which ended up traumatizing Poor Lucien as he couldn't peek anymore for he had to turned away, quickly rushed into his Bed. But as the more the noises grew so shrilled upon his nerves, the more he curled up in his Bed to start to cry, feeling his Mother's Pain in a Beating Heart when witnessing the Cries of an Abused Mother for a Hitman's Wife.
After that Horrible Night, Emanuel's Job still kept on going as more Clients of his kept calling Him for the More he had to kept a lookout for his Targets that his Clients hired him to shot at. Lucien didn't say a Word in front of his Father, not even one single ask, but it kept more calm with his Father considering Emanuel never really did lay one single finger to his Son since all of his life, he'd always make Good Advices to Lucien, especially on how that "Patience is a Liability". Odile felt sickly worried if she would ever dare to hurt their own Son just like how he did to his Wife as Odile asked Lucien if his Father ever tried to hurt Him to in which he didn't, but this deeply worried Odile even more, seeing on how that she had ended up becoming a Victim of her own Husband, she was scared on what he might've done to their own Child. In order to prevent a cursed predicament, Odile ended up divorcing Emanuel for she wanted to work a Different Place on her own as she took their own Son away from their Old Apartment (leaving Emanuel from behind) as Odile thought it would be best to start a New Life for her own Son's life to continue to live Happily for the better as Odile and Lucien moved to a Different Apartment away from Emanuel.
During around when the Parents had to Split when Lucien was 11, Odile took her Son to a Nearby Small Beach Village where they had to move there but to also start a New Job as a Washing Maid as she never really did left her Son Home Alone once again whereas Lucien bonded the Sea's Seashells as well as finding some Mysterious Aquatic Creatures (especially Fish). Whenever Odile would dare not to leave her Son Home Alone like last time, she would now take her Son with Her through Market Places whenever they had to go out to buy Food for their own New House that was far from their Village but still near by the Beach.
On Lucien's 12th Birthday, he received a Gift from his Mother which turned out to be a Rake in case if Fall were to come, he would have to rake the leaves out. Lucien didn't seem to mind but he loved his Mother no matter what since it was only the Two that had to take care of their New House. However, as time soon went on after his Twelfth Birthday, Odile started to become very Sick with Cancer for she deeply feared that she's gonna die if she doesn't take care of her own Son for too long, this caused Lucien to help his Mother survive in order to get better with Medicines that he would buy at the Market Place alone for he had tried everything to keep his Mother alive, as Weeks had turned into Months. On the Next Day, when Lucien came home after buying the Last Medicine that would give him hope, he found his Mother striving for her own least breathe on her Death Bed for what it seemed like it was all too late as it was now Odile's time to Go. Lucien held his Mother by her Hand through Odile's last words, she advised her Only Son to go back to his Father's Apartment to in which she believes that Emanuel will protect their Son from any Danger since Emanuel never did bother to abuse their Child unlike what he did to his own Wife. Lucien refused his own Mother's advice but Odile replies it as the "Only Way" for Him to continue living his own Life through. Odile had passed, as it was only Lucien alone who had face many of the World's Dangers, but he trusted in his own Mother as he believed that his Father would be the only one left to Raise Him.
As Lucien began to travel back to his Old Apartment after when he had left his New Home, he began to be somewhat lost around his New Resident Town but as he accidentally randomly bumped into something, he ended up being stuck in a Trash Can for Days with No One to Help Him. After a Few Days of being stuck inside, Lucien was later found by one of the Servants of an certain Orphanage after when he had been discovered by one of them who were taking out the trash, the Servants of the Orphanage took Lucien to see their own Boss who was an Headmaster of Said Orphanage, Ms. Temper (A Cruel, Spiteful, and Greedy Headmistress whose a Higher Class Mistress that demands all of her Students and Servants to Work). Judging by the New Found Orphan, Ms. Temper decided to take Lucien to live with the Other Boys at her Orphanage where Lucien made a New Fond Home that wasn't so Happy but had to dig anyway since after hearing the Death of his own Father, Lucien was now officially an Orphan as he began a Second New Life as a Parentless Child now living among Parentless Kids while being taken care of by their Nasty Unkind Yet Selfish Money-Lover Headmistress Herself.
While living a Life among Other Orphans, Lucien stood out with the Other Kids to make New Friends despite facing some harsh punishments of consequences that many had to face, eating the Same Grub that Lunch Women would feed the Children to everyday despite reading some Books and doing some Education work that they had to get done while Other Kids were signed for Adoption into New Foster Families of their own. Lucien wanted to study on how to use a Gun for Protection but Ms. Temper rejected the idea of Children having Guns as a Weapon considering on how easily dangerous they can be. Whenever a Child were to bring a Dangerous Weapon in the Orphanage, they would tend to get rid of their Weapon and make the Child face a True Worst Punishment on how not to use a Sharp Weapon to scare Other People (even Adults). Because of how that some Orphans were lucky enough to be adopted, No One wanted to adopted Lucien because of how Obscure that he was among Ms. Temper's Orphanage which made the Poor Child felt sad giving the Grief that he had suffered from losing his Parents as he would tend to Envy the Lucky Kids now being taken in by their New Parents, which took him into a Dark Gloomy Path with No One to save his own Life through a Spark of Light in his own Darkness.
As a Few Years had passed when more Orphan Children had came in as Old Ones were fostered, a Few Unlucky Kids (including Him) were still Unadopted as No One even had chosen any one of them yet. When Lucien turned 14, he still lived his own Regular Unpleasant Life despite still having his own Friends who still weren't chosen out yet. But all of that however started to change when Ms. Temper started to get a Pet Fish of her own that One of her Servants gave to her for her own 86th Birthday; A Pet Fish who she named "Ugarte" who had been kept within his Fish Bowl as Ms. Temper would often carry Ugarte by his own Fish Bowl whenever she would go in what direction with the Students seeing their Headmistress' own Pet Fish. But the Headmistress' Fish somehow recognized Lucien, almost as if he himself would be the Key to all of his own Problems. During a Sneak through the Headmistress' Office, Lucien and one of his Friends were sneaking through to get into one of their Files to see on who might be the Next Kid on the Block to be Adopted, but as they snuck through to see the Files, they had no where else to hide when they heard their Headmistress' footsteps grew closer, almost as if they were about to get busted. Ugarte instantly spoke to Lucien and his Friend as he told the Boys to hide from behind the Drawers so that way, none of them wouldn't be found by their own Mistress (which had turned out to be actually one of her Butlers getting her own earrings from her Pool Yard). As the Boys came out of the Drawers, Lucien thanked the Fish for saving their own lives as they quickly headed back into their own Room, but for some odd feeling of a reason, Lucien couldn't help but to question to the Fish of why he saved him if Ms. Temper's Pet Fish did had any care for the Orphans (despite the fact that Ugarte secretly HATED his own Owner for being so Abusive towards Them).
During the Playground, Ugarte wanted to see Lucien so he snuck up behind the vents where he landed on Someone Else's Water Glass whereas Lucien went up to his Bedroom where he forgot one of his own Favorite Books, but upon the Boy's surprise, Ugarte spoke to Him once again when he appeared in the Glass of Water in front of Him. Out of curiosity with raging a Few Questions, Ugarte tells Lucien that he wants to help Him to find a way to escape the Orphanage but in order to do that, Ugarte must be his own Mentor to teach Lucien on how to defend himself if he'll want to stand up towards his Headmistress for all of the abuse throughout those years. Fearing that he may never end up getting adopted by a New Family if he is once again unchosen, Lucien agrees, as throughout the Whole Weekends of his Training Schedule, whenever No One was around to see, Ugarte taught Lucien on how to be very skillful and brave in order to defend himself from both Danger and even Strangers. Being a Skillful Child as he was now, Lucien truly felt like he could perhaps learn on how to be a Professional just like his Father (which he told his Stories about his Life including the Tragedy of his Parents towards Ugarte) but as Ugarte saw the Potential within Him, Lucien couldn't thank enough for the Fish as if he was his Parental Figure in his Life.
When something suspicious began going on lately about one of the Students whenever they were sent to Ms. Temper's office, the Other Orphans were curious but some were yet confused to know on what was going behind those bars, though the Only Orphan that was sent there, had to be none other than a Boy named "Thomas", but Ugarte knew the Horrors whenever his Fish Bowl was on Ms. Temper's desk as he'd forced himself to watch the harmful punishments of being a "Bad Child". This of course got the Attention towards Lucien as he already did caught himself up to a Strange Feeling whenever the Same Orphan would come back from Ms. Temper's office, not even saying a One Single Word nor exposing the Scars behind Thomas' trauma, which Lucien already knew that something was definitely not right. But since Ugarte knew about all of this of what needed to be done, they came up with a Plan in order to see on what Ms. Temper had been doing to one of the Orphans in order to expose her in front of Everyone in the Orphanage.
Lucien snuck through while Everyone was still asleep the Very Next Day when Morning had came, he hid under a few furniture while No One was looking as he snuck through Ms. Temper's office as The Two were finding some research on the History of Ms. Temper's Child Punishments. What they had found from beneath one of her Books that he grabbed were some Very Highly Disturbing Pictures of Former Orphans' Punishments throughout the Years as some were either Brutal or Took it way too far ahead. When Lucien was about to flip the Next Page to see one of the Orphans' recent harsh punishments, Ms. Temper came in as Lucien quickly had hid himself from her as she didn't noticed that one of her Orphan Students were in her Room for she was only grabbing one of her Education books and booked off, leaving Lucien behind with one of her History of her Life Books that he got from his Fish Mentor.
Shortly after doing a lot of Work as all of the Other Kids were about to go outside for Recess, Lucien snuck behind as he saw that the "Special" Orphan himself being picked up by Ms. Temper, just as he was about to make his own move. When Ms. Temper and Thomas were just heading downstairs right in the basement (unaware that they're being followed), Lucien peaked through from behind as soon as when they got down there as he hide himself underneath the Furniture. What he did saw through a Dark Corner was None Other than the Vengeful Witch herself abusing one of her Orphans the hard way through an Emotional Actual Whiplash with her Whip which caused the Poor Boy to scream as Thomas was crying through Pain with his Scars bleeding red from behind his back. The Poor Boy cried in Pain getting the Worst Punishment in his Life as the Greedy Headmistress Laughed. Shocked in terror through his Wide Eyes of exposure for he had never seen such cruelty of Child Abuse, Lucien quickly grabbed a Camera (who he stole from one of Ms. Temper's servants without knowing) as he took pictures behind the evidence of Ms. Temper's secret behavior behind Thomas' recent troubles. Hiding the evidence in his Box underneath his Bed, Lucien now knew on what was going on in Poor Thomas' recent mood for he felt sad for all of the Emotional Abuse that he went through without telling anybody about the Harsh Truth. The Outcast Boy felt like that he wanted to stood up to one of his Friends after trying to confront Thomas but Ugarte suggested that the only way to stop his Nightmare is by standing up to the Greedy Headmistress herself since while Most and Many of the Orphans were always afraid by their Headmistress, No one ever even tried to stand up to Ms. Temper, not even once. So it all hand to be done in Lucien's hands.
However, there was a premise signed that Thomas had been adopted into a New Foster Family. Considering of his recent Sadness, Thomas wouldn't be able to live a long happy life if he had the chance to talk with all of the Trauma bothering Him but this often questioned to Lucien on what kind of Madness did Thomas had to serve himself into through this kind of "Punishment" that Ms. Temper served him. On the Next Day before his Adoption Signature, in the Early Morning, Lucien knew on what truly had to be done as He and Ugarte already snuck in the Basement to wait for Ms. Temper to come since they already discussed for what they did had in mind of their Plan. Before they could trap her in, they managed to find where she had hid one of her Keys as they were in one of the Basement's drawers, in which one of the Keys was the Key to the Basement that they've managed to find. During their secret hideout when they waited for a Few Hours, they quickly woke up when they heard a creek coming from the Open Door as Ms. Temper was about to head downstairs without noticing any further that someone must've been in the basement before her other than hearing some Strange Steps or Slithering that startled her surroundings. The Duo immediately ran up to lock her up from behind which caught the Headmistress in surprise for a Trap. Mrs. Temper tried to open the Door but it was officially locked as she even banged while screaming at the Door begging to be let out, which in truth that it was Ugarte that Lucien helped him to lock the Door.
The Orphans began to become curious on why Ms. Temper wasn't around for they all checked but No Answer had to be fond (not even the Servants were smart enough to find her). But something exciting came within the Children's Minds that maybe she might've been gone which the Kids then started a Rebellion Day of their Headmistress not being at the Orphanage Today, but when the Servants tried to convince the Orphans that they can't do whatever they want, the Kids were too strong enough to face the Adults (considering that the Orphanage Servants were within Ms. Temper's demands, especially since all of them were in no doubt very afraid of her) as they all tied the Servants up when the Kids managed to start having their Fun Day of an "No Adults" Party in a Very Chaotic Manner. Every child managed to mess up every single Room throughout the Orphanage as their Reckless Party was a Massive Wonderland to Them, but a Huge Nightmare for the Guardians. Lucien had realize of what He and his Fish Friend had done had turned into a Wild Disaster when every Kid in the Orphanage made their own Mess in every part of their Home Institution. Lucien tried to stop them, almost as if he was acting like he was the Adult in this Situation. But the Orphans believed that he was on Ms. Temper's side as if he was trying to betray them, so they kicked him out of their own Group where Lucien had to hid himself in his own Room. In one of his Roommates' Bedrooms next to his Bed, stood the Young Sympathetic Abused Kid sitting in his own Bed while being curled up with his Head down to his Knees. Lucien had already knew about Thomas' trauma as the Two started to talk things out where Lucien had to comfort Thomas since he knew what Ms. Temper had been doing to Him lately as he promised to stand up to her for Poor Thom.
Few Hours later during the Chaos Party, one of the Servants managed to untie themselves for they found the Basement Door Key to their Basement when they discover that the Headmistress had been trapped inside for Hours. They released the Door with the Key which came about the Wrathful Hot-Headed Woman who had been trapped in the Basement for Hours. When she sees all of the Disastrous Mess by the Orphans, in Rage, she screamed so loud which caused all of the Orphans to stop partying for the Spiteful Harpy wanted to learn the Truth on who was behind this all just so that she can serve Another Student a very Harsh Punishment. Lucien and Thomas had heard her scream, but because that it was all Lucien's fault that caused this Mess, he took Thomas by the Hand where they had to hid behind Ms. Temper's office where she had heard a loud slam, causing her to believe that one of her Orphans that had trapped her had to hide from her somewhere.
When the Boys try to figure a way out on how to escape when they already locked the Door, they tried to figure out a secret passage hidden through the Windows so they managed to grab the Curtains to turn them into a Rope, just so that they could climb out. But as the Banging Noise had grown even more Louder than before, the Boys tried to hurry up but upon Lucien's bumping accident, he stumbled upon a Small Knife from one of the Drawers that accidentality opened by themselves which revealed to be none other than the Object of the True Reason as to why Thomas had been recently brutally punished. Confused by the Actual Truth, Thomas tried to explain as to why he had brought a Knife to the Orphanage was because that he wanted to escape the Orphanage just so that he could find a Foster Family of his own since he got very tired of being left out throughout the Years. Feeling somewhat bad about his own True Reason, Ms. Temper instantly busted through the Door which frightened the Poor Boys as she immediately charged right after them just as they jumped out of the Window as they held on to the Curtain Rope when both instantly landed right outside on the Ground.
But what Lucien realized was that he forgot to grab Ugarte and have him join him so he leaves Thomas behind where he boost up back inside to get him, only to find that Himself in the exact same hallway as their Headmistress for he had accidentality trapped himself. As Ms. Temper was about to attack Lucien multiple times as he kept defending himself, he instantly scurried off where Ms. Temper tried to claw him as he ran up to her office where he instantly grabbed Ugarte by his Fish Bowl since he had almost forgot about him. When the Human Witch busted through the Door just as she was about to harm Lucien, Ugarte managed to jump up and Slap his Owner with his Fish Tail so hard that it lead Ms. Temper in a clumsy walk with her head started to feel so unconscious. Lucien backed himself up away from the Window as Ms. Temper fell down off the Window and broke her Neck as she landed down, leaving her to be fully dead. The Rest of the Orphanage couldn't believe that Lucien had killed the Headmistress, even Lucien couldn't believe it either for his very first kill that he had never made before. This often questioned the rest of the Orphanage on who would now lead the Orphanage now with Ms. Temper now killed off.
Despite being horrified of his very first kill for he knew that he had sinned during the Funeral, most of the Orphans were glad not to deal with her anymore but Lucien's beginning of guilt somewhat began to gloss over his life. Thomas thanked Lucien for saving his life from that Horrible Mistress since he and the rest of the Orphans never have to deal with her ever again. But the choice for a New Headmaster of the Orphanage had to be decided upon One of the Servants as the New Head to look out of the Orphanage with Good Care instead of using Cruelty for the Orphanage now had a New Headmaster. Ugarte assured Lucien that it wasn't his Fault since he truly wanted to get rid of her himself ever since he first came only as a "Collection" instead of being treated as a Real Pet.
After when Thomas got adopted into a New Loving Foster Family of his own, the Orphanage somehow started to get better as Education was getting easier, the Children were allowed to getting whichever snack they want, and most importantly they didn't have to face harsh punishments (the Only New Punishment Rule was go to sit in a Corner for a Time-Out Chair). But as the Orphanage started to get low when more Foster Families came by to pick one, Ugarte thought maybe now would be his only chance to raise Lucien through a disguise as he paid the New Headmaster to take Lucien with Him through a Van on their own. Lucien felt surprised that it was his Fish Father figure was in disguise the Whole Time when he had been chosen to be adopted, knowing that Ugarte can give Lucien a fully rebirth-life as it was now only the Boy and his Pet Fish that lived in their own New Home.
As Time went on, Ugarte kept teaching Lucien on how to be Independent as he kept studying in his own ways on how to be a Very Mature Adult with Responsibilities of his own. When Lucien was around 18, he thought it would be better if he could moved to a House on his own (along with his Pet Fish with Him) since they knew that they couldn't live in a Van for that very long as Lucien was given the legal rights to live in a New House on his own after paying the Bills with his own Money as Lucien and Ugarte now lived in their own Last New Home (even after Lucien's previous homes) ever since that he'd waiting for so long to become a Full-Fledged Adult. Although despite when Lucien was now currently in his Adulthood, he always went for a "Bad Boy" look which caused all Women in his Age to fall for Him but he was never really haven't it since he wasn't too interest in Romance from that moment on. At the age of 21, he decide to get a Part-Time Job as a Professional Hitman just like how his Father was when he began to study and practice on to how to be a Hitman. Years later, to cover up in all of his Tragedies of his Old Life, he became an Official Professional Hitman as He and Ugarte were now a Duo, he would be hired for whenever client he would signed up to be shot or to capture for his own Next Target.
For those who are curious about the Name for Bolok's Pet Fish, it was a Fanon Name that I had to borrow from my Friend, @djinarocks as a Namesake for One of Peter Lorre's Characters in his Other Films (presumably in "Casablanca") since Me and My Friend believed Bolok's Fish to be Another One of those Lorre-Based Characters.
Fixed Odile's Face to resemble more of her own Son's Face compare to the Dad so I apparently made Luci's Mother's face more "Fish-Like".
Apparently, I've just recently found out that the Game's Website has NOT been deleted (or has been just recently brought back up) as the first link that I try didn't seem to work but when re-trying it, it's officially restored somehow but since one of the link pages from the Wiki were somewhat either broken or weren't just working right, here's the Click to the Website based off of the Video Game Adaptation's storyline and concept here.
Lucien Bolok and Ugarte (Bolok's Fish) (c) Xilam
Headcanons and OCs (including My Version of Bolok's Parents) (c) Me
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oldandkindasad · 2 years
Yet another uncalled for Red Dead Daycare AU because I'm sad....
Enrolling my kid in PreK am having a literal crisis about it....
The Dads Quiet Day In...
The first time they dropped off Arthur, they were stoked on the drive
Then a pair of aqua blue eyes looked up at his dad's in absolute terror.
The guilt tore them apart.
Dutch was biting the inside of his lip to keep getting emotional
Hosea was inwardly screaming the entire time.
Both ensured their son they'd be back later.
They drive home in absolute silence.
They open the front door, having made so many of Dutch's famous plans of what they were going to get down without a child underfoot.
Instead they just sit on the couch, don't bother with the TV, they just remain silent.
It's entirely too somber. Where they always this quiet?
Finally after realizing this is only for part of the day (he wasn't in a prison, it was Daycare for God's sake!) They finally begin to function like normal humans.
Until Dutch nearly trips in the hall over Arthur's trucks.
Or Hosea finds his sock hidden in with their laundry.
It seemed like every activity kept Arthur at the very forefront of their mind.
Was he okay?
Were the other kids being kind to him?
Were the teachers being kind to him?
And hell if they'd be able to squeeze blood from a stone easier than Arthur would tell them that something was wrong.
Hosea notices how often Dutch is checking his phone for an update, like he could will a phone call if he glared at it hard enough.
By noon they pick at their lunches, how the hell do parents do this? Because they wanted to climb the walls or go charging into that daycare and bring their boy home.
Which technically they could.
But the real question was would Arthur acclimate if they keep bringing him home?
The phone rings at one o'clock, Dutch is both impressed with his ability to will it to ring and terrified by what it could mean?
It's just a courtesy update, Arthur was just fine. He was stacking blocks and he colored them a picture he wanted to show them when he came home.
They have both never been so relieved and yet so heartbroken in their lives.
They had adopted him only a year ago, but he'd come to rely on them so much
Now he was handling the world all by himself.
Making his own decisions.
His own friends.
Soon he'd learn that Dutch wasn't the smartest man in the world (which Hosea would have gladly told him).
Or that Hosea wasn't the funniest (which Dutch would have gladly told him otherwise).
Now they weren't the center of the universe.
The house is quiet again as they both think about what that means to them...
By three they've violated just about every traffic law they could think of to get to that daycare and pick up their son.
He grins wide and rushes at them with the speed only a four year old can muster.
They wrap him up in their arms telling him how much they missed him. And how glad they were to see him.
He shows them his picture.
It's a..... ("What the hell is that?" "I don't know Dutch, just smile and call it masterpiece.")
Horse! It's a horse! Of course it is!
It hangs on the refrigerator for years.
Okay I swear unless actually asked for, I will not post another one of these. I just enrolled my son in PreK and I've been pacing around my house ready for a full scale panic attack. He hasn't even started yet. Ugh. Okay no more unless y'all have special requests. I'm just gonna "sit here and feel sorry for myself."
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danndeemo · 4 months
What's up with three and twins and how does that make him remember his past?
no fucking way agent 3 lore
3 has a (emo) twin brother, who was his parent's favorite. but it wasn't like, too bad. at some point 3 began liking the fact that he wasn't the favorite child because of how much extra work with studying his brother was put through. 3 was like the adopted brother, except he wasn't adopted and him and his brother used to look almost identical when younger. the only reason they changed their appearances was just so that others wouldn't confuse them.
3 has no grudge against his brother, if anything he was 3's only real friend. 3 tried to make friends, but it just never turned out so in the end he was always the replaceable one and he always was the one to initiate the conversation, nobody came up to him to talk.
3's parents really wanted their sons to have a music career, so when 3 wasn't able to play any instrument as good as his younger brother it was clear he would be a disappointment and unworthy of "being shown off" to other parents or anyone (3's parents are obsessed with being praised for either their or their children's talents/skills).
it was fine when his brother was home, as he was the only family member who talked to 3 as often, but when his brother was in music school or at some sort of camp, 3 would feel like he isn't part of the family and instead some kid his parents were nice enough to house. his interaction with his mother were just her telling him about what food they have in the house, and how to prepare some meals so that when she doesn't have time 3 could at least feed himself.
it wasn't blind favoritism though, at some point 3's parents did notice the neglect of their older son, so in some cases they would try to spend time with him while the younger was busy with something like piano practice. but 3 felt like they were being forced to do that, and he hates it when people do things for him not because they want to, so he decided to "not be a burden" and try to find another way to preoccupy himself.
seeing twins on the streets doesn't remind 3 of how bad his childhood might have been, it mainly reminds him of his choice to run away from home. of things he lost that night. back then, he thought his intentions were reasonable, but later he realized the stupidity of his decision, but it was too late, so he continued living his life alone in inkopolis plaza.
before becoming an agent his life was just constant stress, and every now and then he'd break down in his apartment. he'd cry for some time late at night in his bed, but he knew coming back home wouldn't make his life easier. in his case he got lucky to join squidbeak splatoon and meet Craig Callie and Marie. it took him some time for their relationship to become an actual friendship instead of being just coworkers, and it was like, the best thing that happened to 3 in years.
3 also met neo back then, and their friendship made him realize how much he just didn't understand how friends work after he stopped trying to make friends as a kid.
in general, 3's life gets better for him after octo expansion, when he realizes, that even with his face being scarred, 4 can still love him, and others aren't actually disgusted by it as much as he thought they'd be. it gets easier for him to feel self worth after he gains 8 as a friend and later 4 as a lover.
3 does feel guilty about leaving his family and not even updating them with letters or anything like that. the only person 3 really feels bad about leaving behind is his brother, but right now he's just debating on whether he should try to find him or have things remain the same.
his family issues are the reason he only mentions his first name, because he thinks his life would be over if by some chance 4 or any of his close friends would happen to know his family for their music history.
another fact is that his and his brother's tentacles were reddish orange and pink when young, so now wearing orange ink is a little awkward for 3 and wearing pink just makes him remember his brother. it's not too bad for him though, just brings down his mood a little
sorry if it's bad or cringe it's just like that
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whoredmode · 1 year
Hi Ted, do you often think about what Anteros's parents are doing during the events of the games? I seem to recall their stint in prison was a long one so presumably they would still be there. How much information do you think they would get? How do you think they would feel about how his life is going?
ok i’m actually so excited you asked this because yes it something i absolutely think about and have many thoughts on😭
i briefly talked about it a bit in an old post, but basically i think, because troy had done his digging and he actually was familiar with anteros' parents' case, he was able to keep them somewhat updated on anteros' status. it'd be interesting if troy and them actually did meet face-to-face once. maybe right before they get released? but that brings up another big thing: they’d actually get released around the time srtt takes place.
so like i said in the linked post, i think his parents had genuinely been trying to keep up with him literally since they landed in jail. lots of postcards and letters, all of which frustrated anteros to no end. he was rightfully mad with his parents for pretty much all his life, feeling as if he was abandoned. he felt like he'd been left all alone, and it gave him the outlook that people were only good as far as you could manipulate them and that he didn't need to make real connections with others, but he still really, really desired attention from anyone who would give it to him. but then the saints come along and anteros realizes he loves people and that the saints are his family. however, his mom and dad were still sending him letters the whole time. they love their boy no matter what, and they regret the way things ended.
so once they're released, they contact troy (he'd given them some ways to find him if they ever needed to), who ends up telling them that anteros is in steelport. he advises them to be careful about actually meeting anteros again, though, but they show up anyway. troy is petrified, but anteros.......has no words. which means something is really wrong with him.
anteros has been replaying this scenario in his mind everyday since he was a teen. the things he'd want to shout at them, the boiling, burning rage he wanted to free, the tears he wanted to shed for the child they'd left behind. but when he sees them now. older. tired. remorseful. all he can do is look down. here he is, 32 years old yet suddenly feeling like that lost child from 25 years ago. his mother puts a gentle hand on his arm, and anteros hears her say his name with that same care. it was just like he remembered. he breaks down into tears and pulls them both into a hug. he's missed them. he's missed this.
he's not forgiving them, he probably never will, but there was a part of him that felt oddly healed in that moment. he did that for his old self. all that to say, marques and noi leave the area. they decide to just move away from michigan and get away from things, as well as allow anteros to create his own boundaries. they're leaving him alone, save for the occasional christmas card.
and how do they feel about what he's done? honestly? they're still proud of him. he's alive, he's healthy, he's happy, and he's surrounded by people who clearly care about him. of course they're worried about him, he's in a dangerous line of work, but they trust him. maybe you'd think after they'd been in jail they'd be a little more critical, but tbh they'd totally kept up their money scheme if they didn't get caught😭 anteros is clearly good at what he does so. keep it up son.
i think marques and noi still keep up with troy though. after being their lifeline for literal years, keeping them updated on anteros' wellbeing, they're so grateful for him. they still ask him what anteros is up to every now and then, since they know they'll actually get an answer that way.
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blubushie · 1 year
Have a Learnin the Blus question. We know how some of the mercs feel about their counterparts on RED, but do they ever interact outside of combat and Emergencies ( like Suki and Ludwig collaborating on reviving Jesse) and of course Jesse and Mundy?
Do the Medics exchange project ideas (if Suki can stand Ludwig, that is). Do the Engies? Do the Scouts argue about baseball and then get separated before someone ends up in Respawn? Do the Spies report on their teams to each other and chat about spy stuff and expensive spirits and cigars? I know the Snipers don't interact because they're both of the opinion that People are Awful. What's the beef between the Heavy Weapons Specialists?
If any of this is going to be answered in fic ignore it.
You have such a delightful cast of characters and they mesh really well with the world and the mercs we all know and love!
Not usually!
The main ones are Jeremy and Jesse who are only permitted to hang out with each other because they've been doing this for the longest while and it hasn't affected their match performance. They're extremely competitive and there's no holds barred when they go up against each other during matches. They're best mates (this is important to remember for later ;]) and they still constantly want to kill each other. They are the only members of the teams (aside from Suki and Ludwig) who are allowed to fraternise.
Dougal and Tavish both got on fine at first before the WAR! comic as they're both Scottish and enjoy many of the same things, but then that comic happened and we both know how that ended. There's still hard feelings on both side.
The Engies have only ever worked together during MvM and never as mates.
Heinz is scared of Firebug.
Liem and Dell get on just fine and are always very respectful to each other during matches. Liem calls Dell "sir" and Dell calls him "son." They don't interact outside of matches but they're always courteous.
Suki and Ludwig don't generally meet but they often get together on the horn and drink tea and gossip about their teams. Ludwig has yet to explain how he brought Mundy back from the dead and in return Suki has yet to teach him how to properly do sutures that don't look like they were tied by a bloody five-year-old.
Mundy is a frequent topic between those two, and Jesse as well. Suki in particular is worried about Mundy's state of mental health in the interest of Jesse's safety and requests frequent updates from Ludwig on Mundy's behaviour, which he does give her. Suki has more experience with psychiatry than Ludwig does and gives him recommendations on Mundy's medication adjustments. Not that it matters--he doesn't take them anyway.
Doe takes an affront to "Englishmen in dresses" and because of this he doesn't like Dougal, who often dons a kilt (because nothing is worse than seeing the enemy BLU flash you by flipping up his kilt). No one tell him about Charles.
Speaking of...
Charles and Jacques get on just fine. More than fine, actually, to the point it's mildly concerning. They don't necessarily hang out, but they do have a phone system similar to Suki and Ludwig, and they'll also slip away during matches sometimes during stalemates to converse, and they do look out for each other's families. The only rule is that they never discuss their women or children. Charles thinks Jacques is a cunt for how he's handled his paternity of Jeremy, and Jacques thinks Charles is a fool for having a child with a woman he knew he'd be leaving someday (hypocrite). "All them backstabbin' spooks know each other," Mundy would say, and those two know each other... very well. Do not mention the German occupation of France to them; Jacques will just snort and smirk and Charles will get redder than a tomato.
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crookedghosts · 2 years
11:11 [PeterPatter Roadtrip AU]
'From 7-Elevens to California Heavens … I found a million places You'd be worth the chases to go'
Luke had no back-up plan, if this fell through. Or at least, he had no back up plan that didn't involve him moping around for the rest of his life about losing this one shot at stardom, if that were to happen. So, it's cemented. He'll be spending the next two weeks on the road to LA, alone with his best friend's ridiculously handsome roommate. Just him, Reggie, and the road. Right.
Road trip AU. AKA: Luke and Reggie accidentally fall in love in two weeks, but it all seems to add up.
Chapters 1-2 on AO3 (hopefully! updating regularly!) and a preview below :)
“Do you ever entertain the thought that maybe our parents are right?” Luke asks into the air one day. He’s hanging upside down on the couch in his family's garage, his mop of hair barely grazing the old rug that often kept him from otherwise laying on the cold pavement. He practically lived there at this point, ever since he’d repurposed their old furniture and bought enough equipment to fill the space. It was a studio, supposedly, but it had become his and Alex’s shared home at some point, like a haven to escape their parents’ disapproval. 
Disapproval had different definitions for each of them. Which is why Luke’s question earns a quirked brow from Alex.
“You’re talking about your parents, right?” Alex points out lightly, knowing that his best friend often thought out loud, forgetting that others couldn’t exactly read his mind. Alex came close, though.
“Yeah, shit, yeah,” Luke chuckles, shaking his head. There’s a bit of a shy silence after, though it wasn’t awkward at all. Alex knew that his smile was apologetic, so he shrugged it off. They both had complicated lives at home, so it was easy to get lost in the details.
Alex's parents were never cool again after he told them he was gay. They buried it with false promises of acceptance on the off chance he'd "end this phase" and "choose the right path," but otherwise didn't really care for him after that. As if avoiding him would allow them to avoid the parts of him that made them uncomfortable. As if they could pick and choose parts of their son like that. Alex got the hint, and he spent most of his time in that garage with Luke. It was a fine arrangement. 
Besides, he had grades high enough to get into UCLA’s English major, and he's got this perfectionist nature that served him in every other aspect of his life. Any other parent would be jealous. So in that sense, the Mercers were as cool as they had to be—they let him go, they congratulated him, and they helped him get on the move. Because even a homophobic father wouldn't keep his son from attending a UC.
Luke had the entirely opposite situation. Despite the boys' shared comfort sessions, Mitch and Emily were those jealous parents.
That's just to say, the Pattersons had a loving household in every other way, but they struggled when it came to Luke's future. When Alex came out and the shitshow began, he came to the Pattersons first. Luke's mom baked the boys cookies, and Luke's dad tried speaking to Alex's. Luke was pretty sure they’d thought the two boys were dating. But that didn’t matter, since they had his parents' support regardless. They couldn't fix anything in entirety, but they sure as hell did their best to help. And even when things got tense, Emily would find her way to get Luke a proper home-cooked meal. Their home was full of love in that way. Yet, with senior year having ended and Luke's plans to take off and not go to college set in stone, tensions were as high as ever. They loved their son so much, and they worried about his stability with music as a career. They’d been pestering him for months now, about finding a school and a major that could help with his future. That's how Alex knew that Luke wasn't referring to the Mercers in his question.
"What's on your mind, bro?" Alex prompts, closing his laptop that he'd previously been writing lyrics on to look over the other boy.
Luke huffs, swinging back up to sit and meet Alex' eyes.
"Nothing. Blankness. It’s empty."
Alex snorts, "Come on, give me something. It's not often you agree with your mom on… this." He gestured vaguely around the makeshift studio. 
"I don't agree with her," Luke groans, falling back onto the couch, just after he'd sat up. Alex rolls his eyes, because the brunette had always been one for theatrics. He gives the other a few moments to think about it.
Luke had a free ticket to community college. He still had a month to enroll, his acceptance was guaranteed, and his parents would have paid for the whole deal. With that one month soon turning into mere weeks, Emily was really pushing it now. Alex knew of this, but he also knew of Luke’s stubborn nature. He would never actually give in.
"I'm just lost," Luke pouts slightly, his voice coming out whinier than he'd expected or wanted.
Alex is quiet for a moment, frowning. "It's okay to be lost," he offers.
And Luke immediately laughs, tone dry. "Easy for you to say, Mr. UCLA," he scoffs. He quickly backtracks when he meets Alex's eyes, though. He hates the sort of pity, the sort of guilt, that’s in them.
Alex has his future sorted out. Of course it was a little hard on Luke. In just over a week his best friend would be off to the university and sorting out his dorm for the year. Luke’s parents always ask Alex about how the move’s coming along, and they know more about the itinerary than Luke does. Because a goodbye would hurt too much, and the stability argument’s been keeping him preoccupied. "I just… I admire you for being so on top of it and stuff, okay? But you know mom. She’s been pushing the college thing, and, yeah. The comparisons make me feel more lost, sometimes," he mumbles. 
It's Alex's turn to pout. "Lu… Dude, sometimes I feel like you've got it together more than I do. You can’t compare us on that end. Whatever your parents are saying,” he huffs. It’s tough, because he knows how much Luke cares about Emily. When they fight, it’s a tough sort of crossroads with that love. Even Alex struggles with it, after all these years of being taken under their roof. “I know it’s rough, but... you know what you want, you know what makes you happy. Right?" he asks, glancing at the boy's guitar.
Luke nods a little.
"Then what's this about?" Alex is met with silence for a while, as Luke nibbles on his bottom lip.
"I found a place in LA. For me," he blurts out. "And-and a couple of gigs. I think I can find a consistent one if I try hard enough... And I already know of some showcases where I can find people to make the dream come true. Managers and labels and stuff... It feels like everything I’ll ever need,” he allows himself to sound wistful, if just for a moment. He’d always been a boy with big dreams, but dreams at that level were intimidating. “I just… it's a lot and my folks fucking hate the thought so they're not helping and I'm lost but I can't let this go," his lip is once again in between his teeth, just as quickly as those words had all had spilled out, but Alex has already broken into a wide grin.
"You in LA! That is the dream, Luke, holy shit, why didn't you just say?” The other boy doesn't seem to understand his anxiety for a moment, which is odd because usually things are reversed in terms of nerves. But Alex is just excited at the thought of having his best friend in the same city, and he's always had faith in Luke making it big. He wasn't worried when it came to that.
"I don't know how to get there with all my shit, 'Lex," Luke all but whimpers. He'd sat up again at some point, and now he's cradling his knees close to his chest, like a protective layer. "Not to mention the fucking prices when it comes to living in LA. I need time before I make it big, and… and without my parents helping out, it really does feel like more than I can handle." His brows are furrowed where just about anyone could tell how much it pained him to say that. Luke needed music like he needed air. It'd be stupid to let money get in the way of that.
"You don't need them," Alex states with a skeptical amount of confidence. "I'm serious, " he pouts when Luke gives him a questioning look. "You've got me . We'll find our way to make this all work."
"I'm not asking you to fix this for me, no way," Luke's eyebrows furrow even more, because he hates being treated like a charity case almost as much as he hates the thought of not pursuing music. Almost.
"I'm literally driving to LA either way, Lu. Not to mention scouting for my own job—I'm not an idiot about those prices. We'll manage that part together. It'll be perfect, actually, we just have to talk to Reggie," Alex hums. He wasn't going to let his best friend let the chance of a lifetime go, not when these were logistics that he was sorting out for himself, anyway. Even his future roommate was in a similar situation. It lined up pretty nicely.
"Reggie?" Luke questions, snapping Alex out of his dream state–the other was already imagining the three of them becoming best friends and rocking out together after the three week road trip.
"Oh, yeah, my roomie. He's the one driving me? We've got space for another, I just have to ask. Plus there's reservations on the way and all—and you need to pack—but I'm sure we'll be fine. You'd both get along, too, I swear. We met when we were applying to all the Cali arts schools, which should tell you enough about the kind of person he is. Aside from liking country music, he's really sweet and all that," Alex rambles, but Luke still looks confused.
"I thought your parents were arranging your whole move?" he questions.
Alex shakes his head, "They're arranging my stuff being moved. Good riddance to my junk, that kind of thing." He shrugs, "A carpool's better on the wallet, anyways. You're not the only one thinking about those finances."
Luke gives an awkward chuckle. "Huh. Right. But—third wheeling you two, really? How do I not even know of this guy?" he realized.
Alex laughs out at that, and he pulls out his phone while he talks. "Well, he goes to a different school, so I wouldn’t have guessed that you guys had met,” he shrugs, and pulls Instagram up to look up Reggie Peters. “He does like guys, but I’m willing to bet money that you'll be the one falling for him by the end of this, not me," he snickers as he scrolls through to find a photo that had the boy in it.
Luke's about to argue, but he peers over Alex's screen and accidentally finds out that this Reggie Peters is kind of stunning. His feed is humble, but Luke can make out the boy's gentle, handsome features on even the scarcest of photos. He looks kind, approachable. Like he could give a really good hug. Luke’s making a mental note to stalk the username when Alex speaks up again. 
"I'll send you his contact information so you can both figure out that you don't hate each other first, yeah? But I can sort it all out. If that's all that's stopping you from your literal dream, you bet your ass we're figuring out how to make this work," Alex states firmly, eyes warm and genuine as he places a hand on Luke's shoulder. 
Luke returns a soft smile, before he's wrapping Alex up in a tight hug. "You're the best."
Luke still doesn’t bother learning the itinerary. He has better things to do in the last week before their trip, like packing and going out of his way to follow Reggie on every social media platform he could find, including his SoundCloud (he’s glad to find that Alex’s roomie is not a SoundCloud rapper, but Mercer was not lying about the country music). He learns that Reginald likes putting late 2000s-esque filters on his posts, that he tweets song lyrics sometimes to match his mood, and that their mode of transportation for the next few weeks is a van named Caroline. They chat, too, beyond Luke’s subtle stalking, and he learns that Reggie named the vehicle after both Sweet Caroline and All Time Low’s Caroline. Luke could live with that. It takes them exactly three days to make a group chat and hit it off, and everyone’s pretty happy with the arrangement.
It’s while Alex is sorting things out with Luke’s and his parents about transporting their things that it begins to get complicated.
And Luke kind of guesses that there’s some sort of complication when he meets Alex in his garage, pacing, four days before they were set to leave. At that point, he’s nearly ready to become a runaway of sorts, to argue once again with his mother until he makes her cry or give in. He hates it, but he has the speech ready. Because he knew that it felt last minute—that it was last minute—but he also knew that it felt right , so he was ready for the fight.
“Alex, hey, dude, you’re okay,” he drops his book bag immediately to stop the other boy in his tracks, catching him by the shoulders mid-pace. “I’m sorry, man, I knew I should’ve been the one to talk to them. You know how it’s a touchy topic for them, don’t even worry about it-” he begins to ramble, but before he can promise that he’ll fix everything, Alex interrupts. 
“Your parents are chill with it, Lu, I promised them I’d take care of you,” he sighs, first. But that just leaves Luke as puzzled as before.
“Then… the pacing?” Luke points out with a curious look. Alex starts to delve into his explanation, but it flies over Luke’s head in a blur.
Apparently, he read the situation wrong in its entirety. No, no, his parents were okay with it. Maybe not completely, but at least to the extent that they trusted Alex. It was okay, as long as the boys took care of themselves (read: as long as Alex took care of Luke) and as long as Luke would promise to come home if things turned messy. They’d check in weekly, and after three months, they’ll pull the plug on any help to see if he can make it work. By the holidays, they’d talk about if it was all worth it. It barely took them an hour in total to convince them and sort Luke's few things out. The issue actually came up from Alex’s side.
“I don’t know where everyone even got this idea! Thinking that sending me off will straighten me out? Do they know what California is?” Alex bitterly laughs, incredulous. “Not that I’m ungrateful. I’ll use the plane ticket, I just feel so bad for bailing on you guys.”
Luke pouts as he takes a seat and starts properly listening.
“So I was right, your ‘rents sorted out your whole move without you knowing?” he can't help but laugh, too.
“I know, they just can’t wait to get rid of me,” Alex plays along with a snort. “But, no, it was my aunt, she thought it’d be a sweet gift, I guess. Which is weird because I’m pretty sure she’d called me a... No one’s been this nice to me in the last, like, three years. They must really believe that college is gonna be the game changer if they’re all willing to all turn on their heels like that.”
It seemed that his parents flaunted his admission to UCLA in every accessible corner of the internet, including his mother’s Facebook. Which was touchy, because that particular corner of the internet was filled with relatives who were praying him into something he was not. Spreading all sorts of propaganda. But in any case, Alex’s entire extended family knew of the school’s prestige, and they took it as a sign that he was returning to the cold cut, straight-aligned plan that was laid out for him by the very moment he was born. If they squinted, they could ignore what they didn’t like about the boy, and focus on his university excellence. Which is exactly what they did. Grad parties, housewarming gifts, fake smiles and plane tickets. They smothered Alex.
Luke understands, it had to be a weird situation. He’s got Reggie and their itinerary on one hand while being handed human decency for the first time in forever by his family on the other. But Luke still hates to watch Alex pace a ditch into his garage floor.
“I know, okay, but it’s not exactly the end of the world, right? You can take the free ticket, say thanks, and never have to deal with her again. And then Reggie and I can just meet you there, right? You don’t need to worry, dude,” Luke assures softly.
Alex sighs softly, but he nods. “Yeah, it’s doable. I’m just so pissed that they didn’t talk to me. I’m supposed to be in control of my own life now. An adult. But it’s like I’m still being strung along and flaunted like a trophy. Shouldn’t I know what my next week is going to look like, a little more than in four days in advance? Shouldn’t they have cared to ask me about my plans with Reggie?”
Luke bit his lip. “I know, bud, I wish I could help. But at least it’s all over in a week. You’ll get control again,” he reassured softly.
“I just… I’d been planning this with Reggie for so long, I hate to leave him hanging,” Alex finally admitted.
“I could always take the ticket, and you could go with Reg,” Luke hums.
Alex groans. “No, they want to hold a goodbye party before driving me to the airport.” In any other case, Luke would have called him spoiled.
“Then we’ll meet you there. I’ll appease Reggie and his plans for now. And we can redo all the good stops with you another time,” Luke suggests instead, even if his heart wasn’t really that into the idea of planning out every hour during this trip. He knew that plans existed because of Alex’s anxiety, and Reggie must have been into it too. The least he could do was follow along.
“And are you sure you’re okay with that?” Alex asks, as if he’s read Luke’s mind. He nods along blindly.
The thing was, Luke had no back-up plan, if this fell through. Or at least, he had no back up plan that didn't involve him moping around for the rest of his life about losing this one shot at stardom, if that were to happen. So, it's cemented. He'll be spending the next two weeks on the road to LA, alone with his best friend's ridiculously handsome roommate. Just him, Reggie, and the road. Right.
Okay, it's not that he's opposed to it, actually. A little insane piece of him even allowed his heart to get giddy at some point. Reggie's a cute boy, they get along well enough online, and having a new friend while adjusting to a new city is always convenient. Luke could consider himself pretty lucky for having been handed such a perk right along with the road to his dream. It lined up nearly perfectly. At the same time, though, the thought of all that time alone is kind of daunting, and even more so when Alex is now warning him about Reggie’s allergies for when they have meals with just the two of them . Up until now, Luke sort of counted on his best friend filling in the awkward silence, following the plan, and bridging the two boys. Because Luke can be a lot, even for Alex. The last thing he wants to do is scare his new friend away, or poison him by eating a hazelnut in his vicinity. He glances at the clock and makes a wish that this doesn’t go poorly.
He should have learned the itinerary.
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ebdanon · 5 months
why is it concerning 😭 i dont get it
i completely agree about needing to learn lessons/have experiences before meeting the right people
it's possible that's just memory issues if you notice it happening about the most random things but it's not in my case, because the only things getting twisted are the ones where she knows what she did/said wasnt right and got called out for it
got another short update for ya: for easter yesterday, my husband and i went over to my parents. during the argument the other day, my mil called up my mom, and my parents and even my sister all reached out via text within a few minutes worried about my husband and i. i told them not to worry, its no big deal, we'd talk another time about it. so when we were over, we finally revealed all of the shit talking my shitty grandma has been doing with my mil and how close they've become behind everyone's backs (because that's something they could help put an end to). and that's when my dad revealed he was over to her place the day before (day after the argument) to fix something on her new phone, when he saw about a dozen calls with my mil through the fb app. my husband said he checked my mil's phone and there were no calls between the two whatsoever except for stuff like christmas to wish happy holidays, which my mil has mentioned before. but other calls were also missing from the log, which we know happened, like with my sil or even me, the only two people in the call log were with two cousins she has, and it went back for months with no one else there. turns out she's been erasing the call logs. my dad also checked my grandma'a regular call log outside of fb and noticed many calls to an unsaved number he wasn't sure who it belongs to. and he asked my grandma why she called my mil, and she said "idk how to work the phone, my hands shake, i slipped it was an accident" and he started wondering how many times does that happen in a single day because the answer doesnt make sense. he didnt get why she'd be hiding something weird like that in the moment, but fully understood when we told him what's been happening.
and then the most jaw dropping reveal happened from my dad: this crazy woman kidnapped me as a baby when my parents were having a random argument. my parents asked them over to watch me for a couple of hours so they could go over to my mom's parents to figure something out (they'd had a few of those arguments the first few months i was born) and when they came back home, no one was there. this was a time before cellphones and even home phones so they couldn't immediately call up my dad's parents to check. the only option they had was walking over to their house, because they didn't have any other transportation option either. and when they did, my grandma sent them back refusing to say a single word?! my grandpa had to do the explaining that she didnt want to stay in my parents' apartment because she felt like going home and they had to take me with them, but also according to her they were unfit parents so she'd be handling it from now. i dont know when they got me back or how.
this woman has done some insane shit throughout my life that one ask wont cover. maybe 3-4 lmao. but i thought she was maybe losing her mind in her old age over the last decade (shes in her 80s). but apparently not. and then both my parents revealed she'd been trying to mess with their marriage in many ways ever since they got married over 30 years ago. god knows why, but she had also been manipulating my grandpa while he was alive to get her way. he'd been apologizing to his sons for her actions for years, all behind her back. (once upon a time i wanted taylor to write a song about this crazy woman; right now i need kendrick to go in with "master manipulator" lines lmao).
my parents didnt get why we hadn't revealed this earlier, it's been happening for two years now, but we were never 100% sure that it really was my grandma calling her up that often because of the empty call logs. a lot of the shitty stuff my mil would say about various members of my family lines up with what ive heard her say throughout the years, but not everything. she's never talked shit about my mom or cousin for instance. i kept trying to prod my parents the last six months by hinting my grandma and mil seem to talk but they were oblivious to my hints, thought i was joking.
i hope i get a job out of this country this month and never see any of them again once i move. i desperately need to be away from crazy, and if it bothers any of them, they can go at each other's throats for all i care.
“why is it concerning” my sweet lore anon literally none of this behavior is normal what do you MEAN you were kidnapped as a baby 😭
the grandma and mil allyship needs to end for all of your sanity oh my god
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