#he wouldn't fucking do that but sometimes we gotta stay silly
evenstarfalls · 1 year
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Found out about the grimace shake yesterday..
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dreorig · 1 year
Can you see what I see?
You and Eddie have been friends for a while now, but you never told him about your schizophrenia as you thought that was unnecessary — until you saw Eddie talking to an alien head attached to his shoulder.
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Content/Warnings: eddie brock x male reader | mainly comedy | talk about hallucinations | the slightest mention of prejudice | some violent words. you know, it's venom | not really fluff but kinda. not sure how to label this | nsfw language | suggestive content
Word count: 1.5k
Notes: i'm on the schizophrenic spectrum and this is self indulgent, sorry not sorry. sometimes i see things that you're not supposed to see and i just fuck with it, which made me think that i wouldn't really freak out seeing venom. and now we're here. there's no smut or anything but eddie's a bottom i gotta say (i feel it in my heart). it's mostly silly because we might face the horrors™ but we stay silly. enjoy heheh :)
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You had decided to visit a new friend of yours (possibly a crush?), Eddie Brock. It's not like you had anything better to do.
Approaching his door, you just pushed it open, knowing such formalities as knocking on the door were inexistent between you both already. Right away you saw Eddie sitting on the couch, playing what was undoubtedly Yakuza — handsome and with a good taste in games, of course you wanted to kiss him each time you caught yourself staring at him. Oh, he also had a weird alien-looking head popping out of his shoulder talking about a delicious brain it had eaten once. You just shrugged.
"Hi, Eddie!" you closed the door behind you, walking towards the kitchen in hope of finding a clean glass because you were thirsty as hell. "Dear God, this house is a mess! Mine's probably worse, though."
Hey, you found the glass!
"Y/N, what are you doing here?!" Eddie asked with a very alarmed voice, following you.
"Eat him!" you heard the head shout.
"Stop that already! He's my friend! I'm not eating him!"
You stared in confusion as you saw Eddie arguing with the head. You leaned against the wall, rather bored, waiting for it to go away. You sipped your water instead of saying anything, perhaps that cold water was just what you needed. Eddie didn't need to get dragged into the mess that was your mind. Just a little bit and the hallucination would go away.
Eddie suddenly stopped saying anything, unlike the head, and looked at you in some sort of shock, which was cool because it looked like you were finally slipping back into reality and seeing what Eddie was really doing and saying.
Wait— shit, if Eddie was staring at you like that then maybe you said something without noticing? It was okay, you could just play it cool. You smiled and raised your cup, "What? Can't a guy drink his friend's water?"
"You… you're not scared?" Eddie asked, looking like he had seen a ghost.
Oh, okay, you definitely muttered something about your hallucination without noticing. What good would it do trying to gaslight him into believing you said nothing now? You should just say the truth.
"Nah, not really. Years ago I would be but it's just a part of my everyday life now. Nothing to worry about. Sorry if I scared you."
"Y/N, I don't—"
"You? Scary? He's funny, Eddie. I told you to not eat him."
You began, completely ignoring Eddie and looking at the head, "Look,— can't believe I'm arguing with an alien head that is not even real— most people are just normal with normal minds and normal thoughts, like Eddie. What normal person wouldn't be alarmed if I suddenly said I'm seeing a freaking alien head attached to him out of the blue? It's not even like I'm a cool dude with abilities that let me talk to ghosts like Norman or anything, you're just another hallucination."
Now imagine how confused poor Eddie was. Hallucinations? Normal people? Eddie being a normal person? Who even was Norman? He wanted to understand what was going on but with you and Venom arguing it was almost impossible.
"I'm real! And I'm not an alien!" the head shouted, sounding very insulted. "I take it back, let's eat him!"
Eddie has had enough, so he tried his best to just whisper, "Venom, would you just shut up for once and let us talk?!'
"Fine, but keep it in mind that if he offends me again I'll rip him apart and eat his brain with chopsticks!"
You stuck your tongue out to the alien as childish as you could and it did the same — why was its tongue so long?!
Eddie just sighed as Venom finally disappeared. He was really confused. What were you talking about? Were you an agent? Perhaps you had your own symbiote? Could be the only reasons why you weren't scared at all. He got closer to you, putting his hands on your shoulders and looking into your eyes.
"Y/N, you're not scared of what you saw, right?"
"And you've seen it before?"
"Then you know what it is, right?"
"Duhh, of course. Another hallucination of mine."
"You have hallucinations?"
"Yeah," you chucked. "Every now and then. It's not a symptom that affects me too much, though."
"Symptom?" he tilted his head. "Of what?"
"Oh well, I haven't told you but I have schizophrenia. Before you say anything, I swear that I'm not violent or a threat and that's just some really hurtful prejudice people still have against us that—"
"Y/N," Eddie released your shoulders to hold your hands. "Right now, I'm the last person who could say anything. And honestly, It's not something that bothers me in the slightest."
"Hah, he's insane just like you, Eddie!"
You put a hand on your hip, pointing a finger to nowhere specific, "Hey, you! I don't know where you are but don't you talk about Eddie like that!"
"Ah, so…" Eddie cracked an embarrassed smile. "I'm afraid he's kind of right, I'm not the most sane person at all. And that's why I was so shocked when you opened the door."
"He? What," your eyes widened. "Dude, so you really heard that voice, too?! And I'm just not hallucinating you arguing with that head?!"
"I did, yes. Now you understand my surprise in seeing you? I know what I'm going to tell you sounds like a very crazy story but you gotta believe me."
"Man, haven't I just told you I'm a schizo? Nothing sounds crazy to me. Spit it out because now I'm hella curious."
Eddie hardly knew how to behave. You were the first person to see him talking to his symbiote without thinking he was completely insane and screaming or paralysing after seeing Venom himself. In fact, you looked like a child who was very excited to hear what cool story his parents had to tell him this time.
"What you saw is a symbiote, his name is Venom and we're… kind of bonded. You see, he needs a host and that's how I ended up in this position. I won't hurt you— hell, I'd never. You just can't tell this to anyone, please."
"That's so cool, dude!" You grinned wide. "You don't sweat it, my mouth is sealed! Do you mind if I ask you a few things?"
"It's the least I could do." He chuckled. "Go on."
"You control the symbiote?"
"Not exactly? It's more of a mutual work. Although he takes control over me sometimes, this stubborn creature."
"You're just too soft, Eddie! I gotta do everything myself!"
Only then you remembered the symbiote could talk. You asked, "Hey, Venom, would you mind showing up? Please?" 
"Ohh, then Eddie says the same I did and now you suddenly think I'm real? Don't feel like doing so."
"Oh, c'mon! Pretty please? I wanna apologise."
Within seconds Eddie was completely enveloped by the tall and imposing symbiote, who crossed his arms. "You better."
You were beaming with happiness. What a magnificent day. When would you be able to look at a symbiote so closely again?
"Venom, buddy, you're amazing! Truly! I'm sorry for calling you an alien and doubting your existence. You must understand I'm a little out of touch with reality sometimes and I thought you were part of this mess. Now I'm very aware of who you are, though. Are we okay?" you offered Venom a hand shake.
Instead of shaking your hand, he picked you up and hugged you tight. "Hah, I like you, little man! No wonder why Eddie wants you to kiss him."
As if you weren't already happy enough. You smirked, "He does?"
"He does!"
Eddie could advocate for himself but he was so embarrassed that now he preferred being in full Venom mode, this way you wouldn't see his clearly red face.
"Venom, would you mind letting me see Eddie again? Please? I need his help with something."
"More like he needs your help."
Venom let go of you, then just like he had appeared, he disappeared and Eddie was the one in front of you again. He looked so cute with his flustered face that for a moment all you could think about was how even cuter he would look bouncing on your cock.
"Hi, Eddie. Heard you wanted me to kiss you," you took a step closer, having your face just a few inches away from his.
"I- I mean… perhaps? Maybe. I do, yes. Only if you want," Eddie avoided your gaze when he mumbled.
You held his waist and gently pushed him against the island, making Eddie gasp softly when his back hit the cold marble of the countertop.
"Oh, I do. I want to kiss your hands, your forehead, your cheeks, your neck and, last but not least, your lips. I want to kiss you everywhere. And do a few more things other than that if you allow me to."
Eddie felt his hands shake in anticipation as he wrapped them around your neck and closed his eyes. "Fuck, yes, please."
You chuckled before finally leaning in to kiss Eddie.
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dogfightz · 4 years
pairing: ron weasley x oc
year: 4th
warnings: nothing really, just fluff. also i wrote this for myself thinking no one else would see it lmao.
also please note, this oc has a lot of character development, and one of the characters is another oc! for a little backstory, she’s oliver woods younger sister, she’s a ravenclaw and her parnets basically disowned her when they found out. she stayed with remus and dora and the burrow sometimes because her family knew them. but yeah, that’s a little backstory, now please enjoy :)!
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(gif made by me!)
scarlet woke up bright and early on saturday. you may be asking why but she had a small date with ron weasley today. god, everyone knew. harry, hermione, draco, eva, fred and george(they wouldn't stop talking about it in the common room).
scarlet placed her feet on the blue rug, stepping out of bed as luna looked at her. she was up early. luna smiled at scarlet as she turned the pages of one of the many herbology books around the girls dorm. scarlet smiled backand walked over to her dresser, trying to find an outfit. the girl fished out a blue and yellow flannel, a nude turtle neck, and some black jeans.
scarlet grabbed her clothes and headed to the bathroom. cho was just coming out, she rolled her eyes at scarlet. scarlet was very confused. it seems like cho had became friends with all the mean ravenclaw girls and even some of the mean slytherins, leaving scarlet and luna behind. they weren't very close but it still hurt scarlet.
scarlet ignored cho, and simply walked into the bathroom, throwing her clothes off and getting dressed. she already got a shower the night before to save time. once she was done, she walked back to her dorm with luna, and sent an owl to oliver, her brother.
"Dear Oli,
    How's life? I haven't sent in owl in a few days but I got your letter. Today, I am going to Hogmade with Ron. Just a day with my best friend. Have you heard from mom? Or dad? Let me know.
Snape was talking about how you were so good in potions, saying I should be better. I think it's because I'm friends with Harry. Also, I heard you got the spot on the team! Good for you, I'll be coming to your next game in January. For now, I'll keep sending the letters.
Until next time,
Scarlet R. Wood."
she finished the letter in no time, looking up at the clock. 9:30. ron said to come down for breakfast at 9:35 but she decided to go a bit early. she grabbed her scarf and she headed down to the Great Hall, smiling the whole way.
when she got there it was about 9:33, she was early but it was alright. she saw that ron, hermione, neville, and harry were all out of bed. odd. harry always slept late, maybe it was for training? scarlet didn't question it too much because she was now sitting right next to ron.
"hey, you're early." ron smiled, harry rolled his eyes. why was he was jealous? he liked cho. "of course i am, i'm always early." scarlet replied, taking some pancakes from the table. ron smiled. "i guess you're right.." he replied awkwardly. "well, i've gotta go to hagrids for tea..i'll see you guys later." harry spoke, fixing his glasses. everyone nodded as fred, george, and evanora malfoy came to the breakfast table.
"hey ron! do you remember the protection spell we gave ya?" fred asked, winking. "shove off, fred." ron replied, his face as red as his hair now. scarlet laughed softly. "ronald, you're not embarrassed, are you?" hermione asked, ron rolled his eyes at her. ron was embarrassed but scarlet found it cute. she smiled, and kissed his cheek lightly, making ron even more embarrassed.
ron and scarlet walked to the entrance of hogsmeade, scarlet anxiously grabbing his hand. ron smiled. "sorry..i'm just a bit nervous. i heard cho is going to be here....she hates my guts." scarlet chuckled softly. ron nodded softly. "she's a bloody bitch." ron mumbled softly as scarlet began walking towards the candy shop.
as the pair arrived, they spotted luna and neville. the pair was buying some chocolate frogs. scarlet smiled at the pair as ron ran to acid pops. he loved those things, and scarlet had no clue why. "hey ron, why do you like those so much?" scarlet asked coming up behind the boy. he jumped slightly. "you scared me!" he laughed but then shrugged. "but i'm not sure, scarlet. why do you ask?" "i don't know, just curious. ooh! jelly slugs!" scarlet smiled, walking over to the slugs. ron laughed. "you're so odd." he smiled, picking up two packs of the slugs. ron also had about four acid pops.
the pair made their way over to chocolate frogs, ron smiling like a fool. he loved chocolate, and so did scarlet. "how many do you want?" ron asked. "four is fine, i can pay for them. oliver sent me about 50 gallons." ron's eyes went wide. "50? merlin!" ron laughed, hanging her four of the frogs.
they paid for their things and decided to go get some food and butter beer with harry and hermione who ended up coming later on.
ron and scarlet walked into one of the restaurant that actually allowed younger people in it. harry and hermione were already there. ron waved at them, walking over to the pair.
harry forced a smile onto his face as he noticed the pair holding hands and hermione sighed. "you've gotta move on, harry. i heard ginny likes you." hermione spoke. harry rolled his eyes. "i like cho." harry replied quickly. hermione looked at him with that look. "fine, i still like her. but not as much as i use to. it just hurts to see he-" harry stopped when he saw the pair inches away from the table. they hadn't heard anything, which was a good thing.
"hey guys." scarlet smiled, looking over at ron briefly. "hey, how was your day so far?" hermione smiled wiggling her eyebrows. scarlet laughed. "oh hush. we've only been here for 35 minutes. we've only went to the candy shop. we're gonna go to the bookstore after this." scarlet replied to the comment.
ron was quiet, which wasn't normal for him. scarlet picked up on it, quickly, too. but the waiter came quicker than normal, so she hadn't gotten the chance  to ask what was up with him until after.
"hey, what's wrong?" scarlet whispered to the boy while hermione and harry were distracted. "nothing, i just feel bad about the whole harry situation. i shouldn't be such a git about everything." ron admitted. scarlet nodded. "hey, love, don't feel bad about it-" scarlet stopped, she had realized she had called the boy love. ron turned bright red, but scarlet continued her statement.
"we all make mistakes, as cliché as it sounds, we really do. now, cheer up. please." scarlet smiled as she directed her attention back hermione who was telling us about fred asking her to the ball.
it was now 8:45pm, and all the kids were making their way back to the castle. ron and scarlet walked hand and hand laughing. "oh my god, once! once-let me tell you about this-" scarlet said in between wheezes, "my dad always wanted oliver to fly like flawlessly- so he'd take him outside to practice, and one day oliver fell off his broom and the broom hit my dad in the head so hard-" the pair laughed as harry looked on with jealousy.
"harry, you really need to realize scarlet doesn't feel like same. she obviously likes--no loves—ron." hermione mumbled. "i know, i know hermione. i think i'm gonna ask cho to the ball." he smiled. hermione smiled too. the pair didn't know that cho was with cedric.
"one time fred shit his pants." ron wheezed. scarlet spat one of her gummi slugs out at the comment. "when he was 10." ron continued. "no fucking way!" scarlet laughed harder, hanging ron a gummi slug.
ron, scarlet, harry, and hermione all plowed into the common room, everyone laughing. it was a great day. "hey guys, i had fun but i've really gotta get back to my dorm." ron frowned. "uhm..why don't you just stay here? you can sleep on my bed or something." ron spoke awkwardly. "okay—okay fine, but i've gotta write to my brother in the morning." scarlet agreed.
ron lead scarlet to the dorm. everyone had separate dorms with one other person. sometimes, they didn't even have another person. scarlet smiled at the smell of the room. pine, mint, and flowers. it was wonderful. she had been in his dorm before but it didn't smell this good. maybe she was just distracted.
"do you wanna go to bed now?" ron asked, a smile on his face. "sure." scarlet spoke, returning the smile. "can i borrow some clothes from you?" she added. ron blushed before mumbling an "of course."
he handed the girl some red pj pants and grey shirt. she nodded and went into the bathroom connected into the dorm. she slipped her other clothes off, taking her rings and necklace off, sticking them in the pocket of her jacket. she slipped the pants on before putting the shirt on and returning to ron.
when she came back ron was laying on his bed, smiling and looking up at the ceiling. scarlet smiled at the boy again, walking over to the small bed and laying down on her, her head laying on the boys chest. ron blushed softly, as he awkwardly wrapped his free arm around her figure.
"thank you." scarlet mumbled softly, closing her tired eyes. "for what?" ron inquired. "today, silly." she chuckled. "you're welcome. but thank you even more. i had such a fun time.." he smiled, tempted to kiss the top of her head. but he was too nervous.
"scar, do you wanna go to the ball with me?" ron asked, confidently. "y-yes! of course!" she smiled, flipping her body so she was facing the boy. he smiled and cupped the girls cheeks gently, kissing her. scarlet smiled, wrapping her legs around the boy's waist. ron's face heated up as he realized what she was doing.
he had no problem with it, it wasn't a bad thing at all. it was just terrifying, for both of them. but even while thinking this, they kept kissing each other, sloppily, though. scarlet pulled away, placing her forehead up to the boys.
"you're wonderful, ron weasley."
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48. Put your hands in the air and say hell yeah. Captain Jack! Johnny Depp!
What motivates you to do what you do? Sheer necessity, usually.
What was the weather like the last time you went out? Hot. It’s Arizona so it’s probably near 100 + sunny.
Do you go for walks often? I’m pretty lazy and try to avoid it. You sorta gotta trick me into walking, like take me to a big shopping mall or something so I inadvertently walk around it whilst shopping.
What color shirt are you wearing? Gray.
What is your favorite type of youtube video to watch? I don’t really watch any. I just use it to occasionally look up songs or to record snippets of stuff to remix songs.
Do you need any new clothes right now? I got plenty.
What’s the next project you are excited to start? I’m working on a nonsensical Adult Coloring Book featuring animals committing crimes.
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Do you collect anything? If so, what? Used to collect rocks and Pokémon cards. I suppose in a sense I collect all sorts of art/office supplies.
^and if not, what would you like to collect? Nothing really.
What was the last disappointing thing that happened to you? I don’t know. Suppose work being closed for renovation for 2 weeks kinda sucks because I sort of need cash.
What is something God has healed you of? I don’t really do the whole God/Religion rigamarole... Chances are if we are healed of something, there is a psychological, sociological biological or generally rational explanation.
Have you ever experienced a miracle? Like, a phenomenal coincidence? I think as much as I hate to be a downer, there's probably a lot to do with our perceptions of events
What was the last thing you ate? Lucky Charms.
Do you ever eat food that’s intended for kids? Well, Lucky Charms. I also love pizza rolls and chicken nuggets. But I’m not eating Gerber Peas&Carrot baby foods or anything crazy like that.
What was the last stupid thing you did? Define “stupid”? Most things I do are probably stupid to others but perfectly acceptable to me.
Do you get embarrassed easily? Sometimes.
Are you wearing pants or shorts right now? I never wear shorts.
What are your top three names you like for a daughter? Elliot (this is also my pick for a boy name), Tara, Hazel.
Would you ever film a vlog of yourself giving birth? Ew. Fuck no. Honestly, adopting/fostering sounds way more my style anyway. To be totally frank, pregnancy sounds gross and being unable to take my adderall sounds awful. I’d gain like, a million pounds.
Do you like getting caught in the rain? It’s usually a refreshing break from the heat out here.
Do you think your hair looks best straight, wavy, or curly? Messy, or in a side-pony.
What was the last craft project you completed?: Coloring books for my friends’ kid.
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Name 3 youtubers you would like to meet in person: I don’t know any.
Has anyone ever spread an untrue rumor about you? Sociopath ex. Not sure he actually said them aloud to people other than myself, but I was constantly being accused of weird stuff I absolutely did not do.
What’s one rumor you’ve heard about yourself, and is it true? N/A. No idea. Not aware of any relevant or applicable rumors. I literally just keep to myself and do crafts.
What color are your nails painted currently? Not painted.
Do you use a pill box? Jesus, I’m not 80.
List 3 people you know who were loving and then turned cold: it’s kind of generic to assume either of those things as permanent traits. But probably most flings or whatever. It always feels cold when one party loses interest.
Have you filmed a youtube video today? Never filmed one in my life.
Do you leave the house when you’re on your period? Um yes. Life doesn’t stop just because I have cramps.
^If not, why not? -
Have you ever felt threatened for your life? Yeah. Sociopath ex would get overtly paranoid and mistake harmless or unrelated things I did or said to be conspiracies against him. And occasionally my imaginary betrayals would lead to violent words or actions. Like, a bundle of index cards with Carrabba’s menu items and their ingredients, word for word, from the Carrabba’s menu, was somehow coded plots to who the fuck knows to have him killed. Irrational stuff like that.
What are you behind on? Student loans. And when I say behind, I really mean that I actively chose not to pay them.
Do you get enough sleep each night? No because night is my time to be productive, uninterrupted and without bothering anyone. I hate having to stop my thoughts just because other people are making noise or trying to converse with me.
Which did you like better: high school or college? Absolutely college.
Which year of your life stands out to you as the most significant so far? Probably last year or two.
…and why? Big personal transitions and revelations in my life philosophy.
What was the last store you shopped at? Walmart, most likely.
Do you have a favorite pharmacist? I used to back in NY. Her name was Evie. She wished a customer Happy Thanksgiving on Valentine’s Day accidentally once and it cracked me up and we had a running joke about it.
Do you have a favorite cashier at the grocery store? I don’t shop frequently enough and I switch up stores when I do.
What was the last thing you ordered at Starbucks? Probably a toffee nut Frappuccino.
What’s something you discovered recently?
What makes you more creative? Emotional turbulence, certain drugs.
What’s the last magical thing you experienced? Um…Magical? The herd of unicorns crossing the I-10.
What is the theme of your bedroom? None. We are staying in a spare room at a friend’s. But we're actually moving this week because being micromanaged and constantly scrutinized was getting old.
Have you ever lived in a dorm? Yes, for a few years
Who is someone whom you admire, and why? I guess the lady at work, Amanda. She’s like 64 and works open-close every day, and still has a great attitude.
When was the last time you stepped outside of your comfort zone? I don’t know. I test the waters every once in awhile.
Where would you like to travel to next? Nowhere crazy. Just back to New York for the Renaissance Faire.
If you could win three dream vacations to anywhere, where would you go? Portugal—New Zealand—Ireland.
Would you rather ride a camel or an elephant? Camel. They’re fuzzy.
Are you a free spirit? I don’t know what that even constitutes. I think outside the box and I question social conformity and other preset patterns of thought. But I don’t know that has much to do with my spirit.
Do you want to lose weight? I think I’m okay for now.
Which insects scare you, if any? They don’t scare me, they just creep me out …spiders, centipedes, millipedes, roaches…ugh.
Do you think it’s silly to be afraid of a tiny insect? It’s not like I think they’re going to murk me with a sawed off shot gun. I know they’re harmless and therefor not technically scary…but they’re still creepy and unsettling somehow.
Have you ever experienced paranoia? To some degree.
Have you ever hallucinated? Indeed.
Were you raised religious? We were raised Roman Catholic. Didn’t stick.
Have you ever been abused? Psychologically, emotionally, physically and sexually. #sociopathic ex.
Do you think the cops should do more about bullying? I think cops have enough shit to worry about as is and don’t know how effective extensive police interference would even be. I think the anti-bullying message is stronger when conveyed by people closer to kids like teachers, parents, siblings or a celebrity figure they idolize.
Is there a coffee shop you like better than Starbucks? I like them all about the same.
If you could afford to get your hair professionally done, what would you get? Probably dye and highlights. Definite trim of my bangs.
If you had a lot of money, do you think you would use it wisely? Absolutely not. I have little to no money now and I don’t even use *that* wisely.
Do you know any rich people who are very irresponsible? I don’t know many people to begin with.
List five careers that you’d like to have: Lawyer (like A.D.A. Barba!)...Graphic Designer...Psychologist...Self-Help writer...and oddly wouldn't mind being a waitress still.
List five far-out things that you’d like to do before you die: I genuinely do not have a bucket list. If I stumble upon something that seems cool, I do it. Making unrealistic lists won't help my quality of life very much.
Do you dream big? Quite the opposite. I sort of just fly by the seat of my pants. Weird expression. Can’t recall ever having very fixated dreams or visions for myself.
What was your first imaginary friend’s name? N/A
What was the name of the first pet that you loved? Comet. <3
What was the first work uniform that you had to wear? Waitress uniform of sorts. I wanna say it was white button down and black pants.
Do you like to go barefoot? Usually. On some surfaces it’s intolerable and I hate the texture, though.
Do you like the same colors now that you did as a kid? Pretty much.
Do you have a blog? You’re on it, buddy. This is a survey blog.
Do you have a youtube channel? What would I even post videos about?? I assure you, I do nothing that the general public would find entertaining.
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Rio & Buster
Rio: You're doing so good Rio: Not going too terribly, is it Buster: You could just talk to me, you know Buster: We don't have to be secretive anymore, like Rio: Shh Rio: For old time's sake, obvs 😏 Buster: It is hot Buster: Can't lie Rio: Duh Rio: It ain't been that long you can act like you forgot Buster: Well, you know, it almost feels like there wasn't a before Buster: Sometimes Rio: Quit being cute Buster: Make me, babe Rio: Tempting Rio: But you're being so well-behaved Rio: model son-in-law, like Buster: Yeah Buster: Remember it later Rio: Why, you planning on misbehaving? Buster: What can I say? You're better at being 😇 than me Rio: Favourite child for a reason Buster: Golden boy for my own reasons though 😏 Rio: Not gonna argue, babe Rio: just saying it's more impressive being 1st outta 10 than it is outta 2 Buster: You're forgetting, I gotta compete with a dead one Buster: That bumps my odds Rio: You really gonna play the dead card to win this, yeah? 😂 Buster: Have we met? Buster: 'Course I am Rio: Can't really whack that roleplay out at our wedding party I'm afraid Buster: Shame Rio: I know right Rio: Gotta be looking so distractingly good all the time, boy Buster: Says you looking beautiful enough to fall in love with all over again if you were a stranger Rio: I miss you Buster: Too soon to sneak away from our own party? Rio: Sadly Rio: Not the usual amount of riff raff for distraction Buster: Just for a few minutes then Rio: Okay Rio: Let's go outside Rio: I need air anyway, almost as much as I need to be alone with you Buster: Fine by me Buster: I'll make sure you don't get cold Rio: It is actually freezing here in comparison Buster: Seriously Buster: Let's just go back Rio: And stay forever Rio: I'll teach you Portuguese Buster: They need lawyers in brazil, I'll thrive Rio: Exactly Rio: and when are they not partying Rio: we'll be sey Rio: set* Buster: If I get to see you every day with that much of a tan and few clothes then I definitely am Rio: Agreed 😋 Rio: Come on let's go before they notice we're gone again Buster: Lead the way, baby Rio: [After] Rio: Do we tell them we saw her or Rio: I don't even know if I really did Buster: Probably best not, like you said, she was gone as soon as Buster: Nothing they can do now Rio: I really thought she was here to see me Rio: I'm an idiot Buster: Don't Buster: At least some part of her was, she didn't have to come today of all days, like Rio: Do you actually think so or are you just trying to make me feel better? Buster: You know I never say shit I don't mean Buster: Unless I'm angry, and do you reckon I am, right now? Rio: I hope not Rio: It's bad enough she is with me Buster: Well, I'm not so you can believe me, yeah? Rio: Okay Buster: Are you? Rio: Yeah, it's just Rio: it's weird Rio: I'm starting to forget what it was like to actually have her here and her properly be here, you know Buster: Yeah Buster: I feel that Rio: Like she's a ghost Rio: it scares me Buster: I know Buster: Me too Rio: You're definitely right, there's nothing to tell Buster: I mean, if it's gonna make you feel bad keeping it from them, do speak up but Buster: It's nothing new. Nothing they don't know Rio: Nah, I mean, it'd explain why I'm not totally in the party mood now but that's about it Buster: Do you wanna go? Rio: It's okay Rio: They've all gone to a lot of effort Buster: We're the guests of honor we can do whatever we want Buster: If you wanna go home, I'll take you home Rio: I promise it's okay Buster: You just don't want me to say you aren't feeling well in case they all reckon you're pregnant already Rio: Don't Rio: it's at a point it's clearly not a joke and they all just waiting 🙄 Buster: My mum's already given me that warning Buster: But there's worst things that could happen Rio: I imagine that's not how your Mum is seeing it, babe Buster: Sorry but if we're having 11 we've gotta start at some point Rio: Shh you playing a dangerous game here 😜 Buster: You don't wanna play with me, babe? 💔 Rio: I really really do, that's the trouble Buster: You can get me in trouble, I really don't mind Rio: Okay get me pregnant we'll see how much you mind then Buster: I'd get over it Rio: You silly Buster: You're stunning Buster: Don't blame me for being tempted Rio: As long as you don't judge me for how turned on it makes me Buster: Never Rio: Good Rio: You know they'd be the cutest Buster: If they look anything like you, I'll happily go over double figures Rio: We really gotta start now Buster: Okay Rio: Actually find me dead in the Liffey and your Ma like 💅 Buster: Shh Buster: Come here Rio: I don't know if I trust you Rio: or me Rio: Mostly me 😏 Buster: Come here or stop looking at me like that Rio: If I come Rio: Can I look at you as much as I want? Buster: You can do whatever you want Buster: Anything Rio: What about if I sit on your lap? Buster: Do it and find out Rio: Okay but I'm feeling restless Rio: so I can't promise I'll sit still Buster: Good, I wouldn't want you to make any promises you can't keep Rio: Oh you think you gonna make it hard for me? Buster: I know it Buster: No thinking needed Rio: We'll see who's making who hard, babe Buster: Promises, promises Rio: Yeah Rio: How's that? Buster: You're talking a lot from over there Buster: That's all I'm saying Rio: 😫 When he says you're all talk Rio: Lemme prove you wrong, hold up Buster: 😏 Rio: You know this is my favourite place in the whole world Buster: Yeah? Buster: Make yourself comfortable then Rio: Yep Rio: Almost enough to make me not miss Brazil Buster: I can't miss it too much when I've got the best part of it right here Rio: Baby Rio: I love you Buster: I love you too Rio: Can you not move like that though Rio: Jesus Buster: Like what? Buster: That? Buster: Or did you mean, this? Rio: daddy Buster: I need you to tell me so I don't do it again Rio: Sorry, having trouble concentrating Rio: Show me again? Buster: So? Buster: Which is it? Rio: Both, definitely both Rio: but I nearly made noise with the second so be sure to not do that again if you want me to stay quiet, okay Buster: You'll be quiet enough if you do it into my mouth Rio: Do you need kisses, baby? Buster: Yeah Rio: As you've been such a good boy Buster: Jesus, never stop if you're gonna kiss me like that Rio joined the chat 4 hours ago Rio: When we're alone again, baby Rio: I'm planning to kiss you 'til you have to leave Buster: I know you can feel how much I like that idea Rio: I can Rio: I'm just gonna feel it a little bit more though, make sure we're on the same wavelength here Buster: Fuck Buster: If you keep doing that I'm gonna have to leave this party and take you with me Rio: Maybe that's my plan Buster: Say it and we'll go Rio: I'm enjoying making it hard for you to talk though 😋 Buster: Oh there's plenty I could say Buster: Just not to anyone but you Rio: Please tell me Rio: I wanna know Buster: How badly do you want it? Rio: You can't feel how hot I am? Buster: You struggling to talk too, baby? Rio: I can barely breathe Buster: My poor little angel Buster: It's okay Buster: I'll take care of you Rio: Buster Buster: Yeah? Rio: I swear to God if you don't pull my skirt up and touch me right now Buster: Someone'll see us Buster: Or hear you Rio: 😣 Rio: I gotta get up Buster: Don't Buster: I'll still do it I'm just warning you what'll happen once I start Rio: Don't worry, you can cover yourself with my cardi, no one will know 😉 Buster: Stay Rio: Baby Rio: 'Course I will Buster: We can do this Buster: Just be quiet, okay Rio: I promise Rio: I'll focus on telling you in here how good it feels Buster: I'll never say no to that Buster: Christ, you're so wet, baby Rio: It's for you Rio: You look so fucking good in that shirt, daddy Buster: That's for you too Rio: You're all for me Rio: My sexy husband Buster: I don't know if I'll ever get used to you saying that Rio: It feels like a dream sometimes Rio: but it's real, we did that Buster: All of this is real Rio: I can't believe all of you is real too, damn Rio: if I had to imagine the perfect man, like Rio: I couldn't have done as good Buster: You're gonna make me blush Rio: Well, you're gonna make me cum so Rio: Fair is fair Buster: Yeah but hopefully my blush will be more obvious to everyone, if you keep your promise Rio: I'm trying so hard Rio: [Selfie] 'Cos you can't see my concentration face and I know you love it Buster: Fuck Buster: You're such a good girl, you know Rio: 😊 Rio: Are you proud of me? Buster: I've only just begun to show you how proud I am, babe Buster: Hold on Rio: OH Rio: Shit, Daddy Rio: Your fingers are so long, wow Buster: I can't put them in your mouth without someone definitely noticing but I know you won't make a sound Buster: Not even if I do this Rio: Fuck fuck fuck oh my God Rio: If I didn't know better I'd say you were trying to get me to break my promise Buster: Good thing you know better then Buster: I'm just thinking about when my fingers can go in my own mouth, that's all Buster: I love tasting you Rio: Did you feel what your words just did to me Rio: You're the hottest boy in the world Buster: What can I say? You inspire me Rio: I've got to grind on you just a little Rio: I swear they won't notice Buster: Oh shit Buster: You warned me but Rio: I wish you could just unzip and stick it deep inside me right here but Rio: Still want you to feel good too, even if we can't Buster: Don't tempt me Buster: That feels so good I might just do it anyway Rio: I'll be good Rio: I'll fuck myself back onto you so slow and careful Buster: Baby Rio: Please do it, daddy Rio: I need more of you Rio: and you need it so bad Buster: I can't say no to you Buster: I don't want to Rio: I love you Buster: I love you Rio: This was a bad idea Rio: but I don't care, it feels so fucking Buster: I'd say we can stop but Buster: I can't Rio: I don't want to Rio: That's the problem, I wanna ride the fuck outta you and make you cum in my pussy Buster: It's not a problem Buster: You know what you're doing Buster: Make it happen Rio: Is that an order? Buster: Yeah Rio: Fuck Rio: You better promise to be quiet too Rio: as much as it pains me Buster: Can I make noise if I promise to only to do it in your ear? Rio: You've got to Rio: You know what your voice does to me Buster: Then I promise Rio: This is why your lap is my favourite place, holy Buster: When I get you pregnant we should do it exactly like this Buster: In front of everyone Rio: Please Rio: Make me a Mum for everyone to see Buster: I will Buster: Just tell me when Rio: When do you want our babies? Buster: Jesus, it shouldn't be so fucking hot hearing you ask that Rio: I know Rio: We're a little bit twisted, baby but it's so good Rio: I shouldn't want you to own me like this in front of them all but I do so fucking much Buster: You make me wanna fuck a baby into you right now Rio: You could Buster: Do you want me to? Rio: Yes Buster: Listen to what you're doing to me, oh my god Rio: I've always told you you're my Daddy, Buster, so let me make it even truer Buster: I really fucking love you, Rio Buster: Let's do it Rio: I love you so much Rio: You're beautiful Buster: You're perfect Buster: You know that Rio: You too Rio: That's why I want this Buster: I don't know what to say Rio: You don't need to say anything, baby, just don't stop Buster: Not until you cum for me Rio: I need to go harder Rio: just got to make sure the coast is clear first Buster: Do it Rio: You're doing it for me, you know you're thrusting into me so rough right now, baby Buster: I know what you need Buster: I don't care about anything or anyone else Rio: You don't care if anyone sees what you're doing to me? Rio: Or hears the noises I'm getting you to make? Buster: No Rio: Good Rio: Me either Rio: all I care about is making you cum right now Buster: I'm so close I have no idea how everyone doesn't already know Rio: Maybe they do but they're too polite to say Rio: Wanna let you finish, give them grandbabies Buster: Jesus Christ Rio: I'm gonna have such sexy bruises on my hips, you're gripping on to me so tight Buster: I swear I'll kiss them better later I just Rio: Do it, Daddy Rio: Bruise me all you need, I need this just as bad Buster: Take it all, baby Buster: Everything you need Rio: I don't know how I take all of you Rio: You're so big and I'm so small Buster: That's how bad you want me Rio: It is Rio: This is what Heaven feels like Buster: You're always gonna feel it Buster: I promise Buster: I'll make a baby for you before I leave Rio: I'm going to pass out from keeping these screams in Rio: It'll be like you're still here with me Rio: half of you, always Buster: I know Rio: Do you want a boy or girl, baby? Buster: I don't care Buster: It'll be beautiful either way Rio: So beautiful Buster: And fucking perfect, like you Rio: Buster Rio: Please put them in me now Buster: Okay baby Rio: I get why my parents had so many if it feels this good Buster: I'll give you as many as you want Rio: I don't wanna be able to not do this whenever we want though Buster: Your parents clearly found the time Buster: Not that I wanna think about them like that but Rio: True Rio: 11 it is then Buster: Yeah Rio: Anyway, it's clearly dead easy to sneak away for quickies when you've got a big family so Buster: We've proved that enough times Rio: Please never leave me Rio: If I ever have to face a family function without you I won't survive, like Buster: I'm not going anywhere without you Buster: And our babies Buster: However many there are Rio: Promise Buster: On my life Buster: You never have to worry about that Rio: Good Rio: Should I come with you when you go back for exams or will it be less distracting if I stay Buster: I want you with me Buster: But I know you've got responsibilities here too so Rio: Hmm, see what we can do Buster: We're gonna need a house if we're having 11 kids Buster: And a garden Rio: We can make it happen Rio: We both work hard Buster: We can go live in Brazil one day too if you want Buster: Not forever but Rio: You really would do anything to make me happy, wouldn't you? Rio: How did I get so lucky Buster: It isn't luck, babe Buster: You deserve it Buster: And you made it happen as much as I did Rio: You're the best, Buster McKenna Buster: For you, yeah Rio: Can we get a dog too if we have a garden then? 😋 Buster: 'Course Buster: You know I want to Rio: and a cat too Buster: As long as you don't go as hard as your mum, like Rio: Oh, so 11 kids is cool but that many cats is crazy? Buster: Obviously Rio: 😏 Rio: You're funny Buster: I'm just not a cat person, alright? Rio: 😑 You really gonna make me divorce you already Buster: That's not funny Buster: Don't make me pout at my own party Rio: Awh baby Rio: Just say sorry to all the cats individually and it'll be fine Buster: 😒 Rio: 😂 Buster: Stop Rio: I'm just playing, don't be grumpy Rio: There's no getting rid of me really Buster: Be nice to me, I've got another surprise for you Rio: What Rio: Tell me tell me Buster: It's not much of a surprise if I do Buster: It's just a little wedding present, like Buster: Calm down Rio: You know, you don't need to get me a present Buster: Shh Buster: Indie helped, it's a team effort Rio: Can I have it now Buster: Well Buster: Say please first Rio: Please Rio: Pretty pretty please with a cherry on top Buster: Alright Buster: Come with me Rio: You can't give it to me here? Rio: You literally just did, like Buster: It's too big Buster: Leave the jokes out, cheers Buster: It's not far, come on, we'll be right back Rio: Hmm what have you done, boy Rio: but I'm coming Buster: Trust me Rio: I do
0 notes
rockcandyrebels · 7 years
A Really Important Chapter
So let's see...how did the last dream end? With Kysme jokingly saying "that totally makes me wanna kiss you" and Liyah just going "Well, why haven't you?" not so jokingly...
I assume there wouldn't be a real action taken right now? Instead, Aaliyah just...turns her head back towards the sky, silently. "I kind of mean it, Kysme. Why haven't you kissed me yet?" And there was silence, or at least a certain type of white noise in which you know somebody is talking, but the words fall on deaf ears. (I imagine Kysme replies dumbly, "What do you mean", or a variation of that)
" Actually, no, I have a better question- do you think there could ever be anything between us? I don't mean anything casual or like friends with benefits sort of shit. Could you see us being more than friends, the meaningful way?" No white noise, only silence. Aaliyah probably huffs, her face feeling kind of hot on account of being embarrassed. She shouldn't have brought this up, but oh well, it's already up. She might as well continue. So she does. "You don't gotta lie to me or anything, coddle my feelings or some shit. I just wanna know! And I'm not trying to force anything on you, because I don't really know how I feel about you either. I know that I care about you at least, and sometimes i mix feelings up within myself. I just want things to be clear. So..." She'd blow a strand of hair out of her face with a sigh. "Yeah."
There, she said it. Now all she has to do is wait.(edited)
And that's when things got unclear because how the fuck am i supposed to figure out meaningful dialogue for kysme by myself-
My girl.
//Clutches chest
The bravery-
GOD YEAH tbh I think the whole journey of this dreamscape just...came from that talk a long time ago? Me asking you if you think that kysme could toy with the fact that the two could be something more? (Rightly named in the blog "something more") basically just liyah putting her heart out on her sleeve all vulnerable and what not and trusting kysme to be serious with her for a second.
if only I could be like that in real life tho, shitttt
I feel serious Kysme would be silent a lot since he's actually taking time to chew over his words before spitting them out. So yeah those silences are something-
Oh gosh, glad that was right on the mark then. Don't take too long though, Kysme. Liyah might start feeling real silly, getting up and trying to brush it off like
Memphis-Rex :
And hmmmm. I feel like he might counter with a question first. After a tense moment he relaxes back into the grass, staring at the sky as well. "I don't know. I don't usually feel this way about people either. Am I even worth a genuine effort at something more? I fuck up so easily."
In that brief moment his tough guy persona slips aside, and you can see his own insecurity of losing things he cares about and his fears of being emotional.
Maybe, for once, his voice sounds gentle.
Kysme is fully aware of how shitty he can be. Sometimes he can't help it. In a way, he doesn't want to be the one who hurts her.
Would he be able to forgive himself for such a thing.
Oh, hey Memphis?
Fuck you???
This hurts more than it should?? Vunerable Kysme????ouch???
Lmao you can sleep now though if needed, you'll be rewarded a nice piece of HC. Thank you for your efforts.
His response would make liyah do a double take-turning her head to watch him again, her face obviously surprised by his change of tone. Wow. Just wow. Imagine her mouth opening to form words, though not being able to really say anything at first. Just studying his face.
"You're worth it."
Not a general, safe, 'everyone is worth it', or a shrug and wishy-washy kind of deliverance. It would be said with a quiet kind of conviction, like she actually means it. Because she does. And she smiles a bit at that, fondly. "Trust me, Kysme. I've been through the ringer a couple times with this kind of shit. Fucking up comes with the playing field- don't be so hard on yourself."
And I can see her doing something sweet, like reaching out and grabbing a hold of kysme's hand, gently so. Something to know that she's there, that she hears him. "But someone else's words probably mean nothing when your mind is convinced. Maybe you have to convince yourself that youre worth it, yeah?" She'd sigh, still her hand on top of his, a comfortable sort of silence.
There's gonna be a pause as he relishes the sensation of her hands on his. You know with how often he takes her hand jokingly to stare at its glistening surface, it's probably the first time she held his hand of her own accord. He'd bite his lip, say something like "I'll work on it." Another moment. Then, a careful movement as to not crush the arm that was previously holding his hand, he rolls over to lie on his side, closer to her, propping himself up on one elbow. There's this intense look in his candy colored eyes as he gazes down upon her face, and this time he doesn't hide it (recap-- the time he'd get distracted looking at her while she talks about movies). He's just taking it all in, up close, straightforwardly. "...But we can change one thing first." He says, referring to the earlier question of why he hasn't kissed her yet. And---
(ok if Aaliyah isn't down with this we can always change it XD)(edited)
Pt. 2--- Hypothetically speaking, if they do indeed get together, I feel nothing too much will change about their dynamics? They still have their silly banters and teasing, but finally they're not repressing their feelings so it feels more..liberating? To show some act of affection.
And I'm not saying Kysme becomes perfect boyfriend material immediately. He still makes her eyes roll to the sky with his stupidity. ("Shit, he's the biggest dumbass in the world but he's my dumbass" suddenly crosses my mind)
But there are some subtle changes in the way he acts now.(edited)
Is she going to feel bothered by his habit of occasionally sleeping with strangers (seeing her past with another pretty boy cough cough)? Cause I think the amount of times he fools around will dwindle if he's in a relationship but habits/hobbies die hard...He would try to be transparent about the matter though.
(First of all aaliyah is down yes of course the fuck you think memphis //still reading/)
(And you woke up?! Now?!)
(also doesn't hurt to double check lel)
(LOL my body must have realized that I was missing straight up PERFECT QUALITY HCING)
(And true! Okay hold on while I respond something good.)
Oh gosh, your respond to the HC kind of like, feels like the perfect end already, but I will add on one thing to it- the idea of Aaliyah's heart thumping faster and faster as she realizes what exactly kysme is about to do. A loud thump, thump, thump pounding against her ears. Her eyes growing wider and her heart jumping at her throat, because holy shit...is he really gonna do it? Is he really going to do it? and when he does do it, its like something clicks in place with her head. Something nice and tender and a little scary. She'd close her eyes and sink into the kiss almost immediately, moving her hands up to cup his cheeks and hoping to god that that burning sensation comes soon- it would be safe to assume that she herself has been guilty of wondering how it would feel on her lips, sue her. (If it does come soon then she's probably left breathless and panting and if kysme asks if she needs a second she just goes "Fuck no." She was waiting for this kiss, even if she didnt think she was ever going to get it. (stay tuned for pt.2)
And I was gonna say that too, tbh! Like...they didn't need much to shift at all- theyve always been pretty comfy with each other and to the outside viewer it probably doesnt look like anything at all has changed unless they spot some nuances (like couch hand holding, aaliyah not complaining when the guy touches her, even if he grabs her by the waist or something, her sitting on his lap while watching a movie, etc) It just kind of...comes naturally. Liberating, as you say. Just...everything is right for once. (Also don't mind me but I totally wouldn't mind if this became non-hypothetical, if ya know what I mean, hueh hueh. //rubs my grubby raccoon hands together/).
The stupidity becomes endearing in a way, exactly as you say ("my big pink dumbass").
No, I don't think she's going to be bothered by it if he's honest about it (and as long as he saves his sweetest parts for her, you know? Like don't go confiding in strangers when you have a perfectly good girlfriend here to cuddle with.) The issue that destroyed her and Samael's relationship, besides the politics, was the lying to cover the hookups and the using and emotional abuse. It wasn't the fact that Sam was sleeping around, its the fact that she was the last to know, usually through other people. And what a shitty feeling is that. So even if he still has trouble with the deep conversation portion or the relationship, as long as he isn't lying to her face on petty shit, she wont make a big deal about it. Maybe even jokes about it when he tells her. ("Oh, cool. So is that the one you were talking about organizing the threesome with?") And that is to say that although she herself isn't someone to sleep around, I could see her branching out herself, once or twice. Lol (also speaking of which if we are going down this road she 'll likely tell him about that whole relationship fiasco, get ready for that can of worms kysme)
0 notes
Rio & Buster
Rio: How gone are you? Rio: I'm wrecked Buster: I'm fine Buster: 'Course Rio: Okay 😏 Rio: Imma go if you ain't on my level then boy Buster: Don't Buster: Talk to me Rio: Been having fun, boo? Buster: Yeah Buster: Mostly when I knocked James out Buster: 😂 Rio: Why'd you do that then Buster: Never shuts up that boy Rio: You better watch out if that's grounds for a kicking tonight, babe Buster: It's my party I can fight who I want to Rio: 🙄 Rio: You're funny Buster: I know Buster: He knows it now as well, like Rio: Coming in hot, I guess Buster: When am I not? 😏 Rio: 😂 Rio: If you say so Buster: You can say it too, I know you're thinking it Rio: You sure? Buster: Yeah Rio: No doubt you been hearing it all night yeah Rio: unless you're fighting everyone Buster: I wanna hear it from you Rio: I'll ring you in a bit Rio: if you want Buster: Don't forget Buster: You're wrecked Rio: I'm not that far gone Rio: just not tryna be that bitch Buster: What? Rio: Blowing up your phone every five seconds, like Buster: I like it Rio: Good Rio: 'cos I already miss you proper bad Buster: I miss you too Buster: Dancing with all these girls who aren't you Rio: Same Rio: It isn't the same, they aren't you Buster: Exactly Buster: They're boring Buster: and don't even know what they're trying to do Rio: I'm sorry you're bored but I ain't Rio: Don't forget Rio: only I can do you like I do Buster: Don't remind me Buster: I can't stop thinking about you as is Rio: But I have to Buster: No Buster: 'Cause I know and you know I know Rio: Fine Buster: Don't sulk about it Rio: Shut up, I ain't Buster: You never say fine if you are Rio: Whaddya want me to say? Rio: I'm superduper fabulous Buster: You're an idiot Rio: Must be, babe, must be Rio: don't knock it Buster: Shut up Rio: Do you wanna talk to me or nah Rio: gonna get a complex you keep telling me to shut up Buster: I love you Buster: I want you here Rio: Okay said I'm not that gone but Rio: doubt I'm getting on a plane levels of sober, baby Buster: We need a private one Buster: Fuck's sake Rio: Both gonna need to be on our grind for a bit longer for that, babe Rio: You cute Buster: I'll call my dad put the demand in before my birthday rolls around Buster: Helicopter at least, like Rio: 😂 Rio: knew you was just spoiling for a fair fight Buster: He wishes it was still fair Rio: Damn Rio: talking an awfully big game tonight boy Buster: Come on Buster: It ain't just talk Rio: I ain't gonna comment Rio: impartial as, obvs Buster: You can say it Buster: Not gonna forward this to him Rio: Wouldn't be the best idea you'd ever had Rio: for many reasons more serious than you doubting his 💪 Buster: I'm not asking you if it's a good idea Buster: Forget it Buster: If you're not gonna be on my side Rio: You're silly Buster: Fuck off Buster: Am not Rio: Don't Pout Rio: we're playing Buster: Whatever Rio: Not whatever Rio: what you thinking? Buster: Like I said, forget it Buster: I've done too many lines Rio: Alright Rio: earnt it after all your 📚🤓 Buster: I forgot shit's better here than in Dublin Buster: One thing that is Rio: 😏 shame you can't do a run for us, like Buster: Come here more Rio: I will Rio: not as if I need to think of an excuse Rio: as long as I avoid your 'rents, it'll be easy Buster: Yeah and they're easy to avoid Rio: Works for me Rio: making awkward morning conversation with 'em the once was bad enough Rio: wasn't even banging you then so Buster: They appeared, we all raised our glasses to cheers and they disappeared again Buster: Good times Buster: You know better now though, yeah? Buster: Fuck being polite Buster: Ignore and avoid like I do Rio: You wanted 'em to stick around and hang? 😂 Rio: I'll stick to avoiding, not their moody teen so I'm not coming at 'em with a fuck off attitude in their own home Buster: 😂 Buster: You keep calling me moody tonight? Buster: You feeling like you're missing out on a decent fight or what? Rio: You know you is Rio: not just got that bottom lip out for the 'gram Rio: nah, all love here, like Buster: I know you wanna fight and fuck Buster: Standard Rio: So what, you reckon 1 outta 2 ain't bad? Buster: Do you reckon I can't fuck you from here Buster: I'm just a phone call away Rio: Don't be a tease again Buster: I'm only a tease if I don't do it Rio: Yeah and you can't rn Rio: I doubt the party's over already Buster: Like that matters Buster: I can do whatever I want Rio: Back on your rich boy hype, yeah? 😉 Buster: Back? I never left it, babe Buster: Forever on this pedestal Rio: 'Course Buster: 💰 talks in whatever postcode, like Rio: Probably true Buster: Actually true Buster: You wouldn't be hustling so hard to make it if it didn't speak for you Rio: Yeah but what's it saying about me to the locals hm Rio: not planning to stay in the 24 forever, shocking, I know Buster: 'Course Buster: You're coming with me Rio: Where? Buster: Everywhere Rio: Yeah Rio: I love you you know Buster: I love you Rio: We're gonna do great things yeah Buster: Yeah Buster: You motivate me, babe Rio: Backatcha Rio: You actually get what I'm trying to do Rio: not just thinking there's nothing else I can do Buster: What cunts are thinking that? Rio: You know, s'what everyone lowkey thinks but doesn't say Rio: but I don't care Buster: Whoever are going around thinking that are the braindead ones Rio: I know I should finish school but it just felt like a waste of time Rio: when I could be out there learning and getting to know the right people to know Buster: You know what you're doing Buster: If they can't work it out, more fool them Rio: Plus I needed the cash for Indie so Rio: Gotta do what you gotta do sometimes Buster: Exactly Buster: Like I gotta finish school so I can get to uni Buster: Even though this school is a headfuck Rio: All about the next step, babe Rio: I couldn't stick it, from what Nance has said and what I've seen of your mates but Rio: is what it is, you're a bit touched if you really rate school, I reckon Buster: 😂 You can't call me that much of a nerd, like Rio: Thank God Rio: taking the whole school boy fantasy vibe way too far, nah 😂 Buster: I know where to draw the line, don't worry Rio: You do? Rio: News to me Rio: Lemme know where I fall, yeah? 😉 Buster: On the right side Rio: Good to know Buster: 😏 Rio: Don't go getting too 😇 on me Buster: 😈 tonight, yeah? Rio: Please Buster: Say it again Rio: Buster Buster: That works too Rio: Save my prettiest pleases for when you can actually hear 'em Buster: Save your voice 'cause we're gonna be on the phone so long you'll start to lose it Rio: 😻 Rio: Promises, promises Buster: You've got it in writing, babe Rio: Catch me sending screenshots of the shit you said drunk to sober you in the AM 😂 Rio: what cures a hangover faster, welcome in advance, baby Buster: I said what I said and I meant what I meant Buster: You can't scare me Rio: Poetic Rio: Catch me swooning 😏 Buster: Shhh Rio: Damn, you mean you ain't gonna recite poetry to me until dawn? Rio: Gutted Buster: I can if you want Buster: This education has equipped me with plenty of that shit Rio: I mean, I'd rather you fucked me like you said you would Rio: if it's all the same to you Buster: I can do both Buster: You'll be the one losing your voice, like, not me Rio: Bit rude you're saying I can't give as good as back Rio: 😒 Buster: I'm just saying you're louder Rio: 😳 Buster: You're so good, baby Buster: Don't doubt 'cause you're meant to be reminding me, remember Rio: Oh right Rio: Lucky I took photos earlier 'cos dread to think Buster: Yeah? Rio: Yeah Rio: well your video got me missing you again, couldn't get ready properly i was so distracted so Rio: had to do something, right? Buster: Show me Buster: I haven't stopped missing you Rio: [All the nudes] Buster: Well now you have to call me Buster: Fuck Rio: Alright Rio: give me a sec to get alone Buster: Okay Rio: [A call later] Rio: S'no joke how cold it is out there Rio: We get it, summer's over Buster: Don't be cuddling up to anyone Rio: Who am I gonna? Rio: A bouncer on my way back in Buster: I know you've got form with it, babe Rio: 'Scuse me? Buster: Keeping 'em on side one way or another Rio: Piss off Rio: I'm not a cuddle whore you are Buster: Fuck off Rio: You can't deny Rio: I been knowing Buster: 😒 Rio: Aww, grumpy baby Rio: you know I don't want anyone who ain't you, not even for hugs Buster: Me either Buster: So don't be chatting like I do Rio: I'm not Buster: Good Rio: Don't be mad Buster: I'm sorry Buster: I'm just wrecked Rio: I know Rio: it's cool Rio: can go all out before school starts again and you've gotta be good Buster: School ain't gotta change a thing Buster: I'm still gonna be 😈 Rio: Hmm Buster: You don't reckon? Rio: Nah, I'm sure you're gonna go outta your way to prove it Rio: coke's just good adderral, yeah 🙄 Buster: You're rolling your eyes but you're not wrong Rio: Oh boy Buster: You love me Rio: 🍀 you Buster: Lucky you Rio: Maybe baby Buster: Did I not just prove it Buster: Or do you need me to call you back Rio: My evil plan Rio: Obviously Buster: [rings her back because he's like that] Rio: You're an idiot Rio: but okay Rio: 🍀 Buster: Tell me you love me Rio: I love you so much Buster: I still miss you Buster: It's so fucked Rio: I know Rio: idk what to do Buster: We just gotta keep doing what we're doing Buster: You're worth it to me Rio: Yeah Rio: it'll be alright Rio: not like we were ever satisfied in person either Rio: can't be helped you're too damn desirable Buster: Can't be helped that we come from the biggest fucking family ever either Buster: It really will be easier here I'm not just saying it to save myself the flight time Rio: Don't worry, I know Rio: happy of the break Rio: always got 2 free days a week, and I can film at yours, even if the quality ain't as good Rio: it'll be easy Buster: Whatever you need to make the quality better just let me know Buster: Not like we're short on space to set up, like Rio: Cheers Rio: I can rock the on the go thing, had to in hotels and shit loads, keeps it real Buster: Alright Buster: But if you need it, send me links to the tech and I'll get it Rio: You're cute Rio: and good Buster: You really matter to me, you know Rio: Shh Buster: You can't make me from there Rio: I don't know, wouldn't be so sure if I was you Rio: you can make me loud from there so Buster: That's different Buster: It's easy Rio: True Rio: such a loud mouth you Rio: god loves a trier, babe Buster: What have you got to make me speechless? That's the only question Rio: Million dollar question, some might say Rio: Have to wait and see Buster: Fuck waiting Buster: Put up or shut up, babe Rio: Your manners really do leave so much to be desired Rio: good thing you're pretty 😜 Buster: It ain't no finishing school I'm at even if some of the girls try and play like they've learned it all Rio: Seen the snaps, babe Rio: even I can see they're no ladies Buster: 😂 Buster: Not something exclusive to the 24, sorry babe Rio: You can keep 'em Rio: keep you posted on if you can post any of your lads, like Buster: No need, I know what you like Buster: And you've got previous to go off too Rio: Don't rush me Rio: that's how James happened and I don't need to repeat that experience Buster: Don't remind me Buster: He did and look what happened there Rio: 😒 Seriously Rio: you're threatening to punch me now okay go off Buster: Shut up no Buster: I'm just saying I don't wanna talk about him Rio: Me either Rio: we're good Buster: Are we good if you think I'm gonna give you a smack? Rio: I was joking, don't worry Buster: Not one of your best Rio: You've gotta relax, babe Buster: Yeah 'cause saying that is really relaxing, like Buster: Stop trying to wind me up Rio: Ugh, alright Buster: Are you really gonna have attitude about it now? Rio: You clearly are Rio: just trying to get on your level, babe Buster: Fuck off Buster: I haven't done anything Rio: Whatever Buster: Just 'cause you're that beautiful doesn't mean you can be that annoying Rio: 😂 Fuck off Buster: No you Buster: Don't whatever me when you've got something to say Rio: I already said it, I'm not gonna tell you to calm down more than once, ain't that fool Buster: Fine Rio: Chat later then Buster: Don't bother Buster: If there's nothing to say there's nothing to say Rio: Jesus Rio: Dramatic, much? Buster: So what? Buster: You'd rather I just nod along to everything, like Rio: Literally, when have I ever said that? Buster: You're saying it now if you're calling me dramatic Buster: I can react how I fucking want Rio: Do then Rio: I ain't gonna nod along either Buster: Then don't Rio: Do you even know what you're reacting to rn Rio: is my point, Buster Buster: Fuck you Buster: I'm reacting to you Rio: This is stupid Rio: We aren't having the same conversation rn Buster: So go Rio: No Rio: I'm not the one that's mad Buster: Fuck's sake Buster: I'll go then Rio: Alright Rio: Bye then Buster: 👋 Rio: Mature Buster: I ain't trying to be Rio: Good fucking job, like Buster: Yeah Rio: You know that I'm not mad at you, yeah? Buster: Alright Rio: and you know I don't know why you're mad at me so Buster: I'm not mad you just stress me out Rio: Never said I wouldn't Buster: I know Rio: Alright Buster: Fine Rio: Stop talking Buster: Rude Rio: Well I thought you were going? Rio: maybe you forgot how Buster: What's that meant to mean? Rio: That I'm helpful, not rude Rio: if you don't wanna talk to me, gotta stop typing Rio: simple Buster: I never said I don't wanna talk to you Rio: Now you're being purposefully headfucky Buster: Fuck off Buster: I am not Buster: You're the one who wanted me to leave Rio: No I never Rio: I just said I wouldn't Buster: Which means you want me to Buster: 'Cause you said this convo was bullshit Buster: We've both got better things to do, yeah? Rio: I did not Rio: I couldn't work out why you were suddenly full aggro Rio: If you like Buster: What do you want? Rio: Just go back to normal Buster: What the fuck does that mean? Rio: Babe, please Rio: just forget this convo ever happened and I will too, yeah? Buster: What like I'm such a cunt that it's gotta be erased? Buster: Fuck that Rio: Not what I said or meant Rio: I just don't reckon we're getting anywhere on this any time soon, right? Buster: On what though? What's your problem with me? Rio: You're not making any sense rn, that is literally it Rio: and I know you're wrecked so it won't matter tomorrow, okay? Buster: 'Cause you're so sober suddenly Buster: Fucking hell Rio: Am I having a go? No Rio: stop taking shit personal when it ain't Buster: Stop telling me how to behave Buster: What the fuck Rio: I give up Rio: Seriously Buster: No you don't Rio: What do you want me to say? Buster: Not that Buster: You don't get to just give up on me, like Rio: I ain't Rio: Honestly, I'm not telling you but I'm asking, please, take a breather Rio: I can call if you want Buster: How? It's mental here Rio: Just walk 'til it ain't Buster: Okay Rio: I love you Buster: I love you too Buster: I called Nance she's gonna be so mad Buster: Fix that for me Rio: Oh Christ Rio: what did you even say? Buster: She didn't answer so nothing Buster: I'm not leaving a voicemail like I'm dad Rio: Well, that's something Rio: She'll be fine, can't pretend she's never disgraced herself now Buster: She might reckon I've died Buster: Can't really send a follow up text like I'm alive Rio: I think she might call back herself if she did Rio: or at least let your 'rents know Buster: She'll be asleep though Buster: Fuck knows what time it is Rio: Don't worry, I've got you Rio: everyone's received a drunk dial, even your sister Buster: Don't tell me that Buster: I don't wanna think about cunts drunk dialing my sister Rio: Not like that Rio: probably off me, like Buster: Some of the girls were at the party Buster: The ones she hates Rio: Bit of a cheek init Rio: least Nance weren't there Buster: She should be here though Buster: School starts soon Rio: I know Rio: bit of a commute for her, babe Buster: You're an idiot Rio: Yeah Rio: You too Buster: You're so far away Buster: Everyone is Rio: Oh, babe Rio: not that far, honest Buster: Promise you're still coming here Rio: Of course I am Rio: Try and stop me Buster: I already have, like Buster: Being a prick to you Buster: Not that I was trying to stop you but Rio: Gonna say, surely you can do better than that Rio: You're just high, not holding it against you Buster: I just wanna hold you against me that's why Buster: The summer wasn't long enough Rio: Soon, baby Buster: Yeah Rio: I'm going bed, come with me? Buster: I'll have to kick everyone out first Buster: Wait for me Rio: 'Course Buster: [passage of time while he kicks the posh twats out] Buster: Are you still up? Rio: Just about Rio: 😴 Buster: You don't have to be now, baby Buster: We can sleep Rio: Good, I don't like sleeping without you Buster: I know Buster: Me either Buster: I'm gonna call and stay on the phone with you though, don't worry Rio: 💕
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Ali & Tess
A nice pre-Christmas argument
Tess joined the chat 2 hours ago Ali: Mamacita! How's tricks? Did you manage to get the gum out of Rocky's hair in the end or is he rocking a no.1 rn? Tess: It's hat season he'll be fine. It's your da you need to worry about if he doesn't get those bloody Christmas decs out Ali: At least you'll be saved the toxic fumes of the nit shampoo, like. I'll make him some earmuffs, ears like that, he'll get frostbite. Ali: Aww, leave off, he's got a bad back, like 😜 Ali: Caleb can come help with the heavy shit, he's like an ox, I'll be creative director, obvs, I've got the eye, he's got the body Ali: 😉 Tess: I hope you've got plenty of wool 'cause the dog got to ours and its a bloody state. He'll have a bad head to go with it in a minute. Nah you're alright bab Tommy's offered and Drew might as well make himself useful now he's sniffing round again. Ali: Well, there goes your classic jumper presents! Have to brave dem crowds, fight a bitch for the last...idk, what do kids even want these days? Last I heard from Rock mutant turtles and power rangers were back in vogue but they're probably out again, its been a week or so 😏 Contrary fuckers, eh? I was NEVER that bad, was I? Bet you wish you could relieve those easy years raising me, the dream child 😇 Ali: Alright then, though I wouldn't recommend confining Tommo and Drew to a space as small as the loft, T is gunning for him Ali: aren't we all? but hey 🤷 see if those muscles are just for show ay Tess: He's still on about that slime bollocks. Supposedly this stuff blows bubbles and expands or whatever. All I'm bothered about is that it says it ain't sticky. Better sodding not be. Ha! If you weren't being a little demon you were trying to raise them. Easy ain't the word love! Tess: I'll put Drew at the bottom of the ladder. Maybe some of the boxes'll land on his head. Knock some sense into the lad. Ro too seeing as she's never far. Ali: That shit is such a rip-off though, I could make him some dead cheap, tell him he can have it whatever colour, whatever random shit he wants in it, and no one else will have the same at School Ali: Save your money for the feast 💃'cos I won't be absolutely stuffed from my first xmas dinner, like, nah Ali: and demons need love too, ma, just ask Ro Ali: will he be joining us for meal numero dos? cos i don't think i can stomach 2 helpings of him in one day tbh Tess: Tell him yourself. I tried to make some with him in the summer and the ungrateful little sod wouldn't even come sit up the table. His loss. They loved it at work. Tess: Don't. That girl'll do me in one of these days . I'm surviving on spite by now 'cause he'll be eating with us over my dead body. Caleb's lot are welcome to keep him. Ali: I'm tellin ya get the kid some prescription speed, it'll do him wonders 😂 Well, that's another idea fucked...tis the season! Ali: I know, it ain't even funny at this point. Ali: You know she's gonna wanna go see him, yeah? You'll never get her to sit through games and shit telly once she's picked at her veg Ali: Its like kid swap up in here Tess: If I can get some what's on her plate into her instead of just the dog I'll be laughing. Fuck's sake. Kids who'd celebrate 'em? Grandkids on the other hand. Mary'd have been proper buzzing for that. Ali: Oi, woman! I'm right here Ali: and the giver of majority grandkids, so, think on, love Tess: You're even stevens kiddo. Keep it that way 'til you're done with uni yeah? Call that the xmas gift that keeps giving. Ali: yeah but a twofer ain't the same, is it? 😜 don't make promises i can't keep, ma Ali: engineering students are so fit, how will i resist? Tess: Tell that to Bea. I'm sure she'd have plenty to say back. Ali Mckenna don't test me there's plenty of room in the car when we go for Tommo's new specs I can get you in too. Ali: Yeah, yeah, she can lord it over me with her efficient vagina, getting it done in one, I'll be many bucks fizzes deep by then, give a shizzle Ali: Gurl, my vision is 20/20, in my third eye too, ooOOoOoOOOo Ali: Maybe Beatrice will prove again why she's your favourite daughter by distracting Ro so much with this London visit she won't have time to pine over Drew at all, happy days Tess: That's the spirit. Save your dad's back. He still thinks he's a brawler. Tess: Shh I don't have favorites I'm not one of your teachers. Tess: I'm sure Drew'll stay one text away throughout. Never off her phone now is she. Ali: Ahh, old man could still take him, Drew's a pussy Ali: I'll get Marlene round again lmao Ali: Suuuuuuuuuuuure ya don't 😏 Ali: We can only assume texting is a medium in which he really shines, 'cos seeing them IRL, doesn't make sense, so... Tess: Now that girl is a fave, thinking 'bout it. Yeah I like her. Tess: He must know his selfie angles or some shit. Tess: You tell me I'll never see the appeal. Ali: oh, sweet mama, if only you'd voiced your preference sooner, maybe i'd of married her and had lots of gaybies instead Ali: alas 🤣 Ali: you sound 100, do you feel it? 😉 Ali: he's a vessel for her hopes and dreams, init, but he ain't, he just needs to man up and move the fuck on so she can too Tess: Like you've ever listened to your ma. Double it and you ain't close, bab. I'm in those vampiric numbers here. Tess: Yeah. Maybe try telling her that. Ali: You wish you were a vampire. Which, tbh, is telling of how old you is. Ain't nothing cool about being a basement dwelling weirdo who can't sample the wonder and joy of garlic bread. Ali: Why don't you? Oh wait, cos it ain't for either of us to say it so we'll just sit here like bitter old lemons Ali: You're a bad influence, lady Tess: If that's what you think about vampire lore then I ain't gonna even waste my breath young'un. Tess: I have, cheers. I ain't sitting on my arse doing fuck all for you lot even if that's what you reckon. Tess: Exactly. Learn a lesson. Ali: Mhmm, go tell it to the lost boys 'cos I don't give a damn, I'm getting doughballs baby Ali: Pshhh, well fat lot of good its done, why you setting me up to fail then?! Ali: I know when to bow out gracefully Tess: I don't need to 'cause we'll all be snacking. If you'd watched that movie when I offered you'd know garlic don't work in that verse. Tess: There's nothing graceful about tapping out with a fight left to finish. I thought you'd been set up to go 'til the final bell but do what you've gotta do. Or don't. Tess: There's plenty of other shit stuck to the fridge singing your praises like Ali: No thank you, there's watching some lame for jokes, then there's forcing yourself to endure kiefer sutherland and co Ali: That's sadism. Ali: Well, there's nothing graceful about kicking a girl when she's down Ali: going blow for blow ain't always the right approach, is it? not with someone like Ro so don't start alright Tess: Lame? And you wonder why you ain't my fave. Tess: Helping your sister up is always the right approach if you don't want her to stay down. Tess: I'm not starting anything. I've said my piece. End of. Ali: C'mon, I know even Joe couldn't pretend to like it, like Ali: That's my point, she ain't fell yet, she's on a Drew-related high so pardon me from not trying take the rug from up under her Ali: not that I could if I tried, like I said, what good has you 'saying your piece' done? Ali: sometimes all you can do is be there to pick up the pieces after, that's just facts Tess: You all take after your da is why. No taste none of ya. Tess: It's done me a lot of good being able to get it on the record each time, cheers. Tess: sometimes that's a cop out 'cause you want a easy life Tess: Fact is there's plenty that could have been done before he did his reappearing act. Ali: Oh, yeah? Like what? Changing her entire worldview in time for tea? Ali: If it was that easy, you would've managed it by now Ali: Don't be so hard on yourself, your not doing her, or any of us, a favour with this shit Tess: He's a dealer it is that easy. It ain't my job to manage it though. You all wanna be treated like adults and have me wipe your arses for you at the same time I think not. Do yourself and her, a favor and use that big brain of yours. Ali: You think she doesn't know? Now who's being thick Ali: She doesn't care, so unless you're planning to cop shop him that means sweet fuck all doesn't it Tess: It ain't about what she knows. Last I checked he's not the only dealer in Dublin. There's still some honor among scumbags and more than one way to get caught out. Ali: Aww, such a softie at heart, ain't ya? Tess: Takes one to know one. Ali: That is one small step above 'I know you are but what am I?' Ali: No one wants Drew to get kneecapped or Ro to be collateral but he wants to be treated like an adult, so we can't wipe his arse, can we? Tess: Speak for yourself I'd spend my reddies to see that. However bad he thinks he is there's always someone worse and the sooner he learns it the better for all of us having to watch him play silly beggars Tess: Ro's worth a million of him maybe when she's grown up she'll know it. Ali: Yeah, yeah, yeah. You're such a hard bitch. Maybe if he'd got proper help from people like you he woulda turned out better when he was grown too. Ali: It ain't too late for either of them. Tess: I'm what I've had to be. I can't save 'em all. Not even close. You'd be well to stay away from him if you've still got the sense you were born with. Ali: Yeah but you still try, don't you? Read back your previous wisdom for your answer there. Ali: Bit hard when we live in the same gaff isn't it but I can assure you I'm not going out of my way to be his bestie, mother Tess: I ain't about to flog a dead dog. He ain't a stupid kid anymore and what happened when he was a little 'un ain't an excuse either Tess: Nobody's got it easy. Tess: It's up to him to work out if his turning point's come and gone or if he even reckons he needs one. Ali: You don't have to but you can see the pretense Ro is working under, yeah? She doesn't think she's doing anything wrong and, arguably, she ain't. But sometimes all you get for your efforts is a kick in the teeth. Ali: Nobody's got it easy. Ali: It's up to HER to call time, not us. Tess: Who says? I've been there. Thinkin I had it all and knew even more about my future with my dream boy. Nobody came to clue me in but even now I wish they fucking had done. Ali: Like you'd have listened. Tess: If I had someone who gave a shit maybe Tess: She'd listen to you. Ali: Say you had, would you have done anything differently? Even if you knew how it'd go, if you didn't have Ronnie, you might still be with Josh now Ali: It changes everything about you Ali: I don't think she would. There's no reasoning because there is no reason, or rhyme for that matter Tess: Of course I would. I'd do everything differently. I'm not trying to romanticise who I was. Or am. Tess: Change ain't no bad thing when it comes to this. Or me Tess: Because you don't wanna think that she would and deal with all the shit that comes with her doing that. I don't blame ya but that don't make it right Tess: it's still a cop out. Ali: Well, I hope it soothes YOUR soul villainizing yourself because as someone who's half you, it's not something that is helpful, at all. Ali: Who's been there for her after every break-up? Who has to listen to every fucking detail? It ain't been you. And I can assure you I didn't spend those times when he was out of the picture singing his fucking praises. I HAVE told her. Everyone has. It just pisses you off that you can't fix this, or her. Tess: You're all you. Your own person. End of. Tess: And it should help you to know the truth. I was a bad person Ali and I ain't exactly sainted now. I do my best that's all any of us've got. Deal with it. Tess: I'm sorry you want a gold star or pat on the head for doing what you're supposed to for who you love. You're not getting it from me. Try your luck with your da maybe. Tess: And yeah it does piss me off so what? Ali: That isn't close to being true. There's no such thing as an individual, sorry to burst your bubble. Ali: And no one is one or the other. Christ, you're so fucking old testament. Ali: If your going in for all that shite, you should look at how revered a knocked-up teenage girl is whilst you're at it Ali: No one gives a shit about your war stories, they don't help anyone but you so you keep all that anger and hold it tight 'cos none of us are here for it any more Ali: Good luck trying to get Rocky to sit still so you can tell him all about damnation to scare him straight, good fucking luck Tess: You're not gonna change my mind. If you were anything close to being half of me we wouldn't be having this conversation. Tess: Life's black and white for me. That's what happens when you don't have choices. Call it what you like. Tess: And there's nothing to be preached to me about being a knocked up teen by you or anyone else. I ain't trying to either you just think it's that onesided 'cause you never listen Tess: There you go again speaking for everyone else when you mean yourself. But whatever. Tess: Get your own stories and leave mine out of it. Tess: Grow up, Ali. Ali: Now there's a copout if I ever heard one. Ali: Listen to what? What are you spouting but hot air? Ali: Oh, yeah? What one of your sainted children has benefitted? Ronnie hates you, Joe's a junkie, me and Fraze did exactly what you did. Ali: Tommy is passable but he's unhappy as fuck so, well done there. You've only got one left. Ali: What's the point? No one can ever match up to your infinite wisdom, I'd rather stay young so I knew what the hell I was talking about instead of making myself look like an old fool
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