#he would have a cute tum and happy trail I'M JUST SAYING
lorelune · 7 months
sometimes i forget just how big jing yuan is (he can fully block blades body with his own but you can still see parts of him from blades perspective) and i had the most delicious thought of him looming over you, blocking you from someone hes deemed doesnt need to be looking at you (possessive or protective it doesnt matter both are amazing)
ANON... MEOW... i was just talking about this with bee yesterday jing yuan is SO big. broad and tall and large. like in the illustration of him with the rest of the quintet he looks SO much bigger than poor yingxing and dan feng!! he's bulky!!!!
and oh anon i LOVE the thought of him shielding you from unwanted eyes... you're so right protective or possessive are both such lovely flavors. maybe it's some suitor who has been giving you some grief and jing yuan is all to happy to cage you up against a wall or railing to block their view. maybe it's a bit unfair of him, but jy also loves when you get a bit flustered and squirmy when he does so. what can he say, it's cute when you lose your words!!!
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wh0lemilk0vich · 1 year
dude i love where this is going we are on a fucking roll
we all know steve is a flirt and charmer. i think he’d tease eddie out in public, somewhere he knows that eddie won’t be able to drag him off so easily. he wears polos from when he was slimmer, exposing a wedge of pale belly and happy trail, begging to have fangs sunk into it.
does vampire eddie have that thing where his pupils get really dilated when he gets blood lust? let’s say he does. he’s eyes darken and he does the whole kubrick stare at stevie, silently promising that steve is going to get exactly what he wants as soon as they get home; to be fucked out of his mind and covered in pin prick bites
maybe they’re out at lunch and steve is deliberately being a brat like he spills some sauce or food in his shirt, lifts it up to lick it clean and showing off his tum maybe covered in bruises and bites.
or maybe he wears jeans that make his thighs look so thick and so good, the perfect place to drink and claim him.
generally showing off snd teasing eddie. it sets him off because he’s so possessive and obsessed with him, and he’s right there and he can’t do anything about it. steve loves watching him get so frustrated, knows he’s in for one hell of a night
the next morning he doesn’t even realise how much eddie went to town on him, wincing at the bites and reminding him that he belongs to someone. bruises on his hips where eddie has squeezed him oh so tightly. hickeys all down his chest, his tits still sensitive after eddie nipped them 🪱
I looooove marking, it's so hot. I definitely feel like Steve doesn't know when he's being a tease, like he's just oblivious and cute and nice so like any interactions he has with people they feel smitten or think that he's flirting. And the same thing would happen with Eddie too. Like he doesn't even realize the little things he does drive Eddie crazy.
Like imagine them at a cafe with Robin and they're all just hanging out and maybe reading or on their phones (modern au) and Steve finishes whatever snack he got but it's gone too soon and he still feels snacky. Meanwhile Robin hasn't even touched her pain au chocolat, and Eddie can just see Steve's cog spinning, he keeps looking over at her plate that she's not interested in and Eddie's monologuing to himself internally, like, there's no way he's going to ask her. No. Right? I mean that cinnamon roll was the size of his head. Oh shit his lips are quivering. Fuck he's going to ask her. A S K H E R A L R E A D Y. I'M DYING-well you know what I mean, semantics
And then Steve clears his throat, "hey, um, Robin...are you gonna eat th-?"
And she's already passing it over and Steve looks so sweet and bashful and smiling and happy because his mouth can be occupied again, because Eddie's conditioned him to want to snacky.
"I really only got it because I know your boyfriend gets off on seeing you eat other people's food, on top of your own. Always staring at you like a dog waiting for table scraps. Hope the weird sex you have about it later is good."
And like imagine conflicted Eddie who will stand at the counter of fast-food places with Steve, hand wrapped around him and down his back pocket, nuzzling into his ear, and the cute little cashier girls still get flustered by Steve and they blush and they give him EXTRA FOOD. So like Eddie grabs the bag aggressively and when they get home he goes a little Dom and possessive, and fucks Steve about it.
"Don't think I don't see the way they all look at you, Stevie. Who the fuck did that bitch think she was. Oh no no no, you're gonna eat all of this for me, princess, like my good little girl. Because that's who you are, right, Stevie? You don't want them, you want me. Say it. Please, Stevie, say it. I need to hear you say it, it's my favorite sound, baby doll. Fuck, I love you, baby. I swear you dress like this to tease me, don't you. Always looking wrapped up like a present just for me. I can never understand how you fit all this boy, into this little fabric."
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