#he would be overprotective over el but that's it as long as he realizes eddie will not make his daughter an addict he'd be like eh
manyprofoundbonds · 2 years
people thinking hop would hate eddie when he probably smoked the pot he confiscated from eddie the times he's caught him dealing or something
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munsons-mutiny · 2 years
Headcanon that next season it’s Steve not Jonathan who catches Will staring at Mike with patented Wheeler Longing. He knows that look, hell he invented that look.
And is very first thought is God Damn I’m just collecting Gays at this point.
He makes an effort to spend more time with Will when he realizes. While they’re all volunteering and just doing their best in the weeks after losing Eddie, he always tries to make sure Will knows he sees him.
As they get closer he starts taking wise cracks at El and Mike whenever they’re around, stupid sassy comments that never fail to make Will smile or even laugh. Eventually he even starts roping Will into teasing Robin for being hopeless with girls. (Robin is of course in on it and has approved being outed in this scenario, Steve would never have revealed it otherwise)
The first time it had happened Will had frozen up completely looking around to see who was listening, he looked terrified. But Steve just kept his reaction natural and Robin just rolled her eyes talking about all of his strike outs last summer. Their usual banter filling the space until Will could breathe again, could join back in to give Robin shit.
His smiles are even brighter after that, even more open, and sometimes when the three of them are alone he comments on a cute boy he saw, or really rants about Mike. Steve and him bond over Wheeler rants, even though Steve really is over Nancy now.
When shit inevitably kicks off again, Steve keeps an even closer eye on Will. He’s one of the people that he’s overprotective of now, and it’s the first time one of those people have been the focus of the enemies. Have had a target painted on their back. It has him so stressed already, that he hits his breaking point the day they encounter Kaz.
Not Eddie. Cause he’s not Eddie, not anymore. He nearly took a bite out of Dustin, and Johnathon had to restrain Mike to stop him from running to him. Only stopped fighting when Kaz grinned at him blood covered fangs and dead eyes.
It was a bad day.
They somehow all make it back to the cabin unscathed, and Steve has to keep it together. Has to make himself strong while Dustin falls apart in his arms, and Mike is pacing and shouting at anyone who will listen. Tears streaming down his face. He keeps it together for hours, til Dustin falls asleep against him, and Will finally got Mike to sit down and pass out. Only when he’s sure he can escape unnoticed, does he stand and let himself outside to the back of the cabin.
The second he’s there he collapses into sobs. Falls to the ground and puts his face in his hands to muffle them. Shakes with the effort of it all.
It doesn’t take long for an arm to wrap around him as he’s tugged into and awkward side hug. When he looks up it’s to see Will comfortingly just there as much as he can be. They sit silently for what feels like hours before Steve finally speaks,
“I’m sorry”
“Why on earth are you apologizing?”
“I can usually keep it together better than this, they need me to be strong right now.”
“Nothing about this makes you weak. This is such a fucked up situation, this is worse than just losing him. And I know how important he was to the party. Im sorry I didn’t realize how important he was to you” Steve just shakes his head at him,
“He wasn’t not really, I only knew him after everything started going down. Only really spoke to him a handful of times. And honestly I didn’t even like him!” Steve’s voice picks up hear going higher and almost frantic, “He was annoying! And touchy! He gave me so much shit, and was always all over me! He flirted constantly, and was totally insufferable, and honestly I’m pretty sure Dustin liked him more than me! And! And….” His voice deflates on the last and, the fight and anxiety going out of him, “I couldn’t get him out of my fucking head man.” Will almost cant believe what he’s hearing.
“Steve are you?- Did you?” He almost cant ask the question, figured Steve would’ve told him by now if he was. What with their little group of queers that Steve tends to watch over. Heck Robin had even called him the unicorn collector! Like he was separate from them!
Steve just shakes his head frantically, “No! Or yes? More like maybe” He just sights putting his head back in his hands, “ I don’t even know anymore, there had always been fleeting attraction to guys but never anything- real, never anything like this! And then- well, he was gone before I ever got a chance to figure it out. Before we ever got a chance.” And he looks small, defeated like he doesn’t know what to do with himself, and Will can’t stand it.
“Well then we save him, we get him back, and you figure it out”
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enemymarkus · 2 years
Being in a relationship with eddie and steve
By: EnemyMarkus
Pairings?: steddie x reader
warnings: fluff, very long
I do not give permission for people to steal my work or translate it without my consent!
+ You and steve met first, in freshman year. He was your best friend until you started developing a crush on him, but he was with nancy at the time. You thought that there weren't a good couple because they were on and off again.
+ when you started to get older and when you guys were in senior year nancy broke it off with steve, she admitted that she didn't love him anymore. And steve was heartbroken.
+ that's when he started to realize that he loved his best friend the whole time, he was just blinded by fake love.
+ so you and steve started dating while nancy and jonathan got together, even though steve was still heartbroken that didn’t mean he wouldn't stop loving you.
+ over time he started to babysit the kids, and you guys loved dustin. You guys would protect him and his friends from the monsters form the upside down.
+ when dustin got into high school you guys were worried, that he might be bullied. And you guys were worried for max, after all the stuff she experienced with Billy Gone how could you not?
+ dustin then started talking about that there's a d&d club called “hellfire” you thought it sounded cool, and you were happy dustin was making friends, but steve on the other hand was upset. Because some 20-21 year old is stealing his dusty :(
+ when dustin tells you guys about what happened to eddie and chrissy you guys were shocked, you guys thought the mind flayer was the last monster to fight but you guys were wrong. Dustin said that he needed you guys help + robin to help find him and prove that he’s innocent and not guilty 
+ when you guys meet eddie you thought that he was going to be so weird creep but nope, he was a nice and good looking person
+ Eddie thought he fell in love the moment he met you and steve, you looked so gentle and nice and steve looked like an overprotective boyfriend (which eddie loved)
+ over time you and steve started to like eddie back, and steve invited him to your relationship. dustin was excited that his 3 favorite people were together 
+ you guys helped defeat vecna (or so you thought) and went to your house and cuddle in bed, you in the middle steve on your chest and eddie in the crook of your neck.
+ driving in eddies van listening to black sabbath, metallica, kate bush. 
+ you and steve liked to prank eddie, whenever he was asleep you and steve would braid his hair in all sorts of ways ( you taught steve how to braid your hair)
+ When it was your guys 2 year anniversary eddie and steve proposed to you
+ ofc dustin was their best man, and max and el were your bridesmaids, all of your friends and family came to the wedding. After you guys got married a food fight happened. That was one night you were going to remember
+ you guys moved to california near jonathan and nancy, always going to the beaches and hanging out with some of your new friends. Later on dustin joined and started to live with you guys bringing his pet dog Kiko
+ you guys were a big family and only going back to hawkins if necessary. 
you guys were finally having your happy ever after
sorry this was really long but i hope you enjoyed this and have a good night/day/afternoon 
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hotdogjumpingfrog5 · 6 years
It’s Strange - Chapter 18
Previous Chapters: Chapter One, Chapter Two, Chapter Three, Chapter Four, Chapter Five, Chapter Six, Chapter Seven, Chapter Eight, Chapter Nine, Chapter Ten, Chapter Eleven, Chapter Twelve , Chapter Thirteen, Chapter Fourteen, Chapter Fifteen , Chapter Sixteen, Chapter Seventeen
March 21st, 1987
It was Thursday night, and both the Byers and Hopper side came together for the first time for dinner. Jim and Joyce were now serious, and they figured now was a good time for both families to interact. 
Both Will and El hadn’t interacted a whole lot, but tonight would be an opportunity for them to get to know each other a bit better.
Johnathan and Emma on the other hand, knew each other more, but were not 100% close either. 
Jim and Joyce had decided to go to a local Italian restaurant, a place where everyone will like what is served. Compromise. 
Hopper, Eleven, and Emma were the first ones to arrive, and about two minutes later, the Byers had entered.
After being seated, there was a few moments of silence while everyone looked at their menus, while at the same time figuring out what to say to each other. 
“So,” Hopper began, “How’s everyone’s life going?”
“Good.” Johnathan and Emma responded
Hopper and Joyce looked over at Eleven and Will, while Johnathan and Emma turned around to look after they didn’t respond
Will and Eleven were sitting across from each other, staring into each other’s eyes intensely, almost as if they were communicating through telepathy. 
“Will? Jane?” said Joyce
They had the same response as Johnathan and Emma, but almost immediately went back to staring at each other. 
“So Johnathan, how is university coming along?” Jim asked, “And how’s Nancy?”
“It’s going good, I have a few exams coming up in a couple of weeks.” Johnathan responded, “And me and Nancy are doing well, thanks for asking.”
“Very good.” Hopper smiled
“And what about you, Emma?” said Joyce
“It’s good. Zoology is interesting.” Em replied
“I bet it is!” said Joyce, “Oh, how’s your mother and stepsister doing?”
“They’re good, me and my sister Lucy’s relationship is better than it was two years ago of course.” Emma laughed
As Joyce, Johnathan, and Emma were in their own conversations, Jim had zoned out and looked over at Eleven and Will. 
They were still staring into each other’s eyes intensely, not looking away nor blinking. Almost as if they were having an internal conversation with each other; another language nobody else could understand.
“Jane. Will.” said Jim, “Join in on the conversation.”
The two of them had broken eye contact, and joined in with the rest of them.
“Do you guys stare at each other like that when you hang out?” Johnathan chuckled
“We’re only now getting to know each other.” said Will
Emma gave her younger sister a look, in which Eleven responded with an annoyed expression.
As far as the night was going, all of them felt some sort of connection with each other, aside from Joyce and Hopper, who had already felt a connection between each other a long while.
Johnathan and Emma knew each other since it was only four of them including Nancy and Steve in their group, but Johnathan and Emma were getting to know each other a bit better.
As for Eleven and Will, it was almost as if they felt an immediate connection right away.
Because who knows, they could be possible step siblings very soon.
April 3rd, 1987
It is just after 5:30, and Ella was going to head to Beverly’s house for the night. After she finished her mother’s chicken noodle soup. But she knew her and Beverly would be having takeout later on, but she’d never tell her mother of course.
“Okay Ellie bear,” said Sonia, “Make sure you take your vitamins with you, or you will get sick.”
She didn’t like being called Ellie, and her mom was the worst for saying it. But as normal, gave her a fake smile and replied with “Yes, mommy.”
“Good girl, and make sure it’s just you and Marsh tonight, aside from her guardian.” Sonia continued, “If you shower, make sure you use towels Beverly hasn’t used; I wouldn’t want her to give you any STDs or AIDs.”
At this point Ella wasn’t listening, and made her way to the porch to get ready to leave.
“And where do you think you’re off to?” Eddie came in, sounding just like their mom
“I told you earlier, Bev’s.” Ella responded, “And by the way, you’re my twin brother, not mom.”
“I’m older than you, I know what’s best.”
There hasn’t been a week where Eddie hasn’t said that to her.
“Yeah, right.” El responded, and shut the door behind her
She made her way down the path which lead to the end of their driveway, and Richie was just lurking around the corner, headed up the path.
“Hi Ella.” Richie said smugly
“Don’t talk to me, trashmouth.” El mumbled, still pissed about the ridiculous April Fool’s jokes he pulled the other day
“What did I do?” said Richie, “All I did was pour water in your backpack on Wednesday!”
“You also trashed my room and went through my stuff when you were up on Wednesday you sicko!” Ella said annoyed
“You like it.”
She gave him the bird in response, not wanting to be bothered with Richie
“Rude!” said Richie, “I’m going to tell Mrs. K you were not being nice!”
“Perv!” she said while punching in the arm, then ran off
As soon as Ella hit the next block, she caught her breath and chuckled at what she did, not wanting to show any sort of emotion around Tozier
Later on that night, Beverly and Ella walked the streets that evening after dinner, getting up to shit neither Bev’s aunt or Ella’s mom would not approve of.
That stuff being two sixteen/fifteen year old girls walking around at night. 
But as long as they didn’t find out.
Eventually, the two of them made their way back to Bev’s apartment, as they were both getting exhausted
It was 11 o’clock when they got back, but they decided to go to bed earlier than they normally would. But would stay up chatting for a while, of course.
This time Ella slept on the floor. Tonight Beverly was feeling okay, and wasn’t getting any sinister flashbacks about her now deceased father. 
“Did you get up to much after school today?” Bev asked
“Not really,” El responded, “Eddie has turned into our mom, and Richard is a douche.”
“Oh dear, what did those boys do this time?” Beverly chuckled
Though it was all minor, she still gave a short rant about the two.
“But why did Richie go through your stuff?” Bev questioned, “Based on what you told me and what trashmouth has done to you in the past, it does sound to me that he likes -”
“No Bev,” El rolled her eyes, “Not gonna happen. I can’t see myself going after my brother’s friend.”
“You suuure?” Beverly smirked
“Yes, please stop.” El chuckled, “How’s you and Ben doing anyway?”
“We’re good”
Ella just then remembered of what happened a month ago the night she looked after Georgie. Bill had originally asked Bev to do it, but Beverly had to cancel last minute.
El vaguely remembers Bill giving her the key, and played a game or two with Georgie before he did his own thing and she sat in the living room. 
Nothing seemed too out of place until Georgie stared at her with a creepy grin from across the room before muttering “Come join the clown, Eds.”
“Uh, what?” El asked, confused
“I saw a clown before.” Georgie giggled, “He was so funny!”
Then, would go back to himself. No more creepy grin, and Georgie continued as if that episode never even happened.
She had mentioned it to Bill when he got home later that evening, and Bill was slightly suspicious himself. Though he had said this rarely happened, and brushed it off as Georgie’s imagination going wild. Besides, Georgie hadn’t done anything else that entire night. 
Eddie had told her about a particular clown the other losers faced months before El had joined them. Could it have been the same one? 
Ella had mentioned that to Beverly on the spot, and Bev’s expression changed as she stared up to the ceiling, heart thumping
“Something wrong?” El asked
“Did you see anything?” Bev questioned
“No, why?”
“Okay. I just hope It’s not back.” said Beverly, “I could have sworn we killed that clown two years ago. Did you feel like you were being watched after Georgie said that?”
“Kind of, but I guess that’s just because it freaked me out.” Ella brushed it off
Beverly sat up in bed, wondering why this happened. Though Ella’s weird encounter with Georgie happened a month ago, no one has gone missing in Derry-Hawkins.
El mentioned that she forgot about it as soon as she left, and as did Bill, as he did not mention it to the group.
“You know, I see why Eddie is overprotective of you.” 
“Nah, he’s just being his bossy self, Eddie might as well be my second mom.” Ella shrugged
“No El, you don’t understand!” Beverly insisted, “He doesn’t want you to be in any form of danger, or fall into It or whatever is out there’s clutches.”
“But what else could be out there? I thought you guys said It was gone?”
Both the losers and the party have encountered seeing something weird one by one, but no one could lay a finger on it. No one has gone missing since two years ago, and Derry-Hawkins was considered safe again, even though the 7 pm curfew sign was still up in front of Derry High, two years later. 
The Derry police never did take it down.
Beverly sighed, not knowing how she was feeling at this point, but mostly fearful
She felt this chill go up her spine, and realized El was the newest member of the losers club, and hoping It wouldn’t come back for El, since she too was a girl.
But It can’t come for her though, Beverly thought, It only comes out every 27 years, right?
Next Chapter: Chapter 19
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