#he would be a streaming girlie don't change my mind
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nadhie · 2 years ago
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he's streaming; tip?
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seraphtrevs · 3 months ago
for the ask game…brbabcs? (either the combined universe or whichever of the shows individually) 💕
I'm just going to do a mishmash of whatever happens to come to my mind lol - STREAM OF CONSCIOUS POSTING INCOMING
my favorite female character - over the whole brbabcs, obviously it's Kim. She was a great character from episode one, but they really cemented her as the Character of All Time with her fall from grace in season 6. She's so complicated and layered, achingly human and relatable, but also extraordinary, which makes her compelling to watch.
She's a hard character to sum up because she's so nuanced, but I think what draws me to her the most is her deep rage at injustice. Her fall is ironic because it was that desire to make the world "right" that led her to betray her core values - but honestly, who can blame her? Haven't we all wished that the Howard Hamlins of the world would suffer consequences too, instead of consequences being only reserved for people who were born in the "wrong" race/gender/class? But at the same time, embarrassing one Howard Hamlin is not actually the same thing as making systemic changes, and her desire to punish him was a personal vendetta, not actual justice. I totally get how the two got mixed up in her head, though.
I'm also a big Skyler fan - more on her later
my favorite male character - For BCS, it's Lalo lol. I don't think he's the BEST character, but sometimes it feels like Peter Gould got the gang together and was like, "Listen, tumblr user seraphtrevs has been having a hard time - why don't we write a character that is specifically tailored to all of her deepest, darkest, and horniest desires?" And lo, they did. He's so charming and cheerful and evil and funny and so so SO hot - I was doomed from the very first paca paca paca 😭
Side note, I think i'm such a villain girlie because I'm so anxious. Characters who don't worry about anything except doing what they want are very fun for me to watch. Imagine the bliss of not caring! *_*
For brba, the character I have the most affection for is Jesse, but Jesse is made to be loved. So instead...I'm going to pick Walt. He is the worst man who has ever lived and I completely get why people can't stomach him. My own husband tapped out of brba because he found Walt unbearable IN SEASON ONE.
So as a person, yes, Walt is the worst. But as a character? He's unparalleled. He makes things happen, which I think a very underrated character trait (and one that a lot of writers overlook). Walt is an infernal engine, a perpetual motion machine, a catalyst of catalysts. Things HAPPEN when he's around, which makes him a really fantastic character.
The other thing I really appreciate about Walt is that Vince Gilligan really stuck to his guns. He said he wanted to tell a story about Mr. Chips becoming Scarface, and by god that's what he did. A big problem with a lot of "antihero" shows is that they are often way too sympathetic to their protagonists and fall for their bullshit. And while a lot of the audience for brba fell for walt's bullshit, the writers were always very clear-eyed about what they were doing.
my favorite book/season/etc - an impossible question for bcs. all seasons are tied for best except season 2, which was a little tiny bit less good but only because it was necessary to set up the rest of the show's run, so actually it is also tied for best. I guess if you put a gun to my head, I'd say season 5 because it's the Lalo season
brba is an easier call - it's for sure season 4.
my favorite episode (if its a tv show) - for brba, I'll say The Fly, not necessarily because it's my favorite (too many favorites to choose from) but because I love character work, and that ep is all character work. Also, it's a good illustration of what I was talking about in my walt answer - it's an episode where "nothing" happens (or so claim Fly detractors!)...but making things happen doesn't have to mean making BIG things happen. Walt's monomania and willingness to do whatever it takes to "win" over something as stupid as a little fly shows what makes him such a great character
my favorite cast member - for brba, i think it's pretty widely known that bryan cranston and aaron paul have merged into one being, so I choose bryaaron.
for bcs, it's bob odenkirk. the entire show - or even the entire brbabcs universe, actually - rests on jimmy. like i know i just said that was walt, and it is for brba. but i think that now that bcs is done, you can make the argument that jimmy is actually the character that it was "about" (actually I'd put Kim in there too). Walt was always morally black, but Jimmy was genuinely morally gray for much of the series, and he maintained a human core that Walt lost. I think Jimmy and Kim are more relatable. (Not to leave Jesse out, bc out of the four of them Jesse is the most sympathetic in a lot of ways. But I feel like his story was more of a survival story, like Skyler's, and not so much a story about moral failure. Like yeah for sure jesse had tons of moral failures, but that never seemed to be the POINT of jesse, like it was the point of walt, jimmy, and kim.)
my favorite ship - for bcs, it's a tie between lacho and mcwexler. for brba, it's waltjesse.
i haven't talked about nacho at all so far which seems weird because I have a LOT of nacho thoughts (see my tag #nacho christ superstar). i feel like the cartel plot is like, the heightened version of the lawyer plot. or that's not right exactly - not heightened as in better, but heightened as more dramatic, more extreme, more literal. so lacho to me is like, what if you really were in bed with the devil? (i mean, maybe literal is the wrong word because he's not LITERALLY the devil, but lalo is a much more straightforward, morally UNambiguous character who is the personification of the evils of the cartel. so like. more literal. you know what i mean.) (plus i'm so horny for both of them. 😭😭😭😭😭)
mcwexler is the best on screen, canon romance i've ever seen. period.
as i've said before, waltjesse is the six-in-one shampoo/bodywash/conditioner of toxic relationships. jesse is walt's student/business partner/best friend/worst enemy/mistress/wife/son/dog. how can you NOT love something that twisted?
a character I’d die defending - SKYLER. Fortunately tumblr has the right attitude, but it still blows my mind that anyone could judge her for what she went through. walt destroyed her life - every action she took was her trying to protect herself and her children. what she went through was pure nightmare fuel, and it astonishes me that anyone could think she was ever unsympathetic
a character I just can’t sympathize with/a character I grew to love - someone sent me an ask just about these, so i'll save these for later! this is already so long lmao
my anti otp - I don't really have any for the brbabcs verse! in general, i'm openminded about even off-the-wall ships because fandom is for fun, and no one in this fandom has ever annoyed me with some of the shipping behavior you get from bigger, more annoying fandoms
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outlawssweetheart · 10 months ago
Lana sounds like a freaking disaster of a person (I love that) 😭😂
Could you spare more info about her ? Or just about the Black family as a whole ? 👀
Like, Skarlet's and Erron's reaction when they learnt they would be parents, how they raised their daughters and did they raise them in Outworld ? Do the sisters get along ? How would Erron react to his little princess joining the BD ? 🤭
Also since you always insist that Skarlet would love Lana Del Rey, did she name her daughter after her after finding out about her or is it just a personal reference?
AHHHHHH, THANK YOU FOR THIS!! I love yapping about my OCs! 🤗
So, I'll start with her name. She is partly named in honor of Lana Del Rey, though not by Skarlet. By me. Sit back because it's a long story.
During the summer of 2021 (my first year as an MK girlie), I started developing an original story to just help myself write; it was supposed to be kinda dumb and was/is basically an MK fanfic, just to get me comfortable writing, but it ended up quickly becoming a legitimate story. So, I made a character who was my idea of a Skarron baby, and since Skarlet's voice actor is Polish, I just made this character's mom Polish. So, I decided to give her a Polish name, and I saw Lana listed. I thought "Lana Del Rey..." But I also thought of a Twitch streamer Viviana who had a GTA character named Lana Valentine, a messy bad bitch. (I watched her a lot back then, but she sadly doesn't stream anymore from what I've seen. 🥺) So, I named her in honor of both Lana Del Rey and Lana Valentine. 💅🏽
Their first child/daughter is named Elizabeth. Erron chose that name. (I Googled common names in the Old West.) He calls her "Lizzie" most of the time.
When they first learned they were expecting, Skarlet was very happy about it. Erron... was less happy, but he dealt with it and tried to be supportive, but supportive isn't his strong suit.
When Lizzie was born, he was afraid to hold her. (That familial trauma of his hit hard.) Skarlet had to practically force him to hold his daughter. Once he did, everything changed. He became a Dad™️.
I like to think they raised the girls in Earthrealm. Give them a chance at a normal-ish life. Though I suppose they'd probably still do some kind of dangerous jobs for income because that's what they know, and it's what they do best. (And Erron would lose his mind without some "thrills" at least every once in a while. 🙄)
The girls get along well enough. They love each other very much, but Lana is so damn ANNOYING that poor Lizzie can't stand her 47% of the time! 😩
Elizabeth is honestly chill. She's the normal one in the family. She's a social media girlie/wannabe Instagram influencer. She's honestly so boring, and I kind of love that for her.
Erron would literally attempt to murder Kano if Lana joined the Black Dragon. So would Skarlet. I just can't see it working out. And she loves her parents so much that she would just have to find something else to do.
Skarlet & Erron are definitely the weird parents who talk about their past shenanigans in front of the girls' friends, unsettling the poor kids.
If they live in Earthrealm, then they live in Texas! Somewhere like Austin, probably. Erron would only step foot back in Wickett to visit his sister and her family. (She has 2 or 3 kids of her own.)
Skarlet is so overprotective of her girls! Like, overbearingly so. Lana can't stand it, and Erron (free bird that he is) thinks she needs to "let up on" them.
I think that's all I have for now. 🫶🏽
(Lana Black, for those who don't know her, for context.)
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imsailorpluto · 2 months ago
Scent of Time (2023)
Scrolling thru hbo this holiday season brought my attention to Scent of Time, a Chinese historical drama. I was completely invested from the first minute. And yes, I fully recommend this one.
Especially because the main girlie is a villain named Qian (⁠ʘ⁠ᴗ⁠ʘ⁠✿⁠)
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It's a drama about a lady who gained a chance to change the course of past events which got her entire family killed. In her final moments, she wishes for another start and that's how it all begins again.
I was thrilled the whole time throughout the series, I enjoyed the FL's character greatly, including her entire look. She is absolutely stunning in every single episode.
As Qian relives moments of her life, she leaves behind her selfishness, conceit, greediness, and chooses a path of virtue. No longer blinded by infatuation for her (now) husband, she's ready to set the record straight once and for all. Her family is alive and well again, everything's just as it was before they were accused of the great fraud. Her bestie's dad is also alive and well, although he's about to live a couple of years in exile.
I enjoyed the show way more than I thought I would. Hua Rongzhou contributed to that a lot, as well as Qian's aversion to practically all men in her life, all but Rongzhou. She treats him like a baby brother. And pinches and bites his cutsie cheeks.
I'm actually happy with how they wrote these two. And how in the end (major spoiler alert!) she ends up in some random village, rebuilding her life, living peacefully and well protected by sweet Rongzhou, reading her books and resting on the rocking bench. The villagers like her, she makes friends, washes her laundry in a stream, Rongzhou is always there to help, the lantern festival is near and all is absolutely fine as she's writing down her wish and letting it float down the river...
Now, I don't know who thought hiding the truth of Qian's state would be smart. Telling us the real situation at the beginning would make the series even more enjoyable, at least for me. Learning that it isn't a magic show, and literally at the last minute, turned out to be the biggest disappointment because it made the wrap up seem sloppy and rushed, as if their budget was suddenly cut off and they had to finish right there in that moment.
I wouldn't mind the ending so much had they executed it more skillfully, because the whole idea is actually quite nice.
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knaite-solo · 5 years ago
Dangerous - Zuko x Reader
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Summary: When you don't leave your tent, Zuko gets worried and decides to do something about it. 
Pairing: Zuko x Waterbender!Reader
Genre: Fluff with some comedy
Warnings: Swearing and period stuff
Word count: 2856
That day, you didn't leave your tent.
Zuko was very attentive, but it didn't take much effort to realize that there was something wrong with you. It was unusual for you to avoid talking with the rest of the group. You always liked to interact with others and help even in the smallest tasks.
So when the hours went by, and you didn't leave, he started to get really concerned. The prince began to walk to your tent until he sensed a hand on his shoulder. When he turned around to see who it was, he found Sokka staring at him very seriously. So serious that it didn't suit his goofy character.
"Don't go in there." He said in a warning tone.
"What? Why?" Zuko asked with a confused expression.
"Just don't." Sokka looked around as if he was seeking for a hidden enemy and then whispered. "It's dangerous. Trust me, man."
Zuko decided not to enter your tent, at least not at that moment. Sokka's warning had left him confused. What could be so dangerous about you? He decided to gather more information. Maybe Toph or Aang could help.
"So, what do you think?" Zuko asked Toph, who was lying on a stone while playing with her space rock.
"Probably some silly stuff." The earthbender said while changing her rock to numerous shapes.
"But Sokka said it was dangerous. Maybe she is ill or something." The prince tried to think about other possibilities. Toph just looked extremely tired of the conversation.
"Well, I tried to talk to her earlier in the morning..."
"She cursed me for opening the tent and let light enter her eyes." Toph blew a few strands of hair in an annoyed attitude. "Sokka usually says dumb things, so I never thought I would agree with him on something. But he's right."
She stopped playing with her space rock and transformed it back in a bracelet, putting it in her arm.
"I don't know what happened, but I don't give a shit anyway."
Zuko just listened to Toph and tried to imagine you cursing her for just trying to talking with you, and he just couldn't. You were such good friends with everybody, especially Toph since she wasn't into girly things, neither were you. Both of you were so close that once he found out you two playing in the mud. Toph throwing mud at you with her earthbending and you with your waterbending. You just were Toph's best friend. Why would you treat her so badly out of nowhere?
"Thanks for the information, I think..." The prince said indecisively. He didn't know what to say since he noticed that Toph was lying about not caring about your mood change.
"It's was a pleasure talking to you, Sparky. Sadly I can't say the same about Y/n."
"Are you sure she did that?" Aang was brushing Appa's fur while listening to Zuko talk about your weird attitude with Toph.
"Yes. And Toph was really mad. More than usual." The prince couldn't forget the eartbender's expressions as she talked about you. It was a mix of anger and deception.
"Maybe Y/n ate something bad?"
"But Sokka said that it was dangerous to go in her tent. I don't think it's food poisoning." Zuko also couldn't forget Sokka's serious expression. If it were in another context, it would be hilarious.
"Sokka and Katara had a strange fever not long ago." The airbender finally finished brushing Appa. The sky bison looked joyful. "They said strange things and couldn't do anything alone. Maybe it could be it."
"And how the fever stopped?"
"Well..." Aang let out a nervous chuckle. "They had to suck some frozen frogs."
"FROZEN WHAT-'' Zuko's eyes widened.
"HOW THE HELL AM I GOING TO FIND FROZEN FROGS HERE?" Zuko was already thinking about the worst.
"HOLY SHIT! CAN'T YOU ASSHOLES STOP SCREAMING? YOU'RE HURTING MY EARS!" Toph appeared out of nowhere while complaining and covering her ears.
"Why you guys keep using these bad words in front of Appa and Momo?" Aang asked in a withered tone. "They're innocent creatures..."
Zuko was hopeless. Nobody seemed to be able to explain what was wrong with you and the list of people he could ask was almost over. There was only one person left.
"Katara." He called but she didn't seem to hear.
The waterbender was kneeling on the edger of a river while washing some clothes and sheets. She would submerge the fabrics in the water, rub them, and then dry them with her waterbending. Being a waterbending master had its advantages. She always used her bending in everyday activities, making things a thousand times easier. It was impossible not to look at her and not to be amazed at how easily she connected with the water and managed to manipulate it.
But then Zuko noticed that one of the sheets was different from the others. It had a red stain on it.
"Is this blood?"
Katara almost jumped after hearing that question. Because she was distracted, she hadn't noticed when the prince had approached much less he had called her and now she had been caught with that incriminating sheet in hand. And not any incriminating sheet, it was your incriminating sheet.
"B-Blood? I don't know what you're talking about!" Katara quickly hid the sheet behind her.
Zuko tried not to roll his eyes. He might be trying to become a better person, but that didn't mean he would accept to be made a fool of.
"I can still see the sheet behind you." He just said in a bored tone.
Katara blushed. She hated to lie but she hated to be caught in the lie the most.
"Sorry." She stopped trying to hide the cloth. "I didn't want you to see that."
"Why not?" Zuko looked again at the red stain. Now he was absolutely sure it was blood.
"It's kinda embarrassing to explain..." She returned to clean the sheet, focused on making the red stain disappear.
"I won't judge, I promise." Zuko reassured.
"It's a woman thing. Usually, we don't want people to notice when we are on our period, you know?"
As the stain started to dissolve and vanish in the river's stream, Zuko's mind clicked. Your period. Of course! How could he be so dumb? He felt his face starting to redden.
"So, Y/n is..."
"Yes, that's why I'm washing this." She lifted the sheet that now was wet. "But even if we try to be careful, accidents do happen. "And with a simple movement, she removed the water from the sheet, drying it in the process.
"Accidents, right." Zuko just pretended to agree. He understood generally what being on period meant, but that was all he knew. Part of him was never really interested in knowing more about it, but another part never had access to it, since the subject was considered taboo by most part of women. "I suppose it's impossible to be careful enough."
Katara immediately noticed how he didn't seem to know much of what they were talking about and a playful smile quickly appeared on her lips.
"You know you're not fooling anyone, are you?"
"What do you-"
"Zuko, it's okay to not know about things." The waterbender assured him. Her smile wasn't playful anymore. It switched to a tender one.
"I-I-" The prince started to blush again. He really wanted to understand more about theses "girly things" and how he could make you feel better but it was just so difficult to ask. "I don't-"
"Don't worry. I won't tease you." Katara started to get up with the basket of clean clothes in hand.
Zuko looked away, focusing on the camp before answering. The prince imagined you trapped in that tent, acting in that moody way for a reason you couldn't control. He really wanted to help you, and if that meant he had to go over all his shame and male pride, he would.
"Fine. " He answered while pinching the bridge of his nose. "But don't tell Sokka."
"Why would I-"
"Don't tell Toph either."
"But why-"
"Actually, don't tell anyone."
Today your period was getting the best of you. Your mood was shit. You had been turning over all night because of hellish cramps so it was expected that you wanted to sleep until later. But then when Toph, who was unaware of your situation, tried to talk to you, you were extremely rude to her. Actually, even if you tried to tell Toph that you were on your period, she wouldn't understand since she hadn't had her first yet, but you still had no right to curse her just for saying hi.
As if it were a punishment from the universe, you realized that you had stained one of the sheets that you had used that night. Furthermore, your horrible cramps had returned. Thankfully Katara came to your rescue, helping you a little with the pain and offering to wash the tragic sheet.
Now, after all the events, you didn't quite know what you wanted to do. Sure, you wanted to apologize to Toph, but you were afraid of what to do if your mood changed again.  Your body was limp, your breasts were swollen and your back hurt a lot. Everything told you not to get up. So, that's what you did.
You were almost asleep again when you felt someone entering the tent. Thinking it was Toph, you automatically sat down and started to apologize.
"I know that nothing I say will change what I did, but I really-" You stopped talking when you noticed it wasn't your best friend that was in front of you, it was the guy that you liked. "Zuko?"
"Sorry for entering without asking." He said with an apologetic look. "Can I stay here?"
"I would love you to stay but... " You really wanted his presence there, but you were afraid to be rude to him too. And he was the last person you wanted to make a bad impression on. " I'm not very well today."
"I know."
"You... know?" You asked in a slightly nervous way, but you tried to disguise it.
"Yeah." He rubbed the back of his neck, looking as nervous as you were. "But I don't mind."
You seemed to be even more nervous than before. Being alone with him always made you unquiet, but imagining that he might know about your period made you want to bury your face in the ground and disappear. You knew it was normal to menstruate and it was stupid to perpetuate the idea that guys shouldn't know when you were or weren't on your period, but the thought of talking about it with him scared you.
You tried to say a few things, but the words died in your throat. The fear that the guy you liked so much thought you were disgusting made you so apprehensive that you didn't even know what to say.
He noticed your apprehension almost immediately.
"I-I bought you something!" Zuko started looking for something inside a small bag he had with him and it was the first time that you had noticed its existence.
When the prince finally found what you were looking for, you realized it was a very poorly wrapped up packet.
"You didn't need to-"
"It's chocolate. Katara said it could help." He handed the packet to you without looking you in the eye.
As you started to open it, you saw different bars of chocolate. One of white chocolate, one of dark chocolate, one with chestnuts and one with an extremely reddish color. Some of them were a little broken and melted, but most of them were fine.
"I didn't know which flavor you like the most, so I bought one of each." You felt your ears burn just by imagining him buying all that for you.
"Where did you-"
"I borrowed Appa to go to the nearest market." He answered. "But they ended up getting kind of..." You tried not to laugh at his frustrated face.
Your shame was gradually going away. He didn't think you were disgusting because you were on your period. In fact, he was worried to the point of taking a mini trip and buying sweets for you. And he even tried to wrap them up, though he clearly failed. Imagining him doing all that for you made your heart warmer to the point of making you cry. Your mood change was taking the best out of you again.
Zuko's eyes widened as soon as he noticed your tears.
"I-I'm sorry! I-" He started to get up. "I'll leave you alone!''
You quickly held him by the wrist while letting out a laugh. Your tears salted your mouth as you giggled, but you didn't care. Meanwhile, Zuko was staring at you with an extremely confused expression.
"I'm happy, you dork."
"But why are you crying?" He looked so worried that you almost felt guilty for laughing at him.
"Period things. I'm fine, really." You said while whipping your tears away. "Now sit here with me. I'm curious about this red one."
Zuko sighed with relief and sat next to you with his legs crossed. You stopped holding his wrist, being surprised at how brave you were to do something like this. You were the kind of person who got embarrassed just by touching him in the shoulder. Even when training with him, you would get disconcerted by the smallest things.
"It's a Fire Nation traditional chocolate." He broke a piece of the chocolate and offered it to you. "I thought you might want to try it."
You took the bizarrely red piece from his hand and tried not to sweat.
"I hope this isn't too spicy." But when you ate the piece, your fear came true. "ZUKO!"
"WHAT!" He practically jumped.
"WATER!" You screamed as you felt your tongue burning.
The prince started turning over all the sheets until he finally found a canteen lost in a corner of the tent. You didn't even wait for him to deliver it to you. You took the canteen from his hands and drank the water until you felt the burning sensation cease.
When you finally managed to stabilize your breathing after drinking so much water, you faced him. Zuko was sweating bullets.
"Are you feeling better?" He asked worriedly.
"It was an outstanding experience." You replied with a grin. "But I prefer not to try it again."
"Yeah, I won't buy this one for you the next time."
"Next time?" You couldn't ignore his statement. What did he mean by next time?
Zuko started to blush again. Every time he started talking about things he had done for you or how he wanted to be with you, his face turned red, almost like a tomato. However, you couldn't hear his answer since your cramps have returned, making you lean forward and hold your belly.
"Hey, are you-"
"Cramps. Awful ones." You replied, still holding your belly. Your cramps were rougher than usual, so you laid down. "Sorry for ruining the mood."
"Don't apologize. It's not your fault. "
You were unable to agree or disagree with him. Your pain was so intense that you couldn't focus on anything. The guy of your dreams was on your side and you couldn't even look at him.
Suddenly, you felt something hot thing land on your belly. It was hot, but not enough to hurt you. It was cozy and made your pain lower little by little. You only came to understand what it was when the heat moved and you recognized the shape of a hand, a male hand.
"Katara said that heat can help with the pain." Zuko said as he slid his hand over your belly. "Do you feel better?"
"Yes." A pleased expression appeared in your face. "It feels nice."
"Good. I've never done this before." He stated.
"What about Mai?" You asked curiously, trying to not sound jealous. He was being so supportive that you couldn't help but imagine him trying to please his ex-girlfriend in every single way.
"Mai hardly commented on how she felt. Even when she was more... Er... Sensitive- "Zuko cleared his throat. "She was no different. It's not like I never wanted to help, but she never allowed me to be close enough.
"I see." You imagined him trying to get closer and Mai pushing him away. You felt sad for him. "Well, I feel happy for being the first one." Shyly, you put your hand over his. "I'll give you a lot of work to make up for it."
A smile lit up his face. His smile was the most beautiful thing in the world, and it was becoming more common as he spent more time with you and the rest of the Gaang.
"Am I supposed to be afraid?" He replied provocatively.
"Women in their period can be the most dangerous thing, you know."
"Yeah, Sokka said so."
"Sokka what?"
Taglist: @bucky-blogs @dekahg @eridanuswave @the-firebender-girl
People who were interested but I don’t if I could tag them: @unfortunateshelby @little-wankenobi @theblueslytherin @creepytoes88​ @http-peter-parker​
I don’t think this was my best work since I don’t feel really secure with portraying Zuko as a boyfriend yet. I’m not really sure about how he expresses love since he had so many problematic relationships and I don’t think he would be the perfect guy who would know everything about dating and stuff. I also don’t think he would say his feelings out loud. He looks more practical to me but not too practical. To me, he’s probably shy with this stuff. 
Please, give me feedback if I portraited him well as a boyfriend even if he wasn’t your boyfriend in this imagine.
English isn’t my native language so it might have mistakes.
I needed to write this since my period is still killing me.
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tojishugetiddies · 4 years ago
Key: e/d = energy drink, h/l =, hair length, h/c = hair color, e/c = eye color, y/f/v/c = your favorite videogame character
Here's an extra long chapter! I had a lot of fun with this one lol
Link to prologue:
Link to ch.1
Chapter 2
y/n's pov
"Really? Okay that's great! So I'll be meeting him here and show him around the studio. Yeah, of course! No problem! Bye." *click* Well it seems today is my lucky day! I got an applicant for a roomie! Only problem is... it wasn't my potential roommate I talked too.
It was Mr. Shigaraki, the owner of a big corporate conglomerate of hospitals, labs, and warehouses. When I tell you this man is loaded, he is LOADED. Although I heard some rumors that he might be involved in human experimentation. But imagine my surprise when I found out his son would be my roomate if I gave him the okay! I'm actually quite a fan of his son, whenever I have free time I watch his streams. They are pretty entertaining, especially when he, Dabi, Spinner, Twice, and Toga play Overwatch together. I never knew some of those curse words even existed!
Well, I better go to bed early, I have the feeling I'm going to need a good rest. I head to my room and change into a t-shirt and panties, slip into my bed, and I feel Bingus curl up near my feet. And with that I slip into the land of unconsciousness.
~Time skip to the next day~
You woke up early and made sure everything was ready. You put on some casual clothes, a baggy black hoodie showing a kitten with a ramen bowl, and some skinny jeans. You cleaned up the apartment, stocked the cabinets with some snacks, got soda and energy drinks in the fridge, and made sure to organize your room. You organized your video games and consoles, and made sure some were charged.
By the time you finished you were kinda tired to you took an energy drink out of the fridge and took a couple of sips. Bingus stalks over and starts to scream at you. "Oh shit! I forgot to feed you! I'm sorry Bingy." You said. As you walked over to get his food he kept screaming at you. When you finally put the food in his bowl and gave him fresh water he finally stopped screaming at you. But not without making a 'mrrt' sound at you and turn around sassily going to his food. "Always gotta be such a drama queen Bingus I swear." You shake your head in amusement.
You check your phone an look at the time, "huh, he should be here in about 5 minutes." You mumble to yourself. You pet Bingus for awhile until you hear a knocking at your door. You are so nervous! 'Okay, be cool y/n, just treat him as a regular person.' You walk towards the door with your heart beating a mile a minute. You open the door and...
Tomura's pov:
Welp, time to meet my potential roomate I guess. I wore a baggy black hoodie, black pants, and my iconic red shoes. Kurogiri warps me in front of the apartment. I feel anxiety course through me. With a deep inhale and breathing out a sigh I put my fist to the wooden door and knock. I hear faint footsteps come closer and as the door opens I look down a bit to see a small female woman.
I examine her discreetly and notice she has shiny h/l h/c hair and she has big round e/c eyes. "Well, are you going to let me in or are you just gonna keep standing there?" I say. I see her jump a bit and she apologizes. "Whatever. You gonna show me the apartment or what?" I say annoyed. She let's me in and the first thing I see is a fluffy calico cat sitting on the island in the kitchen batting what seems to be a can of... e/d? She turns around just as the cat bats the can to the floor spilling the drink. I look at her and she looks both mortified and offended, it's pretty amusing, I smirk a little.
"Bingus! What. The. Fuck?! You little shit!" She says while she approaches the mess, picks the can up an puts it back down near the cat. I can see her give the cat an exasperated look, and when I looked at the cat I swear, if a cat could make a smug face with a shit eating grin, this cat would have it. I chuckle at the interaction, it was certainly not going to be boring here it seemed. The cat looked at me and started...screaming? How the fuck? "Bingus don't be rude to him he might be living here!" You tell the cat. The cat pauses and seems to examine me before screaming again then running away into what I assumed was y/n's room. Well. That was...something.
By the time he snapped out of his thoughts you had already cleaned up the mess and just chug the drink then throw it out. Okay so you definitely weren't like other girls, good, he gained some respect for you, but only a little. "Shall we continue our tour?" I nod my head. She shows me the common room, then the kitchen. We head into the next room and I look around. There's pencils, paint, some canvases, a desk, a lamp on the desk, some erasures, sketchpads, markers, you get the point. It was an art room. I walk towards a painting of a silhouette of a person on a hill sitting beneath a tree looking at the dark night sky with beautiful stars and constellations. "Wow, you made this?" I ask. She blushes embarrassed and says "Yeah... It's an important painting to me, because it's a painting of one of my memories, when I was living in the countryside." She looks off into the distance, seemingly recalling that specific memory.
She snaps out of it and asks "Shall we return to the tour? All I have left to show you are the bathrooms, my room, then what will be your room if you choose to room with me." She smiles softly and I nod my head. She shows me the bathroom in the hall and tells me that that is the only bathroom with a tub and shower, but our rooms have basic toiletries. She shows me to my possible room first. "Here is your room if you wanna be my roomate!" She says. I examine the room; dark red walls with white accents, a wooden floorboard and a basic queen sized bed, a bedside table, a dresser, desk, etc. This might not be so bad after all.
We head to our last stop, to be honest I expected something frillish and girly but to my pleasant surprise she had a pretty cool room. The walls were f/c with accessories such as a neon sign that says 'Fuck You', a poster of CORPSE, and another of y/f/v/c. Then I noticed the game consoles. "Wow you have a Nintendo 64? I haven't seen one of these in years!" I say impressed. That's when I realised that not only will I be rooming with a girl, that same girl is cute as fuck, likes energy drinks, and places video games! I never met a girl who played video games in real life besides Himiko, but she is like 4 years younger than me so I don't really count her. And y/n is pretty nice too. I wonder if she watches my streams? Fuck, that'd be pretty hot. I snap out of my inner thoughts by y/n asking me how the apartment is. I tell her I really like it and would be glad to room with her. She looked so happy when I said that, but blushed and went back to normal. We exchanged numbers and promised to keep in contact and agreed to me moving in here in about 4 days. I act all bored but really I can't wait to move in.
We part ways at the door and when she closed the door I texted Kurogiri to pick me up. Suddenly I'm really tired, having interactions with a stranger, a girl nonetheless really drained me. As I walk into the portal then step out into my room Kurogiri asks how it went. I gave him a short summary and when he was satisfied he left to tell father. I fall onto my bed and sigh. Y/n... huh. You are pretty interesting. I wonder how long it will take until you betray me...no, she wouldn't...right? I mean after all, she was really nice and inviting, she didn't seem to mind my scars, and her eyes lit up when we briefly talked about video games. My betrayal issues rise inside of me, making me anxious and wary. We will see, for now I'm too tired to think anymore. And with that as I get comfortable in my bed I fall asleep, thoughts of y/n swarming my mind.
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tinyboxxtink · 4 years ago
"Caught In The Storm" *Part 8*
Alright y'all I know this took me ALL day, but I re-wrote it and tweaked it until it was PERFECT. And by "perfect" I mean "perfectly HEARTBREAKING." I'm really proud of this one to be honest with you, I can't wait to see what you think.
This is the crescendo folks, it's all been leading here. Let's all take a deep breath and get some tissues.
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Over the next few weeks you balanced promoting your album and planning a wedding all at the same time. Surprisingly, Rafael had decided that he was too busy to have an intern anymore so Nathan had gotten a job elsewhere.
You hadn't talked since that night that you got engaged.
So here you were, standing in a bridal shop prancing around in ball gowns, presenting yourself to Olivia Amanda and Kelsey.
“What do you think about this one?” You twirled in a bright poofy chiffon white dress.
“Too poofy,” Amanda laughed.
"Agreed," the other two added.
"We've been here for 3 hours. Can we just throw up a coin and go with that one?" You whined.
"This is your wedding dress darling," Olivia said softly, taking your hand. "This is the dress you're going to wear on the happiest day of your life, don't you care about that?"
"Yeah.. I guess so," you sighed. "I liked the one with a long train that was sleeveless with the tiara," You finally smiled. "Did you like that one?"
"Wonderful choice, baby girl," Olivia smiled.
When you got home from the dress shop, Kelsey decided to call you out.
"Okay what was that?"
"What was what?"
"Why were you being such a brat in the bridal store today?"
"I'm just tired," you lied. "I'm tired from all the promoting and the planning and I just don't want to do it anymore."
"Which part don't you want to do anymore?" Kelsey asked with a suspicious look.
"What does that mean?" You eyed her back.
“I think you know what it means." She crossed her arms.
"Whatever. I don't want to talk about this anymore. I've got an early autograph signing." You walked off and slammed your door.
The next day you were at your autograph signing; You smiled and signed politely, lightly chatting to each fan that came up to you.
You did your best to keep light and not bum everybody out, But you were drained. Getting close to the end of the line, you looked down and saw a hand push your album in front of you.
"And who do I make this out to ?" You asked almost in a robotic voice.
"Could you make it out to Rafa?" A familiar voice asked.
You looked up to see Rafael standing there with a small sad smile.
"Rafa..." you whispered. "What are you doing here?"
"I'm buying your album obviously, carino," He smiled again.
"You really don't have to do that" you shook your head.
"I wanted to," he said. Now will you please sign it?"
"Yeah," you smiled. You wanted to talk to him so much more but you still had a line and you couldn't just walk away from all these fans that had bought your album.
"Alright carino well I'm...I'll see ya," He gave you another nod before squeezing your hand softly and walking away.
You couldn't believe that he had taken that moment to come see you. Was it because he didn't want to talk to you? Was it because he didn't want to get into anything? Was he mad at you for saying yes to anything?
All of these things ran through your head as he walked away but again, you couldn't do anything about it and you hated it.
Finally it was the night before your wedding. Kelsey had decided to sleep at her boyfriend's house so that you could have the house to yourself, your one final night alone.
You figured people would think you were spending it celebrating, doing your nails or a million other girly things; but instead you were in your sweats, drinking wine, watching romcoms and crying. Not a great sign the night before your wedding. You tried to put everything out of your mind. It got later and later when you heard a knock at the door.
"I knew it. I knew you were going to forget something Kelsey. Did you forget your toothbrush or your herpes medication?" you laughed as you opened the door.
But it wasn't Kelsey, It was Rafael. He looked at you with pure sad eyes and rocked back and forth on his heels.
"Oh my God Rafa, are you drunk right now?" You asked him in pure shock.
"No.. maybe... Can I come in?" He slurred.
You let him come in and flop down on the couch. Your mind was spinning. Probably a lot like the ceiling was to Rafael.
“I don't understand. What are you doing here? You haven't talked to me, you barely said anything to me when you came and got your album signed. You basically act like I don't exist since I said yes to Nathan. So, are you mad at me? And if you are then why the hell are you here right now?” You rambled on, the million questions you had for him over the past few weeks came spilling out of you.
“I’m not mad at you, I'm mad at myself!” He admitted, his head in his hands.
“...What?” You asked, still in shock.
“I know...I know I've waited. I've waited too long.. but every time I try…” He said with his hands still over his face.
“Try to do what?” Tears coming to your eyes
“Every time I've tried to tell you, something has always happened, or my fears have gotten the best of me. or you're dating some prick or getting engaged to some prick,” He huffed when he mentioned Nathan.
“Oh that's really nice Raff,” you rolled your eyes. “Don't blame Nathan for your insecurities,”
“I'm not, I just….” He stopped again, now looking at you.
“You're doing it again, by the way,” you rolled your eyes trying to stay snarky.
“Doing what?” He looked at you in confusion.
“You're chickening out again,'' you said.
“No I'm not!” he angrily yelled, getting up and trying to yell at you but only stumbling and falling into your arms.
“So say what you came here to say, or get out,” You looked at him seriously; you both had tears in your eyes.
“...I'm in love with you Y/N. I always have been, I think I always will be,” He finally said it, after all this time. He was saying the words you had waited for, right here and right now.
“Well.. that's great. I'm glad you finally told me,” You nodded, letting him back down on the couch.
“What…?” Rafael asked, confused. That definitely wasn't the reaction he was expecting.
“I'm glad that you finally had the balls to admit your feelings.” you said more sternly, sucking back your tears.
"Why do I feel that there's a but?" Rafael asked with fear in his voice.
"But...You're too late," You said softly.
"No.. that can't be true. I know that's not true," He jumped up from the couch again only to stumble a bit, but steadied himself on the arm of the couch.
"Why can't it be true, Rafa?!" You yelled. "Because I was so in love with you that I've just been sitting here pining for you all these months, just waiting for you to say something? Like I'm some pathetic puppy?"
"No, but…" Rafael started.
"Because I wasn't, I'm not!" You continued to yell trying to stay angry instead of sad.
"You're right," you sniffed. "You have tried. I know that you've tried. You've had so many chances to tell me this, and every time you've chickened out"
"But if you knew that, then why didn't you say anything…?" Rafael asked while tears were forming in his eyes again.
"Because you're a grown man Rafa!!" You cried, tears now forming against your will. "I can't force you to do anything, I can't force you to want to be with me!!"
"I know that," he replied sadly.
"I went to say something one night at the Supper Club MONTHS ago, but you were kissing that prick...and then Kelsey said that if I really loved you, that I would let you go,"
"....What?" You blinked in disbelief.
"And, and THEN, that night at your party…" He rubbed his head like he was recalling a bad dream.
"Yeah, you mean when you were going to tell me that you loved me, and then just LEFT?" You snapped.
"Are you--" he scoffed with a laugh. "I left because you got fucking ENGAGED, Y/N!!"
"Because you didn't say--"
"I WAS IN THE MIDDLE OF SAYING IT!!!" He was suddenly yelling, pissed that you were putting this all on him.
"And then the group interrupted, and then that dickhead PROPOSED, and you said YES!"
"Because you weren't there!"
"Because you said YES!" Rafael wasn't backing down on this.
"If you knew what I was going to say, then don't you think that you could've taken a MINUTE to say “Oh hey Nathan that's really nice but I need to talk to the LOVE OF MY LIFE first before making this LIFE CHANGING DECISION?"
"I…" Your thoughts were racing.
"I hadn't said anything, because I told Kelsey that I wouldn't. And I figured you had moved on! You looked like you had moved on!!!" He continued to explain, but tears were choking his throat.
"I…" This whole time you assumed Rafael would know how you felt because you told him the ONE time. It never crossed your mind that he would just assume you "got over" him.
"And, and THEN...at the party, I thought 'maybe she hasn't...maybe I still have a chance'...and then you said YES!" He was crying now.
"What else was I supposed to think, Y/N? Tell me that, huh?” He looked at you with tears streaming down his face, his voice trembling.
Your head was really spinning now. Fucking KELSEY, how dare she interfere with your life? If she hadn't told Rafael to...and if you hadn't….
"I thought you were in love with that douchebag, and I didn't want to mess with your happiness," He finally ended his rant as he collapsed back onto the couch. The crying and the drunkenness was wiping it out of him.
"...And so what was the other day? Why would you just show up at my signing when you KNEW I couldn't just sit there and 'talk it out' with you--" You continued to interrogate him, you didn’t care how exhausted he was.
"I had this whole thing! I was going to come up to you and when you asked me what to sign I was going to say "sign it I love you too Rafa. And then you would look up and I'd say I LOVE YOU!!!" He explained.
"And..?" You asked flippantly, pointing out the fact that he STILL did not follow through.
"And then I saw that fucking diamond ring on your finger!!!!" He gestured to your ring angrily.
"Oh for fucks sake…" You muttered, about at the end of your rope.
"This is exactly what I'm talking about Rafa." You narrowed your eyes. "You wanna blame Nathan for EVERYTHING, like he 'stole' me from you. But I only met him because YOU left me hanging. AGAIN,"
I was waiting for you at that bar and you once again chickened out coming to see me, so Nathan bought me a drink." You did your best to spin this back on him.
"...That's not true.." he kept going through things in his mind. He knew it was true. He had seen you talking and flirting with him in the window that night.
"Yes it is true. It's like you were pushing me to Nathan trying to get me out of your life, and so I accepted it that way," You really had felt that way.
"You JUST heard why--"
"I DON'T CARE!!!" You screamed.
"I don't care what I did, or what Nathan did, or what Kelsey said. It's EVERYBODY else's fault except for yours isn't it? You should have just TOLD ME, consequences be damned! That's what I did! And you made me pay for it!" You got up in his face, livid that he wasn't owning up to his own cowardice.
"You did this, you got us where we are today and you have to live with it. Now please leave." You walked open and opened the door motioning for Rafael to get out.
"No," He walked towards you as the anger and emotion in him was sobering him up pretty fast.
"No, this is bullshit. You're not going to sit there and accuse me of just 'letting things happen' the way they did. That I didn't fight for you. Because I'm fighting for you RIGHT now,"
"A fight over what, Rafa? There's nothing left to fight for," You rolled your eyes.
I don't believe that," He insisted.
"Why not?!" You asked as a few tears dripped down your cheek.
He reached you at the door and put two hands over your face looking into your eyes with his own green irises.
"Look me in the eyes and tell me you're not still in love with me," He said to you just as you had dared him in his office almost a year ago. The reverse feeling felt almost too cruel.
"No, I'm not, You looked at the ground just as he did before.
"You're lying," he said, mimicking your line.
"Yeah? Well now you know how it feels!"
"I knew it," Rafael said with a smile. He grabbed you, pulled your face into his with a deep, passionate kiss. It was like years of longing and wanting and waiting being released all at once in one perfect kiss. It lasted what seemed like forever, but It was only probably about 30 seconds.
All you kept thinking about was how right this felt, how perfect it was, how it never felt this way with Nathan but... you also thought about what Kelsey said.
Rafael had said multiple times that he didn't love you, and now that he was drunk and had false confidence, here he was proclaiming his love for you. And what would happen when that liquid courage went away in the morning?
"But it doesn't matter,'' you said softly when you pulled away from the kiss. Rafael's eyes went from pure Bliss to instant confusion and sadness.
"What are you talking about?" He asked while his eyes searched yours for an explanation. "That kiss was perfect. You cannot tell me that you did not feel what I just felt in that kiss, you just can't."
"Of course I did, you moron! I've probably loved you longer than you've loved me. I've waited for that kiss for years, since the moment I met you! But you wouldn't let me. You wouldn't let us happen. You broke my heart over and over and over again. It hurts too much to love you! And I won't do it anymore."
"No…" He held onto you tighter. "No, you're not doing this."
"Why? Because you're the only one who knows how to say no? Because you're the only one with the power to hurt someone you supposedly love?” You pushed him away out of your embrace.
“Because everything's about you, and I should just fall into your arms now that you're ready? You couldn't even come over here and do this sober! You're saying all of these things, confessing and promising me things, all while you're drunk off your ass!” You screamed angrily, tears now streaming down your cheeks.
“How am I supposed to believe that tomorrow morning when you realize what you've done you won't immediately take it back like the coward you are?"
"That's not fair…" he whispered.
"It is ABSOLUTELY Fair!! you screeched back. “You have done nothing but get my hopes up and crush them, and hurt me for as long as I can remember, and just because you have a moment of clarity while drinking doesn't undo all of that damage and it won't help once this wears off,"
"It's not going to wear off my end I swear. It hasn't worn off for months, maybe years. I love you I'm in love with you probably more than anything or anyone ever," He grabbed you back in his arms, holding onto you for dear life.
"You know Nathan's a good man." You said softly, pushing him away once again. "He's a good kind man who loves me, who has always loved me and who has always taken every second he can to show me that he loves me,” You crossed your arms so you wouldn’t be tempted to run back into Rafael’s embrace.
“Don't you think that's what I deserve? To be told that I'm loved and I'm beautiful and that I'm wanted?” You asked him softly, all he could do was look back at you with sad eyes.
“...And not that there's ‘too much’ between us, or it’s ‘too complicated’, or excuse after excuse why I'm not good enough for you?" You sniffled.
"I never meant that you weren't good enough for me. I've never meant that,” He tried AGAIN for you, but you stopped him before he got close this time.
"Yeah well that's what it seems like," You said.
"I'm sorry... I'm sorry.. I can't say anything else but that. I don't know how else to express to you how sorry I am and I will make up for it the rest of our lives if you let me. I am so sorry that I hurt you and I will never hurt you again." He got down on his knees and clung to you like a child.
"I don't believe you," you whispered.
"What?" He looked up at you in disbelief.
"I don't believe you. You repeated, pulling him off of your legs. "I don't believe that you won't hurt me again, because it's all you do. And all Nathan has done has loved me and made me feel special,"
"But you don't love him,'' Rafael pointed out.
"You don't know that!" You snapped.
"Yes I do!" He shot back.
“How could you possibly know that?”
"Because you have never looked at him the way you look at me!" He exclaimed.
Your face went from upset and sad, to absolute rage after hearing him say that.
"You arrogant, selfish, son of a bitch…" you growled.
"How DARE you say that to me?! How DARE you use my own feelings and how much I loved you against me? Get out," You grabbed his arm and dragged him to the door.
"No look I'm sorry Y/N, but it's true. You don't love him and you're only marrying him to spite me!" He continued to dig himself a hole.
"Well if I wasn't doing it before I sure as hell I'm doing it now. So please do us both a favor and FUCK OFF," You pushed him out and slammed the door behind him. You fell to the ground crying, not knowing if you had done the right thing.
Rafael didn't leave. You could hear him crying through the other side of the door. You sat there for a minute just listening to the both of you cry. You reached for the door handle several times, but every time you reminded yourself of all the times that he hurt you, and that it was his time to hurt.
Finally you stopped hearing him cry. Assuming he left or passed out, You forced yourself to get up and go to bed and forget about it.
The next day you were in the bridal room getting ready; It was pouring rain outside, it seemed appropriate.
Amanda, Kelsey and Olivia were helping you polish your tiara, ironing your dress, fixing your makeup and all that jazz. Hundreds of fans lined outside the church since someone had leaked where you were getting married. Everything came down to this moment. It was supposed to be the biggest day of your life, and you were terrified.
“You're shaking,” Amanda noticed.
“It's just nerves, you need some champagne'' Kelsey grabbed a champagne flute and shoved it in your hand; you downed it.
“You're doing the right thing,” Kelsey assured you, as if she knew what you were thinking. You looked at Olivia and Amanda.
“And what do you say?” You genuinely asked them both.
“I think that whatever you want to do is the right thing,'' Olivia replied, squeezing her hand. You smiled thankfully, glancing at the door.
When it was time, you walked up to Finn who was waiting at the doors of the chapel. He was dressed in a tuxedo with a baby blue tie.
“You look beautiful, baby girl,” he smiled. “Are you ready to do this?”
“Now or never,” You smiled.
The Wedding March began to play as the chapel doors opened. You proceeded to walk down the aisle and looked at everyone watching you. All of your past and present family from the SVU squad was there. Grandpa Kragen and Grandpa Munch, Uncle Brian, Uncle Tucker, etc.
Then you looked at Nathan's family, a bunch of white rich stuffy but welcoming people. You noticed all of the crowds lining outside the windows of the church cheering you on, some crying, some holding signs. Then you looked at Nathan waiting for you at the end of the aisle smiling proudly. He really did love you.
You reached the end of the aisle and took Nathan's hands.
“Dearly beloved, we're gathered here today…”
The Preacher went on through the normal wedding exchanges until he got to your vows.
“Do you Nathan Lee Price, take YN to be your lovely wedded wife, now and forever, through richer and poorer, sickness and health, before and after you both shall live?
“I do,”
“Y/N, do you take Nathan Lee Price to be your lovely wedded husband, now and forever, through richer and poorer, sickness and health, before and after you both shall live?”
You looked to Nathan, then you looked to your side of the wedding, then you looked to his side, you looked to the fans outside again, you looked to the sky, looked to the ground and then you looked back at Nathan.
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