#he was presh and in another world i'd have stanned that to my death
janiedean · 5 years
anyway you know what I’m truly grateful to sex ed for when it comes to the eric/adam S2 storyline
is that finally they broke the chain of bullshit that flourished these last months/years in which if there’s enemies to lovers or people on opposite sides liking each other the one on the *bad* side has to either prove themselves to be the most amazing person ever or can’t ever be good enough for the purest baby cinnamon roll who deserves the world 
because like like the thing is that on one side they gave eric a bf who is everything one could hope for - he’s hot, he’s kind, he’s genuinely nice, he’s not the person who wants to change their partner bc they’re uncomfortable with their beliefs or opinions, he flirts handing out neruda poems and he actually pursues eric in a very lovely romantic way and you’d think he’d be an idiot to dump him right, who’d give up on such perfect meeting the parents material
and on the other side there’s poor adam who is absolutely trying to be a better person and is obviously fucked up by bad parenting and by his father been an asshole and from having been closeted until now/not having ever had friends before but also has hurt eric in the past and is not what you’d think as perfect meeting the parents material whatsoever and is working on his issues and doesn’t quite know how to be nice nor how to be out
so in theory according to this late drivel/social justice calvinism kool aid obviously eric should pick rahim because are we even serious why would you want a dude who thinks frozen is peak cinema and used to bully you bc he didn’t know how to tell you that he liked you in any other way over one who openly pursues you, doesn’t gaf about what others think and gives you the neruda love poems right
and instead they had the metaphorical narrative guts to say that hey, if eric actually feels that connection more with adam and if regardless of everything it’s adam he wants with all his issues, his frozen stanning and the fact that he’s not perfect but he’s trying and he worked on himself enough that eric thinks he wants to be with him.... then he should be with him because sometimes the person you want and that makes you sparkle isn’t the perfect partner ™️ but someone else who might not be Perfect ™️ but that doesn’t fucking matter because if to you they’re what you want then you’re the one in charge of it
and tbh it was made overtly clear because guess what eric’s mom was like mEEEH WON’T WORK when introduced to the perfect boyfriend ™️ but was like oH SO LOVELY TOO MET YOU when introduced to the human disaster ™️ who had just vomited his feelings for eric in public in front of his ass of a father not giving a single fuck about it and like sorry but I physically needed to see one goddamned narrative where they trashed this whole ‘oh X isn’t worthy of the perfect amazing flawless cupcake who only deserves another perfect amazing flawless cupcake and nothing less’ because guess fucking what being worthy of someone is a shitty concept bc you don’t buy worthiness at the supermarket and sometimes the first perfect amazing flawless cupcake doesn’t want another amazing flawless cupcake but is perfectly fine with the half-burned one that maybe came out of the oven not looking fit for the recipe textbook but that still tastes good when you take out the burned surface and I was despairing someone would go there in this economy
(why the hell am I recycling the cupcake metaphor again it’s been years)
anyway even people who aren’t immediately perfect meet the parents material can be people that someone wants and sometimes they get picked over perfect partner ™️ material and I’d like to thank sex ed for having stopped with the chain of ‘they didn’t deserve to be with the perfect cupcake because they weren’t worthy of them’ bullshit narratives I’ve had to stomach lately please and thank you
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