#he was ACTING. i think what makes me the saddest abt the show ending is that i feel like we haven't dug into david enough yet
mulderscully · 2 months
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EVIL | 4.11
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i got tagged to do this by @radioactivebroccoli
Tell us your favorite character from 10 different fandoms & then tag ten people
(now, it doesn’t say i should give motivations for which characters i chose but i will anywas bc why the heck not)
Harry Potter – Harry Potter
Now see, i’m a sheeple and i tend to enjoy the main character in the media i enjoy, that’s just life sometimes ok, and like i wouldn’t spend all those years reading books and watching movies abt a character i didn’t like and feel with and shit. And like obvs I like herm and ron and the others but like they’re not harry ok let me live (also idk how hard we are on this “one character per fandom thing” and if harry potter and avps are the same fandom bc if not, my fav avpm character is Voldemort)
 Pearl – Steven Universe
She’s trying so hard ok and she’s grown so much and she’s such a repressed gay nerd but like she also was co-leader of a rebellion and she’s poofed so many gems and like she’s so selfish but also selfless and, like, every single character in steven universe is amazing in their own way and like just fkn watch the show my dudes
 Tina Belcher – Bob’s Burgers
Tina is such a teen girl ok and I love her so much for it, like do you ever hear that shit abt how teenage girls are too passionate and weird and people call everything they do ugly and they act like their feelings are in some way a personal offence to society and then someone like tina fucking exists and feels and acts and is confident and insecure and weird and amazing, fuck dude
 Blue Sargent – the Raven Cycle
Ok so like this weird thing happens when you only watch visual media and like things that are made in like the us and maybe the uk where men are like 90% of everything and women are so unrelateable ffs, And then you like read a book again bc like you haven’t read books in forever bc mental health am I right, and then the female character is just so darn likeable, in like the way where it’s not that she’s perfect, it’s just that she’s a person, and she’s so cool ok Blue is /so cool/ and smart and she has good believable opinions and like I wanna be her and also u know maybe make out with her when she turns like 22 or something
 Jake Peralta – Brooklyn 99
Ok so b99 has so many good characters, it’s such a good show and like I do love amy and rosa and gina and charles and the gang but like jake is so well arched and funny and enjoyable ok he’s just so easy to watch and like espec in these later episodes and he’s really nice as a funny asshole-ish dude-character that’s not actually offensive (mostly there might be some fat-jokes in there but that’s more the fault of the show and not a thing that’s part of the character)
 Gayle Waters-Waters – Gayle
Sometimes you don’t really like a character but like it’s still 100% ur fav bc u just wanna watch them forever like yeah she’s horrible but I love it, watch gayle on youtube kiddos
 Guinevere– Merlin (bbc)
She’s so kind and strong ok and she did so much to shape Arthur and like yeah I ship merthur as much as the next one but like I can still love the heck out of gwen outside her relationship with Arthur and I do think the love story was beautiful ok, I did, my heart might often be cold towards the ~romantic~ stuff but like she deserved it so much and I would 100% watch anything more with angel as gwen ok she was so good for the role and while on the topic of romantic shit her and morgana was the shit, honestly, the stuff with morgana breaking gwen in the tower was the saddest betrayal in the entire series ok frick, and like ok if ur gonna watch merlin, or rewatch it, do it and watch is as the story of gwen ok, she’s just as much the hero and she has a hero’s story just as much as merlin and Arthur
 Steve Rogers – Marvel
So I’ll be the first to admit that I do not know all that much abt comics canons or even that much abt the mcu, I watched the first avenger and then avengers and winter soldier and like yeah I love that steve at times but the steve I really love is my head version that’s based on fics and different posts and headcanons and shit, that’s how we do it up in here ok, and for a character called captain America who’s almost made to be a beacon of hope, a symbol, I really think it’s kinda ok to make that symbol mean something unique to u ya feel. And ok I know peeps have different opinions abt what kind of heroes they like, and like yeah I like a good chosen one obvs but steve is just so fkn heroic ok he chose this life and he’s doing it and no one could tell him he has to really like the world will not really end if he just fucks off but he still does everything he’s such a saviour ok also he’s a lil’ shit, love him (sam is missing out on this spot only bc he wasn’t in the first movie like I already loved steve when I saw sam but rest assured I love the heck out of sam too)
 Cecil Palmer – Night Vale
I’m so fond of cecil, like sometimes I don’t like him and I want to fight him with a wooden spoon, but he’s one of those characters where the fondness you feel for them stems from the way they act and feel, more than their opinions (which is like a whole other thing that is so weird on tumblr, like how you are almost expected to look at people as a bundle of opinions and like or dislike them based on that but w/e that’s not what we’re talking bout here) and idk, just a solid good character
 Miss Marple – Agatha Christie
Idk dude it’s a comfort thing
i tag: anyone who wants to do it, yes i know that’s cheating but when ur out ur out u feel let me live
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dawittiest · 7 years
Initial thoughts after watching The Punisher:
(major spoilers under the cut)
first things first: Dinah Madani is the love of my life and probably most likely the best character in the enitre Marvel Cinematic Universe. i think we should take a moment to appreciate how blessed we were. i could wax poetics about her for paragraphs on but let me just say, the show is worth watching for her alone
okay, now for a general opinion on the show: the pacing was weird at times, and i was bored a little at the beginning but otherwise i liked it. it wasn’t like, a masterpiece, or my next favorite show, but the characters were great and the soundtrack. it was Very frank
that being said, i’m not the biggest fan of the major plot. i mean it was well executed and engaging and all, it’s just. i didn’t really like the executive choice to make frank’s family’s death not random. it takes away from that sensless tragedy, of how unfair it was, and that doesn’t quite sit with me. and honestly i wanted us to move past frank’s quest for answers about his family’s death and branch out beyond that
on that note: frank barely did any punishing?? i mean, he tied up some loose ends at the beginning and then just hung his vest?? and then, at the end of the show, seemingly hung his vest again??? come on, guys, you know we’re not here for that. give us the punisher we deserve
now, what’s probably my biggest issue with the show: they really dropped the ball on Maria Castle and the kids. i was really hoping they would do them justice and, well, i just feel like we learned more about them in Daredevil than we did in the actual Punisher show which honestly sucks, especially considering the amount of dramatic flashbacks of Maria smiling and not really saying much that we got. which tell us absolutely shit about her as a character, btw. i want to care about her, and the kids, but we just didn’t get anything and its frustrating. i was more invested in frank’s relationship with sarah lieberman, which. (btw, it was great. they had amazing chemistry, she was basically everything i hoped maria would be. i kindof cheered when they kissed)
KAREN!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! there was not nearly enough of karen, lbr. but what little there was, was GREAT. just, Karen, my beautiful fierce daughter, doing her thing there. i loved her so much. i was kind of dissapointed that they never touched on the fact that the last time they saw each other, karen shouted at frank he’s dead to her, and then just? forgave him without saying anything? which made no sense. but their relationship was amazing, and that last elevator scene they had, it was everything i ever wanted (although i wouldn’t mind if they kissed. js). and karen’s FRANK’S FAMILY. god, i have a lot of kastle feelings rn
(this is sort of self-indulgent but i was hoping they would at least allude to Matt’s death. i would’ve really loved seeing frank’s reaction, also maybe a hint how karen’s dealing with it)
frank spray-painting a skull on his vest still cracks me up. dude makes fun of matt’s costume but his own is literally arts and crafts project. i love it
i still thoroughly enjoy watching frank murder people. still unapologetic about it. the way he murders people is poetry, bite me.
i sort of hate micro, which is a damn shame because his relationship with frank was flawless. their dynamic was amazing and i enjoyed their banter, and under different circumstances i’d be all over that shit but honestly, micro was annoying and i didn’t really care whether he lived or died, so that kind of put a damper on that
BILLY RUSSO WAS GREAT. i loved loved how they did him in the show. i have a secret soft spot for jigsaw so it was a treat watching him so lovingly translated into the screen and given so much emotional weight. his relationship with frank was beautiful and heartbreaking and i expect to see many amazing fics exploring that *wink wink*. i gotta admit though, i kept screaming at frank “PUT HIS PRETTY FACE THROUGH GLASS ALREADY” every time they were on a screen together. i am a woman of simple pleasures
CURTIS !!!!!! MY MAN !!!!!!!! he was the best and god i was so scared they’d kill him off but they didn’t, and instead they sort of gave frank as-happy-as-can-be-considering ending with him??? im emotion
frank is still the saddest man and i wanna wrap him in a bundle of blankets (probably before i set him loose to murder some bad guys and watch him do it because damn). but god, jon bernthal’s acting never ceases to amaze me. he’s so expressive and so damn complex, like here’s this guy, blood-curdling, gravelly voice and all, covered in blood only some of which is his, and he’s genuinely terrifying, and at the same time his eyes are  welling with tears, and he wears his hurt on a sleeve and he’s vulnerable, and he just feels so fucking human, you know? i really can see how deeply he feels everything and how much he cares, against all odds (there was a good line about this in the show but im too lazy to google it). i just. it’s really easy to emphatize with this frank castle, just saying. (im so grateful they let him actually cry on screen. it twisted my heart in the best way.)
special mention for the gnucci family easter egg and WELCOME BACK, FRANK. i’m so easy, i swear
i can’t believe i almost forgot that but hipster frank. it was amazing. ‘been flirting with the idea of going full man-bun’ hOW DARE THEY TEASE US LIKE THAT (fan artists, i’m begging you. please deliver on it)
oh and couldn’t give less shit about that lewis wilson kid. he’s boring, his self-justifications are boring and im over that
ALSO: i really enjoyed all the women that appeared in the show. all of them were complex, and different, and felt human, and they all felt like characters in their own right, not just props or plot devices (well, maybe with exception of maria - still salty abt that, btw - but i already talked about that) and i really fucking appreciated that. and there were older women!!!! morally complicated women!!!!! women of color whose narrative didn’t evolve around frank!!!!! they spoke farsi on screen!!!!! it was pretty amazing. i mean, it’s babies steps, but steps in the right direction nonetheless.
conclusion: watch the punisher and come scream at me about it!!!!!
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