#he reclaims bases and strategizes with impa and shiek and leads the other soldiers into the fray
spirit-tracks ยท 2 months
I just started Hyrule Warriors (the og) for the first time!!! I got the game secondhand and dusted off Ol' Reliable (WiiU) so I can finally see what the fuss is all about. I know it's a Fighting Game about an interdimensional war and watched like one video of gameplay maybe five years ago? But that's all I know going in.
(I also played a little bit of Age of Calamity on my brother's switch back when it came out, but I never could understand what the hell was happening on the screen at any given moment, so this is fairly fresh of an experience for me.)
Some thoughts!:
The game's art style, fighting gimmick, and cutscenes reminds me a LOT of Super Smash Bros for the Wii, specifically story mode
Link is indeed just as Sexy as everyone makes him out to be. His voice is nice to listen to and the Blue Scarf is quite fetching
Shiek is SO FUN TO PLAY AS and I love being in the Know about their identity because Impa keeps going "I sure do hope Zelda is okay :(((" and I'm giving Shiek the eyeballs ๐Ÿ‘๐Ÿ‘ like "when are you going to tell her"
I only know the barest barest bare minimum about Lana and Cia going in but I am liking Cia as a villain so far, the reality breaking is awesome and also her bird mask is cool as hell
A lot of people consider this the non-canon explanation for the converging of the timelines, and although I'm not really on board with the Timeline Convergence theory, I DO See The Appeal of this explanation because the cutscene where all the different worlds started to collide and Skyloft was on the same map as Twilight Princess's Bridge of Eldin,,, my inner nerd is screaming
The game unloaded a LOT of mechanics on me all at once, which was a little overwhelming, but I think I'm getting the hang of it just by way of spamming the hell out of my attack button and hoping for the best. I'm starting to learn which button patterns make for my favorite attacks and how the item switching and special attacks help in certain areas. I also read through the tutorials like 5 times each. Despite how much STUFF is going on at any given moment, Im getting the hang of it surprisingly quickly.
It's somewhat difficult to keep track of what the other warriors are saying in the corner of the screen while I'm trying to focus on killing enemies, but I really like how they keep you updated on what's going on all over the battlefield, so that you can react and strategize accordingly. Speaking of the battlefield, I'm SO BAD AT NAVIGATING THE MINIMAP
It didn't take me long to catch on about how to reclaim bases and outposts, and I find a lot of satisfaction in taking back land, especially with the variety of monsters we get from across the other games. Bosses will have the same weaknesses from their og games, and I'm having a blast trying to remember how I killed Dodongo or Gohma in Ocarina of Time so that I can kill them in this game too. It's so rewarding when I get it right!
I've just completed the Valley of Seers, and I'm gonna pick it up again tomorrow maybe! I'm actually really surprised with how much fun I'm having so far, since I'm not usually all that big on Fighting Games, but it definitely helps that it's Zelda specifically ๐Ÿ˜‚
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