#he kinda looks like neta but shorter and every thing didn't go wrong in his life
yesyourstalker · 7 months
Neta: so I went to the doctor right. And he looks at the mole and he's like 'oh yeah that's melanoma all right' like he was so fucking casual about it too I love us hehe
Candi: Tell me how I had one on my fucking butt hahahahahaha! left butt cheek I was kind of sad they removed it cuz it looked like a heart.
Neta: I'm so lucky that thing wasn't on my tattoo. I would have died!! Hahahahah God I'm so jealous of these kids nowadays, they don't have to deal with this shit. I told my daughter 'oh when you get to a certain age you have to check your body for weird moles' and I remember she was on the surface since she was 6 so that doesn't really apply to her. Cod these fucking kids.
Candi: I have this old giant can of sunscreen you know the one they used to have them in tin cans.
Neta: uh huh. Captain Coral sunblock I still have some and my bathroom cabinet
Candi: yeah those. I pulled it out in the park to put it on Bowie.......these fucking surface dweller moms. You know the bitches from the fucking canyons
Neta: oh shit...
Candi: This mom came up to me tapped me on my shoulder and told me "I think that stuff is expired and it's full of toxins you shouldn't put that on your kid"
Neta: not the toxins! HA! what the fuck hahahahahahaha
Candi: I swear if my husband wasn't there I would be in jail
Neta: I would have had a fit! They think everything from the underground is toxic where did that even come from?!
Warabi: are you guys going to help pick out nice furniture or are you just going to sit there and gossip all day!!
Neta: you only invited me is because I get a military discount!
Candi: I agreed because I need to do my own shopping.
Neta: I was thinking like a nude wedding cake. He not into sweets all that much
Candi: yeah he does look like someone who doesn't like sugar
Neta: yeah he's boring that's why I fucking love him. I was thinking a chiffon cake would be nice like this one.
Candi: ohhhhh that was really nice I like the detailing it's really nice- *gasp*.... Oh my God look at this!
Neta: ohhh That's so sweet little cuttlefish on it you need to get that..... Do you know what you're going to paint the room?
Candi: I was thinking of-
Warabi: Neta come and lie on this mattress with me!
Neta: no!
Warabi: please!!
Neta: no!!
Warabi: please!!!
Neta: no!!!
Warabi: I won't make it weird I promise
Neta: I don't believe you but okay. Ugh.................. This is nice. A little too soft for me personally but it's comfortable.
Warabi: I like the mattress but mahi likes to sleep on slabs of fucking stone........ You're really close.... it's kind of like that time when we kiss-
Neta: and you made it weird I'm getting up...*ugh*.... just get separate mattresses
Warabi: two separate beds.... I don't know
Neta: it'd be nice, just get two separate beds maybe separate the loft into two living spaces.
Warabi: that would be nice...... Let me call mahi.
Neta:I was thinking of something like this. it's closer to the floor. It also has a built-in bookshelf and some drawers.
Candi: ehhh it's nice it's very.... Minimalist
Neta: I like minimalism I think it's a nice aesthetic
Candi: hmmm is it though
Neta: I don't know maybe because I used to live in squalor so you know sterile environments are comforting for me
Candi: That's valid.....maybe if it was a darker wood.....if you stain it it'll look better
Neta: huh .... yeah that could work .....sounds like a plan ... I order it later
Warabi: I'm sorry but we're buying furniture for myself! For my apartment! Can you guys please pretend to care and help! Why are you even buying new furniture now anyway you said you're going to move after getting married what's the point in wasting the money like???
Neta: first off you have been looking at coffee tables for the last hour and you're one to talk about wasting money!! Go call mahi or something I'm busy fuck!
Warabi: *huff*
Candi: why do you need to get a new bed frame?
Neta: the one I have is broken
Candi: ohhhhh Netaaa hehehehe what did you do to break the bed frame
Neta: gained 50 lbs
Candi: *pppffth*
Neta: hehehe yeah.... Oh and having an active sex life.
Candi: oh realllly
Neta: yeah we're suuuuupppperrr active almost every night............. My man has the libido of a devout nun
Candi: HA! You're going to get yourself in trouble hehehehe
Neta: I love him tho....don't tell him I said that.....being serious though I actually bought it broken for cheap.
Candi: no wonder your back so fucked
Neta: yeah.......Did you get the link to those wedge pillows I sent you?
Candi: I have in my cart I need to get them before I start blowing up like-
Warabi: ok which swatch do you think would go great for the living space I was thinking of a nice burgundy but this blue is speaking to me.
Candi: I like orange
Neta: get it in green
Warabi: Cod you two are no help!!!
Neta: Cod I'm starving
Candi: you know what I could eat right now
Neta: absolute garbage... Like shit from shanty's
Candi: Yes exactly like I want their lobster bisque pasta on a roll.
Neta: I could go for a prawn patty.... With pickled kelp .....*gasp*.... Oh my Cod.... No ..... Is that? Phoebe sweetie!
Phoebe: neta! Netanetanetanwta hiiiiiiiii heheheh
Neta: Hi sweetie! Awwww look at you!!! You've gotten so big!! Ohhh big hugs!
Phoebe: uhhhhehehe hi hi!!
Candi: oh Hi Phoebe!
Phoebe: Candis!! Hi Candis!!
Candi: aww what are you doing here baby?
Phoebe: my.... Mommy is in the store!! She buys shoes and clothes and panties and necklaces!!
Neta: oh she is? She left you here to play?
Phoebe: yes I like.. I like to open the re-frige-rators and the washie machines
Neta: oh you do? That sounds like fun
Phoebe: yeah..... . I like hiding in the curtains!!! scare people!!!
Candi: you do? How do you scare people?
Phoebe: like this!!......(hopping)... BOO RAWR WAR WAR !!!
Neta: heheheh she is so precious!!
Candi: ohhhhh she is
Phoebe's mom( in the distance): sweeties time to go!!
Phoebe: MOMMY!!!!..... Bye bye neta!! Bye bye Candis!!!
Neta: bye bye!....*sigh* I miss when my little girl was like that
Candi: I know what you mean my little Bowie growing out of it right now it's breaking my heart
Neta: makes you want to have another kid doesn't it?
Candi:* inhale* *exhale*................... No
Neta: (wheeze)
Neta: look at this cool bath tub. It has a water jet massager.. with 12 settings.. I know this isn't made for ink fish but I'd risk it
Candi: I feel like my Donn wouldn't know how to get out and die in a very embarrassing way.
Neta: hahahaha he would die in a bath tub!!
Warabi: I'm fished shopping.. here's your military card... Thanks for helping me.......I guess
Neta: hooray!! let's see what you got...... Two dressers, nightstands .... The dining set looks nice perfect for four people. One mattress?
Warabi: they're buying their own mattress by themselves
Neta: alright
Candi: a mini sectional.. that's cute
Warabi: yep I bought most of the expensive stuff now mahi and Baja are going to buy the rest of the furniture and this own shit. The store is going to hold onto it until Baja shows up with the truck.....*sigh* I'm hungry.
Neta: fucking finally it's starving!
Candi: same here I really need to eat something and sit....*huff* I'm tired. Neta take my card can you buy my things? thank you
Neta: sure
Warabi: *humpf*
Candi: *sigh*........ I could go for a nap right about now.
Warabi:.... I'm going to order some food you said you wanted a lobster bisque roll?
Candi: yeah.
Donn: hey babe
Bowie: Mommy!
Candi: Hi my precious little baby boy! [Kisskisskiss] Hi hubby [kiss]
Donn: how you feeling?
Candi: just a little fatigued but I'll live.
Donn:.. ok.... What did you get?
Candi: just a chair, some shelves I found a really nice swing-
Neta: alright everything is bought and packed up heres your card back and car keys. Heeeey Donnie how you doing lover boy.
Donn:....... Neta... It's nice seeing you
Bowie: Mr Neta!
Neta: hey little man! You're behaving for your mom and dad right?
Bowie: hehehehe yeeees!!!!
Neta: alright.. Y'all get settled.. I'm gonna check on my subordinate upstairs. I'll be right back.
Warabi: okay I got your lobster bisque on a roll prawn patty for neta.. My lobster dog.. i. I got you something to drink. hyperade raspberry lemonade your favorite.
Candi: you can have it, it's starting to give me indigestion plus I can't have caffeine not for a while anyway.
Warabi: oh ok...why ?
Neta: and he gave all of his old stuff to Baja which is nice but I feel like he only did that just to buy new stuff.
Mahi: well his parents did give him a little bit of his freedom back he has access to a savings account. I feel like they're testing him and he's failing horribly but you know it's not my place to say anything.
Neta: ehhh it's a lesson that he has to learn himself. So how's Seth doing?
Mahi: He's doing great, doing his job piercing ears and belly buttons all day.
Neta: I'm going to check on him............ Hey Seth? (taping chair) you doing good kid?
Seth: ...[signing]...I'm doing just fine boss! A lot of great clients today!
Neta: alright... You work tomorrow and Monday at the same time. That's today we're going to put you in the system so you'll get your schedule through your phone okay?
Seth: [signing] All right cool I left my portfolio in your office along with a copy of my tattoo license. You have some cool tattoos, Hope there's some space for my work.
Neta: ohhh we'll see, we'll see. Keep up the good work let me head to my office and-
Warabi: SHE'S PREGNANT!!!?!?!?
Mahi: duh.
Seth: [signing] what did he say? what happened?
Neta: *sigh* .......he just found out why I needed to hire a new piercer.... Sorry about him.......you'll get used to all of this eventually. Trust me. It's never a dull moment in this store
Seth: [signing] I'm having fun already
Warabi: so everyone knew everyone but me!
Mahi: yeah pretty much she told me last week when she came in late....
Neta: she sent me a pic of a pregnancy test at 2:00 a.m.
Candi: I also posted it on my splattube channel and my squidtter and my inksagram. You don't follow me on any social media I thought we were friends
Warabi: I am! I am your friend! My FYP is full of so many people right now... I can't even find my mutuals......Cod if I knew I wouldn't have let you help me with buying furniture now I feel like an asshole!!
Candi: hehehehe it's fine it's really I wanted to go cuz... I needed to buy new furniture too I might as well kill two birds with one stone.
Warabi: no feel bad let me get you something, anything you want.
Candi: oh don't need to
Donn: a new crib would be nice, one that turns into a bed like we have for Bowie.
Warabi: Done! What color?
Candi: uhhh what color did we agree
Donn: I like the Corel paint you picked
Candi: ok Coral it is.
Warabi: Great!.......I can't believe you're going to have another baby! We're practically the same age and it feels weird! You're too young
Candi: I'm 27
Warabi: exactly it's way too young to raise a kid Neta how old were you when you had a kid?
Neta: 19
Warabi: ok well you're a bad example. anyway I'll get you the crib I promise.
Candi: awww thank you
🎶Mahi maha Mahi ha ha 🎵🎵 belongs to @fish-at-fish-fish-resort
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