#he is my leopard gecko and i've had him for about 3 years :)
poryqons 1 year
hashtag fugly
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what de fug is his damage (crispito moodboard)
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savage-rhi 6 months
Oh dude! You care for noodles (sneks)?!! Please let me hear about them and your other herps!
Sure thing!
I have two hognose snakes. Lucifer (Lulu) and Hades, respectfully. Lucifer is an albino, and Hades is allegedly a regular morph, although I am confident he has some conda genes.
Apep is my Kenyan (or Egyptian) sand boa. He's just a worm. Seriously. Radiates worm energy all the time.
Crowley is my mexican black king snake. He's twice the length of my arm and is super friendly. Probably one of the most polite snakes I've ever had experience with next to Lucifer (for a snake, Lulu is very affectionate...don't go near him when it's mating season). Crowley has also been an ambassador animal when I've worked at schools. He's great with kiddos. Has a preference for girl folk (he'll wrap himself up in a little ball or around their arm, boy folk he just stares and lets them pet him).
...I also have lizards and a frog!
I have 3 leopard geckos. Gwee, Vito, and Treeko. Vito is a male and he's an albino (his colors are like pink lemonade). Gwee is a female and she's turning 14 this year (my first reptile btw! she's the sweetest little old lady), and Treeko is one of the two hatchlings that came from Gwee and Vito's clutch of eggs. Her brother Newt belongs to one of my good friends who has a reptile collection.
I have a bearded dragon named Remmy. He's a strong independent lizard and he needs no man, but he's cool with people petting him.
Hammond (Hammy) is my frilled neck lizard (my baby dilophosaurus haha). Named after John Hammond from Jurassic Park. He's super friendly. Poor fella is getting over a respiratory infection because we lost power for a few days, and with it being winter, he got sick. He's on the mend though! (and thank shit spring is around the corner).
Jormungandr (Jormmy) he's my glass lizard (legless). Jormmy was wild caught, and one of my peeps that worked at this pet shop didn't think it was right. Plus he was sitting there in his tank for god knows how long because not a lot of people in my area know how to take care of unique lizards, so bud pulled some strings and I took Jormmy home as a rescue. I've had him for five years. He's still aggressive toward people (can't blame him) but he's gotten better around me.
And then there's Winston, my dumpy tree frog. He's a polite gentleman. Loves chilling on my hand.
I have a lot of kids...馃槀
Each of them has their own unique persona and I appreciate and love them for that. I can't imagine not having reptiles in some capacity in my life.
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lovelypurpletyphoon 4 years
Today I'll introduce you guys to the pets in my household. There's three cats, a dog, a rat, a gerbil, a leopard gecko, a bird, and I don't know how many isopods
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For starters, the cat is Luna and the dog is Paisley. Luna's a troublemaker and Paisley is an American Hairless Terrier. Paisley is 8 years old and I think Luna is a year old.
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The smol bird is Blue. He's a Pacific Parrotlet and is full of rage. He's about 15 years old. The curled up fluffy white thing is Stanley the rat. He's a good boy and is 3 years old. The empty enclosure belongs to Reemor the gerbil. I have no clue how old he is.
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The stripey boi is Hobbes. He's a Highlander and I don't know how old he is. The other cat is Gaster. We've had him since 2016 or 2017.
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Last is Joseph and the isopods. Joseph was an adult when I got him. He's been my buddy since 2015. I've had some of the isopods since March last year. I used to have a pair of hissing roaches, but they sadly passed away this winter. So, I kept the isopods from their enclosure and made a couple isopod paradises. Also there's snails too.
I think that's all the pets.
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exclusionisteevee 6 years
please help my lizard, Gilbert
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I was "gifted" a 13 year old leopard gecko riddled with health problems a few months ago and I haven't had the opportunity to take him to the vet, but he desperately needs it. he's got a prolapsed hemipene, an issue with his left eye, and God knows what other health issues I can't see. I've been trying to treat his hemipene on my own with sugar baths and Vaseline but nothing has helped.
before I get bombarded with "why have an animal if you can't afford it?"
1. I did not ask for this animal
2. I had no idea about it's health issues when I got it
3. I had no idea I was getting this animal
4. there are no people I trust in my area to take him. no rescues or rehabbers with good reputations
I have a vet near me who's willing to take leopard geckos in and has performed this procedure before but the estimate to even see him is ~$340
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we do not have that kind of money right now and we really haven't for a while. my mom has a PayPal set up and the email for it is [email protected] . I can't offer anything in return but pictures of Gilbert and similar small stuff. I'll try to keep you all updated on the funds we've raised but I really need help with this. any and all donations are really really appreciated. thank you all.
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