#he introduces maya to grace and later it comes up around zay and he's just like
fbfh · 2 years
who wants to hear my unhinged idea for Lucas Friar's backstory?? (full disclosure I haven't watched girl meets world in a minute so take any details with a grain of salt if they contradict canon but they gave us absolutely no information about lucas so probably not) TW: emotionally distant serial cheater father, brief mention of postpatrum depression pain killer addiction and rehab, implied microagressions/racism
okay I'm just gonna jump right in and spill the tea. Pappy Joe Friar raised Lucas's dad, Waylon, on their family's ranch, and his wife died before they could have any more kids. Waylon dreamed of something bigger and went to fancy business school and got a fancy high paying job, completely forgot his roots, and turned into a workaholic jerk. He cheated on his first wife with Lucas's mom Jenna, but they didn't have any kids, so the first divorce was fast and clean. Waylon wanted Jenna to step up as this perfect socialite wife, but between that and trying to take care of a baby practically by herself, it got to be too much for her. between all that and the postpartum depression, she developed a painkiller addiction. Waylon cheated on her with his third wife, but eventually figured out something was wrong and sent her to a rehab and wellness center. In the process, she lost custody of Lucas, and Waylon stopped her from being able to see him or contact him at all to proctect his family's reputation. He had two kids with his third wife when Lucas was a kid, then eventually they divorced due to Waylon cheating on her (yet again) and her stealing money from him. They spend weeks with Waylon and weekends with their mom.
His fourth wife Grace is the one that really stuck, and they have four more kids together. His dad isn't around much, and when he is, things are tense, so Lucas spends as much time at Pappy Joe's ranch as he can get away with. At this point, Lucas has a lot of anger and frustration, but can't do anything about it and can't disobey his father or harm their reptuation, which leaves him being really fucking angry all the time in 6th and 7th grade. His siblings are all too young for him to feel like he can bond with them, his stepmom is nice enough but she's preoccupied with the younger kids and he feels like she doesn't care about him. All this comes to a boiling point when the fight happens. He'd gotten in some scraps before, mostly jumping at any opporunity to stand up to kids getting bullied as an excuse to get out some agression. He already has two strikes on his school's baseball team, but it just doesn't make him feel better like it used to, so he doesn't really care.
It finally reaches a breaking point when some kid with an edgy sense of humor starts making fun of Zay. He doesn't even get a warning, Lucas just loses his shit. The kid ends up in the hospital and Lucas ends up expelled and Waylon ends up with his reputation ruined. So, he punishes Lucas in the only way he knows how to, by dragging his ass to new york. He tells him he got transfered, but he's been spearheading a new york branch of his company for months if not years by now. It's too good of an opportuinity, too much money to turn down, plus he can leave Grace and the rest of the kids in texas (they've been talking about seperating at this point, she's thinking some distance will clear his head). Grace told Waylon that if he takes Lucas away from his friends and his hometown it'll crush him, that he should just let her try to talk to him, maybe let him stay with Pappy Joe for a while. He always does so much better on the ranch than in the city, and Waylon almost agreed. But if there's one thing this man can't do, it's let his son be happy. He doesn't want Lucas to live some slow non glamorous ranch life that he hated growing up, so he takes him to the city.
Pappy Joe had a talk with him before he left, a really serious man to man talk about responsibility, handling anger, knowing when to stop, and learning about what it means to be a man. That talk was one of the most pivotal moments in Lucas's life. He thinks about what Pappy Joe said every day, about the real way to protect the people you love is to make them feel safe around you, about taking responsibility for your actions, about listening to your head and your heart before your impulses. Pappy Joe shaped him into the Lucas we know and love. Knowing that makes it even more meaningful when he does go into Texas mode, because that means he's completely and totally thought it through. He's looked at this from every angle in every way, and has still come to the conclusion that someone needs to get their goddamn ass kicked. The difference between harmless and peaceful is choosing to be peaceful. Lucas Friar is peaceful.
Starting in high school for every trip back to Texas, Lucas is able to make a little bit more peace with Grace, especially when he sees how much all of his little siblings look up to him. He didn't think she cared, he didn't think any of them did. But when he stops by to say hi in person and Grace drops what she's doing and wipes the flour off her hands with a tea towel and pulls him into a tight hug and gasps, "Oh! You've grown so much, let me look at you..." his stomach twists and his throat closes up because that's how Topanga looks at Riley and how Katie looks at Maya and he thinks if for some reason he can't get to Pappy Joe when he has a problem, maybe he can come to Grace. And when all his little brothers and sisters run over to tackle him in hugs and scream about how much they miss him and show him their drawings and legos and the dance they made up, he can only think about Riley and Augie and he realizes Waylon's actions aren't Graces fault or his sibling's fault anymore than they're Lucas's, and maybe his family isn't quite as small and broken as he thought it was.
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