#he did so much for me and yet i am over here debating and worrying over the flight and over everything
raysrays · 7 months
Crimson Guardian NSFW
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Kyojuro Rengoku x Wife! Reader
18+ MDNI!🚫
CW: NSFW Content, minor angst, controlling/manipulating behavior, fluff-ish.
Scenario : You've recently married into the respected Rengoku family, and while you continue your work as a demon slayer, life starts to get a bit messy. Balancing your duties becomes a real challenge as you navigate the challenges of married life. You find yourself having to make tough choices just to keep your husband happy, all while debating to stay true to yourself and your calling as a demon slayer.
Marriage. Truly one of the most beautiful milestones a couple can achieve. Marrying Kyojuro has undoubtedly been my greatest accomplishment.
I still remember it vividly, as if it were yesterday. Surrounded by friends, family, and core members, we pledged our lives to each other. Though it wasn't the most glamorous wedding ever seen, it was enough. Because really, all I've ever wanted was Kyojuro, and now, finally, I have him.
For the first few months, our marriage was nothing short of perfect. I moved into the Rengoku estate with Kyojuro's family, assisting Shenjuro with chores and gradually trying to get closer to Shinjuro. Though I'm not sure how successful I was.
It was only six months in that I realized being a demon slayer and a wife wasn't as easy as I thought.
Before our relationship, I was Kyojuro's Tsuguko. He was simply my mentor, and I trained hard under him to get myself where I am today. It was later down the road that we noticed each other's lingering gazes, the occasional flirting, and all the other subtle hints of wanting to be more.
Kyojuro was strong, and I knew he wanted a family, but I simply wasn't ready to give up training and my duties as a demon slayer just yet.
Every day, after helping out around the estate, I would hike over to HQ and pick up where I had left off the previous day, training until the late hours of the night. I would often come home exhausted, which usually caused Kyojuro to worry. As much as I reassured him, he never seemed fully convinced.
Now, here I was, sitting at the dinner table with Kyo across from me. It was a rare occasion for us to eat alone together like this. We made small talk about our day and training, and then he finally stopped eating and put his silverware down.
"Little Flame, I think it’s time we have a serious discussion about the way things have been as of late,” his usual happy smile seemed almost nervous.
I set my spoon down on my plate, giving him my full attention.
“Yes? What is it?”
“Sunflower, you have been working so hard as of late, and it’s quite admirable. I truly admire your dedication to the demon slayer corps and your training!”
“But…?” I ask, confused.
“But… since our marriage, I’ve found myself in constant worry over you. Every time you go on a mission without me, I have to painfully wait for your return. Not knowing whether or not you'd be injured or even-“
“Dead?” I finish.
I saw his body tense up at the word.
“Yes, my love. Dead. I cannot even bear the thought of you never returning to me. It pains me to my core,” he seemed so sad, so worried about me.
I know Kyojuro, I know he didn’t mean anything bad by what he was saying. However, I felt almost offended. He too was a slayer, a hashira. I also had to deal with the fear of him returning with serious injuries or even never returning at all.
Did he believe me to be incapable of protecting myself? He was the very one who trained me. Even though I knew Kyojuro was strong, much stronger than me, it just felt like he lacked faith in me.
“You don’t think I’m strong enough anymore? Do you think marriage has made me soft?” I realized I might have come off a little too harsh, but my emotions were getting the best of me.
His expression seemed surprised, but I could tell. While he may not have used those words, that was definitely the gist of it.
I watched him get up from his place at the table and walk over to me. He pulled my chair out from under the table, then grabbed my hands and kneeled down in front of me.
His big, bright eyes were now staring up at me.
“You are one of the strongest people I know, my love. I know how capable you are, but please remember…”
He brought my hands to his lips, kissing them softly.
“You are my wife before you are a demon slayer. I cannot risk sending you off only for you to never return.”
I could practically hear the desperation and love in his voice.
Kyojuro wasn’t someone who would usually discourage anyone from pursuing something they're passionate about. So if he was now, I knew that it’s something he’s been internally battling with for a while.
“What about you? Is it not the same? What about my worry? What if you never come home to me?” I could feel my face start to heat up. Everything he was saying seemed to come from genuine care, but it felt so hypocritical.
“I am a Hashira, my little flame. I have a certain responsibility you do not have to burden yourself with. I shall retire soon, in just a few years. So please…”
There’s no way he’d ask me-
“Please retire your sword, Y/N. Please stay home for me. Please allow my heart to rest easy knowing you'll be here waiting for me whenever I shall return,” his voice was pleading.
I felt so conflicted. I’d worked so hard. All of these years of training to hopefully become a high-ranking swordsman myself. However, at the same time, I never stopped to consider my romantic life and how being married would affect things.
We both sat there in silence for a few moments, and I finally rose up from the chair, pulling him up off his knees along with me.
I looked up at him, reaching my hand up to rest on his cheek.
“Kyojuro, you are the only one I would retire my sword for. So please promise me, promise me you will always come home to me. Until the day you yourself retire.”
“I promise you, Sunflower. As long as I know you are safe and waiting for me, there is no demon that could ever keep me away.”
I felt his hand on my lower back and the other holding up my chin.
We both leaned in, our lips meeting in a tender kiss.
This kiss started so gently, so lovingly at first. As we pulled away for just a moment, staring into each other’s eyes, we realized how long it had been since we really enjoyed each other’s company.
After that, the kiss only grew hotter and more passionate.
Kyojuro swept me off my feet and carried me straight to our shared room at the back of the estate, the most private spot. It seemed fitting for newlyweds, after all.
As he gently laid me back on the soft futon, I couldn't help but stay focused on him. Kyojuro was simply beautiful. His hair, his eyes, his body, everything about him looked like he was perfectly sculpted.
My admiration was interrupted as I felt him begin to kiss me again. One of his hands traveling to my breasts, gently squeezing it.
The other massaging my thigh.
I feel him pull away from me starting to kiss on my neck traveling all the way down to my chest.
Kyojuro had always known my weak points and how to make me say yes to his every request. He knew my body just as well as I did, and now he was taking full advantage of that knowledge.
I could feel him pressing against me as he moved his hand down my body, lightly touching me. I wrapped my arms around his neck and pulled him closer to me, wanting more.
Then I heard, Kyojuro's soft voice whisper these words, almost as a demand. "Enjoy this little flame, you've kept me waiting far too long.”
As soon as those words left his lips, I felt myself begin to relax. His movements were so gentle, so careful, so loving.
His fingers trailed down my sides, sending chills through my body. His hands went back up and caressed my neck, making me tremble. He kissed me once more, and I melted into him.
It was as if he had cast a spell over me, and all I could do was obey him. He was completely in control of me.
After a moment, I felt him move back down and remove my underwear, revealing my already wet entrance. His hand slid between my thighs, and I couldn't help but let out a moan as his finger slipped inside me. He was gentle at first, just barely grazing me, but it felt incredible.
"Is this okay?" he asked softly, his breath hot against my ear.
I nodded but I could tell that wasn’t enough for him.
“Use your words my love.” He demanded sweetly.
“Yes Kyo, it’s perfect.” I said, my voice trembling.
He leaned down and kissed my lips before pulling back again, smiling at me.
"I want to be inside of you," he whispered, his voice filled with desire.
"Please," I begged.
He removed his fingers, replacing them with his cock, his tip rubbing against my clit.
"Good girl," he whispered, thrusting into me.
I threw back my head, arching my back and digging my nails into his shoulders. His movements were slow and deep at first and then they became faster and harder, and soon my whole body began to shake. I couldn't stop the moans from escaping my lips, and I couldn't help but beg for more.
When he starts to speed up I know we are both about to reach our limit.
I feel his fingers interlock with mine and his lips pressing against mine again, but this time, he wasn’t just kissing me, he was also letting his teeth graze my bottom lip.
He was biting down hard enough to draw blood.
We were both so close and we were both trying to hold back but we couldn’t anymore. We were finally going to let ourselves release.
I was the first one to let myself go, arching my back as I moaned his name.
Then he followed not too far behind.
After he finishes, we just lay there for a bit catching our breath.
“I love you, Y/N,” he finally breathed out, turning his head to look at me.
I turned to face him as well. “I love you, Kyojuro.”
After that, the two of us drifted off in each other's arms for the rest of the night.
The next morning when I awoke, I was still trapped wrapped in Kyojuro's arms.
After a bit of struggling, I managed to maneuver my way out and make it to the kitchen.
There I saw Senjuro, who was already preparing breakfast for everyone.
“Good morning, Sen,” I greeted with a yawn.
“Oh, good morning, Y/N!”
“I'm almost finished with breakfast. Is my brother awake yet?”
“He should be awake soon. We both have to see Master Kagaya today,” I said, rubbing my eyes.
He stopped to turn and look at me.
“Did something bad happen?” he asked nervously.
Poor Senjuro always assumes the absolute worst in every situation. Well, I suppose in this case it’s somewhat understandable.
“No, Sen, nothing's wrong. Kyojuro and I are just going to inform Master Kagaya of my retirement. That’s all.”
He gave a puzzled look.
“Retirement? Why? Haven’t you been training for years to improve your sword skills to move up in the ranks?” he asked.
He was right. I know I shouldn’t go back on my word to Kyojuro, but I really was having second thoughts about my decision.
Senjuro could probably sense my doubt because his next response was:
"If this is something that you're not sure of, then you shouldn't do it. If you have doubts about this decision, then maybe you're not ready for retirement just yet."
His words really struck a chord with me.
Maybe he was right.
Before I could ponder that any further, Kyojuro had made his way into the kitchen.
"Good morning! How are my two favorite people doing?" he said cheerfully.
I smiled.
"Morning, Kyo. Did you sleep well?"
"I did, actually. Thank you, little flame," he walked over to me, giving me a kiss.
I could feel my chest tightening, nervous about what was to come.
The whole time at breakfast, I felt so spaced out. All I could hear was Kyojuro and Senjuro talking and the occasional grunt from Shinjuro drinking away at the table.
“Sunflower? Are you okay?”
I was snapped out of my daze by Kyojuro waving a hand in front of my face. All three of them were staring at me, kind of concerned.
“Oh, yeah, I’m fine. Sorry.”
I shook my head a little and looked down at my plate. I felt bad for Senjuro going through all that trouble to cook, but I simply couldn’t eat right now.
After we finished breakfast, Kyojuro and I headed out.
The thought that this would be the last time wearing my uniform with my sword by my side was so weird and almost uncomfortable to me.
I knew that this day would come eventually, but I always hoped in the back of my mind that Kyojuro would be the one to retire before me.
I had been so focused on training and my duties as a demon slayer that it had never even occurred to me how my marriage would affect everything.
I was now a wife. My first priority should be the estate, and helping Shinjuro while he was in his state of grief, and being there for Senjuro as well.
It wouldn’t be right of me to go against my husband's wishes either. Especially after the intimate moment we shared. Right?
As we made it to HQ waiting to speak with the master I felt my heartbeat racing inside of me.
The room was quiet, I could feel Kyojuro’s eyes lingering on me but I couldn’t bring myself to face him right now.
Both mine and Kyojuro’s attention was shifted as we heard the door open and Master Kagaya entered the room.
"Rengoku, Y/N. It's a pleasure to see you both," Kagaya said, his face as warm as ever.
"It's wonderful to see you too, Master," I replied.
"So what brings you two here? It seems urgent, judging by the fact that you came in so early."
"It is very urgent," Kyojuro began.
He then proceeded to explain our conversation from the night before, and how I was considering retiring.
"Y/N, this is a big decision, and it's important that you feel comfortable and confident in it. Do you think you can fully retire, knowing you won't be able to assist the demon slayers as you are now?" Kagaya asked.
I looked at the master and then glanced at Kyojuro. He seemed so proud and happy that we were here. I could feel the warmth radiating from him.
But, I could also sense the worry in his expression. He was nervous, scared almost.
I couldn't do that to him.
"Master, I've spent most of my life training for the opportunity to become a hashira. To serve the demon slayer corps and protect those who cannot protect themselves. But...I'm no longer just a demon slayer. I'm also a wife, and as such, I think it's only right that I focus on that," I answered.
The room fell silent for a moment.
"If you truly feel this is the right choice, then we support you, Y/N," Kagaya finally spoke.
"Thank you, Master," I bowed.
"Thank you so much, Master! I will never
forget your kindness!" Kyojuro bowed as well.
The two of us left the room and started to head out.
As we exited, we ran into a few of the other Hashira, who asked us about what we had gone to see Master Kagaya about.
They too seemed surprised and a little concerned when Kyojuro explained to them that I would be retiring so soon.
I could tell some of their reactions to the news annoyed Kyojuro. Shinobu used the word “controlling,” and you could see his smile almost falter.
"Controlling" was never a word I would have used to describe my husband. He just loves me, right? He wants to protect me. There's no way my sweet and kind Kyo would ever do anything to control or manipulate me.
Part Two
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eddieandbird · 2 months
Hello! I don't see if you do angst or not, but if you do, i'd like to request a fight with Eddie in front of the Hellfire club, like they're in a D&D section and start to fight over any reason (you can choose) and the reader get's upset and get out of the room and the other's be like "😳...go talk to her, man" and the rest is whatever you think is better, thank you so so much, and sorry if my english is bad 🥺💕
no worries! i gave it my best shot, hope you like it -bird
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You have an attitude during a Hellfire Club meeting
tags/warnings: fluff | hurt/comfort | 1.3k words | f!reader | arguments
If a single drop of water were to touch your skin right now, it would evaporate in seconds, or at least that’s how furious you felt at this moment. You’d been silently grinding your teeth and fiddling with your character’s figure on the table since Eddie started the session.
“Any day now, sweetheart. It’s your turn,” To you, it sounded like he was elongating your words just to taunt you.
“Skip my turn, nothing good’s happened yet,” You muttered, squeezing your figure tightly in your hand before dropping it back onto the table.
Eddie’s brows knitted together, disgust laced in his deep frown. “So you’re just going to leave the party vulnerable because we bore you, is that it?”
“Why not? Leaving people hanging isn’t completely off the table for our party, right? Or is that just towards me?” You folded your arms, unwavering from his intense glare.
“God, are you seriously throwing a fit right now? In front of everyone?” He leaned forward and spoke in a low tone as if that was going to conceal the argument with you from the other members.
“You know what you’re right. I am so sorry everyone, I’m just not in the mood for D&D tonight. So sorry I have to ditch you all,” You laid heavy emphasis on the word ‘ditch’ before getting up and pushing in your chair with a loud squeak.
The weight of your footsteps could be heard as you walked out of the auditorium. You left the rest of the Hellfire members in awe with your absence.
Dustin was the first to break the silence. “Damn… What the hell did you do, Eddie?”
“Zip it, Henderson,” Eddie snapped back, his eyes transfixed on the door. “Jesus Christ, what the hell was that?” He ran his fingers through his hair and let out a frustrated sigh, dropping his head on the table with a thud.
“That was some good drama, right there,” Gareth spoke in an amused tone.
“You’re not helping,” Eddie grumbled.
“Are you going to go after her?” Jeff asked, a slight hint of worry in his voice.
“Yeah, Eddie. You can’t let her storm off like that and not chase her. Trust me, it never ends well when I leave Max alone to ‘cool off’,” Lucas added, shaking his head.
Mike nodded “Yeah, El hates that too-”
“Okay! I get it! You guys are expert-level boyfriends or whatever,” Eddie’s eyes shot wide open with annoyance. “Just… give me a second to go find her, okay? Dustin’s in charge in the meantime,”
“Hey, that’s not fair!” Mike exclaimed.
“Argue amongst yourselves for a minute, nerds!” Eddie yelled back, already in the process of slamming the door behind him.
Eddie stomped quickly down the hallway, eyes darting everywhere looking for you.
He turned the corner and his eyes widened slightly as he saw your hand disappearing into the girls restroom.
“Damnit..” he mumbled to himself.
He stood outside the door, debating whether he should barge in after you or not. Eventually, his head got the better of him and he pushed open the heavy door.
“Hey. We need to talk.”
“Eddie, get out, you’re not supposed to be in here,” You grumbled, not giving him a second glance.
You were focused on your reflection, carefully dabbing at your tears with a tissue to not ruin more of your makeup.
“Like I care about that,” He retorted.
You caught a glimpse of him in the mirror. He stood with his shoulder slumped, back against the bathroom stall. His intense dark eyes glaring at you with frustration.
“I’m not coming back to the session, you can just kill my character off now,” You said sternly.
“Can you just look at me for a second?” He pleaded, but you remained facing the mirror, trying to avoid even the slightest glance in his direction.
He sighed and took a few more steps into the bathroom, his hands shoved deep into pockets, knuckles turning white with how hard he was clenching his fists.
“Why are you so pissed at me?” He asked, his voice soft and lacking its usual bite.
“You seriously don’t know?” You looked bewildered. “You didn’t even notice that I’ve been avoiding you all day?”
Eddie winced as you took a step forward. “What? You weren’t just busy with school stuff?” He asked sheepishly, knowing he definitely did not notice anything off about today until Hellfire.
“You ditched me on our date yesterday, ring any bells?” You gestured wildly. “You left me at the movies by myself. I had to call my dad to pick me up. I was humiliated!”
Eddie's face dropped as he was hit with a wave of realization. He pinched the bridge of his nose with his fingers and let out a long sigh, his jaw clenched tightly.
"Oh, that's what this is about? I'm sorry, I really am, but you gotta know-" He took a small step towards you, his expression pained. "I had to help Dustin okay? It was a like a family emergency and it couldn't wait,"
Eddie needed to be vague for various reasons. He couldn’t possibly tell you about any of the crazy monsters he encountered that night or show you the huge scratch in his shoulder that was covered by his jacket. He could only pray that you bought it.
You wrapped your arms around yourself and frowned deeply. You didn’t want to pry if it was about Dustin’s family, that wasn’t your place. His explanation did explain some things but not enough to satisfy you.
“You didn’t even call afterwards… We didn’t talk today,”
You shook your head, pacing in front of him as thoughts swirled in your mind. “You know, it’s totally fine if you changed your mind about me, if you don’t like me anymore, it’s whatever, but you didn’t have to lead me on like this,”
"Whoa, slow down." He quickly approached you again and firmly placed his hands on your shoulders, gently stopping your frantic movements.
He looked deep into your eyes, searching for any sign that he hadn’t hurt you completely.
"Look at me, okay? I never ‘changed my mind’ about you. I still like you a hell of a lot. And I definitely didn’t mean to leave you in the lurch like that," Eddie pleaded, his thumbs rubbing your skin.
“I’m just kind of a space cadet, you know? I’m impulsive and forgetful and I screw up… a lot,” He took your hand and pulled you toward him.
You pouted and reluctantly followed his tug, your eyes refusing to fall upon him.
“But know this: I do like you. And I know I’m not really good at this whole dating thing, but I wanna make it up to you okay? I don’t wanna end things on this note,” Eddie shook his head and brought your hand next to his face. He made sure you watched as he locked his fingers between yours. “You gonna let me make it up to you?”
You pursed your lips, wanting to refuse at first, but then you nodded.
“Fine,” You whispered.
A small smile appeared on his lips, his shoulders visibly relaxing. He brought your hands to his lips, placing a soft kiss on all eight of your knuckles.
"Thank god," he breathed against your skin, his exhale warm and shaky.
He looked at you with hopeful eyes, his grip on your hand still tight.
"We can do something after Hellfire, alright? Just you and me."
You crinkled your nose as you nodded even more enthusiastically this time.
“I’m looking forward to it, Munson,” You mused.
You turned around, now being the one to tug his arm and lead him out of the restroom.
“Hey, wait, what’s going on?” He asked, his old sneakers squeaking on the hallway floors as he followed you.
“Back to the session,”
“You’re still gonna play?” Eddie let go of your hand for a moment, pleasantly surprised.
“C’mon! The faster we get this done, the faster you can take me to get some food,” You whined, walking off without him.
“You got it, princess,” Eddie chuckled, clutching his swollen heart then sprinting after you.
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coffeeandbatboys · 6 months
Congrats on your follower milestone!💜🎉
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I have magically appeared in your asks to send you a little something here 👀
I would like to ask for Kix (or Jesse if he works better, go where the muse takes you😘)
with the emoji 🥰🥰🥰🥰🥰 and i bestow the number
I hope you enjoy creating all of these! I'll keep my eye out for them! And i might just slide in with another later on if you dont mind 👀
Yay!!!!! I definitely debated whether to do Kix or Jesse but I ended up going with our fav grumpy Medic.
Prompt is: Holding and cradling their face to study it, perhaps noticing something new. Something else to love.
(Btw anyone can send in multiple requests) and I am enjoying this very much. I love writing for my boys. Also I must say I find it crazy that a few weeks ago I was fangirling over your fics and now I’m writing one for you. It is an honor.
Warnings: mention of slight injury, medbay, Kix cannot be paid a million credits to be relaxed and happy for ten seconds. Reader is a mechanic.
Gray (Kix x Reader)
“Kriff.” You hissed, pulling your hand back. Not five seconds later did you hear footsteps behind you.
“Medbay. Now, Cyare.”
You groaned in frustration. “Kix, I swear it’s only a scratch.”
“There’s blood all over your hand!” He screeched.
“That’s an overstatement. It’s just a little patch,” you said, clutching it to your chest.
You had nicked your finger on one of the metal studs inside an astromech, and it started to bleed pretty heavily. Kix had shown up like a moth to flame when the curse left your lips.
“Kix, I feel like the reason you shave your hair is because it’s gray.”
He huffed. “No such thing.”
“You worry too much.” you emphasized.
“Just,” he closed his eyes and took a breath. “Come with me. Please?”
You obliged, feeling bad for making him go crazy. Once you both reached the sterile medical room, Kix motioned to one of the beds, which you plopped down on.
After returning with a bacta patch and a cleaning pad, he sat down in front of you with a sigh. He carefully took your hand and began to wipe away the blood.
The lack of conversation was killing you, because you couldn’t tell if he was still worried or just mad.
You decided to break the silence. “You know, you don’t have to worry about me so much.”
He sighed, again. “It’s just…” he shook his head. “Never mind.”
You cocked an eyebrow. “That doesn’t work on me, Kixie. Spill it.”
“You’re the only person besides my brothers that I get to care for. And it’s weird because I’m used to treating worse injuries from the battlefield.” He smoothed the bacta patch over the cut.
Your lips parted in surprise.
He grimaced. “Do I sound stupid yet?”
“No! No…I just…never thought about it like that. But there are other ways to take care of me, you know.”
He took the bandaged hand and placed a soft kiss on the bacta patch.
You slid both hands up until they cradled his face. You noted the little lines around his eyes, and the stubble that was growing out on his jaw. He looked like he hadn’t slept in days.
You frowned. “Maybe I should be the one taking care of you.”
“Aw, Mesh’la.”
“Here.” You scooted so that you were laying on one side of the bed and patted the space next to you. He huffed and did as you asked, laying down and resting his head on your chest.
“Sleep, Kix. I’ll be here when you wake up.”
He mumbled something into your skin that you couldn’t decipher, so you hummed in question.
He lifted his head slightly. “Love you so much, cyare.”
You shook your head with a smile.
“Love you too, Kix.”
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heyyyyyy cutie ;)))) care to write some knight x prince with hurt/comfort?
(PS: don’t tell your husband I said you were sexy hotttt 🥵🥵🥵🥵)
“It’s alright,” the knight said. They sat down on the bed, hands folded. Sometimes, they were angry at the prince for giving them extra chores just to annoy them. But this didn’t feel like an extra chore. It didn’t even feel like a burden. Even though, they weren’t obligated to do this, they felt responsible. Why, they did not know. “Nightmares again?”
The prince sighed and pressed his palms into his eye sockets. Vaguely, he nodded. Judging by the tears streaming down his face, it had been horrifying. He had survived an assassination attempt a few years ago. Since then, he could barely sleep.
“I’m sorry,” the knight said. They were good at fighting with the prince but comfort was more challenging.
“You shouldn’t be here,” the prince answered. He looked up, dark circles under his eyes and a torn mind in his head. His hair was as messy as his bedsheets and he didn’t wear a shirt. More than once, the knight’s eyes dropped to his shoulders. And lower. “You should go to bed.”
“Well, I cannot do that if you scream through the night. You’re the one who wanted my chambers to be next to yours. You requested it.” It was meant as a joke. But as he looked at them and let his sleepy eyes glide down their body, he didn’t seem amused. Once his eyes were going over their facial features, the knight felt a bit hot. His gaze could really burn but he only wanted a distraction, the knight knew that. He liked the quick pleasure and the feeling of someone’s hands on him. He didn’t want them. He wanted someone.
“I’m sorry I woke you,” he said, much softer this time. Too soft for the knight’s liking. “You can leave.”
At first, the knight debated if they should just stay and try to convince the prince to let them stay but eventually, the knight stood up. He didn’t want their help.
Nevertheless, they needed him to know that it didn’t have to be like this.
“I’m probably the only one in this castle who would listen to what you have to say. I am probably the only one who truly cares, as well.”
Now, the prince smirked weirdly and it appeared to be infected by sarcasm. He stretched his arms, all muscle, even though he was bad with the sword. Coordination problem. Focus.
“Because it’s your duty,” he said.
“Listening to you is thankfully not my duty. But I’ll do it anyway because I know what it’s like to feel unheard. People may think especially you can do whatever you like but everyone at court knows this is a golden cage.”
The prince pulled his blanket closer and (finally) covered his naked stomach. The knight felt so dumb for looking at the prince the way they did. Felt so dumb how much relief they felt when his abs were covered. Blushing and cursing themselves, the knight reached the door but before they could reach it, he raised his voice.
“…actually, could you wait a few more minutes?”
“Of course.” They walked back to the bed on shaky legs but they didn’t expect this.
“You’re my knight, right?” he asked.
“You won’t leave me, will you? If there’s a war or if people start to rebel…” The knight didn’t understand the question.
“Of course, I won’t leave you. I swore an oath. I will stay by your side until you revoke my duties.” They sat down again and studied the prince. Honestly, they were getting worried. Nightmares were reoccurring once a month and most of the time, the prince didn’t even remember them and just fell asleep again.
But this…
“You’re annoying but I will not leave you,” the knight said, attempting lightheartedness but it only sufficed for a sad smile on the prince’s part. “You will be a great king, you know. You care about the people and you care about money. You understand war and you understand alliances. You know how this works.”
“But I’ll have to marry and be unhappy.”
“You don’t even know who she is yet.”
“I know who she is not.” The prince looked at them, deeply heartbroken. “And that’s enough torture.”
He sighed again and intertwined his fingers with the knight’s. And slowly, it dawned on the knight. All of it made sense. Why the prince ordered them to move next to him. Why no one had shared his bed with him for the past months. Why he wanted to be with them at all times.
Why he had taken their hand.
“They’re always about you,” he said. “My nightmares are always about you.”
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abbyromanoff · 2 years
omg i love kate bishop and there isn’t a lot of stuff on her could you do something fluffy with her? like maybe she returns from a mission with clint and when she gets home they’re both so happy to be back together again and reader is so relieved she’s okay and it’s just fluffy and soft and then have soft sex? bonus if kate could be g!p cause whew🥵
First time for everything
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Pairings: g!p Kate Bishop x reader
Summary: The two of you share a nice relaxing evening until it ends with sloppy make outs and a first time for something new
Word count: 1,594
Warnings: fluff, smut, blowjobs, Kate is g!p (has a penis) if you don’t like it just don’t read
No one has permission to steal, copyright, or reblog my work as their own!!
Checking your phone for the hundredth time you looked to see if Kate texted you back. You’ve messaged her twenty three times over the past two hours, some may say you’re overreacting but when your girlfriend hasn’t responded to a single one of them and is on a mission you have a reason to be worried. Hearing the door to your apartment open you jumped on the couch and ran over to greet your girlfriend. Before she could even fully walk into the building your arms were wrapped around her in a hug. She returned it with a squeeze to your body that lifted you off of your feet, something her dad always did before he passed away.
“Looks like someone missed me.” She said as she put you down, laughing along the way.
“Of course I missed you! I sent you many texts and yet you didn’t respond to a single one I was so worried.” You said as you lightly slapped her shoulder and gave her a pout.
“Oh crap, I’m sorry my phone died a few hours ago when I was about to text you.” She looked truly sorry and you almost felt bad for her.
“Kate what did I tell you about charging your phone? Why do you think I bought you that portable charger?” You ended with a chuckle and you both walked into the kitchen to have the pizza you ordered twenty minutes ago. You were lucky she got here when she did or else it would’ve been a cold pizza night. You both settled onto the couch as you turned on the most recent episode of the show you two binge together.
“I seriously can’t believe it took them that long to get together I mean have you seen the way they look at one another? They’re clearly in love and now this random guy wants to take that away and he’s not even good looking like it’s an obvious answer.” You rambled on about a love triangle between three characters in the show as Kate stared at you with love in her eyes. When you finally finished your small debate you looked over to see if Kate had an opinion only to see her still staring at you.
“What are you looking at?” You asked with a teasing smirk.
“Just admiring the most beautiful person I’ve ever met.” She says, smiling as the way you blush.
“Oh?” “Mhm. And I’m just thinking about how lucky I am to be their girlfriend.”
“Well they sound pretty amazing.” You say, flattered by all of her kind words. You don’t know what you did to deserve someone as nice and beautiful as her, yet she wonders the same about you.
She nods along with your words, “They are. They have the most amazing smile and is probably the nicest person you’ll ever meet. They’re always worried about other people, I mean they could literally be bleeding to death but they’ll always make sure you’re okay first. And let me tell you, they have the nicest ass you’ll ever see.” You broke into a fit of giggles at her last sentence. She joined you and the two of you sat there laughing on the couch with nothing but the tv lighting up the room. Once the two of you calmed down you stared into one another’s eyes.
Kate continued with what she was saying before, “And, I love them so much.”
“I think I should meet this lucky partner of yours.” You wondered if this is how she described you to everyone, especially Clint or Yelena. Even if you didn’t know it, she would go on rambles about you to Clint who was just trying to get the mission done. Even if she was taking a guy down she would talk into the ear piece about you. Clint didn’t understand how she never ran out of things to say, but as he said she’s got a case of young love.
“Hmmm, I don’t know, you might end up falling in love with them too.” She said as you pulled her into a kiss, savoring the feeling of her lips on your own. You both made out for a few minutes, taking occasional breaks to breathe and then going back to one another’s lips. You felt her hand shyly going under your shirt and playing with the back of your bra. You broke apart from the kiss to take of your shirt, letting her also take off your bra. She admired your chest, leaning in to take one in her mouth until she stopped,
“Can I?” She always asked permission before she did something to you, saying she always needed consent. You nodded and she dove in, taking your nipple in her mouth. You let out a content sigh as she focused on pleasing you. Taking her hair in your hands you gave her a light massage and lightly scratched at her scalp, she let out a moan with her mouth still full of you. You moved one of your hands down to her sweatpants and cupped her bulge through the pants. Once she finished toying with one breast she moved onto the other, sucking and licking all over. You laid her down and pulled down her bottoms finding Christmas boxers underneath.
“Really?” You laughed, “What? They’re cute don’t you think?” You rolled your eyes playfully and went to take off her shirt as well.
“They’re absolutely adorable Katey.” It was a nickname you often called her. She’d act like she hated it but you saw the red on her cheeks whenever you said the title. Pulling off her Christmas sweater you noticed that she lacked a bra seeming as when she got home she changed into more comfortable clothing. You started to lightly grind on her crotch, making contact with her confined cock beneath her boxers. You leaned down and sloppily made out with each other while you guys’ hands roamed around the others body. You leaned back to look at her, now seemingly nervous.
“Do you remember that thing you wanted to try out?” You asked her, trying not to say the actual word as you were too embarrassed.
“You’re going to have to be more specific than that.” She said truthfully. There has been many things she has wanted to try that you haven’t got to yet. When you both met she was still a virgin and when you two had your first time she discovered multiple things she wanted to do with you.
“You know like,” you let out a sigh before continuing, “How you said you’ve always wanted to see what a blowjob felt like?” The both of you were pretty ‘vanilla’, never really trying out considerably kinky stuff but instead sticking to her fucking your pussy. You both were too nervous to bring things like this up but you wanted to try it.
“Yeah?” “Well, would you want me to give you one?” You were hoping she’d say yes so this wouldn’t have to be even more awkward. When she gave an excited nod you leaned down to her boxers, giving a light kiss to her bulge. Her hips jerked when your lips made contact with her dick, even through the boxers she could feel almost a tingling sensation. Dragging down her undergarment you grabbed her cock in your hand and slowly jerked her off watching how she reacted to it. When seeing her throw her head back you knew to take the next step and wrapped your lips around the head. All she felt was warmth wrap around her tip, you continued to jerk her off to make up for rest of her cock that wasn’t in your mouth. You started to take a bit more of her length down your throat as her hips thrusted side to side overwhelmed with pleasure. She didn’t know where to put her hands so she awkwardly placed them on your head, making you gag as she accidentally pushed you to take more. She was immediately apologizing and taking her hands off of your head but you released her from your mouth to inform her that you were fine. When she got the okay to guide you on her length she started to bring you up and down slowly. Fearing that she’d hurt you again she didn’t make you take much but when you went down further on your own command she almost exploded on the spot. She gained the confidence and made you go down on her even when you gagged. She soon couldn’t take it anymore and came in your mouth without warning. You swallowed it all and went back up to look at her.
“Shit I’m sorry I didn’t mean to cum that fast. I was going to warn you but it just happened.” “Shh, it’s okay. I liked it, but the question is did you like it?” You said the last part a little lower hoping she did in fact enjoy it and you weren’t doing anything wrong.
“Are you really asking me that? That was the best thing ever! Well besides when I fuck your pussy I mean that is definitely the best thing but-“ you cut off her rambling with a kiss that she melted into. She leaned her head on yours when you both broke apart, ‘I love you’s’ were whispered into one another as you both sat in comfortable silence. She leaned back a bit to look you in the eyes still slightly panting,
“Can I fuck your pussy now?”
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hhighkey · 1 year
Minor Feelings // PREVIEW!!
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Shanks (opla/anime) x OC (female)
Rating: overall will be mature
Story Will Contain: live action implied, age gap, OC had been kidnapped n shanks found her, arranged marriages, eventual smut, wild ass families
notes, eeeh love this preview ,, trying to decide whether to focus on this fic or my mihawk one
Masterlist, vote for which i should focus on here
Two days went by before Marisol's eyelids finally began to flutter, her extremities slowly stretching outwards like a cat. Twitching fingers attempting to grasp at the unfamiliar plush bedding that surrounded her as tiny mewls left her lips. The next thing she noticed was the sound of waves, the sound of a bell ringing in the distance. Then a scent of fresh pine sparked her brain into overdrive, nose contorting in confusion as tingles ran down her spine.
Her morning bliss, gone within mere seconds—an obvious, heavy gaze had been focused on her form and she finally felt it. Alarm bells went off inside her head. Freezing under the blankets, fear tickled from top to bottom as she thought through the sudden situation. This wasn't the bed or room she'd gone to sleep in. And her gut instincts ran rampant with no sense of fight or flight- no sense of if she were safe or in danger. And as her breathing grew heavier turning into quick gasps, it alerted the figure in the corner she was properly conscious.
"You're awake." a thick, gravelly voice she couldn't register spoke, "been a few days, was gettin' worried," the man continued, "couldn't have ya dyin' in my bed."
She debated staying under the covers with the false pretense of protection- If I can't see him he can't see me. But if she'd learned anything about disobedience during her long 24 years of life, was it never ended well. Yet her thirst for adventure and answers always won out in the end. So slowly her grip on the blankets tightened as she pulled them from over her head, letting her face feel the cooler air of the room. It took a second to adjust to the light streaming in from the windows, but when she did, what Marisol saw made her sigh in defeat—
Red hair. A large man with claw marks over an eye. Her stomach dropped as he readjusted his position from where he sat giving her a better look of him. Quickly her mouth ran dry as her brain wracked every conversation she'd had of renown pirates.
Marisol's heavy and still sleep ridden eyes widen in fear, surprise, as she scoots backwards on the bed create more distance between them. Realization dawned. An emperor of the sea was staring her down with dark eyes, and it made her blood run cold. Maybe all along, he'd been the one to plot her kidnapping and simply waited to show his face. Waited until she was broken down.
"So you know who I am." smugness reeked from the smirk on this lips.
She nodded slowly, dazed and still waking up.
"And you are?"
Clearing her throat she croaked out, "I'm Marisol." but wouldn't he already know that?
"Shanks," he replied, leaning back and crossing his arms across his large chest. The top few buttons of his shirt undone, showed muscle underneath that drew her eyes in with shame.
"Why did you take me?"
For a second, he looked perplexed, "take you?" he hummed, "I mean, suppose I did take you from that ship of ridiculously stupid pirates... you wanted to be there?"
"What- no! I-" clammy fingers squeeze together, warmth rising to her cheeks as she grew flustered, body literally shaking from the overwhelming-ness of the situation, "I'm confused."
"You and me both mama, now what were y'doin' locked in a room on that ship of ragtags? They had no business tryin' to board us I can tell you that."
Marisol grimaced as she placed her head in her hands, bringing her knees to her chest. The wheels in her head turned. She needed to think fast- needed to seem genuine in her confusion without revealing too much, not that she wasn't confused. Because, while she didn't understand why pirates came for her, she also understood her Father's unfortunate stature had everything to do with it. And Marisol can't afford for the extremely wanted pirate in front of her to find out her surname. But the panic in her chest made it easy, because she felt she were being swallowed whole.
"I don't even know what day it is. Or what part of the sea I'm in... don't even know how long I've been gone." Marisol's voice was so quiet that Shanks wasn't sure he'd heard her correct. Like a little child in trouble mumbling apologies, the dejection was written all over her.
"I think I understand now." sighing, Shanks got up with a grunt and made his way over to his bed where the strange girl sat. She looked up to follow his movements- watched as he kneeled beside the bed, only an arms length or two away, "it's August 20th."
An incessant ringing reverberated in her ears. Marisol felt her surroundings go blurry, numbness taking over, "fuck," is all she could mutter. The musk of pine invaded her senses as she prodded her fingers into her temple, "it was July 11th yesterday.."
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So I just read lunch (no) date and loved it! Would you ever add on to it? Maybe Foggy being a friend to the reader and confronting Matt anyway? I would love to see Matt’s excuse for this.
thank you so much, I had a fair few requests for a continuation, so I just had to do it. so glad you liked it💌
lunch [no] date // part 2 (matt x f reader)
wc || <1k
warnings || none
< PART 1 <
masterlist + rules
Foggy & Matt's pov:
Foggy was pacing around the office feeling antsy waiting for Matt to come back. The doorknob twists and he rushes towards the door. “Why didn’t you tell me?” He immediately lets out, as if that was the exact thought that had been racing around his brain.
“Uh- tell you what?” Matt asks while taking off his coat, handing it on the rack.
“Oh, don’t pretend you don’t know.” Foggy says frustratedly.
“I really don’t know… I was down at the police station talking to a client, is that what you mean?” Matt says shorty, resting his hands on his hips.
“No, you dick.” Foggy slightly grunts, tapping Matt on the shoulder. “You have a girlfriend? Why didn’t you tell me?”
Matt sighs, “wait- how do you know? Was she here? … Because I can smell her, but I just thought that it was from my coat.”
“Yes, she was here, she left about twenty minutes ago.” Foggy says simply.
“Well, what else did she say?” Matt asks sounding a bit worried.
“You need to talk to her, she’s probably devastated… how could you not tell me?” Foggy painfully smiles. “She’s a good one, you can’t ruin this Matt, go and talk to her.”
“Okay, alright.” He sighs walking into his office, forcefully shutting the door behind him and slumping into his chair.
Your pov:
Sitting in the middle of a boring meeting, your brain keeps you alert by making you remember what had just happened. Is he embarrassed by me? Does he even like me?
Feeling your phone vibrate, subtly pulling it out to look at it under the table. Seeing Matt’s name light up the screen. Yeah, I don’t think so. Deciding to turn it off, so you don’t get yelled at because of the incessant ringing.
Finally finishing work for the day, making your way home you turn your phone on to see a flood of missed texts and calls from Matt, some from Foggy too.
Skim reading a couple of the notifications, momentarily holding the phone under your chin as you opened the main door to your apartment building. Lugging up the stairs to see Matt patiently leaning against your door.
“Angel, hey!” He sweetly coos, slowly walking over to you.
“Hi.” You say shortly.
“I know you’re probably very upset right now, but please can we talk?” He says softly, moving out of the way of the door so you could unlock it.
“Uh- okay, yeah fine. Come in.” Trying to debate whether you’re ready to listen yet.
“Okay so, firstly, I’m sorry I wasn’t there earlier- I had to meet someone down at the station… And I’m so, so sorry for not telling Foggy. He thinks of you as his little sister… and I didn’t want him to disapprove.”
“Why would he disapprove?” You softly ask.
“I thought that- I didn’t think I’d be good enough for you, and that Foggy would think the same.”
“Matt…” you coo, cupping his cheeks. “You should’ve said, I never knew you felt that way.” Your thumb stroking his cheeks.
“I really am sorry. It just all got on top of me.”
“You don’t need to apologise, I get it, it’s really okay.” You reassure.
“You’re not mad?” He says as his arms wrap around you.
“Nope. I just thought you were embarrassed by me or something.” Wryly laughing in an attempt to deflect your awkward thought.
Pulling apart slightly to kiss your forehead. “Never.”
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navstuffs · 2 years
HELLO I JUST SAW YOUR OPEN REQUESTS and how about Ezio with a female reader who is constantly drawing Ezio? Like he is her muse? THANK YOU! 💖💖
Coping Mechanism
Pairing: Ac2! Ezio x F!Reader
Summary: You hang your Ezio's paintings in the Villa's Gallery.
Warnings: none
Author's Notes: well, thank you so much for your patience anon! i have like five different versions of this fanfic in my drafts (one long fic, two drafts, two short ones) and i was incredibly upset none of them satisfied me. finally, i was able to finish a story that i liked and i hope you enjoy it as well!
Mario Auditore was the first to notice your first painting of Ezio Auditore in the Villa's gallery. He stopped for a second, analyzing the square-medium portrait of Ezio's staring directly at the viewer, a severe expression, Mario's eyebrows arched. He was surprised; Mario didn't know if his nephew had seen that one yet, but it would raise his ego even more. The reason? Ezio looked extremely pretty. And real. 
Claudia noticed only by the second and third paintings you hung. You stayed hiding to watch her reaction. After sitting in front of the stupid book the whole day, Claudia paced around the house to distract herself before bed. When she arrived at the gallery, her eyes wandered over the artworks with no interest; she stopped, shocked to see her brother's face in one of them. Wait, not in one of them only.
There were two more. One was rectangular, longer, with Ezio's back to the viewer, standing on top of a building at night. You tried to replicate Florence the best you could: darkness surrounded Ezio while he stood in his white robes, observing his town. The other portrait was square on the smaller side: Ezio lying down in a big grass field, laughing.
When you left your hiding spot, ready to make fun of Claudia, you froze at her reaction. Claudia raised her hand, her fingers almost touching the painting of Ezio's smiling. 
"Claudia?" You questioned, too scared.
"È bellissimo," Claudia whispers in return, her voice cracking. You gulp, rushing toward her side, worried. 
"Are you okay?" 
"Si. Has my fratello idiota seen this? It is so, so stunning!" Claudia nodded, cleaning a few corner tears. 
"Grazie mille, Claudia. And no, not yet. He will, though. I hope he likes it when he sees it."
"He will! Because if he doesn't!" Claudia lifted her closed fist, making an angry face. You smirk and watch her leave, your heart content.
Your fourth painting was a risk; to be frank with yourself, you shouldn't have done it. You were into dangerous territory now. Ezio told you about the feathers, he shared how important they were for his mother.
So when you finished a painting of Ezio reaching for a white feather falling from the sky before him, you debated whether you should show Maria Auditore. The woman didn't say a single word since being brought from Florence, always kneeling in her room.
She hasn't reacted to her kids, why do you think she would respond to a painting? 
You enter the room, your hands shaking as you hold the small square painting. Maria didn't seem to have moved at all since she arrived. Your eyes went to the box on the top cabinet where Ezio told you he would put the feathers, and for an instant, you almost gave up. 
Do it for him. 
With Ezio in your head, your inspiration, your love, you cleared your throat. Maria didn't seem to acknowledge your existence, but you still tried.
"Signora Auditore, I am a friend of your kids, Claudia and Ezio. I will be brief: I did something here, a painting, and I think you should have a look. Honestly, I don't even know if I should be showing you this, but here. I hope you like it."
You placed the painting in front of her in the bed, Maria still ignoring you. You sighed, leaving without looking back. A few days later, Claudia told you she saw your painting in her mom's bed cabinet. You asked anxiously if Claudia had moved, but she denied it.
You didn't let your heart fill with hope. It could have been any of the servants.
Ezio is actually looking for you when he finally notices the paintings. He had just arrived from Tuscany, eager to see you. After asking Mario and even the architect if they had any idea where you were, Claudia told him she had seen you earlier in the gallery.
Rushing to the gallery, he looks around, no trace of you. Thinking you could be at your favorite paint spot, Ezio perceives his eyes staring back at him. He is perplexed, glimpsing at the other three images of him. Ezio frantically searches for a name, your initials, at the bottom of the canvas. 
Setting course to your favorite spot, behind the Villa, he sees you from afar, distinguished in the middle of the grass, sitting in front of a blank canvas. When he gets closer, he notices some faint lines already painted in the form of a human body.
"Is that me?"
You jump, startled at the sudden masculine voice. When you realize it is Ezio, you get up, hugging him. Ezio passes his arms across your waist, sighing deeply. It always feels right to be back in your arms.
"You are back!"
"Si. For a while."
You separate from him, analyzing his face. Ezio doesn't seem so hurt this time, which is good. He is strangely staring at you and your canvas, making you flush.
"What is it?"
"Well, imagine my surprise when I went to check my art gallery and saw my face staring right back at me!" Ezio exclaims, crossing his arms. He looks amused, so that must mean good news. "Is that a fourth one?"
"Fifth. Did you like it?"
"Cara mia, you honor me immensely!" Ezio bows down, grabbing your hands to kiss, "Those talented hands of yours."
"It helps. When you are away," You admit. 
Ezio doesn't answer that. He smiles sadly, bringing you closer to him. You think you can hear a faint apology but try not to upset him. Not when you are finally together.
"Are you going to pose for me next?" You question, changing topic.
"Ovviamente. Dressed. Half-dressed. Naked?" You giggle, hitting him gently on his side. Ezio fakes shock. "Che? No? Not naked? Both of us naked, then?"
"Ezio Auditore, don't make me regret all my hard work!" You reply, crossing your arms.
"Those paintings of yours will go down as the greatest pieces of History! I can't wait to show Leonardo! He will be sad he never thought about that before!" 
You sigh, feeling suddenly nervous about Leonardo's opinion of your art. The man was a genius and the best friend of your lover. Hearing that Leonardo might not like your paintings would not make you self-conscious about your work.
"What is wrong, bella?" Ezio wonders, noticing your sudden change.
"Bene, it is Leonardo, right? I don't feel completely safe showing those yet. What if he doesn't like it? What if-?"
"Hey, hey, calma, bella. It is impossible. It is your art. It also has my face on it. It is impossible for Leonardo not to like it. I like them. A lot. But I won't tell if you don't want to show."
Ezio is right. His family seems to love it, and he seems to love it. That was your point on painting those: occupy your time and share your love and emotions for him. It gives you some comfort while Ezio is away, and you can put all your bad and good feelings into those. If you two like it, it is all that matters.
Fratello idiota = Idiot Brother
È bellissimo = It's beautiful
Ovviamente = Obviously
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joes-sha-la-la-la-girl · 10 months
When Love and Hate Collide: Chapter 4
Series Masterlist
Sav and Y/N walked down the street in silence. It was fairly warm for May but they could both feel the chill of the night air. Before long they reached an all night diner. Going in, Sav ordered them both a coffee and they sat at a table.
“So, are you going to tell me what's wrong or am I going to have to guess?” Sav asked her as she avoided eye contact by looking at the slightly greasy table. Sighing, Sav placed his hand on hers, causing her to look up at him. His kind blue eyes staring into hers.
“Honestly, it’s probably nothing.” Y/N told him. As much as she wanted to admit to him that Joe’s coldness towards her bothered her, she also knew that Sav was his best friend and in no world would he take her side over his. 
“Y/N.” Sav told her in a gentle yet firm tone.
“Seriously Sav, it probably is nothing. I just..” Y/N paused to take a breath, trying to find the right words to say. “Have I done something to offend Joe?”
Sav looked at her confused. “What do you mean?” He asked her, now sitting up straight. Y/N couldn’t tell if he was ready to walk out and leave her there or if he was intrigued as to what she meant, reminding her that she really didn’t know the band very well. 
Before she could answer him, a waitress came over with their coffee. She asked if she could get them anything else, or rather asked Sav. Y/N found it quite amusing that even with her sitting there the waitress tried it on with him. Obviously the waitress didn’t know that Y/N was just an assistant and she wondered if the girl who looked barely twenty even realised that she was still sitting there.
Sav just waved her off and looked back at Y/N for an answer to his question. Looking away again, Y/N debated on whether to say anything or not. However, she knew she had gone this far so she gave in and started to tell Sav everything.
“It’s just, right from when I first started, I got the impression that Joe didn’t like me. Rick told me it was because I was new, but it just seems to be more than that. I just want to know if I did something to upset him. He hasn’t even so much as looked at me unless I ran into him and even then it was to have a go at me. I just don’t want to be the reason that he is uncomfortable on his own tour.” 
Sav listened whilst Y/N spoke. Nodding along slightly. In his mind he had an idea what was wrong with Joe but it wasn’t his place to tell Y/N if he was right. Knowing that his best friend had made her feel this way upset him quite a bit, especially when he had seen how much over the last two days Y/N had tried to talk to him. Afterall, the poor girl was only trying to do her job. 
“You haven’t done anything to offend him Y/N.” Sav started, taking a sip of his coffee. “Joe’s been through a lot recently but it isn’t right that he’s taking that out on you. I can talk to him if you’d like.” He offered. Y/N shook her head.
“That’s not necessary, Sav.” Y/N smiled. “I just want to know if there's anything I can do to make him more comfortable around me.” Y/N wanted to tell him what Joe had said earlier but wasn’t sure. “If I am going to be on tour with you guys, I don’t want anyone to not want me here.”
“If?” Sav questioned. “What do you mean if?”
“Well Malvin told me to use this first leg of the tour as a trial run. If there are any problems, my contract allows me to leave the tour after the first leg. If Joe doesn’t want me here then I’m not going to stay. It’s not fair to anyone.” Y/N told Sav calmly.
This worried Sav slightly. Everyone but Joe got along with Y/N better than they had any other member of staff before. The idea that she might leave after their first leg upset him. No matter what problem Joe had, he wasn’t going to let Y/N give up her job. Not wanting to push her, Sav tried to think of the best thing to say.
“Well, we’re only on day two so far so I don’t think you need to worry about that yet. I don’t mind talking to Joe discreetly if it means that we can get to the bottom of this. Apart from just blanking you, has he actually said anything?” Sav asked. Y/N knew that she would have to tell him. She didn’t want to stir anything up but she wasn’t the best liar and knew that Sav would catch on pretty quickly.
“There was one thing.” Y/N looked away from him for a second before looking back when she caught the waitress from before glaring at her. When she looked back towards him, Sav gestured for her to continue. “He told me he knew what I was doing and that he’d never let me get too close. The thing is I have no idea what he is talking about. The only reason I am here, no offence, is so that I can pay rent.” 
Sav immediately knew what Joe’s problem was. Trying not to give anything away, he kept his face neutral and nodded to her. “I know that Y/N don’t worry. I’ll try and figure out what’s going on for you.” He smiled to make his little white lie more convincing. As much as he understood Joe, he couldn’t allow him to take it out on Y/N. The poor girl had no idea what was wrong and all she could think of was how to make Joe more comfortable, despite having every reason to dislike him.
They both finished up their coffees and paid, tipping the waitress as well. Sav held the door open for Y/N as they left, not giving the waitress another glance.
Soon enough, Y/N and Sav were back at the hotel. Y/N thanked him for listening as they made their way up to their rooms. Just before Y/N went inside, she reminded him what time they were leaving the next day and she closed her door. A weight lifted off of her shoulder now that she had spoken to someone. 
She knew however, that she shouldn’t be complaining about Joe on her second day, especially to his best friend, but she couldn’t deny the relief she felt. If Sav helped her sort this out then she was more likely to stay for the second leg of the tour, something she really wanted to do. 
Meanwhile, Sav didn’t go to his room like Y/N assumed he did. Instead, despite the time, he made his way to Joe’s room, wanting to sort this out as quickly as possible, for everyone’s sake. He didn’t mind how late it was, they hadn’t stayed in that hotel long enough to have unpacked so there was nothing he could do until the morning. 
Once Sav reached Joe’s door, he knocked and waited for a reply. When he didn’t get one, he assumed that Joe was actually asleep and prepared to walk away. He turned to make his way to his own room but before he could actually take a step he heard a voice behind him.
“Have fun on your date?”
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Logan, my boy. He needs a f*cking hug.
Pairing: platonic Wrathloceit Trigger/Content Warning: self-deprecation, suicidal thoughts & ideation, emetophobia (no actual vomit), sleep deprivation
Description: Logan is ignored, yet again, and the only one who checks on him is an unseen character. And perhaps a certain slithering truth-seeker as well.
Extra: this is a pairing of Logan, Janus, and Orange. Idk if there's already a name for it, so I'm just gonna call it Wrathloceit for now. This features my headcanon that Logan does feel things very deeply, but since he actively hides it or doesn't let most of it show (besides a few moments here and there), that it all manifests physically. It would make him sick, I think, to be constantly ignored like he is. All those icky feelings he swears he doesn't have? They all become physical and not in a good way.
[Masterlist] | ao3 link
[Read below the cut]
Once again, the core four Sides had a meeting to reason through another dilemma. To ease Thomas' worries. To sort out the best possible solution.
And once again, literal Logic was ignored and tossed aside like an old ragdoll.
Logan wasn't surprised. He won't let himself be. It's happened so many times before, it shouldn't be a surprise. He expected the probability of being disregarded again. A 30% chance of being listened to, a 70% chance of being glossed over. The majority always won, it seemed. He knew that.
So then why did he sit at his desk, head in his hands, thinking he should've just been louder?
If I am louder, will I be heard then? Would they finally heed my words? Would it make a difference?
No, maybe it wouldn't. Why would it ever make a difference, his volume levels? The decibels he spoke at? He stared at the work in front of him, sorted in piles and stacks. Charts, diagrams, schedules. A few footnotes of references. Cited papers. It all felt like a waste. He felt like a waste.
Or if I used better communicators? Referenced more slang to appeal to their interests? But I'm not that creative. I'm not one to actively make obvious puns. I'm not like them.
The truth hurt his chest. It burned his lungs. A self-pitiful fire licked at his brain, at his gut. He felt a twinge of nausea. He was never made to be like them. They all had a common understanding of something. Logan didn't.
If I'm not like them, perhaps I'm not worth being listened to. Perhaps talking is too much already.
Vague memories played in his mind. Memories of Roman calling him annoying, of Patton telling him to stop, of Virgil saying that he needed to listen. To listen to them, not him. Never him.
Will they ever hear me? Will they ever listen?
He doubted they would. That anyone would. Not even Janus or Remus, nor the elusive seventh Side. Why would they? Logan tried to rebut and 'throw a wrench' in Janus' plans. Remus was fighting with him to be listened to as well, and the eldritch devil was practically desperate. And Orange... Logan didn't know much about him, only that he had influence over repressed anger. Wrath and Jealousy. Dramatic outbursts.
Logan winced at the memory of his outburst at Remus.
I'm not worth it. This isn't worth it. They don't want me there. They did fine without me when Janus took my place. They don't need me there.
Literal Logic was unneeded, at least in his mind. Logan felt so isolated by the others. They rather him silenced than to hear his facts or research points. He missed back when Virgil and him had that debate. Back when Roman and him would geek out over specifics of video ideas, of how it would all work together. Back when Patton and him weren't so at odds, weren't seemingly polar opposites. When light blue wasn't as different as indigo.
But those times were gone, and they weren't coming back.
Perhaps I can succeed where Virgil failed. I'll be okay then. The others would be better off-
A sudden hand on his shoulder jolted him from his thoughts, and he slightly flinched. He looked over to his right, head now out of his hands. A yellow glove. Reptilian scales. Yellow.
Janus stood beside him, with a gloved hand on his shoulder, wearing naked concern and worry on his face. He looked distressed. Despite that, he calmly set a cup of tea on Logan's desk. Warm steam came from it. It smelled of lavender and chamomile, the tiniest hint of sweet honey.
Logan was utterly confused. Why was Janus there? He hadn't thought a single lie. None of it was a falsehood. Nothing was so deceitful that he needed to be summoned.
"Tea is relaxing, and it is 2am," Janus spoke softly, in such a vulnerable way that it sounded caring.
Janus was caring, that's true. But caring towards Logan? He shouldn't be. No one was, no one would, no one should. It was an unspoken rule amongst the Sides, surely. Why else would they ignore his input?
Logan glanced at the clock on his wall. It was 2am, ticking closer to 2:30.
When did it get so late? The meeting was in the earlier afternoon. I haven't been in my room for that long, right?
If he'd been in his room for so long, then...
Then the others truly don't care for me. I knew it. Of course, they don't. Why would anyone?
But Janus was there.
Why is Janus here?
"Oh, sweetie. I know, it's going to be alright. The others are just assholes."
He thumbed away tears that fell down Logan's face, a hand now cupping his face instead of resting on his shoulder. Logan was facing opposite of his desk. Facing Janus, who knelt slightly to level with him. The smell of chamomile was still strong and drifting behind him.
Wait, tears? When did I start crying? I'm fine, I shouldn't be crying. Logic shouldn't cry. My function shouldn't be emotional. It isn't- it...
"Hey, focus on me. Don't drift over into your head again, okay?"
He was so gentle. His glove was soft against Logan's face. Warm. He leaned into the gesture, releasing a breath he didn't know he was holding. That is, before realizing and tensing up.
"Indigo, you'll be fine. You're safe with Yellow and I," another voice, uncharacteristically quiet and careful, echoed through the room.
Wait, who...?
Logan gave a questioning glance at Janus, causing him to give a comforting smile.
"It's just Orange, sweetie. Who insists on calling everyone by their colour," Janus glared playfully to the side, presumably where Orange stood.
"What? It's not like I'm calling names. I'm not f*cking Red-"
"Okay, I get it. Roman is a b*tch, we know."
Janus rolled his eyes, turning his attention back to Logan. His hand left the nerd's face, and he stood straight up. Orange eyes peeled out from the darker corners of the room, and out stepped the elusive arsonist.
Why would Orange be here? To cause another outburst? Make me more hated than I already am?
Logan's thoughts felt bitter, angry- upset. His eyes reflected that same hurt. Orange's eyes flashed for a second, and he gave a sympathetic look.
"You're not hated, you know. The others are f*cking brats, but they don't hate you. Especially not for showing emotion."
Logan raised a confused eyebrow. Orange shrugged.
"Green can hear icky, greenish thoughts. I can hear the angry and jealous ones. I'm sure Yellow can hear when you think a lie."
Janus nodded to confirm Orange's statement.
But I haven't thought a lie?
Janus frowned once he heard the echoing lie. Thoughts echoed, spoken words vibrated. It was weird, but that's how they sounded. The thing that bothered him was how sure Logan was. How much he believed what he thought. It made his heart sink as he recalled what exact thought had made him race over. Only to find a lost-looking Logic, a beautiful mind stuck in a self-deprecating loop.
'The others would be better off-' replayed in his mind. He knew the last part of what that thought would be.
'-without me.'
Janus wouldn't let him think that. And it seemed neither would Orange.
"Sweetie, you've been lying to yourself. You know you're important, right? And loved and wanted?"
Logan looked away from them both.
"Indie, you are. No one else can be you. All those greenish thoughts are lies, okay?"
Orange scanned his eyes for any budge, any sign he believed their words. There was none. He sighed as Logan crossed his arms stubbornly. How could they convince him?
Orange's eyes lit up as an idea sparked like a small flame in his head.
"You know how people always look up to the Northern Star? What was it called...?"
"Polaris?" Logan's first word since the meeting earlier that day.
His voice was soft and hoarse. He hadn't used it for a while. He was used to being cut off, anyway. His eyes sparkled with interest at the mention of a star.
"Yes, you're right. People love to stargaze and look for Polaris. It's a common activity," Janus picked up on the idea.
"Isn't it used for star maps? For sailors to find their way home? A guide, perhaps?"
"Yes, Polaris is often sought out as a landmark." Logan spoke again, his arms relaxing and becoming uncrossed.
Janus hummed, small smirk on his face.
"Then you are Polaris, Logan. We need you to guide us. You bring us back when we stray from the point," the cobra whispered gently.
"You're our landmark in the night sky, Indigo. Only you can do that," Orange out a hand on his fellow Side's shoulder, rubbing in a soothing way.
"I'm- But anyone could-"
"Hey, none of that. They aren't Logic, are they? That's you. And we love you for it."
Logan looked at Janus and Orange in utter disbelief, tears gathering again in his eyes.
"Indie, we love you. We're your friends, okay? No matter how little you may know me, I still care. We both will always care."
The logical Side opened his mouth to speak, but nothing but a wounded sound came out. A whimper. A whine. Tears rolled down his face.
"Oh, sweetie. I know it's hard right now, but we're here. If no one else, we are."
Logan shook his head vigorously, struggling to wrap his head around the truth. Everything as of recent was catching up with him. It made him feel nauseous to think of it as the truth. Guilt flooded his very bones. He wanted to believe them. He wanted to so badly. But he didn't deserve that.
I don't deserve this, I don't-
"Woah, hey. Logan, look at me. You're looking a little pale," Janus cupped his hands on Logan's face, examining him.
He looked pale, and possibly almost sickly. It was a little scary. Janus and Orange shared a brief glance of worry. His skin felt clammy and sticky. Sweaty. Like he was about to-
Logan's eyes slightly widened as the nausea crept up his throat. He swallowed harshly, not wanting to vomit. The very thought of throwing up sent spikes of fear throughout his body. His friends- he'd soon realize that they were his friends- watched him carefully.
Why do I feel like this right now, of all times? What... guilty? Sick? I feel like tearing my insides out.
He whimpered, wrapping his arms around his stomach. He leaned forward absentmindedly, resting his forehead on Janus' shoulder. Orange let go of him as he realized how nauseous he felt. He couldn't handle vomit either, it seemed. He scrunched his nose up at the idea.
Huh. Something in common with someone else, then? Interesting.
Janus embraced Logan, wrapping one arm around the nerd's shoulders to keep him steady against him. The back of a now-gloveless hand on his forehead. He hummed, thinking. He brought out another pair of arms, carding a hand through the sickly Side's hair. It distracted him, at least. Kept him from spiralling because of the nausea. A fourth hand summoned a thermometer, the kind that scanned temperature on your forehead.
Orange watched silently as Janus did what he knew to take care of Logan. Orange couldn't do much, anyway. Him and Logan shared the same fear. Vomit was disgusting.
"Feeling ill, sweetie?"
Logan nodded lightly, not wanting to move much. He melted in Janus' touch as he continued to card a hand through his hair. He didn't cry anymore. By then, he was far too tired and distracted to cry.
Janus retracted his hand from the nerd's forehead, replacing it with the thermometer. He snapped his fingers, and now the bare hand had a glove once again. After the device beeped and he took Logan's temperature, he carefully placed a kiss on the top of his head. He frowned as the thermometer proved Logan had a bit of a fever. He'd summoned away the device and sighed. All of the emotional turmoil swirling in his head literally made him sick. All the worrying and self-doubt, especially paired with not sleeping well. It was edging closer to 4am by now. Janus wasn't sure how Logan had managed to make himself this sick, but being constantly ignored clearly affected him.
Orange watched as Logan's eyes drooped in Janus' arms. He looked so f*cking exhausted. It worried him. How did he even make himself so sick? How come the others haven't noticed? Besides maybe Remus. He idly wondered why Green wasn't there right now, what with all those icky thoughts plaguing Logan. It didn't matter, though. Green would probably come by later, anyway. He cared for Logan as much as they did. How he wasn't already summoned was a mystery for another time.
Indigo needed help. He needed love. A reminder of his importance. Asking him how he felt so deeply about this wasn't a smart idea right now. Indigo felt a lot more than he liked to admit.
Neither asked about how it affected him in such a physical way. Logan's health was more important. He needed rest.
Janus hugged Logan with two arms now, a hand still carding through his hair. A fourth and final hand rubbed soothing circles on his back. The cobra placed another kiss to Logan's head, taking note of how he melted further into the affection.
"Orange, could you go fetch some of Remus' nausea tablets?"
Why would Remus have nausea medicine? Logan idly wondered.
"Yeah, yeah. I'll be back, Indie," Orange whispered a farewell softly to Logan.
Orange walked into the room's shadows, vanishing with a slight whoosh. Janus stayed, knowing Logan shouldn't be alone. Not when he felt so low and sick.
"It's not going to taste well, so maybe the tea will be of use."
Tea? The tea... oh. I forgot about that.
Logan felt shame heat his cheeks as he remembered the tea from earlier. It wasn't hot anymore, maybe a little warm. The smell of chamomile drifted into his senses. It was calming, at least. How did he forget about such an aroma? Losing yourself in your head does that, he guessed.
Janus noticed his embarrassment.
"It's alright, sweetie. I think we all forgot about it."
It wasn't much, but it eased Logan's shame. His face calmed down, now only a little pink instead of red.
Orange returned, walking out from the shadows yet again. He held a little tablet in his hand. He gave it to Logan, who held out a hand to take it.
"It's dissolvable. Put it under your tongue, and it should work," Orange explained.
Logan hummed, putting the tablet in his mouth as he was told. Just as Janus mentioned, it tasted awful. It made him want to throw up; the taste of rotten cherries didn't agree with him. He scrunched his face up as it dissolved.
Orange glanced at the forgotten tea, picking it up and cupping his hands around it. A vibrant flash in his eyes, and now the tea was steaming warm again. Hopefully not too hot for Logan to drink it.
"Here ya go, Indigo," Orange passed the tea over to Logan.
The nerd removed his other arm from his stomach, carefully taking the cup of tea. The smell was calming and relaxing, and certainly stronger now that it'd been heated up. The cup wasn't too hot; it didn't burn his hands. He took a cautious sip, sighing in relief at the soothing warmth sliding down his throat. It didn't hurt, so Orange must've done a good enough job at not boiling it.
After he drank most of it, the cup got set back on his desk. He'd forgotten about his work, the piles of charts and papers. He whined at it, not feeling up to work but hating how there was still work to be done. The other two notice, and Janus carefully lifted him up and away from his desk. He almost squeaked, not expecting to suddenly be in the air. Janus summoned one last pair of arms, using all six to hold and carry Logan. He slightly smiled as he felt the logical Side snuggle his face in the crook of his neck.
"Time for bed," Janus said before Logan couldn't even think of protesting.
Orange chuckled as Logan groaned in annoyance.
But the others- they need work done, don't they? Isn't that why I'm here, to produce results?
"Hey, you aren't all work, Logan. That's not your entire purpose," Janus calmly reminded him, hearing of the familiar lie of 'I am only valuable when I can produce something'.
Logan hummed as he was set down in the middle of his own bed. The pillows were comfy, and his space-themed blankets were so soft. He nearly passed out once his head hit his bed. He was still in his day clothes though, and it wouldn't be very comfortable to wake up in those. But he had no energy to snap himself into pajamas, or even his onesie.
Luckily, Orange caught on and snapped Logan into his signature unicorn onesie. It was blue and white, and so f*cking cozy. Logan melted into its familiar comfort, way too tired to care that other people were there. Janus smiled as he snapped himself in his own pajamas: grey sweatpants with a yellow snake design, a dual-headed snake that wrapped with his leg and rested its head near his hip; and a yellow sweater, decorated with tiny quotes of law and philosophy at the hem and on the edges of sleeves. The tiny quotes were in cursive, written in a darkish gold colour. Orange finally snapped himself in comfier clothes, mainly a pair of plain black pajama pants and a dark grey, long-sleeve shirt with orange accents. The orange accents were flame designs, from the hem to the middle of the shirt. The sleeve had a similar design to Janus', but instead of quotes, there were little flames at the edges of his sleeves.
"Do you mind if we stay, Polaris?" Janus asked gently, making sure Logan was comfortable.
Logan shook his head sleepily, exhaustion catching up with him. He didn't mind them staying; in fact, he preferred if they did. Not that he'd ever admit it, but the presence of people who genuinely care about you was a great way to chase the icky thoughts away. Not entirely chase them away, but close enough. Perhaps 'keeping them at bay for a little while' was more accurate. Either way, Logan wanted them to stay, both of them.
Logan didn't seem to catch the new nickname. If he did, he was far too drowsy to react to it.
Janus climbed in the bed, pulling back the covers so them three could settle in. He laid behind Logan, closest to the wall. He carefully put all pairs of his arms around the nerd's waist and torso, hugging him lightly from behind. Logan hummed contently, placing his hands on two of Janus'. A silent way of saying yes, this is okay. Yes, I am okay with this. Janus embraced him tighter, making sure he felt the love through his gesture. Logan did. He felt enough love from even just the cobra, so much that he nearly fell asleep.
But Orange still stood by the side of the bed, seemingly and oddly nervous. He wrung his wrist, thinking for a moment. He took Logan's glasses off his face before making a silent decision on something, setting the pair of lenses on a bedside table.
Oh, yeah. Glasses.
Now he couldn't see very well, but at least it was more comfy to fall asleep. Sleeping with glasses was ill-advised. And uncomfortable.
Janus noticed, raising an eyebrow from behind the astrophile as he rested his chin on the other's shoulder.
"Orange, sweetie? Are you okay?" he kept a soft voice, especially since he was near Logan's ear.
Orange simply nodded, sighing as he wrung his wrist again. Then he stopped himself, taking a quick breath.
"Just, um... I want to help Indie out, but I'm not great with touch. So..." Orange was uncharacteristically nervous, his voice slightly wavering as he confessed.
Neither am I. Most of the time.
A nice observation for Logan, to realize he had something in common with someone. Not so alone, then. Not as alone as he swore he was.
"That's okay. We can figure it out, sweetie. Come lay down."
Logan lightly nodded along with Janus' words, trying to show it was okay.
I'm like that, too, he wanted to say. Unless I initiate it or am just too tired to care. Like right now.
...you're like me.
A freeing warmth settled in Logan's chest.
He's like me.
Orange climbed into bed, pulling the covers over the three of them. Logan took a hand from Janus', holding it out to Orange.
Just hold my hand, was what it meant. Just holding my hand helps.
Orange seemed to understand, holding Logan's hand. The astrophile smiled sleepily at him, letting his eyes droop and close. He swiftly drifted off to sleep. Orange smirked contently, going to sleep as well. Janus gave a quick kiss to the forehead of each tired Side, finally resting himself.
They all slept through the night, and even through almost half the day. They watched over Logan after they all got up, getting him coffee and such. Reading with him. Helping him take a day off to recover from all the personal emotional turmoil. Listening to him talk, instead of ignoring him. Having a real conversation with him.
Logan ran into Remus a few days later, and they talked.
And Logan finally got what he deserved: people who listened to him, even if it meant facing those who didn't.
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ivarlover · 1 year
Alex Høgh Andersen + Modern Ivar
Mentions of Female Reader + Hvitserk
Continued from the 1st half of Part 4. Same warnings apply.
Please let me know if you want on or off the tag list!
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After much debate with Aslaug and Y/N, Ivar and his brothers finally left with Ivy. Ivar sat in the back seat with Ivy, trying to ignore her giggles and reaching for him. After a few minutes of her trying to reach him unsuccessfully, Ivy began to cry. Ivar never looked toward her and tried his best to ignore her.
Turning around, Ubbe said to him, "Ivar, surely you can do something to calm her. Look at her. She's reaching for you. Do something."
"What the fuck am I supposed to do? She's not even my child! I don't know what the fuck she wants!" He dropped his head to his hands.
Understanding what was happening with Ivar, Ubbe spoke calmly, "Ivar, I know this is fucking difficult. I am so sorry that bitch did this to you, but the baby isn't to blame. If you can settle her some, please, for fuck's sake, do it."
Against his better judgment, Ivar reached his hand to Ivy as she cried. She grabbed it and held it to her cheek. Looking into her pitiful eyes, full of tears, he gently rubbed her cheek and spoke softly to her, "Shhh. It's ok, baby. Your mommy will be back with you soon. You're going to be ok. We're taking you to see your daddy." To his surprise, the words cut him deeply, but he did his best to show no emotion. This is the very reason he hadn't spent time with her.
Ivy looked at him, "Dada?"
"Stop the car! Stop the fucking car! I'm not doing this! Let me out of the fucking car, NOW! Stop the car, Hvitserk!" Ivar yelled from the backseat.
"What the hell, man!"
"Now, Hvitserk! Now!"
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Hvitserk pulled over on the side of the road, and Ivar burst out the door before he'd even come to a complete stop, and Ivy began crying again. Hvitserk looked to Ubbe in complete dismay. "Just sit here with the baby. I'll talk to him," Ubbe said, getting out of the car after Ivar.
Hvitserk turned around to Ivy and placed his hand in hers. She began to calm down again as she looked at him. She then repeated, "Dada." Hvitserk smiled at the realization that it was just a word she could say. He knew why Ivar was so upset about it but he needed to explain it.
He jumped out of the car and ran over to his brothers. Seeing their worried faces, he blurted out, "She wasn't calling you daddy, Ivar! It's just a word she can say! She said it to me, too." Ubbe and Ivar looked at him, surprised.
"You left her in the car alone, Hvitserk?" Ivar ran back to the car. "She's just a baby. You can't do that."
Hvitserk and Ubbe looked at eachother knowingly and smiled as they went back to the car behind him.
"So, you good? Can we can go now?" Hvitserk asked as he caught up with Ivar. "She said it to me, too. She wasn't actually calling you that, man."
Looking at Ivy and then back to Hvitserk, Ivar hesitated, "Yeah," he took a deep breath, "I guess so."
When they arrived at the park, Herald wasn't there yet. They decided to go ahead and take Ivy to the playground. Ivar unbuckled Ivy from the carseat and then turned to Hvitserk who was waiting for him. "What?" Hvitserk shrugged his shoulders.
"You can get her out now. I've unbuckled her," Ivar told him.
"Wait. What? No. It won't kill you to get her, Ivar. You can carry her," Hvitserk smiled at Ivar's apprehension. "She won't bite, man."
"That's not it. It's just, well, umm, I just," Ivar stumbled over his words.
"Yes," Hvitserk answered, "I know, but I promise you, it will be ok. Now, let's go."
Ivar panicked. He really didn't want to do this. However, he also realized that depending on the test results, this may be the only bit of time he had with her. He hated that he'd barely even been with her at all but yet, somehow, she was still growing on him. As much as he wanted to walk away, hesitating, he leaned back into the car and got Ivy out of her carseat. "Ok, little one, let's go have some fun." He held her in his arms and she leaned her head down on his shoulder. "What have I gotten myself into?" He asked Hvitserk and Ubbe as he joined them.
Ubbe patted him on the back and said, laughing, "Looks like you're still a push over, man. It's ok. We won't hold it against you."
"Fuck off!"
Hvitserk teased him, "Ivar, such language! Not in front of the baby!"
They finally got to the playground and Ivar asked, "Is she big enough for the slide?"
Ubbe rolled his eyes, "Ivar, she can't even walk yet. She can go down the slide if you place her on it and hold her hands and guide her down it."
"Where's the fun in that?" Ivar asked, genuinely wondering.
"Just trust me, you shit for brains," Ubbe laughed.
Ivar did as Ubbe instructed. Afterall, he was the only one between the three of them who actually had any children. Ivy giggled and smiled into Ivar's eyes as he guided her down the slide, nervous at first but quickly getting the hang of it. He did it again several times. There was just something absolutely adorable about her little smiles and giggles. Also, that twinkle in her eyes was enough to melt the hardest of men. He noticed this feeling seemed to be true with his brothers as well.
They took turns taking her down the slide and pushing her in the baby swing. The sounds her giggles produced were worth every second of it.
Ivar sat in the swing beside the baby swing and as Hvitserk turned around with Ivy in his arms, he placed her in Ivar's lap. Ivar's eyes widened and as he was about to protest, Ivy leaned her head forward, placing it on his chest. "Mama," she said softly and Ivar took note to find out from the hospital if he could bring her to visit with Katia. He moved the swing slowly back and forth and Ivy placed her hands on his chest beside her head. He wasn't sure if this meant she was sleepy or not so he gently held her as he rocked the swing a little more.
It was then that he noticed Herald walking toward them. He'd almost forgotten that Herald was the reason they were here in the first place. "There's my angel. Let me hold her," Herald said loudly as he approached Ivar and Ivy. "She need not get too comfortable with you. She's my daughter."
Ivy jerked up and away from Ivar's chest upon hearing Herald's voice. Her eyes widened at Ivar. "So she's awake. Let me see her." Herald reached for her and she clung to Ivar's shirt. As Ivar was about to stand with her still in his arms, Herald grabbed her on each side and tugged on her. She began to cry as she placed her head on Ivar's chest, clinging to his shirt in her hands.
Ivar was quickly to his feet. "Hey, step back some," Ivar placed his hand between the now crying Ivy and Herald. "She was almost asleep. Give her a minute."
Herald opened his mouth to speak, but Hvitserk and Ubbe were quickly on either side of Ivar, obviously ready for whatever was about to take place. Herald took a couple of steps backwards.
Ivar looked down to Ivy, still whimpering in his arms. He rocked her and patted her back, "Shhh, little one. It's ok. Shhh. We're not going to let anything happen to you."
"You may just end up being good at this afterall, Ivar. Who would have thought?" Hvitserk grinned at him.
"Not now with your shit, Hvitserk," Ivar answered him, no smile at all on his face. Hvitserk immediately straightened up and looked over to Herald who was snarling at them.
"We were taking turns pushing her in the baby swing. I'll place her in it and you can come give her a push," Ivar told Herald.
As Herald approached, Ivy looked at him and her tiny fists tightened in Ivar's shirt. Ivar swallowed thickly but pulled her away from him and placed her in the swing. She looked up at Ivar and smiled. This made him feel a bit better.
He stepped to the side of the swing and Herald walked up to face Ivy. Herald reached toward her and it seemed as if she tried to dodge his touch. He placed his hand on her head and said, "How's my little angel been? Humm? Did you miss me?" Ivy reached her hand out to Ivar. Ivar just watched the two of them.
"Hey! Daddy's talking to you, Ivy! Look at me!" Herald growled and Hvitserk stepped forward. Ivar signaled for him to hold back. He was curious about their interaction and was close enough to ensure there would be no harm at all done to Ivy.
Ivy flinched at his words and looked to Ivar once again. Herald gently pushed her in the swing but she didn't smile as she had earlier with Ivar and his brothers. Herald tried talking with her again, a bit sweeter this time, but Ivar could tell it was forced. He seemed like a very cold man.
"Fuck this! I want to hold my child!" Herald announced and before Ivar could do anything, he grabbed Ivy from the swing and held her in his arms. She began crying and pushing away from him. She turned toward Ivar and then to Hvitserk and Ubbe, reaching for any of the three of them. She began crying louder and in the middle of her tears, she cried out, "Mama!"
It was as if it was all happening in slow motion and Ivar could not get to them fast enough. Herald began to grumble and complain at how could she want them when they were strangers and not want to be with him who had been in her life since she was born. He seemed genuinely hurt but Ivar realized quickly that it was his loud voice and his tone that Ivy didn't like. He seemed to not understand how to speak to a baby.
Ivy began to cry louder and was practically about to jump out of Herald's arms as he tried his best to hold onto her.
Ivar was finally in front of him. Reaching for Ivy, he said, "Look man, she's been through a lot the last day or so and she seems to be stressing with you for whatever reason. She's been asking for her mom and I bet she's just scared. Let me try to calm her down so you can actually spend some time with her."
He took Ivy from Herald's arms without waiting for his response. He knew Ivy could really be Herald's daughter but right now that was irrelevant because she was too little to be in this much stress. If being with her father made her this upset, maybe Katia needed to be present whenever they were together.
He rocked her and rubbed her back as he spoke quietly and calmly to her. She began to calm down and her breathing began to slow as she laid her head on his chest and grabbed onto his shirt again.
Herald watched in amazement. He was going to tell Ivar exactly what he could do with his opinion, but as he saw how quickly Ivy calmed down with him, he was caught completely off guard. "How? Umm, what? How did you do that? I have lived with her for the last year and I've never been able to do anything like that with her. She always cries with me. Katia would tell me to just keep trying, but she has always cried."
Ivar felt pride swell up in his chest but also a bit of sadness knowing, very well, this may all end soon. As he began to answer Herald, his phone rang. "I'm sorry, I need to take this." He handed Ivy to Hvitserk rather than Herald and gave him the look that let him know she was not to go back into Herald's arms.
"Ivar, are you ok?" Alex was on the other end of the phone.
"Yes, I am. There's way too much to discuss right this minute, but are you out of class? Do you need me to come pick you up from school?"
"No, I saw your text that there was more to the story and that the results were going to take longer so when I was finished with my last class, I got on the bus and came straight to the hospital," Alex answered, sounding genuinely worried.
"Alex, I could have came to..."
Alex cut him off, "Ivar, the Lab Tech just told me that they have the results. They have them but they can only share them with you and with some guy name Herald? Who the hell is Herald?"
"Long story, Love," Ivar answered. "I'll tell you all about it once we get back in the car and are on our way. Call you back in five?"
Ivar shared Alex's message with everyone and they began to prepare to leave for the hospital. "Can she ride in my car with me?" Herald asked Ivar. "Maybe she will warm up to me again once she's separated from you guys."
Ivar glared at him in a snarl, answering him through his gritted teeth, "Absolutely not." He added nothing more and walked away from Herald, carrying Ivy to the car.
As soon as they were all in the car, the three brothers began talking about how strange Herald's interaction was with Ivy. "I'm not so sure I will be ok with her leaving with him if he does end up being her father," Ubbe stated matter of factly, "Because that sure as hell did not look like a dad who has been missing his baby girl."
"I'm sorry. I can't even entertain the possibilities. I need to just hear what they tell us at the hospital," Ivar said in a defeated voice, and Ubbe understood.
Alex met Ivar and his brothers at the car. After the phone call he'd had with Ivar on their way to the hospital, Alex thought it best to be near him when they arrived. There was no reason for all of his anger with Katia about this ridiculous situation to be taken out on Herald.
Alex opened the back door, expecting to get Ivy from the carseat, but to his surprise, Ivar was already getting out with her in his arms. Alex stood there, completely stunned, as Ivar walked around to him. "Damn, am I happy to see you," Ivar told him, giving him a sweet kiss on lips. Alex hugged him and they stood like that for a moment, hugging, with Ivy in their arms, just the three of them. Ubbe smiled at them as he looked on.
From behind him, Ivar heard what sounded like arguing. As he turned around, he saw Hvitserk standing in front of Herald and attempting to hold him back. Ivar gave Ivy over to Alex as Hvitserk was abruptly pushed aside by Herald.
"You're a fucking faggot?! Get away from my daughter, you disgusting pervert!" He then looked at Alex, "Hand over my daughter and get your filthy hands off of her, you little bitch! Fucking faggots!"
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As Herald took his next step, Ivar was already up in his face, immediately, with his pocket knife in his hand and at Herald's throat. "Who the fuck do you think you are to speak to either one of us that way, but especially to Alex? Humm? What gives you the right? Our lives have absolutely nothing to do with you and it's not like our choices are going to infect Ivy." Ivar had now gotten behind Herald with his arm around his neck, his knife still at his throat, and Herald's head tilted with his hand holding onto him firmly by a handful of hair. "Now, you have two seconds to fucking apologize to Alex or I promise you, I will end you right here and now. This will be the last breath you ever take!" Ivar growled into the side of Herald's face.
Hvitserk and Ubbe were trying to calm Ivar down but to no avail. He didn't even hear a word they were saying. Ubbe stepped closer and grabbed Ivar's arm that had the knife, "Come on, man. Let him go. This isn't the time or place."
Ivar glared at him and Ubbe stepped away. "Just don't kill him," Ivar heard Hvitserk say from somewhere nearby but he was hyper focused on Herald.
Everything was happening so fast, Alex could only stand there in shock and watch.
"Now, would you like to see the light of another day or are you refusing to apologize to Alex?" Ivar's jaw clinched together, showing his sharp jawline, as he dug the tip of his knife a little into Herald's neck.
Herald was surprised. He'd heard stories of Ivar and his temper before but he'd always thought Katia had been exaggerating. He especially wasn't expecting this type of reaction from someone he'd just seen kissing another man.
"Ok," Ivar dug the knife a bit deeper, slightly breaking the skin and causing a small amount of blood to form, "Five, four," Ivar was serious.
"Ivar! Stop! What are you doing?" Alex yelled to him.
Herald swallowed thickly as Ivar continued his countdown and Hvitserk began to laugh, "Three, I'm not playing, you closed minded bastard. Two..."
"Ok, ok! Let me go! I'll apologize to your.." Herald began.
"I suggest you choose your next words wisely, my friend, or they could very well be your last ever spoken." Ivar yanked his head back futher exposing more of his neck.
Nervously, Herald began again. "Ok, I'm umm, I'm sorry to him," he coughed.
"Not to me. Apologize to Alex," Ivar demanded. Herald started to speak and Ivar interrupted him, "And loud enough so he can hear you."
"I'm sorry for insulting you, Alex," Herald's voice was shaky, "I'm sorry. And umm, I'm sorry to you as well, Ivar."
Ivar let him go and Herald's hand went immediately to his neck. He wiped the blood and looked at it, "You made me bleed!"
Ivar turned back to him, "Oh, do you want me to come back?"
"Umm, no. Sorry. No. It's umm, it's ok." Herald mumbled.
Hvitserk laughed out loud, and proudly stated, "That's my little brother!"
Stepping between Ivar and Herald, Ubbe finally said, "Let's go get to the bottom of this and find out who has the rights to demand anything." He walked toward the steps in front of the hospital.
Hvitserk followed him and patted Herald on his back as he passed. "Glad to you see you're still with us, man," he laughed again. As furious as Herald was, he knew he needed to just keep his mouth shut.
When Ivar joined Alex again, he took Ivy from his arms. "Let's go get those results," he told Alex in the calmest voice ever. Alex looked at him, completely stunned, "What?" Ivar asked innocently.
Alex began walking beside Ivar. He then said to him softly, "Well, honestly, that umm, that was kind of hot." Ivar looked at him and grinned. "Don't say it. Whatever it is that you're thinking, Ivar, don't say it." They both laughed. Ivar seriously needed that quick release.
Once entering the hospital, Ubbe offed to stay in the waiting room with Ivy. Ivar handed Ivy to him, "You do not let anyone take her until I come back to you, ok? Not even one of the doctors here. Herald says he's here alone but we can't know that for sure. She doesn't leave with anyone unless you've heard directly from me."
"Got it. Don't worry. I've got her," Ubbe reassured him.
Ivar, Alex, and Hvitserk entered the lab room with Herald shortly behind them. "Which of you are the ones we tested?" Ivar and Herald stepped forward. "Which if you would like to go first?"
Alex grabbed Ivar's hand as he stepped closer to him. Ivar looked to the Lab Tech, "Can you just give the results randomly? Just open whichever one you want?"
The tech looked to Herald and Herald nodded, agreeing with Ivar.
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As the tech opened the first envelope, Ivar sighed and ran his fingers through his hair, squeezing Alex's hand, still in his other one. Hvitserk stepped to the other side of him, "Whatever happens, we're right here with you. We'll be ok no matter what," Hvitserk said, in a voice so low that only Ivar could hear. He placed his hand on Ivar's shoulder and looked over to Herald.
Herald sat calmly, waiting for the tech to begin. He didn't appear to be anxious, worried, or concerned at all. How drastically different he was from Ivar, who had only known Ivy even existed at all just since yesterday! Something didn't add up to him, considering Herald had supposedly been in her life since she was born. What was he missing?
Pulling the paper from the envelope, the Lab Tech asked, "Which umm, which of you is umm, Herald Finehair?" Herald raised his hand. "Ok, it umm, it says here umm, sir," he stumbled over his words and Ivar looked to Hvitserk with the same questioning look that Hvitserk already had across his face as well, "It says that 99.9 percent, yo-you are not, not the father of Baby Ivy." Herald glared at him in a threatening way and Hvitserk did not miss it. What was that about?
"What the fuck do you mean, I'm not the father? Ivy is mine!" Herald stood to his feet and the tech stepped backwards. "You know she's mine, you little shit! Look at the paper again!" Herald demanded.
The tech turned the paper around and showed him and Herald snatched it from his hands. "This can't be! You know what this means!"
The tech answered in a shaky voice, "That I'm-I umm, I need to read the other results."
Herald took a step toward the guy, and Hvitserk stepped between them. "You don't want to do that," Hvitserk bared his teeth as he gave him a menacing grin. "Now, have a seat and let the man do his job." Herald instantly sat back down, giving Hvitserk an eat shit stare. Hvitserk was really intrigued now. He felt that something was definitely up that they were unaware of. He decided then that he was going to pull Herald aside after all this and get to the bottom of it.
Ivar let out a deep breath that he hadn't realized he'd been holding and ran his hand down his face. He was glad Hvitserk took care of Herald and that he didn't have to. He just didn't have the energy right now. He looked to Alex and squeezed his hand again, even harder, and Alex said to him, "It's going to be ok. Just breathe."
To his surprise, Alex was relieved that Ivy wasn't Herald's and now kind of excited that Ivar was about to learn she's his. He knew how badly Ivar wanted this even though he'd desperately tried to deny it. He knew this would take some time for the two of them to navigate but he also knew they'd be able to do it. He smiled and leaned into Ivar's side, waiting for the Lab Tech to get the other envelope.
The tech grabbed the second envelope. His hands shaking, he began to open it, looking over to Herald again. Hvitserk watched him. Herald's eyes never left the tech. When the tech glanced over to him, Herald snarled at him. "Why are you still here, Herald? This is no longer your business. You can go."
"I want to see if that bitch lied to me this whole time. I need to know if Ivy is his," Herald growled.
Hvitserk stepped toward him again, but Ivar shook his head and motioned for him to come back. "Not worth it, brother," Ivar said to him. "Can you please continue, sir?" Ivar asked, looking back at the poor tech who now had sweat rolling down his temples.
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He nodded as he pulled out the results. "Umm, Mr. Lothbrok," the tech began, and Herald cleared his throat, causing the tech to glance his direction again. He continued, "The paper I'm holding says that, umm, yo-you are," Ivar took a deep breath, "You're 99.9 percent umm, no-not the father of baby Ivy," he gulped.
Ivar gasped and his hands immediately went to cover his face and his gaping mouth. Alex was completely stunned and instinctively put his arm around Ivar, knowing he needed physical support right now. He grabbed his hand once more when he dropped it to his side. "Wh-what?" Ivar managed to ask between gut wrenching gasps for air.
Looking at Herald and then back to Ivar, the Lab Tech answered, "I-I'm sorry, Mr. Lothbrok. You're also not the father," he dropped his head.
Alex started, "Ivar," but Ivar cut him off.
"Don't." He pulled away from Alex and dropped his hand. He abruptly turned and walked out the door, letting it slam behind him.
Alex looked to Hvitserk and Hvitserk told him, "Go! Get him. Make sure he's OK and don't let him do anything stupid. I'll be right behind you." Alex tore out the door after Ivar.
Hvitserk turned to Herald and walked to him, "What the fuck are you up to? What's going on?"
Herald denied everything Hvitserk mentioned about how he looked like he was intimidating the tech. Hvitserk pulled him up from sitting by his collar and brought him face to face with himself. "If I find out you're lying to me, I promise you that you'll be fucking sorry." He dropped him back to the seat and Herald didn't say a word.
He turned to the tech, "Are you ok, man? You seem a bit nervous and worried. Did he do something to you?"
The tech shook his head, "Nnn-no. I'm sorry. It's ju-just my first week on the job and I know how seriously people take these results. I, umm, I was just worried about Mr. Lothbrok's response, that's all." He looked away from Hvitserk.
"That's funny because it seemed to me more like you were worried about Herald's." The tech said nothing more and looked away.
He looked at Herald on his way out the door. "I'll find the truth, you know, if you are lying," he smiled.
When Alex got outside he found Ivar leaning over the top of his car. As he walked up to his side, Ivar said, "Can we go?"
"Of course."
The ride was quiet. Ivar looked out the window as the town passed them by. "Your place or mine?" Alex asked him.
"Can we go to your's? I, I just can't.."
"Of course. Don't worry," Alex answered before Ivar had to say what Alex knew he was thinking. If they were going to have Ivy there, he couldn't be there right now. Alex's heart broke for him. He didn't know what else to say so he said nothing.
When they pulled up to Alex's place, Ivar got out and walked to the door and silently waited on Alex. Once the door was opened, he went in and fell to the sofa.
Alex poured two glasses of liquor and brought them and the bottle to the table, sitting it down on front of Ivar. Ivar looked at him and back to the table. He grabbed the bottle and turned it up. Alex couldn't help but smile. Ivar nearly drained the bottle in just one drink. "Slow now. Don't want you to make yourself sick." He sat it back down and leaned back on the sofa.
"No. Don't. I, just not now." Ivar's voice was cold and harsh but Alex understood why.
Ivar dropped his head forward into his hands and sighed. Alex placed his hand lovenly on his back and Ivar jumped.
"Shh, it's just me, Ivar." Alex was beginning to get worried.
Suddenly Ivar leaned forward and punched the floor repeatedly as he screamed out, "FUCK!"
Alex leaned over and quickly grabbed his arm and pulled it back so he couldn't reach the floor anymore. "You're going to break your hand. Ivar, I know it sucks now, but it's going to be ok. Just.."
Ivar turned toward him and interrupted him, "Why? Fuck! Why does she hate me so much that she'd do something so fucking cruel? What the hell did I ever do to deserve this? Why?" He leaned his forehead onto Alex's and Alex wrapped his arms around him and held him tightly.
Ivar dropped his head onto Alex's shoulder and Alex felt his neck and shoulder become wet. Alex leaned back on the sofa with Ivar still in his arms. He'd never really cared for Katia but the anger and resentment he felt toward her now was immeasurable. He wished he could just take the pain away from Ivar and make him all ok. He couldn't even think about how Ivar was feeling.
He sat like that, with Ivar in his arms, for what seemed like hours. He ran his hand through Ivar's hair, attempting to calm him. He thought he may be sleeping now, but he didn't move. He just continued to sit with him.
Suddenly, Ivar's phone rang. Ivar didn't move to answer it so Alex ignored it. Then, it rang again. Alex looked around to try to find where Ivar had left it. "No," Ivar said to him.
"What? What do you mean?"
"Don't try to answer my phone. I don't want to talk to anyone. It's probably mom or one of my brothers checking on me. And the answer is no, no I'm not ok. Just please, let it ring."
Alex squeezed him a little tighter. He could tell in Ivar's voice that he hadn't been sleeping at all. His poor Ivar.
Then, Alex's phone began ringing. He looked at it, sitting on the end table beside him, "It's Hvitserk, Ivar. I should probably answer him."
"Please don't."
Alex thought for a moment and then let it ring. A few minutes passed and shortly after that, it began ringing again. "Ivar, it's Hvitserk again. Something might be wrong."
"Fine. But I don't give a fuck what he says, I do not want to talk to him."
Alex answered and was surprised to hear what Hvitserk told him. "Ivar," he sat up and pushed Ivar up and off of him, "Ivar, we need to go to Ubbe's. Now."
Ivar's face was red and his eyes were puffy. "No fucking way."
Alex stood up. "Yes, Ivar. We have to go. Now. He said he has Herald in Ubbe's basement! We have to go. Oh fuck, what if he's going to do something stupid? Move your ass! Let's go!"
Ivar was lost, "Did, did I just hear you right? We can't fly all the way out to Ubbe's. You have class tomorrow."
"Yes, you heard me right, but he means to Ubbe's rental home! He's there with Torvi and the kids. Let's go."
"What the.. what is he doing? Why? This doesn't change anything! It's not Herald's fault Katia lied to me. Again. He didn't make me not be the father. Shit, this is probably why she left me in the first place. She must have cheated on me, too!" Ivar dropped his head, "I can't do this, Alex. You can go without me."
Alex bent down and removed Ivar's hands from his face. "Ivar, Hvitserk knows he can't change things and yet, he still said he needs you there immediately. Something has happened and whatever it is, he needs to tell you. Don't do this to yourself, thinking she cheated on you and how hopeless everything is. I know this is so hard on you, Babe, but we have to go there and see what's up. You have to go with me. Staying here is not an option."
He practically dragged Ivar out the door and to his car.
Ubbe met them at the front door. Alex immediately asked, "And what about Torvi and the kids?"
"They're at Ivar's with mom."
Ubbe put his arm around Ivar's shoulders. "Cheer up, man. You're going to love this."
"You can't possibly think Hvitserk has made a good choice by having Herald in your basement?" Alex looked at him like he was from another planet.
"Just hush and follow me," Ubbe answered.
When they opened the door to the basement, there sat Herald, tied up to the chair he was sitting in, with a swollen eye, bloody lip, and what looked like a broken nose.
Alex gasped in shock, "Wh-what are you doing?"
Ivar looked back at Ubbe for an explanation and Ubbe motioned toward Hvitserk and Herald.
"Sorry to bring you in on everything at this point, but I had to be sure, man," Hvitserk began.
"I-I'm leaving. What the fuck, Hvitserk! I can't."
"I'm leaving with him," Alex said immediately after and they both turned toward the door.
Hvitserk ran up behind them and grabbed them both on the shoulder. "Wait. Just hear me out. Give me just five minutes."
Ivar turned back to him, "Fine. Five minutes. Go."
"Look, I was watching Herald the whole time we were in the lab. Something was very off with him. And the Lab Tech seemed terrified, not just nervous because he was new. When everything was said and done and we left the lab, I went back to get the copy of the results. I wanted to have proof she wasn't yours just incase Katia started her shit, saying you owe her child support."
Ivar's face contorted, scowling at the words of Ivy not being his. "Your five minutes is almost up, Hvitserk."
"Well, when I got back to the lab, I heard a scuffle from inside and yanked the door open. Herald had the tech by the collar of his shirt and was slapping him like a bitch," he looked back at Herald in disgust, "And I heard him say, 'You were supposed to say she's mine, you little bastard.' He told him that his sister was going to pay for it as soon as he called his brother. So I instantly made Herald let go of that guy and tell me what the hell was going on. The lab tech confirmed his story."
Alex just continued to listen, in complete shock. He asked Hvitserk, "What story?"
"Well, I found out that Herald's brother had the tech's sister and he'd threatened the tech and used her so he'd lie to you. Herald wouldn't tell me what else he made the poor guy lie about until we brought him here and 'persuaded' him," Hvitserk motioned toward Herald's face.
"Get to the fucking point, Hvitserk. My patience has grown thin, I'm exhausted, and I'm ready to go. I don't give a fuck if he wanted it to look like Ivy," he dropped his head, "Is his. Makes no difference to me." He looked to Alex, "Let's go."
Alex realized that there was more and Ivar was just too emotional at the moment to catch on. He walked closer to him and grabbed his hand and Ivar sighed. "Let Hvitserk tell you the rest and then we'll go. Out with it already, Hvitserk," Alex pressed.
Reluctantly, Ivar waited for Hvitserk to begin again. "Don't you get it? The Lab Tech lied, Ivar. Ubbe got the tech's sister to safety because he let the guy know we have Herald. And this ol' asshole, here," he patted Herald on the back, giving him a wicked smile, "He finally told us the rest." He grinned at Herald devilishly, "After, like I said, I persuaded him."
Annoyed that he was still entertaining his brother, Ivar rolled his eyes.
Hvitserk looked at Herald, sitting slumped over, "Herald, tell him!"
Herald looked up at Ivar, wondering what he'd do to him after he told him the truth. Hvitserk smacked him on the back of the head, "Come on. Tell him."
"Well, it started out as Katia's idea, I promise. Ivy isn't mine. I already knew this," he whinced as Ivar's cold stare grew darker, "Sh, umm, she said she could get money out of you for the both of us if she came back here and pretended like Ivy was yours and I later showed up claiming she's mine. Sh-she said, umm, she said," he began to fumble over his words as Ivar took another step closer to him, "That umm, she'd be able to convince you to pay me off to leave the two of you alone. And umm,"Herald gulped in fear as Ivar showed his clinched teeth, "And, umm, th-the plan, umm."
Ivar cut him off, "I have no more patience. Spit it out already!" Ivar growled, stepping closer and quickly placing his pocket knife, that he seemingly pulled out of nowhere, up to Herald's throat again, letting the edge dig in just enough to cause more blood. "Now! I know you know that I'm not afraid to use this knife on you."
"Umm, I promise. I promise I didn't know. It was all her," Herald panicked, holding his hands up in an attempt to show his innocence.
"You didn't know what?" Ivar demanded, pressing the knife a little harder.
"I, umm, I didn't know that she really was your daughter. Katia never told me that. I thought she didn't know who the father was. I-I'm so sorry. If I had known, I never would have went along with it. But once she got here, she told me she had changed her mind and didn't want to do that to you anymore because she wanted to get back together with you." Ivar turned back to look at Alex, who involuntarily rolled his eyes. Herald continued, "I thought I was doing you a favor by making you get a blood test. I thought it would prevent you from being trapped, taking care of a child that isn't yours. Umm, like I've been doing for the last year. I promise I didn't know."
Ivar looked to Hvitserk, "What is he even talking about? She's not mine."
Hvitserk stepped to Ivar, handing paperwork to him, "Here. The Lab Tech gave this to me."
Ivar took the knife away from Herald's throat and grabbed the papers. As he began reading, he dropped the knife and placed his hand over his mouth. He grew weak in the knees. As Ivar stumbled back, Hvitserk caught him and helped him sit in a nearby chair. Alex rushed to his side, placing a concerned hand on his shoulder.
Looking up at Hvitserk, Ivar asked between gasps, "Is, is this real?"
"Yes, brother, it's real," Hvitserk smiled.
Ivar looked up at Ubbe quizzically and Ubbe nodded and smiled. "Where, umm where is she? Where did you take her?"
"She's with mom. At your place."
He looked up to Alex and before he could say or ask anything, Alex told him, "Yes, I'll drive you. Let's go."
Ivar stood up and hugged Hvitserk and Ubbe. "Thank you. Thank you for having my back. Thank you so much!"
As Ivar took a step toward the door with Alex, he looked to him and said, "Wait here for a minute." He turned and walked back to Herald.
Looking at Ivar's hardened face, Herald instantly waved his hands up, "I didn't know. I promise, I didn't know. I'm sorry. I prom.."
Ivar stopped in front of him, "You unimaginable bastard. If I ever see you again, I promise you, I'll kill you." Before Herald could react, Ivar balled his fist up and swung with all his power behind it. He punched Herald straight in the face so hard that Herald fell backwards onto the floor.
Ivar jumped on top of him and as he was about to begin punching him again, Hvitserk caught his arm and Alex came up behind him, placing his hands on his shoulders. "You knocked him out, baby brother. You don't need to hit him again. Took two hits. You hit him and he hit the floor," Hvitserk laughed.
Ivar was stunned. "I, umm, I don't know," he stopped talking and placed his hand in Alex's as Alex helped him up. He hugged Alex, burying his face in the nape of his neck.
"You ready to go to her?" Alex asked softly.
Hvitserk walked them out. "Thanks again," Ivar told him as he got in the car.
As they drove, Ivar stared at the papers he still had in his hands. He was in shock. This was the first time he let himself admit that he'd wanted to be Ivy's father. He wasn't sure why he wanted it. He knew for sure he didn't want to have anything to do with Katia at all but now, this meant she'd be in his life, one way or another, from now on. But he was certain, he wanted to be Ivy's father. He felt warmth in his heart and then he looked to Alex. What if he didn't want this?
"Al, umm, Alex?" he began, "Are you ok with all of this? Are, umm, are we ok?" He suddenly felt worried.
Alex glanced at him and placed his hand in the seat between them, offering it to Ivar. Ivar grabbed his hand and intertwined his fingers as Alex gently squeezed. "Yes, we are ok. I just want you to be happy and I'm so happy for you. Of course, this means we have some new things to navigate, but I think we'll be ok. As long as, umm, well," Alex hesitated.
"Well, as long as this is all about Ivy and not about Katia." Alex's heart practically stopped even thinking of her squirming her way between them.
Ivar turned in the seat a little to face Alex as Alex continued to drive. "You know how I feel about things with her. Especially now, with this new information. I mean, just when you think she couldn't possibly stoop any lower. If not for her being the mother of my child, oh my God, MY CHILD," Ivar's face lit up with a smile, "I'd have nothing to do with her at all. I have no use for her. No need to worry. My heart is yours, Love. This doesn't change that." He pulled Alex's hand to his mouth and kissed it.
Alex glanced over to him again and smiled, "Then, we're good." He knew this would all take some time, but he also knew it was worth it. He'd be lying if he didn't admit he was nervous about everything, but right now, he was just happy for Ivar.
Ivar was out of the car before Alex had even turned the engine off. As he got to the door, he turned to wait for Alex. "Alex, what if," he suddenly dropped his head, "What if she doesn't like me? What if I'm not good enough for her?"
Alex placed his hands on either side of Ivar's cheeks and held his head up to face him. "Are you kidding me, Ivar? She already loves you. You are already so good with her. You are certainly good enough for her. Just don't worry. I'll be right here with you." Alex pulled him closer and kissed him.
At that very moment, Aslaug opened the front door, "Well, are you two planning to come in or are you just going to," it was at this moment that she looked up and saw them kissing. She blushed as she cleared her throat to get their attention. Alex immediately pulled away from Ivar, embarrassed. "We've really got to stop meeting this way, Alex," she laughed and stepped aside to let them in as he turned even darker red. She patted Alex on the back. As Ivar walked on in, she asked Alex, "How is he?"
Alex smiled nervously and answered, "Oh, he's about to tell you."
Closing the door behind them, Aslaug turned to Ivar and was about to express her sympathy when he asked, "Where is she?"
"Y/N? She's tending to the baby, dear. Shall I go get her for you?"
"No. I mean where is Ivy, mom."
Aslaug looked confused and glanced to Alex, who was smiling , and then back to Ivar. "Are you sure you want to see her? What are you planning here, dear?" she asked, skeptical of his intentions. "Dear, I'm so sorry that Katia has deceived you again, but you can't just," Ivar interrupted her.
He walked to her and pulled the rolled up papers from his back pocket and placed them in her hands, "Where is she?"
Aslaug looked down and immediately saw the results. Gasping and covering her mouth as a tear streamed down her face, she asked, "What? How?" as she pointed to one of Ivar's guest rooms.
"Go get her. I'll explain everything to your mom," Alex told him.
Ivar nervously told him, "Umm, Alex, can you come with me? We can explain everything to mom in a few minutes."
Alex looked back to Aslaug who motioned for him to go with Ivar.
As they opened the door and stepped into the room, they saw Ivy sitting in Y/N's lap. They were watching and listening to a children's book being read online by Ludacris, "Llama, Llama, red pajama reads a story with who? With his mama."
Ivy was giggling and bouncing in Y/N's lap. "Llama," Ivy softly said and Ivar's eyes teared up. She looked at Y/N and said, "Mama?"
"Soon, baby girl. You'll get to see Mama soon," Y/N reassured her.
It was then that Ivy saw Ivar standing behind them and pointed to him causing Y/N to turn around. "What are you guys listening to?" Ivar asked Y/N, smiling widely.
"Well, of all these wonderful books you have on your wall," you motioned toward the wall to wall bookshelf, "It seems you don't have one single child friendly book," you smiled, standing up and walking toward Ivar with Ivy in your arms. "I spoke to Hvitserk on the phone. Congratulations! It's a girl!" you said, hugging him.
Ivy reached for him and Ivar looked down at her. His heart practically stopped. "I, I can't believe this, umm, this is real."
Ivy reached out for him again, "Dada." Ivar's heart stopped.
"Did, did she just..?" His eyes widened at Y/N.
"I believe she did, Ivar," you smiled warmly at him.
Ivar leaned in and took her from Y/N into his arms. "I'll give you guys some time," you said, walking toward the door and stopping by Alex. You turned to him and hugged him, "You ok?" you asked in his ear.
"Yes, of course," Alex said back sincerely.
"Ok, well, congratulations to you, too, popi," you said, smacking him on the ass and walking out.
He smiled and just stood there and looked on as Ivar and Ivy stared at eachother. Ivar brushed her hair back from her face, "Hey there, sweetheart. Seems you're stuck with me afterall." He kissed her on top of her head and she leaned her head on his chest and squeezed her little arms across his broad chest as if she understood exactly what he was saying. Ivar stood like this with her for a few moments before finally pulling her up to his face. He kissed her on her cheeks, a tear slowly rolling down his face. "I didn't know how much you already mean to me. I promise you, I'll always be here for you. Nobody will ever hurt you without answering to me. There's nothing in this world I wouldn't do for you." Ivy looked up at him and placed her tiny hand on his cheek and she then laid her head back on his chest. She looked truly at peace. He rubbed her on her back and then turned to look at Alex.
Alex was leaning against the beam that was in the middle of the room, wiping his eyes. This may have been one of the most precious things he'd ever witnessed.
Ivar was overflowing with joy. The only other time he could remember feeling like this in his life was when he and Alex had finally admitted their love for eachother. Things had seriously chnaged from that moment until now. He was now ready to start their little family together, hoping this wouldn't put a strain on their relationship.
He waved Alex over. "You two are my world." He hugged Alex as he joined them. "I love you. I, umm, I love you both."
Alex left Ivar with Ivy for them to have a few minutes of alone time. He went out to talk to Aslaug and the others. Aslaug was blown away by all of the information, but extremely proud of Hvitserk. "Who would have thought that it would be Hvitserk to catch on to something being off? Oh, my boys!"
Torvi and her little ones came from one of the other guest rooms. Asa ran to Alex, "Uncle Alex! Hey!" He bent down and scooped her up for hugs and tickles.
"Hey, little one! Did you miss me?" Alex asked her, sitting her back down.
"Umm, I want to see da baby."
He smiled at her, "Oh, I see. I'm chopped liver when it's comes to Ivy, humm?"
She giggled and ran back to Torvi. "Looks like you'll do fine in the role of daddy, Uncle Alex," Torvi teased him, coming for a hug. "How is he?"
"Honestly," he looked around to Aslaug and Y/N, "He's beside himself with joy. I don't think I've ever seen him so happy." Alex smiled.
"I have," you patted him on the back, "With you."
Alex blushed. Torvi added, "Well, there's nothing like true love."
Alex looked to Aslaug, expecting her to have a look of disgust across her face, but he saw something else in her eyes that he couldn't quite place. She stepped to him and, surprisingly, gave him a hug. She didn't say a word but just hugged him tight and then stepped away from him, wiping her eyes.
Torvi and the kids prepared to leave once they received word from Ubbe that Hvitserk had finally taken Herald back to his brother. They discussed if they'd all leave to give Ivar and Alex some time alone but after Alex had stepped in to check on Ivar, he told them all he was already sleeping and he didn't see a reason for Aslaug, Y/N, and Hvitserk to all leave and crowd Ubbe and Torvi's place when there was plenty of room at Ivar's. "I know he won't mind. He's in his own little world right now anyway. I don't think anything would upset him in his current state," Alex smiled.
As they all prepared for bed, Alex went to Hvitserk to shake his hand. Hvitserk pulled him in for a hug, "We brothers hug, man. You know that."
Alex smiled, "Thank you, Hvits. For everything. Thank you."
"Don't mention it. I'm just happy I got there when I did. This could have been so much worse."
Everyone went to their rooms and Alex cut the lights out in the living room. What a day! He went back to the guest room to tell Ivar Torvi had left Baby Ragnar's playpen for Ivy to sleep in and they could now go to bed.
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When he opened the door, there he found Ivar knocked out on the sofa with Ivy laying on his chest sound asleep. It was absolutely precious. His arm was around her with his hand resting on her back and his other hand on her head. He debated on waking him so he could lay more comfortably in his bed but there was no way he could disturb his peace.
He stood there looking on as Ivy's body raised and went back down along with Ivar's breathing, admiring the man Ivar was, the father he knew he was going to be, the love he had to offer. He was in awe knowing this man had chosen to be with him and to be a part of his life. He felt truly fortunate.
He walked down the hall and got a blanket from the closet. He took it back and gently placed it over Ivar and Ivy. Ivar opened his eyes, stirring awake a little. "Shhh, I'm sorry. I didn't mean to wake you," Alex whispered. Ivar patted the spot beside him. "No, it's ok. I was headed to your room. You stay here with her."
"Nonsense," Ivar whispered back to him. "Pull that lever," he pointed toward the side of the sofa, "And the sofa let's out into a small sofa bed. There's room here for you, too." Ivar hesitated, "That's umm, if you, umm, if you want to sleep here, too."
Alex walked around to the other side of the sofa, "Of course I do. I just thought there wasn't enough space and that I'd give you time with her." He bent down and pulled the lever and smiled when it let out into the bed. "You sure you don't want some more time alone with her?" Alex whispered as he sat down on the edge.
"Shut up and come here to me," Ivar smiled. Alex laid back and curled up into Ivar's side with Ivar's arm under his head and resting on his back. He laid his head on Ivar's shoulder, and Ivar kissed the top of it. "This is the life. Now, everything's right with the world." He squeezed Alex tightly and smiled to himself. He couldn't believe how things had changed so quickly, but he was definitely thankful.
Alex raised up and kissed him on his neck. "Goodnight, Ivar."
Yes, there are still more chapters to come! Stay tuned...
@istorkyou @chapada010101010 @vero-maris-zamo @lostasalice-thisway @ivarhoegh @lonewolf471 @covidinducedsocialreject @tessakate @noway4u
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thingsandlee · 3 months
Minecraft diaries x guard!reader
This is kinda a „try and See if people like it”, but this is going to be pretty much the same as the series with just a few differences, but not a lot. This is also just me writing for fun, so please don't expect much.
- I don't own the Characters
- don't own the Story
- this is just for fun
- there might be romance, not sure about that yet
- Updates are gonna be slow, probably very slow
- the first Episode is gonna be long, without much of the reader
This Story is also on Wattpad if any of you wanne read it on there. (L_inGacha: Minecraft diaries x guard!reader)
Episode 1 ~ New World
Once upon a time there was a beautiful Village, but ever since the Lord passed away, the Village and it's people fell into despair, leaving it in mostly ruins...and ever since then the guards have had their hands full to protect the remaining people of it. But all that was about to Change when a new individual joined the world not knowing the Journeys that would lay ahead................
Reader's POV
I was standing on the outskirt of the Village with Garroth and Zenix, discussing or more like debating about the future and what to do now since our Lord has passed away a few weeks ago.
Zenix: „What are we going to do ? Since our last Lord passed away the people have been going crazy. Not to mention we are running low on local resources, and we have no connection to the other villages."
Garroth: „Zenix, do not worry. I have a plan."
(Y/N): „Well in that case I am sure we can figure this out. We just need to keep our heads high."
I smile at them, when I suddenly heard something move next to me and Zenix must have heard it too as he turned to look behind him.
Zenix: „Wait ! Did you hear that ?"
Narrator's POV
And with that a mysterious man dressed in green and brown, who was hiding behind a tree, runs off knowing that he was detected. And not even that far away from the Village spawned a new Person into the world, not knowing that even she was being watched from futher away.
Aphmau's POV
I spawned into my new Minecraft world ready to start the new series...
Aphmau: „Alright, Day 1, and now it is time to of course find some shelter, before the night falls. As you can see the day has just begun so I have got plenty of time, there's a lot of trees around here, so I should be good in terms of getting, like a crafting bench going, and all that kind of stuff. But let's just go ahead and find a nice little hole..."
I walked around for a few Seconds befor i saw a small hole in the ground, running over to take a look at it to see if it's any good.
Aphmau: „That's-that's a terrible hole I'm not gonna go in there- let's just try to find a nice little hole or something I can-"
Cutting myself off I zoom in on a man in green and brown clothes, cutting down a tree. I got excited and started to run torwards him.
Aphmau: „Hey there's a guy over there ! Come here, I need to talk to you! I need to find a nice little hole. If you happen to know where-"
But befor i could finish my question he was gone as I reached the tree...
Aphmau: „What- where'd he go ?", looks at the half chopped down, floating tree, „Oh my god, he did- that really upsets me the fact that-"
And again befor i could finish my sentence i spot the mysterious man again and chase after him.
Aphmau: „Come here, hey ! Come here I need to talk to- you just left that tree- you just really left that tree undone. You just literally were-"
Running after him he lead me right into a Village with the man getting attacked by one of the three guards standing infront of it befor he dissapeard into thin air.
Aphmau: „Oh my god that guy's getting attacked by that guard. W-Where'd he go ? Where'd he go ? Uhmm... alright. He's gone but he led me to a village ! And there's some awesome guards here ! This guard is pretty cool, what are you doing ?"
I walk over to the guards, clicking on the one with white fabric on his chest with a black cross on it.
Garroth: „I don't think anyone in the village will listen to any of the guards. Not after how horrible the last lord was..."
Aphmau: „Oh..."
I turn to the second guard, unlike the other one you can see his eyes, and click on him aswell. I also notice their names popping up.
Aphmau: „So that's Garroth, this is uhm...Zenix and this is...(Y/N)."
Zenix: „Now that the Lord is gone the village is in chaos. What are we going to do ?"
Aphmau: „Oh. Oh ! What kind of chaos is the village going through cause I could help out !"
Befor i walk away and explore the Village i go and click on the last guard which is a female guard.
(Y/N): Turns to aphmau, „Seems like someone is listening in..."
Aphmau: „Oh ?! Sorry, didn't mean to listen in on this uhm...conversation. Yeah i'm just gonna go ahead and- and get to exploring this Village and look at the chaos."
I laugh nervously as i walk around the small Village to observe the "chaos".
Aphmau: „I mean I just spawned in the world so I could absolutely take over this village and become the new terrible Lord. I mean Awesome Lord.”
I corrected myself quickly, as i come across a well with, what seems to be the whole Village.
Aphmau: „Oh my god. Oh my god ! There's so many people in here ! Literally in this water ! I don't know where that other guy went, but I'm-”
I yelp as i fall down a hole into a cave.
Aphmau: „Ah ! Hey here's my hole, look at that ! This is a nice hole to begin in.”
I climb out of the hole and begin to look around the village yet again. Coming back to the well.
Aphmau: „Alight so really let's go ahead and see what's going on in this village. So I got a lot of people here and there's' a lot of people literally taking a little nice bubble bath, I don't see that-”, she falls down the same hole again, „Gosh darn it I did the same thing again. That is really going to hurt somebody, and uh that's not going to be a good thing and there's- hey look there's like a balinskin there ! And who is that ?!”, falls down the hole yet again, „Oh my goodness that's the third time ! Alright ! First time shame on you, second time shame on me, third time I don't know what's going on. But alright so we got Brendan the farmer, and we have a bunch of stuff to work with !”
After that i wander down the path to the crops and start getting some wheat and other food.
Aphmau: „We also have a lot of food here. Which was something that was about to be a problem but now that I'm actually here in this village I don't have to worry about that anymore. Alright so let's go ahead and get settled in here. I don't think that they're gonna mind if I'm here ? I mean- Lydia the farmer...”, struggles to pronounce Lydia's name, „Alright so there's a lot of stuff that needs to go on here but I think I'm gonna go ahead and settle in in this village. Uhm- I know I was looking for a hole, but I kind of already found it down below. Especially inside of the nice little well.”
I now make my way to the Forrest that is near the small Village and start choppimg down some trees for tools.
Aphmau: „So, first things first, let's go ahead and start with the crafting bench. The basics of Minecraft literally visiting the basics of Minecraft. Uhm- I think what I'm gonna do is I'm gonna stay in this village now and-”
After getting one Log of Wood, i see the achievement pop up on the screen "Getting wood" and after finishing it, i make my way back to the Village.
Aphmau: „Ooh ! First achievement. Awh I always love getting that achievement because it's just like you're building your way up. And I might even try to keep track of like the achievement that I have so that way I can try to get them all, but I'm sure that will happen in due time. But lets' go ahead, get this village started ! First, let's start by fixing that stupid hole. that's- that's incredibly annoying.”
As i was about to fix the hole i look at the poor people in the well.
Aphmau: „And saving those poor people down in the well ! Alright ! Lets see, this is a nice- Oh.”
I was about to help the people in the well but i saw Zombies emerging out of the cave i fell into to many times.
Aphmau: „Oh my god that zombie's about to destroy those people, and I just realized that I spawned in with a bunch of cool stuff !”
I begin to cycle through my inventory when i noticed the items, showing the ones i have so far. Stopping at a gold coin with a dog head on it.
Aphmau: „Right here I have a doggie Charm-”, next a golden book looking item with what appears to be two swords crossed on the cover, „A command elm-”, and lastly a white baton with a golden ball on top, „And a pet wand. Which I am going to use to destroy... Oh. Okay. I can't use that.”
I say to myself, not able to destroy the Zombie with the Wand and doing it with my hands instead.
Aphmau: „I'm just gonna destroy them with my bare hands, I'll show these villagers how hardcore I can be !”
Killing the Zombie successfully i head into one of the few houses that are still intacked, passing the Villiagers in the well.
Aphmau: „There we go. I saved you guys from the zombies. Awesome. Alright so, we're gonna have a little rocky start here, not as rocky as these people because they're just- they're just terribly doomed and- Hey ! There's a crafting bench here so I don't even need to worry and-”
Clicking on the crafting bench i suddenly ate a Zombie brain that i got from killing the one earlier, i get out of the crafting Menu to see Brendan.
Aphmau: „Why did I- Brendan ! You made me eat a zombie's brain, I don't want to see you again just- follow me. Please, follow me. Here. You need a- sense you're a farmer, I'm gonna take you all the way over here because you could this could be your little farmhouse Brendan. Yeah. Or Bolin since his skin is actually like a Bolin kind of skin.”
Leading Brendan past the crops and to the House there and making him go in.
Aphmau: „So, I'm gonna put you right in here since, yeah, I have some stuff to spare. You can come in here. See ? Come on, you can do it. Oh man ! I just housed one person.” , Brendan leaves the house, „Hey where you going ?”, Aphmau brings him back into the house, „Stay right here. This is your house now Brendan. It's nobody else house but yours. You have your nice little place.”
After making sure Brendan is ok, i make my way back to my own house.
Aphmau: „I'm already being a better to be Lord then the other person was. Hello, Aiden the farmer. Alright. Aiden is doing his thing. Wow, now that we have Aiden, we have a lot of farmer's here. I'm gonna have to see what I can do as far as helping them all out !", goes back to the crafting bench, „All right, so let's grab some basic tools of Minecraft. We're gonna grab the sword, first off, because I'm gonna need to defend these people since night is falling pretty fast. Let's also grab an axe, there we go. A pickaxe because that's definitely gonna need that. So, there we go. And a shovel, oh we don't even have enough stuff for a shovel, but we have a nice crafting bench here so we didn't have to waste a lot of materials on that. Plus we have a bunch of carrots, we have some zombie's brains, and we're gonna free these people right here because they are just utterly dying ! So lets see."
Making my way to the well i start to break the side of it with my pickaxe in order to free the people. Some of them make it out of there.
Aphmau: „There we go, you're free people ! Run ! Get out of there ! Don't- Don't- Okay."
Seeing one of the women getting out of the well, the name above her head saying Molly, looking at me as if i done something bad.
Aphmau: „Molly's just like hey I was in my bath ! This is- This is how I get clean every now and again. All right, follow me. How 'bout you follow me. You follow me.”
I say clicking on her and making her and two other women to follow me, walking past the crops again to a small Hut across from Brendans farm house.
Aphmau: „I'm gonna save the babes first. Come on babes, let's go ! Let's go. I'm gonna move all the babes out here. Oh look, their all following me !”
I open the door to a small hut and lead the „babes” inside.
Aphmau: „Alright so this is gonna be the babe house right here. Come on in ladies. So, you stay right here. Follow me actually, if you guys could stop opening the door that would be fantastic. It's kind of just slamming in my ear. You stay there, and you stay there. There we go. Alright, so this is the babe house right now. I saved them, they are now in-depth. Debt. They are not in depth, they are in debt to me.”
I run back to the well to save more villagers.
Aphmau: „The guards ? Well, the guards are really dumb. No wonder nobody knows- [Laughs, does an impression of one of the guards] "I say ! It's time we take a bath together ! A Bath we can't get out of." [Speaking normally] Oh my gosh no wonder nobody's gonna listen to you guys. Alright, so I think the guards are pretty much doomed, yeah, their doomed.”
I replace the block for the well deciding to leave them there for now.
Aphmau: „Yeah, we'll just leave them there. Okay... Now I need a few- let's see... I'm gonna get some- try to upgrade my weapons at least. Try to upgrade my weapons, try to get some... maybe a nice bed ? Inside of my place ? I don't even know if I'm allowed to have, like, the big house. I'm assuming that it's- I mean I haven't seen like a Lords' house or anything around here so I'm assuming that all these houses are up for grabs since the village is really kind of in, like, quite literally in chaos.”
As i walk around for a second one of the villagers ask if i am new around here.
Aphmau: „I actually am new around here, and I actually haven't properly introduced myself. Kent the guard ! All of the guards- Nobody's gonna listen to you guys if you keep acting like that !”
Kent the guard: „You've heard this from where ?”
Aphmau: „I've heard things from everywhere actually. Yes ! See, the guards just keep going inside, they are so bad !”
I laugh and fall in the hole for the last time.
Aphmau: „I got to fix all of this !  Okay !”
Annoyed i walk down to the cave and start to mine a bit more stone.
Aphmau: „Let's continue, let's continue. We were going to get the basic's down here, and as I continue this series I'm definitely going to have to make sure that I do a lot of farming. At least I can say that the nice part is that I found the hole I was originally looking for, so now I have all this really cool material and stuff that I can use. Nothing to fancy just yet. I mean I have coal and that's what really matters at the end of the day, Because quite literally, at the end of the day it gets pretty darn dark. And when that comes this is how the monsters come out and that's when they're like- Oh man, hey did you call for a monster ?”
Hearing a scary noise i stop in my tracks and look around for a moment.
Aphmau: „What was that ? What is that ? What was that noise ? That was creepy ! That was like, really creepy. Alright then whatever, I'll just ignore it for the time being, and start to make some more- start to make a better, like, upgrade for my weapons and stuff. Alright, so, I got- I got a nice little house for the time being until I get, like, you know, evicted for that not being my house.”
Making my way back to the survice, i go into my house seeing a new person and getting to making myself some stone tools.
Aphmau: „Hello there Kevin the Baker ! It's good to see you. And then we have- man we have a lot of farmer's here. Okay. It's time to make some upgrades. There we go, stone sword, all set.”
One of the villagers ends up in my house...
Aphmau: „Why do people keep coming into my house and stay- Why do people keep coming into my house ?”
...when all off the sudden the villager dissapeard.
Aphmau: „What- where did you go ? What is going on !? Where did he go ? Where did he- I'm assuming he went to bed but that was just creepy as heck ! I mean come on you don't just stand on somebody's crafting table, look at them, then disappear ! It's completely rude ! Okay, I'll go with it if that's how this village want's to play ! This is a little weird. No, I don't need that, I need a pickaxe- like a brand new shiny pickaxe. There we go. Pickaxe and what else can I get ? Basic tools, axe, there we go. Alright so now I can get some weapons. And of course I need some torches and I think we're gonna set down some torches here in the village if there aren't some there already. I don't think there are because just traveling around I haven't seen anything crazy, but I'm gonna go ahead and just you know, kind of light up my area and maybe light up-”
I walk out of my house to place torches around the village before it gets to dark. I also close the hole befor falling down again !
Aphmau: „I feel so bad for those guards. Okay, so I can't help but laugh at them because they're just being silly now. Oh god, I hear zombies. Okay, so I'm gonna fix this part because I keep falling down on it. Make it look a little bit nicer later, but for now lets' just start to get the mine going so I can start digging down deep and finding out feelings and stuff like that.”
Just as I was about to keep on walking i spot a creeper and right after a skeleton.
Aphmau: „Oh god there's a creeper ! Oh god there's a skeleton !”, starts attacking them, „Go away Creeper ! Shoo, shoo, shoo ! ooh ! ooh ! Good I got them !”
I make my way from the spot i killed the Mops.
Aphmau: „Okay. Alright. I'm good, I'm fine, I'm good.”
I'm back in the cave when suddenly zombies can be heard in the distance.
Aphmau: „I hear zombies and I don't like it. I don't like it at all.”
I start to dig towards the zombie noises.
Aphmau: „I think they're coming from this way. I'm gonna be honest I hear from like around here. I kind of really wanna find them too if there's zombies in the walls. I don't need- I don't need zombies coming over to my place and being like hey we just decided to invade ! Just all randomly. Yeah, I hear a bunch of zombies. I want to find them... I also need to find some, some, some iron, make better weapons, maybe some diamond ? That would be amazing if I found diamond on the first episode. That would be fan-freaking-tastic actually ! Don't think its gonna happen though. And I still see more like, little health bar thingies. Down that way. So let me go take a look down here and see if I can find something cause these guards.”
I notice a health bar and start to dig down towards them.
Aphmau: „Are they drowning ? Like, are they legit drowning ?”, digs into the well, „Oh god. See, I have a feeling that this would be a wonderful idea if- oh my god are they dead ? Did they die ? Did they drown them- what !? They're gone ! Oh my god ! Okay, that cool... I'm a little sad. But at least we know why the village isn't gonna listen to the guards anymore because they're just gonna get themselves murdered and stuff. Okay. Let's see, I hear zombies. I don't know if there's like a little plot hole of zombies around here ? But that would be wonderful if there was like a little saddle I can already mount a steed. I'm getting way to ahead of myself. I'm still to get- I still got to take the baby steps first. The first episode you just got to, you know, just chill out and pick flowers and stuff. I mean that's all you can really do. Aside from you know just building up your repertoire with people. Which I haven't really done. And there's a bunch of flowers here. I'm gonna grab them all. Make this place look a little bit- a little bit more scenic.”
Rounding the corner on the surface, after I gathered my flowers to see a herd of zombies.
Aphmau: „Oh gosh. Oh gosh ! There they are ! There's the zombies ! They were trying to attack the guards and they were being like- oh the guards are smart ! Their hiding themselves... You cowards, don't do that ! You got to come out and fight ! Fight for your right...”, breaks the well yet again, giving the guards a chance to escape, „To party ! Get out, get out, get out. All right you know, I'm gonna leave that open just in case the guards decide that they're gonna stop being so flaky and oh-”
I make my way to one of the many small houses and open the door, seeing a Guy named Aiden.
Aphmau: „This is where Aiden the farmer lives ! All right that's Aiden the farmer.”
I run off to check on the rest of the houses. When i noticed that the Babe house is being attacked by zombies. So i rush over there to help them.
Aphmau: „Then we got the babes ! they need help, they need help, they need help ! These babes are lucky that these monsters didn't go after them.”
I turn to Brendan's house, Zombies being also at his door.
Aphmau: „Oh gosh, oh gosh. Why are- Oh my gosh. The zombies are trying to get my babes. Already ! I didn't wanna be throwing in the action this soon ! Okay, all right, all right. Babes ? You seem alright, ok good.”
I walk back to my house one of the villager dissapeard when i wanted to move her. But she reappeard and entert my house.
Aphmau: „Oh hey, look she made it ! You made it, I'm so happy your here ! All right so just stay right there, stay right there, you, you, you, can stay with me tonight all right ? You can stay- I'm sorry, I'm sorry, about having to wake you up, it's such a rude manner but you know I really just- I really was looking out for you're safety, Emmalyn the librarian. You know, this is actually a nice place for you so you can hang out here because I got lots of books, you can read books and have like a great time here, you, you, you'll be fine, you'll be fine don't worry, I got you baby. Alrighty guys, well thank you so much for joining me for this episode of Minecraft diaries. We still have a lot of questions that need to be answered, like where did that guy go in the beginning and how am I going to actually fix up this village because it seems like there's a lot more problems than I had originally anticipated.”
In the Corner of my eye I zoom in on a creeper.
Aphmau: „We got a creeper infestation problem over there, we got our guards which are making like a huge guard soup here, I might have to like just cover this thing up.”
I look back at the well, it seems like there are no more villagers and so I fixe the well and cover it up.
Aphmau: „I don't think there's any more guards down there thankfully so yeah- I'm just gonna- I'm just gonna cover this place up right now. So yes, guys thank you so much for joining me for this episode of Minecraft Diaries and I will see you all in the next episode ! Until then, hopefully, Emmalyn won't be mad at us anymore.”, turns to third Person, „Until then, take care. Buh Bye !”
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warpedlegacywrites · 1 year
happy dadwc duchess! a prompt, perhaps for Cullen/Theresa post-Trespasser: "Who can tell me if we have Heaven? / Who can say the way it should be?"
happy writing :3
Okay no lie, this song literally started playing in my playlist as I was reading your prompt, so I’m taking that as a sign lol. Enjoy some epistolary goodness! Sorry, it ended up not being post-Trespasser, I was just feeling the letters passing back and forth too much and couldn't think of a post-Trespasser reason for it! ^_^
My dearest, 
Looks like you’ve won the bet. The new training dummies didn’t last the week. I suppose that serves me right for underestimating just how much force Cassandra can put into a swing. Lesson learned. I don’t know what’s worse – losing the bet or the knowledge that she’s been holding back in our sparring matches. 
We never did decide on the terms. I’ll let you name them, considering it’s your victory. 
All my love, 
My lion, 
I claim my prize as a round for the whole of the Herald’s Rest upon my return to Skyhold, on you. As for Cassandra, trust me – you don’t want her going all out against you. 
Hope to see you soon, 
Don’t think I don’t know what you’re doing. I am perfectly capable of socializing on my own without your nudging. Re: Cassandra, that sounds like a story. I insist you tell it when you’re safely back. Over drinks, at the tavern (see?). 
I miss you. 
It’s a date. I miss you too. – Tess. 
My love. I keep trying to read these reports but my eyes keep wandering to the chair you always use when you’re here. It’s currently filled with requisition orders. Do you know, I use your impending returns as motivation to finish them, just so you can have your chair? I’ve never admitted that to anyone. Please don’t tell Leliana. 
And come home soon. 
– Cullen
The repairs on the western tower have finally been completed. Fiona and her lot are already making themselves at home. I’ve never seen so many oddly shaped glass containers. But they insist they’re close to a breakthrough on improving the dispersion of the healing mist grenades, so I suppose they must be serving some function. One of them tried to explain the specifics to me, but I confess most of it went quite over my head. You’d have had no trouble understanding him, I’m sure. 
I hope I’m there to see your face when you look at their progress for the first time. I think you’ll be pleased. 
I hope you’re well. Please write back when you can. 
I apologize for bombarding you yet again. If you’ve sent me a reply, I haven’t received it. Are you well? I overheard an interesting conversation today between two of the men out of Hasmal. I doubt they knew I was within earshot or they wouldn’t have spoken so freely. 
They were debating whether it is truly a heaven to walk at the Maker’s side in death, or if that is the punishment. One believed that to spend eternity bathed in the light of His gaze is the ultimate desire, while the other said that the real desire comes in the seeking. That once you have heaven, there is nothing to desire. The first man told him that’s why he’s still single. 
I agree with the first man. 
– Cullen 
P.S. – I worry I get a little too esoteric in these letters sometimes. Perhaps I should stop writing them so late at night. 
P.P.S. – Still not dawn. I long to watch the sunrise with you my love. 
I pray this letter finds you safe and well. I’ve seen the reports out of the Emprise. Please. Please. Be safe. Write when you can. – Cullen 
I’m alright. Sorry to have worried you. I don’t know why I’m writing this. They’ve told me you’ll be here within days to inspect the progress on the Keep. But I thought at least I should answer some of your letters. 
Please, never apologize for “bombarding” me. Your letters are my small corner of peace in my travels. To see your handwriting after a long day is worth more to me than an eternity in the Maker’s light. 
As for the conversation you eavesdropped on – yes, eavesdropped, my love, don’t think I missed you trying to downplay that – I think both men are right, in a way. Desire does fade once you’ve achieved what you wanted, yes. But what replaces it is even better – peace. 
I relish the anticipation of you as much as the feel of your arms around me. Both are a kind of heaven. 
– Tess. 
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whispersafterdusk · 6 months
Heart of Stone - ch 15
"I might make a tiny one to join the quartz and heart on my shelf."
Dawn grinned at him from over a shoulder; she'd been walking in slow circles around the natural rock stack, studying it from every angle. Unsuur had sat down in the sand a few feet away, letting his attention wander between her and the stack as it wanted to. It was great having two things he really liked both in his line of sight at the same time.
"A bit of clay, some paint, some texturing... Might take a few tries to get it perfect but, yeah, really."
He smiled; she came over to sit next to him, leaning her head against his shoulder. She liked being in contact with him as much as he did with her whether that was holding her hand or having an arm around her (and it was both fun and comforting to rest his chin on top of her head - he could do that whether she was sitting or standing in front of him. It was easier when her hair was down but she still laughed every time he did it).
"Can't wait to see it, then." ((Continued below cut. Very mildly spicy part warning))
She hummed happily before lifting her head and looking out across the landscape. "I'll definitely show you once it's done - not sure when that will be since I'll be starting work on Catori's sandrunning stuff sooner or later."
"Have you ever gone sledding?"
Unsuur shook his head. "Sandrock barely gets a dusting of snow in the winter and it's always gone the next day. I've seen sledges that haul things across sand but those were pulled by animals or people, not really ridden. Something the size of a sledge sounds kind of dangerous to let slide down a hill too."
"Well, Catori wants to build sleds - NOT big ones! - and have people go sledding down the dunes along marked courses. She mentioned something about races and times and prizes too."
"How would that work?
"A race, or sliding down a dune?"
"Both, I guess. I've never thought of sand as slick. I've definitely rolled down dunes before but not usually on purpose. At least it'd be a soft landing if someone falls off."
Dawn laughed and trailed her fingers through the sand in front of them. "Something flat and polished enough should zip down a hill pretty well. Weight might be an issue but I'm not the one building the sleds so I don't know what Catori has planned for those. I'll be building everything else - the sign-up kiosk, the banners, the boundary markers... She's planned out several courses for people to try their hand at so after I get it made I then have to go install everything. That part will probably take longer than actually building them."
Unsuur turned to sweep his gaze across the surrounding area; that was a lot of desert out there to build in. "That sounds like a lot to do."
"It is. It'll mostly be a lot to move but it's all simple to assemble once I get it out here. I'm still waiting on the final blueprints since the whole idea isn't completely finalized with City Hall yet."
"I'll help. And if I'm not around to help you can borrow Boulder to help you carry things." At his name the horse lifted his head from a patch of scrub grass, flicking his ears toward them. "-not right now buddy, sorry to interrupt your graze."
Boulder huffed and went back to nibbling on the grass. Dawn smiled over at the horse. "I'll keep that in mind but I am seriously debating getting a horse for myself. Elsie said Cooper would be willing to sell me one if I got a proper stable built. --oh! That reminds me! Did I mention that Heidi's got me officially penciled in to start on expanding my house?"
He shook his head. "You hadn't, but I was assuming now that the bridge was done that that wouldn't be too far behind. Same plans as the ones you showed me before?"
"Yep! She thinks they can get it done in three or four days since they don't need to worry about any sort of plumbing. Once they're done I'll add on a stable myself -- it won't need to be very big, just enough to hold two horses."
Unsuur looked back to her. "Two horses?"
"My horse and Boulder, just in case you have him with you when you're visiting," she answered, gently nudging him with her shoulder. "He should have a spot to rest and unwind too."
"I'm sure he'll appreciate it, and he can have more than just Truth as a friend then."
"And I can sneak him treats," she added, with a sly grin.
Unsuur smiled and leaned back so he could slide his arm around her, then he brought his other arm over so he could seize her around the waist; she squeaked in surprise as he lifted her over his thigh and settled her in front of him between his legs. "Not if I keep you right where I can see you."
That got him a light swat on the arm but she leaned back against him contentedly.
"And he bought everything? That's impressive."
"Just as expected! Soon Amirah and I will have what we need -- she can fully embrace her craft and I'll have access to BOTH my hobbies again."
"What glass stuff do you plan on making first?" he asked as he sat down on his stool at the jewelry bench, reaching out to slide Dawn's out for her.
"I haven't decided yet. Normally I'd discretely scout out what's selling but it's just Arvio here, and...my personal feelings about him aside, I know his profit margins have to be razor thin with Sandrock's economy being what it is. My main source of income is basically guaranteed since builders are always needed." She came over and sat down while twisting her hair up into a messy bun.
"So competing with him wouldn't be fair," he concluded, and she nodded as she turned the little light on over the bench.
"Right. That won't stop me from making things but whatever I make will be because I felt like it, not based on any market research." With the light on she pulled out a notebook from the cabinet by the bench and flipped it open to a page with an elaborately wire-wrapped and polished amber pendant drawn out - front, sides, and the back - in dark pencil lines. "For tonight though, this--" They both flinched slightly as the little tin timer went off - it seemed much louder than usual considering how quiet the evening was otherwise. Laughing, Dawn stood back up. "Hold that thought, I need to put in the next batch of fiber."
"Still making rope?" he asked, a little amazed at the sheer amount he knew she'd already made and here she was still making more.
"Yep," she sighed, picking up the top bundle of plant fiber off a small pile and loading it into one of her machines. "Believe it or not we're using a fair amount of fencing too -- we pulled a lot of scrap wood out of Gecko Station for it but there's a limit to how much wood we can use on this project. If it doesn't take off then that's...basically a lot of wasted lumber."
"I don't think it'll be wasted," Unsuur said. "If even one person enjoys themselves then it was a good use."
Dawn came back and flopped down on her stool. "True, I guess. Anyway, like I was about to say, this is tonight's plan -- I probably won't get it done in one sitting but what do you think?"
Unsuur looked the sketch over - it seemed like it'd be about the size of the top joint of his thumb when finished. "I like it, it reminds me of a bird's nest. Where'd you find the amber?"
"In among some lapis lazuli near Gecko Station -- it was wedged in and I wouldn't have seen it if I hadn't, by pure coincidence, quarried that particular outcrop. I'm not sure if someone dropped it or purposely hid it there but I guess it's mine now."
"I'd just call it a lucky find then and not wonder about it too much."
She grinned over at him and moved the notebook to a clipboard hanging from a hook attached to the wall in front of them. "Very lucky. Would you like any of the lapis lazuli? I only meant to take a small amount but it cracked and broke apart more than I was expecting."
"Sure. It'll look great next to my painite."
"Wha- you have painite?"
"Yes. It's not very big though."
"That's still really rare!"
"Do you want to see it sometime?"
"It's all about focus and balance." ...both of which were hard to concentrate on since Dawn was sitting across from him watching as he delicately settled a fifth rock on top of a new stack. "Along with a steady hand and quiet mind."
"I'd like to think I have both...usually, depending on how my day is going," Dawn laughed softly. "Some days you don't need 'steady' or 'quiet,' you need 'sledgehammer.'"
Unsuur very slowly backed his hands away from the rock and held his breath for a moment; it stayed balanced - not even a wobble - and he exhaled silently through his nose. "Luckily you don't need a sledgehammer, or a pickhammer, or even a regular hammer to make a rock stack. Just your own hands and imagination. And rocks, but that goes without saying."
Dawn laughed again. "And good company?"
"...yeah, the company is definitely making this way better than usual," he answered after a moment. "Do you want to try?"
"I..." she started, drawing the vowel out as she pulled her pocket watch out of the top pocket of her overalls. "-dang it. I would love to but I have to meet Mi-an over at the old outpost in twenty minutes."
Wow. They'd come out here two hours early for a walk and some rock stacking...had it already been that long? "That's ok. We can come back to this another day. Will you two need any extra hands?"
"We're just doing final measurements and putting out some color-coded temporary posts to mark where the courses are definitely going. Need to make sure our numbers are right and there's no unexpected obstacles that've been unearthed since we were last out here," Dawn replied, standing up and brushing her knees off. "Tomorrow is when we'll be hauling everything out for the final set up. You can help then if you'd like."
"Count me and Boulder in."
"Does Boulder know how to pull a wagon?"
"...I'm not actually sure. I bought him from the ranch a few years ago so I'm not sure what Elsie or Cooper might have taught him aside from getting him used to a saddle and rider. He can carry things and people on his back though."
"We'll figure it out. I'll see you tomorrow." She stepped over and, once he was back on his feet, hugged him tightly, then tilted her head up toward him.
Unsuur bent slightly and kissed her, then before she could pull away kissed her a second time for good measure, absolutely adoring how it felt to feel her giggling against his lips. Little surprises like that never failed to make her laugh. "Bright and early?"
"Unfortunately," she said, tone flat, but then she smiled and headed off across the dunes.
"I...am done...building...in the middle...of a desert," Dawn wheezed as she threw herself down in the sand, flat on her back with her arms and legs spread.
Unsuur understood the sentiment well; they - meaning her, Mi-an, Unsuur, Elsie, and, surprisingly, Catori as well - had all met up at sunrise, packed all the sandrunning pieces into a wagon that Belle was pulling (Boulder toted all the water along with a satchel of snacks to keep them going) and headed out into the Eufala to install everything. Unsuur and Elsie had been mostly muscle, Catori had been 'supervising' and Mi-an and Dawn made sure everything fit together and was secured, and though he felt like he'd not done much actual work (...to be honest, he didn't really consider what Catori did to be 'work' either compared to everything everyone else was doing) his hands, arms, and feet were aching, he was hot and grimy, and a little hungry as well.
Mi-an dropped down on Dawn's left, fanning herself with the folded remains of a blueprint. "No kidding! Whew! After all this...wanna dunk my head...in a bucket of water," she panted.
Unsuur moved over to sit next to Dawn on her other side. "Don't let Burgess catch you."
"I was joking! ...mostly," Mi-an said with an exhausted smile, moving to lay down in the sand as well. "I wouldn't waste water like that - no dunking unless it's in my bathtub!"
Catori ambled up to them, writing rapidly on a clipboard in her hands. "Oooh, I can't wait to let Matilda know we're ready for business! Opening day is going to be big! BIG big! I'm advertising in every city, town, and village in the Free Cities! If it's got people, I'm sending it flyers!"
...that sounded like a lot of people. Could Sandrock even host however many 'a lot of people' ended up being? Hopefully Matilda had a plan of some kind. "When did you plan to open?"
"Soon," Catori chuckled. "I'm aiming for one week, maybe sooner if the flyers get made and mailed out quicker."
Unsuur glanced down to Dawn, noticing how sand was beginning to cake itself to her arms thanks to the sweat. "So a week before you get to see people enjoying what you've built. -- and you too, Mi-an. Those sleds look fun."
They all looked up at Elsie's yell - she was about twenty feet away with Belle and the wagon, waving at them, and didn't seem to be in danger or anything, just needing their attention; Unsuur relaxed a little, leaning back on his hands behind him and stretching his sore legs out.
"If y'all want a ride back then c'mon!"
"Guess that's our cue. Let's get home," Catori said, tucking the clipboard under an arm.
Mi-an sat up with a groan then stood and offered Dawn a hand up. "Coming?"
Dawn shook her head. "I'll walk. I need...to rest a bit before I try moving."
Mi-an giggled some and looked to Unsuur; he shook his head. "I'll stay with her. We can ride back on Boulder."
Dawn offered up an exhausted wave as the other two headed off; Unsuur got up and headed over to Boulder to retrieve a canteen of water and bring it back over to her, sitting down again with a quiet grunt he couldn't quite suppress. "Thirsty?"
She shook her head; Unsuur took a few large gulps and braced the open canteen between his knees, leaning back on his hands again. They were sitting in direct sunlight but there was a decently strong breeze blowing up from the canyon and over the dunes so the heat wasn't outright terrible but he was looking forward to heading home and sitting in front of a fan for awhile. Along with the aches from all the physical work he had a heat headache forming behind his eyes and starting to pound in his temples.
"I don't really like how worried she was."
"...huh?" Unsuur said, turning to look down at Dawn. "How who was worried?"
"Catori. She might have been acting excited but I think when she thought no one was looking at her she didn't seem all that confident."
"She's been trying to find a big success for awhile now. Sandrunning seems pretty fun though -- if you aren't afraid of crashing into those big rock formations. I'm surprised she didn't try to avoid those more. No matter how politely you ask, a rock isn't going to get up and move out of your way."
Dawn laughed quietly and rolled over to lay on her stomach, letting a handful of sand trickle through her fingers. "I'M just hoping no ruins or scrap or anything dangerous like that gets uncovered by a storm or something between now and opening day."
"Oh, yeah. That would be bad. We can check for that sort of thing before the big day though."
"Mmhmm," she hummed, nodding. "Do you need to head back soon?"
"Not really. I told Justice I wanted to help set things up and he agreed, mostly because he wanted me here to protect you all from any monsters or bandits. I might need to write up an official report stating everything went ok and we weren't attacked but he gave me the entire day to help."
"I have some time to kill before heading home -- they're putting the roof on the addition today and I don't want to be in their way."
"Are they almost done?"
"Just about. There's the roof and the flooring inside to finish up."
Unsuur reached over to rub a hand across her shoulders, which switched to brushing sand off her back. "Considering they kept pushing their start date back I bet you'll be glad to have them out of your space."
She groaned. "You have no idea. If I'd known sooner that they were having supply issues I would have gone out and gathered all the materials myself so I wouldn't be trying to do all THAT-" she gestured toward the sandrunning kiosk and courses beyond "-with people underfoot all day." After a pause she planted her hands on the ground and shoved up, pushing herself to her knees. "I think I've recovered enough to head back. Want to get a drink at the saloon?"
...he sort of did, but that headache... "...I want to, but I think I got a little too hot today and need some time to cool off first. I've got a headache starting but some rest and maybe a few painkillers ought to keep it from getting worse."
Dawn blinked at him then took him by the arm. "Let's definitely get you home then. I can get Boulder settled in the stable for you."
"Thanks but that's all right - I can manage that before I rest."
It was a short walk over to Boulder; Dawn did finish off the water in the canteen and Unsuur helped her fully brush off before hopping up behind her in the saddle. After a quiet ride back to town Dawn helped him get Boulder unsaddled and rubbed down; as they were working Amirah spotted them and hurried over and had a quick conversation with Dawn - too quiet for Unsuur to overhear so he didn't have to feel weird about eavesdropping - before heading off, then he frowned as he realized whatever they'd discussed had left Dawn frowning too.
"What's wrong?"
She let out a loud huff then put on what he could only describe as a brave face. "Nothing, it's... It's nothing. Don't worry about it."
He usually hung Boulder's saddle from a large wooden peg in the wall and missed it twice since he was looking over at her and not at what he was doing (or trying to do). "-are you sure?"
"Not yet," she answered quietly. "...I'll tell you about it later if-- if it turns out to be nothing, I'll tell you."
"...that sounds like if it DOES turn out to be something then you won't."
The smile she gave him was strained. "I won't keep it from you but it might take me awhile to calm down enough to talk about it. -- anyway, you should head home before your headache gets any worse. I'm sorry that helping me made you sick."
He came out of stable and pulled her into a hug. "It wasn't just because I was helping you -- every so often I get overheated and don't feel good for awhile. Rest always helps so you don't need to worry about me."
She momentarily knotted her fingers into the loose fabric of his jacket at the small of his back, crushing herself in against him, then inhaled deeply and stepped back. "Have a good nap. I'll drop by later to check in on you."
"Ok. We can go get that drink then."
Her parting smile was a bit more genuine but he still felt a twinge of concern as she walked away; what had Amirah said to her? Hopefully it wasn't bad news about their arrangement with the Mysterious Man...Dawn had been so excited at the prospect of blowing glass again. The thought of her being disappointed made him a little sad but there wasn't anything to gain by theorizing on whatever news Amirah had shared - she'd share when she was ready.
He ended up sleeping longer than he'd meant to but he felt much better afterward - no headache, normal body temperature, still hungry but that was to be expected since he'd technically napped through his lunch and while he'd eaten breakfast all he'd had since then was a few pieces of jerky. There were still some aches and pains, and a few new blisters on his hands from all the work, but overall he felt good -- time to go get that drink with Dawn, if it wasn't too late. It was at least nice out now that the sun had set and the walk over to the workshop was a short but pleasant one, but the pleasantness was dashed when a red-eyed Dawn opened the door and immediately stepped back to half hide herself behind it.
"H-hey. Um, feeling better?"
"I'm fine. What's wrong?"
There was a loud sniffle; she didn't look sad, more...angry, and was trying and failing to hide it. "It's-"
"-clearly not nothing. I can tell that much. Is Amirah backing out of your deal?"
She let out a sharp exhale and pulled the door open fully, gesturing for him to come inside and sniffling again. "No, it's not her - she actually warned me that-- stupid Arvio-"
Unsuur frowned; anything to do with Arvio was proving to be bad news. He wanted to ask - really badly - what he'd done, but considering their earlier conversation it was probably better to let her decide when she wanted to talk about it, whether that was right now or later.
The smell of fresh varnish and tar washed over him as he stepped through the doorway and she closed the door behind him. Off to his left was the new addition to the house; there was a curtain hung across the doorway that covered the top half of the opening and revealed bare floor studs beyond it. There was also a broom and dust pan leaning against the wall beside it with a small pile of sawdust pushed up against the baseboard -- the construction work crew hadn't been in the yard so he assumed they had finished for the day and would complete the flooring tomorrow (and, hopefully, wouldn't have left until the roof was done).
"Sorry but I don't really feel like getting a drink now," Dawn went on after a moment. "I'm just...ugh, I'm so -- I shouldn't have believed him!" She punctuated that with a little stomp of her foot, before plodding over to drop onto her couch. "He's no different from any other ass that just wants a pretty girl on their arm..."
"Wait, so did he... He knows you and I are a couple, doesn't he? I thought the entire town knew at this point." Unsuur went and sat next to her, fighting against the annoyance rising in him -- surely, surely, Arvio hadn't tried to ask Dawn to be his girlfriend knowing that she was Unsuur's?
"Oh he knows. That's why he was trying to- and why Amirah warned-" she cut herself off and grabbed one of the throw pillows from beside her and pressed it against her face, growling loudly into it before continuing. "He had some grand plan of inviting me to a fancy party under the pretense that there'd be a small group. In reality, I would be the only one there so he could convince me to give him a chance."
Her voice was muffled thanks to the pillow but Unsuur could hear her clearly enough that the annoyance bloomed into anger; not only had Arvio lied to him, to try and hinder his shot with Dawn, but now he'd lied to her too and was openly trying to steal her away? The man had always struck him as young and lacking life experience (not that Unsuur was much older or more experienced) but...he wouldn't have thought the shopkeeper capable of such actions.
"I...don't know what to say or do about that," he said (once he was certain he had his tone under control). "Lying and trying to steal someone's girlfriend isn't technically illegal so all I can do is be mad at him."
Her hands visibly clenched the pillow harder and a breath later there was another frustrated growl, or maybe it was a quiet scream - it was hard to tell. "Little rat." Slowly she slumped over onto her side, her legs gently bumping into his as she shifted. "Uggh...and I can't even choose to just avoid him! He owns the only general store in town!"
"Yeah." Again, no idea what to say, especially now that he was angry too; a cramp in his thumb drew his attention to his hands - they were clenched in his lap and he hadn't noticed he'd done that. He flattened his palms against his thighs and closed his eyes, slowly inhaling and picturing a few of his favorite rock stacks, mentally going through their creation step by step and feeling his anger gradually fading away to a deep disappointment.
When he was certain he was calm he stood long enough to put one knee up on the couch to support himself so he could lean over Dawn and gently pry her fingers off the pillow and move it away. There were twin damp spots on the side that had been pressed to her face and her eyes and cheeks were wet. With the pad of his thumb he swiped away a few tears and smiled down at her, getting a weak one in return, and he bent to gently kiss her.
When he went to straighten she grabbed him by the collar of his jacket, keeping their faces close; vaguely he was aware of her shifting under him, turning and bringing her legs up on the couch and scooting a bit so she was laying on her back under him, then she was pressing in with hungry kisses - way more passionately than they'd ever kissed before. It kind of knocked every conscious thought out of him, leaving him acting on instinct alone and his instincts seemed to know exactly what was needed for the situation; he slid his knee back so he wasn't so hunched over and switched to using a hand to hold himself upright as they kissed. One of her hands left his collar and moved, coming to rest firmly on his shoulder and drawing him down further a couple more inches so he shifted to brace himself with an elbow instead, to allow himself to be pulled down but not leave his full weight on her smaller frame.
When they finally came apart Unsuur sucked in much needed air; their noses were just grazing one another, her breath hot in his face, and he could feel as well as hear the little whisper:
Stay? Stay. Here. Tonight. That thought managed to make it through and it was exciting, and scary, but mostly exciting (which was embarrassingly obvious by now - his pants felt three sizes too small at the moment). Wordlessly he brought his other knee up on the couch so he was straddling her thighs and slid his free hand under her at the small of her back, and nodded.
They didn't spend much more time on the couch; the walk to the bed was more of a stumble full of roaming fingers and tossed clothing. Neither of them had actually planned for this happening tonight so they had to stop just short of full intimacy but builders had very talented hands and Unsuur was very good at following directions. After tonight he would need to start carrying around protection--
...which he would need to buy from... Oh, damn it.
Well, whatever. Let Arvio really see just how out of reach Dawn was to him, and maybe he'd stop pursuing her and making her upset.
(Or maybe Fang would have condoms - that seemed like the less petty option).
Though Dawn's bed wasn't any bigger than his they still fit comfortably together, like they'd been made for one another; he did wake up once and was confused about where he was for a moment, then remembered and smiled and buried his face into Dawn's hair and fell back asleep. The next morning they woke still curled up together - it didn't seem like either of them had moved - and had a slightly embarrassing scavenger hunt to find where they'd tossed all their clothing.
He ducked into her bathroom long enough to wash his face and run his fingers through his hair - it would at least look passable until he could get home to comb it properly come lunch time. Dawn was over near the stove with the kettle on a burner when he came back out and she offered him a shy smile as she grabbed the tin of coffee grounds out of a nearby cabinet.
"Want breakfast before you go? Coffee?"
Unsuur glanced at the clock on the wall near the bookshelf -- 9:15. "Actually, I should get going before Justice comes looking for me."
"Early start today?"
He silently pointed at the clock; she looked over and he saw her eyes widen. "Ahh! I didn't set my alarm last night -- forget Justice, it's Yan who'll come banging on the door!" She hurriedly put the coffee grounds away and emptied the kettle back into the pitcher of water in the fridge, then began frantically pulling her hair up while jogging for the door. Chuckling quietly to himself - he was in a really great mood that not even the prospect of Yan could ruin - he followed her out and kissed her at the gate before she went rushing off toward the Commerce building.
Unsuur jogged that way as well but continued on to the Civil Corps building where he found Justice inside at his desk filling out a form.
"Sorry for being late, sheriff -- anything different today?"
"There you are, I was starting to wo-" Justice looked up as he started talking, took in Unsuur's appearance, then snorted and shook his head. "-never mind, not worried now and I don't need details. And, nah, just...get to your usual patrol. Try not to be too distracted today either, all right? We're expecting an uptick in tourists with that sandrunning thing planned and I'm hoping we don't have any trouble with them."
"Yes sir."
He turned to head back out the door then paused as a thought occurred to him - one that he felt bad for not having thought of it last night. "Hey, Justice. Exactly where does behavior cross over into harassment and how are we allowed to handle it?"
Justice stopped writing mid-word and looked up, looking equal parts confused and suspicious. "Uh, well, it's -- why? Who's harassing who?" He paused, then frowned. "Is someone harassing Dawn?"
"I'm not sure if it fully counts as harassment yet. Which is why I'm asking where the line is."
"Well, the definition of harassment is any behavior that threatens, intimidates, or demeans, or just plain isn't invited, welcome, or causes alarm without a legitimate reason. --not that there's many reasons to legitimately harass someone in the first place. What's going on?"
Unsuur hesitated - he didn't want to come across as 'the jealous boyfriend' so he needed to word this plainly and directly. "In that case it is, and it's...Arvio. He's bothering Dawn, the forced romance type of bothering, even though he knows we're a couple."
Shaking his head Justice stood, tossing his pen onto the desk. "Not again... I'll go have a friendly chat with him-"
"-wait, again?" Unsuur interrupted. "He's done this before?"
"Yeah, to a few girls that have since left Sandrock. Pretty sure one of them left because of him but also her shop wasn't doing so hot at the time either...last I heard she's got a successful little boutique out in Walnut Groo-- uh..." he stopped and took a breath. "So, uh, anyway, you head on out to patrol and I'll take care of it."
"Thanks, sheriff. I'll see you later."
With Justice following behind Unsuur went back out into the heat, walking together until they reached the stairs where Unsuur broke off to go up toward the temple and the sheriff continued on toward Arvio's.
So Arvio had done this sort of thing before, huh... It must have happened before Unsuur had arrived in Sandrock, or something. He couldn't think of anyone who had left in recent years that had ever mentioned being bothered by the shopkeeper. And, it was a good thing Justice was handling it; he hadn't wanted to seem like a jealous boyfriend in front of the sheriff but...he also didn't want to come across as a vengeful or possessive one either, and Arvio would probably listen if it was Justice giving the talking to instead of him. It was still going to make things very awkward between them all but if the guy couldn't learn when to stop then he sort of had it coming.
...oh, yeah, he needed to stop by Fang's today. He should really remember that.
"And then tuck that end - no, the silver end - into that last loop you made."
Dawn was sitting behind him and casually draped over his shoulders, occasionally taking his hands in hers to show him how to thread or loop wire, and her voice was low and gentle and right at his ear as the wire heart knot - a smaller one, so she could wear it around her neck - steadily took shape in his hands. He'd chosen primarily copper with some silver threaded through, with a waxed leather cord; this was his third night working on it and Dawn assured him he'd get it done tonight (maybe...he was starting to get sidetracked) and that any lopsidedness he kept insisting was there was all in his head -- she was the builder, and this was a tinier version of what she'd made for him, so...he was going to trust her on that.
He stuck the silver wire through the last loop he'd made, grasped it with the padded pliers to pull it tight, then gently slipped it through to the backside of the heart. "All right... Now what?"
She pressed a kiss to his temple. "Now you're done. Twist the end with that extra copper tail and then pull it up toward the top where you're going to curl it into a loop, and then you'll attach one of the spare jump rings I brought and that's that."
His hands still felt hopelessly clumsy with the wire (it looked more fragile than it actually was) but with the needle nose pliers he managed an even twist and a narrowed loop at the top. Dawn took the heart and pliers from him, tightened the loop just a bit to keep the pointy ends secured, then stuck the ring in place and threaded it onto the cord; she shifted around to sit on the bed next to him and held it up around her neck.
"How's it look?"
"Better than I thought it would. You're a good teacher."
Laughing she clicked the clasp into place and craned her neck to look down at it. "Now this I can and will wear without worrying about damaging or losing it somewhere."
He had a sudden, and very vivid, mental image of her wearing the knot and nothing else, and felt himself flush from his hairline to his shoulders - if that was even possible. Without a mirror he couldn't tell for sure but knew he'd gotten real hot rather quickly.
"Uh, um, yep. It looks nice on your shelf. The stone heart, I mean. Because it's sitting on your shelf still, safe and sound," he said, standing up and taking his jacket off. "Sorry, it's hot in here. Want me to turn on a fan?"
Dawn giggled and leaned back on her elbows, fluttering her eyelashes at him. "I'M fine."
He tossed his jacket over a chair at his table and came back to sit next to her. "Whew, better... Tomorrow's the final check for the sandrunning courses, right?"
She nodded. "So far as I know - Catori wants to head out there around 10."
"Ok. Justice said he wanted to tag along for this one so I'll let him know in the morning."
"All right. And, so we don't accidentally oversleep again, I should probably get going."
Sad, but true. Unsuur helped her pack up the wire and the few tools she'd brought over, made sure there weren't any tiny slivers of wire left in the bed or on the floor, then walked her to the door and kissed her goodnight. He stood out on his front stoop until he saw her walk into her own house then went back inside and sat down on his bed, closing his eyes and inhaling deeply, directing his words over toward the wall to his left. "-no offense Wilson but whenever she spends the night here I'll have to cover your eyes, or I can put you in the wardrobe if you'd be more comfortable in there. ...yeah, I'll think on it some more, you live here too but we also don't need an audience for, um. That."
After some time to cool down he finished doing the dishes and got into bed, letting his mind wander (but not TOO far - he didn't need to cool off again) and morning seemed to come too quickly. He made and ate breakfast and was in the bathroom when his entire house shook with a massive blast accompanied by the sound of a shattering window and a lot of water rushing...somewhere.
He hurried out of his bathroom and looked around; one of his front windows was broken and there were smoking, twisted metal pieces sitting on the floor just beneath the sill, with an acrid smell starting to fill the room as shouts and screams came from outside.
Barreling through his front door he came out to a scene of chaos: the water tower was a smoking and busted wreck, the water inside it had flooded this end of main street, and Justice and Pen were shouting back and forth at each other as they-
-chased Logan. Logan was here in town!
Or, he WOULD be in town for another twenty seconds, maybe. Astride his goat he was already galloping away, with Pen chasing him on foot and Justice trying and failing to saddle Truth, settling for just reins and riding bareback as he took up the chase too. Unsuur knew he wouldn't have time to even get Boulder out of the stable so he took off on foot as well, sprinting down the street -- he didn't think for an instant that he could catch up to Logan but maybe he could keep him in sight long enough that they could finally track him to his hideout.
The tracks had just come into view when the warning whistle for the train blared -- Unsuur couldn't be certain whether the train driver either didn't see Logan coming or actually intended to hit him with the train but as Logan neared the tracks the train was beginning to pull away from the station; ahead of him he heard Justice yelling for Logan to stop, for Truth to go faster - just yelling in general - as he pulled ahead of Pen who still stayed close behind him, and they all got to watch as Logan raced across the tracks and the train separated them.
Unsuur's heart dropped right through the soles of his boots when, as the train got out of the way, he saw Logan had slowed and was approaching Dawn, who was standing rigidly at the corner of her yard - still IN her yard, thankfully, so there was a fence between them even if it wouldn't do much to stop Logan from--
He didn't want to think about it; instead he pushed himself into the hardest sprint he could manage. Even though it was just a handful of seconds it felt like forever, and he was immensely relieved when Logan finally turned his goat away and thundered off down the tracks away from Dawn (and them, but at this precise, specific moment in time, Dawn was all he cared about).
Justice and Pen kept going, chasing and hollering at Logan; Unsuur skidded to a halt and partially plowed into the fence, knocking the top slat loose on accident.
"Are...you...all right?" he panted. It felt like he was inhaling fire with every breath.
"Y-yes, I-- what happened?! That was Logan, and--"
"I'll be back," he interrupted, turning to rush off after the others.
Dawn was ok. He could safely leave her here in town and do his best to finally bring Logan in. Keeping Logan in view was now not possible for him or Pen, slow as they were on foot, so hopefully Justice could keep up and keep eyes on him but all Unsuur could do for now was run.
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trashbin-nie · 2 years
Why I Dislike Rei Todoroki.
Ever since my last post I've been debating on whether or not to give my in depth opinion on Rei Todoroki and why I don't particularly like her, and I decided that I wanted to get it out there and hear others opinions!
Alrighty! Anime Hot Takes. Though some of them may not be "hot," this one is. Many people have hard opinions on this, and I'm going to preface this one with this: 
This is NOT saying that any parent is perfect. This is NOT saying that other MHA parents are without flaw! I have bones to pick with all of them (except Inko, she's a goddess), but the ones I have the most negative views on are, of course, Rei and Enji Todoroki. Agree or disagree with me. This is just my opinion, and in my opinion, Rei Todoroki is not a good mother, and Shoto should not have forgiven her.
I understand that what preceded the actual event of Shoto being burned led to the over bubbling of emotions, and as a result, Shoto was the unfortunate, undeserving victim in the Todoroki household in its entirety.  That's not to say the others aren't victims and that Touya's demise is anything less than horrible, but Shoto ended up taking the brunt of the damage.
I understand that what happened was influenced directly by Enji's actions, and his misguided horrible handling of his adult life, and his inability to process his own emotions without anger and violence.
However, regardless of how horrible her husband is/was to her, it does not justify causing irreversible damage both mentally and physically to a child. Especially not the one that is already being abused by the other parent. I know it is her own experience with abuse that led to this moment of her mental break, or her slight mental break rather, but Shoto was a five/six year old boy being forced into intensive and abusive quirk training. 
I know she couldn't handle facing her abuser, which I understand to an extent because her husband (abuser) was the number 2 hero at the time, and I probably wouldn't go up and throw burning water at him either, but putting that blame on a child is cruel. I don't care how much of Enji she saw in him. He was an innocent child, he did nothing and she threw scalding hot water on his face because she was having a hard time, and as a mother of four children she should have been capable enough to know when she needed help and to step away.
I know how hard that is to do when you're alone and have no adults to turn to. I know the feeling of hopelessness that you feel when you have no family or friends to call when you need help, but I still was able to get myself help, and she, at the time, was older than I am not by much, but enough to where I know that she knew she needed help, professional or otherwise.
Do I agree with Enji sending her away? No, not particularly. Would I have done the same? I can't really say. I definitely would've gotten her help, and I know she needed away from that house, maybe not her children, necessarily, but she needed away from Enji, and honestly it might've been for the best. Don't get me wrong, Enji is a massive POS for EVERYTHING he did. He gets zero passes here. I hate him for a multitude of reasons, but that is not what we are here discussing.
Even if I don't focus on the 'incident' with Shoto, she still ended up neglecting her other children. Touya just needed someone to stop and get him help to just look at him and show him love, and she stood by, afraid of her own son refusing to help him. Natsuo, basically the forgotten middle child who hates his father, yet fears for his safety, and he needed his mom when his older brother 'died'. Fuyumi has a very askew view on what a family is and just wants everyone to be happy even at the expense of herself. She worries all the time even as a child she had to grow up so fast because Rei was so busy with Shoto. Which was Enji's fault 100% for keeping him separated from the others because of the mistakes he made with Touya, but still while Shoto was in 'training' she could've done more with the others, but she was shutting down ever since Shoto was born, and again not entirely her fault, but that does NOT mean she gets a pass.
Rei admitted that Shoto had every right to hate her for what she did because she knew it was her fault and that what she did to him was 100% wrong. She partially blames herself for Touya becoming 'Dabi' because she knew she could've done more if she only stood her ground more firmly and forced Enji to be a 'real' father, snd face his children.
She's doing all she can to make up for her wrongs because she knows she didn't do right by any one of her children. She didn't protect them. She didn't raise them. She didn't teach them that she'll always be there whenever they're having a hard time. 
She is no angel.
She and Enji are NOT good parents. They are BOTH atoning for their sins, and while Rei is doing a, seemingly, better job than Enji, they are both trying to make up for how they wronged their children.
Again, this is not to say all MHA parents are amazing and perfect. They aren't.
Except Inko Midoriya. She is perfect in every way. If you disagree, I'll see you in the parking lot because your opinion is wrong and you aren't welcome here, and neither is Inko slander.
I can't stand Enji or Rei Todoroki. They're both terrible parents, and the shit they put their children through, in my eyes, is unforgivable. However, I'm glad they are putting in the effort and if Natsu, Fuyumi, and Shoto all end up happy and okay, I think I'll be able to look past Rei's faults a bit more, but still abuse is abuse no matter how you look at it. For whatever reason.
And yes I do blame Enji's behavior/actions for all of Rei's actions, but I'm also mature enough to understand that her actions, regardless of cause, were her own decisions in the end, and they are choices she has to live with and I'm allowed to not like her for those reasons.
Please sound off in the comments! I love hearing other people's opinions on characters! Even if it's just "you're wrong," but if you love Rei, please, please, please tell me why you do. Maybe it'll give me and others another perspective on her character as a whole, and please be respectful of others' opinions.
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mysaldate · 5 months
7, 12 and 25 for the choose violence ask. for any fandom you like~
I tried answering this like three times and Tumblr crashed on me every time and then I just got busy with irl stuff but I AM HERE TO ANSWER NOW!
7. what character did you begin to hate not because of canon but because how how the fandom acts about them?
Loaded question, let's go! But as a general rule, my opinions rarely change depending on the fandom reception. Fandom behavior might deepen preexisting feelings but it rarely changes my perspective on characters. With that said... TWST: R/ook used to just be a very strong dislike, and then all the incidents with his fans happened and made it so bad he became a legitimate trigger for a time. The amount of times his fans harassed me, invalidated my experiences, my trauma, and sent extreme hate messages including but not limited to gore, animal gore, and detailed death threats is honestly astonishing. He's not a trigger right now anymore but I do still cover my screen whenever he pops up and I keep all his tags blocked. AFK Arena: Similar though not to such degree, I already disliked Lucretia to begin with but her fandom is SO annoying, mostly a bunch of man-hating raging feminists who excuse infanticide because a stalker couldn't keep their victim in her clutches while he was busy saving hundreds of lives. Antandra fans are incredibly hypocritical and annoying too but not as bad as Lucretia fans. Makai ouji: Not during the run of the series but I do find it incredibly worrying how many people seemingly forgot all Baalberith did just because one booklet had him be good with kids and apparently he wishes to have a family. For those unaware, Baalberith has a son whom he abused for thousands of years, mentally, physically, and even sexually, going so far as to change his memories and seal his powers away. The series itself doesn't shy away from showing just how awful this is and what horrible effects it has on the son, yet the late fandom somehow missed all that.
12. the unpopular character that you actually like and why more people should like them
I used to like almost exclusively unpopular characters so *cracks knuckles* TWST: SEBEK! This little baby boy gets so much hate in this fandom when there is SO MUCH to love! He is a mixed-race baby with severe self-esteem issues and deep-rooted racism which clashes with his generally people-pleasing and polite personality. He is very insecure and projects his own value as only related and solely dependent on his work achievements. And that's not even mentioning his blind adoration of Malleus and how much he is still going to struggle with that over Book 7. AFK Arena: There are honestly so so so many of them, and it only got worse with AFK Journey (ew) coming out since that game messes up everything it touches. But that's not what we're here for. So let's start going down the list very very quickly! I'll just do one from each faction (not gonna do NPCs because there's too many good ones and no dimensionals either). Zaphrael – victim of a stalker blamed for her crazy behavior to the point of being banned as a god and sealed away by his own people and yet he still fights to protect the innocents. Khazard – he loved life and the living world so much he became a demon and then he STILL doesn't go on a destructive rage or anything, he did a grand total of TWO evil things, one of which is also kinda debatable in terms of evilness, also a good teacher/dad. Eluard – victim of systematic social crippling and locked into a work position he hates and he's severely depressed and cries every time he is forced to take a life, his own life at stake and having nowhere else to go Salaki – the lore is SO JUICY with this one – or well, it would be if the creators ever did anything with it instead of wasting it on this stupid dragon thing but aaaanyway, the whole concept of "Salaki" being made up of generations upon generations of souls adopted or otherwise dedicated to sealing away a corruptive meteor that slowly erodes their mind until a new host takes over? Genuinely one of the best character stories they've ever had! Oku – broken dad whose daughter got kidnapped by slavers and that made him become extreme and lash out at the world, who adopted a twice orphaned werebear girl and never pressured her into anything or stoked any hatred in her, and mentored an orphan boy who wanted to become a killer for protection like him, letting his new children choose their own paths while seeking redemption through being the best father figure he could be to them Treznor – tragic escapee leader who had to leave his best friend behind after his mind was broken and he betrayed their plans, who spent years in captivity being tortured for trying to save his people and keep to his oaths, and even when the tortured souls of his people joined into a mount for him, he sends the mount away if he takes too much damage because he can't bear letting them down again Makai ouji: Technically, he is a main character but Michael is definitely underrated and I can see why, especially for anime-onlys. He got done very dirty by the anime which made him antagonistic and down-right evil at times but in the manga, we get to see him for the anxious, scared, poor little thing he is. Yes, he lashes out. Yes, he is violent. Yes, he seems paranoid. He's dealing very poorly with it all but you can see why. You can see how he got his trust broken time and again, how everyone he trusted either abandoned or betrayed him or let him down. He has SO MUCH baggage and guess what, his "happy ending" is not that he was wrong and he has friends and all that, it's that he was RIGHT. He was right and he had to accept it. Because sometimes you aren't anyone's first choice. Sometimes, your paranoia isn't just paranoia. And sometimes, there just isn't anything for you left in this world and the best you can do is dedicate your all to give others what you can't have yourself.
25. common fandom complaint that you're sick of hearing
Makai ouji fandom is dead but it was very nice back in the day. AFK fandom is small and I am honestly considering leaving it for good with how much the new creators have been screwing over the fans so only one fandom left. TWST: "The fandom hates female characters!!!!" No. There are maybe two, three people who genuinely dislike female OCs specifically. All the canon female characters are adored. Female Yuu's are usually not even paid attention to, much like male Yuu's. Female OCs make no sense for the canon setting so unless you're running an AU, most people might not engage with that kind of content. Private RP groups/servers will sometimes ban them because they don't want to deal with AUs or for whatever other reason. I've seen hundreds of complaints about how much the fandom hates girl OCs but never saw any actual hate on female OCs at all.
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