#he can't even spit fire yetttt
phoenixkadeu · 4 years
petrol blues.
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part 1 | part 2 | part 3
Love. Love is the warmest colour. Petrol blues.
the faintest of sounds assaulted the fire elementalist’s ears, a distant sound that was begging him to grasp onto reality. calloused hands tapped his bruised skin, released him of the shackles they had forced upon him but he had yet to realize that.
blue orbs moved beneath the skin of his eyelids, lost in a state between dreamless sleep and the harsh reality. it was a blessing, a short lived one as he finally opened his eyes, he looked at the woman above him, barely had time to analyze her features before deciding to close his eyes again.
nothing on his body ached despite having just endured one of the worst fights he had ever been involved in, his mind was still too confused to remember anything. he had no idea who that woman was and for a second he had even forgot who he was, all the memories of what had just happened were gone from his mind.
“asra, I’m gonna slap you hard if you don’t open your eyes again, I’m not joking” the voice was harsh, gifted him a headache and some clarity. tanya had counted ten dead bodies after  she had arrived, but she was sure there were more, she knew what this meant, it worried her, but there were other matters to take care of, more important ones.
“I swear you brat - ” and before the palm of her hand could collide with his face, he opened his eyes again, wide. “What happened? Did they take her?” the older questioned and the memories lost on asra’s mind came flooding back. 
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a lit cigarette rests between his lips, hands deep in his pockets as his feet carry him through the familiar narrow streets of his neighbourhood. it does not bother him anymore the lack of children playing outside or the lack of sound that came from vivid bits of conversation shared between neighbours, most had taken refuge in the inside of their own homes only coming outside if necessary.
what asra did not know is that the calm he had been feeling was close to an end. he takes a turn, someone grabs onto his jacket from behind, his cigarette falls to the ground as he turns around quickly, one hand reaching out to grasp onto one of the other’s arm as his other hand immediately goes for the throat.
“ah fuck, you scared me, man. sorry” asra retreats his hands from the old man, apologizing even though he feels like his reaction was well placed. this man had been around since asra was born, always greeting him and his family everytime they passed in front of his house, asra had no idea how old he was but considering everyone knew him it was not hard to guess.
“you have to go home, kid, they came knocking on our doors minutes ago, took our food, punched some of us who wanted to fight or refused to do as they wanted” the words were hurried and quiet, asra had to crouch down a bit in order to understand the old man and as he did, wrinkled hands gripped him by the lapels of his jacket, pulled him until they were almost touching foreheads and then all of asra’s world crumbled down. “they are looking for water elementalists, someone told them your mother’s name, they know she’s been helping. they are going to take your mother, boy, hurry up!” asra was pushed, almost fell down in a stupor, the man ran back to his house away from any prying eyes and away from asra’s sight.
and then asra ran, did not look back even once, the only sound that echoed in the neighbourhood were his footsteps and his steady breathing. he did not have any time to think about whether those words were true or not, he could do that later, he was only focused on getting to his house.
once he was close enough he saw a group of men outside, the front door to his house had been kicked down and before he could react he saw two men coming from the inside, presenting a calm demeanor as they spoke with the rest of the group. asra did not stay for the rest, he knew his parents were not home and there was only one place left for them to be.
his father’s tavern.
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asra opened the door in a rush, snow coming in through the open door. his mother was behind the bar, towel in hand as she cleaned some glasses, his father sitting in one of the bar stools calmly talking about something until asra’s sudden appearance made them stop what they were doing.
“you have to get out of here, now” he pointed at his mother, offered no explanation as he approached them. palms met the clean surface of the bar countertop, he pushed himself up until he was able to swing his body above it, landing beside his mother. his hands gripped her shoulders, pushing her backwards, but his mother was having none of it, her hands reached out to grip his face in a warm embrace.
“please, talk to me, what is happening?” this time her sweet tone was not enough to make him calm down, his chest felt heavy as he looked into her blue eyes, hands leaving her shoulders to grasp her hands, pulling them away from his face. asra had painted that frown on her face but he had no time to apologize.
“you have to leave, those fuckers snitched on you after you had nearly killed yourself just to help them and now someone is coming for you, I’m not sure who but you have to leave” he did not shout, did not even appear angry, but that all changed once his mother decided to reply.
“oh. is that all, dear? that’s fine” her lips stretched into a soft smile, kind eyes staring back at him. “it’s no surprise, so you have to let me go, I don’t want any of you getting hurt, alright?”
asra looked back at his father, gave him a pleading look. he knew his mother could not fight in the condition she was now, still weak, still recovering from exhaustion and that was one of the reasons why he could not sit still and let them take her, who knew what they would do with her? he would not sacrifice his own mother just so she could be a part of their little games.
his father gave him a nod, looked at his wife and said “we’re sorry” asra saw the way her face twisted, desperation evident on her face as her own son pushed her into the pantry, locking her from outside. 
suddenly there were two loud banging noises, one coming from his mother who was calling out their names, begging from them to let her out and let her go and one coming from the front door. his father reached for behind the counter and pulled a ridiculous long knife. 
asra waited behind his father. the sounds coming from outside got louder, drowned out the hoarse screams coming from his mother and after a few minutes the door feel to the ground in a loud thud, a group of men came in uninvited. asra looked at them and shouted, “hey there, you guys want a drink?”
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everything was going well. sure he had basically burned the entirety of his father’s tavern, but he did not care, there was something bad inside of him and it had just came out to play. he could not see anything beyond those men, their faces, their weapons and how willing they were to die just to get to his mother.
his father had taken down three man, before one finally got to him. he did not call out for his son, simply accepted his own fate because he knew that asra would take care of it, he would give his life if it meant that his child and his wife were safe.
asra had killed more people than he could count, too lost on his task to notice the almost fatal blows his father had suffered. he was sure someone had called for more men because the amount of them seemed infinite, every time asra turned around there were more.
but then the only person who could make him stop appeared, the one asra was protecting and simultaneously the one kol’s men had been looking for. 
“asra stop!” her fingers were bloody, her face drowning in her tears as she crouched down beside her husband, clutched onto his clothes desperately. it threw asra off, gave them the opportunity to grab him, shackles surrounded his ankles before pulling them, making him fall to the ground, his head hitting the side of a table in the process.
this is what she wanted to prevent, the savagery that clubs were known for. she wished she had the time to explain herself better before they got attacked, she wished she had the time to come up with a plan that did not end up with her losing her family. she was not afraid of fighting back, she was not afraid of what would happen to her if she ended up being taken, she was afraid of this.
“look at your father!” and asra looked, blamed himself for not paying attention to the one that was fighting beside him. he struggled against the chains around his ankles and wrists as he watched them pull his mother away from his father.
“don’t touch her!” he shouted, tears burning his eyes as he trashed around until someone pulled him by the hair so he could stand on his knees. everything ceased once he felt something covering his mouth, angry eyes widening once he understood what it was.
“these fuckers can spit fire too did you know?” the one behind asra spoke, he heard some other laugh and in that moment asra swore once he got out of here he would kill every single one of them.
“yeah, we should warn kol about these traitors” kol. the ace of clubs. the responsible for all of this. “you just chose the wrong side, don’t make us come back to finish you” 
Unfortunately these men were the one’s who had chosen the wrong person to mess with and as they hit asra across the head, his last thought was that he was gonna throw this whole territory upside down until he found his mother.
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