#he called Michael's beard 'cuddly' in 2020
ingravinoveritas · 2 years
I just came home from London Comic Con and I got a picture with Michael! LET ME TELL YOU, HE'S THE CUDDLIEST PERSON EVER!! I came up to him, asked for a hug and he immediately went for it 😭
He's a good hugger! I couldn't stop smiling, but neither could he! He really was enjoying himself 🤭
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I love this so much! I’ve seen lots of pictures from MCM this weekend and totally felt a little jealous because I’m over here in the States and wasn’t able to go. I’ve definitely noticed what a great hugger Michael seems to be, and I’d love to get a hug (or more...just saying, haha) from him. But I’m so thrilled that you and so many others had this wonderful opportunity.
This also makes me think back to Halloween of 2020, when everything was still virtual and Michael had to cancel his appearance at Wales Comic Con a few months earlier. You could just see the depression coupled with the difficulty of isolation and being stuck at home creeping in over him, especially in his appearance. The change from that to now is nothing short of extraordinary, and I am just so, so happy that he got to experience a convention finally and bask in the glow of not only meeting fans, but being a fan, which we know he loves to do.
So I am super glad to know that Michael is as cuddly and delightful as he seems. Thank you so much for sharing this with me! x
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ingravinoveritas · 2 years
You know what's one little press tour moment we never talk about even though it's Michael being SUPER loud about his obsession with David's body again? The Most Likely game Michael and David played with Neil and John for Prime. We're 43 seconds into the video and Michael says "David keeps his cards very close... to his sylphe like chest". Why not just say chest. What the fuck haha. I also love how everyone just decides to politely ignore that comment, because it's so weird to go there, like, all right Michael, calm down. It's so extra and it's such a Michael thing to say and it comes out with so much conviction and I think it's hilarious. Especially with the man he's aggressively comparing to some sort of fairy sitting right next to him. (Sylph: "A slender graceful girl or young woman"/"an elemental spirit of the air". Okay then lmao, I mean, you can't exactly say that it doesn't somehow fit, but it's so oddly specific --)
Anon, I almost choked when I read this message, because I damn near completely forgot Michael said that (and thank you for including a link and timestamp!). Here’s a gif of the moment, which is just truly jaw-dropping (but I encourage everyone to watch the video as well for the full effect):
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Everything you said is so accurate, too, because it’s not just what Michael says here, but the way he said it. He practically hisses/growls out the word “sylph,” with a mix of that carnal aggression you mentioned and a sort of...(barely) concealed possessiveness. And it is, indeed, an incredibly specific descriptor, with connotations about David’s physique that seem far more intimate than what people who are “just friends” would know about each other.
It’s also that "sylph” not only fits, but speaks to Michael thinking about David’s body and studying it long enough to have arrived at that description. And we know that he has, because one year later, Michael referred to David’s hips as being “slinky”:
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So there is most definitely an established pattern of Michael being loud about his obsession with David’s body (as you so perfectly put it, Anon). There is also something inherently erotic about discussing someone’s hips, and using the word “sylph”, especially for a man (in my opinion). These particular observations demand a purposeful gaze--that is, something more than just what you would see when someone is wearing clothes.
Does this mean Michael has seen David’s naked chest, his bare hips? I would venture a guess that the answer is yes...and not just in passing, or while getting into costume during filming. It’s the sensuality of the way Michael talks, as if he has personally explored every inch of David’s sylph-like chest and slinky hips with his hands, his lips...his everything.
(Also, the question that preceded all of this was “Who is better at keeping secrets under wraps?” and David votes for himself and says “I’ve been doing secrets for a number of years now” and then comes the freaking hilarious irony of Michael saying what he did. Thank god ONE of them is good at keeping secrets...)
But yes, I love Neil and Jon just tastefully ignoring the comment and continuing on with the interview. Even though David doesn’t let his reaction show on his face, I love that he and Michael are sitting hip-to-hip (in contrast to the clearly visible space between David and Jon Hamm), and I think that says more than any words ever could.
Thank you again for bringing this up, Anon. I’m so glad we got to revisit this delightful moment. Hopefully there will be lots more to come on the GO 2 press tour. If Michael has his way, I think we will...  
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