#he also looks UTTERLY devastated to leave her in the hunter's heart
thesorcerersshadow · 1 month
never over the fact that when merlin couldn’t convince gwen to come back home to camelot, he sent her to ealdor - to his childhood home, to safety, to his mother - instead.
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a-lil-perspective · 4 years
•Braids and Bavodu’e•
A/N: Directly affiliated with the “Serendipity With A Slice Of Sergeant” series, this spin-off is for Uncle Crosshair. There are three segments spanning within this narrative that each depict different phases of time. To clarify—the order will proceed as such: Middle, Beginning, End. In total adoration for this particular concept with Crosshair, I poured my heart and soul into the curation, and I hope you all find enjoyment within. Feedback, recommendations, and requests are always appreciated. @shadow-hyder @obiorbenkenobi @thegoodbatch @starflyer-104 @karpasia @kriffingunlucky @everyonehasanindividuality
“I... do not think you’re doing it the right way, Crosshair. It says here in the guide to weave over, then under—”
“Tech, kindly close your yap so I can concentrate.” Crosshair bit out, sighing in frustration over the seemingly impossible task. “I know what I’m doing.”
He had no idea what he was doing.
But when Hunter’s daughters came bounding up to Crosshair with a hairbrush and a plea—how could he refuse?
After all, it was just one braid in a little girl’s hair—how hard can it be?
The six-year-old jittered with excitement. “I can’t wait till it’s done!”
“I can’t either,” Crosshair mumbled through a hair accessory clamped between his teeth as he worked.
A sniper and ex-Super Commando against toddlers and tresses?
No problem.
Crosshair’s hands smoothed over the entirety of the girl’s hair; signifying his completion, finally, of this one kriffing braid. His contentment over the results made up for the aching in his wrist. He was no hairdresser, and yet—clenching and uncurling his fingers before cracking his knuckles to alleviate the strain—Crosshair figured he’d better start building up the muscle strength in his hands; a sneaking suspicion that there would be many more braids to come.
His deduction was already confirmed when Tech promptly planted the three-year-old Rowena straight into the sniper’s lap, next.
“You have to do Ro’s hair, too.” Tech needlessly explained.
“Thank you, Captain Obvious.” Crosshair sneered, rolling his eyes and once again favoring the tactic of sardonic responses to conceal his discomfiture for whatever situation he found himself in.
“His name isn’t Captain Obvious, Ba’vodu!” Alarasmé’s high-pitched voice cut through the tension, her lack of knowledge on sarcasm pointedly intervening. “That’s Uncle Tech!”
“You’re right, ‘Lara—but tell Crosshair who your favorite Uncle is, hmm?” He encouraged, a feeling of total confidence and surety in the girl’s pending answer.
“You, Uncle Crosshair.”
Her confirmation managed to simultaneously inflate Crosshair’s ego and deflate Tech’s. The engineer’s mouth lay agape, his downcast expression symbolic of crushed spirits, and the image of Tech’s pout allowed Crosshair to become wholly amused by his vod’ika’s lack of dignity around a six-year-old.
“I... Alara... I thought I was your favorite Ba’vodu?” The engineer was utterly baffled, devastation evident in his voice.
“That was only yesterday, Techie.” The girl stated with complete disregard for her Uncle’s feelings, as if her admission towards a shift in predilection was the most justifiable thing, and a predictable reoccurrence, at that.
Apparently, it was.
“But... but Crosshair has practically had a running streak for three weeks now!” Tech whined, to which the sniper simply cast him the most smug expression the engineer has ever seen.
Had there not been small children around, Tech swore to himself that he would’ve punched that stupid smirk right off his ori’vod’s face, he was that indignant over the ranking.
So he attempted to compensate for his trauma and descending favor by kneeling in front of the three-year-old with her locks currently tended to as he worked on coercing his desired validation out of the toddler.
“Rowena, Tech is your favorite Uncle, correct?”
The toddler giggled and reached her tiny fingers out to yank at Tech’s goggles, pulling them away from his face before abruptly letting go; the resistance from the band around the back of his head causing the corrective eyewear to suddenly retract with a thwack against his skin. The sound of Tech’s yelp of pain nearly overpowered Crosshair’s cackling.
“You di’kut, you had that one coming, tryna reason with a baby,” the sniper managed to choke out through his wheezing, to which Tech scowled, soothing over both the fresh sting around his delicate eye area and his further injured pride.
“As a matter of fact, I think the response was a good sign. According to research, babies and small children naturally present with more attentiveness and personality to people they favor—“
“Awe don’t worry, Techie,” the sniper brushed his vod’ika aside with a goading stroke of snark. “It’s not your fault—not everyone can be as well accomplished as this Ba’vodu.”
It was true—while Crosshair was slightly begrudged to admit—his deft and nimble fingers that procured precision in every aspect of his work were, unsurprisingly, the most ideal candidate for constructing intricate hairstyles.
Not that he was complaining one bit.
“Papa! Look at my hair!!” The little girl gave a proud twirl in flaunting the new style to her Father upon his return with Uncle Wrecker.
Hunter’s eyes widened, signaling his eased integration of whimsicality and theatrics into his daughter’s exuberance. He was a natural; proof of his intrinsically befitting role of Fatherhood on display time over again.
“Alarasmé?! Is that you?! I barely even recognized you, you’re even more beautiful then I remember!” He knelt to be eye-level with his daughter in emphasizing his payments of the highest respect and reverence for her beauty; his surprise remaining authentic, and his compliment even more so.
Truthfully, he was thoroughly surprised at beholding his two daughters that day... with their hair beautifully styled... by... Crosshair?
Hunter’s brows furrowed while curiously regarding his vod, whose own attentive gaze was fully occupied with giving purpose to the last thin strands of hair on the youngest girl. If Crosshair felt Hunter’s intense gaze of perplexity boring into him over his unprecedented behavior, he had yet to acknowledge it.
He did feel it, and was pointedly ignoring.
“All done, Ro.” Crosshair announced upon promptly attaching the finishing touch to Rowena’s head before she bolted out of the chair in racing her chubby toddler legs over to Hunter, who matched her eagerness as he lovingly scooped up his ik’aad to also exalt her beauty and express his adoration for the girl’s new accessory—
So that’s where his red bandana went.
“Papa! Your turn!” The girls pulled a now flustered Sergeant over to Crosshair, who suddenly flashed Hunter the most devilish grin before patting the stool in front of him in an overly welcoming gesture; each word dripping with deliberate emphasis.
“Yes, Papa Hunter—have a seat.”
“Uh, I don’t think so—“
“I insist.”
The intense begging of his daughters mixed with the thinly-veiled intimidation tactics of Crosshair left Hunter with little choice than to flop unceremoniously down into the chair, but not before turning to greet his vod with a glare and feigned warning:
“You’ll regret this.”
“Oh, I think not, Sergeant—I am going to enjoy the absolute kriff out of this.” Crosshair smirked, playfully smacking the back of his ori’vod’s head. “Now be still and enjoy your braid. Remember to smile for Tech’s recording.”
/// *** \\\
“Do you want to hold her, vod?”
There it is. The dreaded question Crosshair knew was coming.
The nauseating one that caused his head to spin and a sheen of sweat to break out across his forehead; a question that triggered Crosshair’s urge to promptly flee the scene.
Not that the idea itself dreaded him—but who was he kidding; his hands were used to cradling rifles, not babies.
Certainly not infant newborns.
“You’re not gonna break her, vod. Don’t worry. She’s tougher than she looks.” Hunter replies with reverence for his firstborn and innate realization for the way Cross was so conflicted; as if the sniper’s contorted and downright terrified facial expression wasn’t overt enough.
Crosshair’s hands unconsciously drifted defensively in front of him, and he noted the way they were slightly trembling.
Of course Hunter noticed, too—he deliberately approached Crosshair last with news of the baby’s arrival, equipped with full comprehension for the way his vod would instinctively portray a great deal of resistance to the encounter, originating from his suffocating trepidations. Inwardly, Hunter couldn’t place fault; the prospect, his new reality, was also just as utterly foreign to a man groomed for the role of a Sergeant and super soldier all of his life. He was actually a Father now.
Crosshair’s stammering became the only audibility as he desperately searched for the right words. “I... I don’t... How do I—”
“Just position your arms, exactly like mine here,” Hunter gently instructed, stifling his slight hilarity in regarding Crosshair’s plight and uncharacteristically timid behavior. He slowly transferred the bundle, leaving a last piece of advice on how to support the baby’s head with the act of cradling.
There she is. The moment Crosshair’s fret over, the focal point of his immense stress for nine months straight; all condensed into this one moment:
A moment that forcefully yanked the air from the sniper’s lungs. Fear. Joy. Exhilaration. Assurance. Swirling emotions enveloping and succumbing to solidification; leaving his vision in cloudy haze, nearly bringing the man to his knees. The moment he swore his heart would beat out of his chest from the hammering against his ribcage and the pure adrenaline rushing through his veins.
A moment of—
“How does it feel, Ba’vodu?” Hunter’s genuine smile and elation reeled Crosshair back, momentarily.
“I...” Crosshair faltered, not trusting himself to speak. Not yet.
Don’t stare. Stay calm. Act normal. Breathe—
He swallowed hard, lowering his octave to just above a whisper and opting for the incitement of a casual inquiry as he desperately tried to compensate for the weight, or lack thereof, in his arms.
She was... way lighter than a rifle...
“What did you name her?”
The hard eye rolling of Crosshair briefly allowed the sniper’s usual derisive quips to surface in that instant. What a name.
“That’s too big for a baby, you di’kut.” Both men chuckled at the ribbing.
“She’ll grow into it. Besides—we figured there could be lots of nicknames to come from it: ‘Alara’, ‘Lara’, ‘Lar’—”
“That’s... better. Pretty.”
“Glad you think so, vod. You know your opinion is the only one I care about.”
Crosshair’s wry smile spread across his features, mirroring his ori’vod’s. He appreciated the former Sergeant favoring the antidote of humor to ease them both into the new transition, despite Hunter currently looking a little worse for wear.
His thoughts flickered to a more pressing question, the one that plagued his thoughts the moment medical droids ushered her back.
“And... Y/N? Is she—?”
“She’s doing great, vod,” Hunter’s smile projected reassurance.
Crosshair exhaled in relief, releasing a breath he didn’t know he’d held captive. “That’s good... figured as much, otherwise you wouldn’t even be coherent. Surprised you didn’t pass out right on the spot.”
“Me too.” Hunter’s deep laugh echoed against the stark white walls of the hospital. “But I did have to send Wrecker outside until he could stop howling from sheer excitement. And I sent Tech in there to keep an eye on her while she rests.”
“Resting and Tech do not go together, Hunter. I think baby fever is stunting your sound judgement here.”
“Cross—relax, would you? Tech’s not gonna bother anything. Everything is fine, I promise: Y/N is OK.” Hunter inhaled patience and breathed out compassion before gently continuing, a sense of fond remembrance coloring his features.
“You should’ve seen her, vod; she was SO happy. Could barely pry that little one from her arms.” The former Sergeant carefully eyed Crosshair in accentuation over his next statement. “But she wanted you to see the baby. Was askin’ about you. Wanted to make sure you were okay.”
Crosshair felt a contemplative frown tug the corner of his lips as his brows furrowed in intense deciphering of Hunter’s admission.
Y/N... was asking... about him? Wanted to make sure he was okay? Even though she was the one giving birth.
Hunter should count his lucky stars. Maker, that woman was so kriffing compassionate and thoughtful, her altruism a real rarity.
If someone were to ask; this was but one of many reasons why Crosshair loved you so damn much.
He could hardly breathe at the pang of guilt now coursing through him—talk about a real shabuir. He could’ve made himself available for support instead of trekking around the hospital to wallow in his reservations and anxiety.
Crosshair felt he did a major disservice to the people whom he deeply cared for, who relied on him—and he fervently sought to make amends.
Maybe he could start today...
The sniper’s eyes finally drifted to the bundle in his arms and settled on the baby now slightly squirming as she cooed and suddenly blessed Crosshair with the image of two pools of dazzling brown eyes reflecting; soft and warm and curiously regarding the company of a temporary acquaintance cradling her. Her face was tender; concave features and tiny lips immediately curving into a half smile.
Crosshair couldn’t breathe.
He nearly clutched his chest, seeking to address the now smoking hole in the center courtesy of a newborn, his niece, and her well placed shot point-blank through his heart.
Impressive by even an expert sniper’s standards.
It was as if suddenly, instead of blood seeping from his exposed heart, it was pure ardor forcefully expelling and completely washing away disquietude to project a vulnerability so lovingly welcomed and an intimacy so deeply cherished in that instant; an indescribable moment Crosshair wished he could capture the essence of forever.
A moment Crosshair fell in love.
With stars in his eyes and total adoration for this beautiful human created from an unrepentant devotion, the sniper quickly decided with an unwavering resolve that love was the most powerful thing in the entire galaxy—a raw purity that suddenly reached out to evoke healing and restitution through solely the grasp of her tiny fingers.
And it was with slight amusement and full reverence that Crosshair acknowledged how only a child of Y/N could have such an effect of him.
Hunter felt as he was was intruding on a private moment with the way Crosshair’s entire mood and expression finally shifted; hardened layers peeling back to reveal a raw core of delicate emotions—a demeanor in his vod that Hunter had not witnessed the materialization of in a very long time.
A tiny droplet on the baby’s blanket became the only indication to Crosshair of his emotions now manifested through his glistening eyes.
Worry and anxiety became evident on Hunter’s face as he carefully watched the silent tears now roll down his vod’s cheek and patter against the cloth swaddling his newborn daughter.
He’s crying... Crosshair doesn’t cry... Is he just utterly overwhelmed? Overjoyed? Scared?
Hunter reached out tentatively, unsure of what to do, at a loss for what to say.
Tell me what you need, kih’vod...
“Crosshair? Do you... want me to take her back now—?”
“Hunter,” the sniper choked out, unabashed in his unequivocal bliss. “She is perfect.”
Absolutely perfect.
—Such were the emotions of love and doting magnified upon the addition of another beautiful daughter; proof of Crosshair’s inflated eagerness at Rowena’s arrival evident through the scenario of Wrecker’s form nearly put to the ground as Crosshair practically shoved his way to get to the new baby girl first.
/// *** \\\
“—And he’s just SO nice, great listener, super cute, too—“
“I don’t like him.”
The now thirteen-year-old whipped her head around to regard her Ba’vodu, who nearly lost his grip on the girl’s ebony locks currently under revision of a new hairstyle.
“Uncle Crosshair, you don’t even know him.”
“I don’t have to. If any boy likes my niece, I don’t like him. It’s very simple, love.” Crosshair solidified his terse judgment with a twirl of his finger in signaling Alarasmé to revert to her original position, allowing him resumed access to the back of her head.
The eldest daughter of Hunter grumbled and crossed her arms, complying with Crosshair’s instruction. “You never like any of mine and Rowena’s friends. That’s hardly fair.”
“I don’t play fair, sweetheart. You should know that by now.”
‘Lara simply ignored her stubborn uncle in continuing with her story. “Anyway, so he approached me after a class, and guess what??”
The girl’s enthusiasm was utterly endearing, and her theatrics intrinsically drew a smile out of Crosshair. He decided to humor her.
“What, beautiful Alarasmé?? Enlighten your uncle Crosshair.”
Her barely contained excitement suddenly effervesced in the form of an absolutely delighted squeal that echoed the entirety of space and left a ringing in Crosshair’s ears.
Crosshair was immensely glad Alara’s back poised to him possessed the inability to behold the deep scowl etched into her Uncle’s face in that moment.
But she was practically glowing with elation, and Crosshair wasn’t about to rob her of a childhood exuberance that was so authentically pure and wholesome.
But he couldn’t help himself—you’d think they were the sniper’s own offspring, what with the way he was utterly enamored and obsessively overprotective of his ori’vod’s daughters. Kriff. They were his literal undoing.
Crosshair suddenly emerged to behold two large pools of beautiful brown studying his face, searching for a reaction, silently pleading for his approval.
He swallowed his skepticism and disdain for some stranger, little more than a kid, contending for his niece’s beautiful heart; forcing his most genuine smile in response.
“That’s... really great, ‘Lara. I’m happy for you. Let me know if you want me to kill him.”
“Thanks Ba’vodu—hey, I can kill him myself, thank you very much—“
“Good girl, verd’ika. That’s what I like to hear.” Her assertation became Crosshair’s favorite part of the news; a sense of pride and borderline sadistic satisfaction culminating from her bold reassurance. He made no qualms of obscuring his pleased smirk from the teenager when her own suddenly reflected back at him.
“Awe. Do you feel better now, Ba’vodu?” Her animated expressions thoroughly amused Crosshair, reminding him once again of just how much the young girl favored her father’s personality the older she aged; his physical resemblance even more so.
Crosshair couldn’t get enough of it.
“As a matter of fact, cyar’ika—I do feel much better in knowing the four ex-Super Commandos in your life have done you justice by instilling in you the shameless instruction of kicking someone’s ass whenever needed. Yes.” He allowed a hand to deviate from her hair in playfully stroking her cheek before withdrawing; a sudden realization flickering. “You haven’t actually told your Papa yet, have you? You might want to—”
“No!” ‘Lara’s cry startled Crosshair. “Please don’t tell him—he is the worst and weirdest about this stuff, and Rowena already gives me a hard enough time, as it is!”
So you came to the most critiquing Uncle you have? He bit his tongue to keep from spitting out, recognizing the way that wouldn’t allay her distress.
Deep down, he also knew why both of his former Sergeant’s daughters spent so much of their time consumed with Crosshair—he was a good listener, typically calm and level-headed; not overly rumbustious, prying, or a downright troublemaker like the other men. While the sniper’s abrasive nature remained a steady inherence, his many unique forms of gentle conveyances resonated profoundly with the girls. Without fail, both females came to Crosshair for the deep conversations, always intrigued by their enigmatic Ba’vodu’s wisdom presented through his scope of very unfiltered perspectives. Sniper rifles, late night sweets, and new hairstyles were the focal point of their relationship.
Crosshair would allow himself some leniency—he was a pretty good Uncle.
Though he shifted full credit to their beautiful mother, who initially cultivated Crosshair’s soft refinement so many years ago; her two children further reinforcing that self-growth in the man.
Two children...
It‘s been five years since, but the pain of loss from what would’ve been a third child—a son of Hunter’s that never carried to full term—still heavily bore it’s remnants of poignancy.
It never got any easier to quell the grief.
“Cyar’ika... you have to tell him soon. That stubborn Daddy of yours will find out one way or another.” He chuckled lightly before softening his tone. “You know that.”
A sigh of defeat emitting from the girl tugged at Crosshair’s heart strings as he watched the way her eyes became acquainted with the floor for a long moment; harsh silence uncouth in the act of creating a palpable weight of melancholy to encompass the atmosphere.
An abrupt sound cut deep through disconcertment with the sudden clearing of Crosshair’s throat, an act that signified a redirected topic of conversing between the awkward Uncle and crestfallen teenager.
“Your hair is getting long, Alara.”
That seemed to do the trick, and Crosshair was satiated with the way her brown eyes lit up slightly and expression eased into a relaxed state as the beautiful smile that Crosshair found himself missing made it’s way to her lips once again.
“I know, Papa told me the same thing just this morning.” She stifled a laugh before continuing. “Said he was gonna grow his out even longer so that there would be competition. I told him you were gonna braid it again if he did.”
Crosshair chortled. His ori’vod‘s humor was so outlandish. “And I might just, anyway—what I wouldn’t give to see that again on your old man,” he mused in humored recollection, to which the young girl eagerly obliged in the shared remembrance.
Crosshair no more than withdrew his hands from the stylized hair before Alara’s own fingers instantly flew to splay atop her head in appraisal of the intricately woven locks. Both of Hunter’s daughters were modest in their hairdressing skills, but it was a unanimous agreement between them and their Uncle at an earlier stage that they preferred it this way—‘long chats and endearing head pats’—as the girls liked to call it.
Crosshair leaned back in the chair, analyzing his work in the form of a braided crown adorning the circumference of the girl’s head and spanning from temple-to-temple, before he allowed his own satisfaction to display.
The teenager flashed Crosshair a dazzling smile before her praise followed suit. “Nice work Uncle Cross; you’ve done it again.”
“I aim to please, cyar’ika.”
Crosshair eyed his niece for a long moment as a sense of urgency and obligation began to permeate his stance. Visible confusion danced across Alara’s features as Crosshair’s solemn gaze and hands now resting determinedly on her shoulders instantly perked her attentiveness.
“Alarasmé, I want you to promise me something.”
“Anything.” The resolution in her voice faltered briefly as her head cocked to the side in nonchalant contemplation. “Unless it’s to finally beat Uncle Wrecker in arm wrestling—that’s definitely not gonna happen.” She giggled, and Crosshair quickly matched her humor before continuing in earnest.
“Promise me that you won’t ever let some boy or anyone break your heart. You and Ro are tough, like your momma. But that doesn’t mean you won’t always have four ex-Super Commandos on your side. So also promise me that you’ll never forget how much your family loves you.”
The girl remained silent for a moment in the absorption and intense processing of her Uncle’s heavy requests.
“That’s a lot of promises.”
“Promise me, cyare.”
“OK Ba’vodu—I promise.” She reaches up to swipe at the man’s cheek. “No need to go all soft, ram’ser.”
Ram’ser. Y/N’s favorite term for him.
“Hey, just like I have Papa’s heart, Uncle Wrecker’s, and Uncle Tech’s—” she tenderly continued, splaying a hand across Crosshair’s chest, “—I have yours, too. So mine can’t break when there’s already plenty of hearts to keep it company. Don’t worry.” She pulled the man into a tight hug before retracting and playfully prodding his shoulder, her eyes quick to sparkle with mischief.
“Now take me to the shooting range—I want to nail a target from ten klicks while sporting this hairdo.”
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shirtlesssammy · 4 years
10x14: The Executioner's Song
A guard checks the halls of a death row prison. Tommy, a prisoner, taunts him, while another guard watches the exchange on a monitor. The guard walks away to get coffee. The lights in the prison hall flicker, and a man walks towards Tommy’s cell.
The first guard makes it back to their monitoring station to see the man approach Tommy’s cell. The lights go dark, and then flash back on to an empty hallway.
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The man is inside Tommy’s cell though —and it’s CAIN! He taunts him, and then stabs him through the abdomen. They disappear.
While driving to the prison, Dean quizzes Sam about his ridiculously good knowledge of serial killers. Oh Sam, never change. Sam then fills Dean in on the killer that went missing. A supernatural serial killer is Sam’s jam!
They check out the prison cell and talk with the warden.
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The warden shows them the security footage, and through the magic of television, they zoom in  enough for Dean to recognize Cain’s profile.
Cas is busy interrogating a demon for the whereabouts of Cain. He’s been seen but low-level demons keep their distance.
For Interrogation Science:
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Getting all he can from the demon, Cas stabs him dead.
Crowley, meanwhile, is bored with the bureaucratic hell he created for himself. Rowena is still poking the bear with her own little machinations.
Sam discovers that Tommy’s dad disappeared about a week prior. Dean gets a call from Cas revealing that Tommy is dead.
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Dean asks where Cas is, but Cas senses something and tells him he’ll call back. Cain appears.
Cain tells Cas that he had to kill again with Abandon gunning for him. He liked how it felt, and now he’s on a mission to kill all his children.
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Cain asks after Dean, and just by looking at Cas’s worried face, knows that Dean isn’t well. Cain tells Cas not to worry. “I’ll get to him in due time.” Lol, Cas draws his angel blade SO FAST, but Cain disappears.
Rowena asks her favor for Crowley to find Olivette, the leader of the Grand Coven, and Crowley realizes that Rowena was playing a long con to get in his good graces. Rowena laughs and tells him that they could have fun together —away from the doldrums of Hell. Crowley walks away.
For Profile Science:
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TFW meet back at the bunker. Sam confirms that Cain is wiping out whole families —and Tommy had a son. Dean’s ready to hit the road and find the boy —to find Cain.
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And when he finds him, he’ll kill him. He’s the only one that can do it. Sam worries that wielding the First Blade against Cain will destroy Dean. Dean knows.
Rowena shows Crowley her plans for abducting Olivette. Dean interrupts though and tells Crowley he needs to bring them the Blade. Cain has a kill list and Crowley is on it. Rowena continues to chortle over her revenge plans, but Crowley puts the kibosh on it, grabbing the First Blade out of a laughably easily accessed “secret” storage compartment. Rowena shames Crowley for what she sees as an utterly stupid choice: handing the blade over to Dean is surely a death sentence. 
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At a farm, Team Free Will locates Cain’s next target. They go over the plan: hang out and wait until Cain arrives, and then Dean kills him! Easy peasy. Crowley appears and immediately voices his concern about the “risk to us.” 
“There is no us,” Dean retorts. GOOD lord, show. Crowley decrees that he’s going to stick around and hold onto the blade until Cain’s trapped...so it’s one big happy PARTY! 
Cut to Sam and Dean failing to watch over the basketball-playing kid while they talk about emotions. Dean’s afraid.
Cain appears at the farm ready to kill the kid, when Cas intervenes. Cas orders the kid to run while he takes on Cain. Cas gets all glowy!
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But barely a lock of Cain’s magnificent hair can be budged by Cas. Chucking Cas to the side with a little bit of demon mojo, Cain heads after the kid. Sam tries to hold the barn doors closed, but Cain skips doors altogether and zaps in right next to the kid. He stabs him, but instead of a horrible death the kid explodes into purple magic. An illusion! 
Cain’s unimpressed. “The rune of amaranth,” he guesses, and Crowley confirms it. (Now, you just need to learn that, Sammy, and you can also be a witch!) Cain traces the boundaries of his devil’s trap cage, while Sam, Cas, and Crowley worriedly arm Dean with the blade. Dean implores them to take him down if he comes out shooting metaphorical black lasers out of his eyes. 
For MMHMMM Cas Science:
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The staging of the actors says it all about Dean’s dark path. Also, breakups can be weird, y’all.
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Dean powers up, blade in hand, and then smiles. We’re...so comforted? He heads up to confront Cain, who continues to prowl the devil’s trap. Cain insists that killing off his descendants is the best service he can do for the world. He asks Dean how it feels to hold the blade again. “It feels like a means to an end,” Dean totally lies. Dean walks into the devil’s trap and they start to fight. 
It’s not looking so good for our Dean Bean, and Cain’s disappointed. He thinks Dean’s been holding back, like that might save him from fully deep-diving into the Mark. Even as he rips the blade away, Cain identifies Dean’s biggest weakness as his bravado. (Uh, I’d say it’s his hair-trigger temper or perhaps his endless self-loathing.) Cain drinks in the power of the blade, and hurls Dean to the ground.
“Have you ever mused on the fact that you’re living my life in reverse?” Cain asks. He predicts that Dean’s story will end in his brother’s death. “First, you'd kill Crowley. There'd be some strange mixed feelings on that one, but you'd have your reason. You'd get it done, no remorse. And then you'd kill the angel, Castiel. Now, that one… That I suspect would hurt something awful. And then would come the murder you'd never survive, the one that would finally turn you into as much of a savage as it did me.” Cain starts to bring the first blade down on Dean, when Dean pulls a Darth Vader and slices off Cain’s hand. 
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Dean grabs up the First Blade and looks upon Cain, seeing his sorry future. “Tell me I don’t have to do this. Tell me that you’ll stop.” Cain can promise no such thing, so Dean swallows and passes judgment on Cain...and on himself. He brings up the blade over a kneeling Cain and brings it down with an anguished cry. JENSEN ACKLES YOUR FACE IS KILLING ME. Dean walks the blade back down to his waiting friends, looking utterly lost. 
For Quit Your Damn Face Science:
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After a long hesitation, Dean hands the blade to....Castiel. 
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Dean reveals that he played Crowley - the demon was never on Cain’s list. Dean gets a Sam hug, and we all feel GREAT and not broken at ALL.
Crowley returns to Hell, greeted by despondent piano music and Rowena. She’s packed her bags! She tells him she was devastated to learn of his mortal death, and that she was wildly proud to find him King of Hell. She tells him that now he’s nothing but a “sad, bored wee boy on the throne” and she can’t bear to stay longer.  
Back at the bunker, Dean drinks coffee and broods. Sam tries to look on the bright side - Dean’s drinking coffee and not murdering anyone! Yay! Cas returns, revealing that he stowed the blade “somewhere safe.” WHERE, CAS? WHERE IS THE BLADE? Must I go past the series’ end and never know where your secret treasure cave is??? (Side note: That’s what Dean said.)
Dean leaves the kitchen, and bro-pats Cas on the shoulder.
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Cas asks how Sam is doing and the answer is….NOT GREAT. “Dean’s in trouble,” Sam says, and we fade to black.
Mother Always Said You Would Quote My Heart:
It's called true crime, Dean. It's a hobby
Consorting with hunters!
Have you never mused upon the fact that you're living my life in reverse? My story began when I killed my brother, and that's where your story inevitably will end
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nellyhasnolife · 5 years
V peeked out of the bushes and scanned the camp at the end of the road. It wasn’t as big as she expected, so it only added to her suspicion of those guys being nothing but big-mouthed liars and cowards. V gritted her teeth the second she laid eyes on a few big packs of supplies. Supplies from her own haven that struggled to rebuild after the devastating attack that had almost wiped it out clean.
Those greasy, smug bastards thought they could just come, take everything from them and then have the audacity to blackmail the remaining people to pay them for what was rightfully theirs. Oh no, she wasn’t planning to let her home being robbed. She would come and show them the consequences of underestimating her and her clan mates.
V barely held herself back from just jumping out in the open and shooting them all in an impulsive desire for justice. It took her a few moments to suppress the shimmering anger and get a grip on her chaotic emotions. She had to search for the camp’s weak points and blind spots before even attempting to sneak anywhere closer. She wasn’t a Reaper to have the advance of stealth and almost soundless movements, so she opted to inspect the site through the scope.
For a moment she regretted doing so, as the picture she saw was far for pleasant: tons of alcohol, weed and corpses scattered all over the place. And those corpses weren’t of ADVENT, but of the camp’s inhabitants. It seemed like not only those pigs had no real numbers to ‘take them out’ as they had threatened, but they were at odds with each other. Which V somewhat expected from those, whose drive force was greed for money and riches. 
V visually circled the camp a few times and counted only four people altogether, which was almost nothing compared to alien squads she was used to encountering. She pondered trying to shoot them, but at such a distance her aim could easily waver. There was a blind spot at the western entrance because of no one was actually guarding it. All four men were busy shouting and threatening each other with guns and that opened up a nice opportunity.
V threw the sniper rifle over the shoulder, took out the pistol and started sneaking towards the camp. She hoped that by the time she reached it, all of them would have simply shot each other off and she would merely carry all the supplies back. Having hid behind the last tree separating her from the camp, V took a quick glance at the hole in the ugly wooden fence. Still no guards. The shouting was so loud she could almost make out some words thrown around. 
V squatted as much as she could and started crawling towards the opening, ignoring the pain in her limbs from all the dirt, stones and branches digging into her legs and the disgusting smell of sweat and whiskey. No one noticed her just like she expected.
Apparently, only two men were now alive instead of four, and those two were as much keen on getting all the robbed goods to themselves as when they were all four. How utterly pathetic. It took her merely a few seconds to take a decent aim and shoot them booth. V cringed and almost immediately gauged when actually stepped within the camp’s premises.
The stench was unbearable. Her eyes stared to water, as she attempted to fight off the desire to throw up right at the corpse of a freshly killed gangster. V squeezed her nose, stepped over the bodies and scurried towards the large stack of familiar boxes. Two of them were already empty, but the remaining five were still unpacked, which immensely relived her. Good. It was enough for the civilians in the haven to survive on until the next drop from the Resistance would come.
V holstered the pistol and started looking around for some sort of vehicle to carry the supplies back to the base. Her own strength would allow her to carry only two boxes and she couldn’t risk leaving them in the open like that. There! There was actually a very old and rusty cart sticking out of the bushes that was exactly what she needed. However, V basically froze on the spot when her ears had caught a familiar babbling. A very distinctive and bone-chilling babbling of those bound to the Elders. ADVENT.
V felt panic rising within as she hurriedly jumped into the tent and attempted to hide her presence. Maybe, just maybe they would merely pass by and not go inside the camp to investigate. She new for sure if they find the Resistance supplies it will eventually lead them to the haven. And it would end up with not only the loss of some food, water and medications, but the loss of people too.
Yet just like he feared the babbling only grew more audible the more she sat still. She had to take action and somehow get rid of those guys. V gulped, forcing herself to cast aside the fear of her own possible death. She had faced the Hunter and stayed alive. She should long be past the stage of panic and fret. She was strong, she was skilled. She could handle it.
V had no idea how many of ADVENT soldiers there were exactly, but by the footsteps it didn’t sound like a big squad. Possibly, four or three units. If she took them by surprise, she could shoot at last one for sure. V moved along the tent’s side and noticed a piece of an officer’s armor. No stunlancers or shieldbrearers, which was a relief. Gathering all the courage she had V took aim at the open peck of skin at the neck and shot. Orange blood splattered, as the officer squealed, staggered and fell on the ground.
V felt her heart hammering inside, as she jumped out of the tent and ran to cover herself behind the boxes at the wall. She was obviously noticed and fired at by the other two ADVENT units. V yelped and moaned when the magnetic beam hit her in the lag, burning the flesh and almost causing her to fall flat on the face. Shit, it was bad. With a wounded leg she couldn’t really count on running and quickly changing cover.
Another beam hit the left side of the boxes and V thanked whatever Gods existed for the fact ADVENT’s aim was still far from perfect. She dared to peek out and found the two soldiers running towards her with a full intent to kill. Her breath hitched, as she hurriedly scurried towards the corner and took out a grenade with shaky hands. V activated and tossed it, hoping it would get rid of at least one of them. The deafening blast and a loud, awful scream confirmed that she hit her target. Well, more or less. The last soldiers still stood, his rifle aimed and ready to fire at her.
And then he dropped dead in a split second. V blinked and froze at the spot, taken aback by a sudden help. She began turning her head to all directions, attempting to find the mysterious savior (or maybe not, maybe that someone was planning to kill her as well), yet there was no one in sight. V took her pistol and messily limped towards the dropped supplies, slick fear still enlacing her mind. There was still someone watching her, there was still a possibility she would get killed just as easily.
 “Is…someone here?” she tried to scream, but it came out more like a shaky, scared squeak.
 No answer came. V gulped and attempted to finally get it on with carrying supplies while she could. Yet when she leaned down to pick up the first box, she felt someone’s hot breath on her neck.
“Heya, little kitten~”
 V screamed, jumped, dropped the box and fell on the ground, her leg hitting her with a sharp pain as she messily landed on the ground. She instinctively clutched the pistol and aimed it at whatever came after her. Her heart beat frantically, eyes went wide and V was already counting her last seconds. It was definitely her death, wasn’t it?
One would definitely agree to that statement. V finally dared to move her eyes away from the trembling hands and towards the actual person who was looming over her. Her heart skipped a bit the second she came face to face with the Hunter. He looked as carefree as she remembered him from their very last encounter: curved lips, nonchalant posture and eyes glowing as brightly as some jewels. He was amused.
 “Oh my, I scared ya, didn’t I?” he laughed, baring the sharp fangs.
 V felt relief surge through her for a split second, before a new wave of doubts, hidden fears and gruesome scenarios filled her vision yet again. Maybe he was just putting up a front to lower her guard and then he would kill her off. What was he even doing here? Was he after her haven? Was he after her?
 “Tch tch, remove that lil toy, will ya? If I wanted, you’d already be dead, so don’t bother,” Hunter tutted and with a simple movement disarmed her.
 V crawled back, feeling like a small mouse in front of a big cat. He had a point yes, but V also knew Hunter was a man of whims and loved to act upon fleeting desires. And she couldn’t foresee when his fascination with her would end and turn into indifference.
He should have had some ulterior motive; he wouldn’t have even bothered to come to such a deserted and inhospitable place just to make fun of her. And that inability to predict the Hunter’s actual plans sent her mind in a spiral of panic.
 “D-don’t come any closer-”
 “Ah, and there I thought I would at least get a ‘thank you’ for shootin’ dat fat buffon,” Hunter casually removed the box and started approaching her.
 It was quite funny how she was even more scared of him now than when he took her captive back in the day. Unpredictable even for such a brilliant tactician like him.
 Hunter haltered midway, and V could almost swear he heard or even saw something. Yet she wasn’t given enough time to even ponder, as he abruptly lifted her from the ground and in the very next moment she was thrown into same tent where she was hiding from ADVENT. V squealed, as the Hunter hadn’t bothered to be careful or gentle. Tears welled up in the eyes, as her wounded leg throbbed with sharp and pulsating pain.
 “What the hell are you-?”
 “Shh,” the Hunter cut her off. “Stay still and don’t even think about steppin’ outside, ya got it?”      
 V froze, following the Hunter with her eyes only and not daring to make a sound out of pure fear of what could have caused him to do such a crazy thing as hide her. She was basically trapped amongst the smelly and dirty shits, tired, wounded and, on the top of that, she still hadn’t even begun taking the supplies back to the haven. V only hoped another sudden threat would quickly cease to exist, and she would finally be free to do what she intended to do.
 “There you are, brother,” the snarl reached V’s ears. “The Elder’s patience grows thin, they will no longer allow you to ignore their call. Come with me or…I will make you.”
 “I am not plannin’ to waste my time to hear the Elders ‘oh-so-important’ speeches about some great mission that, high purpose this, and I’d advise you to do the same, my dear little sister. Save me the trouble of killing you, and just leave.”
 Ah. V faintly recalled the Hunter briefly mentioning some sister and brother of his during her days at the Stronghold. She had never seen any of them, but if they were any similar to him, it would partly explain his actions. If they saw him with a human, and on the top of that the Resistance member, it would not only result in her own death and the obvious danger to her haven, but in his own possible punishment.
She had to get out of here somehow. By the rather hostile tones of their voices V could tell they were seconds away from getting on each other throats and it would definitely blow up her shaky cover. Her leg hurt, so V took off the jacket, tore it apart as quietly as she could manage and tied it around her bleeding leg. The blood ceased slightly, but still streamed down her shin.
 “You leave me no choice, but to force you to obey,” the Assassin scowled, drew her sword and lunged forward with a cat-like agility.
 V only managed to make one step, before the whole ground shook with a massive force of the two Chosen colliding in battle. Damn, she had to be faster. The small camp got filled with the sounds of the metal clanking and loud shots in no time. V merely hoped the Hunter would taunt his sibling away from her tent and distract her long enough for her to escape unnoticed.
V covered the whole body with a piece of sheet that was dusting under her feet and sneaked out of the tent.
 “Too slow,” she heard the Hunter laugh, as the magnetic beam landed somewhere in close proximity. “There is nowhere you can hide from me, Fon Mai.”
 V took a deep breath and ran with all she could under the saving cover of the woods. Well, ran was more of exaggeration, as her leg allowed her to only awkwardly limp.
Her mission turned into a catastrophic failure. She was forced to flee and abandon the supplies she had almost died for. All the trouble had been in vain, and why? Because the Hunter for some reason decided to show up and play his games.
V leaned against the tree trunk and let her hectic heartbeat calm down a little. The sounds of the battle grew slightly fainter, yet she still could tell apart two tall figures jumping around. His sister looked a bit slimmer than the Hunter, though V could notice she was drastically faster and much more flexible than he. Didn’t look like they were merely playing around. V concluded from the small bits she managed to hear that they were pretty much at odds and that the Hunter wasn’t really keen on doing whatever the Elders planned. Which was good. It would mean the battle would give her some time to cover her tracks and hopefully escape not only that sister of his, but him as well.
V checked her slightly bleeding leg and tightened the sloppily done bandage. Heading to the haven would be far too dangerous and far too obvious. There was also an ADVENT station not so far away, so heading to the south would most likely end up in her being shot. The only really reliable way was to keep to the north and choose the least used tracks that would, hopefully, confuse anyone that would try to follow her.
   Two hours felt like days of climbing up hills, wriggling through bushes and passing by numerous shallow puddles of muddy brown water. V was tired, bleeding, angry and on the top of that really, extremely hungry. Her legs were aching and shaking the more she walked, and V expected her body to collapse at any moment. She needed a break.
Not without a groan she dropped herself at the small patch of moss, took the rifle off and stayed still for ten minutes. If her stomach wasn’t groveling, V could have easily fallen asleep right where she sat. The only thing that wasn’t letting her mood get completely sour was the fact no one was at her tail. At least for now. The sun was slowly setting down and the air around was getting cooler rather quickly, so she had to get going, unless she wanted to get trapped in the woods for the whole night.
V untied her torn jacket to check whether the skin on her leg had gotten any better. It hadn’t, it was still as badly burnt and bloody as before. She wasn’t even sure it hadn’t already gotten infested with some sort of disease. Having pulled out a tiny vial with water, she poured some on the wound to at least clear away the dirt. A loud moan left her lips. V messily scrubbed away the patches of skin and bits of sole, tied everything back and forced herself to keep going.
After one more hour V was standing at the coast of a broad and rather deep river that separated her from the destination point. She was beginning to think the whole world was laughing at her. There was no way she would reach the other side without getting completely soaked and without damaging her rifle. She had no choice, but to take it off and leave where it was. Damn. It was one of her favorites.
The water was cold, almost icy. V felt the teeth clacking, as she awkwardly pushed herself through the torture. She could already feel cramps taking her muscles in a titan hold. This whole day was a complete and utter disaster. She would end up catching hypothermia and die at some stone, lost and forgotten by everyone. Sounded about right.
V’s bluish fingers could no longer rub enough warmth into the skin, so V opted to use them for swimming, as the bottom was no longer reachable even with her height. Almost, almost there.
She stepped out and immediately collapsed on the ground, shaking and trembling. Was she dying? Was it the end? She was alone and had nothing with her to even remotely keep herself warm. The sheet she had stolen from the camp was dropped off in the first hour and now V came to regret the decision. The haven…it was so close, yet so far at the same time. If only she could…replenish her energy somehow.
Something heavy and smelly dropped on her from above. It felt like some thin blanket, strangely similar to the one she was just remembering.
 “Were you even trying to hide your tracks?”
 V yelped and jumped into a more or
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aion-rsa · 4 years
Best Modern Horror Movies
Every once in a while, someone likes to declare that the horror genre is dead, and so far, every one of those predictions has been wrong.
Horror movies have been around almost as long as filmmaking itself, and while the genre has always been cyclical in nature –dipping, sometimes drastically, in both quality and quantity from time to time — all it usually takes is a well-timed box office hit, a fresh new angle or a hot young filmmaker to reanimate it again.
The 21st century has been, overall, an extremely healthy one for horror. There’s been the usual amount of dross, of course, but the genre has branched out in a number of interesting new directions as well. We had absolutely no problem tallying the initial batch of movies for this article, and have just continued to update it ever since, starting with the newest and going back in time from there.
So here are over 50 terrifying favorites that you can use for your own personal Halloween film festival — and we promise that this lineup delivers. Brace yourselves for a look at the best horror movies of the 21st century. 
These are the very best modern horror movies…
Saint Maud (2020)
As our own Rosie Fletcher said in her review, Saint Maud is “a strange, gorgeous, and deeply disturbing chiller which mixes psychological, religious, and body horror to form something that feels utterly original.” She added that the film “messes with your perceptions of what’s real and what isn’t and comes with an ending that’s so simultaneously euphoric and horrific it feels like a punch in the heart.”
She’s right on the money. Morfydd Clark is outstanding in the title role, a private nurse who believes she can speak directly with God and decides it’s her mission to save the soul of the dying, debauched professional dancer (Jennifer Ehle) she is caring for. Maud lives right on the knife’s edge between spiritual ecstasy and mental illness, and director Rose Glass’ debut feature captures the surreal, horrific netherworld that is this tormented young woman’s life.
Saint Maud is out in theaters in the UK now.
Relic (2020)
The horror film at its best allows us to experience our deepest real-life fears in metaphorical terms, which is what the excellent Relic does with specificity, empathy, and atmosphere to spare. Emily Mortimer plays Kay, a workaholic single mom who gets a call from the police that her elderly mother Edna is missing from her home in the Australian countryside. When Kay and her daughter Sam (Bella Heathcote) drive out from Melbourne to the house, Edna (Robyn Nevin) reappears after two days–but cannot recall where she’s been.
Edna’s house–untidy, dark, and littered with odd notes and markings–and behavior lead Kay and a local doctor to surmise that the headstrong Edna is slowly sinking into the grip of dementia. But something else is at hand — an unseen presence that can seemingly bend reality — and the feature debut of director Natalie Erika James works so well because of its complete cohesion between characters, theme and imagery. Grief and loss ooze from every frame of the film, along with an impending sense of dread and claustrophobia. 
Watch Relic on Amazon
Color Out of Space (2020)
Color Out of Space adapts what legendary horror author H.P. Lovecraft considered his personal favorite short story, “The Colour Out of Space.” Although the film is set in the present, it is faithful to the original 1927 narrative, in which a family is both driven to madness and altered physically by the presence of an alien entity that has landed on their farm in a meteorite.
Starring a typically unpredictable Nicolas Cage, Color Out of Space is flawed in many ways, but is distinguished by three things: the return of director Richard Stanley (Hardware) after too many years away from features, a plethora of eerie and downright disturbing imagery, and an overall atmosphere that comes damn close to that of Lovecraft himself.
Watch Color Out of Space on Amazon
The Lodge (2020)
The Lodge stars an excellent Riley Keough as Grace, a troubled young woman in love with Richard (Richard Madden) a journalist who wrote a book about the suicide cult she is the only survivor of. Their relationship triggers Richard’s estranged wife (Alicia Silverstone) to commit suicide, leaving the former couple’s two children devastated.
Six months later, Richard, Grace and the children head up to Richard’s remote winter lodge in an effort for all of them to heal. But a series of unexplained events occur that may be tied to Grace’s past or the death of the children’s mother — or both. Directed by Austrian filmmakers Veronika Franz and Severin Fiala (the harrowing Goodnight Mommy),  The Lodge reeks with dread and leads to a thoroughly unsettling finish.
Watch The Lodge on Amazon
Wounds (2019)
This Hulu original stars Armie Hammer as Will, a New Orleans bartender whose discovery of an abandoned mobile phone in his place of business portends the arrival of an unspeakable evil, a malevolence that infects him, his girlfriend (Dakota Johnson) and almost everything in his life.
British-Iranian director Babek Anvari (2016’s supremely eerie Under the Shadow), creates an atmosphere of extreme dread and rot here, from the cockroaches Will is constantly killing behind the bar to the frightening images and sounds that keep appearing on that damn phone. Based on a novella called The Visible Filth by acclaimed horror writer Nathan Ballingrud, Wounds leaves much unexplained but that’s kind of the point: horror is often most effective when it can’t be rationalized.
Watch Wounds on Hulu
Tigers Are Not Afraid (2019)
There’s a reason why no less a maestro than Guillermo Del Toro is a fan of this deeply felt and moving film: it covers much of the same territory that he has explored in some of his greatest works like The Devil’s Backbone and Pan’s Labyrinth — the place where imagination, childhood innocence and real world corruption intersect in a surreal, dangerous yet fantastical landscape.
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Best Horror Movies on Amazon Prime Right Now
By Alec Bojalad and 3 others
Best Horror Movies on Hulu
By Alec Bojalad and 1 other
After her mother goes missing in the latest cartel rampage through an unnamed and anarchy-plagued Mexican city, a young girl (Paola Lara) finds herself living on rooftops with a small band of little boys and haunted by an apparition that may or may not be her mother. Director and writer Issa Lopez wrings emotion, humor and even minor triumphs out of this dark scenario, while not shying away from its more disturbing implications.
Watch Tigers Are Not Afraid on Amazon
Ready or Not (2019)
Darkly funny and subversive, Ready or Not is an out-of-nowhere surprise that deftly weds (pun intended) an acidic black comedy about income inequality and the politics of marriage to a more gruesome thriller about being chased around an old, dark house by a deranged family of Satanists. If that doesn’t pull you in, nothing will.
Samara Weaving is an appealing lead as the young woman who marries into a clan of vast wealth and privilege, only to find out where they came from and what the family must do to maintain them. Weaving is excellent at both the comedy and horror, while Andie MacDowell and Henry Czerny lead a sparkling supporting cast of cracked characters. It may not be especially scary, but ready or not, this one’s a real crowd-pleaser.
Watch Ready or Not on Amazon
Annabelle Comes Home (2019)
Who would have thunk that the third time would be the charm for this popular Conjuring spin-off series? First-time director Gary Dauberman — who wrote all three entries in the sub-franchise — rises to the challenge and brings a wonderful sense of atmospherics and dread to the proceedings that was lacking in the earlier films. Anyone who channels the lighting schemes of horror legends like Mario Bava is all right in our book.
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The Conjuring Timeline Explained: From The Nun to Annabelle Comes Home
By Daniel Kurland
Annabelle: Real-Life Haunted Dolls to Disturb Your Dreams
By Aaron Sagers
Annabelle Comes Home also proves to be the sharpest-written of the bunch, as four girls — one of them the daughter of Conjuring ghost hunters Ed and Lorraine Warren (Patrick Wilson and Vera Farmiga, who cameo here) — try to fight off the evil title doll as she unleashes hell on them over the course of one night. The cast is given depth and agency, which makes us care all the more when Dauberman turns the movie into a full-on monster mash. This one’s old school fun.
Watch Annabelle Comes Home on Amazon
Midsommar (2019)
Ari Aster blew everyone away in 2018 with his writing and directing debut, Hereditary (see below), a frightening tale of family dysfunction, grief, memory and naked witches summoning an ancient demon (Was that a spoiler? Sorry). His follow-up, Midsommar, wears its direct influences on its sleeve and tries a little too hard to signal its own importance, but it’s supremely eerie in its own way and quite nasty in what it shows and what it hints at.
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A24 Horror Movies Ranked From Worst to Best
By David Crow and 3 others
Midsommar: Florence Pugh Considers Ending Theories, May Queen Fandom
By David Crow
Four college friends — including disintegrating couple Dani (Florence Pugh) and Christian (Jack Reynor) — are invited by an exchange student to Sweden, where they’ll visit the reclusive commune in which he was raised. Fans of films like The Wicker Man will have a pretty good sense of what’s coming, even if Aster doesn’t quite answer all the questions he raises. What he does do, however, is chill the blood with both the way the travelers turn on each other and how the Harga find spirituality and transcendence in their deeply disturbing rituals.
Watch Midsommar on Amazon
Us (2019)
The second feature from Get Out writer/director Jordan Peele still cleverly uses the horror genre for social commentary, but the focus is less directly on race this time and more on class and privilege. Lupita Nyong’o is outstanding as Adelaide, whose well-off family is terrorized by savage doppelgangers intent on murdering them. Who those duplicates are, and what they mean, provides for a biting commentary on the haves and the have-nots.
Some of the story logic is fuzzier this time around, but Peele is still adept at creating a genuine atmosphere of dread while deploying well-worn horror tricks in unique new ways. He also gets tremendous performances out of his cast, including Black Panther’s Winston Duke and The Handmaid Tale’s Elisabeth Moss, in what is ultimately a solid sophomore outing for the director.
Watch Us on Amazon
Halloween (2018)
After years of mostly lackluster sequels and reboots, director David Gordon Green (and his co-writer Danny McBride) take this horror icon both back to the roots and into the future. The result is a direct sequel to the original that ignores all the other films and concentrates, with stark precision, on two ideas: the concept of Michael Myers as a primal force of evil and the theme of PTSD as exemplified by Jamie Lee Curtis’ powerful performance as a permanently damaged Laurie Strode.
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Halloween: Timeline Explained for Horror Movie Franchise
By Daniel Kurland
Halloween III: Season of the Witch Deserves Another Look
By Jim Knipfel
Both a thrilling rollercoaster ride and a chilling exploration of an unknowable psyche, the new Halloween is also relevant to what’s happening in 2018 — making The Shape a valid and still scary vessel for whatever metaphor you want him to represent.
Mandy (2018)
Dream-like, surreal and hypnotic — when it’s not screaming with rage — Mandy may be more interested in atmosphere and imagery than story (the plot is admittedly far too simple for the movie’s two-hour length) but is an unnerving experience nonetheless.
At the center of this boldly experimental assault from director Panos Cosmatos (Beyond the Black Rainbow) is a primal performance from Nicolas Cage, whose reputation for gonzo performances does a disservice to the raw emotion he can still deliver as a lumberjack out for vengeance against a frightening cult. Mandy might try your patience, but its visual poetry and uncaged (ha ha) star are never dull.
 Watch Mandy on Amazon
Hereditary (2018)
It’s still hard to believe that this is the first feature ever from writer/director Ari Aster, who brings a literal parade of horrors to his terrifying exploration of a family’s complete breakdown from forces within and without.
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Hereditary: The Real Story of King Paimon
By Tony Sokol
Hereditary Ending Explained
By David Crow
Toni Collette is off-the-charts stunning as the mother who tries to hold her clan together even in the face of unspeakable tragedy and the knowledge that her own family history is working against them. Harrowing and thoroughly unsettling, Hereditary is perhaps the best example yet of a new wave of genre films that are about something while still scaring the living shit out of you.
Watch Hereditary on Amazon
The Endless (2018)
Two brothers (played by Justin Benson and Aaron Morehead, who also directed, produced, edited and wrote the film) return to the cult they once belonged to as youths, each carrying different memories of their time there and different expectations of what they’ll find in the present. But neither sibling is prepared for the inexplicable events that occur once they arrive.
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Best Horror Anime To Watch on Netflix
By Daniel Kurland
Best Horror TV Shows on Hulu
By Alec Bojalad
Following their features Resolution and Spring, the Benson/Morehead team once again prove themselves adept at creating believable, atmospheric, dread-infused horror with limited resources. These guys clearly know what they’re doing, and the eerie The Endless is a strong next step for them.
Watch The Endless on Amazon
A Quiet Place (2018)
Who knew that mild Jim Halpert from The Office would end up directing one of the most acclaimed and outright scary movies of the past few years? In his third outing behind the camera (which he also co-wrote and stars in), John Krasinski uses silence — which can be deployed to great effect in horror movies — in the most ingenious manner possible. He, Emily Blunt and their three children live in a near-future world overrun by hideous, blind creatures that use their superior hearing to track prey by sound, thus necessitating that the human survivors remain as quiet as possible.
The result is a thriller in which literally every footstep is suffused with dread and a rusty nail becomes an object of extreme terror. While the script creaks a bit and could have used some better development, there’s no doubt that Krasinski directs this for maximum tension while getting terrific work out of himself, his wife and the kids. A Quiet Place is not just compelling horror, but a loud announcement of an outstanding new directorial talent.
Watch A Quiet Place on Amazon
It (2017)
It’s been a long time since a Stephen King screen adaptation really got the author’s work and intent right, but It does so and then some. Full of heart and warmth for its seven young main characters — all of whom are perfectly cast — It sets them against an insidious evil in the shape of Bill Skarsgard’s unforgettable Pennywise the Clown.
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Upcoming Stephen King Movies and TV Shows in Development
By Matthew Byrd and 6 others
It Chapter Two Ending Explained
By John Saavedra
Director Andy Muschietti’s take on King’s masterpiece is humane, moving and even funny — a coming-of-age story that also happens to be an engrossing and unsettling monster tale. It’s very rare that a truly “epic” horror movie is released, but It can stand proudly in that rarefied category.
Watch  It on Amazon
It Comes at Night (2017)
Was this movie mismarketed? Or did audiences just reject its overwhelming, unrelenting bleakness? Either way it’s one of the overlooked horror gems of the past few years. Writer/director Trey Edward Shults is not interested in the whys or hows of his post-apocalyptic setting — he just puts regular, fearful human beings into the aftermath and lets us watch them as any chance for survival slowly unravels.
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Best Horror Movies Streaming on HBO Max
By David Crow and 2 others
Best Horror Movies to Watch on Shudder Right Now
By Rosie Fletcher and 1 other
Understated, incredibly claustrophobic (the house is a character itself) and stocked with great performances from Joel Edgerton, Carmen Ejogo, and the rest of the cast, It Comes at Night is as naturalistic as a horror movie gets — and is all the more terrifying for it.
Watch It Comes at Night on Amazon Prime
Split (2017)
This was the film we had the toughest time deciding whether or not to include on this list. Writer/director M. Night Shyamalan gives it the structure, atmosphere and tone of a horror movie, yet it’s clear now that it’s also an origin story for a comic book-style supervillain and a de facto sequel to his Unbreakable.
But for most of its running time, Split is a harrowing, darkly humorous psychological thriller anchored by an incredible performance from James McAvoy as a man with 24 different personalities in his brain — as well as a monstrous 25th that is about to emerge.
Watch Split on Amazon
The Girl with All the Gifts (2017)
Not just one of the best horror movies of 2017, The Girl with All the Gifts was one of the best movies of that year. Moving and compassionate while at the same time frightening and dread-inducing, the movie puts a fresh spin on the zombie genre and creates memorable, empathetic characters who grapple with questions of not just what it means to be human, but what it means to be alive.
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Best Horror Movies on Netflix: Scariest Films to Stream
By David Crow and 2 others
How Scorn Turned the Art of H.R. Giger into a Nightmarish Horror Game World
By John Saavedra
Stars Gemma Arterton, Paddy Considine and Glenn Close give top-shelf performances, but the movie belongs to young Sennia Nanua as the flesh-eating yet fully sentient Melanie, who may be a forerunner of a new, unexpected step in the evolution of whatever the human race ends up becoming. Gripping from start to finish.
Watch The Girl with All the Gifts on Amazon
Raw (2017)
Deeply graphic and disturbing, yet also rich with symbolism and subtext, Raw is both as grisly and sophisticated as horror movies come. The movie also touches on gender politics and family dynamics in its tale of two sisters at a French veterinary school who awaken to the power of their own bodies as well as primal, vicious hungers neither one of them thought possible. Director/writer Julia Ducournau stages the film in gritty, intimate style, making the gnawing on human flesh all the more horrific to watch. Raw is a movie that lives up to its name.
Watch Raw on Amazon
Get Out (2017)
The directorial debut of comedy writer/actor Jordan Peele is a sharp, funny and creepy horror satire on race relations, white liberal hubris and socal justice. It’s also a genuinely suspenseful thriller, albeit with nods to earlier movies like The Stepford Wives, and proves that horror continues to be an effective genre through which to tell culturally and socially relevant stories.
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The Underrated Horror Movies of the 1990s
By Ryan Lambie
The Best Creepy Horror Movies
By Sarah Dobbs and 1 other
Daniel Kaluuya plays Chris, a young African-American photographer who heads to the country with his white girlfriend (Alison Williams) to meet her parents for the first time. The meeting does not go well as Chris realizes that the seemingly nice yet awkward Armitages (led by an excellent Catherine Keener) are not what they appear to be at all. Get Out is thrilling, refreshing and a nice change of pace for the genre.
Watch Get Out on Amazon
Under the Shadow (2016)
International cinema has been exploring genre with great success in recent years, and this intimate yet mournful thriller, set in 1980s Tehran during the ongoing and brutal war between Iran and Iraq, is one of the more thoughtful and unique horror movies to emerge from that creative wellspring.
Iranian politics and social mores are woven carefully into the plot, which follows a woman and her daughter who are haunted by a djinn (an evil spirit) that may have been unleashed when their apartment building is shelled. The metaphor of the evil set free by war is fairly on the nose, but director Babak Anvari still constructs an atmosphere of slowly ascending terror and macabre imagery.
Watch Under the Shadow on Amazon
Train to Busan (2016)
Just when you thought the zombie genre had been utterly exhausted, someone comes along and reinvigorates it. Director Yeon Sang-ho’s South Korean production brought something back to the genre that had been gradually draining out of it: humanity.
Sure there’s a bit of sentimentality too in this story of a father trying desperately to get his daughter to her mom by train as a zombie plague breaks out, but the movie’s well-drawn characters, subtle social commentary (some on the train feel they are more worthy of survival than others) and frightening action sequences add up to a thrilling and emotionally powerful ride.
Watch Train to Busan on Amazon
The Wailing (2016) 
South Korea struck again with this epic-length (156 minutes!) story of possession and exorcism in a small village from director Na Hong-jin. Once again a father must fight to save his daughter’s life: in this case he is a cop (Kwak Dowon) investigating a series of mysterious and violent deaths, only to discover that they have a supernatural cause that soon infects his family.
Despite odd moments of humor here and there, The Wailing is almost unremittingly bleak and its imagery is thoroughly unsettling. Deliberately paced and building an atmosphere of unspeakable dread, The Wailing is a standout of Asian horror.
Watch The Wailing on Amazon
The Invitation (2016)
This intense little psychological thriller from director Karyn Kusama (Jennifer’s Body) starts off as a weirdly off-kilter domestic melodrama and shifts disquietingly into outright paranoia as it explores the dynamics of grief, modern relationships and how well we really know our friends and neighbors.
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The 25 Best Horror Movies You’ve Never Seen
By Sarah Dobbs
The Scariest Star Trek Episodes
By Juliette Harrisson
Kusama’s deft handling of the material and setting (an angular and eventually sinister L.A. house), as well as a superb cast (led by Logan Marshall-Green and Tammy Blanchard, with support from the always creepy John Carroll Lynch) elevate the standard dinner party thriller into something a bit more special. And the final scene is a knockout.
Watch The Invitation on Amazon
The Conjuring 2 (2016)
The Conjuring 2 is a rare example of a horror sequel equaling or even surpassing the original. This time the focus is more directly on paranormal investigators Ed and Lorraine Warren (Patrick Wilson and Vera Farmiga) as their skills, courage and faith are tested by England’s famous Enfield Poltergeist.
Director James Wan once again proves himself a master at using negative space, sound (or lack thereof) and period detail to wring goosebumps out of even the most jaded viewer, and the deeper characterizations make the stakes that much higher as well. There are few horror “epics,” but The Conjuring 2 comes close to being one.
Watch The Conjuring 2 on Amazon
The Witch (2016)
A stunning feature film debut from director Robert Eggers, The Witch tells the story of a 17th century Puritan family who are excommunicated from their village and build their own farm on the edge of a vast forest — only to be preyed upon by an ancient, malevolent witch who lives deep in the woods. Touching on themes of religious persecution and mania, sexual awakening and humanity vs. nature, The Witch is a fully immersive and wholly terrifying experience.
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The Witch Has One of Horror’s Greatest Endings
By David Crow
BBC/Netflix Dracula’s Behind-the-Scenes Set Secrets
By Louisa Mellor
Director Robert Eggers maintains astonishing control of mood and texture throughout, and the entire cast — including newcomer Anya Taylor-Joy as the family’s teen daughter — seems eerily snatched out of the past. The Witch is classic supernatural horror.
Watch The Witch on Amazon Prime
The Visit (2015)
M. Night Shyamalan began a welcome and long-overdue comeback with this quirky and creepy little found-footage experiment, which focuses on a teen brother and sister who make an unforgettable and eventually terrifying trip to visit the grandparents they’ve never met.
Shyamalan seems comfortable working within the lower-budget confines of the Blumhouse scream factory, and he manages to inject both a nice streak of morbid humor and enough of his trademark character touches to keep us off-balance. The movie has an unsettling tone throughout and, for the first time in a long time, the “twist” is well-earned and shocking.
Watch The Visit on Amazon
It Follows (2014)
One of the best horror films of the past couple of years is, like all the genre’s standout entries, rich in metaphor and subtext – is the curse passed through sex among the movie’s characters a stand-in for AIDS and other sexually transmitted diseases, or is the sex act itself a way to affirm life or at least postpone the inevitable onset of death? Writer/director David Robert Mitchell keeps it ambiguous – much to some viewers’ chagrin – and instead focuses on the movie’s overall atmosphere and tone, which is dream-like and full of dread.
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It Follows: A Homecoming for ’80s Horror
By David Crow
It Follows’ terrifying horror lineage
By Ryan Lambie
Lead actress Maika Monroe is a star in the making, but the most unforgettable thing about It Follows is its implacable walking phantoms, who cause your flesh to crawl every time they enter the frame.
Watch It Follows on Amazon
The Babadook (2014)
An instant classic upon its release, this Australian shocker is, astoundingly, the debut film from writer/director Jennifer Kent, who retains the kind of complete and unwavering grip on her story, themes and tone that you would expect from a much more seasoned filmmaker. Essie Davis is outstanding as Amelia, a widowed mother still reeling from the loss of her husband Oskar as she does her exhausted best to raise their troubled six-year-old son Sam (Noah Wiseman), who was born the night that Oskar died.
Enter the Babadook, the subject of a frightening storybook that Sam finds and an entity that is soon terrorizing mother and child. Thoroughly frightening and unnerving, The Babadook is also quite profound as it touches on the nature of grief and parenthood, hinting that both can drive a person to the edge of madness — or into the clutches of the Babadook.
Watch The Babadook on Amazon
Oculus (2014)
Following his ultra-low-budget indie debut Absentia, writer/director Mike Flanagan expanded his short student film into this striking tale of supernatural and psychological terror. Karen Gillan (Doctor Who) stars as a woman who believes that an antique mirror has been responsible for the tragic history of her family, and sets out to destroy it by any means she can. The mirror, however, has other plans.
Set in two parallel timelines that eventually intersect, Oculus is original, creepy and filled with mounting tension; the film is steeped not just in the atmosphere of ‘70s horror cinema but also modern supernatural literature. With more features to his name since (including Ouija: Origin of Evil, his adaptation of Stephen King’s Gerald’s Game, and Netflix’s The Haunting of Hill House) Flanagan is a talent to watch.
Watch Oculus on Amazon Prime
You’re Next (2013)
Home invasion movies can kind of be formulaic after a while, but director Adam Wingard and writer Simon Barrett (The Guest) find a way to freshen it up by turning You’re Next into a macabre soap opera as well. In the meantime, however, there’s a ton of suspense and bloody mayhem to satiate fans of visceral horror, and the family dynamics at work make for a nice counterpoint to the terror.
The cast is terrific, a mix of horror vets (Barbara Crampton, Larry Fessenden) and mumblecore regulars, and Sharni Vinson is outstanding as the dinner guest with a secret of her own. 
Watch You’re Next on Amazon
The Conjuring (2013)
A film about real-life paranormal investigators Ed and Lorraine Warren had been in development for nearly 20 years — outlasting Ed himself — before finally coming to fruition in 2013 as The Conjuring. Based on a case the Warrens investigated concerning the haunting of a family farm by a witch, the film afforded director James Wan the change to take the horror skills he had honed on his previous project, Insidious, and apply them to a larger scale Hollywood production.
The result was a genuinely scary experience with plenty of atmosphere and just enough empathy for the family and the Warrens to elevate the movie about the usual shock tactics. It was also a major box office hit, making it that rare genre entry that was enjoyed by both critics and audiences.
Watch The Conjuring on Amazon
The Cabin in the Woods (2012)
Both a deconstruction of the genre and one of the 21st century’s best horror movies in its own right, The Cabin in the Woods could only be the work of Joss Whedon (co-writer) and Drew Goddard (co-writer and director), whose love and understanding of both the genre and the wider pop culture context around it make this one of the smartest satires in recent memory. Proposing that the standard template for a horror film is what keeps the real horrors at bay, the movie turns that formula on its head yet works it to maximum effect.
Goddard is assured in his directorial debut, the cast (including a pre-Thor Chris Hemsworth and a brilliant Richard Jenkins as one of the weary “technicians” pulling the strings) is game, and the movie nails its meta premise perfectly.
Watch Cabin in the Woods on Amazon
We Need to Talk About Kevin (2011)
Adapted from Lionel Shriver’s novel and directed by Lynne Ramsay, We Need to Talk About Kevin is the perennial “evil child” story disguised as an arthouse film. But the combination works, thanks to Ramsay’s striking direction and imagery and two knockout performances by Tilda Swinton as the mother and a frightening Ezra Miller as Kevin. Swinton’s anguished portrayal deepens the film’s themes and offers a searing and complex picture of a parent’s occasional ambivalence toward their own child.
Yet the movie doesn’t skimp on its horrors either, both psychological and physical, and stretches the boundaries of what can be considered a horror movie.
Watch We Need to Talk About Kevin on Amazon
Kill List (2011)
With just one feature to his credit before this (Down Terrace), director and co-writer Ben Wheatley hits his second film clear out of the park, fashioning it into a mash-up of gritty crime thriller and chilling Lovecraftian horror tale. The result is a unique movie that’s not quite like anything else on this list and will you leave you shaken to the core. Two former British soldiers turned hit men (Neil Maskell and Michael Smiley) take a job in which they must kill three people — a priest, a video archivist, and a member of Parliament — but soon find out that they have gotten involved with something far beyond their experience and understanding.
The somber mood, ambiguous plot (Wheatley deliberately and correctly leaves much unexplained) and almost unwatchable bursts of violence come to a boil in the truly horrifying and enigmatic climax.
Watch Kill List on Amazon
Insidious (2011)
After one hit (Saw) and a couple of misses (Dead Silence and Death Sentence), writer/director James Wan and his writing partner Leigh Whannell scored with this tiny ($1 million budget) indie that became a huge hit (and sadly spawned two lousy follow-ups). But Insidious deserved its success: it’s a genuinely scary film, with Wan displaying a tremendous talent for utilizing the camera frame, darkness and silence to create an oppressive atmosphere of dread only enhanced by some truly bizarre manifestations.
In pulling tricks from all eras of horror, Wan came up with something original, terrifying and entertaining – a horror ride that all fans could enjoy.
Watch Insidious on Amazon
I Saw the Devil (2010)
Director Kim Ji-Woon (A Tale of Two Sisters) sends an intelligence agent (Lee Byung-hun) on a mission of vengeance against a sadistic serial killer (Choi Min-sik) in this shocking and stunningly depraved cat and mouse thriller in which all notions of morality go out the window along with numerous bloody body parts. Yet Kim keeps you invested in the characters as well, and this Korean epic has an undertone of sadness that’s hard to shake. Kim holds it all together masterfully, creating a horrifying experience like nothing else we saw the year it came out.
Watch I Saw The Devil on Amazon
The House of the Devil (2009)
Indie auteur Ti West’s homage to the horror movies of the ‘70s and ‘80s is replete with stylistic touches from both decades, ranging from the old-school opening credits to the use of zoom lenses to the 16mm film stock meant to look retro. But this isn’t just a pastiche: while The House of the Devil is the definition of a “slow burn” film — which may leave some viewers impatient — the payoff is worth it as babysitter Samantha (Jocelin Donahue) is subjected to a night of Satanic horrors that will leave you shaken.
West is an expert at leading us along and then tightening the screws hard, and if you told me that The House of the Devil had actually come out around 1981 or so, I just might have believed you.
Watch House of the Devil on Amazon
Paranormal Activity (2009)
For better or worse, Oren Peli’s homemade, shoestring thriller kicked off a tidal wave of films using the “found footage” or “faux doc” style of moviemaking, an esthetic that has proven increasingly confining and exhausted. But there’s no denying the strength of a few early contenders, starting with this. Peli shows us almost nothing in terms of visual effects, which only heightens the experience: you can’t help but feel a powerful sense of dread every time his camera sits and stares into the shadowy abyss of the couple’s bedroom while they sleep.
Tons of sequels, rehashes and rip-offs later, Paranormal Activity remains authentically frightening and deserves its berth on a list of the century’s best horror movies.
Watch Paranormal Activity on Amazon
Let the Right One In / Let Me In (2008/2010)
In an era of endless bloodsucking YA hotties, leave it to an 11-year-old girl to create the best and eeriest vampire seen on the screen in years. Based on a novel by Swedish author John Ajvide Lindqvist and directed by fellow Swede Tomas Alfredson, this is the story of the friendship that grows between lonely, bullied 12-year-old Oskar (Kare Hedebrant) and the little girl who lives in the apartment next door, Eli (Lina Leandersson) — an ancient vampire inside the body of a child. Let the Right One In is scary, funny, romantic and also quite mournful, tackling themes of youth, sexuality, loyalty, loss of innocence and love within a terrific and haunting vampire tale.
The two child actors are outstanding, with Leandersson projecting an otherworldliness and weariness far beyond her years. Credit is also due to the English-language remake by director Matt Reeves, who stayed largely faithful to the original while tweaking its meaning slightly (his actors, Chloe Moretz and Kodi Smit-McPhee, are fine if not quite as good as the Swedish cast).
Watch Let the Right One In here and Let Me In here!
Martyrs (2008)
Brutal and almost unwatchable, Martyrs represented perhaps the apex of the French extreme horror movement. A young woman (Morjana Alaoui) finds herself the subject of vicious “tests” by a secret society, aimed at creating a “martyr” whose suffering can give them a transcendental glimpse into the afterlife. The ordeal she goes through is just the grand finale of a nihilistic exercise in depravity. Director Pascal Laugier’s plunge into unrelieved sadism is given context by its powerful, eerie climax — if you can make it to the end.
Watch Martyrs on Amazon Prime
The Strangers (2008)
Writer and director Bryan Bertino made quite a splash with his debut feature, which relied more on a mounting sense of dread and escalating suspense than violence and gore. The story is a simple, straightforward home invasion narrative, but Bertino keeps it creepy and unsettling throughout thanks to some eerie imagery and his three terrifying antagonists. Bertino has directed some features since – the direct-to-video found footage thriller Mockingbird and The Monster – but The Strangers remains an impressively chilling calling card.
Watch The Strangers on Amazon
Trick ‘r Treat (2007)
Michael Dougherty’s Halloween-themed anthology sat on the shelf for nearly two years until finally (and criminally) getting just a direct-to-home-video release, but the wait was worth it. Dougherty wrote and directed a loving homage not just to the year’s most haunted holiday, but to horror movies and ghost stories in general, delivering four interconnected tales that each serve as a nasty, creepy and thoroughly entertaining exercise in traditional horror, with just the right amounts of atmosphere, scares and gore.
A lot of the best horror movies of this century aim to get under your skin in an unpleasant way, whereas Trick ‘R Treat just wants to have fun – and does.
Watch Trick ‘r Treat on Amazon
[REC] (2007)
This nasty shock to the system from Spanish horror specialist Jaume Balaguero uses the “found footage” style in logical fashion, as it’s told from the point of view of a news team that accompanies a fire brigade to a call at an apartment building. Things quickly take a turn not just for the bad but for the unspeakable as our heroes confront a zombie plague of a horrific nature, and [REC] rubs your nose in every nightmarish moment. The building itself is a spectacular, claustrophobic setting, and what [REC] lacks in meaningful character development it makes up in relentless terror and dread.
Take a good, stiff drink before watching.
Watch [REC] on Amazon
The Mist (2007)
A faithful and pretty great Stephen King adaptation, The Mist is terrifying not just for the macabre monsters that come streaming out of the title cloud to lay siege on a small group of people trapped in a supermarket, but for the way those people turn so quickly on each other as well.
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Revisiting the Ending of The Mist
By Dan Cooper
Writer/director Frank Darabont, nailing his third King-based adaptation after The Shawshank Redemption and The Green Mile, innately understands that King’s stories are often so disquieting because of the human monsters in them as well as the slimy, tentacled ones. In this case the threat is Mrs. Carmody (Marcia Gay Harden), a religious fanatic who quickly does her best to divide the supermarket into two hostile camps — I’ll let you work out the metaphors.
Beyond that, however, The Mist is a genuinely scary monsterpalooza, with one of the bleakest endings ever. When you go even darker than the King original, that’s saying something.
Watch The Mist on Amazon Prime
The Orphanage (2006)
The debut feature from Spanish director J.A. Bayona (The Impossible) was produced by his friend Guillermo Del Toro, and frankly feels like it. It certainly has many of the hallmarks of Del Toro’s own Spanish-language horror films, with its focus on children, its marvelously atmospheric setting, its short bursts of shocking violence and its ghostly apparitions.
Either way, it’s a rich, beautifully crafted film that becomes unexpectedly and powerfully emotional at the finish. Belen Rueda is sensational as Laura, who returns to her childhood home — an old orphanage — with her husband and adopted son, only to find that it is not exactly empty. An English-language remake was planned for a long time, but perhaps fortunately, it has not happened.
Watch The Orphanage on Amazon
The Descent (2005)
Six women go exploring an unmapped cave system, with tragic and terrifying consequences, in writer/director Neil Marshall’s (Dog Soldiers) riveting horror hit. Marshall subverts the genre with his strong all-female cast (not a male hero in sight), refusing to dumb them down, but then puts the screws to them by introducing the blind humanoid inhabitants of the caves, surely one of the most horrific monster creations of the decade.
The movie is unstoppably scary, showing no mercy to the characters or the audience (one shock early in the film makes this writer jump to this day), but also examines how far people will go to survive in seemingly impossible circumstances. The Descent is a harrowing, suffocating masterpiece.
Watch The Descent on Amazon
Shaun of the Dead (2004)
This loving homage to the films of George A. Romero — the father of the modern zombie movie — and to the horror genre in general launched the careers of director Edgar Wright and stars Simon Pegg and Nick Frost outside of the U.K. And deservedly so: Shaun is a near-perfect blend of horror and comedy, energized by Wright’s visceral style of directing and flavored with clever pop culture and genre references that are even more delicious if you’re a fan.
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25 Fiendishly Funny Horror Comedies
By Kirsten Howard
The Walking Dead vs. Real-Life Survivalists: How to Prep for The Zombie Apocalypse
By Ron Hogan
Pegg and Frost are perfect as two slackers who must contend with a zombie apocalypse — two of the least likely but most endearingly goofy heroes you’ll ever meet.
Watch Shaun of the Dead on Amazon
Saw (2004)
Saw is now so closely associated with the torture porn genre that its numerous sequels almost singlehandedly gave birth to that people often don’t remember that the original is more of a suspenseful police procedural and genuinely gripping puzzlebox than an outright exercise in sadism. Not that Saw is a sitting-room drama either: there are plenty of visceral moments in the film, and even in his feature debut, director James Wan (The Conjuring) displays a surprising amount of control and confidence in his handling of the horrors.
Saw may or may not be a truly great film, but its influence is enormous and it still packs one of the best endings the genre has ever seen.
Watch Saw on Amazon
28 Days Later (2002)
Looking at Danny Boyle’s revisionist zombie film now, its grimy handheld video esthetic is getting perhaps just a wee bit dated — but even that fails to dilute the sheer aggressive energy of Boyle’s take on the horror genre.
The movie, like its spiritual forefather Night of the Living Dead, is also rich in political and social subtext, while balancing moments of outright terror with passages of almost poetic reflection. Boyle and screenwriter Alex Garland expertly reinvigorated a subgenre that had been nearly moribund, paving the way for both the superb (The Walking Dead) and the silly (the film version of World War Z).
Watch 28 Days Later on Amazon
The Ring (2002)
It was a foregone conclusion that the Japanese horror smash Ringu (1998), after becoming an underground sensation internationally, would be the subject of a big-budget Hollywood remake. But who imagined it would be this good? Director Gore Verbinski and writers Scott Frank and Ehren Kruger retain the original’s focus on atmosphere and creepy imagery over cheap scares, while Naomi Watts — fresh off her sensational turn in Mulholland Drive — is excellent as the reporter and mother who discovers the haunted videotape that causes viewers to die in seven days.
The American version fleshes out a few more narrative points that the Japanese film left ambiguous, but never wavers from its tone of quietly mounting terror. There have been plenty of J-horror remakes in the wake of The Ring, but it remains the first and the best.
Watch The Ring on Amazon
Mulholland Drive (2001)
Debate rages (even now, between this writer and his editor) over whether Mulholland Drive is actually a horror movie, but the simple truth is that filmmaking legend David Lynch has incorporated elements of horror into many of his films. No one comes as close to capturing the essence of a nightmare on screen, and Mulholland Drive contains two of the century’s most skin-freezing scenes: the infamous diner sequence and the discovery of a decomposing corpse in a darkened apartment.
Even if the plot didn’t invoke the genre in other ways — including a supernatural force at work in Hollywood and the Repulsion-like disintegration of a young woman’s mind — those two scenes would be enough to earn a spot on this list.
Watch Mulholland Drive on Amazon
The Others (2001)
Alejandro Amenabar (Open Your Eyes) wrote and directed this elegant ghost story. Nicole Kidman is superb as Grace, who relocates herself and her two small children to a remote country estate in the aftermath of World War II. Their highly structured life — the children are sensitive to sunlight and must stay in darkened rooms — is shattered by mysterious presences in the house. Amenabar relies on mood, atmosphere and a few well-placed scares to make this an excellent modern-day companion to classics like The Haunting and The Innocents.
Watch The Others on Amazon Prime
Session 9 (2001)
“Location, location, location” is what makes this tiny independent chiller from writer/director Brad Anderson (The Machinist) work so well and keeps its reputation intact. A five-man asbestos abatement team is hired to clean out the abandoned Danvers State Mental Hospital in Massachusetts, but the crew, led by the stressed-out Gordon (Peter Mullan), soon finds itself at the mercy of both personal tensions and an unseen force inside the facility.
Anderson shot the movie at the real Danvers, and the empty treatment rooms and labyrinthine underground tunnels create an undeniable atmosphere of disquiet and uncertainty. The nearly gore-free movie is a model of how a fantastic setting, a solid cast and an almost complete lack of jump scares can make for a thoroughly haunting viewing experience.
Watch Session 9 on Amazon
The Devil’s Backbone (2001)
Guillermo Del Toro has made several great movies in his career so far, but for our money this remains his best, scariest and most profoundly affecting work (Pan’s Labyrinth is a close, close second). The Devil’s Backbone is a ghost story set during the waning days of the Spanish Civil War, at an orphanage for boys where an unexploded bomb is embedded in the courtyard and a spirit is wandering the halls at night.
The movie is drenched in both a heavy atmosphere of dread and a blanket of sadness; its mournful elegance counterbalances some of its more chilling scenes of terror. This is dark supernatural storytelling at its finest and a marvelous example of just how high the horror genre — so often maligned by critics — can reach.
Watch The Devil’s Backbone on Amazon
Kairo (2001)
Films like Ringu and Juon were the cornerstones of the Japanese horror explosion of the late ‘90s, but for my money, Kairo is the pinnacle of that era. Director/writer Kiyoshi Kurosawa’s film is one of the most unnerving exercises in surreal horror ever made, with one frightening image after another washing onto the screen. Although the movie’s central idea – -that the realm of the dead is infiltrating our world through the internet – is original and compelling, its presentation is somewhat murky. But Kurosawa doesn’t necessarily feel the need to spell things out: he wants to instead lure you into a living nightmare – which Kairo accomplishes over and over again.
Watch Kairo on Amazon
That’s our list — did we miss any of your favorites that you’d like to add? Let us know below!
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Just Deserts
Summary:  Right before Gabriel left Heaven, he took one peek into the future...and made a small addition to the Apocalypse blueprint. As he becomes the Trickster and the world draws closer to the end, Gabriel fights to make his plan a reality, while trying to keep from falling for anyone or anything, whether it's humanity as a whole or one particularly tall, Lucifer's-vessel-esque example of it. When the dust settles, Gabriel hasn't quite succeeded, but a little help from two unexpected sources will ensure that everyone gets their just deserts.
Sequel to The Truth That Once Was Spoken
Read it on AO3
Gabriel knew it was time to go.
The last Days of Mourning were past, the Heavenly Host was back in place and Castiel had finally learned to fly. Heaven was peaceful again, if quieter than before. If he was going to go, it had to be now.
Gabriel sighed. He wanted to stay, more than anything, but he couldn’t take it anymore. The memory of Lucifer’s angry, terrified, broken eyes as he fell, Michael’s sword lodged in his wing…the angels who’d chosen to fight beside him exploding into white light as the faithful smote them…Metatron’s smug face when the realization that his Father was actually gone for good hit Gabriel…
No. If this is what it meant to be an angel, he was done. Screw Heaven.
There was just one last thing he had to do.
Checking for Michael—he was on the other side of Heaven, excellent—he strolled casually to the Hall of Records. He just wanted one last peek at the Vessels.
He already hated them, the Righteous Man and the Boy King. Gabriel didn’t mind humans; they seemed like interesting creatures so far. But they had taken his brother away from him, devastated Heaven, and then 2,000 years from now these two were going to make it all happen again. Gabriel figured he was allowed to hate them and give the rest of humanity a pass.
The only glimpse he’d gotten was at Michael’s side, and Michael had refused to let Gabriel see them clearly. “Why are you so interested, brother?” he’d asked. “Neither of them are yours.”
Selfish bastard.
Now he was alone as he stared at the Pool. He could take one quick look, memorize their faces, and then be free to run as far away as he could from them, for as long as he could.
It was easy to call up an image. There they were, two bright souls. Brothers, motherless from their youth, fatherless in adulthood. Gabriel felt a bit of a twinge at that, but he ignored it. Of course there were parallels. That was the point.
Concentrating, he let the souls cloak themselves in mortal flesh. He was surprised by their looks. Lucifer’s vessel…Sam…was much taller than his older brother. Shaggy haired and strong, he had surprisingly gentle features. Dean, Michael’s vessel, had much sharper features, but there was still something in his green eyes that spoke of a heart, some softness, especially when he was looking at his brother.
Lucifer and Michael were going to tear these kids apart.
Gabriel shook his head. Unimportant.
Now that he was looking at them, he wondered who they were. What did they do in their day to day lives, what was it like for them in the 21st century, when they would break the Seals?
The answers came the moment he asked. Sam and Dean were hunters: they went after all the monsters Dad had left out of Purgatory, laying ghosts to rest and chopping every monster they came across to pieces. Gabriel watched as their lives whizzed by—not in detail, he wasn’t that invested (wasn’t invested at all, thank you very much)—growing more concerned by the moment. These two had only ever had each other to depend upon. Their dad was a deadbeat; he was chasing revenge for a dead woman, beating his head against a wall of misinformation and destiny, letting his sons grow up without him. They had some family; a drunk old man, a bitter woman and her rebellious daughter were the most prominent, but they didn’t trust them the same way they did each other.
These kids were not going to kill each other.
They just weren’t.
Gabriel growled. Yes, they were. They had to. If not the Apocalypse would keep getting delayed. He could handle a couple thousand years waiting for these two to be born so one of his brothers would finally die, but he wasn’t going to wait any longer than he had to.
Maybe he could send them some kind of sign? An angelic one? That should scare them enough, right?
Why would they be intimidated by an angel? These boys were well-versed in the supernatural, better than most humans. They were unintimidated by authority, used to staring down danger, and they didn’t seem particularly devout.
There was only one way to find out for sure. Gabriel closed his eyes and listened, searching for some mention of angels. He skipped their childhoods; he needed to warn them in adulthood, after their father died and they learned to trust their own decisions.
He found them in an ugly motel room, in some nameless little town. Gabriel leaned forward and listened carefully.
The brothers were arguing. Apparently Sam believed that the monster they were hunting was in fact an angel. Dean was of the opinion that angels were about “as real as unicorns”, and they were legends that “you file under bull crap”[1], despite his brother’s protests.
Two thoughts immediately came to mind.
The first was Gabriel the Archangel’s. That boy is going to learn some respect the hard way when Michael makes him his vessel.
The second was an entirely different perspective, one that Gabriel was finding more and more familiar, more and more interesting as he prepared to leave Heaven behind.
So you don’t believe in angels, do you Dean Winchester? Wouldn’t it be a shame if you…fell in love with one.
That was utterly ridiculous. Archangels weren’t Cupids, for Dad’s sake, they were weapons. Dean Winchester was a Vessel in waiting to him, nothing more.
But… Dean was also a man who hated himself as much as he loved his brother, who set impossible standards for himself and never believed he accomplished anything, who loved pie, his car and women…but also men. Maybe even more so than women. But he couldn’t have the former, because that was wrong. It had to be; didn’t his Dad always say so? And even if he could, he didn’t deserve to have them, because he didn’t deserve to be happy.
He was practically screaming to be proven wrong. He deserved to be proven wrong, too.
Gabriel decided two things. One, he was definitely going to explore this new view on justice when he got to earth. Two, he needed to look into the vessel family trees for the Days Garrison. One of them would rescue the Righteous Man, and what better candidate for Dean’s angel lover?
Gabriel flew over to the scrolls, skimming the lines, considering. It had to be a man, that’s for sure—so a male vessel. A few of them had potential males at the time set for the Apocalypse, and Gabriel went through them. Uriel (HELL NO), Inias (nice kid but no), Balthazar (not quite right)…
Castiel, the fledgling he’d raised since birth. Curious, questioning, faithful Castiel. Terrifying when angry, willing to please, devout and kind.
Now there was one last thing he had to do.
Gabriel flew to Michael’s presence, poking his head around the door. This Heaven was a library, and Michael was sitting at a desk, engrossed in a scroll. Gabriel felt a quick twinge deep in his Grace; he wouldn’t be seeing Michael again for a long time. Maybe never.
Michael looked up. “What do you want, Gabriel?”
Gabriel shrugged. “Not much. Just a quick input on the whole Apocalypse thing.”
Michael sighed, wings arching in agitation. “Can we discuss this later?”
“Just one quick thing, and I’m gone,” Gabriel promised.
Michael inclined his head. “Speak then, brother.”
Gabriel winced. “You said you hadn’t decided on which angel to send after the Righteous Man, right?”
 “I have not. It must be the Days Garrison, of course, but the angel is uncertain.”
“Of course.” Gabriel refrained from displaying his annoyance—he was fairly certain his Father had picked the 'proper' Garrison out of a hat. “Why not send Castiel?”
“Castiel? Your little protégé?” Michael’s wings curved in amusement. “He has just learned to fly, and you already want to send him to Hell?”
“I think he’d be best of them,” Gabriel answered, wings rustling as he thought of Cas flying through Hell with fledgling wings. But no, Cas would be a strong warrior by then, powerful enough to save the Righteous Man and then sweep him off his feet.
Michael’s wings flattened. “As you wish. Will you tell him yourself?”
“You can tell him,” Gabriel said. “It’ll mean more coming from you.”
Michael looked at him carefully. “Are you alright, Gabriel?”
“I’m fine,” Gabriel lied. “I just have a lot on my mind.”
Michael seemed satisfied. “Get some rest, and you will feel more secure. I will send Castiel to you in the morning; you can intensify his training in preparation for his mission.”
Gabriel didn’t answer, merely bowed and left his brother. He looked down at the Earth, far below the shining clouds of Heaven.
It was time to go.  His work here was done.
Gabriel dove deep into the pagan world. He fashioned a name for himself, a job, even a vessel (eat me Michael, you can too make them). Anansi became Loki became the jack-of-all-trades Trickster, and he drowned himself in sex and violence on and off with Kali, though he always went back to laughs and just "desserts" because let’s face it, he’d always been a slave to his sweet tooth.
Still, he kept an eye on the time.
Thousands of years passed. It hurt to think that no one from Heaven had even tried to look for him, but then again he had faked his death. It was just easier that way. He could sometimes still hear chatter through the soundwaves, his siblings talking about various things, and he was relieved to hear that despite occasional battles Castiel was still alive. Finally, when he realized that the Apocalypse was only years away, he set about tracking down the Winchesters—the vessels.
And of course he found them by accident.
Loki had set up shop at a university—just killing time, serving a few people some sweet justice. He planned to go after the Winchesters shortly, as soon as he finished going through the book of urban legends he picked up at the campus bookstore.
Which, of course, was exactly when the Winchesters walked into his life and ruined everything.
That time was actually fun—they were still just kids, having the weirdest week of their lives for sure, but he was really just screwing around with them. Loki liked the older brother’s spirit and the younger one’s looks, and so he didn’t kill them. Didn’t stop him from flattening tires or repossessing a laptop (he did give it back when he was done with it), but that was practically pulling pigtails by his standards.
And therein lay the problem. Because he wasn’t supposed to care about these boys at all. Dean, yeah, because he was going to fall in love with Castiel, but that was only going to happen because he would kill his little brother. Sam was not part of this equation; he was Lucifer’s vessel. Loki could not afford to get attached.
So, naturally, the next time he encountered the Winchesters he tried to help Sam.
It’s for science, he asserted as he watched Dean Winchester’s double die over and over, Sam crumbling every time. I want to try some new ideas, he argued as Sam woke up again and again, trying to fight the invisible force that kept killing his brother. This idiot kid deserves it, he tried to tell himself as he watched Sam ‘live through’ six months without his brother.
Except Sam didn’t, it wasn’t for science, and all the new ideas were distractions from the lesson Sam really deserved to learn, because for once Gabriel was closer to the surface than Loki, and when he came face to face with the hunter it spilled out.
“The way you two keep sacrificing yourselves for each other? Nothing good comes out of it. Just blood, and pain.”
If Sam had been in any position to understand, if he’d been less sleep-deprived, less grieving, he would have glimpsed the future in that phrase. The demon blood, Ruby, the final altered voice message (he was going to murder Zachariah for that), becoming Lucifer’s vessel…everything Gabriel had seen coming, he’d just told him. Given it away. Could have ruined the entire game.
“It’s going to be the death of you, Sam.”
Because Michael had to win to give humanity half a chance, to give Castiel a chance to be happy, so Sam had to die.
And suddenly Loki didn’t want that. Gabriel didn’t want that.
But it was too late to change anything, too late to realize that Dad damn it, he’d chosen Cassie’s boyfriend...and picked out his brother for himself.
Because Sam wasn’t Lucifer, Sam was Sam, with a too-big heart, even for his massive body, a good mind and a passionate desire to learn about the world.
He also happened to be gorgeous, which did not mean anyth—oh Hell he was dead.
Because he had to save Sam Winchester from dying and keep Dean Winchester alive for Castiel.
The things he did for the people he loved—wow, that’s it, he’s been watching too much TV.
Two years later he went after the Winchesters again, who had Castiel in tow this time, and wow, poor Sam, the eyesex game was strong. The TV shows were fun, but once again (this time because of Castiel—excuse him, Cas) Loki tripped up and let Gabriel take control, and in doing so exposed himself.
And got himself trapped in a ring of holy fire.
But Dean and Sam let him go, and Gabriel was once again reminded of why he was doing this in the first place. Before he’d loved Sam, before he’d loved Castiel even, he loved humanity. They were interesting, exciting, and so many of them tried to go beyond rational self-preservation in order to protect other people.
Falling for Sam Winchester was making a lot more sense now.
Gabriel had been willing to follow Michael, but after a bit of snooping around he found out that while Zachariah was still a mega douche, Michael had changed, becoming a lot like his henchmen. Gabriel felt sick as he realized that his brother truly didn’t care about humans anymore, and he barely cared for angels. Something was definitely wrong with Cas, but the younger angel refused to answer his call and Gabriel was left to try to find out what had happened in the little bit of time he had left.
And suddenly, there was no time at all.
Gabriel put Loki’s face on one last time for his pagan cohorts (friends was a wee bit of a stretch) and tried to get them to listen. Get out of the line of fire, he wanted to plead. I’ll fix this, I swear, just leave the Winchesters alone and run. I’ll deal with my brother.
Then he got Sam and Dean out the door with his DVD, shooed Kali along with them, and faced his brother. He made an illusion, not to stab Lucifer in the back, just to buy himself some time to try to convince Lucifer not to fight. Listen, brother, he begged. Don’t do this. I know you don’t want to.
But Lucifer was too far gone, and in one quick, agonizing move he stabbed him through the heart. He’d faked his death a hundred times but this was real, he could feel it, and he knew he’d failed.
Team Free Will were on their own, and the Apocalypse would happen.
Just like he’d wanted for so long.
Now that’s just deserts.
Gabriel jerked awake and immediately wished he was still dead. He was in a deep kind of pain, the kind where you can’t even remember what relief would feel like.
Kali sat beside him. Her form was writhing and glowing, and Gabriel could feel her triumph. You are back.
Did you bring me back? He could only talk through his true form, though he could feel his vessel clothing him.
I did. Your blood. With him. Kali was never one to waste words.
Gabriel tried to turn his head, but it was too painful. Then a hand touched his forehead and he almost screamed from the shock of that presence, gone so long and completely.
My son.
You’re—where have you been? Are you back?
Not yet.
What, the Apocalypse wasn’t a good enough reason? Gabriel struggled to turn away, but he was too weak.
I cannot return fully. Not yet. To hide myself I exist in many places, scattered across the universe.
How are you with me then?
I can stay for a moment. I may still communicate. I will do this much now.
How nice of you.
I could not stay, Gabriel. When your brother fell I realized the damage I did by giving free will to only two. I couldn’t trust myself. I left the angels with free will of their own, and went away so far that when I returned I didn’t know who I was. By the time I remembered, it was too late for me to do any good. So I left once more.
How long have I been gone?          
Alive, as well as the Winchesters. Both Sam and Dean are free and well, so far as they may be.
Dean isn’t free, he must be bound to Cas by now.
He is not.
Gabriel, be calm.
No way! I worked on that for ages, it was set up perfectly.
There was anger in his Father’s voice now, but it wasn’t for Gabriel or Castiel. Your brother was tortured for his love of Dean Winchester, and fears his own feelings. Images come into Gabriel's mind, Cas with Zachariah, all of the false visions...
What can I do? Gabriel felt bleak.
You can go back and undo the damage done. Castiel trusts you, and Dean does as well. Go back to them and help them.
I can?
You loved your brother and gave him a chance at happiness, but ultimately did not interfere, you let free will take its course. Help them now that this is what they’ve chosen. That is what I gave you and Lucifer free will for in the first place.
I had it all along?
I knew it!
No you didn’t.
...Dad, will you ever come back?
I will try, Gabriel, if you think it wise. I have caused much damage to my children of both kinds, and I deserve the ire so many feel. It may be best to stay away.
Take it from me. Running only works for so long. Anything’s better than being alone.
I will try to collect myself Gabriel, at least enough to speak to Castiel as well. The pain was slowly leaving Gabriel, and he felt his wings rustle back into place. He opened his eyes and looked up at his Father. He rolled his eyes.
Better stay away from the Winchesters, Pops, they’re not going to like what they see.
I did try to help them. As I said, I don’t believe I could have fixed anything. Your Sam and Castiel’s Dean did more than most beings far more powerful than them. I would have only gotten in the way.
He’s not my Sam.
No, because you died before you told him. Go tell him now.
There’s no way he lo-likes me back.
I’m omniscient, remember? You’ve done well, my son. I have no desire to punish you with false hope.
Gabriel managed to sit up all the way. He looked between Kali and his Father. You think I should go back, then?
You need to. You want to. You have to. Kali was impatient as ever. Gabriel felt a stirring of pride. That’s my girl. Even if he wasn’t in love with her anymore, he had to respect her passion.
Go and save your charge, find your love, Gabriel. I will follow behind when I can, but know it may take some time.
But you promise you will?
I promise, my son.
“Well,” Gabriel said with a crooked smile, finally able to move his tongue, “guess I’d better get going.”
Sam thought Loki (Bobby had looked up the specific wood they’d used for the stake and found out it was Loki’s weakness) was funny but a pain in the ass (his laptop still had an annoying tendency to switch to pictures of aliens if he wasn’t paying attention and it was a different laptop).
Sam hated the Trickster for making him watch Dean turn into a corpse and then back to his living-but-dead-man-walking brother, but the rational part of him understood what the Trickster was saying. He didn’t agree with it—Dean was all he had, and he was going to save him—but he understood it, and kind of appreciated the thought.
Sam didn’t know how he felt about Gabriel.
He understood the archangel’s desire to get away from the ‘family business’, but how could he leave Cas behind? He sympathized with Gabriel not wanting to kill his brothers, but were they even still his brothers? He could see the personas shimmering on top of the archangel’s Grace—two creatures that had tormented him and countless others—so why did something fall out of his heart forever when Gabriel died?
It was a mess of contradictions and confusion and pain and laughter, all shining gold, and Sam was sometimes grateful that Gabriel was gone, if only so he didn’t have to sort out what he felt.
Dean, on the other hand, had it fairly straightforward. He loved Cas, Cas loved him, and they just needed a push in the right direction. Right?
Sam loathed the fact that he was wrong about that.
When Cas had kicked him out of his room and he’d gone to join Dean, Sam was sure he’d destroyed his own brother. He tried to apologize, but Dean would have nothing of it; he just cried on Sam’s shoulder and they drank together and Sam strung together increasingly creative and befuddled curses towards their friend. He couldn’t understand why Cas had been so cruel, but that was for later. Right now he was going to take care of Dean.
And then the next morning came, and Cas wouldn’t wake up, and Dean found a hex bag with a golden feather.
And Gabriel was there.
Sam didn’t really hear what he was saying to Dean; blood was pounding in his ears as he stared at the short archangel who haunted his dreams as often as Lucifer, though in a very different way.
Then Dean drank Dream Root and fell to the floor.
Sam snapped out of it.
“Sam, put him on the bed, okay?”
Sam obeyed without question, picking up his brother and carefully laying him next to Cas. To his surprise Cas immediately snuggled into Dean, who wrapped his arms around him. There was a snap, and the bedclothes changed to a much nicer looking set, Cas and Dean tucked under soft, warm sheets.
Sam turned to Gabriel. He had a thousand questions for the archangel, and a hundred things he wanted to tell him (but did he really want to tell him everything?), but he couldn’t find the words.
Gabriel put a finger to his lips. “Let’s give the lovebirds some privacy, okay kiddo?”
Sam nodded without thinking.
Gabriel snapped his fingers again, and the world spun, resolving into a beach that stretched for miles, tropical foliage behind them.
“Where are we?”
“Not in the continental U.S.”
“…Hawaii, then?”
“You’ve always been the smart one.”
Sam put his hands in his pockets and looked at the ground. “What are you doing here, Gabriel? How are you here?”
“Can I answer the second question first?” Gabriel waggled his eyebrows. “I like mixing it up.”
“You’re really annoying, you know that?”
“So I’ve been told.” Gabriel shrugged. “Like I said, there was enough of me in the world to bring me back. Kali gave my Father my blood, and he managed to tether me back to this vessel. As well as recreate it.”
It took a minute for Sam to process that. “Your Father? As in…”
“Yep, he’s not dead, and man are you going to be pissed when you see him.” Gabriel’s smile faltered. “Cut the guy a bit of slack though—he’d been hiding so long he forgot who he was, and once he did know he thought coming back would make it worse. I can’t exactly throw stones at that glass house.”
Come to think of it, neither could Sam.
“We both came back, though.”
“And he will too. He promised.”
Sam’s eyes went wide, but before he could start rambling about what they were going to do when capital-G God came back, and when, and how, Gabriel cut him off.
“Anyhoo, back to the first question. My reasons for return are threefold.”
“Did you just quote—”
“No, Friends quoted me. First reason was because I couldn’t actually believe that you three were still alive. Second reason was to get Cas and Dean to form a super bond and become Destiel, because Zachariah put the fear of everything in Cas years ago to keep him from falling in love with Dean…”
“Yeah, hence the Dream Root. Don’t worry, they’ll be fine, they’re too in love to be stupid forever.”
Sam was still trying to process this part of the story—why hadn’t Cas told him? But Gabriel still had one more reason, and now the archangel looked nervous.
“And the third?” he prompted when Gabriel didn’t speak.
“Right. Well, it’s linked to the second. Long story short, 2,000 years ago I looked ahead and saw you and your brother, and when I overheard Dean saying he didn’t believe in angels, I thought it’d be funny to make him fall in love with one. So I picked Castiel to save him from Hell, figured that would be the best love pair.”
“So you wanted to make it happen,” Sam concluded, trying to ignore the fact that Gabriel had been spying on them 2,000 years before they were born. “But that was your second reason, wasn’t it?”
Gabriel sighed. “Let me finish, kiddo. I saw your brother….and I saw you too. I saw this goofy looking kid who was going to be Lucifer’s vessel, and I saw something else at the time that I refused to notice. After all, Michael had to win if Dean and Castiel were going to have a chance together, so you were going to have to die, right? No point getting attached. But then I met you in person, saw you more clearly, and I knew you were trouble.”
Sam’s throat went tight. Boy King. Abomination. Freak.
Gabriel grabbed his hands. “Hey, no. That’s not what I meant at all. You’re not any of those things, Sam Winchester. What you were—what you are—is everything I’ve ever wanted.”
Sam just stared, hands clutching at Gabriel’s, so much smaller than his yet so much stronger.
“And I fought it.” Gabriel’s voice was tight. “I fought it and I hurt you and I kept pushing you because if I could prove to myself that you weren’t good for me then I didn’t have to try to be good for you. But even when I tried as hard as I could you kept proving me wrong. You kept trying to forgive me.”
“And then you died,” Sam whispered, “and I didn’t know what to think, I just tried to do what you said…”
“And now look at you, kiddo.” Gabriel’s tone turned reverent as he raised a hand and put it over Sam’s heart. “Your soul’s still bright as ever, even after everything. I’m so proud of you, I wanted you to know that.”
Sam looked into Gabriel’s eyes. Once or twice he’d caught a glimpse of the storm behind Cas’ eyes, the bright blue pulses of power and strength and Grace. Now he was drowning in Gabriel’s gold, in pain and laughter and confusion and contradictions, and he almost laughed aloud when he realized that he knew exactly how he felt about Gabriel, because beyond all of those feelings was a deep, true need that went beyond physical and emotional and was pure recognition. You are what I’ve been waiting for.
Gabriel took a deep breath, shocked. He must have felt Sam’s surge of joy and understanding, but Sam didn’t wait to let him process it. They’d both been waiting long enough.
He kissed the archangel deeply, hauling him onto his toes and holding him as tightly as he could. Gabriel kissed him back with an intensity Sam could hardly grasp. With his eyes closed, Sam couldn’t really tell which of them was taller, which of them was made of soul and which of Grace.
He lost track of anything but Gabriel for a long time, and when he came back to himself he was on his back, Gabriel straddling him, their foreheads leaned together and Gabriel’s fingers tangled in his hair. Sam reached up and stroked the archangel’s hair out of his eyes.
“I love you,” he whispered. Then he grinned. “In case you couldn’t tell.”    
“Love you too, Samshine,” Gabriel replied, rolling his eyes. He slumped down on top of Sam and Sam tucked his head under his chin, holding his angel close.
“I’m glad you’re here,” Gabriel said quietly. “I missed you.” “I missed you too,” Sam whispered.
They lay like that for a long time, listening to the waves and each other’s gentle breathing.
Gabriel propped himself on one elbow. “So our brothers are together right now…and they probably don’t want to be disturbed.”
Sam raised his eyebrows. “Well, we should give them some privacy, right?”
Gabriel grinned, eyes flashing gold. “Absolutely. But how on earth are we going to occupy ourselves, Sam?”
“I don’t know, got any ideas?” Sam asked, returning Gabriel’s smirk.
Gabriel leaned closer. “A few.”
“Easy there,” Sam said with a laugh. “You at least have to buy me dinner first.”
Gabriel pouted. “Dinner’s a long time from now.” Then he brightened, and snapped again. A picnic table appeared nearby with an enormous variety of fruit, two plates with stacks of pancakes and huge pitchers of milk.
“How about breakfast instead?” Gabriel asked.
Sam raised an eyebrow, letting a slow smile come onto his face. “I’m in.”
Wrapped up (quite literally) in Cas, it took Dean a couple of minutes to realize he was being watched. He sat up quickly and saw Sam leaning against the cupboard.  
Dean watched as Sam absorbed the fact that he was with Cas. First shock (which was reasonable, he’d walked in on them after all), then confusion (because Dean didn’t cuddle, even shirtless), then irritation (they were on Sam’s bed). Now his brother stood calmly, brow furrowed. Cas had moved away from Dean, but he still was still holding his hand and Dean was absolutely not grateful for that.
Sam’s expression cleared suddenly. Dean braced himself.
“Okay, you’re with Cas. Can’t say I’m surprised.”
Dean was annoyed by that (it would get worse over the next few days, but he didn’t know that). Still, it was better than Sam being angry.
Then Sam’s face went serious, and Dean’s stomach plummeted. Cas tightened his grip on his hand.
“I’ve just got one question Dean, and I need you to be one hundred percent honest with me, okay?”
Dean nodded. “Sure Sammy, anything.” What does he want to know?
Sam leaned forward, looking directly into Dean’s eyes.
“Do you believe in angels now?”
It took Cas’ full strength to hold Dean back.
Sam was howling with laughter, bent nearly double as Dean swore loudly at him. Then another laugh joined in, and Gabriel appeared next to Sam, arm curled nonchalantly around Sam’s waist.
“Now that was awesome!” Gabriel said, wiping his eyes. “Gotta hand it to you kiddo, you’ve got a sense of humour after all.”
“It was your joke,” Sam said generously. “I took my cue from the master.”
Dean finally stopped fighting Cas’ hold, relaxing back against his angel. He’s mine now. What else matters? “Well aren’t you two hilarious,” he snapped.
“Well I don’t just like him for his hair,” Gabriel smirked, pulling Sam down into a quick kiss. Dean choked, and he felt Cas start against him.
“What—really Sam, the Trickster?”
“Yes, really, Dean.” Sam was pretending to be confident, but his eyes betrayed his concern.
Dean thought about it for a minute. “I did not see that coming in a million years, but whatever floats your boat I guess.” He glared at Gabriel. “Just don’t forget you’re dating my little brother, and I know how to fry angels.”
Gabriel smiled sweetly. “Sure thing, as long as you don’t forget that you’re dating my little brother, and I can do a wondrous variety of things with a snap of my fingers.” He snapped, but all he did was put Dean and Cas’ shirts back on.
“Gabriel, don’t be ridiculous,” Cas said. He let go of Dean slowly and stood up. “You are both aware that such things won’t be necessary. I believe we have all learned the hard way about valuing each other.”
That stopped everyone’s laughter. Gabriel considered his brother, standing only a few feet away. “True words, Castiel. You always were the smartest.”
Cas tilted his head, approaching his brother carefully. “That isn’t true, and you know it. You wouldn’t have had to come back otherwise.”
Gabriel let go of Sam and stepped towards Cas, and for the first time ever Dean saw real fear in the angel’s eyes. “I came back because I wanted to make sure you were happy with your human, little bro. It wasn’t exactly a hard choice.”
“And now that you are back, will you stay?” Cas asked.
Gabriel shrugged, trying to smile. “If you want me to.”
Cas surged forward and wound his arms around Gabriel tightly, shocking the shorter man. “Of course I do,” he said, voice muffled in Gabriel’s shoulder. “Stay, brother, please…”
Gabriel wrapped his arms around Cas, and there was a weird light movement: for a moment Dean could swear he saw wings, six gold and two jet black, winding around the angels. He blinked and they were gone, but judging by the awe in Sam’s face he’d seen them too.
Cas was the first one to pull back. “Thank you, brother. For everything.”
“Anytime, Cassie.” Gabriel’s eyes were suspiciously bright. “Anytime.” He clapped his hand suddenly, clearly done with the conversation. “So, where do you three want to go? We should celebrate! I mean, Sam and I already got started…”
Dean rolled his eyes. “Spare me the details.”
“You know what?” Sam asked. “Why don’t we just go home? It’s not far.”
Dean felt the familiar jolt of happiness when Sam called the Bunker ‘home’. “I’m in.”
Gabriel stretched his arms. “Your top secret domicile? Sounds great. We’ve got a lot to catch up on, from what Sam’s told me, and we may as well do it somewhere comfy.”
Cas pulled Dean to his feet. “Come, beloved, let’s go.”
And Dean did not blush, shut up Sam.
Gabriel snapped his fingers and they were outside the motel, standing in front of the Impala. Without even discussing it, Sam got into the backseat, Gabriel sliding in next to him.
Dean held the passenger door for Cas. When he hesitated, he raised an eyebrow. “Do you want to sit in the back with the lovebirds?”
Cas smiled and got in. Dean walked around the car and sat down. He turned the key and Baby roared to life, rumbling under him. He turned his head and saw that Cas had his hand resting on the seat, palm up. Dean laced their fingers together.
“Both hands on the wheel!” Gabriel protested.
Dean met his eyes in the mirror. “Yeah, because you’re totally wearing a seat belt in my brother’s lap.”
“I’m an archangel!”
“And I will never let anything happen to Dean,” Cas answered his brother, squeezing Dean’s hand. “Now hush.”
And Gabriel actually shut up in favour of kissing Sam instead.
Dean smiled at Cas, rubbing his thumb over the angel’s knuckles. At some point they would have to talk about Gabriel’s return and their relationships and what they would do next, but it was astoundingly awesome to know that those were their biggest priorities right now. That for once they would be learning about people that made them happy, not monsters trying to kill them.
And looking at his angel, his eyes peaceful for the first time in years, in the mirror at his brother holding his own archangel, looking more relaxed than Dean thought he could be, and even Gabriel, who looked like he’d come home at last…well, maybe it was okay to let himself be happy for a while.
They’d all earned it, after all.
The End 
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