#he ain't in a good mood either so im NOT letting him write anything without me filtering.
rewindremi · 11 months
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evilcowgirl · 1 year
Hi! i was thinking of a prompt for some headcanons for autistic! reader x the gang members (any one you like!)
a sort of "they're a bit odd but i like that about em" since it wasnt discovered until 1911.
stuff like when reader gets overwhelmed/doesnt understand social que/shows empathy/apathy at the wrong moments
and mostly what they'd do when reader feels left out/like they dont belong because thats something im really struggling with </3
have a good day/night!
autistic reader relationship headcannons
pairings: arthur, javier, dutch, charles x reader
a/n: hiii loved this request sm !! feeling left out is the worst feeling but there's a place for everyone so pls remember that !! also i included dutch and john for the first time !! this is me using my autism powers for good
word count: 1k (combined)
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you bond over you both feeling unheard in the gang. you because communication is difficult for you (especially when you feel out of place) and for arthur it's because he and dutch got into an argument twenty minutes ago and he's still mad.
makes it his personal responsibility to make sure you never feel overlooked at camp because he knows how hard it is for you to settle in with the rest of the gang
during parties at camp he makes sure to keep you right by his side of you don't feel up to talking and reassures you that everything is fine if you get overwhelmed
doesn't think twice about intimidating your way out of situations he sees going south
"You can't just go around talking to folks like that"
"Nah you ain't do nothing wrong, just that people 'round here are real quick-tempered; thankfully for you i'm even quicker."
he writes about you in his journal more than anything else, pages and pages are dedicated to just how special you are to him !!
"They aren't like most folk, I like that about them."
arthur takes it as you being less influenced by social norms, which he's naturally drawn to as someone who doesn't get along too well with social norms either.
KING of aggressive reassurance, sometimes it can be off putting but you know he means every word he says.
"I promise you if they didn't want you here you'd be long gone, darlin'"
"Everyone here loves you, I think even more than they love me at this point so stop your nonsense."
biggest autism fan
calls you eccentric because thats how he chooses to describe you to people
completely over analyzes everything you say because he thinks you're the most interesting person he's ever met !! you might as well be evelyn miller !!
to him, you are so unique and precious that he finds himself being overly protective
his protectiveness could a flaw depending on your mood because he never notices that he's smothering you until you're past the point of being overstimulated by the attention.
you made a mistake ? no you didn't, you could never.
would rather watch a man die slowly than let you be confronted, even if you can take up for yourself.
"If he doesn't like your manners he'll be terribly disappointed to find that mine are much worse"
"Don't you dare waste your breath apologizing to anyone, sweet thing."
notices the small things about you like how enthralled you were by the noise his rings make when they brush against a glass or how you hate the feeling of too many eyes on you
you're the only person other than arthur that he feels like he can vent to without being judged.
will listen to you ramble about whatever you're interested in at the moment for as long as your interest lasts. has no problem with you coming up to him to talk about horses for a month straight if he gets to see you happy
he just thinks you're neat
you have a chest filled with little gifts that he brings you from his trips out of camp because you told him you like collecting things once.
little calm walks through the woods when things aren't going well, and even when they are and you just miss each other's company.
always reminds you to prepare yourself for the loud noise when he feels like he might have to use his gun if loud noises bother you.
"Remember to cover your ears, amor"
because of his own strict morals and passion for what he stands for he appreciates your straightness with what you believe. its easy for him to talk to you because he can trust you to be honest.
loyalty is a huge thing for javier so you can trust him to stand up for you diligently regardless of what it's about
someone made a snide comment ?? dead !
he adores everything you view as a flaw about yourself. from your struggles with putting things in a way that people can swallow easily, to your excitement for whats often seen as mundane.
"That's amazing, amor, tell me more!"
javier is definitely a self-identified romantic and finds ways to romance you even if sometimes you don't pick up on his affections.
always invites you to sit near him around the fire and listen to him play !! every song is for you because he knows you like his music
could not care less about your issues with empathy because he has them too after everything he's been through.
would never force you to feel something you don't or don't understand and reminds you that you're just as caring and lovable as anyone else
"You're a bit off, you know?"
will ask you why you do certain things, not to be rude but out of genuine curiosity and a lack of manners.
literally so clueless
thought that you hated him in the beginning and held a grudge that you didn't even know about, but once he realized that you simply expressed emotions differently than most people he warmed up to you over time
he wasn't exactly sure how to approach you even though he was interested and he's NOT at all used to being nervous around people he's interested in
tried and failed to strike up conversations with you numerous times before finally switching up his approach and realizing that small talk wasn't going to get him anywhere with you.
the term autism and it's symptoms weren't recognized medically until much later, there was no term for it which often led to people simply avoiding the topic of your differences or leaving you out completely. john on the other hand was incredibly frank about everything and never tries to convince you that you're just like everyone else. he knows that you're not and so do you, what matters to him is that he loves you just as you are.
gets aggressive when you're overwhelmed, not with you but to everyone else around you. hates seeing you stressed out and it gets him stressed too.
"They said they don't want any bother." when you definitely did not say that
sitting in his tent with him while you both calm down and sweet hugs and comforting words afterwards
only he is allowed to poke fun of you everyone else knows you're off limits
i like my bitches weird an offputting -charles i think
charles is the first person you think has truly known you without treating you any differently. he didn't speak down to you, or simplify things because he saw you as less intelligent. he spoke to you like a person that was just as capable of everyone else, which you were.
gentle words of encouragement and silent glances of of acknowledgment when you need them. he always know when you need them.
so sweet with you because he knows what it feels like to not belong in more ways than he could even list
"Would you like to join us?"
"I'd like it if you came, you're always welcome with me."
you never feel like he's judging you for not understanding how to talk with others in a conventional way. he understands you in a way you're not used to.
he can always magically tell when you're getting overstimulated and never makes you feel like a burden for it.
sweetest man ever just wants you to be okay !!!!
always shares new things that he's learned with you because he knows you'll appreciate them. loves to tell you all about plants and animals and in return he listens eagerly to whatever hyper fixation you have at the time
you both have a similar social which leads to you spending an unsettling amount of time together
holding hands and sweet kisses when you're both up for it, regardless of who's looking
people in camp talk of course, wondering how something that's not an animal being hunted could capture charles' attention for so long
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Idk how many people i can request for but I'd like to request notes for @pharmacykeys and @imbleedin-out. Encouragement or just something sweet (also not sure who they'd prefer the notes from) (but I'd also like to request a note for you because you're amazing and so caring and I want you to have the encouragement you deserve so anything you'd like to hear at this moment from any or all of the brothers 💖)
OMG nonnie this is the sweetest ask!! I thought for a long time about what to write for Riri and Lily and I think I finally found something for the both of them! I think Riri would prefer Lester and Lily, Bo, but if that's wrong then please let me know and I'll write you lovely people a note from someone else!!! AND OMG NONNIE FOR ME TOO???? You're very kind🥺🥺🥺 thank you so so much omllll if there's anything YOU want nonnie then please don't be shy to follow this up with an ask for you, too!💖💖💖
For Riri (@pharmacykeys)
Hey sweetpea,
I'on remember the last time I left y'somethin' to keep a'hold of 'til I come home so I figured I'd do somethin' now. Why not tell y'everythin' every moment I can? S'not like I ever had someone I could talk to 'fore y'came swannin' into m'life. Yep, was jus' me an' sometimes Jonesy – Vincent's good mood depending – on them same ol' roads, day in an' day out. Ain't got no one t'talk to 'cept me an' I get bored o'my own voice after a while.
Tha's one of the many reasons m'so grateful t'ya', darlin'... listenin' t'me an' makin' me feel like I matter. Like everythin' I say is worth 'memberin' an' like y'don't know what y'll do wit'out me, jus' like I'on what I'd do wit'out you, either. Was long an' lonely days wit'out you... never though I'd find someone like you. Jus' look at'cha, darlin'. Beautiful.
M'real proud o'ya, darlin', an' don't'cha ever forget it. Don't want you ever feelin' bad 'bout y'reself, not for anythin' or anyone.
Love ya', sweetpea, an' I'll be back 'fore y'know it.
For Lily (@imbleedin-out)
M'chest is achin' right now an' I know it's 'cause o'ya. Everythin's cause'a you. Town's tidier, neater. Lester smiles more. Vincent eats more than he used to – I ain't so worried 'bout him now. Used to have'ta practically shove food down 'im jus' t'make sure he remembered to eat. Jonesy's got a new friend... and you already know what you've done to me, for me and 'cause'a me.
World's a bit brighter, bit bigger, wit' you here, an' I ain't afraid to say it in as many ways as I think I gotta' 'fore it really gets in and sinks in there.
I've seen you go far from here, do so much and keep tryin' no matter what shit's thrown at'cha, an' even though sometimes y'shaky on yer' feet, you still move an' that's really incredible. M' proud o'ya. Y'always come home to me, to your Bo, an' I'on know but m'sick of tryna' question it. Ain't gonna do that anymore, jus' gonna accept an' enjoy it.
Enjoy the good things 'fore they're gone.
M'always your Bo, an' I got'cha back.
And... for lil' ol' me, I just wanna know they're proud of me and they love me and that they see me, even the things I don't say out loud or share. They see the way I jump at loud noises and raised voices, they see the clenched fists and closed eyes when someone gets too close to me, they see the way I wash my hands and then wash them again if I touch a texture I don't like or if someone touches me without asking me first, they see me and they love me, and they're here. They don't want me going without a night light or with unbrushed and unbraided hair and they'll help me to help myself. They see me sobbing and then putting on the song Bo plays in the garage and then crying harder and Bo shakes his head, scoffs lightly and pulls me in for a hug (if I trust deeply, you don't gotta ask to touch me and the Sinclairs would definitely be involved in that). I want them to know I love them and I want them to tell me that I show them all the time, that I don't have to keep trying to show it because they know and I can relax now, they're not going anywhere. I just want them to know me and to love me anyway...because I look at them and then I look at me and my brain just cannot compute. They wouldn't be lucky to have me, they'd be settling. I would be the lucky one and I'd try so hard to take care of them and be everything they need and want. 🥺😭💖
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