#hawke's dead! just kidding she proposed!! haha
shivunin · 1 year
yeahhhhHHHHH!!!!!! 😭 and 🧠???
Thank you, Zen! Expending Herculean amounts of effort here not to just. Post all of this thing. Posting only a little little bit even though I said I wouldn't
Sorry in advance for the whiplash c:
(Snippet asks)
😭 share a snippet that will break our hearts
An unmarked grave, Hawke had told Varric, laughing over drinks after that statue of her had gone up in Lowtown. Let the world mourn me, not its people. She’d added that trees quite liked a little extra iron, actually, not to mention roses, but Varric had cut her off there. It was a little too macabre to think of planting his dearest friend under a rosebush, even for him, though he’d made note of it to work into a story later. 
There was a drama to it, he supposed, still staring sightlessly at the list. He would have…would’ve liked to oblige. The Fade had been cruel and thorough in severing her from her life; there wasn’t even a corpse to burn, wasn’t even a body to bury. All he had—all he’d always had—was paper and ink. It couldn't possibly be enough; had, perhaps, never been enough.
Varric lifted a hand as stiff as wood, tapped the quill into its waiting inkwell, and began the final letter. 
Dear Fenris, he began,
There’s no good way to tell you this…
🧠 share a snippet where the character realizes something important
The knowledge that they were his family was sometimes almost too much to bear all at once. His life had held so much hurt for so long that this much happiness was still sometimes difficult to wrap his mind around. It was impossible to doubt that he was living precisely the life he wanted, and yet—there were still mornings when he woke and wondered how it had happened to him at all. 
They had never talked about marriage. They’d both been so happy as they were (the shadows slowly falling away from her face, the gentle unwinding of days in the library or garden, and then, of course, Leander) that it hadn’t occurred to him that it might be something worth considering at all. Marriage had not been an option for much of his life. But—was it something he wanted? Fenris had never thought very hard about the prospect, but now that she’d asked… 
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sarahjtv · 4 years
My Hero Academia Chapter 291 Spoiler Thoughts
Ok, the summary for Chapter 291 has dropped and I need to write down notes on this one so long as I’m not losing my mind again like last week (I have a lot to say haha):
•The way the chapter starts off is DARK!  It describes how Toya died and what they found is pretty gruesome.  Haven’t seen the scans of that yet, so I’m curious as to how much they show…
•It’s interesting that Toya’s hair started changing from red to white as he aged, not because of stress like I thought.  Genetics from Rei’s side most likely played into this.
•Despite the whole Quirk Marriage thing, Rei did love Endeavor (I assume a part of her still does kinda) enough to propose having another kid to keep Toya company which resulted in Fuyumi being born.  Also, Fuyumi wasn’t born because Endeavor wanted a perfect Quirk combo.  She was born because Rei didn’t want Toya to be lonely.  That makes things better at least.  But, oof, that’ll kill me right there…
•So, this confirms that Fuyumi is the second oldest of the Todoroki siblings and she does have an ice Quirk.  She has red tuffs on her hair, so I still think that her Quirk might have some fire elements, but it looks like it is mostly ice.
•Endeavor was actually fine with just Toya being his successor because Toya’s Quirk was already more powerful than his.  I can only assume that after Toya showed more vulnerability towards his own Quirk is when Endeavor started to neglect him and Fuyumi and try for another kid that had Half-Cold Half-Hot which resulted in Natsuo and ultimately Shoto.
•Also, Endeavor was actually a decent father to Toya and probably Fuyumi (which might explain why she’s the most forgiving of the Todorokis). Yes, he still wanted a successor, but he at least cared for Toya and the rest of his family. He almost seemed happy to train Toya too in a non-aggressive way. That clearly changed over time and I’m sure it was when Toya turned out not to be what Endeavor had envisioned.
•Dabi is single handedly destroying the Todorokis and Hero Society as we know it.  Rei’s probably going to relapse, Natsuo is devastated and Fuyumi will be too, and Shoto…  Oh, Shoto.  One panel shows him in tears of sadness, anger, and agony.  We’ve never seen this expression on Shoto before and my heart absolutely breaks for him.  I want to give him all the hugs and love in the world. Shoto is THE LAST person to deserve any of this.  Shoto did nothing wrong.
•God, I feel so bad for Can’t-Ya-See-Kun…  He watched his idol fall right off his pedestal.  Exposed as the abuser that he was and as the person who created Dabi.  Poor kid is in shock and denial.  The one kid who believed in him when no one else did has probably lost all faith in his hero.  And I highly doubt he’s the only one who’s feeling this in the BNHA world.  
•Hawks career is over too.  Dabi recorded Hawks killing Twice and broadcasted it all over cable and the web.  Even if he does grow his wings back, Hawks is done.  There’s no way people are fully going to support him after this.
•Also, Hawks’ father was apparently a villain.  I remember Ending (the street tape villain that kidnapped Natsuo) mentioning a villain with Hawks’ real last name.  At first I thought he was talking about Hawks, but nope.  It was Hawk’s father.  
•Of course Dabi would have his own Prominence Burn.  The flashback had him asking Endeavor to teach him his ultimate move.  It makes sense that Dabi learned this at some point, but it probably turns him into a suicidal fireball in the process.  
•BEST JEANIST IS ALIVE LETS GOOOOOOOOO!!!!   Thank god he’s not dead!  I don’t know if he can truly hold down Gigantomachia, but he did manage to stop Dabi just in time.  At this point, if anyone can give the heroes a W, it’s Best Jeanist.  
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fart-gate · 4 years
Season 5 episode 16
Notes by me
- johns taking ronon to the beach. just picturing ronon with sunscreen on his nose while trying to balance on a surf board
- oh? The camera lingering on john while he stares at Rodney and kellers lunch date?
- did I watch rodneys train wreck of a date proposal while smiling like an idiot? Absolutely
- she basically paved the way for him to ask her haha ITS OFFICIAL SHE LIKES HIM BACK
- "zero possibility for failure" I feel like youre wrong. Just a feeling
- keller looks so pretty!
- Rodney serving handsome looks
- I am a simple human. I appreciate seeing my science babies in formal attire 👑💞🥂
- keller told Rodney to lighten up or she'll turn this plane around
- why is Rodney so uptight about this like calm down my man
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- they must have had a pretty big budget for this episode if they got these two LMAO
- the Pluto fight
- they are just jerks i guess huh
- did Bill nye just call dibs on keller
- she said it was a first date!!! 💓
- this presentation is dramatic as fuck
- rodneys right this guys ego is huge. Almost as big as his HAHA im just kidding
- wait. Space bridge. Rodney already made that like twice
- this guy stole his idea!!! DILL HOLE
- god this guy needs to stop embarrassing rodney and listen to him. Like shut UUUPP DUDE
- you know what he deserves what he gets
- surprise! You were wrong and an idiot
- how did this dude find out how to make this device?? Did jeannie have something to do with it? I hope not
- "that son of a bitch" LMAO
- Rodney knows how to throw down. "How am I doing so far?" BADASS
- thats right bitch!!! Listen to rodney and never speak again
- stephen Hawking????
- cough bill nye is a terrible actor cough
- his bow tie fashion sense on point tho💅
- this asshole doesnt even care that this other guy almost died wtf
- yes they should use the whole ass room of smarty pants'!!! Thank you keller
- this is so fucking funny
- "I HAVE been listening to you and that is what led me to be believe that you are a MORON" DRAG 'EM RODNEY
- keller said suck it up or shut up!
- keller convincing the dude to let her make the phone call💪
- ah shit the phones are dead
- uh???? Rodney giving his jacket to keller but the camera not focusing on it bc its supposed to be a backround thing👌👌👌👌 good directing choice. excellent tv show making. fantastic use of Small Moments Romance
- keller going to make the call and Rodney not knowing what to say when she leaves 😭😭💞💞
- Rodney being The Scientist Leader ❤❤❤ its what he deserves!!
- WALTER!!!!!!
- LMFAO did they call up the actor for that 2 second scene HAHA
- oh shit it didnt work
- oh fuck oh shit she cant get out
- theres like 7 minutes left and they have 4 problems to solve how is this gonna play out
- its tornado time!
- "I'm Rodney McKay alright? Difficult takes a few seconds. Impossible? A few minutes."
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- "youre smarter than me!"
"I know"
He just Han solo'd this guys ass
- Bill Nye bitch slapping a man is something my eyes have seen now
- davids acting when hes trying to save her 😭😭
- 💓💓💓💓SMOOCH💓💓💓💓
- a love confession!!!!!
- HOLY SHIT "I love you. I have for some time now. Just wanted you to know." ISNT THIS EXACTLY WHAT HE SAID TO HER!! IN THE VIDEO LOG CONFESSION HE DOESNT REMEMBER!!!! I LOVE THIS TROPE!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!FUCK!!!!!!!!!!
- omg theyre so cute
- Bill nye and mister asshole better respect Rodney after all this shit
- LMAO I guess when a man saves you from freezing to death you gotta lock that down in the back of an airplane first chance you get 👀
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