#having been in the uncomfortable situation of seeing one mutual talk derogatorily about another mutual's fic on their blog
kaibacorpintern · 8 months
Have you read the 2003 rivalship fic “Shatter” on ff.net? If so, I’d like to hear your thoughts on it. It’s fever dream angst and imo one of the best works dedicated to the ship despite having been written 13 years before dsod’s release. It’s almost like a time capsule that shows how this author perceived the characters’ dynamic back then. I wonder where the writer is now and whether they’ve seen dsod along with Takahashi’s art featuring 22yo Yugi and Kaiba.
I haven't heard of it! I haven't looked at ff.net in years but it sounds interesting.
On a separate note, I don't really want to make a habit of discussing fics in public like this because, well, I am human, and sometimes I don't enjoy a fic for whatever reason - feelings we are all entitled to have about what we read, but which do not always need to be shared, and especially not in public arenas where, idk, maybe the author IS following me. i have X,000 followers, I don't know who's here. Très uncool situation for me and the author 🙃 so I prefer only to talk about fics by others that I feel really hype and excited about!
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