#having an actual ring on his hooves is too inconvenient
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sweetadonisbutbetter · 11 months ago
Could you maybe do a child reader x Ozzie and fizzy? The details are up to you, I just want them to be my dads! Thanks❤️
AWE OMG ☹️☹️☹️☹️ MY FIRST OZZIE AND FIZZ ASK BLOWS UP (i love them a normal amount) YES!!! This will be more in a headcanon bc I have so many thoughts and if this was a fic i think i would spend a year on it LMFAOO- Reader will be around 11-13! Slightly older kid but still a kid at the end of the day!! Also because my tiktok feed is filled with lamb girl reader will also be a lambkin!! A good portion of the beginning is me explaining the lamb demon premise lol
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To be love is to be changed | Fizzmodeus x Child! GN! Reader
Relationship: Familial Warnings: None!! Pretty fluffy!!
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You weren’t the typical demon, looking more like the sheep in the overworld than any demon in hell. 
Soft fluffy wool covered your body, save for your face. Your rounded snout and big eyes with semi-long lashes differed from the other hellborn children. Black hooved for feet and hands, making it slightly inconvenient to do day-to-day tasks, however, your kin adapted. Visibly the image or purity in a place of debauchery. Seemingly the only speck of light in a place that was consumed with darkness.
Fizz was the one who found you in the greed ring, taking you in after seeing you steal from a Shark Demon. He liked the balls you had to do that (and was insanely worried that something would happen to you if you got caught.)
Since Fizz welcomed you with open arms, and you weren’t that much of a threat (you are literally a child lol), Asmodeus opened you with even wider arms.
Ozze is the mom while Fizz is the dad. Nothing you can say will change my mind on that.
While Fizz does fret over you, it is nothing compared to Ozzie. If Ozzie is at work and gets pulled aside to be told that you hurt yourself or are sick, he will cancel his show and head home immediately.
While Ozzie is a worryrat, he isn’t a helicopter parent. He actually believes that you need your independence, especially since you aren’t that young. However, that doesn’t mean he doesn’t have the hell version of Life 360. He tracks your ass so much that if he gets the low battery notif, he is calling you to tell you to charge your phone. 
Fizz on the other hand is more of the chaotic parent. As in you both are banned from the kitchen, both separately and alone. To make a long story short, it started with the fork on fire and escalated to the hallway mat being singed. If you look under the replacement mat, you can still see the scorched marks of soot that were just too hard to get out. But that doesn’t mean Fizz can’t be stern with you. If anything, you prefer it when Ozzie is stern, since it is a little eerie to you when his smile isn’t there. 
Do not be fooled, while they will give you some of the things you want. you will not be spoiled insanely. You still have to pick up around your room (they told the staff not to clean your room), and in turn, you get an allowance so you can buy the things you want. 
If you try to hustle them and tell them that the other hasn’t paid you to get double the amount, literally do not get caught. They won’t pay you for your next allowance LMFAO.
In the beginning, you only called them Fizz and Ozzie, which they respected. It made sense in their heads since they weren’t really your dads, and they kinda just picked you off the streets. However when you got comfortable enough to refer to them as your dads? They were over the moon and cried to each other. 
How you approached the topic with them was by having them sit down in the living room with you.
Ozzie and Fizz were sitting down on the couch as you paced the floor. You had invited them to the living room stating that you needed to talk and asked them to sit. Albeit they were very confused as to what you needed to talk about, and seeing the worry on your face, didn’t really help with the nerves. They were holding one another’s hand as a comfort. There was a brief moment where you stopped and looked at them, before turning and beginning to pace again. Fizz and Ozzie looked at one another, asking if the other knew what was going on and denying it.
“Uhh…Kid?” Fizz starts after a bit, looking back at Ozzie for a moment before he looks back at your pacing figure. “Is everything alright?”
Instead of answering, you stopped and looked at the two of them. You left the room, furthering their confusion. It didn’t take long for you to come back with a laptop, the same one they had gifted you after a month of your stay. You connected it to the TV and put on display a PowerPoint.
You had made a PowerPoint to talk to them and ask them if it was okay if you could call them dad
In said PowerPoint, you gave all the reasons (most of which said that you were awesome) and benefits of adopting you (benefits were that they get a cool kid in turn). You also went over the possible dad name variations for them and the reasons behind them. You even gave the origins of the names which amused Fizz to no end.
To make a long teary heartfelt story short, they adopted you. 
However, they had to do so in a way that didn’t get the media’s attention. Just because they were celebrities and figureheads, doesn’t mean they want you in the spotlight. Rather they agreed to wait until you were either close to being or were an adult to even announce that you were their kid (if you wanted to).
This also means that if you wanted to go out, you couldn’t go out with either of them, since the media knows that they were together, it wasn’t too far out of the picture for them to have a kid. This also extends to you not going to hospitals, rather they get a physician to come to their place and check on your health. It is this whole thing where they have a security check the doctor for any decisions or any stuff that could record your existence. (Said physician is threatened that if anything about you was leaked, they would hunt him down personally.) So sadly not a lot of days out together, however, they make up for it with at-home movie nights, game nights, and even sleepovers.
Very keen on your privacy, both in the public and at home. They always knock and make sure to not do anything to cross any of your boundaries. 
Ozzie has to be careful not to talk about too much of his work around you. You may not be a little kid, but you are still a kid and he believes that no kid should be exposed to his field so early in their life. Fizz is also careful not to talk about Ozzie’s work and doesn’t go too in-depth about Mammon’s treatment around you. 
If you are prone to nightmares, they will both personally comfort you. Even if you feel silly about it, since in your tween mind, you are too old to have your dads wait for you to fall asleep because you were too scared, they don’t mind. They will drop whatever they are holding if it means making you comfortable. 
Overall very lovely parents, and they love you dearly. With you in their lives, they feel that they have changed for the better and they cannot imagine their lives without you. Seeing you as their shining light, as they continue to raise you, they hope that your bright light never diminishes.
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omg dude i rewrote this so mant times because the first attempts were kinda depressing bawling NAYWAYS IM SO HAPPY WITH HOW THIS CAME OUT AND HOPE U GUYS ENJOYED HEHE
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whumping-valentine · 7 months ago
@augusnippets Day 6: Shipwreck ⚓
Content: Shipwreck, storm at sea, arguments, fantasy setting, non-human characters.
Characters used: Merlin and Linda
The sibling arguments honestly make this more funny than whumpy but I guess that's bc they're not in any actual danger because of their magic. It's just an inconvenience.
Skipped day 5 because I wasn't feeling up to writing.
     Merlin and Linda were certainly adventurous when compared to the rest of their family. They weren't ones for the stuffy life the rest of them lived. The twins were children of the sea, and when you're a creature with water magic, it was hard not to be.
Like all the other days, the siblings were having a cruise on their ship, now heading back towards the coast, though still a ways away. Darkness loomed in the sky up above.
     “Oh, shit Merlin.” Linda said, “Storm clouds up ahead.”
     “Yeah, I have eyes, Merlinda.” Her brother said, “We're not far from the fortress, we'll be fine. We can just fly anyway.”
     “We can't fly when our wings are wet. You know what they're gonna be after a thunderstorm? Wet!”
     “Oh, yeah, cause you don't wanna leave the ship behind. Captain's honor and all that bullshit, we can just get a new boat.”
     “I don't even know why I tolerate you.”
Merlin crossed his arms as he leaned over the side of the ship. As the clouds quickly rolled in he soon felt a droplet hit his nose that was turned towards the sky. Almost all at once, rain began falling in large drops, getting heavy, quickly out of hand.
"Fuck, that came out of nowhere!" Linda yelled mostly to herself as she tried to keep the ship steady.
In the matter of just a minute it was like the world had turned to night. The rain was loud and made it almost impossible to hear even their own thoughts, especially when paired with the raging waves and creaking wood.
     “Linda, use your magic! Control the waves!”
     “We have the same magic, you idiot! How about YOU use YOUR magic?! I'M the fucking captain! Make yourself useful, dumbass! I'm trying to make sure we don't fucking topple over!”
     “Which is why you should be the one using magic!”
     “We can't even use our magic to stop the storm! That's air magic, not water magic!”
     “I didn't say stop the fucking storm, I said stop the fucking WAVES! You know what you can also do with water magic?! CONTROL THE FUCKING RAIN AS IT FALLS FROM THE SKY!”
      “YOU CAN DO THAT TOO!!!”
      Both the twins screamed as a strong wave hit their ship, almost knocking it completely sideways. They stumbled off their hooves and fell to the wooden floor, rolling and sliding across it as it filled with water before steadying. The sails were torn and ripped apart, flapping in the harsh winds.
As if it couldn't get any worse, lighting struck the ship, the loudest sound they'd ever heard, and they could say it with confidence. Their ears were ringing, their hearts were pounding, and it was so hard to think. The wood was burnt black, and despite the water, a fire was left in the strike's destruction.
Both made the decision to jump into the water, swimming down, down, down. Linda shot glances back at her brother as she swam closer to the shore. There was a large cut on her arm, leaving a trail of blood on the water. The waves calmed to a slow, though rain still fell. They resurfaced.
      “...You know… with hindsight I think… one of us should've done the waves and the other… should have done the rain…” Merlin said.
      “... OH REALLY, YOU THINK SO?”
Yes their parents did in fact name their twins Merlin and Merlinda. Can't think of a worse fate LMAO. To make it even worse Linda is trans and they're identical. Ngl if I was her I would've changed my name to something completely different rather than switching an o for an a but then again their identity issues are a part of their characters so… that's why lol.
They usually get along very well but I suppose this is one of those instances where you just can't stand your sibling. We've all been there. I can say with 100% certainty that once they got home Merlin apologized and treated Linda's wounds because he cares and felt bad.
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hughiecampbelle · 5 years ago
Wicked (Thomas Shelby Oneshot)
Character/s: Thomas
Word Count: 1, 104
Inspired By: Devil I Know by Allie X
Tag List: @dontdowhatisayandnobodygetshurt @lotsoffandomimagines
A/N: Okay I'm actually really proud of this!!!! As soon as I heard this song I had the first line in my head and it's been bugging me all day to write this! Idk it's rare I actually like what I write, and I wrote it really fast so some of the word choice might not be the best at times, but I have to say, despite that, I really like it :) and I hope you do too!!! Feedback is always appreciated 💜💖💜
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You checked for a redness in his eyes, little horns under that hat, poking from his hair, a tail coming from his backside. The devil they described was not at all what you'd been picturing. One of horns and hooves, a beast with a taste for blood, for flesh and carnage. Godlike, in a way, turning his back on the good lord. Instead, you were met with something else entirely. This was a man of blue eyes and thoughtful words, of pink skin and weak smiles. Always watching, waiting, listening. Too careful, too good at his job, but not quite living up to your expectations. Not yet a disappointment, but there was still time to let you down, to be of little service in your grand scheme.
An arranged marriage. A build between two families, putting aside the bloody waters, the spiteful rumors and hateful death threats for something greater than themselves. From the very first look at him, your groom, your husband, there was a dull look of indifference. It wasn't often the boss got on his knees and did as he was told, especially not within these regards, putting one of his own at the executioners hand, pulling on the black mask, holding them still for a clean cut. But these were dire circumstances. Your family was gaining power at an exceeding rate. This was a business plan, a way to ensure the Peaky Blinders would not be one day overturned and burned alive like so many others. Important enough for him to stand before a priest and slip a ring around his finger. If it were one of his own, it would not have shown the level of commitment he had to the cause. It had to be him, they all knew that.
It was him who'd brought so many witnesses.
Wide eyed and scared stiff, guests from all over watched, their eyes piercing into your spine, slicing the fabric to shreds, sizing you up. Unnamed. Anonymous. Who were you to demand his hand in marriage? The last remaining child of your parents, their last chance. Siblings killed on the job too early, too late, succumbing to illness, dying in the war, running from the family name. For years it had only been you. Learning the skills, creeping past within the shadows, doing the dirty work while keeping your hands clean. You intended to keep it that way. It was your father, of all people, setting the date, making the arrangements, pursuing this opportunity. Why take the name when you had the chance to kill it off? Put an end to the bloodline, starting with your dear husband. Show them what the devil really looked like, show them they'd had it easy for far too long. Instead you were looking him up and down, saying your I do's, til death would you part. . . .
The whole family underestimated you, your capabilities. Their eyes said it all. His brothers drunk already, unable to sit still, watching your ever breath. His aunt, smart, but so naive, already picking out what apron you'd wear while you cooked him dinner. His sister bored, thinking you were just another desperate stranger doing anything to get in bed with the men of her family. You'd be shunned from meetings, kept behind locked doors to waste away in the kitchen, in the big house so he'd never even have to look at you. The power you had, the drive, the desire would be forgotten, lost between an endless list of mundane chores and silent dinners. You couldn't have that, not while you were on top. Your parents didn't realize just what they were sacrificing, what you'd be giving up in order to call yourself one of them.
You'd have to show them.
A dance, for the happy couple. He lead, his hands hot on your skin, a fire grip. No change in his expression. In fact, he looked even more disinterested than before. If it were up to you, he'd be dead by now, so would the rest of them, but that was not your decision, not yet anyways. A man of little conversation, barely speaking a word to you since the vows. You had a feeling, if it had been up to him, a simple nod would have been sufficient. It was dangerous to have two of the most important families under one roof, you knew that, but your father insisted. If this was to be your only wedding, it was going to be a good one. A scream from the crowd, over the music, his body instinctively going rigid. You knew better, keeping relaxed, searching for the source. People scattering, scared for their lives. Guests tripping over themselves to get away from. . . who? The face of a stranger still, staying in place, raising a gun, pointed right at you. He let go, grabbing his own weapon.
Another scream, though not of your mother. She did not cradle your body in her arms, sobbing, shaking, begging for your life in place of hers. It was not of your father blaming himself for planning the whole event, for pushing you to do something you were so against, for putting you in this vulnerable position. It was not even of your new husband, mourning a life he would never get to know, grateful he would no longer have to be married against his will. It was that of the gunman, falling back into the chairs behind them, red seeping from their chest into their clothes.
Thomas looked from them to his brothers, his sister and aunt, expecting a gun in their hands aimed, but they were frozen, tipsy, following his gaze to you. Gun in hand, safety off, still smoking. If this was going to be your wedding day, a minor inconvenience like this was not going to ruin it. You put it back in the holster attached to your hip, hidden under the many layers yet still accessible. One of your own had sacrificed them self for you, to show the Shelby's you were more than just a pretty face. If you were going to do this, truly do this, you would have a place on the throne Thomas had built for himself. Show him a thing or two before he assumed you'd never even seen a gun before. You had your empire, and he had his. If it was an alliance he wanted, then that was what you would give him, but the second he crossed you, underestimated you again, the next bullet would find its way between his fucking eyes.
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