#having !! apa!!!! right there!!!! with Pepito!!!!!!!
Quackity opened his eyes.
The room was still dark, whether because he blocked the door and the inexistence of windows made it like it or because the sun didn't rise yet was impossible to say. He touched his cheek. It was wet from tears. Probably because of a bad dream. Or not. He couldn't recall. Memory has been a weird thing these days. It was tiring. He took a deep breath, letting the air come and go even so his chest almost hurt from how heavy it was. He cleaned the tears. Took another deep breath. Adjusted himself on the mattress A quiet sound made him freeze. It was young, bothered, not a whine and not a giggle, a signal of existence and so familiar yet strange that made his eyes immediately run to look down.
Oh. That is why his chest was so heavy.
(He could life with this weight.) At some point in the night the little one rolled on the beds until colliding with the adult, small fists and arms immediately clinging in Quackity's sweater as if nothing more could ever matter. As if Quackity was always there, ready to have Pepito in his arms. As if the egg would be cold, sad, alone if another Pa vanished in the air. What would've Pepito do if Quackity's body wasn't there to prevent the young one (his kid) to fall from the bed? Would Pepito cry? Try to keep sleeping? Go outside to look for him only to find his dea-
A sigh filled the room, Quackity looked down again. Pepito's chest (alive) went up and down and a tiny smile formed in his lips, nuzzling Quackity's sweater and squeezing himself close.
The adult sighed (also alive) and brought a hand to the kid's head, letting it rest on the egg's head, dodging the horns and playing with the fluffy hair. If he stretched his hand enough, it could cover his entire head.
(Tan chiquito.)
And if he could he could push the kid away. He could go outside. He could scream and shout and destroy everything, anything.
But Quackity was tired. And it was still cold outside. And there was a weight on his chest. And Pepito would fall from the bed if he went to leave. He grabbed the blanket and messily pulled it to cover them, barely getting his limbs working enough to loosely wrap his huevito in a hug. It was weak and more of a hold than an actually hug, but the other kept sleeping unbothered and content anyway. (Mananã vas a quedar in tu cama y voy a colocar barras para que no te caiga entonces no vas a necesitar de mí ahí, si?) Pepito didn't answer. Quackity didn't know how to craft that. And so, nothing about it really mattered. Not today, when it was so cold outside and the kid in his hold was warm. Quackity closed his eyes. Tomorrow... tomorrow was another day.
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kiwioala · 8 months
transcripted egg reports:
1. Who are your parents? "philza and missa" 2. Which parent do you spend the most time with? "philza" 3. What have you learnt from your parents? "to trust yourself and those closest to you" 4. Do you feel weak? "not much different. i'm okay, i don't feel weak"
1. Who are your parents? "BadBoyHalo and Baghera" 2. How are you currently feeling? "like killing a certain bear in front of me but also than that nothing" 3. Have the cookies made you feel happy? "cookies is cookies so I guess yes"
1. Who are your parents? "foolich y vegetta" 2. Do you hate somebody? "la sunny" 3. Do you feel weak? "debil?? no, yo soy fuerte y mamadisima"
1. Who are your parents? "mamae bagi, mami mouse, mama niki and eomma tina" 2. Have the cookies made you happy? "I trusted you it would be safe and that trust killed me. change the baker of the cookies" 3. What do you know about the Federation? "you could give me my life back, but i'm not perfect enough am I?"
1. Who are your parents? "PA TUBBO, POP SLIME, MA LENAY :D" 2. What have you learned from your parents? "THAT IM THE CUTEST :D" 3. What do you know about the Federation? "MY STEP PA WORKS HERE :D ILL TAKE OVER SOON >:D"
1. Who are your parents? "apa quackity, apa mariana, y apa roier :-D" 2. What do you value the most? "que mis apas sean felices asi muy muy felices :]" 3. Who do you get along with best on this island? "con mi bestie leo, mi awelo foolish, y soulmate empanada!! :D"
1. Who are your parents? "fit and pac, you should know" 2. Do you hate somebody? "maybe. but thats personal right?" 3. What do you know about the Federation? "only what the federation wants me to know. thats what you do, right?"
1. Who are your parents? "Papa Phil, Papi Wilbur, Pa Missa" 2. Do you hate somebody? "No mames cucurucho. maybe" 3. What do you value the most? "I value quality time, something papa Phil and Chay gives me :D"
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anonymous-dentist · 7 months
Despite what Apa Roier says, Pepito knows a great many things about the world.
The Ocean is big. It's where Pepito and Apa Roier and all the other Pepitos live, but there's still room for SO MANY other Pepitos!!
Pepito's gills don't work right all the time, so Apa Roier and Pepito's other dads all have to swim slowly so they don't lose him. This is called "asthma", and Pepito is probably gonna grow out of it soon!
Water Pepitos live in The Ocean. Sky Pepitos live outside of The Ocean. Pepito hasn't ever seen a Sky Pepito before, but Apa Roier has, and he says that Sky Pepitos are all ugly and they smell bad.
Apa Roier will return Pepito to the bottom of the ocean and get a new Pepito if Pepito isn't a good Pepito.
Pepito knows that last thing very well. He pretends that he doesn't because it makes Apa Roier said every time Pepito mentions being traded in for a new Pepito, but it's true. It has to be! Apa Roier and Apa Mariana both say it, and they're never wrong!
So, when Pepito does the Very Bad Thing, he doesn't wait for Apa Roier to find out. He swims himself to the bottom of the sea, and he curls into a ball, and he pulls his glasses off so he can cry without getting them all gross, and then he cries.
There's blood under Pepito's claws; he can't get it out no matter how hard he scrubs at them with the sand, it won't come out and that just shows how evil Pepito is, because Pepito is a bad Pepito and now Pepito may as well just die. Apa Roier will get a new Pepito, and they'll be much happier together because that Pepito won't be a monster like Pepito is.
The bottom of the ocean is silent, because the only people who live there are lost little mermaids (like how Pepito and Sunny and Empi all used to be) and bad people. Bad Pepitos, just like Pepito is now.
The worst of the bunch is the Sea Witch, known for his eight long scary tentacles and his glowing white eyes and his evil magic. Apa Roier says that the Sea Witch eats lost little Pepitos, and Pepito believes him, because Apa Roier is always right.
Pepito sniffles and rolls onto his back, staring blindly up at the sun rippling above. It's blurry, and its light barely reaches the bottom of the ocean, but it's pretty. It looks... warm. And Pepito is very, very cold.
Normally when the water is a bit too cold, one of Pepito's dads or Ama Rivers will take Pepito into their arms and hold him real tight until he's warmed up. He always treats it like a hug even if Apa Roier doesn't usually hug back, but that's fine because all the others hug back.
("He's a good boy," Apa Roier says. He glares over Pepito's shoulder at Luzu. "Not a killer. Can you get that through your skull, hmm?")
Pepito's lip wobbles and he covers his eyes with his hands before he gets any bright ideas. He doesn't deserve bright ideas, he's a villain. He doesn't deserve the sun, he doesn't deserve to be a son. He's no better than a... than a... than a pirate!!
Pirates are evil, Apa Roier says so. He met a pirate once when he visited the Sky, and he says that he never wants to see a pirate again. They stink and their teeth are rotten and their nails are blunt and they don't even have tails. All they do is kill and steal and fight and they're horrible- villains!
Maybe that's where Pepito belongs, with the pirates, not in The Ocean. He deserves to have stinky breath and bad teeth and whatever the heck "legs" are (Pepito doesn't know, but Apa Quackity always starts laughing when he describes them, so they have to be stupid.)
The Ocean is where all the Good Pepitos live. Pepito isn't a Good Pepito anymore, so he needs to leave.
There's only one person who can make Pepito into a Sky Pepito, and he lives at the bottom of the ocean.
Pepito whimpers at the thought, but he quickly wipes his eyes and sets his jaw into a firm, determined expression. He slips his glasses back on, and he pushes off of the ocean floor and goes in search of the Sea Witch.
It's what he deserves.
The Sea Witch isn't too happy to see Pepito, but he lets Pepito into his house and sits Pepito down with a plate of fish on his couch, and he listens.
With a frown on his scary face, the Sea Witch asks, "Okay, but what did you actually do?"
Pepito's eyes start watering at the thought, but he answers anyway, because he has to if he wants the Sea Witch to help him.
"I... I did a Very Bad Thing," he whispers, curling in on himself. He wipes at his eyes and looks away to the side. "If I don't become a pirate, then I'll have to go to jail down here, and I don't wanna go to jail, Mister The Sea Witch. Pepitos aren't meant for jail."
"Pepitos aren't meant to be pirates, either. You're a good kid! What happened?"
Pepito just shakes his head in response. He's crying again, but that's fine. Apa Roier always cries, and nobody ever notices, so the Sea Witch probably hasn't noticed Pepito's tears. Maybe he's blind? He doesn't have any eye holes in his eyes (what are they called, pupils?)
There's quiet, but eventually the Sea Witch lets out a long sigh and nods.
"Fine," he says. "But-" (He cuts Pepito off as Pepito snaps his head up and starts thanking him.) "-I get to pick the pirate crew you go with. I know a bunch of pirates, I'll find a super evil one for you to go with."
That sounds... scary. But Pepito has to be a Brave Pepito. If he says no, then the Sea Witch might eat him, and Pepito doesn't wanna die. Pepito just wants to live in misery agonizing over his mistake for the rest of his unholy, evil life. That's all.
So Pepito nods and reaches out to hug the Sea Witch (it's how Pepito thanks his parents at home, and they like it well enough.)
The Sea Witch hums and hugs Pepito back. "There, there. It'll all be fine, Pepito. This big, scary pirate is going to take good care of you, I promise."
And that sounds scary, but it's fine! Pepito is brave!!
A moment passes, and then the Sea Witch pulls out of the hug and leaves to go get his spell ingredients.
Pepito sits on the couch, and he closes his eyes, and he imagines feeling the sun for the first time in his life, and he pretends that he doesn't already have a big hole in his heart from leaving his parents.
(But, really, they were going to leave him if he didn't leave them. So it's fine.)
(Meanwhile, Roier gets home from visiting Bobby's grave to find an empty house. He, of course, panics. Mariana and Quackity are both on vacation, and Rivers is across the reef sparring with Fit, and gods only know where Carre is, and Pepito literally doesn't go anywhere without one of his parents so. So.
Roier's halfway through searching the house when the entire reef shakes. He dashes to a window and looks out just in time to watch a huge column of light erupt from the drop-off point to the bottom of the sea.
He swears and grabs his bag and rushes out the door, not bothering to close it behind him.
Fucking BadBoy...!)
The sun is warm. Pepito thinks he loves it, and he thinks it loves him back with how much sunlight is on him as he and the Sea Witch walk through the Sky Pepito town.
It's a shame he can't say as much. His throat hurts, but it isn't from asthma this time. It's from magic.
"Remember, Pepito, you can't talk when you're on land," the Sea Witch reminds him. "I got you legs and lungs, but you had to give me something in return."
A pause.
"If your dad asks, it was your idea. Not mine. I had nothing to do with this."
Pepito nods, duh.
The Sky Pepito Town is huge, though! So many Pepitos, all wearing different outfits and with legs.
Pepito looks down at his own legs thoughtfully. He doesn't know what to think of them quite yet. They look goofy, but he almost likes them better than he likes his tail.
...Liked his tail. Because he can never go in The Ocean again. If he does, then the magic will run out, and he'll have to go home and watch his parents all interact with the new Pepito they'll have gotten while he was away.
But the buildings in the Sky are so tall! They're taller than even Apa Mariana, and he's HUGE!! And all the Sky Pepitos are tall, too! Taller than Pepito, anyway...
Maybe Pepito would be taller if he got shoes. The Sea Witch had managed to magic up some clothes for him before they got into town, but apparently shoes are hard.
Pepito wiggles his toes as he walks. He smiles. Now these? Really silly.
Pepito walks obediently beside the Sea Witch as the Sea Witch leads him through the town's winding streets towards the docks, which is where the pirates live. Supposedly.
"Now, remember, this guy is super evil," the Sea Witch warns him. "So you need to watch out."
Pepito nods, though he only halfway listens as the Sea Witch continues talking about this super scary pirate captain they're going to. Because, really, how much worse can the pirate captain be than Pepito? It's not like he did the Very Bad Thing.
Pepito isn't paying attention, so he doesn't notice the enormous ship in front of him until he's being led up to a bridge leading up to its... roof?
(What are the parts of a boat, again?)
"Cellbit!" the Sea Witch calls, one hand cupped around his mouth. "I have a present for you!"
Pepito winces at the volume, but he doesn't cover his ears. That would be rude, and he needs to make a good first impression if he wants to show how evil he is to the captain.
Pepito watches the ship's roof until he sees a sign of movement. And then... there he is. The pirate captain, the evil one. Captain Celbi.
According to the Sea Witch, Captain Celbi is the most wanted pirate on the seven seas. The Sea Witch says that Captain Celbi eats people, but he didn't say that Captain Celbi murders them, so maybe he isn't that evil after all. Pepito's probably worse than he is.
Captain Celbi looks small when he's on the roof, but he gets bigger and bigger as he walks down the bridge, and then he's huge when he's standing in front of Pepito with his hands on his hips.
He has a sword, is the first thing that Pepito notices. Second is the scar stretching across his face from his left eyebrow down to the right side of his chin. His hair is long, tied back and hidden under a bit, three-pointed hat; but where are his ears? His eyes are so blue that they remind Pepito of The Ocean.
He looks down at Pepito with his mouth twisted into a worried line.
Pepito tries to look intimidating. He puffs his chest out and stands up tall and furrows his eyebrows the way Ama Rivers does before one of her fights.
Captain Celbi looks to the Sea Witch with a couple of rapid, confused blinks.
"Bad," he says, "what the fudge is this?"
Pepito can't introduce himself, so he just waves. Evilly.
The Sea Witch answers for him, how nice!
"This is Pepito," he says, putting a hand on the top of Pepito's head. "He said that he wants to become a pirate."
Pepito nods.
Captain Celbi blinks again before looking back down at Pepito.
Slowly, the captain crouches in front of him, hands on his knees to brace himself.
"You really want to be a pirate?" he asks.
Pepito nods again, firmly. Evilly. He's evil, just like Captain Celbi is.
"It's very dangerous," the captain continues. "Can you handle that?"
Pepito nods a third time. He squeezes his mouth into a determined line. He's got this.
The captain stares at him, and then he stands and grabs the Sea Witch by the arm and says, "Bad, can we talk?"
The Sea Witch doesn't get a chance to argue before getting dragged away and into the crowd.
Pepito watches them go. There's... a lot of people.
A lot of people.
Who knew there were so many Sky Pepitos!?
Pepito steps backwards until his back is against a tall barrel. He looks down at his hands and immediately tears his eyes away from them because there's still blood under his nails even now that his claws have been dulled into weird beige flat things.
Suddenly, and for whatever reason, Pepito misses Apa Roier. He's good with people. He'd be friends with the entire town by now, because he's a good person. Pepito isn't, though. His only friends are going to be the pirates on Captain Celbit's boat.
Eventually, Captain Celbi and the Sea Witch come back.
Captain Celbi looks... less confused, but he still looks a little puzzled. He looks at Pepito like he's the puzzle, which is silly. Pepito's Pepito! Nothing crazy about him.
The Sea Witch, though, looks pleased. He bends down and ruffles Pepito's hair briefly before standing and cracking his back with a wince.
"Welp, I'll be on my way. Pepito," he says, looking Pepito in the eye, "take care of Cellbit for me. He might be a super evil pirate, but he can be a bit silly sometimes."
"Hey!" Captain Celbi protests, lightly smacking the Sea Witch's arm. "Fuck you, man!"
"Language!" the Sea Witch snaps.
Pepito giggles, surprising both himself and the Sea Witch. Huh, guess the magic only took away his voice, not his noise.
Captain Celbi's mouth twitches. He blinks slowly, crouching again and extending a hand.
"Pepito, right?" he softly asks.
At Pepito's nod, Captain Celbi continues, louder, "After you shake my hand, you'll officially be part of my crew. There's no going back, okay?"
Briefly, Pepito considers going back home. He never said goodbye; his parents would've said goodbye before abandoning him for a new Pepito, at least.
But he bites his tongue and takes Captain Celbi's hand, anyway. His hand only manages to hold four of Captain Celbi's fingers, but that's fine. Pepito will be a big Pepito soon.
Captain Celbi nods, and he stands.
He looks at the Sea Witch and says, "Tell Foolish I say hi, okay?"
"Yeah, sure." The Sea Witch nods. He glances down at Pepito. "Be careful, okay?"
"Please," Captain Celbi scoffs. "I'm always careful."
The Sea Witch rolls his eyes, and then Pepito blinks his eyes, and then the Sea Witch is gone.
"What a creepy guy," Captain Celbi comments.
He looks down at Pepito and smiles- he has fangs, what!? So cool...
"Come on, Pepito, we should get on board before my crew leaves us behind."
Pepito's eyes widen in panic, and he runs off for the bridge up to the ship's roof, accidentally pulling Captain Celbi behind him because maybe Pepito forgot to let go of his hand. Maybe.
But Captain Celbi doesn't say a thing. He doesn't pull his hand away, either. (He has to be soooo scared of Pepito!)
Pepito gets to the ship's roof and gasps, eyes flicking from the ship's big stick to the big wheel to the group of people watching Pepito and Captain Celbi back to the big stick.
There's another kid in the group of people, Pepito notices. He's glaring, arms crossed.
Pepito shrinks back and steps behind Captain Celbi; he may be evil, but this other kid seems scary. Cool, but scary.
"Everyone, meet Pepito," the captain announces. He's still holding Pepito's hand despite the stares, wow, he's tough! "Bad brought him up from underwater so he can learn how to be a pirate."
A woman in the group raises a hand. "Are we pirates now?"
Captain Celbi shrugs. "I guess. Can't be that hard, can it?"
Pepito snaps his head up to stare at the captain in shock. What?
Oh! They're lying. Just like Apa Roier said pirates do, they're all scumbags and liars!
That makes much more sense.
Pepito pokes his head out from behind Captain Celbi and offers the most evil smile he can muster. He even waves, evilly; to his confusion, most of the other pirates smile back. Except the kid, who huffs and looks away moodily.
(Captain Celbi is the captain, but this kid must be the boss. Hmm...)
"Baghera, can you help Pepito find a bunk downstairs?" Captain Celbi orders. "I need to finish taking inventory with Pac before we can get going."
The woman who had spoken up earlier grins and salutes, stepping forward and taking Pepito by the hand.
"Come on, Pepito," she says. "You can sleep near me. Unlike some people, I don't snore."
The captain starts shouting in protest, but Baghera just giggles and skips away with Pepito by her side.
As they head down into the bowels of the ship, Pepito takes one last look up at the sun. He waves goodbye to it.
(He just wishes that he got to say goodbye to Apa Roier...)
(Meanwhile, Bad hums as he tends to his plants in his garden. He's just returned from dropping Pepito off with Cellbit, and he's exhausted.
He doesn't look up as a shadow falls over him.
"What the fudge did you do to my Pepito?" Roier demands.
He levels his sword at Bad's Adam's apple; its point digs in slightly, drawing sickly green blood.
Bad calmly pulls his neck backwards.
"Look up," is all Bad says in response.
And that's when the shadow of Cellbit's ship passes over them. They'll have been sailing for, what, an hour now? Just long enough for Pepito to have gotten settled in. (Hopefully, Richarlyson hasn't gotten jealous yet...)
"Fuck," Roier swears. He drops his sword into the sand and runs his fingers through his hair, pacing through the water in frustration.
In a flash, he turns back to Bad and demands, "Me, too. Take me up, too."
Bad hums. "I don't know, you'll have to give something up."
"Yes, yes, I know, just- take this."
Roier points to his bottom-most pair of eyes. (Honestly, Bad hasn't figured out what the heck kind of fish he is.) Without those, he'll be down to two eyes, and he'll basically be blind.
Eh, it'll work.
"Oh, fine," Bad sighs. He gives Roier a look. "But we'll have to wait until they make port again. I can't just stick you up there like this, it'll scare him."
Roier frowns. "What?"
That settles Bad's suspicions, then. Roier really doesn't know what Pepito did, huh.
Well. He's going to find out.
Bad just hopes Roier doesn't scare the poor kid when he gets to the surface and realizes that Pepito's new best friend is Cellbit of all people. All those feelings, ew.)
Hey guys!! PLEASE reblog this! And leave an ask or a comment or a tag or a whatever telling me your thoughts and questions! Let me know if you want more, because there is more!
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pixiecaps · 8 months
Pepito: I was with Apa Quackity because I hadn't seen Apa Roier in a long, long time. He was sleeping.
Cellbit: But he’s better now, right? He's- He seems to be much better. Better than he was before the island, at least.
Pepito: I was very nervous because I didn’t have my apas. Apa Roier wasn’t here for a long time.
Cellbit: And where was he? He was just sleeping? Why did he sleep so long?
Pepito: No, he disappeared.
Cellbit: He disappeared?
Pepito: I made missing posters and walked a lot but didn’t find him.
Cellbit: That was after he returned to the island? Well that’s obvious, because you appeared after.
Pepito: For my birthday I made a wish for Apa Roier to be very very happy wherever he was. And I think it came true! Now he is smiling again.
Cellbit: Yeah, he looks-
Pepito: Before he didn't smile.
Cellbit: Before when? When you met him?
Pepito: (Nods) When I met him.
Cellbit: But he- he said he was sad for a while and then he was happy.
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snoopyliker · 9 months
Pepito pulled Bad aside from Pomme and Dapper had a conversation | QSMP - The New Year Approaches… 2:03:10
Tumblr media
Pepito: Uncle Bad I don’t want Pomme or Dapper to read this. I want them to feel that I’m growing :-D And that I’m not so small anymore. Today I felt a lot of fear for Leo, Sunny, Richas D: I want to protect them like how they protect me. I look smaller but I’ve learned a lot. And now I can protect them. I want when Apa Roier returns for him to be proud of me and also Apa Quackity :-D I’d like you guys to know that you don’t need to worry so much about me :-D To prioritize being happy :D If they’re happy then I’m happy too.
Bbh: I understand Pepito if you want your siblings to be happy.. I understand Pepito.
Pepito: I promise that if I’m in danger again I’ll be stronger.
Bbh: Aw Pepito! That’s- Look that’s very sweet of you. I know you are very tough, a very tough little guy, okay? I mean you’re not that little you’re a month old now. And obviously being a month old means you have more responsibilities, you have more things that you have to do, um, and so I think this is good that you want to take on more responsibilities Pepito. And so obviously yes I will trust you to help keep an eye on your siblings, um, and making sure that they’re safe. But Pepito! I also want you to keep this in mind, okay? Is as your parents, and your aunts, and your uncles, right? It’s our job to keep an eye on you guys. So, I will allow you Pepito to help protect me, okay? And all of your siblings as long as you remember that we’re also going to help protect you too, okay? So just keep that in mind, that we’re going to keep an eye on you and you watch our backs as well, okay Pepito?
(Pepito nods & jumps in agreement)
Bbh: Okay. We can all take care of each other cause we’re all one big family aren’t we? Aw, I’m so proud of you Pepito. Aw you’re growing up so fast! Just don’t grow up too quickly little guy! Aww.
Pepito: I met Apa Quackity :0 I felt a great need to make him smile. I think there are many ways to take care of others :D And how to make them happy.
Bbh: That is very mature Pepito. That is very true. There are lots of ways to take care of other people. You can make them happy, you can keep them physically safe, you can make food for them, theres tons of ways you can help take care of people. ... I think just by playing that game, uh, with Quackity, by spending time with him by hanging out with him, you made your papa so happy. Because as parents we’re happy when our kids are happy. It brings us joy to know that we’re doing a good job raising you and taking care of you.
Pepito: Do you think I can achieve that with Apa Roier?
Bbh: Hmm. You know what? I definitely think you can Pepito. In fact, I’ll say it certainly. You certainly will be able to.
Pepito: In the photo Richas gifted me you can see Apa Roier smiling.
Bbh: Yes, um, I think Pepito your Apa Roier has been through a lot, right? Um, the older you get Pepito, um, life kinda hits you over the head with a hammer periodically, sometimes a lot sometimes a little, everybody’s situation is different. Um, but uh I do think that with time you can be healed of pretty much everything, okay? Almost everything. And I think with time your papa will smile again. So don’t lose hope little guy. Keep your spirits up and just trust that your dad will be happy again. And just be there for him. That’s the best you can do.
Pepito: I will try >:D
Bbh: And that’s all you have to do, don’t be upset, just try. And keep your hope up, okay? You’re doing great already. I definitely think he’ll smile again.
Pepito: Thank you Uncle Bad :-D I’m going to sleep now.
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unmotivated-student · 8 months
[*Camera shutter sound*]
Mariana: [*looks around*] who took a photo of me, dude?
[*Quackity arrives*]
Quackity: hey, hey, Mariana come with me, come with me... come with me... let's make-...
Mariana reading Pepito's sign: apa i'm lost
Mariana: me too
Quackity: No, no, come with me, we're going to make indecent proposals... [*walks towards Fit*] Fit!
Fit: Yeah, yeah?
Quackity: We are looking for fornicating partners...
Mariana: Yeah...
Quackity: ...for the lonely night times
Fit: Oh [*laughs*]
Mariana: Conjugal visit
Fit: I'm taken, i´m sorry Quackity, i'm taken, i'm taken, but thank you...
Quackity: by who? by who? Who is- who?
[*Pac makes a quiet "ooo" noise in the background*]
Fit: By- by Pac...
[*Mariana, overlapping makes a loud high-pitched "ooo" sound*]
Fit: by Pac...
Quackity: Ahhhhh
Mariana, overlapping: "I'm taken", "I'm taken"...
Quackity: Perrillou, perrillou!** ["Perrillo" in a funny pronunciation xd*]
Mariana: You fuck every day, right? You fuck every day...
Fit: [*laughs*]
Mariana: ...you have so much testosterone.
Quackity: [*laughs*]
Fit, overlapping: Yeah, it's- it's a lot. It's a lot, man, it's a lot...
Quackity: [*laughs*] Ultrafucker, ultrafucker...
Fit + Mariana: [*laughing*] Yeah.
Mariana: What the fuck?
Pac: ultrafucker? wait, wait, wait, wait...
Quackity: and who-... and who-... and who-... who, man-...? [?]
Mariana to Fit: [*after seeing pepito's sign*] Oh- oh, you will- you will get married, man? You- you will marry?
Fit: Whoa, whoa, that's a- I- that's a big step, that's a big step, you know?-
Mariana: Oh, okay okay.
Quackity, overlapping in the background: Badboyhalo, Badboyhalo, Badboyhalo!
Fit: ...that's, that's a lot of commitments... a lot of commitments...
Mariana: Oh, okay okay.
Pac, overlapping in the background: [*reading pepito's sign*] Tio Fit, ya se va a casar?
Pac: Mm... maybe one day? Who knows-
Quackity to Badboyhalo in the background: me and Mariana are looking for fornicating partners...
There were so many things happening in the same clip 😵‍💫
**"Perrillo" in México could be used to denote amazement or "respect" towards a person, it's like a variation of the expression "ah perro", of course this is a not at all formal expression, it's street language so to speak, the type of expression you would use more specifically with your friends 👍
Thank you so much for your help @tinkatonic, it was a pleasure collaborating with you for this transcription 🤝 u are the best🫵 ^^♡♡
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somebluemelodies · 9 months
happy holidays my friends! my gift to you in these trying lore times is canon divergence <3 angst? what’s that? i only know richas and pepito have gotten ahold of mistletoe—
The kids are planning something.
The kids in question? Richarlyson and Pepito, who have been chittering and giggling almost nonstop since they finished opening their presents, using their notebooks instead of signing so their parents can’t figure out what the fuck could be about to happen.
Cellbit and Roier stop trying to figure it out when they get denied information the third time, so they can only trust whatever the two hatchlings were plotting isn’t going to be explosive, at the very least.
Nothing in fact happens for a long while, and one could assume that maybe they don’t have any plans in mind. Maybe they’re just gossiping.
(God only knows how much Richarlyson loves to.)
And then the party happens. An island-wide thing, per most of the major celebrations. There’s a whole new area, too, decorated similarly to spawn. A snowy little wonderland, with colorful blinking lights strung between tall pines decorated with large ornaments and occasional garland.
(It’s a welcome change from everything that’s been transpiring over the last few weeks.
A chance to recuperate.)
Roier is talking to Étoiles and Bagi when something tugs his pant leg, and he looks down.
Bright eyes and big, round glasses are looking right back up at him. “Pepiux?”
Pepito grabs his hand instead, trying to pull him away. “Ay— ¿Qué pasa, Pepito? What the fuck?”
Pepito only tugs his hand again, more insistent. The hatchling is smiling, though, eyes twinkling with mirth Pepito has failed to conceal, and at the very least, Roier knows something hasn’t gone to shit. “Okay, okay. Vamos, Pepito, vamos.”
He’s led over to under some tree a good distance away, but he doesn’t see anything. The spider-hybrid looks around, shooting Pepito a questioning look, but Pepito only beams with no elaboration, still holding his hand.
Roier keeps looking around. Is he supposed to see something? Nobody seems to be doing anything unexpected.
And then he looks up. “No mames, wey— Pepiux, you sneaky—”
He looks back down, and finds his husband being led by a very determined-looking Richarlyson. “O que é isso, Richas?” Cellbit laughs, and warmth blooms in Roier’s heart at the sound.
The hatchling lets go of his hand when he and Roier are standing directly in front of each other, and Pepito finally lets go of the spider-hybrid’s, too.
Cellbit copies Roier and looks up, eyes widening slightly. But then a smile creeps onto his face, and his piercing eyes are shining in a way the lights can’t provide, in a way his husband hasn’t seen in a long while.
How the kids placed the mistletoe up there, they’re not gonna question.
Instead, their focus is on what the hatchlings added to the holiday sprig: pink amaranths.
Cellbit looks down at Richarlyson and Pepito, who have just finished a high-five and are looking extremely pleased with themselves. He quirks an eyebrow. “We’re literally married, you guys.”
Richarlyson whips out his notebook, writing with a comedic ferocity before holding it up. AND? YOUR POINT IS?
Pepito lifts his own notebook, a lot less aggressive as he bounces in place. FELIZ NAVIDAD APAS :-D
The cat-hybrid chuckles to himself, shaking his head. His attention is diverted by hands settling on his waist. Roier’s smile is soft, and he’s looking at Cellbit in a way that makes him weak, mind going pleasantly fuzzy. “Oi…”
“Hola, gatinho,” Roier murmurs.
(Satisfied, Richarlyson and Pepito slink off, giggling at the prospect of the next part of their grand plan.)
Cellbit closes the space between their bodies, one arm wrapping around his husband’s neck while the other cups his face. Roier feels a familiar coil around his leg.
The spider-hybrid spares one last glance up at the customized mistletoe before pressing their foreheads together. “Well? You gonna kiss me or what, pendejo?”
“Pendejo? With that mouth of yours?” the investigator quips.
“It’s more fun, no?”
Cellbit hums, his thumb brushing along Roier’s cheekbone. “Claro.”
And with that, Cellbit tilts his head and the distance is closed, eyes fluttering shut as they melt into the kiss.
Subconsciously, they hold each other tighter, pulling each other impossibly closer. The world fades out around them, until it’s nothing but each other.
(They’re already as close as they can get.)
(Not that the fact will stop them from trying.)
They don’t pull apart until their lungs are burning for oxygen, watching each other closely as their hearts race in their chests.
Their silent stare at each other hardly lasts a few seconds before grins are splitting their faces, foreheads pressing together as their shoulders shake with silent laughter.
But then Roier makes a sound, unable to keep quiet, and that’s all it takes for them to both fall into proper laughter. Cellbit’s head drops to his husband’s shoulder, burying it in an attempt to stifle the growing noise.
(He hears Roier through his laughter, “hijo de puta, Cellbo—”)
They rock in place until they’re finally able to calm back down and catch their breath, and Cellbit lifts his head. He moves his hands back, cupping Roier’s face in both and studying him fondly.
“Told you it was more fun,” the latter chirps, and it takes more self-control than Cellbit cares to admit to not start laughing again.
(Roier’s always been good at that: making him laugh even at the simplest of things.
Maybe it’s less Roier and more a testament to just how whipped Cellbit is. But that’s nobody’s business but his own.)
(Since day one.)
The cat-hybrid rolls his eyes, not a trace of malice to be found. “Whatever, man.”
“Ey, man, what the fuck?” Roier moves a hand from Cellbit’s waist, putting it to his heart. “You know I’m speaking facts. Pure facts.”
“Cállate, guapito.” The cat-hybrid pinches one of his cheeks.
“I have a better idea,” his husband answers.
Cellbit doesn’t even get a chance to ask before Roier’s hand is against the back of his head, threading through his hair, and their lips are pressed together once more. A little less gentle, a little more passionate, but no less perfect as it speaks the words they don’t need to.
(Te amo. Te amo. Te amo.)
(And across the way, a flustered scientist and an equally-flustered war veteran find themselves under a red-rosed mistletoe.)
(A very Merry Christmas, indeed.)
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“Confidential experiments” written interviews, results, egg statuses, and finally thoughts and theories   
First, the interviews.
Q: Questions 
N: Cucurucho’s notes 
R: egg responses
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Q: who are your parents? 
R: Philza and Missa. 
N: Correct. 
Q: which parent do you spend the most time with?
R: Philza 
N: correct 
Q: what have you learned from your parents? (Asked x2) 
R: to trust yourself and the closest people around 
N: trust 
Q: do you feel weak? x2
R: not much different. I’m okay. I don’t feel weak 
N: said not much 
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Q: who are your parents? 
R: Badboyhalo and baghera 
N: correct 
Q: how are you currently feeling? 
R: like killing certain bear in front me but also than that nothing 
N: threatening behaviour 
Q: have the cookies made you happy 
R: cookies is cookies so I guess yes 
N: yes. 
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Q: who are your parents? 
R: Foolish y vegetta 
N: correct 
Q: do you hate anybody? 
R: hay que ser sinceros? (Do we have to be honest?) la sunny (the sunny) 
N: sunny
Q: do you feel weak? 
R: debil??? no, yo soy fuerte y mamadisima (weak??? no, I am strong and very [slang for] ripped/strong) 
N: no 
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Q: Who are your parents? 
R: mamae Bagi Mami mouse mama Niki and eomma tina
N: correct 
Q: have the cookies made you happy? 
R: I trusted you it would be safe and that trust killed me. Change the baker of the cookies. 
N: no 
(Em says “also passa tudo bubble blower) 
Q: what do you know about the federation? 
R: you could give me my life back, but I’m not perfect enough am I
(Cucurucho says “good”) 
N: odd behaviour. Needs observation? 
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Q: who are your parents? 
N: correct 
Q: what have you learned from your parents? 
N: useless. 
Q: what do you know about the federation? 
N: threatening behaviour
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Q: who are your parents? 
R: apa Quackity apa Marianna y apa roier :-D 
N: correct 
Q: what do you value the most? 
R: que mis apas sean felices asi muy muy felices :] (May my parents be happy, very very happy.) 
N: very parent-oriented 
Q: who do you get along with best on this island? 
R: con mi bestie Leo, mi awelo foolish y soulmate empi! :D (with my bestie Leo, my awelo foolish and soulmate empi!) 
N: trusting behaviour 
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Q: who are your parents? 
R: Fit and Pac. U should know. 
N: correct? (Pac?) 
Q: do you hate somebody? 
R: maybe. But that’s personal right? 
C: maybe. 
N: hides 
Q: what do you know about the federation? 
R: only what the federation wants me to know. That’s what u do right? 
(Cucurucho says: “yes”) 
N: needs observation. 
(Ramon says: “can I ask you to make the island less homophobic? Would be great”) 
(Cucurucho says: “good”) 
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(Tallulah is defended by Ramon and chayanne, who are pushed back by workers. Cucurucho says “no” and watches Dapper steal paint. Adds note that says “steals” on dappers profile.) 
Q: who are your parents? 
R: papa Phil, papi Wilbur, pa missa 
N: correct 
Q: do you hate somebody?
R: no mames Cucurucho. Maybe. 
N: maybe 
Q: what do you value the most? 
R: I value quality time, something papa Phil and chay gives me :D 
N: family-oriented behaviour 
(Cucurucho says “good”) 
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Second activity: Egg fights/Combat analysis 
Eggs are then given a totem of undying and a stick, put in a room and told to fight. 
Chayanne vs Empanada. Chayanne won 
Dapper vs pepito. Dapper won. 
Tallulah vs Ramon. Tallulah won. 
Sunny vs Leonarda. Leonarda won. Ramon rushed in to stand protectively in front of Sunny, placing himself between them when sunny was killed. Tallulah* called sunny/Ramon a cheater.  (*edited because I originally wrote pepito on accident)
Cucurucho then leaves, and talks to three workers. 
Cucurucho: I need the wearabouts of the two missing eggs. No excuses. 
(Worker nods) 
Cucurucho: they have improved well. The federation will be happy. But they are not perfect. 
Cucurucho is then handed this book by a fourth worker: 
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Then, we have the egg statuses:
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Conclusions, thoughts, and theories
New info: 
- Two unnamed eggs (Definitely A1 and Hope)
- Richas is in group four. Why? He’s meant to be in tallulahs group, but this implies he’s from another batch. Would explain why he’s smaller. Also, maybe why he knows so much about egg island? 
- earlier in the stream, there were files for the eggs. Basically barrels containing their assessments and reports on development. There were two barrels labelled ▪️▪️▪️▪️▪️▪️▪️(presumably “memories” which is another name for hope) and ▪️▪️▪️  ▪️▪️(egg a1).
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My Thoughts/theories
One of either hope or a1 is dead. My bet is on a1 being dead, considering we saw her fall into lava on screen in one of Quackities streams. Hope, or memories, however, has no proof on her status. Aside from that image. My bet is hope is alive. If so, where is she? Are the batches labeled in order, or are they judged by success in development? Which would explain why Richas is group four: he’s considered the worst egg to the federation. He doesn’t back down, he’s reckless, he’s impulsive, he’s against the feds.He threatened Cucurucho. He doesn’t listen to orders. Hes untrustworthy. This is how the federation views him. A1 couldn’t do basic parkour, and struggled to write. Hope? The federation deemed her unworthy.Tallulah was likely meant to be batch 4, considering she was abandoned in the adoption centre just like hope was. But then with Phil’s care, she “leveled up” so to speak. 
(it has been pointed out to me that Memories/Hope is actually listed as group 2, which is listed as deceased. Meaning Egg A1 is likely the one who is alive, which will certainly be… interesting, when they meet Quackity again. Poor kid. I’m still holding out, well, hope, that hope is alive somewhere.)
I believe sunny is on thin ice, because of the notes that Cucurucho made in her developmental report. 
And where did pomme and Richas go? They were seen in the library where Cucurucho found the eggs, but must have snuck away at some point. I think the fact that they were left behind will have something to do with the rescue mission they’ve been planning for Cellbit and Baghera. 
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thank you for reading! If you’re interested, I finally got around to making my hope design based on the egg models:
(Also the lovely egg divider is by @thegoldendaystrikesback)
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ghost-likes-drawing · 4 months
Just wish I knew what caused it
(Fitpac Exs to Lovers)
Ch.2 (to be named later)
Translations done with assistance from: @caracolast (Portuguese and Beta reader) @keezers and @iridescentpull (Spanish)
Previous chapter
This one is much shorter
Okay maybe things would not just be okay. But things were still pretty okay...
The first night got even more akward because Cellbit insisted that since the Guest house wasn't even ready like it was meant to be that Fit and Ramon should have meals with the family. Fit wanted to refuse but he also wasn't sure what else they were going to do for food and so he accepted the invitation.
Pepito was the one who collected them for dinner. He was quiet but looked at Fit and Ramon with a wide eyed excitement.
“Do you want to sit next to me? Apa usually does but he can't tonight” Pepito smiled up at Ramon.
Ramon who had always had a soft spot for young kids nodded “Of course.”
Fit hummed and ruffled Ramon's hair “looks like you're already making friends”
When they got down to the table Pepito pulled Ramon to where Pepito’s chair was set up so he could reach the table better.
On Pepito’s other side was Cellbit. On Cellbit's Other side was Richarlyson. On Richarlyson's other side was Pac. Finally between Pac and Ramon was the only chair left… great.
Fit sat down and avoided looking at Pac and hoped he did the same.
A lot of dinner was quiet. Cellbit seemed comfortable and the kids were just enjoying the food so Fit felt assured that was just how this family ate.
"Ah é, Pac, precisamos trazer mais cadeiras pra casa antes que Roier e Bobby voltem" Cellbit said almost as a reminder to himself
Pac hummed "Vou pegar emprestado da casa de hóspedes"
"Richas, você pode ajudar ele. Só pra terminar mais rápido."
Richarlyson groaned
¡Yo puedo ayudar! Si es para apa y bubba. ¿Por favor?" Pepito piped up looking at Celbit with big eyes.
“I dunno Pepitinho, the chairs can be kinda heavy” Cellbit said cautiously
“Oh let him. He’s tough enough. He's seven after all.”
“eight soon!” Pepito reminded excitedly
“oh yes eight soon” Pac nodded
Cellbit hummed "Tá bom, mas se ele se machucar-"
“Não vai. Não comigo tomando conta dele." Pac said Confidently “right Pepit?”
Pepito nodded confidently
Fit felt his heart ache a bit but pushed it down. He shouldn't care about Pac. Pac clearly moved on, he had two kids who liked him, and a husband. Fit should be moved on to. If he'd been asked about it just a few days ago he'd probably say he had moved on. It was 12 years ago and he had Ramon to look out for since then. He was over it.
But Richas was talking to Pac in Portuguese and he heard Pac laugh and Fit ached. He'd push through. He was over it.
Dinner finished and Fit insisted he do the dishes as a thank you for their hospitality and despite Cellbit’s insistence it wasn't necessary Fit won out and Ramon stayed back at the table to let Pepito keep talking.
Richarlyson ran off do do something Fit didn't pay enough attention to remember what.
Cellbit and Pac stepped outside to talk and when they came back in Pac went upstairs claiming his prosthesis was bothering him.
Cellbit walked next to Fit and spoke quietly “Thank you again for the dishes you didn't have to”
Fit shrugged “never was one to be waited on”
Cellbit nods “I uh Spoke with Pac and if Ramon’s interested he'd love to have help and teach him what he knows. He’ll be payed for his help too.”
Fit looked to Cellbit almost suprised “oh thank you-”
Cellbit interrupted “He did tell me though-” Fit’s heart fell into his stomach “-about your history. Pac says he can keep what's happened out of the now, be professional. It's been long enough. He says he's over it. I'm just here to make sure it'll be the same for you”
“of course!” Fit confirmed quickly “I would never want to psych him out or something and it was forever ago so I'm not trying to-”
Cellbit gave him a look of intrigue and Fit stoped talking.
“I'll be keeping it professional. I won't step out of line with Pac.”
“Good good” Cellbit hummed “just… if you do… I can help you get a matching set of arms” Cellbit’s face went deadly serious and as a veteran Fit knew that look meant it was the threat it sounded like. "... so be professional, queridinho"
“Understood.” Fit nodded “I will.”
Cellbit’s face lightened up “great. I'll see you tomorrow at breakfast! 6 am.”
Fit nodded and gave a small salute with his hand before Cellbit turned and walked away going upstairs taking Pepito up with him for a shower.
Okay so Cellbit was a very protective husband. That's fine. Fit wouldn't give him any reason to go for the throat.
Ramon hoped on to the counter meant to seperate the kitchen from the dining room and threw his legs over the counter to dangle them in the kitchen “okay so I'm attached. Pepito is just the sweetest ever. And his Spanish is fantastic”
“Portuguese” Fit corrected “They’re Brazilian.. or Pac is anyway and Cellbit clearly is fluent in Portuguese as well, seems more confident in it then English. So I'm assuming he's Brazilian.”
Ramon paused “no Pepito was definitely speaking Spanish. Mexican Spanish at that.” Ramon stretched “I couldn't really understand Pac and Cellbit but Pepito I understood very well.”
Fit hummed. That is weird “I see. How do you know it's Mexican Spanish?”
“Spreen had taught me the differences.” Ramon had to bite his lip at the look Fit gave him to not laugh “Okay And my Spanish teacher in middle school. But Spreen did talk a lot about this Mexican guy he used to date and Pepito kinda has a similar speach pattern to the impression Spreen did.”
Fit shrugged and dropped it. If it meant not talking about Spreen he'd save this mystery for later... or never
“Alright I'm done. Get off their counter” Fit said drying off his hands “we have an early morning so let's try and get ready as quick as we can so we can rest.”
Ramon nods agreeing and hops off the counter. Ramon walks up the stairs followed by Fit after checking the house was in order. They got ready, showering, brushing teeth and such the like. When they were shuffling into bed Fit finally piped back up
“Pac says he'd take the help. Cellbit will pay for your time too.” Fit recounted while getting his arm off and putting it away safely
“Really?” Ramon sat up smiling. Although the look quickly turned calculating as he hummed
Fit nodded and saw the look “ayyyy no. No you're not going to try and get Pac to tell you what happened” Fit grabbed his son by the middle with his right arm before wrestling him down as Ramon giggled trying to escape “Cellbit already warned about what’ll happen if I get on Pac’s nerves or if I make a move. Those rules are applying to you too” Fit poked Ramon's shoulder with his nub
Ramon giggled and groaned dramatically “fine fine. I won't let me go.” Ramon started to squirm to get out of Fit’s grasp.
Fit shrugged and let go “I think I made myself clear. It's NYFB-”
“Don't shout there's still a seven year old down the hall.” Ramon reminded
“I wasn't going to do that.” Fit Sneered playfully before getting himself comfy “I'm taking out my hearing aids alright?”
“Alright Fit. Rest well.” Ramon yawned getting himself comfortable
“Goodnight Ramon.” Fit hummed taking out his hearing aids and plugging them in to charge.
Fit turned off the lights and closed his eyes glad to find that sleep came quick. He want sure he was in a place to process any of his emotions right now.
A note: My Spanish translators may not be from Mexico. So if it's wrong... oops
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anonymous-dentist · 6 months
Or: Cellbit runs an alchemy shop with his family, and he's also the lost prince of the Gato Kingdom, but he isn't, but he really really isn't, you've gotta believe him, he isn't, really, he isn't, you've gotta-
For day seven of @smallchaoscryptid's Spiderbit Week - Royalty/Family
The day starts off normally:
Cellbit wakes up to find himself alone in bed, Roier having already gone to work downstairs in the store.
He lazes beneath the covers before hearing his son shouting in the other room. Grudgingly, he gets up, slides on his slippers and his bathrobe, and he goes to get Richarlyson settled with a new coloring book because, according to Richarlyson, Pepito ate the last one.
(Pepito did not eat the last one.)
Cellbit goes back into his bedroom to change, and then he goes to the wash basin in the hallway to brush his teeth and wash his face. He goes to the kitchen, shoves a singe slice of bread in his mouth for breakfast, tells the kids to behave, decides to live in ignorance and believe that they actually listened to him, and then, finally, he goes downstairs to help Roier with the shop.
That's when things get weird because, instead of the normal dozen or so customers they usually get in the mornings before things get busy, there are a handful of people in shiny armor with pointy swords, and there's a woman with cat ears leaning against the counter talking at an indifferent Roier.
Cellbit freezes on the stairs. Absently, his hands raise to his own ears, thankfully pinned down today with his alchemical goggles. He tends to have them out more days than not now, but. Well. Old habits die hard.
"I really don't know what you're talking about," Roier casually say. He isn't even looking at the woman, he's, instead, inspecting his nails- recently painted by Jaiden and absolutely adorable, just like he is. "But we do have a sale on luck potions if you wanna try one of those."
The woman's eyebrow twitches, and, for whatever reason, Cellbit doesn't think that she's here to buy something. Between the fine quality of her clothes and the literal knights with her and her entire aura, she just screams royalty, and that's a bad thing.
That's a really bad thing.
But Roier seems to have it under control, so, silently, Cellbit starts sneaking back up the stairs. If Roier needs him, he'll scream, and then Cellbit will rush down and kill everybody in the room and blame it on a sudden alchemical reaction gone wrong. Easy.
The door to the living quarters slams open and Pepito comes rushing out of it with tears streaming down his face.
"Apa!" he cries, leaping into Cellbit's arms and nearly sending him stumbling back down the stairs. "Richarlyson ate my crayons and now he's dying!"
(Richarlyson is not dying.)
Cellbit can practically smell the irritation coming off of Roier, even if he can't see him with his back turned to both him and the store and the really annoying royalty inside.
And, sure, Cellbit is annoyed, too, but he's also a father. So he just sighs and holds his son and lets him cry into his shoulder.
"Who's there?" one of the knights asks.
There's the sound of a sword being drawn, and then there's the sound of another sword being drawn and, really, is a peaceful retirement too much to ask for? Pac and Mike got one. Bad got one. Even Etoiles has some sort of retirement plan he's supposedly following between father-daughter dungeon-busting field trips.
The way Pepito is being held has him looking down the stairs and at the very rude people about to kill his parents, so Cellbit turns around so that Pepito is facing the door instead. He's always preferred looking danger in the face, anyway; it's much easier to be stabbed in the back than the front, after all.
Cellbit passively looks from one knight to another. He skips his eyes over the woman entirely. He catches Roier's eye, subtly rolls his own eyes, adjusts his hold on Pepito.
"Sorry," Cellbit says, "but my son is dying. I'll be right back."
"He's dead!" Pepito wails, ever-helpful. He's such a good kid.
The woman frowns. Cellbit doesn't think he likes her face. It's too... uncanny, like a doll come to life. Or, rather, like an image escaped from the mirror above the wash basin, and Cellbit does not like the implications of that, thanks.
As the knights start to advance, the woman holds up a hand to stop them.
"Hurry up," she says.
"Yeah," Roier agrees. "Tell Richas to die quicker, we have company."
Pepito screeches right into Cellbit's ear, making him wince very angrily in Roier's direction; all Roier does is wink and motion with his fingers for Cellbit to hurry up.
Cellbit quickly takes Pepito back into their living quarters and puts him down on the sofa.
Richarlyson is on the floor, very calm, very much not dying, and very much using Pepito's crayons in his own coloring book.
Pepito gasps, tears gone and replaced with wide, shocked eyes.
"But you ate them!" he exclaims.
Cellbit sighs, "Your brother is a magician, now can you two please behave for ten minutes while Roier and I deal with those people downstairs?"
Richarlyson's head perks up. "There are people downstairs?"
Cellbit nods. "Bad people, probably. If you hear glass breaking, you know what to do."
It's Richarlyson's turn to nod.
They have a plan. If things go down in the shop, Richarlyson and Pepito stay upstairs and hide until either Cellbit or Roier goes to get them. If the kids hear glass breaking, they are to escape out their bedroom window and climb down the tree outside and run to their Uncle Bad's house until Cellbit and Roier can get rid of the bad guys and save the day.
(Roier's words, not Cellbit's. Apparently, calling unruly customers or the police "the enemy" is bad. Go figure.)
Cellbit makes the kids both pinky promise him to follow the plan before letting out a long, stressed-out breath and starting back downstairs.
First, though, he dips into the kitchen and grabs his favorite butcher knife from off of the counter and tucks it into the custom-made sheath hidden beneath his jacket. Just in case.
Once downstairs, he's immediately manhandled by the knights until he's pushed up against the counter. Unfortunately, he isn't pushed behind the counter. But at least he can act as a shield... just in case.
On instinct, Cellbit reaches behind himself and takes Roier's hand. Roier takes it and squeezes gently, his thumb rubbing little circles into the skin by his thumb.
"Well," Cellbit says, looking from the knights to the woman, "you want something. What is it."
It isn't a question. It's more of a demand, really, and maybe he's stupid for demanding answers of royalty, but, like. Fuck the monarchy. What have they ever done for him?
The woman speaks: "We're looking for whichever one of you is Cellbit."
If they weren't already pinned down, Cellbit's ears would be flattening themselves to the top of his head. He bites back a hiss and instead just squeezes Roier's hand.
The woman continues with, "I'd like to bring him back with us to-"
"Yeah, okay," Roier casually says. "I'm Cellbit, hello."
Out of the corner of his eye, Cellbit can see Roier waving; he stifles a smile. He's so stupid...
Cellbit turns around and gasps dramatically. "Gatinho, no! You can't leave us!"
Roier bites his lip and looks away, turning his head to the side.
"But guapito," he says, dropping his voice an octave just for effect, "if I don't go, then... what about you and the children? They might-" (He moans and bows his head.) "-kill you. And then what would I do with myself?"
"Oh, don't worry!" the woman quickly says. "We won't hurt your family! That's why we're here, actually, to bring you and your family with us."
Cellbit ignores her. He reaches across the counter and cups Roier's cheek with his free hand, gently nudges his face until he raises his head and looks Cellbit in the eye; Roier's eyes are already wet with unshed tears, wow, he's good.
"But what will I do without you?" Cellbit demands, pitching his voice up just slightly. "Don't be stupid! I love you, pendejo!"
(They do this a lot, believe it or not. It drives Richarlyson crazy every time they do it because it somehow always ends up with them kissing until they're out of breath and shaky in the knees.)
"Não!" Roier cries. He squeezes his eyes shut and rips himself away from Cellbit entirely, staggering back and leaning against a display shelf full of anti-gravity potions. "Don't say that!"
"Say what?" Cellbit asks. "I love you!"
Roier screams and flinches against the case. "Não!"
Cellbit leans over the counter. "I love you."
Roier moans his time, his hands flying out wildly and grasping onto seemingly-random bottles on the shelf. "Não!!"
Cellbit extends a hand. "I. Love. You. Te amo, guapito."
One of the knights asks, "What the fuck is going on?"
And then the knights all start shouting as Roier opens his eyes and lunges to shove a potion into Cellbit's hands.
Cellbit grins and yanks the cork out of the bottle and chugs the potion and slams the empty bottle against the floor. It shatters, and he jumps.
"What the fuck?" the woman demands.
Cellbit twists mid-air and lands on the ceiling. He waves down at Roier, blows him a kiss, and takes off running for the back potion room. The door is closed, but the ventilation window above the door is open because he was supposed to be making potions right now. Silver linings.
He dives through the window, just barely managing to squirm through. He grunts, frowns, regrets getting this old, makes it through.
His goggles are nudged off of his head, though, leaving his ears on full display as he escapes into the potion room.
The woman gasps, "Get back here! Cellbit!"
But Roier just cheers, "Corre, gatinho!"
The potion room's door thuds and shakes in its hinges as the knights all slam against it. But, like, fuck those guys.
Cellbit runs down the length of the ceiling until he's reached the wall facing the alley behind the shop. He steps onto the wall, and then he runs down that until he's by the window. Again, ventilation, he should be working right now, but no, he can never know a moment of peace.
The potion starts running out just as Cellbit crawls through the window and lands on the shop's outside wall. He wrinkles his nose at the smell, but it's fine. Just trash, it's fine.
There's shouting from the front of the shop and the sounds of more bottles shattering. Roier sounds fine, though. He's even laughing, of course he is. He's badass, and Cellbit loves him, and Cellbit just wishes he was there to watch Roier swing his sword around like the sexy piece of shit he is.
The potion's effects wear off as Cellbit's feet touch the ground; two minutes, just as he'd made it to be.
He can see Richarlyson and Pepito running for it at the far end of the alley. Good, they actually followed directions for once.
Cellbit turns to run after them and get Bad's help, but he's stopped by a firm hand grabbing his shoulder from behind.
He snarls and pulls his knife out of his coat, spinning and slashing and just narrowly missing the woman's throat.
"Cellbit!" she shouts. "Calm down, it's just me!"
Cellbit responds by lunging at her with his teeth bared. He's been filing his teeth down for years, but he knows that he still cuts an intimidating figure when he's pissed enough.
The woman doesn't seem afraid, though. If anything, she just seems angry. And sad. Mostly angry.
She easily sidesteps his attack and yells, "It's me! What the fuck is wrong with you?!"
Oh, that's cute. Royalty asking why someone would want to hurt them, that's funny. They have the self-awareness of a walnut, all of them.
"Stop shouting 'it's me'!" Cellbit snaps. "Why should I care who you are?"
The woman's face starts turning red from frustration. "Because I'm your sister!"
Oh, that's rich.
"I don't have a sister," Cellbit sneers.
He swipes at her. Of course he does, he doesn't have a sister. He didn't have a family before he and the others found Richarlyson, and he only has one now that he has his kids and his husband.
"Then why do we have the same ears?" the woman demands.
She ducks under his knife and sweeps his legs out from under him. He falls and hisses and growls and does all sorts of things that princes might do because he isn't royalty. He knows that for certain. His first memory was him eating the corpse of a soldier on an empty battlefield, and it's with that image in mind that he snaps his teeth at the woman's throat.
"Only the royal family of the Gato Kingdom is born with feline features," the woman snaps. "Idiot!"
"Fuck the Gato Kingdom," Cellbit spits. "Your war destroyed everything I had!"
The woman's eyes turn sad. "It destroyed everything I had, too. It took my family from me. My friends. My home. We're just now starting to rebuild, and-"
She shrieks as Cellbit manages to flip their positions so that she's the one being pinned to the ground.
"So you show up and try kidnapping someone to fill in for your lost prince?" he snarls. "You people haven't changed."
The woman's mouth thins into an angry line. "I'm not trying to kidnap you! I just want to bring you home!"
"I don't have a home! This is my home!"
"You really don't remember, do you?" she asks, voice low. She isn't even struggling any more, not really. "It's me, your sister. Bagi."
The name stings Cellbit's brain in a way he doesn't like.
"I don't know you," he firmly says. "You don't know me. Leave my family alone."
He stands, hands shaking, head spinning. He doesn't like this.
Roier calls his name from the front of the building.
Cellbit, sure that this Bagi won't do anything while she's busy crying, turns and starts running towards the store.
He doesn't make it three steps before getting thwacked in the back of the head with something large and heavy and metal.
"Sorry," Bagi flatly says.
As he falls to the ground, his knife falls from his hand and ends up just out of reach.
He lands on his stomach and immediately tries standing again.
But he's stopped by a foot on his back pressing him down.
"I'll be sure to bring your family with us," Bagi tells him. "I'm not here to hurt you."
"Could have fooled me," Cellbit mutters.
Darkness takes him at last as Bagi smacks him again with her weapon, and all Cellbit can think is that he hopes that the kids ended up making it to Bad's after all.
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anonymous-dentist · 3 months
An introspective merpepito moment:
They’re a week away from land, which means they’re a week away from Pepito And Captain Celbi’s Super Secret Special Mission, which means they’re a week away from Captain Celbi and Apa Roier becoming Best Friends!!
But Apa Roier already isn’t paying much attention to Pepito thanks to Richarlyson. What’ll happen when he and Captain Celbi become Best Friends?
Pepito looks out over the Ocean, up in the crow’s nest keeping watch while Mister Felps uses the bathroom. It’s just Pepito.
…Just Pepito.
Pepito wants Apa Roier to be happy. Pepito hasn’t seen Apa Roier smile this much… ever!! He’s been happier than he’s ever been! And it’s all thanks to Captain Celbi and Richarlyson, they’re the ones Apa Roier smiles at the most.
Pepito likes when Apa Roier smiles. He has little wrinkles next to his eyes that crinkle up, and his eyes almost squint shut. His teeth aren’t as sharp as they are in the Ocean , but he has a lot of them. (Too many for a Sky Pepito, probably, but who cares?)
A pod of dolphins jump out of the water near the ship. Pepito waves at them with both hands; maybe they’ll tell his other parents that he’s fine!!
Pepito’s smile freezes. It falls.
He takes back his wave. Maybe his other parents should think he’s just dead. That way, they can be happy with their New Pepito.
On the deck, Richarlyson screeches out a laugh as Apa Roier scoops him up and throws him over his shoulder.
Pepito sniffs and wipes at Pepito’s eyes without really knowing why. He likes when Apa Roier is happy! When Apa Roier is happy, Pepito is happy.
He sinks down in the crow’s nest and sits with his knees to his chest. He can hear them having fun on the deck.
Minutes of painful, joyful noise later, Mister Felps climbs back into the crow’s nest with a loud groan.
“What a climb!” he moans. “Fuck!”
He flops onto floor dramatically. He’s breathing heavily, poor Mister Felps.
After a moment, he turns his head to look at Pepito with a smile. (He’s always smiling.)
“Did you see anything fun while I was gone?” he asks.
Mister Felps’ version of ‘fun’ is… not quite Pepito’s version of fun. He likes to stare into the sun and talk to it. He makes seagull noises to ‘echolocate’ other seagulls to see if the ship is close to land. He sits with a pencil and some paper and writes notes to throw at Captain Celbi from the crow’s nest.
So Pepito shakes Pepito’s head. The only ‘fun’ around is with Apa Roier.
And Richarlyson.
Not on the Ocean, and not with Pepito.
“Awwww.” Mister Felps pouts. “I was hoping you would have a story for me!”
Mister Felps doesn’t mind that Pepito can’t talk. He says that Captain Celbi didn’t talk a lot when he was a kid, either. He apparently kinda just growled and swore, which isn’t really talking. Not really.
Pepito tries really hard not to flinch as Richarlyson starts laughing again on the deck- he tries!! So hard!! But he fails, because he’s a Bad Pepito.
He’s happy when Apa Roier is happy. But why does he feel so heavy right now?
Something in Mister Felps’ face shifts, and then he’s sitting up and smiling just a little mischievously. He crosses his legs and puts his hands in his lap.
(He has so many tattoos, and they’re all of wings and eyes and he’s so cool!! Pepito would want to be like him when Pepito grows up if Pepito didn’t already want to be Apa Roier.)
“Did you know,” Mister Felps says, “that Cellbit is scared of spiders?”
Pepito’s eyes widen. What?? No way!
Mister Felps nods as if he’s reading Pepito’s mind.
“Yes, way!” he exclaims. “Every time we find one in the hold, he screams and runs to get Baghera to throw it overboard. He tried making one walk the plank once when he was a teenager. He hates them!”
He reaches out to take Pepito’s hands. He doesn’t hold them, though. He just plays with Pepito’s fingers, but that’s fine. He always does this when he’s talking: fidgeting.
“Listen,” Mister Felps continues, smiling wider, “it always sounds like this…”
And then he screams- high-pitched and ear-piercing and totally horrible, but the thought of Captain Celbi making that noise is enough to make Pepito burst out laughing.
“What the fuck?” Apa Roier shouts from the deck. “What was that?”
“Did Cellbit find another spider?” Mister Pac asks.
“I’m on the deck!” Captain Celbi protests. “I’m literally driving!”
“Are you?” Miss Mouse asks? “Or are you staring at-”
Captain Celbi cuts her off with a hurried: “Felps! What the fuck, man?”
Mister Felps puts his finger to his lips, winks, and hops onto his knees so he can wave down at Captain Celbi and shout, “Heeeeey!”
“What the fuck was that, Felps?!”
“I didn’t hear anything!”
“Are you deaf? What is wrong with you?!”
As Captain Celbi and Mister Felps keep arguing, and as the rest of the crew keeps shouting at each other, Pepito drinks in the silence.
Richarlyson, at least, isn’t talking.
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anonymous-dentist · 6 months
A tiny little merpepito au for the week
Pepito misses Apa Roier. Pepito misses Apa Roier so much it hurts, and Apa Roier is so close! He’s just on the other side of the ship, and Pepito can tug on his shirt and get picked up and held the way Apa Roier used to hold Pepito in The Ocean, but. But he’s sad, and it’s all Pepito’s fault, because Pepito is a Very Bad Pepito.
Every night, Pepito eats dinner at the same table as everybody else. He sits by Pomme, because she’s nice, and by Richarlyson, because Richarlyson is too small to sit at the adult side of the table. But Pomme sometimes leaves her seat and asks her mom to hold her, and Richarlyson always goes to bother his dads. But Pepito… can’t. Because Apa Roier looks so sad when he looks at Pepito, and Pepito might start crying if Apa Roier tells him why.
Tonight, four days after Apa Roier joined the crew, Pepito sits alone and eats Pepito’s dinner. Pomme is with Miss Baghera, and Richarlyson is with Captain Celbi, and Pepito. Is. Alone.
Pepito sits with his head down, and he picks at his food idly with a fork.
He jumps as a plate it dropped in front of him.
He looks up, and there is Apa Roier with a fish bone sticking out of his mouth.
In the Language Of The Ocean, Apa Roier says, “Ayyyy, Pepito! There you are! I’ve been looking for you all day!”
He sits, and Pepito’s hands shake.
“Have you been avoiding me?” Apa Roier gasps.
Pepito doesn’t like lying, so Pepito almost nods. But then Pepito remembers that he’s a pirate now, and pirates are evil. So Pepito shakes his head slowly.
Apa Roier nods. “Ahhh, I see. You’re just too busy for me now, I get it.”
Pepito’s stomach turns uncomfortably.
“You’re a big Pepito now,” Apa Roier says. “And I’m just an old man.”
He even puts on his old man voice- the one that he does to piss Ama Rivers off that makes Pepito laugh- when he says that, but all Pepito does is put his fork down and stare at his plate with a chilly-feeling heart. He feels bad.
Miss Mouse laughs at the other end of the table. Misters Pacandmike are arguing with Captain Celbi.
Apa Roier is quiet.
Pepito isn’t going to cry. He isn’t!!! He’s a Strong Pepito! And he’s a pirate! Pirates don’t cry, they make people cry!
…Pepito probably made Apa Roier cry. Apa Roier probably broke down the second he heard what Pepito did, all because Pepito did a Very Bad Thing because Pepito is a Very Bad Pepito and and and and-
“Pepito,” Apa Roier quietly says, “I’m not angry.”
Pepito looks up with wet eyes. He makes eye contact with Apa Roier, which honestly makes Pepito feels so much worse because Apa Roier looks kinda depressed with only two eyes. The Sea Witch took his eyes because of Pepito; just one more bad thing that Pepito has done.
Apa Roier gives a small smile. “I don’t know why you ran away, but I’m not angry. I mean, I’m pissed, but I’m not angry, you know?”
Pepito doesn’t know, but he also doesn’t care, because what does Apa Roier mean, he doesn’t know why Pepito ran away? He has to know! He’s a genius!
“BadBoy might be a real fucking creep sometimes, but he brought you to a real good guy,” Apa Roier continues. He glances over at Captain Celbi, his smile turning Weird. “I mean, Cellbit is kind of an asshole and he’s probably going to Hell, but he’s a nice guy.”
“Are you talking about me?” Captain Celbi calls, the same Weird smile on his face. Huh.
Apa Roier rolls his eyes and flips him off.
Pepito’s eyes widen. Apa Roier is so brave! Everybody knows not to mess with Captain Celbi, he’s evil! Mister Mike says so at least once a day!
“But listen, Pepito,” Apa Roier says, looking back at Pepito, “if you think I swam for a month to come and get you just for me to say I hate you or something, then you really are as stupid as your Apa Mariana. Because I-” (He reaches across the table and boops Pepito right on the nose.) “-will never let any stupid human pirates bully my Pepito. Only I get to bully you.”
Pepito’s eyes are starting to water again, dang it. Pepito is a Strong Pepito!
But then Apa Roier looks at Pepito’s plate of food and sighs and starts moving stuff from his own plate to Pepito’s, saying, “Pepito, Pepito, Pepito… You’re allowed to have more than fish for dinner. We’re pirates now, have pirate food. Here.”
And Pepito can’t help it. He missed Apa Roier so much…!
He jumps from his spot at the table and runs around to Apa Roier. He holds his arms up, and Apa Roier clicks his tongue annoyedly, but Apa Roier picks him up with a groan:
“Pepito, what the fuck? When did you get so big, eh? You’ll be taller than Mariana at this rate!”
Pepito is a growing Pepito, Pepito knows this. But he settles down in Apa Roier’s lap, anyway, and he hugs him because he can because Apa Roier doesn’t know that Pepito is a Bad Pepito. He still thinks that Pepito is a Good Pepito even if he is a Pirate Pepito now.
Apa Roier doesn’t know what happened. And Apa Roier never will.
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anonymous-dentist · 25 days
A Very Pepito Segment from the Merpepito AU
Pepito does Pepito's job.
Pepito cleans the deck. Pepito cuts vegetables. Pepito ties knots.
Pepito eats breakfast. Pepito eats lunch. Pepito eats dinner.
Pepito names Pepito's friend. Pepito's friend is named Gato because that's the only Sky Animal that Pepito knows.
Pepito's friend cries a lot. Pepito doesn't, though! Pepito holds Gato and lets Gato cry into Pepito's shirt. Pepito doesn't cry, though.
Pepito is a Pirate. And Pirates don't cry.
When Pepito was first adopted by Apa Roier, Apa Roier was the only parent there. He didn't even mean to find Pepito, he said, and he should have let someone else find him. Apa Roier already had (has?) a son. He didn't need a Pepito, too.
Pepito understands Apa Roier now more than ever. After all, Pepito is a Bad Pepito. Who wants a Bad Pepito in their house?
...Pepito does his job.
Miss Mouse asked if Pepito wanted to help her with her magic, but Pepito almost said no; Pepito wanted to keep hiding with Gato in his bed. But then Pepito saw Captain Celbi on the deck, and Pepito had agreed.
So now Pepito is with Miss Mouse making water... out of water.
"It's pretty easy, actually," Miss Mouse explains.
She swishes about the cabin with a skip in her step. She's humming under her breath and through her words, which is probably magic. Her hair sparkles like thin strings of sea glass, and her skirt is twice as sparkly.
Miss Mouse, apparently, is Magic. She's like the Sea Witch but better and also not a witch. (I'm a demon!, she always says, whatever that is.)
Every day, Miss Mouse gets a biiiiiiiiig bucket of water from the Ocean, and she makes someone carry it to her cabin (she gets her own, just like Captain Celbi, because her Magic can kind of stink sometimes) so she can turn it into Sky Water.
Ocean water is bad. Pepito can't touch it, and neither can Apa Roier, and nobody on the ship can drink it without getting super sick. But Sky Water is like the water that comes when the Sky breaks. It's safe for Pepitos and Apa Roiers, and it's safe to drink.
Pepito sits on a stool with Gato held tight in Pepito's arms. Both Pepito and Gato have gotten a little white coat to wear to keep them safe from the Magic, and they're both wearing little goggles like Captain Celbi's to keep their eyes safe. Pepito's goggles don't fit super well over Pepito's glasses, but that's fine. Pepito can't complain (literally.)
"All you have to do," Miss Mouse says as she digs through a cabinet, "is trick the water into sneezing."
Pepito tilts Pepito's head with a small, confused frown. What? Water can't sneeze.
"Saltwater has some stuff in it that us land dwellers can't drink," Miss Mouse continues. "So I need to get that stuff out. Technically, it's some chemical expulsion shit, but everyone says that it looks like the water is sneezing. So."
She turns back around to face the cauldron of Ocean Water. She isn't wearing a white coat or goggles, but it's her Magic. She's probably immune to it, lucky!
She has a bottle of stuff in her hand. It looks like pepper. Is it pepper? The water has to sneeze, right?
Honestly, Pepito doesn't know why Miss Mouse asked for Pepito's help. She's been doing everything by herself so far.
(She almost reminds Pepito of Ama Rivers, in a weird way. They both shout the same way when they're surprised, and that's enough to make Miss Mouse trustworthy.)
Miss Mouse takes the lid off of the jar. She hands the lid to Pepito, who holds it carefully away from Gato to keep any of its Magic from getting on him.
Grinning sharply, Miss Mouse looks at both Pepito and Gato. (Her eyes are so pink!! She's so cool...)
"Watch this," she says.
And then she throws a pinch of the Stuff into the cauldron, and the water sneezes. A huge white cloud comes out of the water and spreads throughout the room. It gets into Pepito's mouth and tastes a bit like salt.
Pepito covers Gato's mouth. Just in case.
Miss Mouse cackles so loudly that there's quickly a knock at the door.
"Mouse? You alright in there?" Captain Celbi calls.
Pepito flinches and looks down at the floor.
Miss Mouse shouts, "I'm fine! Don't worry about me!"
There's a pause, and then Captain Celbi asks, "...Is Pepito okay?"
(Pepito is a Bad Pepito. Pepito almost drowned Captain Celbi's son. Pepito is a Bad Pepito.)
"We're fine!" Miss Mouse insists. "If you want to help, go get us some cups so we can test this stuff!"
Pepito doesn't look up from the floor. Gato is crying in Pepito's arms.
Not Pepito, though.
Pepito jumps when a hand touches his shoulder.
Miss Mouse jumps, too, as Pepito jumps. She raises her hands and asks, "Whoah! Sorry! Did the sneeze freak you out that bad?"
Pepito shakes his head. It was kind of cool, actually.
Letting out a breath, Miss Mouse slumps her shoulders in relief.
"Thank goodness," she sighs. "I think your dads would've killed me if I scared you."
Apa Roier doesn't really care about Pepito getting scared. He says that it's part of growing up. Scary things happen, and you have to learn how to deal with them.
But how would Apa Mariana and Apa Carre and Apa Quackity know if the sneezing scared Pepito? They're miles away!
Miss Mouse looks at Pepito.
Miss Mouse looks at Pepito hard.
And then Miss Mouse leans against the cauldron, arms crossing casually. She keeps looking at Pepito, a soft look on her face.
"I was there when he bought that bear, you know," she says, nodding at Gato. "He was so excited, he kept asking Roier if you'd like it and stuff. It was super sweet!"
Both Gato and Pepito look at her with a frown.
"When Richarlyson was younger, Cellbit would get him stuff all the time," she continues, looking to the side and at the door. "Like, I say 'younger', but he's only, like, two years older than you. He just thinks he's older. So he stopped asking for stuff, and Cellbit stopped giving it to him."
She looks back at Pepito, a tiny little smile on her face. "Do you want to learn a magic trick? It'll really surprise him when he gets back here in a few minutes."
Hesitantly, Pepito nods, and Miss Mouse's smile grows.
Captain Celbi opens the cabin's door with three cups stacked in his hands. Said three cups all fall to the floor as soon as the Magic hits, though.
Miss Mouse giggles as Captain Celbi just starts sneezing. He's swearing, and he's sneezing, and he's shouting, and he's sneezing, and he's sneezing.
Pepito, holding the Magic Feather, almost smiles before remembering that, right. Captain Celbi. His boss.
So Pepito does his job.
Pepito drops the feather and runs to get some tissues from Miss Mouse's cabinet. He rushes the tissues to Captain Celbi, who takes them and presses them to his nose with a sharp glare pointed right at Miss Mouse.
Miss Mouse, of course, is unbothered.
"Is this a mutiny?" Captain Celbi growls.
Miss Mouse shrugs. "I dunno. Are you still the captain, or did Bagi take over?"
"Of course I'm still the captain. It's my ship!"
"Then it's a mutiny. Come here, Pepito, we need to mutiny harder."
Miss Mouse ignores the sneezing Captain Celbi's protests as she turns back to her cauldron and starts stirring it.
Pepito doesn't join her, though. He can't mutiny! That's illegal!
Grumbling, Captain Celbi takes a seat on the floor so he doesn't fall over with his sneezing. He looks a bit better now that he has the tissues, but he still looks... angry.
Of course he's angry. Pepito is there.
Pepito hurries to get Gato off of the stool he left Gato on.
And then he runs back to Captain Celbi and holds Gato out, looking straight down at the floor.
"Pepito?" Captain Celbi asks, voice all weird and nasally. "What's wrong?"
Why is he pretending? He's smart! Apa Roier says that he's the smartest!
It's easy: Pepito is a Bad Pepito, and so he doesn't deserve his friend anymore. Richarlyson was right about Pepito all along, so he deserves a friend.
Pepito just shakes Gato around a little. He can't say anything, so he doesn't.
Miss Mouse, from the cauldron, hisses, "He's sad! Look at him!"
Pepito- Gato is about to cry again. But Pepito doesn't know why, he wasn't this emotional at the Reef! (But it's really hard to cry when you already live in the water.)
After a moment, Captain Celbi sighs, "Oh, Pepito. Come here and listen to me."
He reaches out, and Pepito's eyes squeeze shut in anticipation.
But then Pepito is pulled into a hug, tugged a few steps closer until Captain Celbi has him on his lap.
A large hand finds itself on the back of Pepito's head.
"I'm sorry about Richarlyson," Captain Celbi quietly says. "I'm sorry if he scared you."
Pepito freezes.
Captain Celbi continues, "He's... I know that you've been avoiding me and Roier for the past couple of days, but you don't need to feel bad. You did what you felt you had to do to protect your friend, right?"
Hesitantly, Pepito nods.
Captain Celbi nods as well. "Then it's alright. I mean, it's not okay, but you're punishing yourself harder than I did."
When Pepito had calmed down that day, Captain Celbi told Pepito very firmly that Pepito wasn't allowed candy until the next time they docked. It's been almost a week since then, and it's been horrible.
"Sometimes," Captain Celbi says, "when you want to protect someone you love, you do bad things. And that's okay. We're pirates, Pepito, we all do bad things sometimes. But as long as you do more good things than bad, then it'll all be okay."
(There is blood under Pepito's nails. Pepito hasn't been able to sleep in months. He doesn't think he'll ever be able to again.)
"Keep your friend," Captain Celbi tells Pepito. "Teach him how to be a good person. You might be a pirate now, but I know you can do it."
...Gato hugs Captain Celbi back.
So does Pepito, after a moment, and he feels like he's drowning. His Inside Gills are all heavy and his chest hurts and he can't breathe.
Captain Celbi sneezes.
And Pepito laughs.
("I hate him," Richarlyson says. Plain and simple.
Roier hands him another dish to wash.
"Uh-huh," he says. "Keep working."
And Richarlyson does.)
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pixiecaps · 4 months
pepito: apa roier we lived a lot of adventures right? i learned that i need to always have a smile, enjoy my life, and im thankful to always die laughing with you. i’ll always be thankful to be able to call you guys family because here it doesnt end you’ll always be in my memories.
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