#haven't fallen for a character this bad since Gaara
Kyojuro Rengoku HC
Modern AU
Drives a red Jeep Wrangler with removable doors
Shows his strength by lifting them with one arm (Each front door on a Jeep typically weighs around 70 pounds, and each back door generally weighs around 45 pounds)
Drives you around when you can’t sleep at night
Takes you to cute drive in movies
Does his best to know your skin/hair care routines
Loves when you play with his hair, usually falls asleep nestled on your lap
 Sends you pics of things he thinks you might like (cute animals, food, etc)
Food and touch is his love language
Be prepared to always have his hand on you at all times
Buys you cute outfits he thinks you will enjoy
Knows your body inside and out, all the things that trigger you and bring you joy
Notices when you get uncomfortable in a social situation and will immediately excuse yourselves and leave
Unlimited massages, he can’t keep his hands off you anyway
Buys all your preferred brands for when you have your period, his hands are your heating pad, the body heat on this man is insane
You don’t need blankets for winter, Kyojuro makes sure to keep you warm in every way possible
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