#haven't even come up with a headcanon past some vague ideas in terms of how his story ends
cephalofrogart · 2 months
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quick one of my edgyass frenzied flame tarnished as of the DLC
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lunalycana · 1 year
Infinite 16 & 23 :]
16. A childhood headcanon.
So I haven't thought too deep into Infinite’s past (I’ve definitely thought more into his mercenary days above all else lol), but I do subscribe to the headcanon that he’s an orphan. I feel like he doesn’t know his parents (or family) at all, but simply doesn’t care because he found a family in what became his Jackal Squad. Details like that don’t matter because he had home in the people that fought beside him.
In terms of him being a kid though? I like to think Infinite was getting by as a thief to keep himself fed and make ends meet, which is totally fair and impressive of him, but he was DEFINITELY a little asshole about it LOL I feel like he was a talented liar even back then and used to get out of trouble with absurd amounts of charisma if he wasn’t just straight up getting into really vicious fights?? Good at being cute if necessary, but also has an awful temper. 😂
23. Future headcanon.
Now this, I’ve thought more about. When I think of an Infinite who is still alive and capable of escaping Null Space, I have a LOT of thoughts about his own mental placement in a world that moved on without him. I feel like he’s full of negative and vengeful feelings that he doesn’t even know how to sort out, so he starts brewing some absolutely absurd plans to just burn it all down himself and leave everything in ashes.
But as time progresses and he realizes how… absolutely insane and vague that is, he quickly realizes that there’s not much to go off of with those thoughts.
Kill the world and then what? Himself?? That’s an extremely tempting idea, but what would it achieve after everything he’s been through and how far he’s gone to get where he is? Also, what about the very few people he’s unfortunately met along the way since his return that changed him a little in less negative ways? Do they die, too? They’re useless mortals, but he does find them entertaining in some ways and losing them isn’t the most entertaining idea. Okay, fine, so he’ll destroy the world, rebuild it, and bring the ones that amuse him with him as a benevolent ruler. But does he really care to dominate the world in his image? Would the people he wants to bring with him want that, too?
It’s too much pressure, too much baggage, he doesn’t care that much, he wants the world that rejected him gone but he also likes some parts of the world and he doesn’t want to lose what he cares for but also he doesn’t want to care it’s too much and he can’t keep this up—
A lot of time passes. In his attempt to bond with others to trick them into his favor, he’s unfortunately come to like a number of them. His “acts” of kindness become less and less disingenuous as he realizes he does like the smile he gets when he does good on that person. His intent to hurt others becomes muted as hollow in his mind as his threats thin out into simple “whatever, screw that guy” type statements. Instead of destroying, he’s found himself building and creating more, which feels nice and real and tangible.
And most of all, to his dread upon realization, what was once a tactic to let the world’s guard down before he annihilated all life in his path has become an actual journey through growth that he never assumed possible. Infinite is changing. Infinite can change. And he hates it, hates that he’s losing a battle of stubborn pride and rage-filled emotions, but he would be lying if he said it didn’t feel better to forget once in a while. It would be a lie to say he doesn’t like being a real person and not the ghost of anger and resentment that hosting the Phantom Ruby turned him into.
From that point forward, Infinite’s future is still vague and confused, but for a good while, he realizes that life can be more than revenge, especially when he allows himself to just keep living. Life has things to look forward to, even for horrible monsters of war like him.
…He’s still a major asshole though and has broken a guy’s nose for mildly insulting him and he still steps on kids’ sandcastles for the hell of it and breaks windows just to cause problems for an establishment. Baby steps, Infinite. You’ll get there on the path to “good guy” someday, bud.
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