#have also been contemplating changing the dwerghamster url..... i love it but i've been freelancing pretty regularly & might be needing to
rosedosed · 3 years
OK little art update for everyone who cares! As is customary this time of year I've been Killed Dead by my bitter rival academia, but I have been drawing on the DL and just completely forgot to upload it to tumblr... I dont wanna cheesegrate my art around & like having @dwerghamster as a place where all my art is, so I'm putting a whole lot of art in my queue! don't mind when you suddenly see a lot of art popping up after months of inactivity! I promise I've been drawing I'm just bad at online.
If you want regular(ish) uploads & also Very Stupid Bad Art I upload all my junk on @roosposted on twitter!
love you xx
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