#has the same energy as 'hornton' to me ...
distant-velleity · 8 months
i know i could never come up with hornton or tsunotarou in my wildest dreams
so yu's nickname for malleus before he finds out who he really is, is something with "yue" (月) in it, because he first met malleus under the moonlight. or something poetic like that
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it-happened-one-fic · 7 months
Sweet Dreams - Malleus
Author Notes: You should know that I really thought about not posting this simply due to the stuff going on in the Diasomnia chapter. BUT! I actually wrote this before the Diasomnia chapter even started coming out in Japan and this chapter has nothing to do with that chapter. If anything, it's set pre-Diasomnia chapter. As per usual, reader is gender neutral. I hope you enjoy!
Type: Gender-neutral reader/ fluff/ pre-Diasomnia chapter/ romance implied/ angst with comfort
Word Count: 1150
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It was strange, Malleus thought. He was used to exploring the grounds surrounding Ramshackle dorm while awaiting you in the hopes that you’d join him in his moonlit stroll.
So to see you outside, sitting on your porch, and looking up at the sky all on your lonesome when he arrived was... strange.
Strange, and worrying.
It had been a fair bit of time since it had fallen dark, and you had no way of knowing whether or not Malleus was coming. After all, he had no schedule for his evening visits. Rather, he came whenever he was able.
“Child of man?” At his questioning tone, you looked over.
He frowned slightly at the blank expression on your face that steadily cleared like a sun breaking through the clouds as you registered who it was that was looking down at you.
“Hornton… Good evening,” A smile flickered across your face, but it was a weak one that barely met your tired eyes. When he held out his hand, you silently took it and let him pull you to your feet and off the porch’s steps without any questions.
“What are you doing out here?” His tone wasn’t judgmental. Instead, it was curious and tinged with concern.
But Malleus was confused.
It was strange to him that you were so obviously tired but hadn't gone to sleep and were instead outside, staring up at the night sky as if you could see something far beyond those stars that twinkled overhead.
“Couldn’t sleep,” Your muttered reply was faint, but when you looked up at him, you were wearing that same smile on your face. Like you were genuinely happy to see him but didn’t possess the energy to fully smile.
“How was your day?” The fact that you questioned him so calmly when you were in such shape, with such deep, dark circles under your usually bright eyes…. It was oddly upsetting.
Malleus frowned but answered your question nonetheless, “It was as ever, but I encountered a question that I require your assistance with.”
At his words, you tilted your head, a flicker of interest entering your weary gaze.
“Don’t humans, such as yourself, require sleep to maintain their health?” Malleus was innocent in how he phrased his question.
And rather than catching on to his meaning as you usually would, you simply blinked at him before slowly nodding, “Yes.”
Malleus hummed slightly, no longer bothering to hide his concern, “Then shouldn’t you rest? You look exhausted, Child of man.”
At his soft words, you frowned and looked away as you simultaneously pulled your hand out of his. Malleus’s frown deepened at your actions, so unlike your usually bright self.
“What ails you, Child of man?” He carefully rested his hand on your shoulder, a silent request for you to face him as he continued, “Tell me, I will make it right.”
You twisted, a half-smile appearing on your face as you reached up and covered his hand with yours, patting it affectionately as you shook your head with a quiet chuckle, “Oh, Hornton. It isn’t something you can fix.”
Malleus frowned at your words, but stayed silent as you trailed away from him and sat back down on Ramshackle’s steps in a manner suggesting that you had nothing else to give and could no longer bear to stand.
“I’ve been having nightmares.” You quietly explained, spurring Malleus into following your actions and sitting down next to you. Folding his hands together as he waited for you to continue.
“They’re about the overblots…. About if everything hadn’t worked out,” You paused, a grim expression appearing on your face, before you continued. “About if we’d lost the guys.”
You shook your head as if to clear it as your hands laced tightly together in front of you, “I know it’s ridiculous, but...”
A shudder went through your body, and you fell silent, your actions making Malleus frown once more as he registered exactly how small and fragile you looked in this moment.
“It is not ridiculous. What upsets you will never be ridiculous. But…” He paused as you looked towards him, your eyes filled with fatigue.
“Tell me, Child of man. Do you get hurt in these dreams?” You didn’t answer, but the way your entire body tensed was answer enough.
Malleus felt his hands tighten on each other, turning his already pale knuckles a bone white as he continued to watch you, “I see.”
A sigh slipped from his lips, but he straightened and stood once more, looking down at you as he did so, “Come, you must get rest.”
Your eyes were wide as your head jerked up so that you could stare up at him with something akin to fear in your eyes, “But-”
“Fear not,” A smile curved across his face as he smoothly interrupted you and offered you his hand once more. “I won’t abandon you.”
Mystified, you accepted his hand and let him slowly pull you to your feet and guide you inside, ready to support you should your weary frame collapse.
He then let you take the lead, following you up to your room, where you stopped and stared at your bed, upon which Grim was peacefully slumbering. Unaware of your current plight.
“Go on, Child of man,” Malleus smiled as you turned towards him, your gaze full of uncertainty.
 He reached out with his free hand, gently resting the back of his fingers against your cheek as he continued, “I cannot destroy the fears that plague your mind, but I can stay with you. You need not fear any harm befalling you while I am present.”
Despite his warm words, you still hesitated, squeezing his hand that was still carefully holding yours before you seemingly reached a decision, “Just until I fall asleep… You should probably head back after that.”
So unwilling to put others in any trouble. It was so like you that Malleus couldn’t fight the smile that spread still further across his face until he was grinning fully at you. Even if you could stand to be a little more selfish.
But he nodded nonetheless, acquiescing to your request just as he would agree to any other wish you had, “Very well.”
Your hand slipped from his, leaving an odd emptiness in his palm as you crept into bed, looking his way once more as you snuggled into your sheets, “Hornton?”
Malleus responded with a hum as he took his seat next to you, glancing your way expectantly as he awaited whatever you would say next.
“Thank you.” 
Two simple words. That was all it took to make the draconic fae to go still, his eyes widening before a smile that was filled with fondness spread across his pale face.
“Of course,” He paused before his gaze softened still more and warm affection crept its way into his tone, “Sweet dreams… Y/n.”
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qubemagazine · 2 years
New Post has been published on Qube Magazine
New Post has been published on https://www.qubeonline.co.uk/evergreen-malcolm-clocks-up-50-years-at-well-known-cleaning-product-supplier/
Evergreen Malcolm clocks up 50 years at well-known cleaning product supplier
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Loyal Malcolm Cross has clocked up 50 years working for one of the country’s best-known manufacturers and suppliers of cleaning and hygiene products. Despite being aged 78, evergreen Malcolm still works three days a week in an advisory role at family run Cleenol on the Beaumont Business Park in Banbury, Oxon. The workaholic has no plans to hang up his overalls and even after a hard day’s work he can be found caring for a neighbour’s walled garden or looking after the village green near his home in nearby Hornton. Malcolm’s marathon stint at Cleenol started in 1971 when you could buy a pint of milk for five pence or a pint of beer for 16 pence. He started out as a driver before working his way up to warehouse manager and then works manager – a role he held for 40 years. In recognition of his steadfast loyalty, Cleenol’s MD and fourth generation owner Sam Greaves recently rewarded Malcolm with a memorable gift – a dream trip to be taken with wife Linda to the Balearics Islands with Saga Holidays. Describing his strict daily routine, Malcolm said: “I rise around 6.30 am every day, and have a cup of tea but no breakfast. From Monday to Wednesday I’m at Cleenol’s site by 7am. I take a sandwich with me for a 10.30 am break but then have nothing to eat until my evening meal. “I get home from Cleenol around 4pm when Linda gives me a ticking off for staying out too long. We settle down for dinner at 5.30pm and after that I will go outside and undertake various gardening tasks before returning home by 9pm to watch some football or horse racing on TV or even some Irish Country music. I’m in bed by 10.30pm”. Malcolm – who reached 50 years of service at Cleenol on December 23 – has acquired so much experience over the years that even now, as almost an octogenarian, he is playing a vital role organising staff, planning, checking goods inwards, helping with production and driving a fork lift truck, among other duties. He married Linda 52 years ago and became stepfather to her sons Mark and Julian who, amazingly, have also worked at Cleenol in a variety of roles for 30 years and 40 years respectively. The couple also have a daughter, Jo, and six grandchildren and three great-grandchildren. Malcolm, who says he has “no retirement plans whatsoever”, has a few words of advice for others who want to work past retirement age: “Stay engaged, keep active and look for things you enjoy at work. Having an active mind and bags of energy is also really important”. He added: “Staying so long at Cleenol is one of my biggest achievements in life. I love the dynamic of the business and its family ethos. I have now seen the fourth generation take on the ownership – quite a surreal turn of events considering my wife used to change the current MD’s nappies at one time”. Sam Greaves, Owner and MD of Cleenol, said: “Malcolm is that rarity in the modern workplace – someone who has stayed with the same employer for more than half a century. He is still going strong and playing an important part in our success. He richly deserves our gift of a luxury holiday and, at the same time, we expect to see him as part of the Cleenol workforce for some time yet!”. Cleenol, which can trace its roots back to the early 1700s, has customers all over the world and has a client portfolio comprising local authorities, government departments and appointed distributors throughout the UK and worldwide, as well as wholesalers and stockists in a range of marketplaces. ADVENTURE OF A LIFETIME: Malcolm proudly receives from Sam Greaves details of the Saga holiday. https://cleenol.com/
  Evergreen Malcolm clocks up 50 years at well-known cleaning product supplier
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