gandfweasley · 6 years
Now What?
Angelina You sit on the common room’s couch, looking out into the crackling fire in front of you. Wrapped up inside one of George’s old Christmas sweaters that his mother makes for every one of her children, including her adopted ones like yourself, Harry, and Hermonie. 
. “It looks better on you than it ever did on me.” A voice softly breaks the brief silence. 
You look and see George smiling with a couple of butter beers in hand.
“Hey.. I was meaning to give it back-.”
“Says every woman ever but I still lack so many sweaters.”
You blush, “George I’m sorry-”
“Hey, baby, hush. I wouldn’t have gave it to you if I thought you wouldn’t wear it. Mom loves it whenever she sees you in it anyway.” 
“But..” You softly squeak as George sits next to you and rubs your inner thigh softly. 
“No buts, you mean the world to me, and so does those sweaters, you are keeping it until the day you die.”
“Or we break up.” You murmured. 
George furrowed his brow and cupped your cheek and brought you closer to him.
“I will never leave you, or ever stop loving you. I do not care if we are ‘just kids’, you will become my wife, we will have an everlasting life together. Throughout every hardship, every doubt; I will always love and be here for you.”
Tears stream down both you and George’s cheeks, your breathing becomes hallow and you collapse in crying. 
You feel George slid his arm beneath your butt and draw you closer to him, you bury into his chest, crying harder. He leans back to help you get more comfortable. His one of his hands runs up and down your back, as the other tucks your hair behind your ear. 
“Let it out, Ash, you’ve been holding it in way to long.” George whispered. 
You close your eyes, trying to clear the image of the funeral last week. Choking on a sob, you mutter, “I love you, so much.” 
He continues to rub your back, kisses the top of your head gently. 
“They loved you too,” he whispered. 
You lift your head and look at George, “Thank you, for being the love of my life.”
A smile shines on the wild ginger’s face. 
“Thank you for being my everything, Miss. Foxx.” He said as he cupped your cheek. 
You kiss him softly, soon it deepens. You feel him sit up and grasp your hips. 
You let out a soft groan as he starts to kiss your neck. He softly lays you back on the couch. 
He stops. 
“George. What’s wrong?” You ask concerned as you scan his expression. 
“I see my entire world in your eyes, and I feel my life against your skin, and every kiss, you claim more of my soul.” George whispers. “I do not want to mess this up, Ash.”
You rub the base of his neck softly, “Everything will be fine, George.” 
He smiles and places a soft kiss on your nose. 
“Come on, I promised Professor Mcgonagall that you would eat something today.” As he gets up and grasp your hands. 
He drapes his arm protectively around you, his hand resting on your hip. 
“......have you seen her? She looks like Death himself!” a soft voice rings in the quiet hallway. 
“ Angelina , her parents just passed away. She will not magically heal from it!” 
“She should at least go home-”
You and George turn around the corner to see Angelina Johnson and Katie Bell. 
“What home?” You ask. “Most of my home is seven feet under and the rest is next to me.” 
“Ashley, I’m sorry-” Angelina started. 
“Oh it’s fine. Fine.” You say, and you leave, leaving George, Angelina, and Katie gaped. 
“George, I didn’t mean..” 
“I know, and she knows; she just.. Is hurting a lot right now. Mum and Dad should be by tomorrow, I am hoping she will go home with them for awhile.” George whispers as he pats Angelina’s shoulder softly. “I need to find her, I will see you all later.” 
You went to Professor McGonagall’s office, and knocked softly. 
Her door swings open, with Professor McGonagall sitting at her desk, reading. 
“Miss. Foxx, how may I help you?” She asks softly. 
“I need my Godmother, not my teacher.” You said with a crack in your voice. 
She points over to the couch as she summons some tea and biscuits. 
“What happened, love?” She asks firmly. 
You spill everything that has been on your mind, including your relationship with George. 
“I don’t want him to feel obligated to stay with me because of this!” You finish the spill, will tears trapped in your eyes. 
“Ashley, you listen good.” She said sternly. “Mr. Weasley loves you, possibly more than he does his jokes. You mean the world to him, and he means the world to you. If he did not have a high regard for you, you wouldn’t be wearing that sweater of his.” She gestured.
You nodded. Feeling ignorant. 
“Now. Stop being scared to let him love you. Your parents’ has a high regard for him, approved of him. He will not hurt you, only you will.”
“Yes’m.” You replied, sniffling. 
“Now, go find George and get some food, you are wasting away, my dear.” She  cupped your cheek and smiles, “So much like your mother...” She whispers, with a slight pain in her eyes. 
You smile and hug her. 
*** I apologize for the short chapter. More to come!***
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please don’t say you know me. for you do not know the harships, the pain, the suffering that i have gone through. please don’t say i’m inhumane for the harsdships, the pain and the suffering have made me feel numb enough. and lastly, please don’t say you hate me for no one hates me as much as i do.
and don’t ever tell me otherwise
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danjordan97-blog · 7 years
Reading Response #5
As technology has advanced, video games have become a more widespread form of entertainment. While most people play video games causually, there is a culture of hardcore gamers. A majorilty of these competitive online players are young males, which causes a problem for women in this culture. Female gamers are stereotyped and discriminated against heavily in this community. The male players feel that women cannot be as good as them and that woment should not play video games.
This negative sentiment against females in the gaming community lead to Gamer Gate. Gamer Gate is a subculture that fights to keep women out of the gaming community. They feel that women do not belong playing video games and that they are ruining their culture. While Gamer Gate does not condone violence, there are many radicals within the community that have gone so far as to threaten women trying to become a part of the online gaming community. This discrimination shows why feminism is necessary in all aspects of life and how women face harsdships online and in person.
Just like many other forms of hate, there are means to spread a positive message and support those who face harrassment and discrimination. I did not know about websites such as Femtechnet, but after exploring their website I found that they offer a vast support system for women who face harrassment in onine spaces. I am very glad to see that there are people out there who are helping to fight for women in this online community and are there for those who have suffered in hopes of being included and being given a chance to show they are just as skilled as the men who feel threatened by their presence.
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