#harry styles mini fic
purplecoffee13 · 5 months
Nemesis with Benefits - Part 1
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Summary: “You got cheated on, and Harry is the one your ex cheated with. You hate him, he hates you, and the universe seems to hate the both of you, because you keep being thrown into the same spaces.”
Wc: 3.3k
Tropes: enemies to lovers
Warning: mentions of cheating, foul language
A/N: Hey guys! I’m going to see Taylor this weekend, but I wanted to give you the first part of my new series before I log off for the weekend. I know Harry is sounding quite unlikable, because he is, but it is a slow burn so give it some time and let him explain!!!!! Enjoy xxx
General Masterlist
Series Masterlist
Part 2 is up!!!
It has been almost three weeks since you and your ex-boyfriend Dylan have broken up. You were heartbroken when you found out he cheated on you, and you still aren't over it in even the slightest. It was just unfathomable to you. How could he cheat on you and just step from one relationship into another?
Yes, that's right, Dylan immediately started dating the guy he cheated on you with. You couldn't believe when you first heard who it was, but it also didn't surprise you much.
Harry has had it out for you from the moment you and Dylan first started dating. You had no idea why, but now that those two are together, you finally understand. He was jealous of you. He wanted Dylan all to himself and— well, he succeeded. The fucking prick.
You had been trying to get over the humiliation and sadness, but it proved to be very hard. You had been in love with Dylan for so long, long before the two of you even started dating, and it was your first real relationship. You couldn't just move on that quickly.
But you were done. Done with crying and whining and bitching about it. It was like some sort of switch had turned, like the first stage of the moving on process had worn out. It was time to try some other methods of getting over Dylan. You finally took the advice from your friends, and tonight was your first date since the break-up.
You had downloaded tinder, and found yourself multiple matches. One guy named Brady, asked you out for drinks tonight, and you said yes. And so, the second stage of moving on commenced.
Now you're in one of the bar's booths, waiting for Brady to show up. He was handsome in his pictures, and he seems like a nice guy. You fiddle with your hands as you wait. You know that if something is going to happen between the two of you, it won't be serious or permanent, but you can't help but be nervous anyway.
You agreed to meet up at nine, and right now it's ten minutes past nine. A pit grows in your stomach as you sip on your beer. He wouldn't be standing you up, would he?
You wait and wait until it's a quarter to ten, and tears prickle in your eyes. What a disaster. How could you even think that this was a good idea?
You flag down a waitress and pay for the beers you drank as you waited. It isn't until you stand up that you realize how many it were. You are quite the lightweight, so five beers on a stomach filled with only a salad for dinner wasn't the best idea.
You walk out of the bar, and grab your phone to order an Uber. That is when you spot someone sitting on the bench in front of the bar, and you groan aloud.
Sitting on the stupid bench is stupid Harry, the guy which Dylan cheated on you with. Out of all people, you just had to run into him. He looks up upon hearing you groan, and the distaste on his face at the sight of you almost makes it look like you're the one Dylan cheated with on him.
"What the fuck do you want?" Harry asks, putting a cigarette to his mouth, and holding a lighter to it to turn it on.
"To ruin your relationship with your boyfriend— Oh no wait, that was you! Asshole..." You mutter as you roll your eyes. You turn around, almost falling over at the speed with which you did, but you are quick to steady yourself. You squint at your screen as you search for the Uber app in your phone.
"Fuck you." Harry murmurs under his breath, and you flip him off without turning around. You don't want to be around this guy, so you start walking away from him. Might as well warm yourself up as you wait for your Uber to arrive. If you can find the damn app...
Then a car honks and before you have time to look up, you are pulled into someone's arms. You look up from your phone and see a white car driving by, still honking at you, and when you turn around to see who is holding you, Harry's eyes meet yours. Once having regained your senses, you push him away.
"Get off of me!" You growl at him, dropping your phone accidentally.
"Are you stupid?! How fucking pissed are you to not notice a car coming straight at you—" Harry barks back at you as he picks up your phone, and hands it to you. You snatch it away, disgusted with the fact that he is touching your stuff.
"Shut up!" You shout at him with a wavering voice, too overwhelmed by everything. You are on the brink of crying. He seems to notice and quiets down.
"I'll bring you home." He mumbles softly, after you had time to breathe for a second and steady yourself. You frown at him, looking for even the slightest hint of deception—because what else is there to the guy who your boyfriend cheated on you with—but you can't find it.
"You are the last person I would ever step into a car with." You glare at him, crossing your arms. Harry rolls his eyes.
"You think you're my number one choice? No, but I'm not gonna let your drunk ass get run over." He argues back, seeming to be equally as irritated with you as you are with him.
"Yeah, because you're the picture of decency and chivalry." You cross your arms. The nerve of this guy! Trying to be all gentleman like when you know that he is nothing more than a pig.
Harry clenches his jaw, and you can tell he is ready to snap at you. You are waiting for him to start cussing you out—and there is a clear hesitation in his eyes—but he doesn't follow through. He merely sighs.
"Look, I'm not going to force you into my car. Because contrary to what you might believe, I do have some common decency, but I am not going to leave you outside a pub, drunk and alone." Harry explains, trying to catch your eyes as best as he can but you are avoiding his stare, afraid to see the sincerity behind them. "So, I either bring you home, or wait for an Uber with you."
You think it over for a few seconds, but your train of thought is interrupted when your name is shouted from a distance. You look in the way where the sound came from, and see Rebecca—a friend from class—wave at you with a big smile on her face. You wave, then turn back to Harry.
"Fuck. you."
You articulate the words slowly, hoping they marinate in his head, as you glare him down with the genuine spite you have felt from the moment you were made aware of the betrayal. You don't give him the chance to respond or even process what you just said, you just walk away.
You don't look back at Harry either, because you are sure that the hint of guilt that presses down on your chest is translating to your face, but you don't want to give in to it. Dylan betrayed you, and while he is the more culpable one in the situation, Harry did this too. He knew you and Dylan were together, and he still did what he did. The guilt transforms into a sadness as your mind wonders, how much did he have to hate you to do this to you?
You shake off the thought and paint a smile on your face as you reach Rebecca. She pulls you into an embrace and asks you how you are doing, and you answer that you're doing well.
"Was that... Harry?" She asks, whispering his name as if it would be a crime to say it out loud. The corner of your mouth tugs up.
"Yup." You nod.
"What did he want from you?" She glares at the place where Harry stands— or stood, because by the time you turn around, he is gone. You stare at the pavement, your body trying to push away that wave of emotional pain that seeing Harry instigated.
"I have no idea."
*************** *************** ***************
Few days later
You stare at yourself in the mirror of your vanity desk. Lipstick still in hand, you analyze your own face. Your make-up sits pretty on your face, painting the image of a woman who has her life together. But the truth couldn't be further from that.
Tonight, you're attending a birthday dinner of one of your friends, Benjamin, in a restaurant in the city. You truly were looking forward to it, but now that you and Dylan aren't together anymore, the fun event has turned into something you have been dreading.
You got to know Dylan through Benjamin. Benjamin was in your first project group ever at Uni. The two of you bonded and have been very close ever since. Benjamin is the type of person that knows a lot of people, and Harry is one of those people
Harry and Benjamin went to high school together. At least, that's what Benjamin told you when he introduced you to Harry at that one party all those years ago. It was at a random fraternity party on campus at the end of the first year, and it is where you met Dylan. Harry and him were roommates, so they had come together.
It was a cobweb of connections, and you have met a lot of people through Benjamin, but you really clicked with Dylan that night. Of course, now that doesn't seem to hold any value anymore, but you can't change the night you met Dylan into a rotten memory. It is sealed with some kind of glass that will always keep it pretty, innocent, sweet, and— well, just lovely.
It's what is going to make it extra hard to see Dylan with Harry tonight. You were happy to celebrate the birthday of your friend, of course, but you definitely weren't looking forward to seeing your ex and the guy he cheated on you with be together, as like— a couple.
You were aware that things like this would happen eventually—because that's what happened when you date someone in the friend group—but that doesn't make it easier. Luckily, a lot of your other friends will be there too.
Rebecca picks you up a good half hour before the dinner starts, and you drive into the city with music blasting through the speakers. You try to clear your head by letting the music take over every part of your brain, but the anxious pit in your stomach can't seem to be contained.
After parking the car a bit further down the street, you and Rebecca make your way to the Italian restaurant. You're about five minutes late—the traffic was worse than expected—so you both hurry over to the corner where the others are already sitting and chatting.
Benjamin gasps when he sees you and pulls you in for a big hug. You smile and congratulate him before handing him the bag which contains his gift. While he turns around and places it on the table, you take the opportunity to scan the room. It doesn't take long to spot Harry—you had felt his presence since you got here—but your eyes can't seem to find Dylan.
You don't allow yourself to feel any relief, as there might be a chance he is still in the bathroom. But when Benjamin tells everyone to sit down, placing you on his left and Harry on his right, you see that all the chairs are filled. Apparently Benjamin senses your confusion, because he leans in and whispers in your ear:
"He didn't come."
The words grant an overwhelming release of emotions that were making you feel like shit, and you start feeling like maybe you can enjoy tonight after all. Partly, at least. You frown; It is weird that Dylan wouldn't come to Benjamin's birthday. He was invited; you were next to him when he got the text.
You take a deep breath and decide that this isn't something you should be focusing on tonight. Alas, you are freed from the fucker for now. You should least enjoy it while you can.
You are seated next to Benjamin, on his left side. Harry is seated on his right side, keeping you apart. Since you are both important to Benjamin, he wants the two of you close to him, but not to each other.
The first course comes around pretty fast, and along with the two glasses of wine you down in record time, everything seems to be going quite smoothly. You avoid any contact whatsoever with Harry, and try to be as invested in Benjamin as you can.
After the main course, you excuse yourself to go to the bathroom, and sneak away from the watchful eyes of the others. Instead of going to the bathroom, you go outside and light up a cigarette. It is an unfortunate habit you have began succumbing to since everything that happened. The smoking takes your mind off the stress for a couple of minutes, and it is the only thing that has kept you from going insane.
"Are you smoking?" A voice filled with disbelief asks from behind you. You freeze when you recognize the depth of it, along with the unmistakable accent. Well, there goes the cathartic part of smoking that cigarette.
You don't turn around, and so Harry walks up to you in order to check whether it is really you. He frowns at the sight of you with cigarette.
"Thought you hated smoking." He throws in the comment like it's nothing. But it isn't. You hear the resentment hidden in every word that comes out of his mouth. The grudge that he has held against you from the moment you two met is something you think needs to be studied. To this day, you have no idea what you did to make him so mad at you. But instead of worrying about it like you used to do, you are getting annoyed by it.
"Shitty times call for shitty measures." You take another drag from the cigarette before putting out the bud and throwing it in the bin. You are about to go back inside when a collection of bravely morbid words leave Harry's mouth.
"You don't have to act like I murdered your entire family." Harry growls, clenching his jaw as he reaches for his own cigarettes in his pocket. You turn around to him, thunder written all over your face.
"What did you say to me?" You ask slowly, taking a few steps towards him. Harry doesn't see it, as he is also searching for his lighter.
"Look, I know I did a shitty thing but..." His words come to a halt when he sees how much closer you are to him than before, and you don't miss the hint of shock in his eyes.
"But what, hmm? But it's not that bad? But I don't have to be such a bitch about it? But I shouldn't let it influence my behavior towards you? Is that what you were gonna say?" You ask him as you push against his chest a bit, urging him to answer you.
"I was gonna say—"
"I don't give a shit about what you think about my behavior. You didn't give a shit your behavior when you went behind my back and fucked my boyfriend, now did you?" You pose the question, rhetorically. Harry just sighs. "Yeah, I thought so... I can't believe you have the nerve to try and tell me how I should handle you and your new boyfriend fucking me over. Don't do shitty things if you're gonna cry about the consequences. And especially don't go crying to me about."
Harry doesn't look at you, but the tension in his jaw makes you brace yourself for an outburst of some kind. You did pretty much still him to the ground just now. But nothing of the sort happens. Instead, Harry says something unexpected.
"He's not my boyfriend."
You physically take a step back, genuine confusion on your face. What? You were certain that Dylan and Harry were together. It had been all over campus after you first broke up.
"He— he cheated on me. Broke up with me a couple days ago." Harry confessed, still not meeting your eyes. A whole lot of nothingness fills your organs as you stare at him. You have no idea what you are supposed to feel right now. The overwhelming amount of emotions has turned into one empty space that leaves room for nothing but a blank stare.
You feel like you're supposed to laugh at him—in your head at least—and tell him that he had it coming. He did, of course, but you just didn't expect it to happen so soon. You had no idea that Dylan was such a loose canon. At least you are rid of him, that is one positive thing about this whole messed up situation.
Nevertheless, anything that you think you are supposed to feel, is not there. There is no relief, or joy, or lightness that brings a cocky smile to your face as you soak in the karma that was clearly on your side here. No, you are filled with a dull ache that you recognize to be faint sadness. It's too distant to drown in but the familiarity of it still manages to make it sting a little bit.
Harry takes a deep breath, waiting for whatever you are going to say. You can tell that he mentally preparing himself for the humiliation to come, and as much as you'd like to give it to him, you can't find it in yourself to do so.
"That sucks. I'm sorry."
"Th— thanks..." Harry responds slowly, not sure how serious to take your words. You know he was expecting an entirely different reaction.
"I know I had it coming." He adds with a a hint of frustration that makes it seem like you already told him that. Of course, you had the comment in your back pocket already.
"I mean... I wasn't gonna say it so soon, but—"
"Yeah, I thought we would get it out of the way." Harry interrupts you with an annoyed smile. Your previously sad face had turned into more of a smug one and it was more than he could bear, so he just had to say it before you did. He didn't want you to rub it in his face.
Silence creeps upon the two of you. Awkwardly, you stare into the distance as you ponder the new information. It made Dylan even more of a dick than you already thought him to be.
At first, you had thought that Dylan cheated on you because he was in love with someone else— Harry. And while it is still unacceptable, it seems less heartless than cheating with no other intention but sexual pleasure. You could see in Harry's eyes that he didn't expect Dylan to cheat on him, so he must've thought it was love. But it wasn't. That just makes it more shitty than it already was. You find the stinging feeling of sympathy entering your chest when you think of Harry, but you don't want to feel that about him, so you squint at him.
"I still hate you, you know." You say to him.
"Right back at ya, sweetheart."
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paulyenvol6 · 1 month
Against All Odds (Masterlist & Moodboard)
Hey, I have written a little mini series that I'd like to share with you. I'll probably post one chapter every day and the whole story contains of about 15,000 words.
It's Harry x reader and at first I want to post my moodboard, as well as a short summary. Hope you enjoy x
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Right before the beginning of the tour Mitch has health issues and that’s why y/n takes his place last minute. But unfortunately Harry and y/n can’t stand each other and can’t even be in the same room. But after unexpectated events things seem to change a little...
Only read if you're 18+
Contains: detailed smut, fingering, p in v, oral (f & m receiving), edging, overstimulating, angst, fighting, soft dom Harry, mentions of losing virginity, inexperienced and virgin reader, aftercare, fluff Before each chapter I'll give detailed trigger warning so read with caution :)
contains smut: *
Chapter 1 Chapter 2 Chapter 3 * Chapter 4 * Chapter 5 (Final Chapter) *
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0nlythrowharrybeaux · 2 years
Young American - Part 6**
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Part 6!!!! Eeeeek! Just tension building and the first smut! Also, Harry continues to be a huge sap 🥰
WC: 6.6K
Series Masterlist
“I’ll be your good girl.” 
Y/N’s delicate whisper was playing in a loop in Harry’s brain and making him feel like he was internally combusting; he was frozen for a few seconds as he processed her words. He had a need to please. It was more than making up for the past, it was just his style of loving on someone. He wasn’t able to fully unleash this side of himself with every partner he had, but he was really interested in getting there with Y/N - if she’d let him of course. He wanted to get to know her inside and out, physically and mentally, he felt that he already knew her emotionally. She herself was a giver, a caretaker, an empath - people like that are often the most neglected ones and he wanted to make sure that she never felt neglected again in her life. His hands tightened around her hips as his body caught up with his mind and he smiled and as she planted a kiss on his jaw. Then another and another until she had reached his chin and then she smiled timidly and looked up at him through her lashes, not kissing his lips yet.
“You mean that?” He asked quietly and she nodded, “Alright, baby.” He smiled and then leaned down to peck her lips quickly before stepping back a bit to bend down to the little drawers under the station to grab a second skin patch for his tattoo.
Y/N was confused, she was preparing for him to do something about the sticky mess in her panties, or at least ask her to take care of his hard on, but he didn’t. Maybe she had read him wrong, she could’ve sworn that he was a dominant type and that given the chance he would take what was his, but it seemed that he was a gentle giant. Maybe she needed to take charge if she wanted more from him.
“Wanna help me?” He asked with a chuckle and her eyebrows shot up as she bit her bottom lip and nodded.
“Right, yeah of course!” She responded and got off of the counter and lathered on some hand sanitizer before opening up the patch and covering his fresh ink. She smiled up at him, “Good to go.” She said softly and he just looked at her for a moment. 
“You like taking care of people, huh?” He asked and she shrugged.
“I guess so.” She smiled as she straightened up.
“It makes you feel good about yourself?” He asked and she creased her eyebrows in a little bit.
“I mean yeah, but that’s not why I do it. I guess you just never know who gets that sort of treatment regularly and who doesn’t. So if they have to deal with me I’m sure as hell going to make sure they feel good around me, you know?” He nodded and smiled.
“Do you feel like people care about you the same way you care about them?” He asked and she smiled a little sadly.
“Most of the time they don’t. But it doesn’t bother me, that’s expected, most people are takers.” She said with a casual shrug and he hummed. He maybe appeared to be a taker but he was a giver, if she only knew how much he was willing to give. How much of himself he had given before and like she said, been taken advantage of because of what he was willing to give. He gave subtly and discretely in ways that weren’t all that noticeable to begin with but as they spent more time together she would soon realize that she was being well taken care of emotionally, mentally, physically and well, sexually too. That would be the most obvious way for her to know if she wanted that with him.
“That they are.” He agreed and smiled at her, “Thank you again for my tattoo. I’m quite literally obsessed with it.” He hummed and she was beaming with pride.
“Send me that picture so I can post it.” She insisted and he nodded.
“Right!” He chuckled and went and did just that before they started cleaning up while making some small talk. 
Finally they were heading out towards the back exit and as the heavy metal door shut behind them she gave it a tug to ensure it was locked properly and with she turned towards him. He could feel her expectation radiating off of her, it made him want to grin teasingly. He was keen on feeling her perfectly soft and plush lips melting against his own too, but he liked to wait; to rile himself up until he couldn’t handle it anymore. Him playing nice and going above and beyond to get her to give him another chance was wonderful for him, he wanted her approval and he felt over the moon knowing that he had successfully made her happy with him again. 
Y/N was shy though and he could sense her impatience, but he wanted to know if she’d be the type to ask for what she wanted or just suffer in silence until he decided to kiss her again, whether that be ten seconds or ten days from now. He needed to know what he was working with to be able to fully gain her trust in this respect, after all that’s what any good pleasure dom does - gains his submissive’s complete and unequivocal trust first and foremost. It was just a few seconds of silence as they looked at each other, he knew she wasn’t good with silence, she had said so at the halloween party. It couldn’t have been more than five seconds before her eyes blinked away from his with a timid smile and he sighed a small laugh.
“Sorry, eye contact is hard for me.” She confessed and that just wouldn’t do. 
“Why?” He asked gently and she bit her lip before looking up at him again.
“I feel…exposed, I guess? Like people can read my mind and my thoughts.” She explained.
“You know, before we were…cool,” he said and she nodded, “I would get one look at your eyes and know when I’d hurt your feelings or peeved you off or enraged you.” He said.
“And you didn’t care?” She asked with a little bit of hurt laced into her tone and he sighed.
“Of course I did. I’ve always felt bad about it, I just talked myself out of feeling bad.” He admitted, “But I tell you this because it was absolutely mind boggling to me how despite all of the storms quite noticeably brewing inside of you, you held yourself together. Yeah, your eyes showed everything, you were vulnerable and I’d often be prepared to react a certain way and you’d do the opposite of what I thought. So even if you feel exposed, the mental process you go through completely changes everything so you’re…actually quite safe and hard to read. But moreover, it’s admirable, I’ve never met anyone who has so much emotional self-regulation.” He chuckled and she giggled.
“Yeah, mastering that skill has taken a lifetime.” She sighed.
“You don’t have to do that with me, you know? I can handle whatever you throw at me. Believe me.” He said and she chuckled.
“Mmmm, I don’t know about that, H.” She said and he grinned at her, “What?”
“You called me, H.” He said with a smile.
“Oh! I’ve heard Auree calling you that and it just slipped out I guess.” She said bashfully, “Sorry.”
“No, it’s OK. Most of my family and friends call me that. You can too if you want.” He assured her and she smiled.
“OK.” She hummed happily, “Well we should probably go, but I’ll see you tomorrow.” She said as she started walking back towards her car.
“Yeah, I’ll see you tomorrow.” He confirmed with a smile and with that she twirled on her heels and walked off to her car. 
Harry had every intent of kissing her again, so he was careful to be quiet as he trailed after her to the back end of the parking lot and right as she got to her door he reached for her waist and turned her around as she gasped.
“Jesus, Harry!” She reprimanded and he smirked as he pressed her against the car.
“Sorry, love, I just had one more question for you.” He informed and she nodded, urging him to go on, “Can I kiss you again? Just one more time before we go.” He said more quietly and she immediately bit her lip as she looked up at him and nodded, “Yeah?” He asked again, breathily, as he leaned down, the tip of his nose skimmed along the length of hers.
“Yes. Please.” She whimpered and he hummed.
“Please?” He asked with a smirk and she looked away bashfully, “No, don’t be embarrassed, love. You have such good manners, I really like that.” He assured as he angled her face back up towards his, “Did say you’re a good girl. My good girl. Right?” He asked and she sighed with a little pout.
“Don’t make fun.”
“I’m not making fun.” He assured her as he inched closer to her mouth, “I like that you wanna be good for me.” He mumbled into the minuscule space between them. She was so patient, much like him. Their lips brushed gently but she made no move to press her mouth further against his, “And you are, Y/N. You’re so good for me. Know you’re itching for me to kiss you, but you’re so patient and respectful, waiting for me do it.” He crooned and she was feeling like putty, the anticipation was killing her, “How long are you willing to wait?” He asked.
“As long as you tell me.” She responded quietly and he grinned. Fuck, she was perfect, the things he could do to her if she decided to delve into his games with him.
“That’s a good girl.” He praised and she bit down on her lip at the sound of it, “Kiss me.” He instructed, voice quiet, yet commanding. He felt her tip-toe to reach his mouth better and she started leaning in and right as their lips grazed he pulled back with a smirk and she looked at his eyes with disappointment, “Kiss me.” He insisted again and she sighed and went back in, her lips puckered out to meet his and he once again pulled out of her reach as she creased her eyebrows in frustration, this made him grin even more, “Come on, kiss me.” He said again and her desperate eyes met his own before she leaned in again and he smirked as he pulled back again.
“Harry.” She pouted though an exhale of exasperation.
“What is it, love?” He asked teasingly with a smile as he rubbed the tips of their noses together playfully.
“You’re teasing too much.” She huffed. Oh, she hadn’t seen the half of it, “Been listening to you and doing everything you say. Just want to taste your lips again.” She sighed and he bit his lip as his eyes met hers and without any further warning he grabbed a hold of her face and went in for another kiss- tongue first.
Y/N moaned as their eager mouths met desperately. She just held her lips open for him as his tongue rolled deliciously against her own. It made her insides feel like mush and for her chest to tighten at the distinguishable feeling. They both hummed and moaned into their kiss, it was one of those kisses that started making you think about how much more you wanted. He started to slow it down until they were leisurely smearing their lips together until he pulled away and sighed as his forehead rested against her own.
“What time is it?” He asked and she grabbed her phone from her pocket and giggled showing him that it was nearly 11 at night, “Jesus, been snogging you for nearly twenty minutes and it only felt like two.” He hummed and she grinned.
“It’s too easy to get carried away with it.” She agreed and he nodded with a hum.
“Alright, love, let’s get you in your car.” He said and she giggled and pulled her door open and settled in as he stood there, “See you in the morning, OK?” 
“See you.” She smiled before he shut her door and she started her car. He then hurried over to his and after a few moments they both went their separate ways.
On his way home Harry could not stop smiling. He was so fucking happy that he had finally got to feel Y/N’s lips against his own. He got home and it still felt like he was in a dream of sorts, he was just going through the motions of getting ready for bed and when he finally settled into his mattress (he still hadn’t built his bed frame) he just tucked his arms behind his head and stared at the ceiling just thinking about her. About the sweet, young, American apprentice who finessed her way into his heart with her kind, caring, and compassionate way of being. He must admit that even in her irritated state he liked her. He liked how alive she could make him feel. Without even giving it a second thought he reached for his phone and dialed her number, it rang a couple of times before it stopped and his entire body just froze for a second, waiting impatiently to hear her voice. He hadn’t felt this way about anyone in…a long, long while. He started to remember her, a dark cloud started to cloud his mind and then Y/N’s sweet voice swept in at the last seconds, breaking all of the darkness with her light.
“Hello?” She nearly whispered into the receiver and he smiled again. It made him feel like they were beside each other and speaking quietly into the night. He adored the sweet timbre of her voice.
“I can’t stop thinking about us kissing.” He confessed quietly, though there was a suspenseful air of trepidation to his vulnerable confession. He felt his chest tighten with the feeling of anxiety for being so open about it as he awaited her response. For a second he even felt regretful of calling her at this hour and saying anything at all.
“I can’t either.” She whispered back and he could hear the smile in her voice. He felt a sense of relief wash over him as his muscles relaxed at her confirmation of feeling the same way about their kisses as him. 
“I can’t wait to do it again.” He flirted with a smirk. He could just picture her looking away bashfully with warm cheeks. And she certainly was blushing, but she was nuzzling into the pillow beside her and as she inhaled to get a whiff of his cologne. It was probably from the night he stayed over. She really needed to wash it but it was comforting for her, so she had just neglected that one a bit.
“My pillow still smells like your cologne.” She informed him, changing the subject a bit and he smiled upon hearing that. 
“Is that a good thing or a bad thing?” He inquired and she grinned.
“Not a bad thing at all. Your cologne smells really good.” She admitted and he hummed.
“I’m glad you like it.” He smiled, “Hey tomorrow, do you want to come over and help me build a few more things?” He asked and she smiled.
“Yeah, of course.”
“Cool. We can have dinner and watch a film or something?” He asked and she hummed, “Make out a little bit…” he added in and she giggled. He was a huge sap, which was not at all what she was expecting, but surprisingly she was enjoying it. All her life she was competing with others to get someone’s attention, even while together with them! Harry already gave her his undivided attention and she hadn’t really done anything except be nice to him. She liked knowing without a doubt that he was interested in her.
“Make out a lot?” She asked back with a smile and he chuckled.
“Yeah love, whatever you want.” He assured and that made her smile.
  “Ooh, what do you think we should get for dinner? Or are we cooking?” She asked and Harry chuckled.
“Are you hungry?” He asked and she giggled.
“Yeah, actually I kind of am.” She responded and he hummed.
“What are your aunt’s rules regarding late night deliveries?” He mused and she grinned.
“As long as they don’t disturb her sleep she doesn’t care.” She informed, “but don’t worry about it. There’s a Taco Bell around the corner, I can just go real quick.” She said and he tutted.
“Not at this hour, all alone. There are so many creeps out here.” He said and she giggled.
“Very gallant of you, but it’s OK, I promise.” She assured, “Do this at least twice a week.” She confessed and he chuckled and she giggled along with him.
“Of course you do.” He sighed with amusement and she bit her lip.
“But if you want to come over anyway…” she slipped in as their laughter died down and Harry’s mind fogged up without a rational thought within reach at her invitation. It was nearly 12:30… that’s not too late, right? He asked himself.
“Do you want me to?” He asked and she bit her lip as her tummy turned with excitement.
“Yeah.” She said back, “Impromptu sleep over!” She beamed and he hummed.
“OK, send me the address again and I’ll text you when I’m outside.”
“M’kay. Maybe bring your stuff for tomorrow so that you’re not rushing to get home early.” She said.
“Good thinking. And wait for me before going to bloody Taco Bell.” He said and she giggled quietly.
“Alright, see you in a bit.” He said before hanging up. Harry gathered up his things and drove out to her place like a bat out of hell.
Y/N on the other hand wasn’t even hungry anymore, just anxious to see him before her. She really didn’t want to wait until the shop to see him again. To feel his warmth radiating against her, to feel his lips puckering against her own, to hear his voice and his warm puffs of air against her skin. She got up and made her way to the kitchen and as she dug around quietly she opted for a few strawberries to satiate the hunger she felt. She then hurried to brush her teeth and laid in bed awaiting Harry’s text. It came about 10 minutes later and she hurried to the front door, opening it quietly and signaling him over. After a few moments he walked up with a large tote bag draped over his shoulder and a big smile.
“I found something to eat here.” She explained and he hummed as she let him inside and locked up quietly. When she turned around to guide him towards her bedroom he was just a few steps behind her and he leaned down to connect their lips in a quick kiss and she hummed with a smile.
“Sorry, couldn’t wait.” He whispered as he pulled back and she smiled.
“C’mon.” She said, blindly finding his hand and leading him back to her room. 
She closed the door behind them, gently pressing it back until it fully shut. Harry was setting his tote down at bench at the end of the bed. He slipped off the jacket he was in so that he was just in his t-shirt and shorts and sat on the edge of her bed and slipped his shoes off. He was just so effortlessly good looking, it was mind boggling. She then came up to him and he opened his legs to let her stand in between them and he hummed delightfully and his eyes closed for a moment as her fingers raked his curls back. When she reached the back of his head she let her fingers massage his scalp and he moaned, letting his head roll back and she smiled. Harry’s whole body was covered in goosebumps at the massage she was giving him. She slowly started coming to a stop and she titled his face up towards hers with a smile. He still felt tingly from the feelings of her fingers in his hair and he was smiling up at her dopily.
“I’ve always wanted to do that.” She confessed with a smile and he chuckled softly.
“I can’t even remember the last time someone did that to me.” He responded. His voice now sounded hoarse and deeper than before and it made her buzz, “When I was a kid my mum used to do that to help me fall asleep. I was the worst at going to bed.” He said and she smiled at his reminiscing, “She would always make me chamomile tea with honey before bed to try and get me drowsy, think she maybe put Benadryl in it sometimes.” He said and Y/N giggled, throwing her head back like she did when she laughed and he bit his lip as he watched her.
“What?” She asked with a smile as she looked at him again and he shook his head bashfully, swallowing the lump in his throat.
“I really like it when you laugh.” He said as he brought his hands to the backs of her thighs, rubbing tenderly, “I like it when you look so happy like tha’.” He said and she bit her lip, the thumping of her heart was surely palpable through her chest. God, she couldn’t even imagine where she’d be today if he had been this way from the start. She had to remind herself that she couldn’t just plop into his lap like she so desperately wanted to, “What’re you pouting about, love?” He asked her with concern. She hadn’t even realized she was pouting.
“Oh nothing, I was just thinking about how I couldn’t just sit on your lap.” 
“Oh, right.” He recalled, he was so fucking happy to be with her he had even forgotten the slight burn of his fresh tattoo, “Well lets get in the bed then, yeah?” She nodded and they soon settled in, facing each other. The light from the moon was casting enough of a dim light to allow their eyes to adjust a bit and be able to see each other. Harry reached for her hip and draped his hand over it and she swears he was smirking as he let his hand slide a bit lower so that his fingers were resting on her butt and she squirmed as he gently pinched at it before he laughed softly.
“Stop it, you lecher!” She giggled and he shook his head.
“Don’t think I will.” He said and she rolled her eyes, “Don’t roll your eyes at me.” He whispered and she did it again, “Such a brat.” He huffed and she smiled. He brought his hand up from her side let his fingers trace over her lips, “Even still, gonna kiss you good night.” He whispered and she smiled. 
She pressed a quick kiss to the fingers tracing her lips and he smiled at her sweet action. He was just about to pull them away and lean in, but then she slightly parted her lips and let her tongue tickle against his digits and he bit his lip as he felt a lump forming in his throat. He ran his fingers down a bit so that the tips pressed down her bottom lip and then he let it wobble back into place. Her needy eyes met his and he swallowed down the lump in his throat as he let his index and middle fingers trace along her bottom lip a few times, she lightly poked her warm and wet tongue against his finger tips and his heart started pounding and all of the blood in his body started rushing down to his groin. He barely pushed his fingers past her lips, he felt them skim over her bottom row of teeth and his darkened eyes met hers as he pushed them in further. They were both breathing so heavily and as she felt them rub against her tongue lightly she just couldn’t help it anymore and opened up wider and leaned in so that his fingers were fully in her mouth. She squeezed her lips together and sucked.
“Fuck.” Harry sighed breathily at the smooth texture of her hot tongue against the pads of his fingers. Her mouth was warm and wet and it made him think about other parts of her that were warmer and wetter for him. He started to pump his fingers in and out of her mouth slowly and she moaned around them, “You’re so good with your mouth, love.” She moaned at the compliment and he groaned as his cock started to throb and he pushed his fingers in deeper and he felt how she relaxed her jaw and throat to let him sink his fingers into the very back of her mouth, “Oh fuck, love.” He sighed desperately and he didn’t even process it as her hand lifted his shirt and bunched it up near his chest and her other hand then came between them and started to rub over his erection, “Baby-” he gasped and she moaned and sucked his fingers with more fervor.
Harry liked to edge himself. He thought of himself as a pleasure dom, his pleasure always came from bringing his partner as much pleasure as possible. Not that he never got to experience the pleasure, but typically he reserved coming for when he had sex. He would get himself off when he didn’t have a partner, but he would edge himself for days or until he just couldn’t handle it anymore and needed to bust a big load. It had been nearly a week since the last time he got himself off and just feeling her hot, little mouth on his fingers was doing enough to work him up. He needed her to stop before he came. 
“Shit!” He moaned as the pad of her thumb found the very leaky tip of his cock and she did nothing but rub over it and smear the mess of his precum over it until his breath was hitching, “Baby, baby, baby, stop! You’re gonna make me come!” He warned breathily and she moaned again and didn’t stop. He tried to pull his fingers out of her mouth to bring his hand down to stop her, but she bit down on them lightly and he moaned. He couldn’t help it as his hips bucked up towards her touch and his abs started to tense and his breath to hitch. His tip was so sensitive, he could feel his precum leaking and wetting the lower parts of his tummy, “Oh fuck…fuuuuck…” he moaned as his cum started to erupt from his red and throbbing tip. She moaned as she felt it oozing out and released his fingers from her mouth as he rolled onto his back, attempting to catch his breath. She leaned over and kissed his lips quickly before lowering herself, “W-wha’re you doing?” He whispered in shock..
“Cleaning your mess.” She mumbled as she planted a kiss over his butterfly tattoo and then rolled her tongue out to lick up the sperm that had spurted out onto his skin.
“Jesus Christ, Y/N…” he whispered almost as if in pain as she quickly licked over the tip of his cock and up his happy trail, leaving his body stiff as a board, awaiting her next move. But he felt her warmth pull away and then he felt her settled back into the pillows. He opened his heavy eyes and turned to her and she just gave him a small smile, “You’re…wild.” He said through a sigh and smile and she giggled quietly. 
“I get carried away easily.” She admitted with a soft tone and he smiled. She felt a little embarrassed now as he just smiled at her, they had only kissed for the first time a few hours ago and she had just made him come and licked the cum off of him. She was about to apologize when he bit his lip.
“Y/N, kiss me.” He commanded, “Lemme taste myself on your tongue.” He whispered hotly and she practically turned to mush as he said those words and she surged forward as they started to make out. She moaned as he gently sucked on her tongue, moaning at the slightly salty taste of his cum mixed with the taste of her own mouth. “Let me make you come.” He whispered after their lips parted with a gasp.
“Ummm, it’s OK…it’s ummm, kind of hard for me t-to come with a partner.” She admitted timidly and he furrowed his brows, “OK,  actually I’ve never come by someone else.” She rushed out and he looked offended. 
She just always felt like there were elements missing with partners. She felt that everything was so mechanical; the build up was hot and she would get aroused, but she never orgasmed. She’d had sore labia and a throbbing clit a lot from the lack of orgasms. When she’d get off though she’d let her mind wander to her fantasies, or sometimes she’d listen to something spicy and get off that way. But the point was that she had a hard time with partners. She didn’t know why but that’s the way it was, which was why she got so carried away when she’d made someone else come, it was the ultimate tease, giving someone something she’d never get back. She was snapped out of her rapid thoughts as Harry kissed her pouted lips.
“How about you let me give it a try?” He asked and she bit her lip, “It won’t be anything crazy, just gonna use my fingers.” He said. His fingers? She thought to herself. Just from hearing that she was mentally preparing for the disappointment and consolation speech she would give him when he didn’t make her come. She wouldn’t bother faking it with him, she felt that he was too smart for that.
“Yeah, OK.” She smiled nervously and he hummed and pushed her to lie on her back and he straddled her hips. He bent his arms to lower himself and to be able to kiss her and after a few seconds he parted from her mouth.
“If you don’t like something just let me know, OK? Or if you want me to stop just tell me to stop. OK?” He informed her and she nodded and he shook his head, “Mm-mmm,” he expressed his disapproval, “Want your words, love.” He said quietly and she swallowed thickly upon hearing that.
“OK.” She whispered, her chest already felt tight with nerves. No one had ever said that to her before. Now she wasn’t sure what to expect. His eyes met hers and despite the tender look he continued to give her there was something else hidden in his eyes. She wasn’t sure but when he spoke his next words she knew that something between them had shifted.
“That’s my good girl.” He said lowly. His eyes scanned over her face slowly and as he looked at her lips he wet his own with his tongue before sinking his top teeth into his fuller bottom lip and then it slipped from below it as his lips quirked up to the left in a boyish, teasing grin. His dimple carved deep into his cheek, it was adorable, but she knew that the cause of his grin was anything but adorable.
“What is it?” She asked timidly.
“I still can’t believe you licked up my cum.” He whispered and she felt herself blush and rolled her lips together to suppress her nervous laugh, “It was fucking hot.” His tone changed, but he was still smirking down at her, “Tastes alright, right?” He asked.
“Yeah. I liked it.” She confessed bashfully and he bit his lip again as he looked over her face once more before he knelt up to look down at the rest of her body. She watched as he ogled her; she was so turned on that her nipples were definitely straining against her old, thinned out baggy t-shirt. He reached his hand out towards her chest, but right before he kneaded his hand into it he pulled it back, barely skimming over the peak of her nipple and that sent her body into high alert mode. She wanted to ask him why he decided not to go for it but he answered that for her instead.
“I’d rather just go for the main event actually.” He said lowly and she hummed. His eyes trailed down to her pajama shorts, they were a bit loose and went down to about mid thigh,  “The eternal debate, panties or no panties?” He said with a smile, “What do you think I am?” He asked her and her mind flickered to what had happened not even 10 minutes before.
“No panties, obviously.” She said and he grinned.
“Yeah.” He shrugged with a snigger and she laughed softly.
“OK, so what am I?” She asked and he looked into her eyes. His gaze was so piercing that she didn’t see one of his hands lower to the front of her shorts, “Well?”she asked and he bit his lip to suppress his smirk as he pulled up the material right above the crotch of her shorts, imprinting the shape of her pussy right against the material. She yelped in surprise as the thicker middle seam of the shorts dug against her aching clit and her eyes widened as her hands flew up to cover her mouth. Harry’s face scrunched up as his silent laugh turned into a snigger and she closed her eyes and shook her head as she removed her hands from her mouth.
“I knew it was no panties.” He whispered cheekily. 
It was only then that Y/N felt a little tickle down her butt as she shifted a bit. She realized that it was from how wet she was and it took her by surprise, she had never been that wet before; she didn’t even know it was possible. Harry watched her and started to realize what she had just discovered. He could see from his peripherals how her thighs kept squeezing together or slightly shifting. 
“You’re so fucking wet for me, aren’t you?” He asked out of the blue with a cocky smile and she bit her lip and nodded. He quirked his eyebrow up expectantly and she widened her eyes in realization.
“Yes. I am.” She responded verbally.
“Yes you are- what?” He pushed further and she blushed as she realized what he wanted. She swallowed thickly before she spoke up.
“I’m s-so fucking wet for you, Harry.” She stammered in a soft and breathy voice and he hummed.
“Yeah, you are.” He hummed haughtily and she swallowed thickly again. He was so fucking sexy, Y/N was reeling. He could ask her to jump off a cliff and she’d do it, “Do you care if I see you bare or do you want me to keep your shorts on?” He asked her.
“You can take ‘em off if you want.” She responded and he smiled.
“OK.” He nodded and she lifted her hips to allow him to slip off her shorts. He folded them up and placed them off to the side before dipping down to kiss her. He shifted to one side of her and spoke into their kiss, “Bend your legs for me, yeah?” She just did it and he knelt in between her legs, careful to not move his thigh too much. Their lips met eagerly and he started to pull back, “Sit up.” He said and she sat up and he grabbed the two pillows on his side of the bed and stuffed them behind her so that she was propped up, “Want you to be able to see.” He hummed and she moaned. 
She couldn’t believe how wet she was for him, she could feel her inner walls fluttering and her clit was puffy and aching for attention. She didn’t remember the last time she had felt this on fire. But it was his words, his kisses, his energy. She suddenly gasped as his warm palm cupped over her center. He could already feel on the tips of his fingers how wet she was. He sighed with a smile.
“Shit…” he exhaled and she moaned as he added more pressure and his middle finger prodded right against her entrance. He wiggled his fingers up and down as she whined softly. The smacking, wet sounds of her arousal made him groan as his digits became coated in her arousal, “Fuck, love the sound of your wet pussy.” He growled lowly.
“Oh my god…” She sang in excitement as a wave of pleasure struck her core and expanded through her body.
“Gonna put my fingers in.” He warned her and she nodded, trying her best to relax. He slowly rubbed over her dripping, little hole, “Think I can start with two?” He mumbled into her mouth and she nodded.
“Yes, fuck. Please! I want to feel full.” She whispered desperately and he grinned as he started to push them into her gently. His fingers were obviously longer and thicker than hers, the fit made her body squirm as he sunk in, stretching out her long neglected pussy. She moaned aloud when he finally sunk in to the knuckle.
“Shhh, baby, shhh…” He shushed her with a grin, “Gotta be quiet.” He reminded her and she bit her lip and as he arched his fingers up and rubbed into her g-spot and her warm, velvety walls squeezed his fingers tight, “You’re so tight.” He grunted against her mouth as he thrust his fingers in and out, prodding into her g-spot over and over, her brain was melting as her entire body started to buzz and tingle from the center out. He started going faster and she let out a little squeak as her fists tightened up into the sheets.
“Oh Harry, right there!” She whined quietly, “Right there!” She mewled desperately. She was already starting to feel that familiar tightening in her stomach and her breathing started to become shallow. He then used his thumb to rub circles into her clit which made her gasp and for her mouth to open in a silent scream. Harry felt her muscles pulsate around his digits and he grinned.
“Thought it was hard for you to come with a partner.” He teased and she shivered, “Seems to me you’re already close, baby.” She moaned and he grinned, “Shhhh. Or I’m gonna have to gag you.” He warned and her eyes rolled back. Her body shook with the thrusts of his fingers and she felt her toes start to curl as she rolled her head back and Harry leaned down against her ear and nibbled at her ear lobe, “Still my good girl?” He asked and she nodded, “Good. Want you to come for me then, baby.” She shuddered at his command, “Can you do that for me?” He asked and she nodded.
“Oh my god!” She gasped. Her breathing started to shallow as the fire in the pit of her stomach started to spread through her entire body. Her hips started thrusting up into his fingers and he groaned, “Good baby, fuck yourself on my fingers until you come.” He muttered and suddenly she froze and her breath hitched.
“Fuck Har-” her moan was muffled as he pulled her face into the crook of his neck. He panted through a soft laugh as he felt her legs trembling as she moaned into his neck as she came undone. He started to slow his pace gradually to help her ride it out and he removed his hand from the back of her head as she started breathing hard, letting her head rest back into the pillows. She swallowed thickly as she tried to breathe deeper and he rubbed the tip of his nose playfully against her own as he slowly withdrew his fingers from her.
“You OK, love?” He asked and she nodded.
“Yeah, just… recovering.” She smiled in satisfaction and he grinned, “Thank you for that. I’ve been missing out.” She panted before puckering her lips and he kissed her quickly.
“Anytime, baby. M’gonna get a taste, OK?” He said and she nodded, watching as he knelt upright and brought his cum-coated fingers to his lips and slipped them in. He groaned and shut his eyes as he cleaned off his fingers, “Gonna rush to the bathroom.” She nodded and he hurried out of the bed and quietly snuck out to the bathroom in the hallway that was all her own. 
After a few moments he returned with a small towel in hand and he warned her that he was going to clean her up and she was shy about it, no one had ever done aftercare for her, but this was something else. He then helped her get her shorts back on before he settled into the bed. He backed into her and she spooned him and he hummed in comfort as her lips smooched a kiss on his shoulder.
“Still gonna hang out with me after work tomorrow right?” He asked her and she smiled.
“Yeah, of course.” She whispered and he smiled as he nuzzled further into her, “Night, H.”
“Night, baby.” He whispered.
——— Tag List ———
Sorry guys, always forget to add these in 🥲
@sunshinemoonsposts @anotherdudetteinthisworld @matildasatellite @sad-avocado @sunflovverharry @cherrysulewski @daphnesutton @gurugirl @angelqueen99 @slutfortigertattoo @jessitpwk
Lmk if you’d like to be added 😁
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Yes, Sir — Capítulo 3
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Personagens: Professor! Harry x Estudante!Aurora. (Aurora tem 23 anos e Harry tem 35)
Aviso: O capítulo está dividido em dois pontos de vista, que serão sinalizados com os nomes para identificar o início do pov.
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— Bom dia, querido.— A voz manhosa de minha esposa ecoou no telefone.
— Bom dia. — Disse sem muito entusiasmo.
— Querido, tudo bem?
— Estou bem, só cansado. — Diz bocejando. — Dormi tarde preparando a aula de hoje.
Se ela soubesse...
— Como tem sido o emprego novo?
— Bom, todos foram muito receptivos por aqui.
— Fico feliz, sinto sua falta, quando você para casa?
— No sábado, eu prometo. — Disse pegando minha bolsa. — Como estão as crianças?
— Querendo o pai, você sabe o quanto elas sentem falta de você Harry. — Suspirou fundo.
— Isadora começou no vôlei, quase nem para em casa, uma completa adolescente de 15 anos e a pequena Aurora disse sua primeira palavra hoje.
— Ela disse? Você gravou?
— Você sabe que sim.
— Me mande depois, eu quero ver. — Entrei no carro com celular ainda no ouvido. — Eu preciso ir agora, estou atrasado para o trabalho, mas manda um beijo nelas por mim?
— Tudo bem, eu mando, tenha um bom dia meu amor, eu te amo.
— Eu também te amo.
Sentada em minha mesa logo na minha primeira aula, eu o vi com o canto do olho. Com uma caneca de café na mão, um sorriso encantador desejando bom dia, não pude deixar de olhar a maneira como sua camisa cinza estava um pouco justa hoje, até a maneira como suas calças evidenciavam suas coxas grossas, eu só imaginando como seria me dar prazer contra aquelas coxas ou cavalgar em seu colo.
Puta merda, ele parecia quente.
"Limpa a babinha aí, Aurora." Lily diz, jogando um pedaço de papel na minha cabeça, me fazendo virar para ela.
"Cale a boca" Dei um tapinha nela, esperando que ninguém a tenha ouvido.
"Você não para de olhar para ele, assim todos vão perceber."
"Eu to tentando, mas ele é tão gostoso, eu estou tão ferrada, Lily."
"Está mesmo, toda caídinha por ele, mesmo sabendo que é muito errado." Ela zombou. " Você sabe que isso pode custar a carreira dele e a sua, não é?"
"Eu sei, mas agora tá meio tarde para sermões." Choraminguei. "Aí! Lily, o que eu devo fazer?"
"Se eu dissesse para você parar, você não me ouviria, afinal a ligação de ontem nem era para ter acontecido."
"Ele me ligou o que eu podia ter feito?"
"Desligado? Não ter tido um sexo pôr telefone?"
"Meninas, silêncio." Styles nos interrompeu. "Chega de conversa." Ele advertiu e juro que quis sumir daqui.
Eu continuei a me distrair enquanto o professor Styles continuava falando, um pensamento após o outro, meu cérebro simplesmente não conseguia esquecer o que havia acontecido, mas eu estava bem ciente das consequências, tudo isso era um grande risco e por mais que eu gostasse de Harry, Lily estava certa, ficar longe dele era a coisa certa a fazer para nós dois.
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"Isso é tudo, já podem sair." O Sr. Styles, finalizou com os braços cruzados. "Senhoria Aurora, você não, eu quero falar com você."
"Ixxe." Lily comentou me dando um sorriso sacana.
"Para!" Dei um tapinha em seu ombro. "Te vejo depois." Disse antes de vê-la sair rindo.
Segui até à mesa do professor, com um pânico crescendo em minha cabeça.
Estávamos sozinhos de novo.
"Algo de errado Sr. Styles?" Questionei em um tom baixo.
"Sim, você anda muito distraída nas minhas aulas." Ele iniciou. "As conversas paralelas também." Ele parecia bravo.
"Me desculpe." Abaixei a cabeça.
"Tudo bem, isso é só uma advertência, mas você precisa tomar mais cuidado, eu vi como você anda me olhando e depois você e Lily ficam cochichando, alguém pode desconfiar."
"Me desculpe Sr. Styles." Me senti uma completa idiota. "Isso não vai mais se repetir, eu posso ir?"
"Espere!" Ele veio até mim, erguendo meu rosto para olhá-lo. "Eu só me preocupo com você."
"Não precisa fazer isso, não há motivo para favoritismo professor." Tentei ser o mais seria possível.
"Aurora, por que está assim? É devido a ontem?"
"Ontem foi um erro."
Não foi...
"Não diga isso." Ele passou o polegar em minha bochecha direita. "Não me pareceu pensar isso na ligação."
"Estava tarde." Afastei-me dele. "Por favor, não me ligue mais, Sr. Styles."
Meu corpo implorava para não fazer isso.
"Você está me deixando confuso, Aurora."
"Não acho que seja uma boa ideia você me ligar tarde da noite e sobre tudo o que aconteceu, melhor deixarmos para lá, me desculpe, se te passei a impressão errada, eu não planejei isso, eu preciso focar no meu último ano agora, mas espero que ainda possamos ser civilizados e eu possa continuar na sua turma."
"Tudo bem, se é isso que quer." Ele parecia descontente, talvez um pouco irritado. "Isso é tudo, já pode ir."
" Obrigado."
Tantos pensamentos.
A posição em que eu tenho me colocado ultimamente tem me atormentado, eu estava tão desesperado que colocaria tudo em risco só para ter algo com uma aluna? Eu tinha uma família, duas lindas filhas, por que estava jogando tudo isso fora por uma mulher que acabei de conhecer?
Eu não sou um traidor.
Não sou do tipo de homem que faz isso.
Eu não planejei me atrair por ela.
Eu só não queria que tudo tivesse que ser tão complexo.
Mas, no final das contas, Aurora decidiu por nós dois, ela se afastou e terminou antes mesmo de começar.
Foi melhor assim.
Eu deveria estar feliz.
Eu estou feliz.
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O resto da minha semana eu realmente foquei no meu novo trabalho, passei quase todas as noites até mais tarde no trabalho só para não ir para casa e me deixar levar por meus desejos e ligar para ela.
Era sexta-feira e estava chovendo quando finalmente terminei meu espediente na faculdade, eu havia ficado até tarde em meu escritório para resolver algumas questões para o próximo tópico da aula na segunda de manhã. Com minha bolsa por cima do ombro caminhei às pressas pelo estacionamento até meu carro, liguei uma música no rádio antes de dar partida no carro, dirigindo com cuidado passei algumas quadras até avistar alguém caminhando na chuva, diminuindo minha velocidade pude ver que era uma mulher e seus cabelos eram ruivos.
"Tudo certo?" Perguntei abrindo a janela do meu carro, assim que passei devagarinho por ela.
"Ah! Sim." Ela nem olhou para mim.
Eu conhecia aquela voz.
"Aurora?" Chamei e ela me olhou supresa. "Vamos, vou te dar uma carona para casa." Ofereci.
"Não precisa, Sr. Styles, eu to bem."
"Você está encharcada, andando na chuva, está tarde, é perigoso." Tentei convencê-la.
"Eu sei me cuidar."
"Aurora, não seja tão marrenta, é só uma carona."
"Obrigado, mas não."
Parei o carro imediatamente, ouvindo algumas buzinas atrás de mim, mas não me importei, peguei meu casaco e sai.
"Eu não posso deixar você assim."
Caminhei até ela colocando meu casaco sobre os ombros dela, ela hesitou no início, mas depois aceitou se encolhendo pro frio.
"Entra, por favor."
"Tudo bem."
Abri a porta do carro para ela que entrou encharcando meu carro, mas nem liguei, vê-la segura era o que importava, entrei, liguei o carro a vendo tremendo de frio, então resolvi ligar o aquecedor, a mesma sussurrou um pequeno ‘obrigado.’
"Por que estava andando na chuva?" Pergunto enquanto dirijo.
"Eu estou voltando da academia, começou a chover, então não tive muito escolha do que continuar andando."
Observando-a melhor, Aurora usava um shorts curto de academia com um top que destacava perfeitamente seus lindos seios, pelo tecido podia notar os mamilos marcando pelo frio.
Ela ainda seria a porra da minha morte.
"Não poderia pedir um uber?"
"Meu celular descarregou."
"Seu dormitório fica um pouco longe daqui, não achou que era um pouco imprudente de sua parte andar tudo isso na chuva? Você poderia ficar doente."
"Céus, parece meu pai falando." Ela zombou. "Eu não sabia que iria chover, ok?"
"Não costuma ver a previsão do tempo?"
"Não papai." Ela zombou novamente
Tentei não transparecer o quanto aquilo me afetou.
Nos minutos seguintes eu apenas dirigi em silêncio, a música baixa do rádio sendo o único barulho no carro.
"Obrigado pela carona." Ela diz assim que estacionei em frente ao seu dormitório. "Tome." Ela tentou devolver meu casaco, mas eu recusei.
"Fique com ele, depois você me devolve."
"Tem certeza?"
"Tudo bem, muito obrigado Sr. Styles."
"Harry." Adverti.
"Tchau, Harry." Diz ela abrindo a porta.
"Espere." A puxei de volta para o carro.
"O que foi?"
Me aproximo o máximo que eu posso dos lábios dela.
Eu não consigo resistir a ela.
"Esqueceu de dar meu beijo de boa noite." Sussurrei lentamente antes de selar nossos lábios.
O beijo começou lento e apaixonante, mas a cada segundo que se passava ficava cada vez mais quente e necessitado, eu precisava dela e ela precisava de mim.
"Harry." Ela afastou-se.
"Eu não consigo tirar você da cabeça."
"Eu também não." Choramingou me beijando novamente.
Aurora tirou meu fôlego, minha cabeça estava tonta, suas mãos passando por meu corpo faziam incendiar minha pele.
"Então o que fazemos agora, Harry?" Ela perguntou manhosa.
"Obviamente não conseguimos ficar longe um do outro."
"Não." Ela sorriu.
"Eu realmente não sei o que fazer, só sei que quero passar mais tempo com você e descobrir, você quer isso?"
"Ótimo." Dei meu melhor sorriso. "Que tal começar indo para minha casa hoje?"
"Eu adoraria! Me leve para casa Harry."
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E aí o que achou desse capítulo? Me conta aqui na ask!!!
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koqabear · 1 year
have u ever considered changing the names and publishing ur work LIKE GENUINELY ITS SO GOOD,!:@;$&: ik u would probably never want to like reveal urself if u did end up publishing but i would literally be ur number 1 reader;; ur work is so good i really do love it so much, killer instinct HAS to be one of ur best to date !! i think ive been reading ur work almost a year now i really do mean that ur work is good !!
first off thank you, you’re so sweet!! but ohhhh this is such an interesting question 😭😭 the answer is most definitely nawtttt ;;; while this is literally the sweetest thing ever and, in theory, would be super cool, in reality i… first off, wouldn’t want to reveal myself like u said, and second off, would not want ppl to be able to trace my work back to this account 💀
i feel like if i ever did become a published author or smth (which gives me chills thinking abt it lowkey) i’d want it to be a fresh start— now if any of you would end up recognizing my writing is a different story …! 😭
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lov1ngreid · 10 months
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(pairings): highschool!spencer + cheerleader!reader both intended to be 18 in this story
(warnings): none!
(word count): 2.9k
(author’s note): so long i’m so sorry
hii i decided to split this fic into a mini series cause i have so many ideas and directions for it and i didn’t want to squish it into one long fic, some chapters maybe nsfw ;P i also wrote this with high school in mind, of course Spencer is regular high school age and not like twelve 🤨 but if you’d rather picture them in early college go ahead! also I usually HATEEE when fics have outfit inspos but soz I’m forcing you to imagine these outfits they’re so gorg 😭
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okay no more rambling!! if u wanna listen to what i did when i wrote this, here you go!! ➘
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“That’s what you’re wearing” Your brother brodie snickered from his bedroom as you strolled past it on the way to the bathroom, usually you wouldn’t have given in to his snide comments, which you were no stranger to. But it was thanksgiving if your brother thought your outfit was ugly, chances are, so would the rest of your family.
Your outfit always happened to be a topic of conversation.
Your movements halt when you finally process what he had said, before slowly taking a few steps backwards meeting his taunting face while he sat on the edge of the bed “What’s wrong with it?” You cock your head feeling the embarrassment trickle through your face up to your ears, usually you wouldn’t care what comments Brodie decided to make about your outfit, but a lot of people were going to be seeing this one.
Honestly you thought it was pretty tame considering the only revealing piece was your skirt, which frankly wasn’t that short, and you thought you had compensated with your boots.
“Why are you wearing… boots?” He laughed looking down at your outfit with furrowed eyebrows before looking back up at your flustered face “and why are they red?”
You scoffed, embarrassment completely diminishing when you find out that was his problem with your outfit “they’re maroon… and you’re wearing a doctor who shirt, don’t think you’re in any position to be judging me” you glare back at him uncrossing your arms.
Honestly, he has absolutely no right to be making fun of your outfit, despite being twins, you were the complete opposites. His outfits usually consist of different coloured converse and some sort of comic book shirt, yours consisting of literally anything else.
“I have a party afterwards anyways, I don’t have time to get changed”
“You have a party on thanksgiving?… who has a party on thanksgiving” Brodie scoffs finishing the lace on his second converse
“A lot of people” you smile sarcastically backing from his door frame to continue your task before you were rudely interrupted “not that you would know” you mumble under your breath before leaving his bedroom.
A little satisfied smile crept upon your face when you heard Brodie’s faint ‘hey!’ Emitting from his bedroom.
You knew your mother would be absolutely furious knowing you had intentions on leaving thanksgiving early to attend a party, which was exactly why you had no plans on telling her. Your family was big enough as is, and considering you had shared thanksgiving with the Reid family for 12 years and counting, with both combined there had to be one, or many pockets for you to escape unnoticed.
The car ride to the Reid family home always seemed so short, always feeling so much longer when you were riding there on bikes, or walking there after school.
You couldn’t remember the last time you had even used your bike, it had to be collecting dust in your garage by now, you truly don’t think you had used it since starting highschool, despite your brother’s efforts to get you to ride to Spencer's house with him, each time you declined, something always more important popping up.
The familiar smell of the house flooded your nose while you took a step in, it always smelt like chai and vanilla, and it always looked like fall threw up on it, decorated with faux autumn leaves and pumpkins all year round, they always just added Santa hats to the pumpkins in December, you knew that was Spencer’s doing.
The wind was almost taken from you while Diana embraced you in the biggest hug, almost knocking over the cupcakes from the tray you were holding, giggling a little you returned the hug one handed of course. She always smelt like the house times ten, the vanilla smell becoming so much stronger the closer you were to her, pulling back she embraced your face in her warm slender hands brushing your cheeks softly with the pad of her thumb.
“You look so beautiful” she smiles, your face turning pink at her compliment, she did this every year. Every year she hugs you, looks like she’s about to cry and then goes on about how beautiful you look for the rest of the night, and every year it makes you feel a little more guilty about not coming around as much.
Both your parents embrace Diana and William before they usher you to the beautifully set dinner table, where the rest of his and your family awaited your arrival, both yours and his grandparents chatting away at the kitchen bench about some sort of football nonsense.
Always in awe of Diana’s meals, you debated on changing your mind and slipping out after dinner instead, not wanting to miss out on her carefully cooked Turkey.
Despite getting swept away in greeting the rest of your family, as well as the rest of the Reid’s, it didn’t take you long to notice one missing Reid.
Regardless of your efforts to talk to Spencer, he never really seemed that interested in befriending you after middle school, every time you tried to talk to him in class he always went quiet and dismissive, or snapped mean answers back at you, and you simply took the hint.
Spencer saw the way your friends snickered to themselves when you tried to speak to him, the way they’d whisper when he walked past, even though you’d smile and wave, he always saw them laugh behind you. He knew deep down it wasn’t your fault, but he couldn’t help but blame you when you never actually stopped any of your friends from making snide comments at him or his friends.
Excusing yourself from your family, you hopped up the stairs, muscle memory walking you towards Spencer’s room before you mind had caught up,
Reading the large ‘S R’ sticker on the bedroom door, you chuckle to yourself a little, staring at the crooked R knowing it was like that cause you couldn’t reach it to meet the S in the fourth grade, Spencer had refused to help you, cackling as he watched you on your tippy toes while you begged him to stop laughing.
Before your mind could even process anything, you brought your arm up to knock on his door, swallowing nervously.
You weren’t even sure why you were nervous, he just seemed to shut down any attempt at being friends and you never knew why. He got along with Brodie just fine, they were honestly really close, they hung out at school everyday and studied together after school on Wednesdays and Fridays, it just seemed like your invitation stopped one day.
The door swung open while your mind had still been dissociated thinking about all the attempts you made to talk to him, snapping you from your brain fog, Spencer stood at the door almost equally as confused as you, honestly you didn’t know why you were there, and as smart as he was, he didn’t know either.
“I brought you a cupcake” you chuckle pushing the baked good towards him with your right hand, eyebrows furrowed he takes a look at the seemingly vanilla cupcake in your hand before looking back up at your eyes.
“I don’t like cupcakes” Spencer shakes his head quickly while his hand grips harder on his door handle, debates in his mind about closing it on you.
“Yes you do” Cocking your head you stare at Spencer confused, he loved cupcakes, he also loved your cupcakes “I literally saw you eating one in the library the other day” you scoff at his obvious lie.
“And why were you in the library” he raises both his eyebrows, glancing back down at the pretty cupcake you had offered him, which he began to quickly regret declining, because he really did love your cupcakes.
“Reading?” You conceded pulling your arm holding the cupcake back “are you implying I don’t read Spencer Reid?” This was the most he had talked to you in months, you never realized you could miss a person's voice despite them being alive and well.
“If the boot fits” he shrugs leaning on his door, the grip on his door handle loosening a little, you stare a little taken back, he doesn’t talk to you for years, and then all of a sudden on thanksgiving he decides he’s going to spit back sassy little comments at you?
“Can you just take the cupcake?.. it’s pumpkin spice” you admitted pushing the sweet back in his direction, a little part of Spencer’s facade broke down, almost giving into the cupcake “I even made the little pumpkin out of fondant… it took forever” you whisper the last part almost talking to yourself.
He tried his hardest to stay strong but you had just about broken him down at this point, with a displeased groan rolling his eyes he reached out to snatch the cupcake from your soft hand, earning a small smile to form on your lips.
It only took him seconds to dig into the treat before a soft chuckle escaped your lips “can I come in?” You smile glancing behind him into his room, it looked almost exactly the same as it did when you were fourteen, posters in the same place, no furniture was rearranged, you even spotted the mini dalek figurine you had bought him on his top shelf.
Hesitantly Spencer nods stepping away from the door frame to welcome you in, his room was always kept neat, sheets tucked perfectly under his mattress, and books always in the correct spot. His weakness, however, was the countless amount of school work pages spread across his desk.
Taking a seat at his desk your eyes still gaze around his room, feeling like a blast from the past, all the books you read, series reruns you watched and stories you wrote coming back to you in a wave of memories.
“So…” he mumbled, mouth still half full with your cupcake before sitting down on the edge of his bed “do you need science homework?” Shrugging boring his eyes back into yours.
You scoff, frankly offended he would even ask you such a thing “no?.. Spencer, you and I have almost the same science grades." You'd be lying if you said you’ve never thought of asking Spencer for homework, especially on nights where cheer practice ran late and you didn’t have nearly enough time to finish, but you’ve never actually asked.
“Yeah almost” scoffing while he brushes his hands against each other wiping the crumbs of the cupcake away, you sat there stunned a little, he knew you’d never ask him considering your friendship… situation, you wouldn’t use him.
You felt the rage boiling in you for a little at his attitude towards you, considering you had done absolutely nothing for him to be mad at you for, sure you weren’t in the same friend group, but he would know more than anyone the statistics of middle school friends drifting apart in highschool, you swivel his desk chair to face his desk, frustrated palming your face with your hands dragging them down a little.
You allow your eyes to rake across his messy paper filled desk before they’re drawn to one page in particular, written in pink pen on beige lined paper, quickly snatching it from the pile you let your eyes scan over it a little before letting out an unexpected laugh.
Catching Spencer’s attention his eyes had almost bulged out of his head once he realized what piece of paper you had in your hands.
“Dear Spencer…” you start reading aloud ignoring Spencer’s loud attempts to make you put it down “I’ve thoroughly enjoyed our conversations and wanted to let you know-”
“Put it down please” he groans, reaching forwards to grab it from your hands, only for you to snatch it towards you standing up from his desk chair.
“-That I’ve liked you for a while now- Sadie Keller!” You gasp grinning up at Spencer while he makes every attempt to steal the paper back from your grip “you never told me you liked Sadie Keller!” you playfully smack him with the piece of notebook paper before letting him grab it from your grasp.
“I don’t really tell you anything” Spencer crumpled up the paper before tossing it back onto his desk, you face fell a little at his words, only because he was right, he didn’t really tell you anything at all, because he didn’t ever talk to you, because you weren’t really friends.
You almost could’ve sworn you felt a lightbulb click on above your head while you watched Spencer scurry his papers together to make a neat pile “come to a party with me” you rush causing his movements to halt slowly turning his head to meet your gaze.
“Why on earth would I do that… it’s thanksgiving” he reasoned, confusion painted across his face. He simply could not fathom why you would want to take him to a party, he also couldn’t fathom why he was considering it.
“God” you groaned, moving to take a seat on his bed now “people have got to get over that” rolling your eyes you pat down your skirt a little before continuing your attempt to read his face for clues on what was going on inside his head.
“Why would you want to be seen at a party with me?” He queried, attitude dripping from his sentence, watching as your face dropped and your brows furrowed coloured him confused, why would you want to be seen with him?
“Sadie will be there… and I can’t see a potential love story and not indulge” you snicker, almost dismissing his question, you thought you’d spare a sentimental conversation about how much you missed him and instead go an easier route, you wanted him to come for his benefit.
To your surprise, he looks as if he considers it for a while, it was the first time you actually took in what he was wearing, a fitted doctor who shirt and gray sweatpants, the same exact doctor who shirt your brother has on, you cringed a little at the thought that they had coordinated that.
“Fine” he says after a while of silence, you simply cannot help the grin creeping up on your face “but only because of Sadie, and not because of you” he rushes again, almost sounding like something he was trying to convince himself rather than you.
Holding your hands up in defense you smile at his surprising compliance “how are we even supposed to leave without anyone noticing?” Beginning to worry that both your families were beginning to wonder where both of you had gone.
In all seriousness, your family actually had not noticed that the both of you were up in Spencer’s room, and were much more occupied by the game of football they all huddled around to watch.
“Follow me genius”
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go to PART TWO
don’t want to miss new chapters? click HERE
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watchmegetobsessed · 1 year
A/N: idk why im so obsessed with pregnancy fics lately, maybe i should check in on my cycle lmao
PAIRING: CEO!Harry x pregnant!reader
SUMMARY: Harry gets hit on at an event, but the woman fails terribly, because he only has eyes for his pregnant girlfriend who is busy by the buffet table.
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Another waiter offers Harry some champagne, but he respectfully rejects and keeps sipping on his water. His gaze trails over the crowd of guests, the room is full of influential people from all kinds of businesses, people Harry should definitely be mingling with, making connections, but he is trying to find one particular person.
From across the room, a tall, blonde woman spots the lonely millionaire and a devious smile curls up her red lips. A predator-like look takes over her eyes, but she moves like a gazelle as she crosses the room, heading straight over to Harry, determined to seduce him at all cost.
“You don’t fancy the cocktails?” she asks him. He looks at her with a respectful smile and nod.
“Not… Not tonight.”
“You looked awfully lonely over here. Thought I would introduce myself, I’m Savannah, it’s nice to meet you.”
She holds out a perfectly manicured hand that he shakes lightly.
“I’m Harry.”
“Harry Styles, owner of Styles Industries, right?” The smirk on her face tells him she knows exactly who he is, the introductions wasn’t needed.
“Yeah,” he nods anyway.
“I feel lucky I found you alone, I think it might be a sign that we should get to know each other more.”
She pushes closer to him, brushing a hand down his arm and she blatantly ignores the way he takes a step back. She is too driven to get what she wants to notice the signs.
“This night has been nice, but I can’t wait to get back to my hotel room, get rid of this tight dress and relax.” The dramatic sigh she lets out gets lost somewhere between her and Harry, because he is not even looking at her, eyes scanning the guests. She notices his disinterest at last, but doesn’t give up just yet.
“You know, it can get a bit lonely at events like this for a single woman. I wish I had—“
“Excuse me,” Harry cuts her off when he finally sees the person he’s been trying to find.
As he walks away, Savannah’s jaw drops to the floor, no one has ever rejected her the way he just did, but he doesn’t even notice how hurt she is. He has his eyes on the only woman he cares about in the room.
You’re standing by the buffet table, your silver gown matches his tie and it gorgeously emphasizes your round stomach that’s been Harry’s favorite thing in the past couple of months. You have a plate in your hand, all kinds of food stacked on it starting from mini burgers to steak and it seems like you’re still looking for something to add. Harry can’t hold his smile back as he watches you run your free hand down your stomach, eyes scanning over the variety of food in front of you.
God, he is so obsessed with you, has always been, but now that you’re carrying his baby it has gotten to a whole new level he never thought could be possible. But it is, you’re everything he ever wished for and cannot wait to officially become a family in just two short months.
“There you are, thought I would have to go into the ladies restroom to find you,” Harry smiles down at you as he steps closer to you, placing a hand to your lower back.
“Oh! Sorry, I got a little distracted,” you chuckle and crane your neck so he can kiss your lips shortly, as if it hasn’t been just ten minutes since he last saw you.
“S’okay. What do you have here?”
You look down at the plate and sink your teeth into your lower lip when you realize how much food you’ve piled up.
“Um, I—This is for both of us. I thought we could… share?”
He knows this was just for you and you only said it because you feel ashamed of how much you’ve been eating lately. You’ve put on quite some weight, it’s hard to say no to your cravings, especially when your boyfriend loves to spoil you with your favorites every other day.
Harry doesn’t mind the extra weight. He loves it. He loves every change in your body, let it be your cellulite on your thighs or the stretch marks on your belly. You were afraid he wouldn’t look at you the same way at you anymore once you’ve started growing and changing, that he wouldn’t want you the way he used to.
Well, he does look at you differently, but in the best way possible, he loves on you just as often as he used to, if not even more often, he tells you how beautiful you are ever chance he gets and most of the times he is having a hard time keeping his hands to himself.
Like right now. If only you were alone, he would move his hands to places that are only for his touch.
“Mm, you just eat all that and I’ll bring you dessert. You better feed yourself and our baby or I will do it myself.”
“I already had a big plate, shouldn’t I hold myself back?” you whisper, heat crawling up your neck to your cheeks.
“No. If you crave it, eat it, Love.” He kisses the top of your head and runs a hand down your stomach. He smiles when he feels a tiny kick under his touch. He takes it as a sign that he did the right thing. “See? He agrees as well,” he chuckles.
“Already teaming up to plot against me?” you sigh, but can’t hold your smile back.
“Only if it’s for your well-being.” You pout your lips at him, still not sure how you got so lucky to have him as your partner. Harry leans down and kisses the pout off your lips before reaching out to grab another plate. “So, what do you want for dessert? Macarons? Brownies? Cheesecake?”
“Exactly in that order,” you nod, making him laugh as he stacks the goods on the plate without a word.
Thank you for reading, please like and reblog if you enjoyed and buy me a coffee if you want to support me!
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gurugirl · 1 year
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The Forbidden (Completed Series)
stepbrother!harry - in which Harry and you meet six months before your parents are married and there’s immediate sexual tension that neither of you have the power to resist but things are tricky and quite messy
Mint Chocolate Chip (Completed Series)
in which the attractive older man that frequents the ice cream shop you work at has been making dark plans for you and when he finally gets you where he wants you, you’re easier to break than he imagined - dark!Harry content
The Con Artist (Completed Series)
detective!harry x criminal!reader
You're a wanted criminal and when Harry Styles, the detective on the case, finally catches up to you he finds it difficult to resist your charms.
Forgive Me, Father (Completed Series)
soft dom priest!harry x subby!reader
Harry is a priest with a dark secret but he's got a big heart and he's looking for someone special to share it with. When Y/n confesses her sins, he thinks she might just be the one.
The Arrangement (Completed Series)
sugardaddy dom!harry x subby!reader
Based on this request - Harry's wife proposes that he find a mistress to meet his needs in the bedroom as she is no longer willing. His wife has 2 rules: The first is that he finds a professional, and the second is that no feelings are to be involved. But both of those rules are thrown out the window when he meets Y/n.
A Good Boy (Completed Series)
stepson!harry x stepmom!reader (both adults)
Harry's got the hots for his young stepmom and she's pretty fond of him too.But they're both trying really hard to be good.Loosely based on this ask.
A Balancing Act (Completed Series)
this fic is commissioned by @cinnamonone (thank you!! xoxo): Y/n is a successful artist with a good head on her shoulders and Harry is a famous popstar in therapy. Navigating a relationship with someone as famous and adored as Harry isn't an easy task but Harry is desperate to make it work once and for all. famous!harry x plus size!reader
Just For Tonight (Completed Series)
this fic is anon commissioned (thank you!! xoxo): Harry spots an angel in the crowd and he can't keep his eyes off of her. And, as if by some cosmic pull, he can't help but ask her backstage. But it's only going to be just for tonight. Or is it? famous!harry x reader
The Unicorn (Completed Series)
Based on this & this. 3 part very mini-series. You nanny for the Styles, but Harry and his wife would like to offer you another position. Everyone gets more than they bargained for. dad!harry x nanny!reader
Can We Start Over ? (Completed Series)
this 5 part series is commissioned by @justfattiethings (thank you!! xoxo): From the first day you and Harry meet, your relationship is beyond complicated. A one night stand leads to hurt feelings and then a job opportunity that you simply can't pass up is offered. But can you handle working for a man like him? enemies to lovers
Ex-Boyfriend's Dad!Harry (completed)
Harry's your ex-boyfriend's hot dad. But it gets more complicated than just that.
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✨My Masterlist ✨
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This is my official masterlist!! Thank you so much for reading my stories and I hope you enjoy them! Just a few things:
Requests are always open, send me any prompts you would like! I only write for Harry at the moment so if you are sending requests it's a good thing to note :)
I take requests for basically any trope or au so send them through!
Feel free to dm me if you would like to join my main tag list or if you would like to join a tag ist for a specific fic
All smut will be updated with a mature label as per tumblr's requirements. Update your settings so you don't miss out! Here is a link to @ gurugirl's lovely post with instructions on how to update them!
Everything is ordered from oldest and this masterlist will have warnings as well as a summary for each work
Reblogs, likes and comments are always appreciated!! I always love to hear what you think of my writing!
Happy Reading! x
The Years Between US (incomplete)
age gap, smut, angst, fluff
Synopsis and Character List
Part I
Mini Series:
The Divorce (incomplete)
the one where Y/N takes on her first high profile case as an assistant at a law firm. Her first client? Harry Styles.
smut, angst, fluff and a Harry who is delightfully insufferable :)
Part I
Part II
Part III
Tolerate It (complete)
the one where Harry is a workaholic and Y/N doesn't know how long she can take it anymore.
angst, taylor swift inspired and a Harry who needs to get his head on straight
Part I
Part II
Part III
Obsession (incomplete)
the one where Y/N meets her brother's girlfriends family for the first time and takes a specific interest in a certain older Mr Styles
Part I
Stars Around My Scars (incomplete)
the one where Y/N is throwing Niall a surprise birthday party and she bumps into Harry Styles on the street while buying candles
Part I
Mr and Mrs Styles (upcoming)
the one where Y/N and Harry are assassins for rival companies and they're trying to take each other down. oh and they're married.
Mr and Mrs Smith AU
A Delicate Point of View (upcoming)
the one where recently widowed Mr Styles is looking for a nanny and Y/N just recently happens to be jobless
Sound of Music AU
One Shots:
The Wedding
the one where Y/N is stressed planning for their wedding and Harry can't seem to do anything right
Rainbows and Hospital Rooms
the one where Harry is a grumpy doctor, Y/N is his intern and she's late on her first day
the one where Harry simply cannot keep his lips off Y/N
Enough For You
the one where Harry kisses EmRata in Tokyo and Y/N finds out on Twitter
Spells of Fate
the one where Y/N keeps feeling dizzy and Harry is ever the protective boyfriend
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purplecoffee13 · 5 months
Round and Round - Thin Lines Pt. 3*
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“You make the night, I always cross the line. Tightened our belts, abused ourselves. Get in our way, we’ll put you on your shelf.”
Summary: “Harry offers to accompany you to Reece’s house party. You aren’t sure at first, but after an unpleasant confrontation, Harry turns out to be exactly what you need.”
Wc: 4k
Tropes: opera-singer!mc x rockstar!harry
Warnings: slight exhibitionism kink, dirty talk, possesiveness, degradation.
Series Masterlist
General Masterlist
You had kept the promise to yourself that you were going to text Harry back.
It had been three weeks since you met him at that sketchy club and lost your virginity to him, and ever since then you had said yes to almost every invitation he sent you, and had even invited him to your place a couple of times.
It was quite nerve racking, the first time he came by. But you quickly found out that Harry couldn't have been less interested in your interior design choices; he had stripped the both of you of your clothes in under five minutes after his arrival.
You loved that you could use Harry as a distraction from Reece and his stupid girlfriend. Or— well, stupid Reece and his actually very lovely girlfriend. That was the problem; she was very nice. There was no way you could hate her. You still resented her a little bit for having Reece, though. But you knew it was irrational, and that under any other circumstance, you would've been great friends with her.
She'd tried—Reece's girlfriend—to become closer with you, but you couldn't bring yourself to bear witness to them so much. She would always bring up Reece in the conversation, and you knew it was her trying to bond—as you obviously both know Reece—but it was too painful. You needed to get over him, and what better way than getting railed by a gorgeous and dangerous man?
It was a great part of the appeal; the danger thing. You both knew that whatever it was that the two of you shared wasn't serious; it was just sex. Yes, you were fascinated with Harry and would've loved to spend some time by his side, but you knew it wasn't actually going anywhere.
It's what made you extra surprised, when Harry proposed what he had the other night:
"Do you have the number of a cab company." You asked, slowly getting up from the hotel bed Harry had booked for himself. He frowned.
"You can sleep here, it's cool." He assures you, but you shook your head.
"Can’t. Gotta get up early tomorrow." You sighed, and the tone of your voice sounded a bit sad. You were absolutely not looking forward to tomorrow. It would've brought you more pleasure to be shot in the head with a rifle.
"Getting executed or something?" Harry joked, but there was a small hint of... worry, maybe?
"What?" You asked with a breathy chuckle, looking over at him. He shrugged his shoulders.
"You sound depressed about it."
It was your turn to frown. You guys never really talked about anything but sex, and most of it was dirty talk. You were pleasantly surprised about him initiating this conversation about your feelings.
"It's Reece's housewarming party and Fourth of July party. It's his new house. That he bought, with his girlfriend." You explained, and watch Harry mouth form into an 'o' shape.
"That's rough." He remarked, and you nodded as you put on your shoes.
"I'll just get through the hour and a half of torture, fake a stomach flu and go home or something. Should be fine."
Silence took over the room and stayed there until you were all dressed and ready to go. You had your jacket in your hand and stood in front of the bed, looking over at Harry.
"So, do you have the number of a cab company or should I go to the reception?" You asked. Harry was lying there, shirtless and with a pondering look on his face.
"I can come."
"What? Downstairs?" You asked, beyond confused. Harry shook his head.
"To the house warming. I have nothing to do tomorrow anyway." He suggested casually, and waited until you tilted your head to go on. "We can go, I'll distract you a bit and then we can spend the rest of the night at yours."
You stayed silent for a minute, not really knowing what to say. It would be quite fun to bring him along, you thought. Plus, he would make for a great distraction and serve as a bit of a way to make Reece jealous. Then maybe he could be the tormented one for once.
But you weren't completely sure if bringing the coked out rockstar would be the best thing to do. After all, there would be some people you knew professionally too, and you didn't want to leave a sour taste in anyone mouth. Especially considering how expressive Harry had always been with his thoughts. While that was really cool and rebellious, you weren't sure if that was a luxury you could afford.
"I don't know Harry, I think you'd be bored." You said in all honesty, but Harry shook his head.
"I'm gonna be bored either way. Better to be bored with the guarantee of a fuck later." He argued, and you sniffled a laugh.
"And they say romance is dead."
"As if that's what you came to me for." Harry smirked, and your lips tugged up into a smile. He was right, it was the last thing you sought in this relationship, if that was even the right word.
"You can't be high, and you have to look decent." You said, seeing if the demand would make him back out, but his eyebrows only raised.
"You saying I don't look decent, sweetheart?"
"You look sexy, you always do." You said, and you saw his eyes widen for just a millisecond. "But there's going to be people I know professionally."
"Fine, I'll be all cleaned up for you, sweetheart." He gave in, much to your surprise. You nodded one final time.
"I'll text you the details. And I'll ask the receptionist about the cab." You told him as you put on your jacket and opened the door. "See you tomorrow."
You closed that door with a bit of a giddy feeling, but despite the excitement you fell asleep quite easily.
The next day he picked you up only five minutes later than you had told him, which was quite impressive for Harry. He was usually about an hour late.
You had chosen a white dress, simply because you wanted to look elegant. Harry looked the complete opposite of you, with his fully black outfit. But he looked nice, all cleaned up indeed. He had even shaved his stubble, which you would have mourned had his bare face not look so angelic. He also put on a cologne that you were only vaguely familiar with. When you asked him about it, he mentioned it was only for 'special occasions'.
Reece's girlfriend welcomed you and Harry with a big smile on her face, giving you champagne immediately, along with a tour of the house. Reece wasn't there when you arrived, apparently he was BBQing in the back.
You were amazed with the manners of Harry. He smiled when he said hello in that beautiful voice of his, and you saw Reece's girlfriend's cheeks turning red. You didn't blame her; it was just the effect that Harry had. She wasn't the only one. Anyone else you met or saw that night reacted that way to Harry.
Anyone but Reece. The minute he saw you walking out with Harry by your side, his smile dropped. Harry wasn't blind, he saw Reece's reaction, and he would've been lying if he said it didn't satisfy him a little bit.
Over the past few weeks he'd gotten to know you a little better, and in turn had grown protective of you. He didn't do relationships and he didn't want one, but for now you were his, and he needed Reece to know.
You said hello to Reece, giving him a hug—which felt awkward to say the least—before standing next to Harry again. Your stomach tingled at the way Harry's arm immediately wrapped around your waist. It made you feel more steady, because it wasn't very fun, standing with the guy you love in the garden of the house that he bought with his girlfriend.
Reece and Harry shook hands, but it was a bit tense, so you quickly began to look for a way to break the ice a bit.
"What are you making?" You asked, looking at the grill.
"Just the standard BBQ stuff. Listen— Y/N, can I talk to you for a second?" Reece said, face all serious in the way that made your heart sink to your feet.
"Er, sure?" You answered ever so hesitantly. Reece spared one last glance at Harry before walking away. You threw him an apologetic look before following suit. Reece walked all the way to their little shed in the back of the garden. He didn't stop walking until he was inside, so you entered the shed too.
"What's up?" You tried to be casual.
"Are you seriously asking me that?" Reece said. Your eyes widened at the frustrated look on his face. What was going on?
"What? What do you mean—"
"You bring him? You bring Harry Styles to my fucking house?" He spat out Harry's name as if it was a virus. You frowned at that. It brought a sense of rage inside of you; Reece insulting Harry like that.
"Yes, so what?" You shrugged. You truly had no idea what the problem was. "I'm allowed to bring a date, am I not?"
Reece let out a breathy chuckled as he shakes his head and threw his arms over each other. "A date... yeah sure."
"Yes, Harry is my date— what the fuck is your problem?!" You exclaimed as you took a threatening step towards him.
"He is my problem! The fact that you brought him— here! That is my problem." Reece answered, taking a step closer to you and closing the distance between the two of you. "I don't like it."
For some reason, that was the last drop.
"Fuck you." You spat out before you can even prevent yourself from saying it in the first place, and you watched as Reece's eyes widen in shock. "We are at the housewarming party of the house you bought with your girlfriend, and you are getting mad at me for bringing a date?!"
"You know it's not like that—"
"You should thank your lucky stars every day for your girlfriend instead of monitoring every guy I interact with. You need to leave me alone, because it hurts. Being here today, standing here, it hurts like hell. So, stop making it unbearable."
With that, you turned around and left. You couldn't have Reece saying any more to you. You were too filled with rage, and refused to let him him sweet talk you, because you knew you'd fall for it. Over and over again. And that was the problem.
You desperately needed a distraction, and luckily he was right there, waiting for you, with that signature smirk on his face as you approached him. He knew the look on your face, he knew what it meant, what was about to go down.
"Everyone, let's go out front for the fireworks!" Reece's girlfriend shouted through the room and everyone follows. Everyone but you. Sauntering in the back, you dragged Harry upstairs instead of outside.
You looked around for the door to the bedroom, and opened it. It was located at the front of the house, so you would still be able to see the fireworks. Although, you figured you were going to see more of your own kind of fireworks.
You leaned in to kiss Harry, but he pushed you onto the bed before you could reach his lips, spreading your legs for you. He watched you watch him impatiently as he withdrew your panties from your legs, relishing the view of your wet pussy. Then, without a word spoken, he did exactly like you silently asked, and dug in like a depraved mad man. You instantly gasped at the touch of his tongue against your clit. You were well aware that you had felt it yesterday, but it was a new sensation every time.
You leaned on your elbows, legs wrapped around Harry's shoulder as you watched the fireworks out the window. Harry's tongue flicked your clit and you moaned as he sucked and licked as if it was the last thing he would ever do. One of his hands was massaging your leg, and he used the other one to finger you.
It started out slow, just with two fingers pumping in and out of you. But as the volume of your moans grew, so did the roughness with which Harry was getting you off. It motivated him; the sound of your desperation to be fucked by him.
"Har— Daddy! F-fuucckk..." you whined, and it sounded like you were drunk. But you were stone cold sober; just drunk on Harry.
"No, say my name. If anyone hears us, I want them to know it's me who's making you feel this good." Harry growled before re-attaching his lips to your clit.
When Harry shoved in a third finger, you knew you were done for. In a matter of seconds, the fireworks from outside were happening inside your body, and you cried out Harry's name as your orgasm overtook you.
"Such a good slut... letting me get her off on the bed of the guy she loves." He cooed you as you came down from your high. Harry climbed over you leaning his face as close as he could to you. "You wanna get back at him, sweetheart?"
You nodded profusely, still filled with that rage from the conversation back in the shed.
"Yeah? You wanna show him what he's missing? You wanna make him regret choosing that girl over you?" He asked, ever so tauntingly. Again, you nodded. It was so filthy, but it made it all the more exciting. You were too angry at Reece right now, and you couldn't think of a better way to get back at him in this moment.
"Get up then." He said, pulling you off the bed and leading you towards the window. Everyone was still watching the fireworks out front. You could see everyone talking or watching the fireworks. You were sure people could see you, would they bother to look up your way.
Harry bent you over, putting your hands against the window, and pulled up your dress. You waited in anticipation as you heard the clinking sounds of his belt.
"Harry..." you called out his name in a whine, too impatient to wait for him. You needed his cock and you needed it now.
"You're mine now." Harry suddenly said, the tip of cock stroking over your entrance. He was teasing you, wanting you to listen intently to his words. "I'm the one who's making you feel good, not him. When you think about this bedroom, I don't want you to think about him and what he does with her in here. I want you to think about the time I fucked you in it during their boring ass housewarming party."
Then, Harry pushed his long hard cock inside of you. You instantly moaned at the sensational feeling, it just felt so good to be filled up with him. You didn't think you could ever get tired of it. How each thrust made your body shoot forward, your tits slowly starting to fall out of your top as Harry started to fuck you senseless.
Your hands began to sweat and you saw the smudges you were making on the glass. With heavy eyes, you looked down at all the people watching the fireworks. Little did they know you were getting railed just a few meters above them. There was a small part of you that wished someone would just look up. It was like you needed someone to witness how good Harry was making you feel. It was crazy, the way he took your body like he owned it. Sometimes it felt like a dream.
"Harry... you fuck me so go—ooh, fuck!" You tried, but the way his cock drove into your aching pussy knocked the wind out of you. It was difficult to finish a sentence whenever Harry was inside of you.
"I know, baby." He assured you as his cock repeatedly disappeared into your cunt. One hand on your hip held you steady, while the other one raked through your hair, occasionally tugging on it. The steady rhythm that Harry had built up and its impact of it, made your tits fly out of the top of your dress. You bit your lip, cheeks red at the occasional moan to escape your lips anyway. You didn't even know why you were trying to be silent.
"C'mon baby, cream my cock right above all these unknowing people. Won't be long before they will know, what with all these marks on your pretty skin." Harry growled as he slammed into you, his fingers finding your clit again. The combination of the circles he rubbed and the naughty words he spoke had you so incredibly close to your orgasm. And Harry knew that, it's why he kept on talking.
"What would they think, huh? When they found out that innocent, little opera singer Y/N's real ambition is to get fucked and watched. Hmm? Think they'd like to know that your look on stage will never beat the way you look with my cum all over your face?"
That brought you over the edge. You wailed as the wave of built up tension dissolved into nothing but pleasure. Your hands slid down the window, leaving an obvious mark. Before you could regain your senses, Harry pulled his cock out of your body, leaving you empty, and pulled you back onto the bed.
You complied, getting on all fours before him, your hands tangled in the once prettily made up sheets.
"You know what to do, don't you baby?" Harry asked, his fingers taking through your now messy hair. You nodded, a drunk smile on your face. You hand reached out to his cock, slowly starting to stroke him. As soon as Harry's eyes closed, and his head tipped backwards, you put your lips around him.
Hollowing your cheeks, you bobbed your head back and forth, trying to suck him until all of his come was at the back of your throat.
Harry opened his eyes and they met yours, a tortured grunt leaving his mouth at the sight of you sucking him off in Reece's bedroom. He couldn't resist gathering your hair and wrapping it around his head, then pushing your mouth all around his cock. A muffled groan sounded from beneath, the vibrations of the sound adding to Harry's pleasure.
Harry's hips started moving, creating his own favorite rhythm to you choking around his cock. You let him use you, focusing on your breathing instead.
"Fuck baby, you love being used, don't you?" He moaned as an approving sound left your mouth, your eyes rolling into the back of your head at both his words and the rough movements. "That's right, nothing more than a pretty doll for me to use whenever I want."
Again you agreed with him. Harry only became rougher, your head stinging a bit from the grip he had on it. But you loved it, to be so submitted to him. It felt like the first time he fingered you in front of all of those people, and you had no choice but to surrender and come for him.
Your hand reached out again, and you began fondling his balls a bit. You knew Harry loved that, and you were right, because a guttural groan sounded from  above, and soon your eyes were blurry with how harshly he shoved his cock down your throat.
You moaned, satisfied with his roughness, and just like that, his cum spilled into your mouth. He stilled inside you, his head low as he panted out his orgasm. You swallowed every last bit of it. When his grip loosened on your head, you took it as a sign that you could remove your mouth from his sensitive cock.
You coughed a few times before getting up from the bed. You stumbled towards the bathroom, where you assessed the state of yourself, post-fuck.
Your eyes widened when they met your own in the mirror. Jeez, that was quite the experience. You grabbed a cotton pad and some make-up remover from Reece's girlfriend and wiped away the mascara under your eyes. After flipping your hair a few times, and adjusting your dress, you looked like you had never been fucked into oblivion in the first place.
You closed the door to pee, and when you were done doing your business, you sauntered back into the room. The sight of Harry straightening up the bed sheets a bit made you smile. It was still evident that someone had been on the bed, but at least it didn't look all disheveled anymore.
"So... wanna go home?" You asked, tilting your head innocently. Harry's lips formed into a smirk, as he nodded.
"Perfect plan." He said, making you chuckle.
You grabbed his hand and carefully let him down the stairwell. People were still watching the fireworks outside, so nobody saw you guys coming down. You were quick to grab your purse, before walking through the front door.
"Hey! I was wondering where you two were!" Reece's girlfriend greeted you happily, a couple of her friends standing next to her. All of them are watching you intently, and it kind of feels like you got caught. You force a smile, trying to think of a reasonable excuse.
"Y/N isn't feeling so good. We're thinking she came down with something." Harry said softly, his hand stroking your back. You resisted the urge to frown at his sudden attitude change, instead nodding sadly. The women all immediately gave you a pitiful stare. Damn, Harry was good.
"I'm just gonna get her back to her apartment and take care of her. Don't want her to be alone if she feels so bad." He added on, planting a kiss to your temple. You held in the laugh, closing your eyes at Harry's action. When you looked at the group in front of you again, all of their eyes were on Harry. They looked like they just about melted at those sentences.
"Of course! I'm so glad you guys came today! I'll tell Reece that you had to leave early. Now, go! Feel better." Reece's girlfriend smiled at you, and Harry took it as a sign to start walking. You stumbled out a last thank you, before you were off the front lawn and near Harry's car.
The second the both of you were seated and closed the doors, fits of laughter rumbled through the car.
"You are unbelievable! You had them all wrapped around your finger in under ten seconds." You exclaimed, watching as Harry started up the car and began to drive away. You waved at Reece's girlfriend again, her returning the gesture as you raced past the house.
"I try my best." Harry just grinned.
"I'm gonna get her home and take care of her." You repeat his words, a cackling laugh following. "You made each and every one of those women want to jump your bones. You are a very skilled liar. Teach me your ways, please."
"I didn't lie." Harry shrugged, looking over at you. "I am getting you back to your apartment to take care of you. Not my fault that they think that entails feeding you soup."
You giggled, your stomach brewing in excitement at the mention of his promise. Right, he was going to take care of you. In fact, he had been taking care of you, ever since you walked through the doors of that club with him.
You couldn't have found a better distraction.
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thelarriefics · 6 months
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ABO FIC REC, Part IV: Below are more recent abo fics. (Part I, Part II, Part III)
📖 Unrequited by @babyhoneyheslt (143k)
Omega Prince Harry of England has been engaged to Prince Louis of France ever since he was a young boy. Having met him at four and forming a bond, Harry is upset to find that Louis no longer treats him like a friend, instead treating him coldly. However, Louis has his own dark secrets and Harry doesn’t know just how many dangers linger in French Court.
📖 Tangled in your love and light by @likelarryfics (95k)
Harry doesn't have time for romance or finding an Alpha between balancing work, studying and looking after his daughter, Bella. Enter Louis Tomlinson who's a romantic sweet Alpha, determined to win the omegas heart and turns Harry's whole world upside down, making him question everything he's ever wanted and known.
📖 Secrets in Winter by @softfonds (82k)
If Harry Styles thought he was going to have a peaceful winter while staying far away from the rake who lived across the street, he was sorely wrong on two fronts. A Victorian AU.
📖 Ace of Spades by @allwaswell16 (78k)
Living as a sheltered omega in a farming village has not prepared Harry for life aboard the most notorious pirate ship to sail the Atlantic. Or Louis is a pirate, Harry is his captive, and no one is who they say they are.
📖 Bikestrike by @thinlinez (68k)
What would you do if you saw someone riding your bike, which had been stolen weeks before, across campus? Omega Harry chose to show no mercy. He didn't know it would all lead him to his own demise.
📖 There You Are by @tiredtiredtzofiya (55k)
Prince Harold, youngest pup of the House of Lancaster, has a secret. Louis, a healer at the king’s court with a keen knowledge of plants and herbs, simply wishes to know the shy young prince better. When Harry, the heir loved by everybody yet needed by no one, takes ill after several arduous heats, lonely Louis is the one entrusted to care for him, and the resultant bond that forms between the two tests the limits of in sickness and in health.
📖 Angel Baby by @brightgolden (51k)
When Louis’ sugar-baby-turned-mate suddenly wanted a pup, he simply couldn’t say no to his bright-eyed omega. After all, who didn’t want a mini Harry running around the house? He should have known that it wasn’t all wonderful in the wonderland of baby making.
📖 Some Records Turnin’ by @ireallysawanangel (49k)
Harry is a soft alpha who owns a record store and Louis is a closeted singer omega masquerading as an alpha who randomly stumbles into Harry’s store.
📖 does it always end in heartbreak? by @onlythebravest (47k)
Life never plays out the way one wants it to and no one ever goes through it unharmed. A story of two relationships, two life stages and more than only two broken hearts.
📖 put a little love on me by @larrydoinglaundry (29k)
Two people who are always taking care of someone else’s needs while ignoring their own, just happen to cross paths.
📖 'cause I want you (for the worse and for the better) by @absoloutenonsense (26k)
When Louis gets invited along to Anne's wedding, Harry is prepared to let people think whatever they want about their relationship. That's what Louis said -- let people think whatever they want. That changes when Louis sees his ex, who turns out to be Anne's future husband's son. Now, Louis wants to prove that he's an omega that an alpha could want, and Harry wants to get through this weekend without letting his best friend figure out he's in love with him.
📖 Not Safe For Work by @greenblueish (23k)
the one where the boys work at Niall's fashion start-up 28 Programme Designs, and omega Louis has a lot of not safe for work thoughts about his colleague Harry, but little does he know that the alpha can read minds.
📖 Incandescent Love by @marchessa (21k)
the one where Alpha Louis is a world famous musician, who could get anyone he wanted, but instead he fell for a proper omega of high society. Too bad Harry shows no sign of wanting to settle down and start a family with him yet. The omega seems to be perfectly happy with their friends-with-benefits relationship. Louis is pining hard, and he might be running out of time when Harry’s father decides to start meddling with his only son’s future.
📖 Your Eyes Outshine the Town by @insightfulinsomniac (19k)
When a freak French snowstorm traps Harry's family in Paris, he's suddenly left flying home for a Christmas spent alone. However, everything changes after a chance encounter with an undeniably attractive, generous alpha who suggests that Harry join his family's Christmas celebrations. Against his better judgment, Harry agrees, and follows Louis back to Doncaster for the holidays. Little does he know, he'll not only become attached to the alpha, but to his entire family. Maybe his Christmas won't be as lonely as he expected. Complete and utter fluff ensues. Sappy Christmas tropes abound.
📖 Swap me for your shadow by @lunarheslwt (16k)
If Louis thought being in love with his best friend was a knife that continually twisted into his heart before, it was nothing compared to when Harry started to go around talking about having fallen for someone else. A 5+1 fic; 5 times Louis has to listen to Harry’s vague confessions of love for his ‘omega friend’ and the 1 time Louis snaps and confesses his love for Harry.
📖 The Room Thief by @2tiedships2 (12k)
When Louis comes home and is confronted by his knothead alpha flatmates, he knows it won’t result in anything good, but he didn’t expect to be left homeless, effective immediately. He definitely didn’t expect to fall for the specific knothead who stole his room.
📖 No (Birth) Control by @haztobegood (2k)
An unfortunate situation left Harry without contraceptives a day before his heat.
📖 Untraditional Rut by @dreamersdivin-headfirst (2k)
Ever since then, he figured out why he’s never enjoyed his traditional ruts. Because he’s not into the whole primal animalistic stereotype of alpha ruts. He’s into spanking and wax play.
📖 we don't fight fair by @hellolovers13 (2k)
Nothing like a little chase to start off Louis' heat.
📖 hey stupid, i love you by @enchantedlandcoffee (1k)
The one where self-proclaimed Valentine's Day hater, Louis, surprises his boyfriend on their first Valentine's together.
166 notes · View notes
0nlythrowharrybeaux · 2 years
Young American - Part 9**
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A/N: Ahhhh finally and it's a long one! I really love this chapter because our characters have reached 2 new milestones. Also, I've been feeling very nostalgic and the places I wrote about are very real and extremely important places to me since I was a teenager 🥹. When I was in high school my friends and I ditched school (well we did on countless occasions haha) and would drive out to the mentioned beach and dune and hang out and sing and play guitar for hours, I felt safe and comfortable and so happy there (I might be wrong, but I think 1D actually filmed WMYB at this beach, or at least it looks similar). Either way, I just wanted to mention that because it really just helped me tap into the feelings I wanted to portray in this chapter and ultimately it helped me be able to finish writing this chapter. I really hope you guys like it and thank you so much for your patience! 💖
WC: 11.9K
Warnings: Mentions of family drama (same as part 8), mutual masturbation, facefucking (male receiving), slight degradation, subspace/topspace.
I forgot to tag people in part 8, here it is!
Series Masterlist
Y/N was smiling bright and looking out the window on his side as they drove down the 1, more commonly known as the Pacific Coast Highway. She liked the beach, it was one of the reasons why she had been so excited to move in with her aunt in LA. She usually hit the beaches in OC, wanting to avoid the heavy traffic out near Malibu. However, Harry drove through the small coastal city, the traffic diminishing the further out they got. She glanced over to him and he spared a quick glance to her.
“We’re going to the Ventura County beaches.” He said to her and she nodded, “Have you ever been out here?” He asked and she shook her head.
“No, not that I recall.” She said.
“They’re not as crowded as Malibu beaches.” He explained.
“Mmmm… and how did you come across it?” She asked.
“My first week here I just went for a drive and I just ummm…kept going.” He shrugged with a little smile. “Saw the beach we’re going to and I absolutely loved it. It’s small and it’s got lots of trees and it’s not very crowded, it’s very pretty there.” He explained, she was excited now and they winded up the 1 North. 
They hadn’t really said much, just listening to the music playing softly over the speakers and enjoying the view. She was grateful that he had whisked her away, as much as she loved being at the shop it was currently hard to sit there and feel like she was being forced to choose. She wanted to work on her things in peace with someone she cared for and trusted, maybe clarity would come with the calm.
“Everything alright?” Harry’s voice intruded her thoughts and she turned towards him and nodded.
“Yeah, just thinking about what happened.” She said and sighed, “They ummm…basically said that as long as I stay on this trajectory that they wouldn’t speak to me.”
“Oh.” He frowned and squeezed her hand a little bit. There wasn’t anything to say that she hadn’t already heard, so she appreciated his quiet contemplation of the information she’d just shared before saying anything, “What’s bothering you most about the whole thing?” He finally asked and she immediately knew.
“That I know what they did to Julie for doing whatever the hell she wanted, she literally was painted out to be this evil and rebellious black sheep because she wasn’t living too traditionally, it was awful! And I don’t know, I just feel stupid for thinking or…hoping that when it came to me they’d come around.” She said and Harry nodded as he still focused on the road, but listened intently to her, “I’m such an idiot. So fucking naive.” She almost spat to herself with disdain and Harry frowned.
“You’re not naive or an idiot, it’s your family, Y/N, you’re not out of turn to expect them to love you as they always have. It’s not an unrealistic expectation to want their support. This is not your fault.” He said to her and she nodded.
“I know Harry, but it feels like it.” She said turning towards him and he frowned.
“I’m sorry, baby.” He said and she sighed.
“God, must think my family’s a herd of bigots and traditionalists.” She huffed with an eye roll.
“I mean, a little bit,” he said with a chuckle and she giggled, “But look the only person I care about impressing is Julie and well, I’ve got her in the bag.” He said with a happy smile, “Or at least I think I do.” He spared a glance to Y/N and she smiled.
“Your confidence is sexy and not misplaced in any way.” She responded.
“I can’t tell if you mean that or are saying it sarcastically.” He chuckled.
“Well that’s for you to figure out.” She teased.
“I need to know if Julie likes me!” He chuckled, “Every time I’m over and run into her I have these full fledged conversations because she’s so easy to talk to! And you know I’m not really a talker. Am I like this annoying guy who comes around with a crush on her niece?” He asked her as she laughed.
“She loves you, don’t worry.” Y/N assured him and he smiled in relief.
“Good.” He hummed happily. It was only about five more minutes before they started to emerge through this very rocky part of the coastline and he smiled.
“And on your left you’ll find Sycamore Cove.” He said in his best “tour guide” tone and she grinned at his theatrics.
“Wow, that’s different.” She said and he nodded.
“It’s pretty right?” He asked as he rolled to a stop slowly and turned on his blinker to turn into the nearly empty lot, there were only two other cars there that she could see and soon he was rolling over the sandy lot and fitting into a spot, “Surprise.” He turned to her with a smile and she was beaming.
“I love this, thank you.” She assured.
“Great. I’ve also got something that we’ll need to do after this. You’re going to absolutely love it.” He said and she grinned in excitement.
“Can’t wait.” She hummed. Harry instructed her to grab her tote and his from the backseat while he grabbed the blanket and other things he had brought with him for this outing. Once she heard the trunk shut he walked past her to guide her way. As soon as the reached the sand he just slipped his feet out of his white vans, well they were more light gray and very wrecked up, but it was funny to her that he had been occupying these as slippers basically, “Wait, let me lean on you.” She said and he came on over so that she could steady herself as she slid out of her own shoes and socks before they continued their trek. 
“To your left.” He said as she got a little distracted looking over to the rocky structure they had driven past not even ten minutes prior, “We can climb that if you want.”
“Maybe when I’m not wearing these jeans.” She said, “I don’t have great range of motion.” She explained with a giggle and Harry sniggered as he stopped by this giant, worn down log. He set down the big Ikea bag he had and pulled out a navy & white checkered black blanket. He carefully extended it and then had her sit. She dropped her shoes to her side before settling into the blanket-covered sand, her back was up against the log. And once she was comfortable he pulled out his sketch pad and his pencil case and sat down diagonally form her. This prompted her to pull out her iPad and apple pen, “What’re you gonna draw?” She asked him quietly.
“Not sure yet.” He hummed.
“Do you want to draw me?” She asked with a smile.
“I could.” He mused and she nodded eagerly, “I’ll try to do you justice, capture you drawing.” He said and she smiled.
“Yeah, do it! I’m gonna finish this design I’m almost done with and then I’ll draw you.” She said with enthusiasm and they got to work. 
Y/N wasn’t sure if this qualified as romantic, but it was to her. The tension between them was steadily rising. She abandoned her tattoo design rather quickly and started drawing him instead when she felt his intense gaze taking her in. His eyebrows were a bit creased as he focused, but every now and again their eyes would meet and they’d both smile giddily before getting back to it, trying not to get distracted for too long. After a good thirty minutes of drawing and sporadic little pieces of conversation they were wrapping it up. 
“Wanna see yours first.” He said and she scoffed but agreed and hurried to add in the final little details of it.
“Ta-da!” She sang with a smile as she turned over her iPad and he grinned.
“That’s sick. That’s really fucking good.” He said taking it from her carefully and looking over it more closely with a big smile. As he shifted a bit his sketchpad slipped from under his arm and her smile fell as she saw his drawing. Obviously, it wasn’t as detailed as an hour or two-long portrait would be, but it was still an impressive portrait; if this was how he drew she wanted to see how he painted, he had said that was kind of his thing. She smiled as she pulled it closer to her face to see all the little details he had gotten in there - like the sliver of light on her face from the the sun reflecting off of the surface of the iPad. Harry bit his lip nervously as she studied over his drawing of her, “Like it?” He eventually asked and she nodded as her eyes flickered up to his own.
“I love it. Can I keep it?” She asked right away and he smiled and nodded.
“Course you can.” He responded softly and she smiled in quiet excitement. She handed back the sketch pad and he her iPad before Harry meticulously tore out the page and Y/N took it and carefully tucked it into one of the sleeves of her iPad’s cover before she put it away and leant back against the log, but much closer to him than before. “No, c’mere.” He said patting the open space between his legs and she climbed over and settled back into his chest as his hands wrapped around her middle and squeezed her close.
“Missed you.” She said as he rubbed his cheek into the side of her head.
“Missed you most.” He whispered and she smiled, her hands settled on his knees and relished in the warmth of his chest against her back. It was the slightest bit cold, after all it was late November now, “Mmmm, tell me something that no one knows about you.” He said lowly as he let his right hand slip away from around her waist and down his leg to intertwine their fingers together. It sent a hoard of butterflies through her tummy and chest in excitement.
“Ummm…I’ve never had a pet.” 
“What?” He asked and she giggled.
“It’s true! My dad’s allergic to both cats and dogs, s’why we or my grandparents would host holidays and family events, no animal hair.” She explained and he hummed.
“Did you want a pet?”
“Of course. When I was 9 one of my friends got a puppy and well I begged and begged but to no avail. I would take ladybugs sometimes and put them in a little plastic cage I had.”
“That’s sweet.” He hummed.
“A bit pathetic really.” She giggled.
“How many did you have?”
“Three.” She said, “One of them was yellow, I decided he was the boy. His name was Steve, the other two I couldn’t tell apart, they were called Dottie and Spottie.” She sputtered on a laugh and he joined her as well, “I was real creative with the names.” She joked about herself and he hummed in agreement, “They lasted about a week.” She finished and he shook his head as he laughed a bit more, “What about you?”
“I didn’t have any ladybugs. Well we call them ladybirds actually.” He said and she hummed, “But ummm, my mum she’s a cat person. We had two cats growing up, Angel and Violet. And my uncle had a big, black dog. His name was Shadow.” He explained.
“Who did you like best?”
“Well my mum’s cats were total assholes.” He said and she giggled, “Or maybe I was a bit of a brute with them so they didn’t like me so Shadow was my favorite. When those awful cats passed we got another one, her name is actually Dotty as well.” He chuckled, “She’s still alive, she’s very attached to my mum.” He explained and she smiled.
“Would you get a pet now?” She asked.
“I have thought it about it. Been to a few dog adoption events and…fuck, I leave with teary eyes every time.” He confessed and she pouted, “Would take ‘em all if I could.” He said, “There’s this one that I just can’t forget. It looked like a schnauzer, maybe it was a mini one, I don’t know. He’s all black and his name is Sebastian.” He said with a chuckle and she giggled.
“Does he look like a Sebastian?” She asked and he nodded.
“Yeah, he does.” He chuckled, “That’s the amusing thing. He’s three or four, so he’s still playful and a tad mischievous, but he’s very well trained, but you can tell that he has a big personality.” He explained, “I’ve seen him a few times at the events.”
“Do you know why they gave him up?”
“Yeah, the girl from the shelter said that his owners had a baby and they just couldn’t do both afterwards and they didn’t want to downgrade his quality of life.”
“Yeah, so he’s definitely spoiled.” Harry grinned and she hummed in acknowledgement.
“What’s something no one knows about you?” She asked back, “But tell me something that you’d only want me to know.” She said and he hummed pensively.
“That’s hard…want you to know everything.” He thought aloud and she felt her heart start to pound and she leaned closer into him, “Mmm…well, I think I want you to know that deep down I’m quite… fragile.” He finished off softly and she bit her lip, “You’ve probably figured it out for yourself, I mean, you’ve seen it for yourself but ummm, I’ve never trusted anyone enough to confirm that because I don’t want people to know just how easily things get to me, you know?” She nodded in understanding, “I want you to know because the way I feel about you is…” he trailed off, “I just don’t want to get hurt.” He finished and she pulled away and turned to face him.
“Look at me.” She said softly and his beautiful eyes met her own, “I would never hurt you. And if I do and cross a line or something please call me out on it.” She said seriously, “I’ve dealt with people like that who are sadistic like that and get off on feeling superior or bigger about themselves when they do that, but I’d never hurt you. Not intentionally, ever. Not to make a point or anything like that.” 
“I know you wouldn’t intentionally.” He said and she nodded again, “And well, I just wanted you to know that because well, I know we’ve been in a weird limbo lately with what’s happening between us and I…want more.” He said and she bit her lip nervously as her heart heart started to beat erratically and the butterflies in her stomach were swarming to the point that she felt like she was vibrating, it was exciting and nerve-racking at the same time.
“More?” She asked softly.
“Yeah, more of you. More of me. More of us.” He said as his hands grabbed her face, “I’m falling for you, Y/N.” He admitted quietly, “I love how it feels when we’re together and as much as I love hanging out and the occasional cunnilingus-” he said and she laughed, “I want to date you. For real.” He said and she grinned.
“Yeah, seriously.” He smiled, “Want you to be my girl.” He said and she hummed and looked away for a moment before her eyes fluttered back up to meet his gaze.
“Kind of thought I already was.” She said with a smile and he leaned in and pecked her lips quickly.
“Well, yeah in that way you are, but in this way too. In every way.” He said as he leaned back in and their lips met in a slow and sensual kiss that was inching towards hungry and desperate. She moaned as his hands slid down to her ass and pulled her closer to him as his lips started to migrate down her jaw and to her neck and she rolled her head to the side as he kissed and sucked at her heated and tingling skin.
“Oh my god…” she smiled as she squeezed her eyes shut as he sucked gently at her sweet spot and then let go.
“Didn’t leave a mark.” He assured her as his lips ghosted across her throat.
“Wouldn’t care if you did.” She gulped as he choose another spot to suck on and as the words registered he sucked a bit harder and she hummed at the increased pressure before he pulled off.
“No?” He asked and she shook her head no, once again confirming.
“Gonna tell you something else I only want you to know.” She said and he hummed, urging her to go on, “Every time I feel your tongue when we kiss?”
“I just can’t help it,” she started, “start getting so wet for you because I can just imagine how those movements would feel on my pussy. God, you ate me out so fucking good I think about it too much.” She confessed and he groaned as he went back in for a searing kiss and she opened up when she felt his tongue grazer over her bottom lip. He immediately pressed it between her lips and she sucked on it a few times before he drew back and grinned as she moaned quietly.
“You make me feel so out of control. I love it.” He growled and she moaned before he bucked up against her for a second and she hummed and started grinding down onto him and he chuckled as he grabbed her face again, “Not here, baby.” He exhaled and she frowned.
“But I’m aching for you.” She pouted as she ground herself over his erection.
“I am too, baby but we can’t here. There’s people, not to mention sand everywhere. Just be a good girl for me and wait. I will take good care of you, I promise.” He said and she huffed but nodded and made a little more distance between them, “Should we go dip our feet in? Cool down a bit?”
“Yeah.” She said and he smiled and kissed her lips once more before standing and walking the short distance to the shoreline. 
She loved how cold the ocean was; it was a sobering experience for every sound to fade except that of the waves kissing the shore. She glanced down to watch as little pebbles and pieces of shells created little streaks in the soft sand as Harry wrapped his arms around her waist. She watched as the last bits of water got pulled back through the little streaks left by the debris and in her mind it was almost as if the water was clawing at the sand, fighting to say with it and not to be dragged away by the current. She felt the same way as  Harry kissed the side of her head and hugged her a bit tighter as a chill traveled down his spine. She wanted to cling to him for as long as he’d allow it, and like the water, have to be dragged away from him to even consider leaving his side. A bigger wave was coming in and he pulled her back a little bit to ensure that their denim didn’t get soaked at the ankles.
“Gonna roll these up for you, OK?” He said and she hummed before he crouched down and rolled her jeans up above her ankles and did his as well before assuming his previous position. When the next big wave came they didn’t have to hurry back.
“The cold of the water doesn’t bug you?” She asked quietly.
“Love, m’from England.” He said and she giggled.
“Right.” She stated, “Just wondering, usually it’s the first thing people comment on.” She smiled.
“I think our water’s a bit colder than this.”
“Do you still swim in it?”
“I do.” He said and she smiled, “What about you?”
“Yeah. We should come at night though, when it’s cooler out.”
“You’re barking mad.” He chuckled and she shook her head.
“No, I swear the water feels so much warmer. It’s been warmed by the sun all day. You dip in and it’s feels like a heated pool. I swear it!”
“I can tell you why it feels like a heated pool and it’s got nothing to do with the sun.”
“Oh gross, Harry.” She scoffed and he chuckled, “But I swear it’s true. I do it at least once every winter. You have to do it with me at least once.”
“Maybe.” He chuckled and she smiled knowing fully well that she would convince him.
“Are you going home for Christmas?” She asked suddenly turning around and leaning into his chest, her head now settled into the base of his throat comfortably.
“Yeah, promised my mum I wouldn’t miss it.” He explained. She loved the feeling of his throat vibrating as he spoke lowly.
“Oh that’s really great!” She smiled as she pulled back to see his face, “She’s gonna be really excited to see you after all this time. Well, your whole family will be I’m sure.” 
“Y'seem so happy about it. Are you trying to get rid of me?” He asked playfully and she giggled.
“Obviously.” She teased back and he laughed softly, “But honestly I’m just really excited for you to go back and see your family and friends. It’s going to be really great.” She assured and he hummed. 
“I’m actually gonna leave…” he said pulling out his phone from his pocket and his eyes went wide, “Oh shit! Next Thursday, right at midnight!” He said in a slight panic.
“So soon?”
“Shit, yes. I’m all booked up from the 17th to the 24th. S’what Eddie told me.”
“Oh, nice!” She grinned and he smiled.
“Yeah, it’s gonna be sick. I’ve really missed doing those long winded sessions. It’s been so long I don’t know if I can hang any more.” He smiled, “And ummm, what about you? After everything with your family?”
“It’ll be fine. Julie has a little friend group here that gets together for the holidays. They do a secret Santa and a fancy dinner, it’s quite cute.”
“And what about New Year?”
“Same thing, they get together and have a dinner and games.” She said.
“Sounds like fun but if you need anything at all or are feeling down please give me a call. I’ll make time for you, you know that right?”
“Yeah.” She smiled and he kissed her forehead before hugging her tight, “Did this plan of yours extend to dinner?”
“No, just have one more thing for us. It’s the fun bit.” 
“OK.” She giggled, “Want to join Julie and I? It’s pizza night. Once a month Julie allows herself to have her favorite junk food since she’s on a really strict diet considering her health.” She explained and Harry nodded.
“Yeah, if it’s alright with you both.”
“Of course, we always have leftovers and to be quite honest I don’t really like pizza, but I eat it for her, you know?”
“You don’t like pizza?!” He asked incredulously.
“I prefer the little breadsticks. Why can’t they use the same sauce for dipping the breadsticks on the pizza? That’s one issue! And well, also cheese doesn’t really agree with me.” She explained.
“It makes you toot, does it?” He inquired with a grin and she laughed softly.
“I would much rather it make me toot. It makes me sick, like puke sick.” She explained and he frowned.
“I know, can have one small slice and that’s all.” She explained and without any warning he crouched down a bit and wrapped his arms around her before lifting her off of the ground and she shrieked out in shock before he started spinning them around. His boisterous laugh was so contagious.
“Oh my god!” She laughed loudly along with him until he abruptly stopped spinning them and slowly set her down and she slid her hands up to his biceps.
“Made myself dizzy there.” He said quietly as he pinched his eyes closed and she giggled and tip-toed, hoping to catch him with a surprise kiss, but he was quite tall and with the mushy and wet sand beneath her, the pressure of her trying to hoist herself higher actually sunk her into the sand and her lips missed the intended mark but smooshed right where his cute little mole was and he blinked his eyes open as she slightly pulled back to look at the glossy little mark she left behind and smiled and continued to bring her hand up to smear away the oily residue with her thumb.
“Sorry, s’a cute little thing.” She said of his mole and he smiled meekly.
“You’re a cute little thing.” He hummed, deflecting the attention away from him and right back to her. She smiled as her eyes stayed fixed on his, they were so pretty and clear as the afternoon sun shone into them. God, she was so into him it hurt her.
“Cute enough that you’ll think about kissing me?” She asked with a smile and he smirked.
“I think about kissing you for an ungodly amount of time, love.” He responded, “But by now you must know that it doesn’t stop there. I’m a man of action.” He said lowly as he leaned closer to her.
“Mmm-hmm.” She nodded, tilting her head up, following his movements as he inched their mouths closer together until his lips brushed against hers and he smiled before closing the gap with a slow, yet ardent kiss. She was obsessed with the way they moved together, in perfect harmony with each other. His big hands always ended up holding her face with the utmost care, it made her swoon and after a few more seconds of being completely swept away by this captivating kiss they parted to inhale a proper breath before she smiled up at him and he sighed and slightly shook his head, “What?”
“Seeing you smile at me makes it incredibly difficult to not kiss you non stop until we both can’t breathe or even think. Specially when I know that I’m the reason you’re smiling.” He said quietly, as if this beach were crowded and the message was solely for her. She felt her heart just about melt into mush as his words processed and she just surged up and kissed him quickly once more.
“I’m so fucking fond of you.” She breathed out when she pulled back and he smiled.
“I’m fucking fond of you too.” He whispered before kissing her forehead before he pulled her into his chest and they both exhaled simultaneously as the waves continued crashing into the shore, this was the perfect soundtrack to this moment. Things rarely felt divine or perfect and this afternoon with him, despite how hard her day had been, was the perfect day, she wasn’t sure what more could happen to make it any better. This was it.
“H, I do want to go on that date with you, by the way.” She confirmed, “I realize I didn’t really say anything before, but I would really like that. Having more with you.” She smiled timidly and he grinned.
“Best thing I’ve heard all day.” He hummed, “Well apart from you kidnapping bugs to keep as pets and naming said bugs Dottie and Spottie. And we can’t forget Steve!” He laughed and she rolled her eyes as she laughed and pushed him back slightly by the chest.
“You’re so annoying.” She grumbled and he was quick to latch his fingers into her belt loops and pull her back into him.
“Yeah, sorry about that but you’re stuck with me.”
“Mmmm, not necessarily, not yet!” She reminded, “So behave.” She warned and he grinned.
“You do deserve me to behave, don’t you?” He reasoned, “You’re always so good for me.” He said and she bit her lip while she nodded in confirmation, “I’ll behave.” He grinned and she smirked.
“So, what’s after this?” 
“So remember how I said I just kept driving down the PCH?” He asked and she nodded, “Well, I saw a sand dune it’s not too far from here. There were families climbing up and racing down or using like plastic bin lids as sleds…” he said and she smiled, “It was really cool and it looked like fun. I wanted to try it, we don’t have anything like that in England, or at least not that I recall.” He explained.
“OK, yeah, let’s go!” She grinned and he smiled and they hurried to pack up. Soon enough they were back in the car and Harry was peeling out onto the highway and it was only about a mile down when he pointed at it.
“See, it’s there!” He grinned excitedly and her eyes went wide. It was huge, you had to climb up a good distance of the mountain to reach the top of the dune. Harry was under no illusion that Y/N would want to climb up the sand dune with him. It was a long way up and if she fell she’d be completely full of sand and dirty and he didn’t want to make her feel like she had to, he really just wanted to do this and he’d be grateful if she could take a picture of him after he’d come down at full speed. The day he drove by everyone looked like they were having a total blast as they raced down, some people did fall others were fortunate not too. He’d been so caught up in watching that day that he almost rear-ended someone, but it just looked like one of those things that you had to try and that’d you’d love the memory of it in the future. It looked liberating and like good wholesome, nostalgic fun. He slowly steered out onto the shoulder and as soon as he shut off the engine Y/N reached down to slip out of her shoes.
“Wait, you want to go up with me?”
“Are you kidding? Hell yes!” She grinned and she leaned over and kissed her.
“It could get messy if we fall.” He warned and she shrugged.
“We can have a shower at mine, I’ve got plenty of clothes that’ll fit you.” She assured and he grinned.
“Yeah, alright let’s do it.” 
The hike up was exhausting. Walking on the sand is hard enough, now imagine doing it uphill; even Harry had to take a break towards the middle of the dune and he was in excellent shape. Y/N was just reminding herself to breathe through her nose and was fighting for her life to be able to keep up with him. When they made it to the top they were a bit sweaty, but the cool breeze helped remedy that. The clear view into the ocean was magnificent and so breathtaking.
“That’s so fucking gorgeous.” He expressed with awe as he looked out at the vastness of the ocean before them, “And we have it to ourselves?” He said before turning to her and she grinned.
“This is epic.” She agreed, “So are we racing or what?”
“If you want to lose, yes.” He smirked and she narrowed her eyes.
“Yeah, OK… we’ll see about that!” She said and without any warning she started running down.
“You fucking cheater!” She heard him yell and she started to laugh loudly. 
She started picking up momentum a lot faster than she anticipated, she was nearing the halfway point and her legs could hardly keep up with her. She could hear Harry close behind her and soon they were running down the sand side by side with big smiles and laughs flowing freely from them, the wind whipped past them and carried the sand being kicked up from their sprinting away and into the air. They were getting close to the bottom and they had to start slowing down lest they end up running into the middle of the 1. Of course, in their attempted to slow their runs the first person to go down was Harry, he dug his foot in too hard and started to roll down a few times and as Y/N spared a glance back to laugh at him she too lost her balance and fell into the sand but thankfully she was closer to the bottom and the sand was not as dense there so she did not start to snowball down like Harry. She was panting and laughing as she pushed herself up, she was definitely all sandy and she turned around to see Harry about 30 feet away from her still on his back and laughing loudly. She climbed up to him and saw that his eyes were pinched shut as he laughed.
“Guess I won.” She teased and he scoffed and went to open his eyes and immediately groaned.
“Fuck, there’s sand in my eyes now.” He griped, “And also you’re a fucking cheater.” He said as his eyes started to tear even as they were pinched shut and she grabbed his hand.
“A win is a win.” She teased, “Sit up, I’ll help you.” She said and as soon as he was sitting up he started to rub at his eyes with his fists to help his tears expel all of the sand, “You alright?”
“Yeah, s’almost out I think.” He grumbled and then started to slowly blink his pretty green eyes open.
“Here, let me blow a little air into your eyes.” She said and crouched down and used her thumb to drag his undeyes down a bit, “Look up, for me.” She instructed and he did so and she blew cool air into his eye for a few seconds and he quickly blinked it shut as more tears fell, “Is it out?” She asked after a few moments.
“Yes, thank you baby.”
“Course, now the other one.” She said and they repeated this process again until his eyes were free of sand. His face was still sticky with tears and rough with sand though, she didn’t even want to think about his hair, her own hair! They were in for a mess when they showered.
“Can’t believe you’re that person…” He laughed and she rolled her eyes.
“Oh please, with how competitive you are I’m surprised I lasted that long. Was half expecting you to trip me or something.” She joked and he laughed.
“I would, but I’d never admit it if I did.” He confirmed with a grin and she rolled her eyes.
“That was really fun.” She announced with a big smile beaming on her face.
“Even if you’re all full of sand?”
“Yes! It was very worth it!” She giggled.
“Fun enough to do it again?”
“Today, no. I’m too lazy to climb up.” She confessed with a grin, “But I would definitely do this with you again in the future.” She confirmed.
“Cool.” Harry smiled, “Well, I am going to go again and I need you to record so I can show my mum.” He said and she felt her heart get all melty and warm inside of her, “She’s gonna love this.” He said with a big grin and Y/N nodded.
“Yeah, alright. The phone’s in the car?”
“Yes.” He smiled, “Here are the keys.” He said reaching deep into his front pocket and handing them to her and she hurried off to get his phone as he started climbing back up. It was then that she realized that he was slowing down for her, not taking a break at the halfway point because he was now going up at a faster pace and when he reached the top she held up her index finger, indicating for him to wait a moment as she set his phone to record and then put a thumbs up and he returned the gesture before he started running down the sand dune again. She giggled quietly as he sped down and the closer he got to the bottom the clearer his big smile was. She was zooming into him so that his mom could see just how much fun he was having. There was a pretty sizable boulder near the bottom and being the show off he was, he veered toward it.
“Oh my lord, H…” she mumbled lowly as he went straight for the boulder, “Be careful!” She shouted instinctually knowing that he would try to be a show off and jump over it. She literally gasped as he propelled himself up and sighed in relief when he made it clean over the boulder before he started to slow down as he came to the bottom and started running towards her now.
“Did you get that?!” He called as his sprinting started becoming a jog.
“Yeah!” She shouted back and soon he was coming to a halt a few few away from her and she smiled at him and he returned the gesture as she stopped the recording, “Your mum’s gonna love it.” Y/N said as he walked up to her and she handed over the phone so that he could look at the video and she leaned into his side to watch with him. 
Harry couldn’t help but smile as he heard her quiet mumbles of concern when he started heading towards the boulder and her shout warning him to be careful, the gasp, the sigh of relief, it was sweet how much she cared and he used his free hand to pull her into his side as the video started to come to an end.
“My mum’s going to appreciate you fretting over me the most.” He chuckled and she giggled.
“Yeah, you’re a wild one, someone has to look out for you!”
“Well, thank you.” He hummed as he leaned down and puckered his lips before she tiptoed and kissed him quickly, “Ready to go home?”
“Yeah, let’s go.” She smiled.
The drive home was nice, they both hummed along to the radio and he told her about the tattoos he would be working on in England, and they held hands the entire way. When they arrived at Julie’s place they made sure to shake off as much sand as possible before heading inside.
“We’re home!” Y/N called out and hearing that made Harry smile and feel warm inside.
“Oh, Harry’s here?!” He heard Julie call from somewhere and he also loved that she automatically assumed it was him who she had brought in. Soon enough she was coming out to the front door as they carefully took their shoes off.
“Heard it was pizza night and I could not miss out.” He explained and Julie smiled.
“Oh yes! Happy to have you, the more the merrier!”
“We won’t hug you because we just came form a sand dune and we’re a mess.” Y/N explained.
“Oh yeah, no worries.” Julie laughed.
“H, you can have a shower first and I can go shake out your shoes outside.” Y/N said.
“Yeah, go ahead.” She insisted, “Can you get him a towel, please?” She asked Julie who nodded.
“Course! C’mon, Harry.” She said guiding him back as Y/N stepped back out and banged Harry’s shoes together to get the sand out of them. Julie soon peaked out and Y/N smiled as she did the same thing to the shoes she was wearing.
“Do we still have that battery-operated handheld vacuum? There’s so much sand in the car.” She said to Julie.
“Yeah, I’ll go grab it.” She said and hurried back inside. Y/N reached into Harry’s tote at the entrance of the house and grabbed his keys and soon she and Julie were heading out to the car and vacuuming up as much of the sand as possible.
“So what’s going on with Harry?” She asked with a grin and Y/N smiled.
“He asked me out, so we’re going to date. Don’t know the plan he has yet but yeah, we’ll start going out.” She said timidly.
“Finally!” Julie grinned with excitement and Y/N blushed, “What about Christmas, does he need someone to spend it with?”
“No, he’s going back to England on the 15th.”
“So soon?”
“He’s finishing up some big pieces before the holidays.” She explained, “But I’m glad he’s going to be going home for a bit. I know he misses his family more than he lets on.” Y/N said with a small smile.
“Yeah, that must be nice for him. When’ll he be back?”
“I didn’t ask, but I assume until the next year at some point.” She explained and Julie nodded.
“And what about you? Are you going to try and mend things with your parents or are you joining my holiday extravaganza?” She asked with a lighter tone.
“I think I need some space from them so you can count me in to your festivities.” Y/N grinned and Julie squealed in excitement.
“I will make it the best one yet!” She assured. Soon they headed inside. Y/N peaked down the hall briefly to see the bathroom door still closed before following Julie to the kitchen.
“OK, Harry’s still in the bathroom so I’m gonna hop in your shower.”
“Well I’m about to head out and order the pizza, I heard of this new place downtown where they have great vegan pizza, I know cheese fucks you up and now that you have a boyfriend I can’t risk you having explosive diarrhea.” She teased and Y/N scoffed.
“Oh my god! Also, he’s not my boyfriend.” Y/N clarified and Julie rolled her eyes, “Can’t you order on the phone, don’t want him to be all alone when he gets out.”
“I tried, they’re new so they must be busy, they’re not answering and their DoorDash is not active. I’m sure I’ll be a while.” She huffed.
“OK, well good luck. I’ll see you in a bit.” She said before heading out to grab their totes from the front door and take them to her room. She quickly texted his phone then headed off quietly over to Julie’s room.
It took Harry a while to get the sand out of all of his nooks and crannies, but when he finally did he realized that he had not asked for any clothes beforehand and stood in the bathroom with his ear pressed to the door for a good five minutes to hear if Y/N was around, he then peeked out into the hallway and called for her and no one came, he didn’t want to wander around and make Julie uncomfortable so instead he wrapped the towel securely around his hips and scurried across the hall into Y/N’s room. He shivered at the cooler temperature and just grabbed his phone before sitting on the edge of the bed. He then saw her text to take his time and that she was showering in Julie’s room. He didn’t want to search around her drawers for clothes so he grabbed the TV remote and stayed put. It was about ten minutes later when Y/N tapped on the door lightly before slipping inside and closing it behind her. She too was wrapped in her towel, hair dripping wet as she shivered.
“Forgot to grab clothes.” She said through chattering teeth.
“You forgot to give me clothes. Was calling and calling for you, m’sure Julie thought I was dying.” He said and she frowned.
“Oh my god, Harry! You could’ve looked around, you must be freezing cold.” She said heading over to her cabinet to find him something, “Also Julie left to get the pizza. S’gonna be vegan I hope that’s alright with you.” She informed as she pulled out a t-shirt and some sweat pants.
“Yeah, m’not picky.” He said and she stood back up and turned towards him.
“Perfect.” She smiled and set the clothes down blindly as her eyes raked down his toned and tattoo-infested chest. He was dry by now but that didn’t mean he was any less lovely to look at. Harry felt a little shy as she looked over him, but it made him feel good about himself, he worked hard for his physique and he was glad that she found him attractive, “You’re kinda hot.” She said softly with a smile and he chuckled.
“Yeah, kinda.” She teased and he shook his head as she kept him humble. “Now that I have you here in the nude let me see how your tattoo is healing up!” She said and he chuckled again and carefully raised the towel on his left thigh to expose the tiger she had inked in there about three weeks prior. She crouched down again to get a closer look and she smiled as she looked it over; it was healed now and it was looking really good, “You don’t have to flex your thigh, you know?” She teased as she gently pinched the underside and looked up at him through her lashes. 
That look in her eyes did things to him. Just her in general turned him on so easily and the only thing he could think about as she looked up at him like that was her pretty lips parting to fit his cock inside of her mouth. God, she would look so pretty like that. Taking his whole cock in her mouth and drooling for him. Next thing he knew she was leaning closer and pressing a quick and innocent kiss to the tiger she had inked into him and he swallowed thickly and tensed up as his cock started to grow hotter and thicker.
“What happened?” She asked when she looked up to see his eyes pinched shut.
“Nothing, nothing your mouth’s just really close to my prick and I got a little riled up.” He said as he blinked his eyes open, “Sorry. It’ll go down in a sec.” He said and she shook her head.
“No, it’s alright.” She assured him and then glanced down to the slightly tented part of the towel over his hips, “How long’s it been now?”
“I’m not sure.” He said and and she bit her lip before running her tongue over it.
“Can I suck on you? Please?” She asked as her nails gently raked down his thighs, making him shiver as he breathed out sharply through his nose.
“Always get me with those fucking manners.” He mumbled before just unwrapping the towel and letting it fall to the sides and she literally moaned and salivated as she saw his semi-hard cock resting over his perfectly round and swollen balls, it hadn’t even pushed out of his foreskin yet. She inched closer on her knees and let her own towel fall as she brought her other hand up to his right thigh and then she just looked up at him with those puppy-dog eyes but not touching him there without his permission, “Fuck, so pretty. You’re so pretty, baby.” He complimented and she smiled.
“Thank you. But I really just want to suck you off. Please.” She keened once again, “Please. Been so good for you.” She reminded, her patience was wearing thin.
“No you haven’t,” he huffed out a mocking laugh, “You cheated today.” He said and she pouted, “Good girls don’t cheat. Do you think you deserve to suck me off after that? I don’t.” He said decisively and she huffed and looked down at his cock and balls just sitting there so close, just within her reach. It couldn’t be helped as Y/N licked over her lips and swallowed down the saliva her mouth was producing; Harry saw this and it was making his impeccable sense of self-control start to fray.
“No.” She agreed sadly, “I’m sorry. What if I just put in my mouth? I won’t suck it or do anything if you don’t want that. I just want to feel it getting all big and hard on my tongue.” She said meekly and he whined softly, his cock growing a little bit more at her suggestion, he was trying to hold back but the thought of his cock resting on her tongue was enough to have him throw his self-torture out the window.
“Fuck, wanna keep my cock warm in your pretty, little mouth, baby?” He asked with a devilish smirk and she nodded.
“Yes. Please.” She said and he groaned and spread his legs wider, nonverbally asking her to come closer and she did and glanced up at him.
“Go on then.” He said quietly and she leaned in, eyes still on his as she parted her lips and let her bottom lip drag against his tip and then she used her tongue to lift his cock just enough to get it into her mouth and she made sure that her eyes were on his as she sunk lower and he moaned as he was finally in her wet and hot mouth. Harry was trying his best not to reach for her hair because this would surely end in him fucking her mouth until he was coming ropes down her throat.
Y/N on the other hand was fighting the battle of her life in order to not suck on him like every fibre of her being was begging her to do. She was salivating and it was getting to be too much and she slightly closed her mouth and Harry groaned as he felt more pressure around his prick as she attempted to swallow down some of her saliva.
“Holy shit.” He moaned lowly and his eyes squeezed shut as he started to get harder at the pressure her swallowing put on his prick. He wanted to come in her mouth so bad, he knew she was a little come slut now, knew she wouldn’t mind him unloading it all in her mouth. His resolve was wavering surprisingly fast. Besides he wouldn’t be seeing her in weeks, he needed to at least have a new memory of her getting him off for his spank bank.
It couldn’t be helped as Y/N’s saliva started to drip from the corners of her mouth, Harry was almost at full size and he was too big for her to even attempt to swallow it down at this point. She hoped he liked things sloppy because she would soon be dribbling down her own chin and making a mess. His tip was now pressing into the back of her mouth and she just wanted to sink a bit lower so that all of it could be in her mouth. She could feel his cock starting to slightly twitch and throb with need.
“Look at you making such a mess, should probably stop now. My cock’s too big for you little mouth isn’t it, baby?” He asked and she shook her head as she looked up at him, “Sweet of you to deny it, but I’m not blind.” He said and he watched as her eyebrows creased inward and he suppressed his grin with his teeth sunk into his bottom lip as he brought his index finger down to wipe the string of spit that was dripping out of the corner of her mouth and then he sucked it between his lips and hummed. A small whine left her throat and he grinned, loving the pinch of her nails into his thighs, a clear sign of her desperation and withering resolve “God, dying to suck me aren’t you?” He asked and she nodded as best as she could and he hummed, “How wet’s your little pussy for me right now, hmmm? Show me.” He commanded and she slid her hands down her naked torso and her eyes fluttered closed and her mouth opened wider as she circled her clit in passing towards her entrance where all of it was collected, “Did I say to touch yourself there?”
“Uh-uh.” She muffled out.
“Then move it along.” He said and she sighed and reached further between her legs and swirled her fingers around there before bringing them back up and showing him her shiny and stringy with arousal index and middle fingers, “All that just from feeling my cock on your tongue?” He asked mockingly and she whined again as he pulled her arm up higher and leaned down to her fingers and his eyes met hers with a mischievous smile, “Let’s play a game.” He said and she felt a shiver course through her body, “you do what I do, OK?” He said and she hummed in understanding, “Get me out of your mouth and grab my cock.” He said and she looked distressed about it but listened to him. She was finally able to swallow properly and then she looked up at him awaiting his instructions.
Harry then leaned in a bit closer and tapped her sticky fingers to his lips three times and she glanced up at him as she tapped the tip if his cock to her lips and he smiled. Then he kissed at her finger tips and she licked over her lips before kissing the very tip of his cock, the little dribble of pre-cum there glossed over the center of her lips and he grinned at the thought of making her lips all shiny with his pre-cum instead of some lip oil or other product. Y/N was vibrating with anticipation as he parted his lip and breathed onto her finger, it made her inner walls flutter and pulse with need and she did the same to his erection, puffing out a warm breath over it and watched it twitch in her hold. He then circled her fingers around his tongue and she bit her lip as she got closer and parted her lips to let her pink tongue roll out and she guided his cock to circle around it.
“Good girl.” He whispered and she smiled up at him as she pulled back. He then used the tip of his tongue to massage right against the small crevice between her two fingers. She was confident that she understood what he wanted and so she raised his cock just a bit more and her eyes met his as she started to massage her tongue against his frenulum, that sensitive little bit right under the head of his cock.
“Fuck.” He exhaled with a smile, “Love how you know that. Know about that spot.” He said lowly and she nodded as she pulled back and he bit down on his lip, losing his resolve, “Do it again, don’t stop until I do something else.” He said and she was eager to get back to it and he groaned as she tongued at his sensitive spot. It was sending shocks of pleasure through his stomach and down to his toes. Her hand was resting at his inner thigh, keeping his legs parted for her to fit her kneeling body between his. And as he relished in the feeling of her tongue massaging the sensitive parts of his erection he then glanced down once he felt her thumb just lightly tickle at his left testicle. She was reaching out towards his balls and it was making him lose his mind, “Fuck, you can touch there, baby.” He said and she was quick to move her hand to his sack and gently rolled his balls in her warm and smooth palm.
This was so fucking hot, Y/N was nearing her boiling point. She didn’t even noticed the slight pain from kneeling over the rough carpet for however long this was going or the fact that she was naked and a little cold, she was relishing in everything he was guiding her to do. With the way he used his tongue on her cunt and now on her fingers she knew that he probably had given an excellent blow job or two in his day and something about that drove her wild. She wanted to prove to him that she could take good care of him too, as good care as he liked to take of his partners. She then reeled in her thoughts when he released her fingers.
“Get ‘em wet for me again.” He said and she was quick to comply and offer them back up to him and he inhaled deeply once they were in his face and then he used the very tip of his tongue to roll into the crevice between the very tips of her fingers and she let go of his balls to adjust his prick so that she could do as he had done, “I’ll hold it for you.” She said and her hand went back town to fondle his balls, “Don’t be shy, you can squeeze if you want.” He said and she moaned as she gave a light squeeze and then proceeded to take her mouth to his cock. She licked and dipped her tongue against the slit at the very tip of his cock and he groaned. Y/N moaned at the taste of his pre-cum that steadily bubbled up from deep in his balls, up his shaft, and out of his little hole there. She wanted to taste his come so bad. No, she needed to taste his come again. Badly. It was taking every morsel of will power in her not to suck at his tip and draw out more. She needed more.
Harry’s abs were practically trembling at the teasing touches he was having Y/N inflict on him. His balls felt so full and achey as they drew up a bit, his bodies way of indicating that he wanted to come. He wanted to keep teasing her and himself in the process but she was being so good for him, so patient and respectful. She’d been wanting this for a while…
“Fuck…Fuck it, just suck my cock, baby. Please.” He panted and she didn't have to be told twice. Y/N sunk down until she was right up against his little bed of pubic hair without a single second of hesitation and he groaned at the feeling of his cock pressing into the soft spot at the back of her mouth, “Fuck, that’s it, Y/N. Take my whole fucking cock.” He moaned as he watched through teary eyes, he was so overwhelmed and on edge as she dragged her mouth up and down his cock and he sucked the arousal off of her fingers “Rub on your clit for me.” He commanded and she was quick to bring her hand down and circle her swollen little bud, it caused her to moan around his cock, “Oh fuck, make me come, baby. Please make me come with that perfect mouth.” He panted as his fingers scrunched into the bed covers as she started to pick things up, “Shit, that’s it, Y/N. S’so fucking good…” he praised as she gulped and slightly gagged as she took him deeper. Her head game was other worldly as she she focused on the tip and teased and tongued at the spot he had guided her to previously. His abs and thighs were trembling as he neared his orgasm.
Y/N was also getting close as her fingers tickled her clit in quick little swishes. She wanted him to use her to get off, that would certainly help push her over the edge. She sucked at his tip fervently loving the way his moans and praises for her started to pour freely from his parted lips. She loved that he was already getting close, but she needed him to take over. She pulled off of him and he whined.
“Fuck my mouth. Please, want you t’fuck my mouth. Use me to get off.” She said and he frowned, looking like he was hesitant, “I was bad today, wasn’t I?” She asked and he groaned, “Use me, please. Teach me a lesson, daddy.” She pleaded and then immediately bit her lip in worry as the name just slipped out of her mouth. She froze for a second, unsure of how he would react, but Harry was just trying to collect himself. He’d always been curious about the daddy kink, but he didn’t want to ask someone to call him that, he wanted to earn that title from his partner. He wanted them to feel he was a daddy just as much as he felt he was one. And Y/N felt it as much as he did.
“Fuck, baby girl, daddy can fuck your mouth,” he said lowly as he reached his right hand around her head and she moaned as he started to push her down until she was back against his pubic hair and he held her down for a few seconds, feeling her throat bobbing around the tip of his cock without a single whine or sound of complaint, “Oh, fucking hell…” he hissed as he started to thrust up, getting deeper and deeper until she was moaning as her orgasm started to approach, “Shit, I’m about to come.” He warned, “Want it down your throat, like daddy’s good little cock slut? Hmmm?” He asked and she moaned louder in response, “Good girl, was gonna unload there anyway.” He grunted as he continued thrusting a bit more. She was barely breathing through her nostrils and was choking on his cock, the lack of air was making her feel lightheaded and that in tandem with her fingers blurring over her clit was making her start to unravel, “Fuck, here it comes, baby.” Harry grunted and a couple seconds later he was stilling and she felt the first warm spurt hit the back of her throat and she moaned as she started coming at the same time. 
She moaned as his warm, creamy sperm filled up her mouth and it kept coming and coming because it had been a while and he had a lot to give. She was struggling to swallow it all down and what a shame that was because she was loving the taste. She moaned as she worked herself through her orgasm and his was lasting as long as hers, it was incredible and erotic and somehow intimate as he came down her throat but gently scratched at her scalp in soothing motions at the same time until he was whining from the sensitivity and let the grip on her head relax and she pulled back and swallowed the cum in her mouth before she inhaled sharply but never the less she was nuzzling against his cock, kissing and licking at it, still hard despite the huge come he just had. And she also kept rubbing at her clit, already feeling another orgasm coming on because this entire thing had been so sexy and she didn’t want it to end. Her tongue then lapped down at his balls and she started sucking at them as he moaned and groaned before she sucked one into her mouth. She then felt a little range of motion and opened up her eyes and glanced up to see Harry fisting at the tip of cock as she sucked at his balls.
“Fuck, keep going, baby. Got one more for you.” He panted and she moaned as that mere confession had her thighs trembling as she started to come undone again and he grinned as he watched her get herself off to the thought of him coming for her twice, but it couldn’t be helped, she was fucking phenomenal. He has no idea what came over him, but suddenly everything was feeling better and like it was orchestrated perfectly as he listened to his instincts, staving off his need to come until she removed her fingers from her sensitive clit, “Lay on the bed.” He said quickly and she did and he stood over her and continued jerking his cock off with his right hand as his left hand guided her to open up her legs for him and he looked at her sticky and fluttering pussy as he masturbated over her. He suddenly leaned down and opened his mouth and she was quick to bring her cum-coated fingers up for him to suck and he groaned as he tasted her, he loved her taste, “Oh fuck, gonna come.” He panted and pulled back a bit and he went around the corner of the bed, the spot he had been sitting when he was waiting for her and he knelt over her, “Close your eyes.” He warned and she did so quickly and then she felt the little spurt of warmth streak over her face and her lips, “S’mine, right?” He groaned and she moaned in response.
“Yes, daddy.” And then she felt another spurt trail from her breasts to her tummy.
“That’s mine too…oh shit.” He panted.
“Yes, fuck yes.” She whimpered and then he got off of the bed and she felt him stand back between her legs. And then his cum started painting over her spread out pussy and she moaned at the feeling.
“This little pussy’s all mine, too. Fuck, you’re all mine, aren’t you, baby?” He moaned as his orgasm coursed through him.
“Yes, daddy. I’m all yours.” She moaned again and then she felt his tongue over her cunt, licking up his mess. And he worked his tongue over every stream of his sperm that had painted her skin. She was completed covered in goosebumps and shivering under his sensual licks and touches, it made her feel completely unhinged. She was complete mush for him as he  straddled her to be able to kiss and lick the cum off of her face and finally his lips smashed into hers ardently. She just wanted to be close to him and she hugged him tight as one of his hands gently landed over her throat and the other tangled into her damp hair. 
They made out for what felt like ages and the heated kiss slowly started to slow down. He eased her out of it by transitioning them from the tongue-heavy make out into long and deep kisses and finally into shorter pecks and finally to those little eskimo kisses, he nuzzled and rubbed his nose against hers tenderly until her pretty eyes fluttered open and met his own. The way she was looking at him shook him deep into his core, but not in a way that frightened him, in a way that made him want to feel that way forever. She trusted him completely now, she’d let him in all the way. She looked perfect like this.
Y/N couldn’t think or even figure out what it was that she was feeling all she knew was that she felt completely at peace as she looked into his eyes but her body was so alert and alive. Like every cell in her body was feeling a euphoric rush but there was no other way to express that. She was trembling on the outside, but inside she felt like she was on fire, on fire for him. She saw him smile lightly at her and he then kissed her nose and she blinked slowly at him.
“Got you there, didn’t I?” He asked quietly and she just hugged him tighter, needing him to be closer. Even the sound of his voice was impacting her, she could feel it rolling through her like waves. Harry used one of his hands to slightly lift her up off of the bed and he sort of dragged them further up on the bed so that he could lay down too and she curled into him, “I’ve got you love. You were so good. Did so good for me.” He whispered as he squeezed her body reassuringly. She seemed to be getting impatient with feeling so out of sorts and tried to push herself up while still being all trembly and floaty and he smiled at her, “Hey, take your time, baby.” He said softly before kissing her forehead, “S’this your first time feeling like this?” He asked and she nodded, “OK, just hold me, breathe with me.” He said quietly, “Remember, like you had me breathe with you at the housewarming party? Just like that, baby.” He hummed comfortingly and after a few deep breaths Y/N buried her face against his throat and started to cry. He understood that this could be overwhelming and she had just dealt with so much stress from her family, “Shhhh, it’s OK. I’ve got you, love. I’m right here.” He comforted her softly with long rubs up her naked back.
“Oh my god, I don’t even know why I’m crying…” she whimpered against his throat and he smiled.
“Who cares, just feel it out, baby.” He continued reassuring her until a few minutes later she had collected herself enough, “Alright now?” He asked her and she nodded as she drew back with a slightly puffy face and a sniffle.
“Thank you.” She whispered and he leaned down and kissed her lips.
“Course, baby.” He smiled and after a moment of silence he spoke up again, “Was that OK? Did you like feeling that way?” He asked cautiously and she nodded, “That’s called subspace.” He explained gently and her eyes widened a bit, “When I asked you if you wanted me to take control of your pleasure this is what I meant. But I don’t have to try and get you there every time if you don’t like it.” He said, “I know it can be a lot and really take it out of some people.” He said. She had heard of all of this but it hadn’t ever happened to her before.
“What did you do to…get me there?” She asked him curiously.
“I didn’t do anything, I wasn’t even trying to do that at all actually.” He admitted, “I think it was a lot of things that could’ve led to that happening.” He said and she hummed, urging him to go on, “I know I’ve been holding back a bit from you and edging you like that, depriving you can get you feeling really desperate and on edge. And well on top of that you let me take the reigns, just left it all up to me, and well you’ve been under a lot of stress and were having big emotions…Maybe subconsciously you knew that you just needed to surrender and I think when the mix of all of these things was just right it caused you to slip into subspace.” He theorized and she hummed pensively.
“As the person in charge do you ever feel that way?” She asked.
“No, not really. There is this thing called topspace though, not everyone believes it’s a thing, but I think that happened to me. Like towards the end there when I…came all over you,”  He said a bit timidly, “Like I wasn’t even thinking of doing that I was just flowing with what felt right and I wanted everything to be so good for you and yeah, it just felt like what you needed and so I did it and it felt really good and not even because I was having an orgasm, but just because I could see what it was doing to you and…I don’t know,” he chuckled, “That’s never happened to me before.” He confessed and she leaned up and kissed him.
“Well, intentional or not that was incredible and I would be OK if we tried getting there again.” She said and he smiled down at her.
“OK, baby.” He said before squeezing her tight and groaning, “I’m really going to miss you while I’m gone.”
“Me too.” She frowned, “You can call though, whenever you want.” She said and he smiled. 
“You already said it! No take-backsies.” He chuckled and she giggled.
“Nope, no take-backsies.” She grinned. 
@sunshinemoonsposts @matildasatellite @sad-avocado @sunflovverharry @cherrysulewski @angelbabyyy99 @gurugirl
@daphnesutton @jessitpwk @permanentllyharry @here4thefanfics
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Styling Mr. Styles.
harry styles were in desperate need of a hair stylist for one direction’s uk leg of tour culminating in 2015.
although he doesn’t do much with his hair before shows, perhaps a bit of gel and hairspray here and there, he needs someone who can cut his hair when he feels it’s necessary and someone who he can just talk to when he needs a bit of space.
and he knows for a fact that hair stylists always talk the most, so he needed to hire one, a hair cut could take place at any given moment and although his hair was long he liked to keep it in check.
so when his good friend lou teasedale recommends (Y/N). harry’s quick in taking the recommendation and hires you.
so the autumn of 2015 was bound to turn out a good one, especially when your surrounded by all your close friends and some even closer.
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authors note - this is my first time writing a series as i’ve only ever written just one shots before so this is brand new to me. this mini series will include real life events that have taken place during the 2015 leg of the on the road again tour. harry is 21 in this fic and (Y/N) is 19, so there is a slight age gap.
warnings - explicit language, angst, mentions of domestic abuse, slight innocent reader, mentions of alcohol, social anxiety and panic attacks, badly written smut.
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prologue. [published - 06.07.2023]
in which, harry is in desperate need of a hair stylist, so when his good friend recommends you, with a lot of persuasion you decide to take the job. having no idea what the future will have in store for you and for him.
chapter one.
in which, it’s your first day on the job and your best friend decides to drive you up to london so that you have a familiar face when you arrive. that’s where you properly meet everyone and even have some one on one time with a certain curly headed lad.
chapter two.
in which, it’s the first show of the uk leg of tour, and getting to know everyone you’ll be seeing for a prolonged period of time leaves someone in a slightly angry mood, which is an especially bad thing when you’ll be styling his hair in a few minutes.
chapter three.
in which, after an article appears of you being seen at the show surfaces, you panic about certain people seeing it. but due to the circumstances you have to move on quickly and move on to your next tour location. the home of the man your starting to develop a crush for. manchester.
chapter four.
in which, you’ve got a fear of flying that no body knows about, and after some gentle persuasion someone occupise the seat next to you. gesturing a cutie named lux and the wonderful city of glasgow.
chapter five.
in which, you introduce the curly lad to your favourite tv show, and arriving in your next destination he decides to take you on a tour of there set. the day ends with fireworks and a heart full of gratitude. all thanks to him.
chapter six.
in which, you’ve all arrived in the country that makes up 1/4 of the band. the lovely ireland. where nightmares take place, and the truth about your past finally comes to surface. hair gets braided and a mechanical bull lingers in the background.
chapter seven.
in which, getting ready to head to the next tour location begins all cute and fluffy, as if nothing can burst the bubble you and him have created, but an oblivious maid interrupts that bubble, leaving the two of you feeling vulnerable and create a whole other issue that leads to the two of you telling the truth.
chapter eight.
in which, events take a turn for the better as you and him cuddle in his bunk on the tour bus, where you start to feel good and the afternoon ends with saccharine lullabies. leaving both of you to let the feelings you have for each other to linger in the back of your minds.
chapter nine.
in which, another article reached the eyes of one direction fans and family, a flashback occurs in the midst of the chaos your mind is enduring upon yourself and an unrealised song gets sung for the first time, putting you once again in the spotlight.
chapter ten.
in which, waking you up with breakfast in bed, the curly headed lad had a very important question to ask you that will need a very important answer.
in which, it’s the finale chapter of your and his story so there’s one thing to say… welcome to the final show…i hope your wearing your best clothes.
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didhewinkback · 2 years
Something Old Story Page
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Watching your childhood best friend (& the man you've been in love with for half your life) get married proves to be harder than you thought. Will you be able to make a quick getaway to avoid further heartbreak? Or is it finally time for the truth come out?
(originally part of the @harry-on-broadway fic challenge, then took on a life of its own!)
Part One
Part Two
Part Three
Interlude: Something To Dream About
Part Four
Part Five
you're my best friend
Blurbs (take place before Part One)
3 AM McDonalds Run, A Piece of Home, Birthday Boy, Right Here
Jealousy, Jealousy
Mini Blurbs/ Requests (take place after Part Five)
harry's house one year, golf & sunburn, street style , slane,
love of my life, the beholder, low rise, good morning, chug,
thank you for, dolce vita, the moment you knew, dog, ii most wanted,
thirty, flirty & thriving, likes to watch
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httpcarlossainzcom · 1 year
Idealizations Concerning Real Life Relations - cs55
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here is part 2 to this mini series
warnings: i have very bad grammar (sorry not sorry….) also this is an 18+ fic minors do not interact!
summary: Carlos loves to be loved, but he doesn’t love in return.
song inspiration: summers over interlude - drake and majid jordan, each time you fall in love - cigarettes after sex, from the dining table - harry styles
word count: 26k (sorry babes)
this is split up into multiple parts so dont worry :)
There’s something about Carlos that makes people drawn to him. He’s charming, enrapturing,  in every sense of the word. Makes people feel special. His laugh is infectious, loud and often more entertaining than the original joke when he does that thing where he claps his hands, or falls to his knees if it’s funny enough. Being around someone like that is refreshing. He’s captivating and easy to be around, easy to love. He’s such a bright light no matter where he goes, a beacon to those in his vicinity.
 And he’s so, so kind. To everyone that speaks to him. Even to those that don’t speak and just look, he offers a kind smile. When someone has his attention, they have it all, his big doe-eyes holding eye contact, nodding to let them know he’s listening and being attentive. He’s a good person. A little hard to understand, hard to get close to. So people say, so you’ve learned. But he’s good. Not much is known about stars, anyway. 
You’re watching him right now, always watching. You’re on another stained sofa in a different house than the one you usually went to with your knees pulled to your chest, a cup of beer resting on your knee. He’s chatting with someone, looks like the guy is showing him his tattoos. Carlos smiles, looks enthused, points to one that he must like based on his reaction. Then he’s holding up his own forearm, pointing to a small piece of ink, and then of course, he’s pointing at you.
Just before coming here, you and him had been at his tattoo shop. He drew the most beautiful, intricate little shooting star into your ribs. A little fireball attached to a long trail of stardust, smaller little twinkles falling off of it. It was simple clean line work, lines thin and dark. And then you drew two of the most basic five pointed stars on him, in a small blank space of his already existing sleeve. 
You warned him, told him you couldn’t draw a straight line with a ruler, let alone a heavy, vibrating tattoo gun. But he assured you he wanted it, that he needed to get that spot filled anyway. 
Though both stars are small, one is bigger than the other. 
‘This one is you,’ you had said, pointing to the larger star, ‘and this one is me,’ you continued, moving to point to the smaller one. 
‘Is it?’ Carlos had asked, a teasing smile gracing his mouth as he leaned into you. 
‘Yeah,’ you had breathed against his lips. 
Your soft kisses turned to soft touches, touches that transformed into soft moans. Right there in the parlor.
He’s talking louder now, getting excited. “Look how good her lines are! I didn’t even have to help her that much…” he goes on and on and you smile into your cup. 
It was actually a really shitty tattoo. Lopsided, with the points of the stars all different lengths. But hearing him praise you, express how much he actually likes it? It makes your heart burn, glowing bright pink in your chest. You get up and sonder over to him.
He smiles as he sees you, opens his arm up for you to tuck yourself into his side. His arm going over your shoulder, and yours going around his waist. You rest your empty hand on his tummy, can feel how it tenses as he laughs. 
“Ah, my little artist herself!” he says.
“That’s a stretch,” you deny, looking towards the guy across from you, “Alex right?”
He nods. “Yeah the one who has spent the last 5 years in school studying medicine and plants,” his voice holds a twinge of regret, a longing for life that isn’t run by tests and grading scales.
You laugh lightly. Ah, the botany guy. “Graduate program?” you ask.
He nods again.
You tap your fingers on Carlos’s stomach, trying to think of something else to say. “Oh! Do you know Charles? He’s not in the same plant… program or whatever but he’s doing a graduate program too.”
Alex smiles. “I don’t know him aside from the parties he shows up at sometimes, but I’ve heard of him around campus. Where is he by the way? You usually have him and Luiza with you when you show up here right?”
Your brow furrows as you take another sip of your drink, readjusting yourself so your back is against Carlos’s chest. He rests his hands on your hips, and cheekily pushes against your ass. You ignore him. “I actually don’t know? We haven’t hung out in a while…” you hum contemplatively while you play with your bottom lip. You look up at Carlos. “Do you know? Lando’s not here either.”
He shrugs, expression bored. “Lando said he has something to do tonight, maybe he’s finally eating Luiza’s pussy. And you know Charles hates these parties almost as much as you.”
You pout still, but Alex swiftly changes the subject.
“Anywho, you’re a tattoo artist now?” he tilts his drink in the direction of Carlos’s arm, his smile playful and knowing. “Must be pretty special to be able to get behind the gun and work on this one. He’s a snob.”
You’re about to deny it once again but Carlos interrupts you with a snort. “Obviously she’s special, we are special friends.”
Alex’s eyebrows raise and you laugh a little. Your eyes sparkle when you look up at the brunette behind you. “Are you drunk?”
He grumbles and wraps his arms around you tighter before mumbling into your neck. “No… not really, but I am horny,” he whispers.
You tut at him, scolding with a whisper, “I literally just jerked you off earlier.”
You’re swiftly ignored as he turns his attention back to Alex, “If you’ll excuse us, we have to put aquaphor on our tattoos.”
You send Alex an apologetic smile, but he just laughs, turning to head in the direction of the kitchen. 
Carlos’s hand is tight when it grips yours, a vice like hold as he drags you through the house. It’s at a frat this time, so the upstairs is lined with bedrooms. People are littered through the hall, and in the open bathroom you can see a girl cutting a line on the porcelain sink. The guy behind her holds her hair for her. A modern romance, like a scene from a movie. There are the stereotypical socks on door knobs, and thankfully the music is way too loud and the bass is boosting so you can’t hear what’s going on behind the doors. You almost run into Carlos’s back when he comes to a stop in front of a locked door void of any sock.
“Carlos,” you hiss, “we can’t just have sex in a random person’s room.”
He’s somehow procured a key and gets the door open. “Yes we can, but this isn’t someone random’s room, it’s ’s. He lets me use it sometimes.”
He doesn’t notice the slip of the tongue, once again, but it leaves an icky taste in your mouth. Thick and unpleasant on your tongue. But you know in due time the taste will change, into one of starlight, heady and intoxicating, and so wholly Carlos. 
“Lando goes to uni? I never see him on campus,” you wonder aloud tentatively taking a step through the threshold. It looks like a typical college boys room. A desk with a computer and school work scattered all over. A floor littered with shoes and clothes, along with a nightstand that has the lamp, the lotion bottle, and the kleenex box that sit on top of it. You laugh to yourself. Weird. 
“Mmm, he’s enrolled and goes just enough to not get kicked out so he can keep getting his student loans and living here,” he replies as he locks the door. 
Immediately he’s backing you into the bed, urging you to lay down. He stays close, lips on yours, hands hastily pushing your shirt up and over your head so your top half is bare under him. He pauses while straddling you, looks at you with hooded eyes, taking in the way your long hair fans out against the grey sheets of Lando’s bed. With eyes raking over your skin, his tongue peeks out to lick at his lips subconsciously as he fondles your tits.
“You’re so sexy, your body is so nice,” He pinches your nipples, making them pebble between his finger tips, “love the way you respond to me,” he purrs.
You make a soft embarrassed sound as you blush and bring your hands to your face to hide.
Like every time you try to hide from him, he pulls your hands away and gives you a sly yet sweet smile. He looks down at you, eyes twinkling with amusement. “Why do you still get so shy with me? Hmm?” With your hands in his, he brings them to his clothed torso, urging you to touch him. 
His mouth parts when you graze his nipples, and he breathes out a tiny, pleased laugh. “I get the same way for you, can’t you feel it?” He trails your hands down even farther, until they are rubbing against the bulge in his jeans. He sighs, head hanging back, letting you pleasure him for just a moment.
You go to undo his belt but he stops you. “Not yet,” he says as he swats your hand away. He kneels down, kisses and sucks at your collarbones, as he grinds softly into your lower belly, quiet little sighs sneaking out between his kisses. 
He’s slowly moving down your body until he gets to the new tattoo, fresh and vibrant against your skin, the edges still a little red. He gently runs a finger over it, before kissing next to it, all around it. “I love it, do you love it?” he murmurs, doe-eyes jumping between the ink and your face.
You run a hair through his brunette locks, brushing them out of his face. “Yeah, you did such a good job, thank you.”
He hums and you feel him smile into your ribs before making his way a little lower. You stop him by pulling at the hair you have a grip on.
“Wait, I wanna- you always take care of me…” you look at his cock. “Let me?” you ask.
He sits back up and regards you like he’s debating on letting you have your way with him before he huffs and shuffles off the bed. He stands at the edge and rids himself of his shoes and socks and you watch as you follow his example. 
Next he gets rid of his shirt. You take him in, admiring the lithe, trim cut of his small waist, how his jeans and belt rest on his hip bones, the lightest little fuzz of hair that travels down his lower belly. The very obvious hard on pushing against the zip. You crawl over and sit on the edge of the bed in front of him. He cradles your face and your eyes flutter shut at the touch.
“You wanna take care of me, my baby? Wanna make me feel good?” 
You nod as you take his arm into your hold, glancing at him through your lashes before pressing a sweet kiss next to the tattoo you gave him. He coos.
“C’mere,” he says, applying light pressure with the hand on your face.
Up close you can see the flush that has taken over his skin. He has little droplets of sweat forming at his hairline. It’s always so hot at these parties. Maybe it’s because you’re always with him when you attend. He’s always burning so bright, fiery hot. 
The hand on your face pinches your cheek sweetly, and now, your cheeks are warm too. He laughs a little before he kisses you. “I know just how you can make me feel good, pretty,” he says against your lips, biting quick and sharp.
He threads a hand in your hair at the back of your head and guides your mouth to his neck. “You can kiss me here,” he sighs, extending it so you have more room. “And here,” down to his collarbones.
You kiss and suckle softly at the bone that protrudes, and pull the thin skin between your teeth for just a second. You moan when Carlos hisses and the hold in your hair tightens. Pulling away, you look up at him. He looks down his nose at you, bites his lip before he smirks a little.
“You wanna mark me, don’t you? Was the tattoo not enough?” he answers the unspoken question swimming in your eyes, while simultaneously teasing. He’s acting cocky, but his voice is airy and has a bit more vibrato than normal, giving away how aroused he is. 
You nod eagerly. Of course you want to mark him, of course the tattoo wasn’t enough. Maybe you’re greedy, or maybe you’re just in love. But you don’t think it will ever be enough; a part of you will always yearn for more. He takes his time searching your face before he nods a single, short time. 
Carlos doesn’t usually let you mark him, and if he does, he’s usually particular about where. This fuels you, and you sink your teeth into his faintly sun kissed skin, rolling it between your teeth harshly, sucking until you’re sure that his skin has turned the color of the prettiest violet. 
When you lick at your work to help ease the ache, a moan gets caught in his throat. You rub your thighs together. His noises always get to you, always make your pussy weep inside of your panties. With his chest rising and falling rapidly, he pulls you off and pushes you back onto the bed, a little forcefully, but you don’t mind. He’s always been a little rough with you. Stars are known to be destructive from time to time. 
He crowds your space, taking a spot in between your open legs. Being sat on the bed, his abdomen is eye level, and he pulls you to his tummy when he twines both his hands in your hair again. You lick the center line off his abs before you kiss, wet and open mouthed.
“Yeah, kiss me there,” he moans. 
You peek up quickly, and see that his head is tilted back again, blissfully letting your mouth work over his skin. His hands in your hair massage at your scalp encouragingly. Gentle and subconscious with his movements. His abs tense and jump when you nibble at one of the bumps of muscle, and he pushes into you, eager, maybe a little desperate. Although he would never admit that. 
He holds you there, guiding you where he wants you till he’s pleased and backs away from the bed enough for you to have space on the floor when you drop to your knees.
Your pussy pulses, gets a fluttery heart beat of its own, as you watch Carlos undo his belt. Anticipation makes you sink a hand between your thighs, makes you press and put a little pressure on your cunt to give you just a bit of relief. 
His hands are big and strong, and the glint of the belt buckle matches the glint of the rings that decorate his fingers. The glint of the zipper as he pulls it down. He rubs himself over his boxers, shimmying his jeans down just little as he does it.
“Do you wanna kiss me here too?” He’s smiling a tiny smile, talking quietly as his fingertips play with the tip of his cock. He sounds a little breathless too. 
“Please,” you all but whimper, mouth watering.
He hums, while he drags his briefs down his length until it springs out and bounces back to his tummy. He sighs when he starts to stroke himself with one hand, the other settling on your face, petting a little before he taps an open palm on it.
You try to hold in the moan, but when his hand connects with your skin again, just a little harder than before, you can’t. It makes Carlos’s hand on his cock speed up. His mouth parts in awe. Gripping your jaw, he pushes it side to side, and you just let him. You let him play with you like a little doll. Another teasing smack lands on your face.
He sighs, lust filled and dreamy. “God, you’d let me do whatever I want to you, wouldn’t you?” His thumb is running over the slightly reddened skin of your cheek. You nod in his hold. 
You would. It’s scary to think about, the extent you feel like you’d go to, to have him, what you’d let him do, let him get away with.
He brings his cock to your lips, but pulls it back when you try to suckle it. You pout, and then he taps the tip of it against your lips, groaning when he says, “Yeah, I know you would, you’re so good to me, so perfect,” he taps the length of his cock on your cheek a few times, he marvels at the little string of precum that connects his tip to the apple of your cheek. 
His cock feels thick and hot and a pleasant kind of heavy on your cheek, much like how it feels on your tongue. When he finally lets you taste him, you start by curling your tongue around the crown, licking up some of the precum that has dribbled from his slit. You love it when he leaks for you. It shows you what you do to him, how bad he wants you. He confirms it when he sighs small affirmations.
“That’s it, such a good girl for me.”
 You look at him, smiling a little at the praise, tongue teasing his slit, and his face makes your pussy throb. His mouth is parted and his eyes are hooded, like he wants to close them, bask in the pleasure, but keeps them open because the desire to watch you with his cock in your mouth outweighs it. He pushes his hips forward.
“Suck it, baby,” he whispers, soft and salacious as he guides the tip past your lips, little by little until it touches the back of your throat.
You’re confident about a few things, but your head game is close, if not at the top of your list. Little to no gag reflex to hold you back, mouth wet and sloppy as you drool all over his length. Tongue skilled as it moves up and down the sensitive vein running on the underside, while your throat contracts around his tip. 
His hips stutter like he’s gonna pull out before he pushes in as far as he can, hands forming a makeshift ponytail with your hair as he holds you down, buries your nose in the coarse patch of groomed hair at the base of his cock. He moans, whines, high pitched and loud. He pulls out of your throat with a gasp.
“Fuck, your mouth,” he drools, praises. 
He gives you a second to catch your breath, admires the way your eyes are glassy with tears, mascara smudging the slightest bit, surely to be running by the time he’s done with you. You love it when he fucks you hard enough to make you cry, hard enough to make your makeup run. It shows how well he did it, how badly he made you fall apart. He’s got a few pictures on his phone of you looking ruined and fucked out. He says you look so pretty like that, with teary eyes, a messy face, and hair knotted from being fucked into the mattress. 
Then he’s fucking your mouth. Hand coming down to your neck so he can feel the way his cock fills it up every time his hips snap forward. His body curls over yours some as he bends a little to reach your neck, and you can feel the heat from his body ignite the air around you as he slides deeper, inch by inch . 
Every time he pulls out you take a quick breath through your nose, before he’s pushing in again, your throat like a spit-slick cocksleeve designed specifically for him. The perfect amount of wet and the tightest type of grip. His breathing is audible and ragged above you, harsh huffs, and occasional moans color the air when you swallow around him. His cock is so hard and hot in your mouth, throbbing and pulsing on your tongue. 
Your hands are on his thighs and you can feel them tense, almost tremble as he pulls your head down onto him over and over again. He’s less considerate now, stingy with the breaths he allows you to take while he chases that high.  He’s groaning loud and unabashed, and you’re choking, bubbles of spit forming at the corners of your mouth and around the base of his cock. He holds you down one more time, shaking your head by the ponytail so that the tip of his cock rubs against the back of your throat then he’s hastily pulling you off.
You rest your forehead on his lower belly, trying to catch your breath. You can feel him too, getting a hold of himself, due to the expanding of his stomach as he takes deep breaths. He still has his hands on you, touching just like always, running his fingers through your hair. Until he’s pulling you up by it.
He’s quick to get his lips on you, and his tongue is quick to slide into your mouth. When he tastes himself on you, he sighs, smiles into the kiss. With hands cupping your face, you smile back, basking in the attention and sweet affection. You reach your hand down and grab his cock and his hips jerk. He pulls away at first before subtly fucking into your hand and moaning. You drink it down like the sweetest champagne, his sounds intoxicating in their own right. 
“Fuck,” he whispers as he rests his forehead against yours, “wanted to cum in that mouth so bad… wanna cum in your hand right now,” he pushes a long slow thrust into your palm, his foreskin sliding with his movements. He sounds like it’s so difficult to hold back, to keep from cumming right there in the palm of your hand.  “You’ve got me so hot baby, wanna cum inside you…” He places the softest, pleading kiss to your lips. 
It almost sounds like a question, his voice light and airy, lilting up at the end. Soft and gentle as he brushes his nose against yours, a gesture that is as painful as it is sweet, a touch too tender for what you both are. But it makes you keen in his hold, body pressing to his, as close as you can get. 
Your hands are running over him, and his running over you, just taking up each other’s space, breathing each other’s breaths. His hands slide to your hips and spin you around so you’re facing the bed, a little rough, impatient, as they yank your pants and panties down. They knead at your ass, when you lower to your forearms and arch your back, presenting yourself to him. 
Carlos drops to his knees behind you, spreads your cheeks so he can see your cunt, pretty and pink and glistening. He rubs his two first fingers in between your plush lips, and your legs spread wider. You push back into his touch.
“Just fuck me, please, I can’t wait,” you breathe.
He hums, plays with your pussy a little more before you feel him spit on it. Then he buries his face into you, tongue coming out and licking from your clit, to your core, all the way to your hole between your spread cheeks. He swirls his tongue around it and you peep, the feeling oddly pleasant, but unexpected. Carlos huffs a little laugh  while he pulls away. He sheds his pants, and you follow suit, before settling atop the bed, once more on all fours.
His big hands fall on your ass, jiggling it a little. He groans at the way the fatty part ripples before settling back into place. Gripping his cock with one hand and pulling a cheek to the side with the other, he rubs the tip between your silky lips. The sloppy, wet noises fill the room, loud and clear. The sound of the distant chatter and subdued party music outside the door is distant, barely there, all your focus on Carlos. He hisses as he watches his cock sink inside of you.
“So wet…” he rasps out as he fucks into you with shallow thrusts. He can see your arousal shiny and sticky on his cock, no lube needed.
You nod as your head dips, hanging between your forearms. He bottoms out and you let out a high pitched whine. “Yeah, want you so bad, baby…”
He stays buried to the hilt for a moment, hands running over your ass, your back, squeezing at the smallest part of your waist. His touch feels so good, electric on your skin. But you’ve felt his cock before, many times, and you’re no stranger to how good that feels. It makes you lean forward, makes you drag your cunt up his length, before you push yourself back onto it. 
Carlos gasps, hands squeezing hard at the motion. “Fuck… keep doing that.”
You whimper as your work your pussy over him, throwing your hips back, fast and consistent. Getting high off the sounds Carlos is making behind you. The soft curses, the loud groans when you start to circle your hips slightly. The way he just lets you make him feel good. 
You collapse onto the bed, arms giving out due to the pleasure coursing through your body, and you turn your face to the side, hands gripping the sheets beneath you. His palm settles on the small of your back, halting your movements so that he can snap his hips forward, punching pleased gasps from you. You turn your face into the sheets, trying to quiet yourself. 
He doesn’t like that apparently. If the hand gripping your hair and yanking is enough to go by.
His body is over yours, chest to your back as he fucks into you with short, hard thrusts. “Wanna hear you pretty girl, want everyone to hear you,” he whispers in your ear.
You squirm in his hold, slowly getting overwhelmed by the way his body is making you feel, by the way you slowly climb higher and higher until you feel like you could touch the stars. “Feels… so good…” 
“Yeah, I fuck you the best don’t I?” he purrs, “Better than anyone before me? Better than anyone will after me too, right? Always gonna want this cock, aren’t you?”
You whine because you know it’s true. You know no matter what you do or what happens between you and Carlos, he’s always going to live in your head, always going to have a place in your heart, your body is always going to remember him and long for him. Not even just in a sexual sense either. You think he knows this all too well.
He pulls out of you with a ragged breath before situating himself on his side behind you. He urges you to push yourself against him, back to his front, spooning. He grips the thigh of your top leg, pulls it up to your chest.
“Keep them open,” he instructs.
You do as he says, looking down your body where you see him bring the tip of his cock to your center again. He’s watching you though, braced on his elbow, while his free hand guides himself into you. The way your eyes roll back before squeezing shut with knitted brows makes Carlos sigh, the way your mouth drops open when he pushes in the last few inches makes him moan.
He’s going slow. Long, punctuated plunges into your cunt. He’s got his face buried in the place where your neck meets your shoulders. Breathing out lewd moans, his grip on your hip tightens as he bites and kisses at your throat, breath scalding as he pants into your skin.
“Love your pussy, fuck…” he brings skilled fingers to your clit and starts to massage with tight constant circles. You buckle in his hold, glance down at his hand again, watching as he touches you just the way you like, the way he knows you like. The way he knows will get you shaking in no time.
“Please let me cum,” you beg.
He hasn’t purposefully been edging you, but you’re worked up. Usually he fingers you, goes down on you, before you even get his cock inside of you. But due to the change in routine today and the lack of stimulation, the pressure in your core has been building quick, almost putting you at your breaking point already. 
He’s well aware, voice teasing yet aroused when he coos, “You wanna cum baby? Yeah, you do?” 
You twist in his hold some so that you can look at him, show him the tears in your eyes, hoping that they convey how badly you want to do just that. 
His eyes are shiny too, pleasure so raw and apparent in them. He kisses you, licks into your mouth as he keeps that slow pace to his hips. The one that’s so deep, the one that brushes your sweet spot inside every time he glides against your sensitive walls. 
“Want you to cum too,” he says it with a sigh, like he’s so close, just needs you to finish him off, “you’ve got me so… think I could cum just from being inside you while you cream on my cock, just from feeling that messy little cunt cum around me,” he’s moaning as he speaks, his hips losing rhythm, speeding up some as he gets closer.
You nod, the hand you’re leaning on holding tight at the sheets, the other keeping your legs spread. “Yeah, want you to cum inside me, cum with me…” Your eyes are closed, and your voice is kind of delirious as you feel it all come to a head. Your pussy is already tightening around him.
He hisses. “There you go, that’s it baby… can feel how close you are,” his hips have almost stopped, just the smallest, minute little thrusts still going. He brings the fingers on your clit down to your leaking cunt just for a second getting them nice and wet before circling your bud again, faster, a little harder than before. Focusing on your pleasure, on making you finish. You keen as the leg you’re holding up starts to shake.
“Gonna cum,” you warn, the hand that was gripping the sheets coming up to your tit to play with your nipple.
Carlos curses on a moan, “Yeah, fuck… me too.”
He feels it, the way your body goes tense before you let go. How you tremble against him as your orgasm rushes through you, moans and whimpers falling from your lips. Your pussy clenching around his cock is what sends him over the edge. 
“Fuck, I’m cumming-” he gasps out quickly, before biting down on your shoulder, grunts of pleasure muffled as he fucks into you as deep as he can, repeatedly, with those small thrusts. You feel his cock throb inside of you, cum filling you up. 
You smile, serene and spent when he goes limp behind you. His arm comes around your waist, pulls you closer. He keeps his cock tucked inside. You run your fingertips over his arm and feel the slight scabbing of the stars on his skin.
He shivers at the touch. Sitting up some, he curls over you. Your eyes are still closed, content, chest still rising and falling with your deep breaths. He leans in and kisses you, so sweet. Tastes like rose petals dipped in sugar. 
He’s still on your lips when he mutters, “Now we have to figure out a way to get out of here without getting any cum on Lando’s sheets.”
You giggle, nod, and then kiss him again. You’ll clean up in a little. 
It’s deliberate, the way you choose not to think about the reason why he wants to clean up, get going. How he doesn’t want to stay the night with you. 
“I want you to get out a pen and a piece of paper and then clear off the rest of your belongings.”
School is back in session, winter break ending far too soon. It’s your last semester, your degree is so close you can almost taste it, with only 3 classes left till you’re walking the stage in your cap and gown. One of the classes is a writing class that you saved till the end of your university run so you had something to look forward to. 
It’s a Thursday afternoon and you’re sitting in the back of your Creative Writing lecture hall. Someone’s eating so it smells disgustingly of peanut butter and the seats are filled with college students who just rolled out of bed at 12pm, everyone slightly disheveled and the crowd lackluster as the professor paces the front of the room. She’s quickly become one your favorites however, the last few weeks in her class proving to be entertaining as well as educational. You paw your sweater sleeve up in your fist and hold it to your nose and lean forward attentively.
“Now, I want you to think about someone you love. It can be a real person, fictional, completely imaginary. Dead or alive. Old or young. Doesn’t matter. You just have to love them.”
Of course starry doe-eyes flash in your mind. A crooked grin that pulls down a little farther on the right side. The centered mole just under his bottom lip that you kiss softly, so often when he’s distracted. The scar on his cheek that you run your fingers over when he’s resting on you. You do love Carlos, you have for a while now.
“Write that person’s name at the top. They are going to be the model of basis and foundation for one of the characters in the short story project that we have due mid-April. So you’ve got approximately 2 months to finish it.” 
A chorus of groans sound around the hall. The boy in front of you rests his head on his arms, looking defeated.
“Hey,” your professor laughs, “this is the last year for most of you and this is the only project you have this semester. And it was in the syllabus. Not sure why you all sound so despondently surprised. You didn’t really think you would get through the whole course without one did you?” she inquires, still pacing the front of the room with a quirked brow.
You honestly don’t mind. It will be a good distraction when you’re left to entertain yourself. Carlos’s actually been more on top of his apprenticeship attendance lately. It’s a good thing of course, but you don’t see him as much as you used to. That’s not to say that you aren’t together an incessant amount, just a bit less than normal. You scribble a tiny ‘Chili ♡’ at the top of your paper.
“Now with your muse in mind, I’m going to ask you a series of questions so that we can get some finite details about your fictional character on paper for you to use and reference as you’re writing,” she pauses, clicks to another slide on the projector. “What is their favorite color?”
After writing the question you pause. Surely it’s red right? That’s basically the only color he wears. Maybe black? You had helped him color his hair black just a few days ago, the stains on your pillow a lightish grey colored reminder every night… Still, you go with your first instinct, scrawling ‘red’ on the lined paper.
“Their birthday?”
You’re quick to answer this one, he’s a Virgo, so his birthday is… A small frown starts to tug at the corners of your lips. What day in September did he say? Did he ever say? Did you guys ever even actually talk about birthdays? ‘Virgo’ gets written next to question 2.
“Are they close to their parents? Closer to the mother or father? Are they estranged? If you know why, please elaborate.”
You know you don’t know this one. Fairly certain Carlos hasn’t even mentioned them in passing.
“What role, or character archetype are they playing in your story?” she clasps her hands in front of her. “Are they the hero? The love interest? The villain?”
You answer that one hastily.
A few more questions are asked, some that you can answer, some that you can’t. They gradually get deeper, more personal as your professor carries on with them.
“Okay. Now I want you to think hard about this character, and about the muse you’ve crafted them after. Could you answer all of the questions I asked?” She moves a weighted gaze around the room. You feel like she’s looking directly at you when she speaks again. “Do you really love the person you chose for the basic character prototype? Again, they could have been real, imaginary or fictional, but do you really love them, or do you love the idea of them? The version of them that you have pieced together in those brains of yours.”
Your heart stops for just a moment, you can almost feel how you pale, the color draining from your cheeks. She continues.
“I only ask because I want you to grow to love the character you are creating. This isn’t Psychology, I’m not here to make you question the love, or emotions you do or don’t feel,” the class laughs at this. The class with the exception of you. “But I am here to make you better writers. And one skill that you can have as a writer, a creative, or fiction writer especially, is building a connection with your characters. You’re going to be working on their, the character you’re outlining, story for the next few months. And when I read your work I want to be able feel the connection you have with them.” 
She waits for it to sink in before continuing. “So I ask again: Do you love the muse you’ve chosen, or do you love the idea of them? Because loving someone and loving the idea of them are two completely different things. To love an idea of someone or something is to love it in a very surface level and/or superficial way. Still with me?” she questions.
You are, but you wish you weren’t. You think you’re going to be sick.
“Good, so as I was saying. It’s superficial. To be blunt, you love them for what they could be not for what they really are. As writers, many of us are guilty of this.”
The thing about being a hopeless romantic is that you think about life in could be’s.
“To truly love someone or something is to know all the little details about them, their virtues and their flaws. The reason why they prefer winter to spring. How old they were when they got their heartbroken for the first time. When they figured out who they are as a person, or if they are still searching. I asked those questions at the beginning of class to get you thinking.” 
Your hands are starting to tremble just a little. Words on your paper coming out sloppy. You do love Carlos.
Your professor takes a deep breath, flips to another slide. “How can you expect to love the character when you don’t even truly love who they are modeled after?”
The room is quiet for a second. Someone raises their hand.
“Isn’t it possible for characters to change as you write them? Like I can’t change my person, but I can change my character, like write them the way I want so that I end up loving them.”
Your professor laughs again, light and airy as if she expected someone to ask. “Ah, yes. Character development is a thing of course. Although this is something that happens naturally throughout the story. But to change your character, like how you described?” she shakes her head and tsks, “Is it really love if you have to change them?”
The sound of your paper crumpling is blaring in the quiet room. You pull out a new sheet, writing your sister’s name at the top. Her favorite color is green, her birthday is July 8th, she’s closer to your dad because you and your mom have always had a bond she couldn’t recreate with her, she’s the hero in the story, not the love interest like Carlos was… The lecture continues, and you don’t even notice when the bell rings, too busy thinking about how you do love Carlos.
Carlos’s playing the newest version of Final Fantasy on his PS, the one you got him for Valentine’s day just a few days ago. You remembered him passively saying that he hadn’t played since he was little, and how he said he missed racing the chocobo’s. 
His eyes flicker between his tv and you walking around his room. You’ve been to his apartment many times, but still, you always move around and take everything in like it’s your first time there; your fingers running over his manga collection in the corner, tidying up his desk, lighting the linen candle you brought from your place. 
‘A gentle smell’ you had told him with a sweet smile, ‘because you’re sensitive to certain scents.’
He gets distracted, the pleated skirt you’re wearing catching his eye even more than the improved graphics of the game. He doesn’t quite hear you when you speak up.
“Huh?” he asks, dragging his gaze up your body only to be met with a knowing look of your own. He smiles sheepishly.
You roll your eyes, before taking a seat in his computer chair, not too far from his bed where he’s sat. Flipping through one of his tattoo sketchbooks you ask again, “What’s your favorite color?”
Carlos isn’t surprised when you decide to make conversation. Before you started wandering around his room, you were on the bed with him while he played but you were a little fidgety and fussy, like you had something on your mind. He suspected you got up to try and distract yourself from your thoughts.
He hums and tells you that it’s black, maybe red. 
You ask his birthday next. He tells you September 1st. 
Adjusting himself against the headboard of his bed, he opens for you when you make your way to him, crawling across his duvet. You take it upon yourself to settle between his thighs, back against his chest. He wraps his arms around you and continues to play, his chin resting atop your head. He smiles to himself when he feels you start to trace the stars on his arm.
“Are you close to your parents?” you question again.
He makes a small pondering noise. “Not really.”
“Why not?”
“Uh- they worked a lot I guess and-” He pauses. You don’t sound like you’re prying, just soft curiosity lacing your tone, but he still hesitates. “Why are you asking?”
You hum and lean up a little to peck at the line of his jaw. He purrs at the contact, content. “Just wondering,” you state, pressing back into his chest.
It’s quiet for a bit, you annoyingly plucking at the little bit of arm hair he has, making him laugh and playfully scold you, nuzzling into you and nipping at your cheek in retaliation. You giggle and he gets that sharp feeling in his chest, just like he always does.
He thinks that’s the end of your questioning but too soon, you speak up again. “Do you prefer Winter or Spring?”
“Winter, but my favorite season is Fall,” he says glancing down at you quickly before redirecting his attention to his game again. “You’re being weird, are we playing 20 questions or something? No, I’m not a virgin. What color panties are you wearing?” he asks, trying to make a joke.
He chuckles when you lift your skirt to check before flipping it down again. “Pink,” you reply.
You’re about to talk again but he interrupts you, “Wait let me see, I didn’t get a good look.”
He hears you huff and can imagine you rolling your eyes as you do what he asks. You put it down again after a few seconds.
“Just a little longer,” he tries.
“Ugh, can you stop,” you say, a giggle leaking into the words, “I’m trying to talk to you!”
He groans over dramatically like he’s exhausted, but he gives in. He always does with you. 
“How old were you when you lost it? Your virginity?”
The fond feeling in his chest starts to dwindle, and Carlos can feel the first little pricks of irritation poke at him as he answers your question shorter than before. “17 or 18.”
You make a small surprised noise, looking up at him shocked. “Really that old?”
He doesn’t glance back, stays focused on his game, hoping that you get the hint that he doesn’t want to ‘talk’ like this. “Yeah, I was a late bloomer and also an idiot.”
You smile at him before going back to tracing his tattoos. “I doubt you were an idiot. That was just part of your story, a little chapter in your life.”
He tenses at your words but shortly after, a lull falls into the conversation. But as soon as Carlos relaxes, a small frown takes over his face when you ask if the girl had been his girlfriend. And again, you don’t sound overbearing or anything, but he knows you can tell he’s not interested or invested in your questions. The atmosphere has shifted from pleasant and content to stiff and vexatious.
“Yup,” he says, voice taking a stern edge despite his efforts to mask it. 
He feels you tense against his chest, your fingers halting on his arm. “Are you mad at me?” you ask hesitantly.
Immediately he feels bad, and sighs. “No, I’m not,” he says quietly, trying to be gentle. 
But it seems you just don’t get it, because not even a few minutes later you’re asking, “How long were you together?”
And he does his best to not snap at you, but he can’t stop himself when he goes rigid behind you and his words come out harsh and scathing. “Why does it matter and why the fuck are you interrogating me all of a sudden?”
You turn around between his legs and gape at him with a shocked expression. “I’m not interrogating you? I’m literally just making conversation? Trying to get to know you better?” 
“And why’s that?” he says, his tone flippant and annoyed.
You pout and furrow your brows. “Am I not allowed to get to know you?”
His jaw ticks and he casts an annoyed gaze around his room, looking anywhere but at you, as if not acknowledging the confused and hurt arch of your brow will make it go away. “You haven’t tried to in the last what? Five months?”
“Six,” you correct him quietly.
You sound unsure, like you don’t know why he’s lashing out like he is. And to be fair, it’s out of character for him, at least with you. He’s really not this cold towards you very often, almost ever. 
Usually things with you both are great, easy. Fitting together in each other’s lives almost perfectly. So seamlessly they are almost completely intertwined at this point. You meeting him for his breaks at his lessening shifts at the coffee shop, him meeting you after classes when he doesn’t have work, going to each other’s places after he gets off from his apprenticeship. The parties every now and again. The tattoos. 
But he supposes it’s easy to put two blank canvases together when there are no details known about either of them. That’s what he was hoping for at least.
“So am I just not allowed to?” you repeat when he stays silent.
With an irked groan he tosses his controller to the side and rubs his hands over his face, rakes them through his navy hair. “I just don’t get why you are asking in the first place.”
You regard him quietly for a moment, taking in his bored stare. He knows the disinterest in his tone is agonizingly apparent, and he knows it hurts you, just like the detached dismissal that he has ready on the tip of his tongue will. He expects you to keep pushing, to bicker with him just so he doesn’t give you the silent treatment. 
He doesn’t expect you to start crawling off his bed. 
He sighs and reaches out for you, getting a grip on your arm before you can get away completely. “C’mon, what are you doing? Are you mad at me now?”
“I’m not mad, I just don’t see the point in staying here if you aren’t going to talk to me.” You’re trying to sound impassive, but he can hear the hurt in your voice.
“But I am talking to you. I talk to you all the time, what do you mean?” He hates that he almost sounds like he’s whining, but he just doesn’t understand and he’s frustrated that you are prying and making things deeper than they need to be, than they should be.
“Not about things that matter,” you reply curtly.
“But the things you’re asking about literally do not matter, ___,” he states, just as short.
You hang your head back and he can see your lashes fluttering rapidly. He knows you’re trying to not cry. Blinking to rid your eyes of unshed tears. You do that sometimes, cry when you get frustrated. As articulate as you are, sometimes things are hard to get out. You sound defeated and disheartened, but your words also have a hurt edge to them when you say, “They matter to me, anything that has to do with you matters to me.”
He knew you were close to tears, but when you look at him with glossy eyes, he softens almost instantly.
“Baby,” he coos, sighing again as he tugs you back to between his legs, back to his chest like when the conversation first started. He wraps his arms around you and kind of sways a little as he pecks your hair. “I just don’t think it’s important. Like the past is the past, and that’s it, you know?”
He knows you’re pouting, and your voice is short and whiny when you insist, “I just want to know.”
He hangs his head back and knocks it lightly against his headboard, trying to be patient with you. “It wasn’t like a bad relationship or anything like that but I just-”
“Does it still bother you?”
“No, but it’s still something I’d rather not think or talk about,” he’s talking to you slowly, like a child. 
You’re quiet for some time, but Carlos just waits, knows you have more questions.
It’s tentative and rushed when you speak again. “Was she your only girlfriend? If it wasn’t a bad relationship, why did you break up with her?”
 He takes a deep breath, actively trying to not be short with you. “She was the only serious one, and she broke up with me. Nothing really happened.” He shrugs, tone getting softer as he speaks. “Just the stereotypical case of unreciprocated love, or like one person just not feeling it anymore.”
“So you loved her?” It asked so quietly that he almost doesn’t hear you over the chimes of his game still playing in the background, forgotten and now sound tracking the trepid atmosphere around you.
He doesn’t verbally reply, just nods. He knows you’ll feel the movement.
It hurts him when you go still in his hold. Like you didn’t want that to be the answer. You recover quickly, however, inquiring him again. “Did she break your heart?”
He can’t help but laugh a little behind you, the words sounding far too dramatic for him. “Yeah I guess so?” he answers, “But it wasn’t like traumatizing if that’s what you’re thinking. I just cared for her more than she cared about me in the end. That’s how it always is, right?” He pauses, hums like he’s thinking. “Plus she was the first girl I was with, blah blah blah, you know how the story goes.”
You make a confused noise in front of him like you’re trying to understand and wrap your head around what he just said. “Did that really not affect you at all?”
You’re probably wondering why he is the way he is, if his first heartbreak isn’t his anti-commitment origin story. He doesn’t blame you.
Jeongg thinks about his words for a second. He’s not lying. It wasn’t traumatizing. Maybe it did change him, how he views things, people, love. But it wasn’t tragic. He just kind of became this way as he got older. He has no real backstory for why he is the way he is, why he loves to be loved but will never love in return. Not in the way the other person deserves, at least. Even if he wanted to, he never would. Because as selfish as it is, the one thing he craves more than love, than anything, is his freedom. And in his head he can’t have it all. 
And maybe that is tragic in a sense, but he’s never really thought of it as a bad thing. Knows that sometimes in order to have something he wants, he has to give up something else. 
“I mean… I see love differently now. I don’t know if my viewpoint changed because of the break up or just because I got older and realized what’s important to me, but I probably used to think about love closer to the way you do… head in the clouds,” he nudges you playfully, like he’s trying to lighten the mood, “too much faith in people. A top tier romantic and the number one idealist.”
He knows it’s hard to picture. But he was more like you than he would care to admit. Maybe that’s why he’s so much more careful with you. Because he knows.
“How do you see love now?”
Sometimes Carlos thinks he’s heartless. But when you ask him questions like that, the kind that you already know the answer to, but ask anyway, hoping that he will tell you something different, tell you what you want to hear… He knows he’s not because his heart aches in his chest. 
He knows he’s not heartless, because he does his best to be soft with you, to make whatever this is between you both, as painless as possible. And that’s why he never lies to you about this kind of stuff, because he knows if he did, it would hurt so much more later. And he doesn’t want that. Carlos is selfish with you, but he never wants to hurt you.
“You know how I see it, ___,” he murmurs softly, like he’s trying to be gentle. Almost like he’s reminding you. “Why are you asking questions that you know are going to-”
Hurt you.
He doesn’t say it, because he doesn’t need to. He knows you know that’s what he means. 
He feels bad when you start to backtrack. “No, no. I’m not. It’s okay…” you rush out as you shift onto your knees and face him again, hands coming up to cup his face. “Thank you for telling me,” You kiss him gently, hands squeezing, thumb rubbing over the scar on his cheek. You’re too soft, too good for someone like him. “I’m sorry for being nosy, I was just curious.”
His hands on your hips squeeze, and he pulls you closer, brushes his nose against yours before he kisses you. “It’s okay, I’m sorry for getting upset just-” he breathes hot and sharp against your lips, “Kiss me.”
Falling into each other after moments like these is easy. It’s been happening more lately, rough talks turning into rough touches. But again, it’s just so simple. It’s easy to stop the fights and the questions with his lips against yours, it’s easy to forget the things he does behind your back when he has you on yours beneath him, and it’s easy to pretend like that’s all there is. Just you and him. Two parts of the same star you might say. 
But even though it’s simple, Carlos still wonders how long easy will be enough. 
part 3 will not take as long as part 2 did cause i just need to write a little bit more until im done. i hope u guys are loving it so far. if u do dont forget to like a reblog <3
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ladiesofhpfest · 7 months
Upcoming Monthly Mini: GEN HERMIONE GRANGER DAY on 1 March 2024
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Have you ever heard Hermione Granger called the fandom broom or bicycle? Well, now you have! Hermione is the most-paired female character in the Harry Potter fandom. For our special mini day in honor of Hermione Granger, we're giving the fandom broom a rest! She's not riding anyone! That's right, it's GEN HERMIONE DAY. This means NO romantic pairings of any kind, canon or otherwise. All platonic and familial relationships are welcome!* Here are some ideas to get you started:
Hermione's career, starting from post-war to her role as Minister of Magic
Hermione pre-Hogwarts, the little witch who didn't know she was a witch
Hermione and her parents pre/post Obliviation
Hermione character study
Hermione and Crookshanks
Hermione and her friends (or lack thereof!)
Hermione coming to terms with her magic, her identity as a Muggleborn, as an outcast
*If a familial relationship, any romantic pairing can be implied/referenced. However, the romantic pairing cannot play a major role in the fic. Ex: if you're writing a story about Hermione and Rose, Ron can be mentioned but his relationship with Hermione should be background only. 
We're celebrating Hermione Granger, gen style, so get your quills out and get ready to see her standing on her own! 
Monthly mini guidelines below the cut:
Monthly mini guidelines: To participate in our monthly minis, simply post your fic/art to Tumblr and tag @ladiesofhpfest and/or post it to the monthly mini channel on Discord. Details on monthly minis:
Minimum word count: 100.
Betas are strongly recommended, but not required for monthly minis. However, as all works reflect the fest as a whole, we request that all submitted works should be proofread and spell-checked before they are posted. Our ladies deserve nothing but the best!
Only original written fics and created artwork will be accepted.
You don't have to be part of the server to participate! You can always post to Tumblr and/or AO3. If you post to AO3, you are encouraged to post to the monthly mini collection at: https://archiveofourown.org/collections/ladies_of_hp_fest_monthly_minis/profile.
Unless otherwise stated, monthly minis will take place on the 1st and 15th of each month.
Monthly minis begin 1 November and will end 15 April. They'll begin again with new characters after next year's fest!
Come join us on Discord for more!
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