#happy festa y'all ♡
a-namjoon-a-day · 1 year
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Happy Joon & Yoon Tuesday =)
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taechnological · 2 years
Hey Sae!
My plans for enjoying CB and Festa got derailed and I've just caught up (I think? Still not sure I've watched or read the important stuff) and I'm slightly disoriented and didn't know who to ask or search so
I'm here😅
I keep reading about people referencing emotional stuff that happened and is that about the Real Bangtan Dinner?
It was emotional but so funny and sincere in true Bangtan style!
I love Namjoon just aggressively pointing whenever someone echoed his sentiments and Jimin's knowing smiles at him doing that xD
Also, Jungkook and his 3 dads NamJinMin being proud about him growing up 😢
That whole tattoo brainstorming session gave me so much life! Not Namjoon making faces at getting a red line (I knew he's the real tsundere afterall) and Yoongi just saying I love my members let's get a red line, I love Min Yoongi like this xD
Hobi throughout the whole thing was a M O O D. My man was just like:
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Okay the ending really got to me. Was not expecting Jimin to start the crying and Namjoon to tear up and Yoongi shedding a tear aswell. Namjoon saying they just want to be happy without the rules of the world 😭😭😭
It reminded me of 2018.
But is that the emotional part? Not looking down on anyone if they're sad, we all have our own relationship with BTS and different reactions ♡
And like I'm so HYPED up for all the albums even with just the small snippets we got of Yoongi and RM's veteran album advice to Jimin's thoughts on his first foray into making his own music to Taehyung's perfectionism.
So I was just confused I missed something😅 Since they themselves said they're not disbanding, just taking a break and want to show us more individual side of each member.
Sorry this ask got so long. 😬
But I can't end it without mentioning now I NEED BTS performing as 100 year olds sonehow now that Yoongi has put it in my head xD But him and Jungkook just immediately acting like 100 year olds was just ????? xD
It's so Jin to shut.down. all mentions of him actingxD He really is about to open a gaming youtube channel and just live off that
LMAOOO HII HAHA okay so i gueas this is when i admit that i STILL haven't got the time to watch that video in full, only in small parts 😭😭😭 (or u would have seen me spamming the whole dash with screenshots from it dhdjjs) anyway i promise to make time tmrw and FINALLY watch it, your ask added fuel to the fire !! haha ♡
but yes the ending part was the "sad" part, and like u i also won't invalidate anyone's feelings but, y'all.... trust bts pls. instead of jumping to conclusions or comparing them with others just listen to THEIR own words and u will realize that nothing is broken and everything is good and even better than before actually bc now they're moving forward in a path which is actually healthy for them! let's just support them in this journey instead of crying over smth which is... not even happening pls!
(again, thanks for the push i'll definitely make sure to finally watch the whole video tmrw lololol ♡)
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