#happy birthday monty
mollymontycats · 1 year
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Monty turns 6 today. Happy Birthday, Monty! 🥳🎉🎉🎉
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hyacinth-sims · 6 days
i can offer you this quick 1 hour mercutio i drew for tupperbox purposes on discord isn't he purdy
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ask-dimension71542 · 1 month
Can you wish me a happy birthday?
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HAPPY BIRTHDAY!!!!! (Sun made the cake)
(none of this is canon btw!!!!!) - Mod Bean
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lulublack90 · 6 months
Prompt 27 - Birthday
@jegulus-microfic March 27 Word count 902
Previous part First part
James arrived at his parent’s house the next morning with Sirius in tow. 
“Jamie!” Effie greeted him enthusiastically. Throwing her arms around him and hugging him so tightly, she lifted him off the floor. “Happy birthday, darling!” 
“Hi, Mum,” James beamed, feeling the love his mum gave him. She put him back on his feet and grabbed Sirius. “Hello, Sirius, sweetheart. How are you? You haven’t been around for ages, darling.” She released a guilty-looking Sirius. 
“Sorry, Effie. Moody wouldn’t let me out, and then we’ve been busy.” He pointed to James. “I promise I’ll make it up.” 
“Don’t be silly, Sirius. You don’t have anything to make up for. Just make sure you pop in when you can. We’ve missed you.” She smoothed his hair in a motherly way and herded them into the kitchen, where Monty was fighting with a frying pan.
“Effie, my love.” He didn’t need to say anymore as Effie swooped in and rescued the pan from him. He kissed her on the cheek in thanks and then rounded on his boys. 
“You don’t write, you don’t visit?” He joked as he scooped them both into his arms in a bone-breaking hug. 
Lunch was a jolly affair. Effie had cooked all James’s favourites and baked him a Victoria sponge cake. He blew out the candles after a rendition of Happy Birthday, and they sat in the living room enjoying a slice of cake and a cup of tea. 
Monty handed James a small pile of gifts, and Sirius pulled out a bottle of Ogden’s best firewhisky from Godric knows where complete with a huge red and gold bow. 
“We can crack it open tonight.” Sirius grinned, waggling his eyebrows. 
“Oh, are you having the girls over? How lovely.” Effie smiled as she watched James open the rest of his presents. He looked up at Sirius before he answered her. 
“Erm, no. Just me and Sirius. The others are busy.” He wasn’t sure if they were busy or not, but he couldn’t exactly tell his parents about the party his Death Eater friends were throwing him. 
“Oh, what a shame. I do miss Marlene and her crass mouth.” 
“Mum!” James cringed. For some unknown reason, his mother doted on Marlene, especially when she said the most outrageous things that you don’t say in front of your friend’s parents. 
They spent the rest of the afternoon chasing each other around the back garden on their brooms. They finally came back indoors, tired and sweaty but very much looking forward to the party later. 
“We’re going to get off, Mum,” James said as they walked back into the house. 
“What’s the rush? You and Sirius are just going to be alone drinking. Why not stay here, and I’ll make you my famous hangover breakfast for the morning?” They shuffled awkwardly. 
“Leave them be, Effie. They’re young men. They’re probably going round town.” Monty came to their rescue, giving them a cheeky wink as he ushered them towards the door. “Don’t leave it so long next time, boys.” He said as he hugged and kissed both of them before Effie could get her hands on them.
“Happy birthday, darling,” Effie squeezed him. They waved goodbye as they apparated back to Sirius’s flat. 
A quick shower and a change of clothes, and they were ready for Evan’s. 
Everyone was waiting for them when they arrived. 
“HAPPY BIRTHDAY!!!” They chorused as they dragged the pair into the ballroom. It had been decked out with hundreds of balloons that drifted around the room, illuminated by the fairy lights artfully looping around the room. 
They’d set up a table with food and drinks on it. In the centre was a beautiful golden cake decorated to look like a snitch. It had delicate spun sugar wings that fluttered gently as though the cake were flying. 
“Wow, guys, this is amazing. Thank you.” James couldn’t believe how much effort they’d put in for him. It hadn’t been very long ago that they’d have happily hurled curses at him, let alone plan a birthday party for him. 
Regulus tucked himself under James’s arm and handed him a small flat box. He gladly accepted it. It was very light, and he couldn’t even guess what could be inside it. He opened the black box, and there, nestled inside, were season tickets for Puddlemere United. His eyes went wide. 
“There’s two in there,” Regulus told him. “Hopefully, after the war is over. I’ll be able to use the other one. Until then, I suppose you can take my idiot brother.” James wrapped him in a hug and kissed him passionately.
“Thank you, Regulus. It’s my favourite gift ever.” He kissed him again, enjoying the pink flush that coloured Regulus’s face.
“Oi, and what about my gift?” Barty came over, breaking them apart. 
“Barty, you got him broom polish.” Regulus rolled his eyes at his friend. 
“Yeah, the best broom polish on the market. His broom’s going to be so smooth he’s going to slip right off it.” 
Sirius got the music playing, and then they were dancing. 
“James couldn’t believe he got to spend his birthday with his closest friends and his boyfriend. This was shaping up to be his best birthday ever, and when Regulus reached up and whispered in his ear and pulled him out of the room and upstairs, he decided it definitely was his best birthday.     
Next part
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anotherguynamedjeremy · 3 months
I'm kinda surprised to learn that Monty Oum (creator of RWBY) and Lie Ren shared the same birthday (June 22). But it kinda makes sense seeing as Monty voiced him in the first two volumes.
Anyway, happy birthday Monty Oum. I never got a chance to know you but I at least can enjoy something you created. Hope that it will get a chance to finish its story someday.
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Obligatory baby girl birthday post
Also guys, petition to make this an actual holiday (I’m not sure how but would be willing to do the research) I’m also not British (a minor inconvenience) but can work around that somehow if need be 🙂
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sun-e-chips · 2 years
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Thank you for everything you have brought to this community and for creating the world of Solar Lunacy!
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yonderghostshistories · 5 months
Happy 81st Birthday (5th May) to the Kindest, Most Epic GOATed Nicest Man Of Britain, SIR MICHAEL PALIN!!!
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stars-inthe-sky · 5 months
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san-shui · 3 months
Summary: "People don’t like taking help from Schnees as you can imagine . . ."
RWBY is protecting and aiding Vacuo, but how can Weiss do that if the people hate her? Not everyone forgives and forgets.
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Here it is, Mr. Kim Beom’s musical debut.
Happy birthday, sir 🎂
May you shine like you always do 💐
May your smile bring the cheer it always does to the darkness of this world ♥️
May you succeed in whatever you do 👍🏻
(Pictures courtesy the kind folks who shared them on Twitter and Instagram)
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mollymontycats · 3 months
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Happy 7th birthday, Monty. 🥳
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cold--carnage · 8 months
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Mercedes and Melchior, the beloved sneep snorps
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vomits0cutely · 6 months
James Potter spends his day having breakfast with his lovely parents and they watch their favourite show together and have fun and look through all photos and they had sm fun thinking about the past and talking about the future. Then Marlene and Peter come and visit James and his parents and they talk about them childhood and their favourite memories. Marls and Pete give James his birthday present, its a collage filled of photos, glitter and stickers and filled with little notes and written backstory of what happened in each photo. Everyone cries because it’s so cute and it’s a lovely present. Then James goes off with Pete, while Marls goes off to do something “urgent”, to see Remus and Sirius. James, Remus, Sirius and Pete go to a lovely cafe and they get coffee and tea and they talk about everything and anything, they have fun and have loads of laughs, then Sirius brings out their present which us a box, colourfully decorated and inside is James’ favourite sweets, photos of James with the others, in his deer form and by himself and his favourite muggle bands and sports teams. Then they put a bandana over James’ eyes and then bring him somewhere.
When they take his bandana off his eyes he sees, all his friends (Sirius, Remus, Pete, Marls, Lils, Reg, Frank, Alice, Barty, Pandora ect ect.) and they all around a decorated beach house covered in fairy light and laughter. James partys, drinks, drags everyone to the dance floor, dances, laughs, jokes, blows out his candles and wishes everyone and everything would stay this happy forever.
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surrealisticduvet · 2 years
good morning
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if you're reading this it means the graham birthday lockdown has begun. hopefully it doesn't get too silly. don't get me wrong, nobody enjoys good tumblr shenanigans more than me, except perhaps some of my mutuals. and their mutuals. come to think of it, most people enjoy tumblr shenanigans more than me. so let's just enjoy some good, clean celebration of this man's date of birth. hahaha.
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terrible-chudovysko · 2 years
Hi buds!
Today is my 🎊birthday🎊 and I would be very grateful for donation ⭐here⭐ (to don't let russian bomb or rocket fucking kill me or my friends with relatives 😀🤙) more info 💫here💫
Or you also can order a commission from me or share your favorite artwork of mine!💗💗💗
Stay safe and have a great day🎊🎊🎊
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