#happy 13y i guess
komehyappyou · 2 years
Naruto jinnosho/4thDatabook timeline Strange..
In some corner of character pages, some tell event dates. I flipped through the book, and found 29 of them. I think it's all of it. Let's construct timeline. y = years ago from 4th war end. (character)
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??y (Kaguya) - Kaguya subdued neverending conflict, and so was called a goddess, and gained people's respect. ~67y (Tobirama) - Hashirama becomes Hokage, As Shodai's counselor, as 2nd Hokage, Tobirama made cold/composed organization structure. ~66y (Madara) - Madara leaves Konoha, becomes missing nin. Madara's beliefs unable to gain support by his fellow members. Alone, chose the path of Konoha rebellion. ~66y (Oonoki) - Younger days was completely defeated by Madara, idiom(unable to lift hand,feet -> so powerless/outmatched as if Oonoki was paralyzed.). In the depths of hopelessness, the shine of his will weakened.
~??y 2nd great War
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~31y (Hiruzen) - As part of a group of Tobirama's elite guard corps, worked on a unified mission with Danzo, and Homura, etc, ~31y (Danzo) - With Hiruzen thet (idiom)polish/sharpen each other, Danzo dreamed of the Hokage's position. ~31y (Tsunade) - Tsunade's will comprised of dreams of her loved ones. To become Hokage, To protect everyone, Mid-Ambition, his life was lost. Dan's desires that Tsunade inherits. many jp fans believe Tobirama died in 2nd Shinobi war also. if you believe it, then we can estimate Hokage terms like this...
1st (Hashirama) 67y-55?y. ~12y+ term, Tsunade's age. Doesn't make sense for Tsunade to be granddaughter.
2nd(Tobirama) 55?y-31y, ~19y- term, 67-31=36y + 24(Izuna's death age) = +60s years old. Seems fit Hashirama's first person pronoun change from jump magazine to book. "washi"(old man) -> "ore"(normal male pronoun in anime, but rough in real life. ),Tobirama keeps "washi", so sounds old.
3rd(Hiruzen) 33y-18y, 17y-4y, 26y term; 4th(Minato) 1y term;
5th(Tsunade) ~4y term,since after 4th war quits i think
6th(Kakashi) +10years guess because comic in zainosho.
7th(Naruto) few years, short for now...
~31y (Killer Bee) - To close the gap between A's strength, Bee struggled to complete Double Lariat.
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~29y (Nagato) - childish days Nagato sole wish "To protect Yahiko and Konan" as he told his teacher. But even that could not come true. ~28y (Konan) - Days of happy studying, by spending time among Yahiko and Nagato, fostered in desire for peace. ~27y (Kushina) - As a child, her red hair was embodiment of her inferiority complex. Because of Minato's few words, she was able to appreciate herself. ~26y (Might Guy) - Even when told sarcasm, takes it positively. Even now, with his fist up high, that's the unchanging foward-facing Guy, himself.
~??y 3rd great War
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~22y (Mei) - Village of Blood Mist's grusome affair! Once Kirakakure's village had bad habit "To make Students kill each other" that even other villages trembled and feared. She is also one of the nin to have overcame this suffering. ~21y (Minato) - First fight with ABcombo! Minato is the one behind 4th Raikage A's Guard, Killer Bee, they clashed swords many times, and respected each other's valor. ~20y (Obito) - Obito wanted his face among the hokage carved cliff. His youngboy ages where he held this ambition, and walked alongside his comrades. ~20y (Rin) - Minato's Red speck(lone women among men)! Taking the hands of the unusual duo, Kakashi and Obito to point in same direction. Was a person who guided others to good.
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~19?????y (4th Raikage, A) - A's found success of Double Lariat with Bee, who was designated as his partner, and came to be called his younger brother. Didn't this happened 31y ago? haha ~18y (Kakashi) - At Minato's recomendation, Kakashi enlists Anbu, keeping the though of his friends in his chest. Kushina's guard he also served as. ~18y (Kabuto) - Showing high intelligence and quick wit as a child, gained skill of medical ninjutsu.
~17y Naruto's Birth
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~~13?y - Hinata 3rd Birthday, Neji curse mark, Hinata kidnapping attempt, Hinata age 16-3 = 13y diff. ~12y (Sasuke) - each time, Itachi poked forhead with finger, distanced his little brother, Sasuke felt stroke of loneliness. ~~9?y - Uchiha Massacre, Itachi age 21-13 = 8y diff, since died before 4th war end, +1y. ~7y (Itachi) - With his Sharingan aimed at Orochimaru, Itachi counterattacked defeating him. As a result Orochimaru left Akatasuki. ~6y (Hinata) - Fragile self, and unchanging thoughts! Academy Days where she was Introvered and reserved. With a small voice, helped Naruto with all her spirit. (I think that's a panel where Naruto and Sasuke have childhood spar, so prob around year.)
~5y Part 1
~5y (Hashirama) - First time "impureland" reincarnated!. Edo(Joudo sect term for living existence, considering "pure land", appears in naruto, interesting to talk about Buddhist afterlife in sects). In the previous, "impure land" reincarnation, had low accuracy, so Hashirama's true strength could not be shown.
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~4y (Shikamaru) 200IQ super sharp person! Without equal, has ability to find things bothersome, which his catch phrase. However his intellect, from early times, showed a glimpse of its ability . ~4y (Gaara) Same pain to know, Same fate of Jinchuriki to bear, his encounter with naruto greatly changed Gaara. ~4y (Kisame) from two man one set, Konoha to attack! As an Akatsuki member Kisame, was given duty to capture jinchuriki. ~4y (Naruto) In Valley of the End, Great Battle! in order to bring back Sasuke, who became missing nin, willing to die to persuade. ~4y (Zetsu) In Valley of the End, watched the fierce fight. Since Naruto, and Sasuke were essential pawns (casts to a theater) to his plans, he secretly recorded the deathmatch. ~4y (Sakura) Solid pledge for her growth! In order to abandon weakness, and become strong. she desired to be 5th Hokage Tsunade's student.
~1y Part 2...
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lollybliz · 3 years
Once again not getting specific but like. I've never understood the whole '~company~ is problematic, we must hold them accountable, stop using their products immediately' thing. Like. Ok so let say you do, somehow, manage to get enough people to permanently boycott ~company~ to effect their bottom line. It's never going to happen. But let's say it did.
Who are you hurting. Is it the ceo, who makes all these decisions you're so mad about? No, not them; they're a salary person and will likely not see anything other than a raise in the entire time they're working. A change in the profit margin won't effect them. They won't let it. They like their income, and they couldn't care less about the people they 'serve'. Ok. So if it isn't going to affect the ceo who makes all the decisions you find so repugnant, maybe it's the donors and shareholders, the stock market pundits that encourage the decisions you hate because they might help marketability or reach or what have you. They're the ones going, "yes, I know if we put an openly queer character in we'd make a few people here happy, but don't you want to market to China as well? There's a looooot of money to be made there!" Will it hurt them? Not likely. If, somehow, you not only managed to make a dip in their profits, but enough if one to be substantial on a timeline projection, a couple might be irrational enough to pull support and seek another company to leech off of, but most won't. The advice after the great depression did numbers on these people was to always cling to your accounts, because it's more fruitful to assume they're going to have value again later. So they're not going to notice much of a difference, and likely, they'll just push harder for these distasteful decisions that they believe will increase the target audience.
Ok so if it's not the ceo, who makes the decisions, and it's not the donors and stockholders, who encourage the decisions, who's left.
Mm. Yeah. Guess who you're hurting. It's the 23y/o college grad who has $134,000 in college debt and just managed to get their first apartment because the paycheck from their new job came in. It's the 60+ y/o who's still working the job she's had since the 80s because her retirement income would never be enough to afford her medical bills. It's the the masses of bottom rung, """unimportant,""" has-literally-no-say, hourly wage-based income, filler staff. First hired first fired, and "inconsequential". You're hurting each other, kiddo. That's you. What the fuck kind of good is that going to do.
This is not to say, oh la, let the company be terrible, it's perfectly fine to be homophobic racist trash and sell it for a hundred bucks.
But this is to say please stop and think about how you're going about this. Frankly the "if" in this situation, ~if you manage to affect their profits at all~ is already as big as the damned grand canyon. You're not going to affect them substantially, and certainly not on a long term. People just aren't that good at cutting stuff out of their lives permanently. Remember the nonsense a while back where a bunch of alt-right idiots were smashing their keurigs and burning their nikes cus they were mad about that company's politics? Wanna guess how many of those fools quietly replaced their destroyed possesion not too long after? Those companies didnt see a dip. They saw a marked increase. It became an advertising tactic to make a group of people furious because A the people who disagreed with the angry ones would buy stuff and B we have documented proof that the angry ones will replace their stuff!
Where am I going with this other than depressing you-dont-really-have-an-effect-on-the-big-picture,-kiddo land.
Piracy is fine. If you can't afford a textbook, yo ho, y'know? If you don't have access to a game or a console, shiver me timbers ye scurvey dog, t'ere's a classic emulator over there on t' horizon! An' a lovely chest o' ROM's! Movies via Google docs, ripped and copied software hosted in browsers, all that wonderful shit is fine. Please, be careful, a bunch of that junk is full of viruses, but have fun and make use of it. Piracy is not a victimless crime but digital Piracy definitely is.
But don't fool yourself into thinking piracy is activism. You're not making any kind of difference. They don't even know you exist. You are serving only you. And when you spend your time screaming about how problematic the company is on fucking tumblr they're still not going to notice you but you know who will? The 13y/o who's now going to be fucking guiltridden because they can't change anything and y'all make it sound like it's their fault.
If we're going to change anything in the ways these companies practice, we're going to have to very carefully actually target the people in charge. Petitions actually do work sometimes. Not consistently, and they can always ignore it, but sometimes these people in charge will actually hear our voices when there's names, ages, and a million of us on a stack of paper in front of them.
Quite frankly getting the practices labeled as illegal would be the most effective. Literally call your representative about these issues you feel so strongly about. If you're mad because company is racist, make an effort to make publishing racist material illegal. If you're mad because it's homophobic, reach out to the really big LGBT rights societies near you and see of you can't work out a march, or a picket.
I guess where I'm trying to go with this is make sure you know just who exactly you're hurting with your activism, and consider trying something more effective, efficient, and with less collateral damage. Find a way to target the people in power, or hold your fire. Please stop hurting each other, and please find a way to not be cruel to random kids on tumblr who don't know better can't fix anything and are not the problem here kaylaeighliea, stop yelling at them.
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crossdressingdeath · 4 years
And not only JC considers that the only repayment for WWX "debt" is WWX spending the rest of his life being a servant, he thinks that WWX should do so even if it makes him act in ways that violates his morality (and frankly, general morality). There is a great parallel between WZL and WWX because both had "debts" to a sect, but both made very different choices regarding if a debt was enough to make you act unethically. JC would be happy to destroy the core of what makes WWX the person he is1/4
as long as JC doesn't end alone because unlike LWJ, he never appreciated WWX as a person but he loved the role WWX could play in his life, the moral support who always puts JC emotions first, the sidekick who you don't have to treat right but who puts up with it and sees your hidden good sides, the subordinate who will fight and win battles Yunmeng but for who Yunmeng will never fight battles for (except JYL). It's a selfish kind of love unlike LWJ's. It's also why I find nearly all2/4
reconciliation fics laughable because there is no misunderstanding left between them after the temple, and their drift apart is very deep and started way in the past shortly after WWX gets to know LWJ, LWJ who always believes in the goodness of WWX heart, demonic cultivation or not, but is also properly horrified that WWX hurts himself so and proactively tries to find various ways to help him, LWJ who regrets to not have been able to stand by his side when he was hated and who in WWX words 3/4
berated me when everyone praised me, but stood by my side when everyone turned their back on me," LWJ who wants to give to WWX instead of only take, LWJ who has seen his own soul reflected in WWX's and who doesn't see WWX acting following his own heart as treason even if it sometimes hurts LWJ; all things that JC doesn't care at all about. There was no question that LWJ was WWX choice thrice over JC, and that drift only got larger when WWX meets the 13y after JC and realizes that he still 4/4
has the emotional maturity level of JL,a child who at the story end has grown up enough to give emotional management advice to his 30+ uncle. But JC won't change, he will cling to ways of being and feeling that made YZY and everyone around her miserable, and he will continue to perpetrate them in his own life, making himself and people around him sad and mad because he makes protecting himself from emotional pain his priority compared to finding happiness, friendship or being a decent person 5/4
The thing with LWJ is, when he berated WWX for using demonic cultivation it was because it was dangerous. WWX was pushing himself too far with a form of cultivation that he only invented a short time earlier and putting himself in serious danger in the process, both because it was still a work in process and he might not recognize warning signs for things like qi deviation and because if he became too powerful the sects would... well, do exactly as we see them do. LWJ berated WWX because he was scared for him, and WWX sees that in hindsight. JC disapproves of demonic cultivation... but only post-Sunshot, and only when it starts making JC himself look bad. LWJ only tries to change WWX even slightly when not changing puts WWX in danger. JC wants WWX to change everything from his cultivation to his moral compass to his personality because the person he is doesn’t suit JC’s tastes.
WWX and WZL do parallel each other quite nicely. WWX’s disgust at how WZL uses his debt to WRH to justify the horrible things he does really does foreshadow how WWX himself will react when JC tries to use his debt to the Jiangs to force him to do horrible things. WWX loves JC, and truly believes he owes him... but that’s not enough to make him throw away his morals, and JC hates that. He hates that he can’t force WWX to go against everything he believes, that he won’t follow obediently along because he owes JC, even though JC was also disgusted at WZL’s blind obedience because of a debt. Apparently that’s only a bad thing when it’s working against JC, surprise surprise.
Never forget how when WWX sees JC after thirteen years and looks at his brother, now in his mid-thirties, he describes him as overconfident and arrogant. That’s the description we get, and since WWX’s our viewpoint character that’s what he thinks when he sees JC. Is it really a surprise that they aren’t close at the end, when that’s what WWX sees when he looks at JC? And that’s while he’s still in full “JC was a great brother and it’s all my fault he wanted me dead” mode! JL is also overconfident and arrogant (wonder who he got that from), but guess what? He grows as a character over the course of the novel! He’s still a bit overconfident and arrogant at the end, but... well, he’s thirteen years old, we have to cut him some slack here. He’s beginning to realize that acting the way he has will only turn people against him, and if he wants people to like him he has to try to treat them with kindness and respect. Lessons that JC should have learned, after his pride and arrogance left him the only remaining member of the Jiang clan. But he didn’t. And he continued to not learn them, even after thirteen years filled with uncomfortable meetings and the grumblings of everyone who ever had to speak with him or rely on him or even exist in the same space as him as they complained about how rude and infuriating and just plain awful he was to have to deal with. And he didn’t learn a damn thing from that in thirteen years. But JL did. JC’s emotional maturity has been outstripped by a thirteen-year-old raised by JGY of all people. I guess... good for him?
And of course WWX doesn’t want to go back, is willing to let the relationship die rather than go back to the way things were. With LWJ, he finally knows what it’s like to have someone who puts him first, takes what he wants and feels and needs into account, who’ll fight to the death to defend him without a second thought because he matters that much. Why on earth would he want to go back to being the obedient, subservient punching bag of a cruel man with a whip who hates him more now than he ever did before?
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