#hapi imagines
icarus-mp3 · 8 months
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berryzxx · 5 months
This is random but.....
AZRIEL LOVES SEEING YOU SMILE. Oml anytime he sees you smile and he knows its because of him he literally melts. He re thinks everything he's done or said that's made you smile and he tries to do something similar just to see your eyes light up. On top of buying you flowers, flirting with you to see you blush because he thinks it's the cutest thing in the world, he plans the most perfect dates and surprises you every time. He's so so so thoughtful, the one time you ate this specific meal faster than any of the others he realised it was something you liked. Surprise surprise the next date he made the dish himself for you.
He would literally do anything for you. Anything.
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oxygenbefore1775 · 1 year
What a beautiful day it is
Not only it is Saturday
Not only it is Piecks bday
But also it's the day this blog reached the milestone of 200
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I'm so happy about this! Sending love to all of you!
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randomnameless · 1 year
In regards to how much of the Church bad rhetoric is supported by the Fódlan games themselves, from what i've seen of Three Houses' JP script there isn't really that much support for those arguments there outside of heavily biased sources that the audience should take with massive doses of salt like Edelgard, Dorothea or Lysithea; i'd argue that it wasn't until IS and/or KT decided to, for whatever reason, take the lolcalized church-demonizing script and fandom reaction of EN 3H to heart when making Three Hopes that they really started believing they wrote Rhea and the Church as being the hidden villains of the verse, and that JP 3H is (mostly) free of the issue of making stupid arguments just to try and criticize the Church for things it can't be reasonably blamed for.
I agree with the things you say, but about the biased sources...
Well, the games of course hammer the player with biased sources, Supreme Leader and her court, Claude, the Abyss residents -
Which is doubly funny for the Abyss residents, because their "Church BaD" is completely bonkers, given how it's the Church who offers them a crappy, and yet existing shelter.
"The Church wants us gone" Dude, if they really wanted you gone, Rhea would have deployed the knights to evacuate the Abyss as fast as she organised her expedition to put the Bishop of the Western Church to the sword.
Doubly funny bcs the Big Boss of the Abyss, Yuri, is sekritly Rhea's agent!
Of course being a secret agent, he can't tell people to use their mind and think - if the Central Church wanted them gone, why are they sheltering you all here, under Garreg Mach the most important site to them, and giving you, albeit in measly quantities, food and water? Rhea is the one who named the class "Ashen Wolves" - it would be pointless to give a name to the class of abyss resident who are considered unofficial students of the officer's academy, if she really wanted to purge the Abyss, right?
I understand in CS this was used as a red herring for Aelfie, who is akshually the one who runs the Abyss and spreads the "Church BaD Rhea BaD" sentiment because of his own agenda and opinions, but with 3 (counting the DLC) routes having biased narrators against the CoS in FE16 (out of 5) you'd have to wonder what was the point -
Was it only to sell Hresvelg Grey? To sell Billy becoming God and the "new" head of Church being a necessity so the former has to suck?
FWIW, Nopes gave us one (1) NPC who, from the start, says something positive about the Church rebuking the biased statement everyone is throwing around, Mark the NPC, who says accusations of corruption of the Central Church and wyvern poo, since Rhea and Seteth both punish people who take bribes or commit crimes...
And yet, for one Mark, we have many lines spoken with bias against the Church, and no one bothers to correct them (the church forces you to marry ? Uh, no, I've heard the story of a woman who left her land to marry a foreign king! - Church forces you to have responsabilities through crusts : no? Almyra and Brigid have royalty, and Brigid royals want to protect their people thinking it is both their duty and something they want, and yet the Brigid royal line has no crust? Ditto for Almyra? - crusts are the reasons why nobles act like asses : No, Kleimann offed Lambert not because he was jelly Lambert had a crust, but because he wanted more lands and opposed the King's reforms?)
KT wanted their golden route, but because Supreme Leader is the main thorn to any Golden Route (tfw the person who wants to conquer neighboring lands has to work with the people who don't want to be conquered and are fighting for survival in a war the previous person started :( ) everyone has to ally against a common enemy, and it fell on the CoS (with Dimitri getting the nonsensical Zahras scene) - is it it because Nopes follows an Agarthan narrative, as opposed to FE16 having Billy stand-in for a Nabatean centred narrative?
I still find it hilarious that the Nopes writers bent Dimitri, and, arguably Clout, in bonkers versions of themselves to justify Nopes, but couldn't find a way to, uh, have Supreme Leader realise the Mole People are the biggest threat to the world and the Lizards aren't that evil to begin with, provided you don't try to kill them ; that's why Supreme Bullshit started to be something interesting, Supreme Leader targets the Mole People first, but then it became a traditional Supreme Leader route, erasing the lizards took precedence over everything - even if she knows Uncle and pals are still slithering around since she never caught him - so the second she can become Emperor, she returns to her original plan, not giving a fig about Uncle and hunting Lizards to MAGA.
Compare this to Rhea, in the very same route, at the end, who has to fight against the Empire (who's out for her head) and the Mole People - and Rhea dgaf about the Empire anymore, the biggest threat to Fodlan are the Mole People - she doesn't target/aim/attack Supreme Leader and Barney in the ending cinematic, she flies over them, to defeat the "real" enemy, Thales.
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gumihoe · 2 months
me when I go into the tag of a wlw pairing where one woman is dark skinned while the other is pale and nearly every piece of fanart/fanfic depicts the dark skinned woman as the one that's more masculine, brutish, animalistic, physically stronger, dominant, wild, tough, rough around the edges, etc
(I don't actually have a reaction image so just imagine one that conveys how tired I am okay)
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wild-moss-art · 1 year
In a modern au, what would you have the Wolves doing or studying?
Oooh good question!! my initials thoughts assuming magic isn’t real:
Yuri: politics, he ran for local office once to prove a point(point not proven) and won due to a combination on immutable charisma and unrealistically radical policies, ever since then he has just continued on cause he likes helping people and it keeps working
Constance: surgeon, she likes cutting people up. She thinks that if magic were real she could definitely find a way to turn different organs into different candies. She doesn’t really understand why that always pops into her head, but she does keep a list of what organs would be what candies. Hapi found it once and said nothing but made this face: 😳
Balthus: pro wrestler, he is good at the campy acting part and really likes the singlets(who doesn’t). His singlet has yuri’s face on it(not sponsored he just likes supporting his friends)
Hapi: used to work in the coffee shop below their apartment(they are all roommates) but balthus bought it for her with his pro wrestling money, so now she owns it. She turned it into a local art gallery. She spreads yuri propaganda.
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robinfrinjs · 1 year
Someone seems to have accidentally released a draft version of the FE site... this is what it says on Nato's page
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lamemaster · 1 year
A fellow Nerdanel simp is very important 💝💝
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To be greeted by this as the first thing in the morning, thank you so much 🥺🥺
Nerdanel simps are the most wholesome simps ever. 💗💗
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blue-eli · 11 months
(Out of breath) TRICK….. OR…. OT TREAT!!!!! (🤍)
(I blink, looking out of the door of my non-decorated house. No one has come to the door this Halloween, I thought they never would, yet here is someone.)
Aw shucks, you’re our first trick or treaters of the night!
(I rummage around until I find a treat usually too nice for trick or treating, but I am endeared by your presence enough to pull it out.)
Here, kid, hope you like chocolate.
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(I pause for a second, and then:)
You can have this as well-
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huescs · 1 year
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skip and loafer so so cute of an anime--- please imagine izan in a slice of life anime with me. please imagine that they work at a museum where they help preserve bones for display. please please please imagine them meeting your muse bc they dropped their little handkerchief with a dinosaur bone pattern on the train and your muse chased them down to return it !!!
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asbestieos · 2 years
Happy Valentine’s Day thank you for being my moot 💕💕💕
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If you had to describe yourself, outside of gender or ethnicity, who are you?
I came across this question on Instagram reels, and I couldn't help but keep thinking about it. Mostly because I'm on that weird journey myself where I don't feel comfortable with who I am but also don't know if I want to be anything else. 
For a while now I haven't felt like myself, let alone know how to define myself. 
I want to be everything and nothing at the same time. I want to be something old, combined with something new. I want to be all my previous versions and at the same time none. 
And that only led me to one conclusion. I don't want to be just one thing for the rest of my life.
So who am I? I don't know, but I know what I'm not. I’m not my traumas, I’m not those who hurt me, I’m not my bad decisions or my mistakes. 
I’m the happiness I feel being surrounded by people who appreciate me, I am what I have learned from my mistakes, I am what other people have taught me. I am imagination, I am learning and I am air.
I’m my sadness, and I’m what is born from it. I am every verse, every painting, every writing that has come out of my wounds.  I am everything and at the same time nothing. 
I am real.
I am alive.
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woundedoves · 2 months
Yan!Playboy(OC) x GN!Reader
this is like a… plot but im gonna be busy for a bit so i wanted to at least post something! you can send requests or questions about every yandere type i’ve done btw! id be hapy to hear your thoughts<3
warnings: possessiveness, toxic asshole alert, beating the shit out of someone (not the reader obvs dont worry), not proofread!
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thinking about a hypocrite yandere!playboy. says you cant touch anyone cant have sex with anyone but him, but he is free to fool around however the hell he wants.
you would protest if he wasnt capable of absolutely demolishing your financial and social life, i mean you’re a virgin anyways but god, you really wanted to lose it in college.
yan!playboy who puts these restrictions for you! yes darling<3 we cant have those filthy fucks who’ve fucked the whole campus ever lay a hand on you, no no no that would ruin you. thats why he has never gone over flirting with you, he’s too afraid to taint that perfect image of you that he made up in his mind. that you’re this meek little thing that would never ever disobey what he wants as long as he got you whatever you wanted!
he invites you to a party, you tell him you’ve never been to one before. of course! you’re all so new to this so you’ll be his + 1 for the night, isnt that great?<3 until he gets a few shots down and starts acting like a horn dog like he always is to anyone that slightly looks like you or is the same gender as you, he’s all over them all while looking at you and telling you to keep watching because fuck, your expressions and your attention are so euphorically orgasmic that he can’t even imagine how that perfect fuckin body of yours would feel against his used up one.
once he gets drunk as absolute all hell and you finally get sick of his shit you just try to get out but the person you’ve been eyeing since the start of the semester comes up to you . one thing leads to another and you’re there , on one of the bedrooms of fuck knows whos villa, you’re making out and god you almost forgot how fucking good it felt to have another persons lips on yours; shivering as their hands reach your skin and carress you just right.
yan!playboy just a stumbling mess, murmuring your name and looking around for you until he opens his bedroom door to see you making out with that fuckin asshole on his bed. instantly sobering up, he yanks the person from their collar just as you gasp in horror as he proceeds to beat the shit of them. telling them to get the fuck out before he really shows them what money can hide and do, and they obviously do leave with a concerned look at you through their bruised eyes.
yan!playboy turns to look at you, he’s fucking furious, “what? i leave you for 5 fucking minutes and you go to suck off a loser’s face? are you that desperate?!” you get up, tears are bubbling up and threatening to spill as your voice wavers, “YOU are the one grinding on people while telling ME to watch! what the fuck do you expec-“ your words are cut short as he takes you by your nape and meets your lips with a really harsh kiss. making you groan in pain as he nips on your lower lip, he takes your face in his hands with force, making you look straight into his eyes
“you’re mine. you got that? you’re mine and only mine and if i see another fucker ever touch you i swear to god ill fucking kill them and lock you up and collar your pretty neck so you’ll finally be a good fucking pet. got it, darling?”
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robin374 · 11 months
I give you a little smooch on your forehead <3
I love your work so much it’s so good!!!!
If you’re taking reqs rn could we possibly get some fluff cuddling with sniper plz <33
Cuddling with Sniper
Notes: OML THANKSS, you just made my day better. I'm a bit stressed these days but reading your message was *ascends to heaven* Also, unedited, so there are probably grammar errors
Character: Sniper
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My lovely wet cat man <3
I bet that in the first days of the relationship he would try to look like the man who doesn't need phisical affection. LIke he's a lonely alpha male.
Let's be honest Sniper, we all know you're touch starved.
That's why, one day he approached you and hugged you for more than 5 minutes. You were trying to speak to Demo, who was sitting next to you in the sofa, but Sniper clinging onto you like a cat wasn't helping. So you just accepted your fate.
I feel like he's that type of person that prefers hugs than kisses. So most of your cuddles will be him hugging you like a koala. I also like to think that he just tells you random fun facts about animals knowing that you're falling asleep. He did it so you would stay awake and talk to you.
"Did you know that dolphins are sexually atractted to humans?"
"How in the world do you know that?"
He's a very talkative man with those who feel close to. Yes, he's the most quiet man you've ever seen when you're in the base, but the moment you step inside his van or his house at Australia, he's talking your ear off. Mostly is talking shit about Spy or Scout, or the gossips he heard while faking being asleep.
He's surprisingly warm, he's like your personal blanket. You're cold while he's playing poker with the mercs? You are suddenly sitting on his lap watching him play, his hand on you waist. You're cold at night? You've got two blankets now, the one of his bed and him.
He just loves to hold you close, he is not used to have someone that loves him. He almost forgot how it was to be loved, but when you appeared and started giving him the love he deserved (and deserves) he felt something he thought he wouldn't feel again: Hapiness. Of course, the hapiness that his job gives him and the one that you give him aren't the same.
He loves you as much as there are spiders in Australia. So you can imagine; infinite.
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If you play 3 Houses in Japanese, Hapi's VA uses a very gyaru way of speaking.
I like to imagine that Hapi's hidden home village is filled with people who dress and talk like fashion-obsessed Japanese teenagers.
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ladythot · 1 year
Since it is 🌸national gf day🌸 I'm gonna drop a few hcs on what the baki men would do/take you out on during hapi hapi girlfie day. I've changed my writing style bc I became xtra lazy. Happy singles day!!!
Also, a weird combination of characters bc they're all whatever I'm feeling for as of now
Genre; fluff—no proofread
— At those fancy restaurants with overpriced menus and exquisite dishes, you'd feel out of place among the rich patrons dining. Those neat walls and dimly sourced lights, then the haughty demeanor that make you feel like you don't belong under the rich roof. Your table would be the one piled-high with every imaginable delicacy, like you were the only one capable of making a dent in their mountain of good food; but at the end of the day, it's not so much about the amount of food served but rather the message that they send—a clear demonstration of their wealth and status meant to be overlooked when it comes to your expense. Everything isn't a huge deal for these two. Same goes for every store you'd wanna buy shit from
— Typical perfect boyfriend stuff. Would plan on doing something special for you by either preparing a nice meal or taking you out for a picnic and having a cheesy picnic by watching the beautiful moonlit sky of Japan, or going out to watch a movie, enjoy a shopping spree or just doing anything you desired at the time. He's skilled at arranging memorable occasions for your sake.
— Despite his aversion to celebrations or any important day, Katou does make an effort for those that he truly cares about. He's not the best at planning events, but he certainly takes note of their birthdays and any other special days that they have, making sure to acknowledge them in his own way. But national girlfriend's day, specifically, is something he wishes he could do better motives from. It's bad enough that he doesn't show much affection towards you and he just wishes he could do better.
— he's literally the worst at it but that doesn't mean he's not willing to show a peek of his love and affection. Instead, he tries to make up for it by doing things he's not accustomed to; such as being more reserved—trying to hold you close, and showing signs of general intimacy. Even if his actions may not be as overall smooth or polished as others', it's clear that he cares deeply for you and is willing to put in the effort to prove it. And if you wanna go somewhere, yeah he'll do just that. He'll be a dog for the day
— Simple pleasures. Suedo prioritizes making you smile over anything else. His go-to spot for the fun is usually amusement parks, arcades, or any other setting reminiscent of childhood joy/healing. He's not one for the high life, but he'll do his best to win you as many prizes as possible.
— Plans to treat you to a luxurious experience such as dining at a fancy restaurant, but his cash prevents him. Though, he mainly prioritizes spending quality time with you somewhere scenic that features cherry blossoms as they hold a special place in his heart and it doesn't have to be all money for him; cherry blossoms symbolize importance to him—so he only shares this kind of sight with the people that hold tremendous significance to him.
Happy national gf day ty for listening to my cheesy bullshit :sob:
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