#hans's last name is oetker as well ykyk
the-mu-chronicles · 3 years
okay rants from my notes app lets go 😼
this one is about hans's relationship with his dad bc this one is on my mind pretty much all the time also this one is the most elaborate so far
so before the coming out hans's relationship was very tense and often felt forced and insincere, as in, his father viewed him as someone who has to become the pride of their family only, sorta shoving aside all aspects of his identity. hans also seemed distant from his own self; he repressed his emotions and he sticked to the standards set by his father for him. his father was a demanding person and saw hans as someone who had to catter to all his expectations in order to become a successful man
note: hans's father was a hardcore homophobe and hans figured out when he was gay when he was like 17 or so so all his comments about gay people 😡😡 started irking him and making him upset
during one of the family meetings hans finally decided he's had enough so when his father asked for his approval after he said something bigoted he went "you said you don't talk to f*ggots, why are you asking one for an opinion then?" and BOY did it start drama
at first his father was super speechless but after they went home shit went down & they began arguing, long story short hans got a slap across his face and stormed out of the house in rage and said he never ever wants to see his father ever again
and hans actually committed to his promise and went as far as not speaking to his father for a solid year or so
meanwhile his father gets a redemption arc bc ferro decided he's gonna come out as trans bc fuck you father and,,, it goes surprisingly well?? like he also goes silent at the beginning but instead of screaming at him he asks some questions and then he's like "right, i'll try to sort his head out then i'll come back" and he actually made effort to use ferro's name and pronouns??? omg???
like as if something clicked in him, maybe lgbt people aren't so bad after all, especially since both his kids seem to be lgbt,,,,
and he started educating himself with the help of ferro and thought it'd be nice to contact his older son as well bc they split up exactly because he was a shitbag about gay people
hans doesn't want to speak to him though and either doesn't answer his calls/messages or hangs up immediately
and he decides to finally give him a chance after he's on a videochat with ferro and he shows him his new binder and when hans asks him where he got it from he's like "oh father bought it for me, he knows im trans and he supports me. hey actually he wanted to talk with you and apologise for being a dick so if you want to, you can do it. no pressure tho" and hans is like yeah alright but ill beat his ass up if he does anything shitty to you
so yeah they (hans & his dad) start talking and they both explain their points of views to each other, hans also talks about how after the fight he started experiencing WAY much more emotions than he did before in his life and it's super confusing to him and often leads to hans experiencing the extremes
also turns out my man had adhd all along, what a surprise /s
and when hans finally comes back home he notices a pride flag hanging on the balcony & he's like "who did this?" and hisfather replies "oh, i hung it up, i thought it'd look welcoming" "but aren't you afraid of what the neighbors are gonna say?" "nah, fuck them and their opinions honestly, i love you the way you are and if they can't accept that they can go fuck themselves" and 😭😭😭
also some time later hans's father can be observed totally consumed in conversations with leo and adam aka hans's boyfriends and hans is laughing in the background bc damn this man literally used to say he's gonna off himself when his son comes out as gay, this is what growth is
and hans's father goes absolutely bonkers to hear about all the silly cultural aspects of the dimensions adam and leo come from bc damn that's literally so cool
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