#hanakogiftexchange fic
toiletboundwiki · 4 years
Exchanges begin today!
The 29th is finally upon us! We have been eagerly anticipating this day and finally being able to see everyone’s lovely works!
The posting date will be between February 29th to March 14th! So take that time to put some finishing touches on your gifts and wrap it up nicely for your giftee. Remember to post the gift on your socials (if you’d like!) using the hashtags, #hanakogiftexchange2020, #hanakogiftexchange art, #hanakogiftexchange edit, and #hanakogiftexchange fic! 
I will be working to address any concerns or questions during this time, so please be patient while i work on getting back to you. Happy posting~!
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(Don’t be shy to post your work! We would all love to see it.)
- Mod Jazzy
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toiletboundwiki · 4 years
Less Than 5 Days Left!!!
There are less than 5 days left to complete your gift for the Hanako Gift Exchange! Please remember to follow the guidelines of your giftee and we hope you’re as excited as we are, to see everyone’s beautiful works!
As for the tagging system, after the 19th we will allow contestants to begin posting their gifts on social media. Please use the hashtags #hanakogiftexchange2020, #hanakogiftexchange art (for all art gifts!), #hanakogiftexchange fic (for all written gifts!), #hanakogiftexchange edit (for all edit gifts!) on tumblr and twitter (for twitter tags simply remove the space inbetween).
Goodluck for these last few days!
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- Mod Jazzy
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toiletboundwiki · 4 years
Less than 5 days left!!!! (For Real this time)
I apologize again for the misinformation last time, now we are closer to the deadline to finish working on your gifts! We are super excited to see everyone’s wonderful works and thank you to everyone who decided to participate. Please message cacaobread if you would like us to forward your gift to your giftee instead~
And since we’ve been getting a lot of questions about this, the posting will begin from the 29th, so mark your calendars!
 (I will be copy and pasting what I said in my last post since it still applies) As for the tagging system, starting from the 29th we will allow contestants to begin posting their gifts on social media. Please use the hashtags #hanakogiftexchange2020, #hanakogiftexchange art (for all art gifts!), #hanakogiftexchange fic (for all written gifts!), #hanakogiftexchange edit (for all edit gifts!) on tumblr and twitter (for twitter tags simply remove the space inbetween).
Once again, goodluck for these last few days!
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- Mod Jazzy
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