lvpin-remvs · 5 years
It had been a long week. Remus hardly slept, he barely spoke to anybody, and he missed Severus more than he expected to. His thoughts were all over the place, his emotions were constantly changing, he was hurt and angry, but after thinking things over from Severus' perspective he began to understand things a little more clearly. Remus paced around his room, as he did every night for the past week, trying to think of what would be best for them, but two things continued to come back to his mind. The first being that he wanted to protect Severus, and the second being that despite everything he had found out, he loved Severus. After not speaking to him for a week, though, Remus had no idea how Severus would feel about him at this point, would he be mad at him for walking out? Would he not want to be together anymore? There was only one way to find out. Not even bothering to look at the time, Remus got himself ready and apparated outside of Severus' house, where he stood and stared at the door for a moment. He wasn't sure if he was ready to talk yet, but he wasn't sure if he would ever be ready and needed to get it over with. Taking in a deep breath, Remus knocked on Severus' door then stepped back and waited to see if he would answer.
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lvpin-remvs · 5 years
A week had passed since Remus had last met up with Severus, and there wasn't much time before their agreed upon time to get together once again. He wasn't entirely sure why, but he was quite excited to spend time with Severus. Perhaps it was because he felt as though he was doing something good, making up for his past mistakes, getting over things that made him feel so guilty for so long. On the other hand, he was still nervous about hanging out with Severus. He wasn't sure if he had truly forgiven him and Remus had to lie to his friends about where he was going, which made him feel horrible. He would likely come clean about it soon enough, but for now as far as everyone else was concerned, Remus was out visiting his parents.
When six o'clock hit, Remus apparated to the coffee shop they had met up at previously and walked to the nearby bar, hoping it was the one Severus had mentioned. He entered and took a seat at the bar, ordering himself a drink. He didn't have a lot of money, but his parents had given him a little bit for the holidays and he didn't really have anything else to spend it on. Lifting his drink to his lips, he sat back and glanced around to the other patrons and waited for Severus to arrive.
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lvpin-remvs · 5 years
A few days had passed and Remus was finally feeling like himself again. He woke up before Severus, which wasn't much of a surprise, but it was surprising for him to find out that Severus was just as much of a morning person as he was. Since he was feeling much better, Remus decided to make breakfast while Severus was still asleep to treat him for being so patient while he was healing. He figured he had about an hour before Severus woke up which would give him plenty of time to get everything perfect. He certainly tried his best, but an hour quickly passed and he could hear Severus coming down to the kitchen. The sight of him made Remus smile, "Good morning, handsome." He said excitedly, "I made breakfast. I hope you like it crispy, I'm not great at cooking. Oh, and I made you coffee."
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lvpin-remvs · 5 years
Remus woke up in the middle of the night from one of the most vivid nightmares he's had in awhile. It was a memory, the memory of the night Severus had found him in the Shrieking Shack, only in his dream, Severus didn't make it away alive. His nightmares always became more vivid the closer the full moon got, and Remus knew that it was going to be one of those days. One of those days where everything pissed him off for no reason, one of those days where he was sensitive to noises and bright lights. The moon was the following evening so his body was preparing for his transformation. He considered getting up and leaving, just so Severus wouldn't have to deal with him, but he didn't want to go while Severus was asleep. 
Remus rolled out of bed and bent over to kiss Severus on the forehead. Even though he knew he was going to have a bad day, at least having Severus would make it a little better. Or, he thought it would make things better, until his eyes drifted down and caught sight of the Dark Mark on his arm, which then sent anger through him. Remus tried his best to just forget about it, but with the mood he was in, he knew it was going to be brought up later, whether he wanted to talk about it or not. He left the room and went down to the kitchen, making himself coffee as quietly as possible before going into the living room where he sunk into the couch. He tried his best to calm down, not wanting to argue with Severus the moment he woke up, but it wasn't long before Remus heard him moving around upstairs. He hoped he could control himself, but he had no idea what would come out of his mouth when Severus came downstairs.
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lvpin-remvs · 5 years
Remus wasn't someone that typically celebrated Valentine's Day, but he was excited for it this year. He had sent Sirius off with Marlene, making both of them promise not to be back until the next morning so he could have Severus over without worrying about being caught. Although he wasn't even sure if Severus was going to show up, he seemed extremely hesitant to visit Remus' place, and of course Remus couldn't blame him but he wanted to spend Valentine's Day with his boyfriend. Normally Remus would have gone over to Severus' place, but he could still barely walk, let alone apparate, so he was curled up on his couch with a book about magical creatures, wondering when and if Severus was going to stop by. He was about half way through his book when there was a knock on the door, the sound pulling him back in to reality. Remus closed his book and tossed it beside him on the couch as he slowly pulled himself to his feet, a few small grunts of pain escaping him as he did so. He shuffled over to the door and swung it open without even bothering to check who was on the other side. A smile quickly spread across his lips when he saw Severus standing outside his door, "Sev, you came." Remus was sure he sounded much more relieved than he intended to, "I missed you."
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lvpin-remvs · 5 years
It had been weeks since Remus and Severus had started hanging out, and for some reason whenever they were apart, Remus found himself thinking about him and wanting to spend more time with him. It was strange, he never felt that way about any of his friends before. Perhaps it was because their friendship was slightly forbidden, or maybe it was because he genuinely liked Severus and wanted to make up for lost time.
The full moon had just passed, Remus hadn't been able to see Severus for days, but he was feeling a little better and decided to pay him a visit. Which was why he found himself on Severus' doorstep with a large chocolate bar shoved in his pocket and a smile on his face as he lifted his fist to knock on his door. His knuckles were still bruised and he was still quite sore, but he wanted to spend time with Severus. When the door opened, Remus looked up with a grin on his face, "Hey," He said simply, "It's been a few days, figured I'd stop by for a bit. Can I come in?"
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lvpin-remvs · 5 years
It was nights like these that Remus was thankful for Severus. They fell asleep in each others arms, but despite the affection, the nightmares were impossible to escape from. It was another night Remus couldn't fall back asleep after being awaken by his internal thoughts, but he was fine with that, it meant he could hold Severus close until he woke up. Running his fingers idly along Severus' arm, Remus kissed his forehead while he slept before pulling away and looking over how peaceful he looked in his sleep. His fingers began to trail back up Severus' arm, absentmindedly pulling back his sleeve at the same time so he could just touch his skin. He was happy to be awake next to Severus for a moment, before his eyes flashed down and caught sight of something on his arm that he had never seen before. A tattoo, but not just any tattoo. One Remus recognized right away, one he knew belonged to people he didn't want anything to do with. He stared in disbelief for a moment before pulling further away from Severus. "Sev," Remus said, shaking his shoulder lightly. "Severus. Wake up."
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