#hak yona fanfic
makiaan · 1 year
YOTD x Yona’s Younger Sister!Reader Part 1 Hak + Yona + Yoon + Zeno + Kija
Tw: Mentions of Blood/Violence towards big bad guys in Hak's section.
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Back at the castle before the Kings death Yona wouldn't talk to you. To be fair you’d never approach her since you'd also had your own schedule.
This made you two pretty distant regardless of your close blood relations
Though it all changed after the death of the king.
Absolute princess treatment by the one and only princess!
She’s extremely protective of you, always holding your hand no matter where you went.
Being the last of her close family she fears losing you.
The time you were poisoned and fell into a coma she was besides the entire time holding your hand, almost breaking into tears.
Would absolutely want to teach you self defense, and would even beg Haks to help teach you.
Yona would try to remain tough in-front of you, but you always saw through her act, giving her a big comforting hug. She absolutely adored you for that, and begun being more honest with her feelings to you.
Though you two looked similar she’d always compliment and touch your hair,
“Wahh, it’s so silky and smooth!”.
In conclusion! Yona would be the best big sister ever 🫂
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At the palace you two only knew each other by name,
Only running into each other when Hak would be assigned to your section of the palace.
The day that the King died when Hak and Yona were escaping they found you peaking out of your room.
He was quick on herding you and your sister into a protected blob,
And at that moment he made a promise to not only protect Yona but you as well.
Though after finding the dragons and going through adventures together he’d frequently tease you.
Regardless of his harsh teasing, he still cared, and protected you.
“Hey shrimp! Be careful!”
In his eyes you were like a puppy. Walking around smiling while unknowingly falling into danger.
It gave him a lot of stress.
He’d always keep you in the corner of his eye, appearing out of no where whenever you need him.
You’d trip on a rock falling towards your impending doom when out of no where Hak would hoist you back up on to your feet
“Tsk, you weren't listen huh, I said be careful!”
Whenever you'd go missing or get injured he’d take it personally, and throw a tantrum
As in get his hands dirtied with the blood of those who did you wrong..
Though Hak would never admit it, he’d actually developed a big soft spot for you in his heart.
So pretty much a mean but secretly soft older brother🤼‍♀️
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Honestly the first time he saw you he was a bit upset.
Not only did he have to deal with one spoiled princess but two! Oh.. the tragedy for this sassy pretty boy :((
But the closer he got to Yona the closer he got to you.
Actually Yoon would start playing favorites-
Whenever he cooked a meal and you’d ask him for more he’d immediately give in, and huff almost as if you had forced him to. (which you didn't, you asked nicely)
“F-fine! Take it!” He’d puff
Like the mom he was he would scold you whenever you’d leave the camp alone searching for firewood.
Though every time you showed him of how capable you were he'd ignore the evidence and pull up with the "BUT WHAT IF?" counter claim. Stubborn man doesn't stop INSISTING for you to take a battle buddy
The day you joined the pirate crew and had to prove your worth by climbing the cliff with Yona he had nearly collapsed
He was absolutely opposed to putting his sweet summer child into danger, immediately throwing a fuss when the idea was proposed
Whenever he saw you break out into a fever he’d worry THE MOST
After treatment he’d sit and watch over you a long side Yona.
And whenever you needed him he’d always be there, no matter how far or impossible, this man absolutely adored you.
Though his too much of a sas to admit it he really cares for you, and his heart melts whenever your around. ❤️
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Was honestly confused by your existence LOL, he wasn’t sure if he was suppose to serve you..? or be indifferent..? I mean you had red hair but uh???
In the end though he didn’t settle for any of those options… he settled on having a crush LOL
Whenever you spoke to him he’d completely meltdown into a puddle, his words becoming intangible.
“Y-y-YEs! H—ow.. uh uh- C-can I he-elp!” He’d stutter out turning bright red,
“Uh.. Kija you ok?” You’d tilt your head in confusion before Kija would only squeak in response, and bolt away.
In the end though Kija had decided to protect you, and respect you.
Whenever the situation would turn dangerous a switch would flip and he’d suddenly have the courage to be near you.
Though if he saw even just a drop of your blood he’d immediately panic and rush towards you, tears prickling in his eyes
You’d have to hug and comfort him before he’d stop panicking and crying-
Please be nice to him! He doesn’t know how to approach his crush but his trying his very best LOL-
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The first time he had a proper conversation with you he was completely struck through the heart.
*grabs* your my friend now!
And from that point onwards whenever you’d approach Zeno his eyes would shine even brighter and his cheeks would turn flush 😊
Also he'd become more petty, and sarcastic to others when the subject became you.
"Hey! Whacha up to." He'd beam
The boy would never leave you alone, following you around with a big smile
"Zeno do you need something?"
You kinda just let him do his thing, silently following you as you worked on making a fire.
Zeno always tried making attempts at small talk.
He really just wanted your attention, as well as to hear your voice
His clingy needs probably stems from his past. He didn't want to waste a single moment without being near you.
"Nope! Sorry, I want them to do it!"
The most frustrating and stubborn man, would always want YOU to do things for him, otherwise he'd all together refuse what's given to him.
You had your sweet moments though, he'd take the time to make flower crowns, and give you cute little homemade gifts.
And you had to admit, the boy had the prettiest, and brightest smile, so it was always a blessing for you to see him happy.
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lujart · 3 months
¡Hola! Acogedores momentos es un fanzine de Akatsuki no Yona en español. ¡Actualmente tenemos el interest check abierto!
Si conoces artistas/escritores de fanfics que pudieran estar interesades puedes mencionarles en este post (o por privado si te resulta más cómodo). También puedes compartirles nuestra cuenta de Twitter. ¡Gracias! 🩷
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s-color · 1 year
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ㅤ ㅤ≧◡≦ . AKATSUKI NO YONA icons !! {dimension: 120×120} 黒 fav or reblog + credit me if u use ˖⁠♡
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owlelite · 4 months
Introducing, the lightning dragons wish fanfiction!
The fanfiction doesn’t take place in really any arc and is stand alone. It follows the oc queen shoe from a foreign country coming to Kouka to aid the dragons and yona.
This fic includes mentions of slave trafficking and the like along with drugs and character deaths! I began this project way back in 2016 I only ever uploaded 14k words, but upon getting the doc for it back there’s over 35k words of this work written. So I’m sharing and I’ll be continuing the fic with a solid ending! I hope any yona of the dawn fans get to enjoy.
Includes the ships hak and yona, along with Kira x Jae ha
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not-me-bye · 1 year
All for a reason Soowon x princess reader
"I hadn't thought anything was wrong with our relationship, oh what a fool I had been". "They were always so close".
The day had started perfect, my boyfriend Hak and I had spent the morning together riding horses and just goofing around in general. I thankfully didn't have to be kept shielded in a glass box like my sister yona had too. She was never allowed to do anything or go anywhere unsupervised, otherwise father would scold her and her maids would have to keep her under intense watch. I was glad that I could do and roam as i please but sometimes I couldn't help but be hurt that our father cared so little about me, I get it I look nothing like yona and I don't look like father either. I had always thought it was because I resembled my mother and that's why he barely acknowledged me but.... It had to be something else it just had to be.
From what I could remember when i was little father barely visited me when I was with my mother, only visiting my mother and yona when she was born ,but would rarely speak to me or even look in my direction. My mother didn't say anything about it but she never referred to me as king ils daughter, she just referred to me as her daughter. It was one big mystery and beyond lonely.
Once I met hak and soowon it was like all had changed and I felt what it was like to be happy and no longer be lonely. Soowon had immediately taken to following me around and asking me all sorts of weird questions when we had first met all those years ago. He was a year younger than me yet he seemed to not care in the slightest. It was like he had just up and chose to befriend me, over the years we had gotten close and I had admired him for sometime, you could even say it was like a crush. Eventually though he only came around so often and my feelings fizzled out. That's when I fell for hak, he had been so bossy and a bit of an ass. We slowly began to hang out and gravitated to each other more and more, he also befriended and was close with yona too. I didn't at the time see the feelings he most definitely had for her. Instead as we got older I eventually confessed to hak and he had said he liked me back and we began a relationship, he was my first for a lot of things but I never expected it to end in my first heart break.
"I'm getting a bit sidetracked let me get back to the day at hand and what all had happened."
I had always heard the rumors that I wasn't king ils legitimate child and I didn't want to believe it being so young but now that I was older it was sounding more and more likely, the only way I would know is if I went and looked through my mothers things that were packed away in storage. I would have to be careful because of king il saw me he would be MAD. I crept into the part of the place that my mothers belongings were kept and went though her box of letters, drawings, and personal notes. If I wasn't his legitimate child then she might have wrote about it or atleast hinted about it in her journal. I looked through the pages finding nothing then I found the other one and looked through it and found something. My mother was recalling an incident that had happen where I had came to her crying and asking why father liked Tina so much but hated me. She wrote about the how it ached her heart and that she was glad I wouldn't struggle or be met with poverty thanks to "fathers" kindness but she was still sad I wouldn't ever know any real father figure il or "my biological father".... I knew it and yet I felt my heart stop.
I couldn't help the hurt that I felt despite knowing that this was the most likely outcome. All I could think about was going and finding hak. He would understand and he would comfort me. I quickly went Looking for hak hurriedly checking rooms. I went to yonas room and absentmindedly opened the door. Hak was indeed there but so was yona and they were kissing, not just a simple kiss but full on making out. I felt my heart drop. "How could you, either of you", I yelled. Hak cake close to me trying to explain himself, "y/n I'm sorry it's not like it looks, I didn't mean it like that". The audacity of him to try and act like it was some accident had me seeing red. I slapped hak and went to yona backhanding her as well. "You were supposed to be my sister, I trusted you YONA", I turned around walking out before either could say anything. I went back to my room and as soon as the door shut I cried and I cried, for my broken relationship and for the father daughter relationship I wouldn't ever know or have.
Weeks had passed and I wouldn't speak to yona or hak, I avoided them and refused to even look at them. What made it worse was they were already in a relationship a maid told me. I've never been more humiliated,sad, pissed. I could kill them both. Thankfully just the perfect timing Soowon had arrived and I had met him at his rooms. I had hugged him and he pulled me into his room and I told him everything from hak and yona too my not father. "I'm so sorry y/n" he said as he hugged me. We spent some time like that. "There is actually something I need to tell you". Soowon nervously continued, "I'm to be married soon and since king il doesn't want it too be yona he is arranging that I marry you, I wanted to tell you myself". "I'm sorry that all this is being pushed on you y/n". I was stunned to say the least, I sat quiet not saying anything for a longgg time. "Y/n" Soowon worriedly asked. "I'm just trying to process all this" I said with a sigh. I had always liked soowon and the crush had always lingered in my heart but I had thought i lost it. I had also thought I wouldn't move on from hak or be able to live but guess I was wrong again. Here goes nothing "soowon... I have to tell you something, I have liked you for a long time more than just friends." "I thought I had lost the feelings I held for you all that time ago when I developed feeling for hak, but the feelings I have for you are still very much here for you and I just..." Words couldn't describe what I felt so I pulled Soowon into a kiss. That went on for a hot second before I pulled back. Soowon sat there silently stunned, I thought he was gonna reject me since he didn't exactly kiss me back but her again he surprised me. "I've felt the same for you for so long, I never got the chance since you started dating hak but I'm happy to know now that you reciprocated my feelings all this time" Soowon states with a slight blush to his face as he leans in and kisses me. I'm glad he's kissing me so he can't see the goofy ass smile I have on my face. "So are we together now , before we were gonna be yknow together anyway" I ask. "Yes we are y/n" he laugh.
It's crazy how all that happened and now I'm with soowon my childhood love. Maybe things do happen for a reason. I'm loved and no longer alone and I have someone who stands up for me against king il, it feels nice to be loved.
Requested by anon on wattpad
This is short and not the best but I’m still new and working on my writing skills, pls be patient. I do take requests for my oneshot book on wattpad, my @ is @IzanasWhore444
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evereinefaust · 4 months
. . . ⇢ ˗ˏˋ 𝟕 𝐌𝐢𝐧𝐮𝐭𝐞𝐬 𝐢𝐧 𝐇𝐞𝐚𝐯𝐞𝐧 ࿐ྂ
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Pairing: Son Hak X afab!Reader
Synopsis: When a simple game of 7 Minutes in Heaven caused MC and Son Hak spend time inside the cramped closet.
Word Count: 766
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"Okay, [Name]-chan, your turn~" Jae-ha handed you the small box that contains several pieces of paper in it.
"Here goes nothing..." you gulped as you dove your hand inside, closing your eyes while randomly picking the lucky person.
You opened your eyes when you already picked a random paper from the box. You unfolded it and stared at the paper, you can't believe your eyes. You gulped hard.
"What does it says, [Name]-chan?" the redhead female snatched the paper from you and glanced at it.
She read it out loud. "3. Ooh~ Hak is number 3! You are very lucky, [Name]-chan!"
"Really? That's too bad, I really wished that [Name]-chan would pick me," Su-won childishly pouted.
"Well~!" Jae-ha pushed you into the closet.
"H-hey! Jae-ha!" you shrieked, slightly flustered of the idea to spend 7 minutes in a cramped, dark closet with no other than Son Hak himself your secret crush.
Once you are shoved inside, you composed yourself and moved to the left side of the closet, next to the door to let the other person inside. You definitely don't want Hak to accidentally be shoved in and fell on you. Nah-ah. Nope. Not happening. The said thunder beast came in next, Jae-ha, using all his strength to push the heavy male inside, despite his protests. Once the tow of you are in, the green-haired male slammed the door close, followed by the click of the lock.
"Damn that green dragon!" Hak hissed under his breath.
You stayed quiet in your spot, never daring to move one bit inside the cramped space. The space is too small that your bodies are "extremely" close to each other. You could heat his fast heartbeat pounding against his ribcage. His hot breath tickling your ear. You blushed a thousand shades of red because of the close proximity.
"Hey, [Name]..." the tall male called, his breath slightly brushing agaisnt the top of your hair.
"Y-yes?" you stuttered, trying to look up to met his blue eyes despite the tightness.
"Damn..." he hissed under his breath when he saw your feature.
You are a sweating mess right now, the tightness of the closet and the closeness the two of you are in made your body sweat uncontrollably. Some strands of your [h/l] [h/c]-colored hair sticking to your sweaty face. Your cheeks were in a deep shades of red as I speak.
"I've been trying hard to stop myself, but after seeing you here in this cramped closet like that—sweating because of the hotness and flustered because of embarrassment—here with me..." he slightly growled seductively, his blue orbs never leaving yours. "I don't think I can stop myself anymore."
You tried to collect yourself before questioning. "W-what do you—hmph!?"
The next thing you knew was Hak aggressively kissing you. He snaked his arms around your waist to pull you close. After a moment, you recovered from your surprised state and hesitating before kissing him back. You closed your eyes to enjoy the moment, him as well. Hak bit your lower lips, asking for entrance, and this caught you by surprise and gasped, making your eyes shot open. He took this chance and slipped his soft tongue into your cavern. You moaned in the kiss, feeling every inch of your mouth be explored by him. Unfortunately, you both need to part for air. You panted heavily and glanced up to him, you could slightly see his cheeks tinted with red in the dark.
"[Name]..." Hak leaned down and whispered against your ear.
"Y-yes?" you could feel a shiver ran down your spine.
"I love you."
You smiled to yourself, closing your eyes and leaning against his chest. "I never actually thought that you will ever return my feelings for you."
"Well now, you know that I do."
"And later, I'm gonna show you how much I love you..." he whispered seductively, his voice so deep demanding.
You instantly shot your eyes open at his statement, and you definitely didn't like what he meant by that. Your heartbeat that is calming down started to race again. Your slightly flustered cheeks darkened once again.
And just then, the door was slammed open. You sighed in relief. The 7 minutes was already over.
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Heya girl💙! Congratulations to reach that high, I wish you even more because you deserve it😉💯. I hope I did correctly this challenge😅. I would like to submit a prompt for the 200 Followers Drabble Prompt Challenge. I challenge you to write a platonic hak and jaeha drabble for prompt #4. Having a friendly arm-wrestling match😚😆. Thank you so much, you're the best😘💓!
Hello lovely 🥰
Thank you so much for participating in the 200 Followers Drabble Prompt Challenge event!
I'm so sorry this took so long! I hope you like it!
Title: Is That A Woman Over There? Fandom: Yona of the Dawn/Akatsuki no Yona Characters: Hak & Jae-Ha Prompt: #4 - Having a friendly arm-wrestling match Word Count: 100
“Three, two, one, go!” Yona shouted. The stakes were high. The loser would have laundry duty for a month. Neither’s fist budged from the center. “You’re looking a little tired, Droopy Eyes,” Hak quipped as sweat began to form. “Nonsense,” Jae-Ha retorted with a small grunt, “I’ll win this soon.” “Hey, look, there’s a beautiful woman over there!” Hak yelled. “What, where?” Jae-Ha said in surprise as he lost his concentration.  In that split-second, Hak was able to bring Jae-Ha's fist down. “Winner!” Yona exclaimed. “If it was a leg-wrestling match, I would have beaten you!” Jae-Ha lamented in defeat. 
Again, thanks for participating!!! 💚
All completed drabbles will be posted on my A03 account.
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standinginthedawn · 1 year
finally going back to work on the hakxyona fic I started last year, rereading it and blushing because ~phew~ I forgot how steamy it was...
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I think instead of making it a one-off, I'm going to build it out into a three-chapter arc with the last one having the romantic tension come to a head
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wd-ghosty · 1 year
Dancing Dragons
Zeno x reader fanfic part-1
!Disclaimer! this is my first fan fic and English isn't my first language so please be nice.
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Back Story
You are a twenty-two year-old wandering entertainer from Xing, you come from a big family, and you're quite popular among nobility. You started out dancing and singing on the streets, to preforming in theaters.
Your life was amazing despite the fact your parents were mad at you for years for not becoming a doctor, government official, or marrying into a rich family. But other than that your life was great, until one day you came home from a trip, and your whole house was in an uproar. Turns out your younger cousin was kidnapped, he'd been gone for weeks and you're family only had one lead. A couple month's went by and your family hired a private investigators, but none of them had gotten anywhere in their investigation, so you pack your bags and look for yourself.
Present day
You're wandering the water tribe in Koukha, umbrella in hand as you look for an inn, the rain is hard and loud you can barely hear yourself, but then you hear a scream. You see a girl who can't be over the age of thirteen on the floor with a black eye, while an older man probably forty towers over her.
You know you probably can't win this fight so you should leave, but you just can't leave a child alone at the mercy of some random man. You grab a rock off the ground and throw it at the man's face, you run towards the little girl grab her and run away. You get kinda far from the man but he's fast, you manage to hide the girl but he grabs you and throws you to the hard and wet pavement. The man gets on top of the and starts screaming at you as the blood from his eye starts dripping on your face, you try to break free from under him but he's got you pinned down, and everytime you lift up your head he slams it back onto the ground and you start bleeding yourself.
You fear the worst is about to happen, but then you see a huge white claw pick him up and throw him. You see a group of strange people and a person with blazing red hair, a person with golden hair rushes up to you before you black out.
You woke up you caught the amazing aroma of steamed pork buns, and a plethora of spices, when you opened your eyes you see the man with the golden hair above you, before you could say anything he offers you a rice ball. "Hello..." you sit up and look around, this place look pretty fancy and this is an amazing bed. "Are you ok? that's a pretty deep cut on your cheek," the man looks at you concerned, and he's still holding a plate for you. He doesn't look like he could be older than nineteen, but he looked younger and he was Incredibly welcoming so you were at ease around him. "Yes, I'm alright, would you be ever so kind and tell me where I am?" "Oh you're in the water tribe..." it takes him a couple seconds to realize what he said, "Oh! Your in Riri's house, she's the daughter of the water tribe chief and his friends with us."
As the yellow boy talks to me another person walks in the room, "Zeno i told you to call me when they wake up! Hi I'm yun, it's your cheek ok?" "Yes it is, thank you." Yun walks up to you to re-bandage the scar, "how did you find me, and why did you help me?" Yun and Zeno both look at you surprised by the question, and all three of guy are collectively confused. "What did you mean why did we save you? You needed help so we helped." Zeno added, "Oh, the little girl asked up for help, then Jea-Ha took her home." you look relived and try to get up out of bed but Zeno loops hid arms around her shoulders. "You've been asleep for three days, Zeno doesn't think it's good for you to get up yet."
It takes you quite some time to register what he said, "Three days! I-i need to go!" You rush out if need grab your bags and into the hallway as Zeno and Yun run after you. "Wait come back!" Yun screams at you and you run into the garden trying to get out but you bump into a guy with green hair, "oh, hello there, and whom might i owe the pleasure." He holds your hand and kisses it, uni get quite flustered and confused by this romantic gesture some random man just greated you with. "Hello, Hi, I'm Y/N and I'm just about to be gone." As you try to exit out the garden door a man with pale skin and hair for in your way, "aren't you the girl we found in the streets? Should you be out yet, I thought Yun and Zeno were watching you?" As you try to get away from them Zeno grabs you by the waist "Hey you can't go yet, Zeno doesn't want you to!" you're overwhelmed by this and when you finally break free you see a guy with a weird mask and a bunch of fur. at the point you're surrounded, but then the person with the red hair comes around and tells them to back off, "Hi I'm Yona, sorry about these guys they can get... curious, what is your name?" At this point you're irritated and you just want to leave, but you dust yourself off and tell her your name. "I'm Y/N." "Common let's go to a more quiet spot." She lead you to a gazebo with three other girls two with black hair one blonde, "Riri she woke up!" One of the girls rushes over to you and asks if you're ok and they sit you down at the table and you explain everything. You've been talking with the girls for hours enjoying yourself, and forgot all of your problems until Petra asks you a question, "Y/N you said you're a traveling entertainer correct?" You replied with, "Yes, why do you ask?" "I just wanted to know who in Koukha booked you for a show?" You take a second to process what she said and you remember why you came here.
"Actually I was heading to Sen Province, my younger cousin was kidnapped, and the only peice of evidence we have is an address with Sen province under it. THAT'S IT NO NAME, NO MET UP PLACE, NO RANSOM JUST THIS!" You start to tear up in anger, confusion, and frustration. "It's so frustrating, I don't even know what to expect what if he's already dead what if I'm too late! I don't know what to do, but if I don't try, if I dint get there fast enough I have no doubt in my mind he will be gone. Thank you for helping me but I must take my leave." You grab you bag and start to head out but Yona says something unexpected, "me and the dragons will help you find him, you said going alone might be dangerous but you'll be safe with us."
Your shocked by this, the fact a group of random people are willing to help you is baffling. "I-i don't even know you, why wigs you want to help me... TWICE?" She grabs you by your hands "we're friends now and you need to get your cousin back so we'll help." "Thank you Yona... you don't know what this means for me, I- I can't describe what this means to me."
The next day you and the rest of the happy hungry bunch left for Sen province, as you all walk through the forest and the mountains you get to know all of them. You all become great friends, and the trip is supposed to take a three on foot but everything is going great so far. The group stopped in a clearing and set up camp when it was late, after everything was fine you decided to go on a walk. As you were walking through the forest you find a flower field, the flowers ranged from lavender, baby's breath, and chrysanthemums, the beautiful colors mixed with the sunset is almost euphoric. You take off you cape put it on the ground and layed down, you have hope that you'll find your cousin and get back to Xing so fast you'll barely remember what happened between. You start to doze off but you hear something coming up, you think it's a bunny so you don't mind until that thing... lays next to you. You open your eyes and jump up in shock, you look down and you see Zeno laying next to you. "Did I scare ya?" He looks at you with a cheeky smile plastered on his face, "Zeno don't do that, my soul almost left by body!" You were kinda angy quickly calm down and lay back down, "so why'd you come out? Me personally I was just bored". Zeno turns to his side and faces you, "Do you ever think of death, do you ever wonder who, or what is waiting for you on the other side?"
You look at him shocked by the question, "I haven't thought that far, no matter what you believe in I don't think death is something you should be scared of." Zeno looks at you then looks but at the sky, "elaborate, you aren't scared of death. If I were to stab you, you'd be fine with that?" You're dumbfounded by that reply, Zeno is a cute little kid... well not little but he doesn't usually talk like this.
"That's not what I meant. Death is as natural as birth, death itself isn't scary is the way you die. If you pass in a comfortable bed surrounded by your loved ones that's a good death, but if you're murdered, burned, or suffocated, that's a bad death." You try to think of words to further explain, but Zeno says something before you do, "i get that, you don't need to explain yourself," you and Zeno both just may Duan and enjoy life together, but even you opened your eyes the beautiful red sunset turn into a black sky full of stars. You look around and see Zeno laying next to you looking at the stars, "oh your awake you've been asleep for awhile, don't get me wrong if love to stay here with you but we be better off with everyone else." Zeno stands up and holds his hands out for you, you grab them and the two of you walk back to camp, "how long did you wait for me?" You asked Zeno a question you beloved was stupid to try and fill the awkward quite walk back, "probably two hours..." you ask Zeno "what did you say? Two hours why didn't you just she me up?" Zeno grabs your hand and continues to walk with you,
"I fell asleep as well, but I woke up two hours before you do is fine... Why do you care so much about inconveniencing other people, even if it causes you a problem? You were about to leave by yourself until the princess said well accompany you, why is it so hard for you to ask for help?" You stop dead in your tracks and stare daggers at Zeno, "What the hell did you just say to me! You barely even know me, I don't have to explain anything to you!" You're obviously insulted by his question "I know how to ask for help but..." You take a moment to think about what he said it was Incredibly hard for you to ask for help when you need it, he's only known you for a matter of four days you were asleep for three of them and he can still tell. "So what, it's better I do things myself, if I ask someone else to do it I'll be disappointed. It's not even that big of a deal, so getting help isn't Worth it."
Zeno grabs your hands, and placed his forehead on yours, "I have a good feeling about you, don't be scared to ask me for anything. Ok." It's too dark to see but you can feel Zeno next to you, you tighten your grip on his hands and take a deep breath, "Ok... let's go back" Zeno smile and leads you back to camp.
When you two get back to camp you see Hak and Jae-Ha talking by the fire, "where have you two been?" Jae-Ha asks with a smug look in his face while Hak is side eyeing him, "I fell asleep in a flower field, Zeno found me and waited until I woke up." You go into the tent you're sharing with Yona and Yun, when you get in your sleeping bag you can't stop thinking of Zeno, he was so warm and comforting, but at the same time you were in edge around him. Zeno is... something, but I wonder where his parents are and why they'd let a seventeen year-old go away with a strange group of people, you wonder so many things about all of them but for now you'll wait until the time is right.
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randowwriter · 2 years
Just One Extra Thing Please
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@moonstruck-writing​ Here’s the HakYona fic to 57. :) So, I made a cute little Modern AU (that still is relatively close to canon as far as how Yona’s life goes), and I hope you enjoy it! <3 <3 <3  https://www.fanfiction.net/s/14153283/1/Just-One-Extra-Thing-Please
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hakuyona · 2 years
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pairing: Yona x Hak
rating: M
word count: 2644
chapters: 1/?
read here!
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im-just-star-dust · 2 years
Screw all these otome games, where is the yona of the dawn dating sim???? Plz someone make a fangame i am begging
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wonderlandgoblin · 6 months
Okay, so I don’t watch Hazbin Hotel (if I wrote it wrong, sorry) but for like weeks, the only thing I see in the asexual tag is people complaining about allos shipping ace characters in a very allo way, and it’s been annoying me to no end, because while we do have to be upset about that, the ace tag should also function in a way for us to share jokes, have fun and enjoy our identity without having to fight for our right to exist.
So I propose we do something different. Let’s annoy the aphobes. I propose that from now on, every character becomes ace/aro/aroace. No more shipping fanfics, just platonic relationships and friendships. Every fanart is now SFW and has the ace/aro/aroace flags colors.
Tell me the characters you’re claiming!
My ace claimings are:
1-Luffy (any pairing with him just gives me nausea)
2-Zoro (fuck zosan, he prefers swords over anything except maybe luffy, who he has a squish on)
3-Bakugou Katsuki (I love that kid, I’m making him one of my own)
4-Sasuke (I hate that guy, but he rejected both Sakura and Naruto, that kid’s definitely aroace)
5-Yor (my queen mama prefers killing over kissing, that should be an obvious sign)
6-Yona (no one’s touching my queen, she never liked Soo-won nor Hak, it was all social pressure to not end up alone, fight me)
7-Xie Lian (I don’t like the idea of anyone touching the god I worship, so that means he’s ace now)
8-Kageyama (idk why, he just has a vibe)
9-Handa from Barakamon (I don’t think this needs explanation)
10-Fushiguro Megumi (I like him, he’s one of my own now)
11-Maomao (she prefers venoms over sex)
12-Mash from Mashle (like, look at him, that guy just wants to exercise, eat and be with his family)
13-Violet Evergarden (I don’t think I need to explain this, this girl dedicated her entire life to understanding romance as it made no sense to her, aroace queen)
14-Sokka (he’s too smart to like sex)
15-Zuko (he’s an angel, angels don’t have sex)
16-Magnus Chase AND Alex Fierro (they’re my babies, I identify too much with them, the idea of them having sex gives me the ickies)
17-Jude from the Cruel Prince (I liked her better before she fell for that stupid fairy)
18-Edmund from Narnia (he was my childhood crush, I’m making him ace)
19-Annabeth Chase (she’s too perfect to have sex)
20-Alec Lightwood (I just like imagining Magnus loosing his shit every once in a while because of it)
21-Leo Valdez (bc why not?)
22-Blue Sargent and half the women she lives with (no explanation needed)
23-Dick Gansey the Third (he prefers dead kings over sex)
24-Katniss Everdeen (if you disagree, what is wrong with you?)
25-Castiel (fuck destiel shippers, angels don’t have sex)
26-Felicity from Arrow (haven’t finished the series but as far as I know, she’s too cool for sex)
27-Barbie (she’s a doll, she has no reproductive organs, she can’t feel desire)
I could probably pick more characters but I think this is enough for now, have fun annoying the aphobes!
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sakurafairymage · 1 year
First kiss
A Shin-ah x reader fanfic
Fluffy. No warnings. I didn't proof read this sooo it is what it is lol.
You had been dating Shin-ah for three months now. At first you both we’re shy around each other but you got comfortable with Shin-ah within the first week, you would hug him as much as possible when you were together. It took Shin-ah a little longer. By the end of the first month Shin-ah he’d started reaching out to hold your hand or just to feel you there, and every time he did it made you realize how much you loved this man. You watch as he helped Yona set up the tent. Now you watch him openly compared to when you first started to like him because you always got caught anyway. Shin-ah looks your way and waves to you. You wave back with a huge smile on your face. He's so cute!
"Hey, Y/N, hand me those carrots,” Yun said braking you out of your thoughts. He looks over see the aforementioned carrots still only half cut up. “Geez, were you spacing out again.”
You hurried to cut the rest of the carrots before Yun nagged at you more.
“Here,” you hand them to him. He dumps them unceremoniously into the stew. You catch a whiff
You couldn't fall asleep tonight. Thoughts and worries swirled in your head, everyone had to into town the next day and you were worried about the dragons standing put to much. You tost and turned, alternately thinking of ways to make them blend in a little and what could go wrong. Eventually you decide to go for a walk so you don’t wake up Yona and Yun with your restlessness. As quietly as you can you climb out of the tent. It's chilly out here. You think as you clutch the blanket closer to yourself. Holding your breath you sneak out of the camp, past Hak and the dragons. When you’re far enough away you let out your breath. I made it with out anyone noti—
“Y/N,” A voice says right behind you.
“Eep!” You jump forward and trip on a tree root. A strong hand catches you before you can fall and you turn around to see Shin-ah in the moonlight.
“Shin-ah! It's only you. You scared me,” you whisper, leaning into his touch in relief. He pulls you into a hug and you immediately go bright red.
You feel him speak more than hear him.
“It's okay,” You give him a tight squeeze before pulling back to look up at him, “You want to come with me for a walk?”
He nodded. You took hold of his hand and started walking.
“…Are you worried about something?” Shin-ah asks you. You smile despite the worries that keep popping into your head. Shin-ah has gotten more comfortable with talking to you and it makes you happy.
“Yeah, I was worried about going into town tomorrow. I kept going over everything that could happen and it kept me awake,”
You two come upon a small lake in a clearing. The moon and the stars are reflected in the lake making it look like a night sky on earth.
“Wow! It's beautiful!” You stare at the lake in awe. “Don’t you think so to Shin-ah?”
He squeezes your hand and makes an agreeable noise, you look over to see him staring at you with a soft smile that makes your heart skip a beat and before you knew it you stood on your tip toes and kissed him on the cheek. He went still, a surprised look on his face and in the pale light of the moon you could just barely make out the color rising on his cheeks. After a moment of silence you don't know what to do so you start to apologize, “I'm sorry if that was to sudden. You were just so cute that my body moved on it's own. I’ll be more-”
But before you could finish he suddenly moved and kissed you on the cheek. You look up at him and see that warm smile again that just melts your heart and you smile happily. He holds put his hand to you and taking it you both head back to the camp hand in hand.
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bittertomato · 9 months
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A lil late but happy new year!
Characters under the cut, plus some fun facts
Tomato's faves for each month of 2023
January: Diana Cavendish (Little With Academia)
February: Diana Cavendish (Little Witch Academia)
March: True Rider — Hippolyta (Fate/Strange Fake)
April: Psyche Callista (Your Throne)
May: Misaka Mikoto (A Certain Scientific Railgun)
June: Misaka Mikoto (A Certain Scientific Railgun)
July: Morgan (Fate/Grand Order)
August: Morgan (Fate/Grand Order)
September: Morgan (Fate/Grand Order)
October: Morgan (Fate/Grand Order)
November: Morgan (Fate/Grand Order)
December: Morgan (Fate/Grand Order)
Brainrot of the Year 2023: Morgan (Fate/Grand Order)
Hall of Fame (aka brainrots of years past)
2023: Morgan (Fate/Grand Order)
2022: Tsuruhime Yachiyo (Shoujo Kageki Revue Starlight: ReLive)
2021: Tsuruhime Yachiyo and Yumeoji Shiori (Shoujo Kageki Revue Starlight: ReLive)
2020: Yumeoji Shiori (Shoujo Kageki Revue Starlight: ReLive)
2019: Tendou Maya (Shoujo Kageki Revue Starlight: ReLive)
2017 & 2018: Diana Cavendish (Little Witch Academia)
2016: Carmilla Karnstein (Carmilla the Webseries), Elsa (Frozen), Tohsaka Rin (Fate/stay night), and Misaka Mikoto (A Certain Scientific Railgun)
2015: Carmilla Karnstein + Laura Hollis aka Hollstein (Carmilla the Webseries) aka my gay awakening
2014: Elsa (Frozen)
2012 & 2013: Higurashi Kagome (Inuyasha), Kuchiki Rukia (Bleach), Mouri Ran (Detective Conan), and Chiba Mamoru (Sailor Moon)
2011: Chiba Mamoru (Sailor Moon)
2009 & 2010: Kuchiki Rukia (Bleach)
Pre-2009: Who knows? My memory sure doesn't!
And I promised fun facts, so...
The early days...
The reason I can date my first fave to Rukia in 2009 is because that was when I made a Fanfiction.net account and posted my first fanfic. Don't read it I was young and foolish.
Bleach, Inuyasha, and Sailor Moon were my first animes. The first two I definitely watched on Adult Swim back when I still watched cable.
I used to be pretty skilled at self defense and even have a first degree black belt. One of the reasons why Ran from Detective Conan really left an impression on me.
There's a few unnamed faves that I also had from more obscure anime that were from so long ago that I can't pinpoint the exact years. A special shoutout to Asuka from Ask Dr. Rin! This show is in no way affiliated with Tohsaka Rin lol.
And yes, I do have male faves besides Mamoru! I love Hak and his constipated repressed feelings for Yona (Akatsuki no Yona) and my in-game name in FGO is inspired by Kurogane (Tsubasa Reservoir Chronicles). And for whatever reason, Fred is my favorite from Scooby Doo.
Honestly, I have to give Elsa some credit. I think she started the trend of my faves being "blonde/light haired "regal" rich/well off BAMF ladies who seem cold and distant on the surface but are actually dorks over-burdened and forced to grow up too fast, with a dash (or a ton) of family angst dumped on them." I mean, do you see any of my past faves being blonde? xD
The college days...
I was in denial about being queer and swore I was straight until I somehow found Carmilla the Webseries (I don't even know how) during the summer of 2015 and had a multi-step process of acceptance that went something like "Oh the actress for Laura Hollis is hot. Oh the actress for Carmilla is cute, pretty, and a huge dork. Oh everyone is pretty attractive. Wait mostly just the girls. Wait is that why I don't give a shit about men?"
Little Witch Academia is not only the first series where I published fanfic on AO3, but it's also the series that got me to write AND finish longer stories. So congrats, Diana! I really wanted to angst you :D It's also the fandom where I found my closer Discord friends. Love y'all, mwah.
I think Revue Starlight might be the series that squeezed the most faves out of me. It holds a special place in my heart for numerous reasons, but the main one might be the collab fic I worked on with Quill, who is now my partner 😊So thanks, ReLive even if your gacha game is somehow even worse than FGO.
That said, the series I seem to always go back to seem to be the To aru and Fate franchises. Maybe it's because they're still ongoing.
Those two are also the reason I started messaging Quill back in the day, so they hold an extra special place in my heart. Even with all their flaws.
And then Lostbelt 6 hit FGO and blew everything out of the water. I rave about Morgan a lot but that chapter of the game truly had a stellar cast. Nasu wanted us to remember that he can cook lol.
Where is my Lostbelt 6 anime, Aniplex?
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pandoraolivine · 3 months
Akatsuki no Yona Oneshot
Flower Moon
An expansion on the sword training scene/Chapter 47 (Yona/Shin-ah)
My first time posting a fanfic here so pls be merciful to anything that is abnormal or out of place I truly have no idea what I'm doing lol. This idea has lived rent free in my mind for weeks now so I thought I'd write it out. Shin-ah is such an interesting character I was dying to flesh him out more, plus current manga circumstances have me missing my boy. Yes I know Hak and Yona are canon but this pairing will always hold a special place in my heart. I don't own any of these characters. (thank you again @roseodelle for proofreading for me🖤)
TW: blood
WC: 4,371
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Shin-ah didn't quite understand the idea of love. How was he meant to when neither he nor his guardian, Ao, had? His sole point of reference for the outside world was limited to the scene outside the window of his childhood home, where he would often linger for hours. One day, he witnessed longingly as two individuals had their arms firmly intertwined. He, with the naive nature of any child his age, mentioned the encounter to Ao.
"Ao, what are they doing? Are they hurt? Should we go help them?" The young Shin-ah asked. Ao grumbled, tearing his gaze away from the sword he sharpens towards the window. Though Shin-ah's vision was hindered by the mask placed on him since birth, he saw the moment Ao's face dropped. Ao quickly averted his eyes back to his sword.
"They're just hugging." Ao answered bluntly, the sanding of his sword more aggressive than beforehand. Shin-ah was more confused than he was prior to the question. His eyes found their way back to the couple as they tear away from the embrace, observing one place a hand on the other’s cheek.
"What's hugging?" Shin-ah questioned further. Ao, now scrubbing viciously, was silent-something Shin-ah knew meant he had touched a soft spot. He began to consider retracting his concern when Ao spoke:
"It's a thing people sometimes do to show love."
"What's love?" Shin-ah pried further. Ao's answers seemed only to lead to more questions for him. Ao stiffened, his sword slipping off his lap momentarily before he caught it. Though long baby blue hair covered Ao's face, Shin-ah's dragon eyes saw his gritted teeth.
"Something you don't need to worry about.”
"Do you love me?" Shin-ah wanted some sort of reference for the phrase. He knew he cared deeply for Ao, him being the closest to a parent he had ever had. He wondered if that was love. Ao sighed, his sharpening at a normal pace again.
"I guess you could call it that." He stated begrudgingly, his voice half a mutter and half a grunt. Ao finished with his sword and stood up, giving it a few test swings.
"What about the villagers? They hate us, yet you always go out of your way to protect them. Why?"
Ao froze mid overhead slash, his golden eyes wide. He reeled his sword back towards himself, then locked eyes with Shin-ah. His face was tight, temples throbbing intensely.
"I can't hate them-so I'll protect them. That's how I'll show them." Ao announced as he sheathed his sword. His large hand scratched the back of his neck, releasing a deep sigh. "You sure are chatty today, kid. No more questions."
Show them what? Shin-ah wanted to ask, but knew pushing his luck any more would further upset Ao, and he hated when Ao got mad. Ao waltzed to the door, readying himself for their regular bandit hunts. Shin-ah's mouth opened, fear of being left behind overtaking, when Ao lowered a hand towards the ground and outspread it towards him. Shin-ah grinned from ear to ear, rushing into a sprint towards Ao's side, placing his small hand in his guardian's.
Shin-ah physically shook his head in an attempt to purge the memory from his thoughts. Ao was always a bittersweet part of his mind, and it frustrated him how little he could remember of his face-a reminder of how long he had been on his own since Ao had left him.
But he wasn't alone anymore, he reminded himself. A girl who, with an aura more radiant than the sun itself, had rescued him from his eternal darkness. He even had brothers now, too. It had taken more getting used to than he had expected, and even now he found himself wandering far from the group out of sheer habit. He wasn't used to the constant company; Kija and Zeno especially tended to exhibit a particular need for closeness he simply wasn't accustomed to.
“Hak, you idiot.” He would recognize that voice in total darkness-even if he were completely deaf, the warmth of her presence reached him long before she herself did. Yona appeared from behind a tree then kicked the rock closest to her feet, crossing her arms in an extravagant huff. She blew a tuft of crimson hair from her eyes, and in doing so, spotted Shin-ah. Her lips curved into a devious smirk.
Shin-ah gulped, his eyes darting around the surrounding area. His beloved squirrel, Ao (though not fitting for a female squirrel, was named after the only name he ever knew) was chewing on his furry headpiece. Yona approached him with a plan clearly on the forefront of her mind.
“Yes, I want you to teach me swordsmanship. You are a swordsman, right?” Yona asked, her hands kneading into her skirt as she gripped it tightly. Swordsman? He thought, but he supposed it was the proper term for him. Ao had never really given him a special title for it. “Shin-ah, who did you learn swordsmanship from?”
There was a sharp jolt in his stomach, as if he had just leapt from a high ledge. “Ao,” he whispered. Though the name often fell on his lips for his beloved squirrel, it had been many, many years since it was spoken in reference to his guardian.
“...eh?” Yona gasped, eyes wide and bewildered. Realizing the confusion he had caused, he shook his head.
“Someone…by my side, a long time ago.” He confirmed to hopefully resolve any confusion, his eyes trailing off in thoughts of his guardian for a moment. He clenched his fist. “And then fighting in actual battles. Bandits and wild beasts, mostly.”
“That's amazing! I figured as much. I bet those villagers are regretting not appreciating you now that you're not there to fight their battles.” Yona exclaimed, though her brows seemed to lower slightly at the mention of his former village’s residents. He shrunk his head into his shoulders. He knew that the villagers were unaware to anything he had done for them-Ao had made that very apparent to him early on in his life-but it was the only guide he had been given on how to live through this unfortunate existence. His sole purpose was to survive, protect the village, and assist the rising of the blue dragon once the curse laid its hands on its next victim. Clapping her fists together in front of her in a prayer-like motion, Yona leaned towards him. “Teach me the swordsmanship you cultivated through actual combat, Shin-ah.”
Shin-ah twitched, finding himself at cross roads. He thought of Yona’s protector, Hak, and if he would be upset at him for possibly putting her in harm’s way. The Thunder Beast was adamantly against the idea of Yona wielding a sword, and Shin-ah knew he was not one to be trifled with. However, her glowing green eyes gleamed with uncontainable glee, and though he wore a mask, he could tell she was doing her very best to look into his eyes. How could he refuse her when the name she had given him sounded like sweet songbirds coming from her lips? With a sigh, he took his sword from its sheath and meticulously examined it for any potential scratches, as well as ensureed that the handle's binding was secure enough to stay in place as she held it. He hesitated one more moment before uneasily placing the sword in her delicate hands.
As soon as he let go, the weight of the sword quickly made itself known to her as it plummeted towards the ground. Despite trembling arms, Yona lifted the tip of the sword towards the sky, her eyes meeting his, with the fire he admired so much. He evaluated her stance. He then tilted his head to the side, pondering how to explain once he determined how terrible it was.
“Widen your legs…shoulder width apart. Better stance makes you sturdier.” He meekly suggested, not accustomed to being a teacher. He found it difficult, as much of his own studies had been from observing Ao and practicing on his own. He wasn't quite sure how to translate that knowledge. She did as he asked, then slashed the sword horizontally. The weight unbalanced her for a moment, but then she sliced the air going in the opposite way. She followed it with multiple more swings in an uncoordinated fashion.
Ah, there it is, he thinks, the problem evident. Unsure of how to best word his thoughts, he stepped behind her and wrapped his hands around her wrists. “Your wrists are too tight…loosen them. More fluid movement.” He directed, then showed her a proper crossway slice. He followed it with an upward swing, leading into a sharp thrust. “Move with purpose. Each move should lead into the next.”
“So, it's kinda like dancing!” Yona blurted out, practicing the move set he had just shown her. Shin-ah didn't have much dancing practice-or really, any, for that matter-but if the connection helped her, then that was all that mattered to him. His eyes were drawn to her hands, realizing just how much more battered up they were up close: etched with scars, splinters, and small cuts. His chest tightened. He wished that they would stay soft forever and that she would never experience hardship, but he knew that was not the kind of girl Yona was.
Why was he so fixated on her hands? He asked himself, finding his own face growing hot beneath his mask. He released her wrists and stepped back, tossing the recent thoughts from his mind. He steadied his headpiece and monitored Yona as she tightened her grip on the sword. Her eyes were blazingly focused. After correcting her stance as Shin-ah had shown her, she swung the sword in the fashion previously demonstrated for her.
Shin-ah found himself in a trance, incapable of tearing his gaze away. Her hair tossed across her face as she sliced, with stray pieces clinging to the sweat that lined the edge of her hair, her breaths deep but determined. She released small grunts as she fought to keep a steady grip on the blade that she refused to deem too heavy for herself. She went for the upward slash, her brow furrowed deeply as she thrust herself forward with her blade pointed at Shin-ah. He found his breath had escaped him and his rib cage seemed to squeeze at his chest. Had she paralyzed his heart?
Yona softened as she reeled the sword back. Her face pinched, releasing a faint yelp as she let a hand off the blade. He froze, a pit carving into his stomach as he saw the deep scarlet puddle on her pale hands. She stared indifferently at her now-bloody palm.
“I see, this sword doesn't have a guard.” She quickly disregarded her frown, then moved her hand back to the hilt. “Shin-ah, can you walk me through-”
He promptly robbed her of the blade, clutching the handle fiercely to his body. He'd hurt her. He was the one who caused this. He did precisely what he had always feared he would. He pivoted to bolt-his answer to any problematic situation-when a small hand grabbed his elbow.
“Shin-ah, wait. I'm ok, I promise. It's just a scratch.” Yona tried to reassure him, but Shin-ah still attempted to pull away. As hard as he fought to omit the sight from his all-seeing eyes, he could not rid himself of the crimson that stained her hands. He could not leave her like this. He grit his teeth, tossed his sword aside to the grass, then turned to Yona. He knew Yoon had gone to town to buy supplies so he would have to take care of her himself. He gathered her up, one arm beneath her legs, the other around her shoulders, then scouted for a nearby river. Yona cried out, the whites of her eyes taking over and her cheeks glowing, "Shin-ah, what are yo-”
He unintentionally cut her question short as soon as he leapt towards the body of water he had just discovered. Her small fists clamped tightly onto his overshirt, and he found it difficult to concentrate anywhere other than her face as she peered at the passing scenery of the surrounding woodland. They arrived at the fiercely-flowing river, where he cautiously set her down and guided her hand into the water. With one hand, he carefully cupped water over the cut, wincing as he reviewed the incision without blood once the water ran clear. “I’m sorry…Yona.”
“This isn't your fault. I was the one who was careless. I'm sure next time I'll-” Yona began, but was hastily disrupted by Shin-ah passionately jerking his head back and forth. He refused to allow her to get hurt on his account ever again. The bleeding stopped, yet his index finger continued to trace the lines of her palm. He snaps himself out of it then reaches for the bandages he kept in his pack for his arm wraps out. He timidly grabbed hold of her fingers and began to tenderly wrap the bandages around her palm.
He urges himself to stay centered on the task at hand and not let his thoughts drift back to her features, which he deeply desired to study. His work was abruptly disturbed by sudden heat on his jaw, which he faintly gasped to. He raised his head to see Yona's hand on his chin, accompanied by a smile so dazzling it threatened to overthrow the sun and melt his heart. Her gentle fingertips began to wedge beneath his mask so he swiftly seized her wrist to stop her. His hands grew sweaty and his fingertips twitched. Yona's expression sank.
“It's ok, I just want to be able to look into your eyes when I talk to you. Won't you let me? It's hard to read your face with it covered.” She pleaded, stroking his cheek with her thumb. He pressed his lips together and turned his head away. He detested to risk harming her with this curse he had been forsaken by. “I could never be afraid of you, Shin-ah.”
She gracefully proceeds to inch her fingers further to remove the mask from his face, and he finds himself unable to refuse her. He reluctantly let go of her wrist, illumination blinding him as he emerged from his realm of darkness. He instinctively squeezed his eyes shut, largely out of a deep-seated fear of his paralysis powers and the other being sensitive to the sunshine overhead. Yona's hand slid to his cheekbone and brushed the area around his birthmark. His eyelids fluttered open, taking in every detail around him like a newborn observing the world for the first time; from the leaves swaying in the wind, the waterfall miles away, to the fish swimming against the current. But Yona, the most brilliant light of them all, was the one he always found his way back to.
Her face was so much more breathtaking without hindered vision. He absorbed every minute detail: her freckles, the frizz of her wild hair, the cracks in her lips, her sun-kissed skin along her cheeks, the array of green hues in her captivating eyes.
“You have such beautiful eyes. I wish you weren't so afraid to show them to the world.” Yona said. He is met with the familiar urge to hide himself, although this time, not out of fear, but due to a stranger feeling he couldn't quite verbalize. “I don't see how anyone could see you as cursed.”
“I…” He trailed, unable to find the correct words. After muttering a grunt, he redirected his focus back to tending to her wound. As Yona withdrew her hand, the heat dissipated from his cheek, leaving him colder than he was prior with a shiver crawling up his spine. He finishes wrapping it up, taking special care to ensure it wasn't tight enough as to cause discomfort. It would have to do for now until Yoon could work his magic. Shin-ah knew the basics enough to tend to his own injuries from countless years of skirmishes, but he was hardly a professional. The last thing he wanted was to initiate further damage by addressing her wound incorrectly. His hands linger on her hand a moment longer, finding it difficult to remove.
“See? All better! Thank you, Shin-ah.” Yona sings, admiring his work. She then brings her hands to her lap, gripping the fabric of her dress. “I'm sorry for being so careless, and for upsetting you.”
“Yona, you could never upset me.” Shin-ah rapidly responds, quite offended at the very idea, shaking his head furiously. Yona giggles, a sound that could cure him even on his deathbed. “I want to protect you. I…never want to see you hurt.”
“I'm grateful for you, and the others, for that matter. It means the world to me to have so many who care for me.” She states, but there is an underlying tone to her voice as her eyes seem to drift towards the river longingly. “But I want to protect you all too. I never want to be powerless again.”
Shin-ah sharply inhales at how quickly her mood darkened. He frantically looked around for Ao, who was much more efficient at comforting others than himself, but she was nowhere to be found, so she must have returned to camp on her own. He grits his teeth together, his brain mulling over every possibility, but he drew a blank on what to do. He had never been good at this sort of thing-how could he be when none had ever been expressed to him? His guardian, Ao, was certainly not the affectionate type, and the villagers loathed him so much they would have ignored him to bleed to death and then complain about having to clean up the mess left on the dirt. He dreaded to see Yona so sorrowful; he desired nothing more than to be able to physically combat the darkness that engulfed her and beat it into submission so she would never succumb to despair again. His eyes gleam as an idea rolls into his mind, promting him to grab her unbandaged hand with his own, squeezing it tightly. Yona’s head whips towards him, her mouth hanging open at the sudden touch. She quickly throws on a smile, her thumb rubbing against the outer part of his hand.
“That’s why I need you to teach me the sword! I need to be strong enough to protect you the way you protect me.” Yona exclaimed, her eyes ignited with determination. Shin-ah immediately shakes his head, his dragon eyes able to see the fresh wound even beyond the bandages. He would never allow something like that to happen again. Yona's face scrunches to the side, lips puckered into a pout. Her features soften as she locks eyes with him once more. “Could I at least watch you practice?”
Shin-ah grew still as a statue. His golden eyes widened as he remembered how he spent his entire span of consciousness imitating every move Ao had demonstrated for him, even after his death. He was cast away into memories of his own solitude, his sole solace for the majority of his life being that Ao remained eternally with him due to the techniques bestowed upon him prior to his passing. Before he had time to resist, tears welled up in his eyes against his will. Yona immediately jumped to place a hand on his cheek.
“I'm so sorry! I didn't mean to upset you, we don't have-” She apologized, but was rendered short mid-sentence by Shin-ah, who coated her entire hand with his own and swayed his head faintly. His fingers followed the lines of her bandages.
“No…that's perfect.” He reassures, taking a deep inhale in a futile attempt to withdraw his tears. Yona grinned softly, her thumb collecting the overflow from trickling down his face.
“You’re such a kind soul, Shin-ah. I hope you stay by my side forever.” Yona states. He discovered he was completely unable to move-perhaps she had paralyzed him, just as she had done prior. He curled a fingertip just to prove he still could. What had she done to him, then?
“I'll follow you anywhere, as long as you let me.” Shin-ah vowed breathily, wandering in the lush emerald forest that made a home in her eyes.
Yona grew a toothy smile, her cheeks pink like the petals of a rose against snow. Her eyes lit up suddenly and she scrambled through her pouch. “Oh! I nearly forgot! I have a surprise for you.”
Shin-ah’s head cocked to the side, watching her closely as his hands rested in his lap. She let out a triumphant cry as she extracted a foreign object from her pouch. He heard a familiar faint ring, one that caused his eyes to expand and intercepted his breath.
“I noticed you lost the bells from your mask after we escaped the cave, and I was worried they were something precious to you that you lost because of me. So when I was in town with Yoon the other day and saw this, I knew I had to get it for you.” Yona explained, her hands cupped together as she presented a large golden bell threaded through a blue ribbon. He was too overcome with shock to move, so he silently stared at the bell, mouth hanging open and uncertain how to proceed. Ao's words reverberated in his mind: 'I'll know where you are, even if I can't see you.' Yona took note of his awe and sensitively laid the bell into the exposed palms of his lap. Shin-ah hesitantly drew it closer to his eyes, examining the intricate designs along the surface, slightly flinching at the ring that emitted. “I know it's probably not anything like the ones you had before, but I hope you like it.”
Like it? He scoffed internally, his heart practically bruising his ribs with its attempt to escape from his chest. He struggled to comprehend her thoughtfulness in wanting to replace the bells he had worn for so long. He didn't even imagine that she had noticed his bells were missing. When his original bells had fallen, he felt no need to retrieve them due to having friends who finally saw him. However, hearing the sweet ring once more stirred a tender and tormenting nostalgia he hadn't felt since being liberated from the caves he was bound to. He reluctantly rattled the bell again, the music plucking the strings of his heart into a melody that nearly brought him to tears once more. Don't you dare cry again, he ordered himself. Taking a deep breath, he clutches the bell tightly to his collar bones. “Thank you, Yona.”
He cursed himself for being incapable of verbalizing the depth of his gratitude for this gift. She sprung slightly forward and clapped her hands together, her signature enchanting smile adorning her face. Rising to her feet, she dusted the dirt off her skirt, surveying her surroundings. She then extended her bandaged hand to Shin-ah.
“Now, back to sword practice?” She asked. Despite the injury she sustained, she still approached him with the same amount of enthusiasm that she had begun with. He pulled himself out of his daze caused by the gift, snatching his headpiece to place his mask back on, as it was a force of habit that could not be broken easily. Yona frowned slightly, but knew it could not be helped-it would take time for him to be able to live without it. He reached for her hand, wincing for a moment at the reminder of her wound. He then decided to grab a hold of her wrist as she helped pull him up. She leads the way, but his feet are held down by stones he cannot see. Noticing his arm resistant, she turns around with her eyebrows narrowed. “Are you alright?”
His teeth grinded together, his legs trembling as he grasped the bell tightly. “I just...I...” he croaked, the words clogging his throat. It mustered all his strength to not let it morph into an inaudible blubber. 'I'm sorry...I'm going to leave you all alone.' Ao's final words assaulted his thoughts. Yona tilted her head as she stepped closer to him. He turned away in an attempt to further hide his face. “Please...don't leave me.”
Yona's eyes broadened as she peered lower at their interlaced hands. He whirled to face her, poised to take back what he'd said, fearing he'd said something harmful, when she freed his hand. Before he could react, a sudden flash of red surged toward him with two frail arms enveloping his torso. This was unlike anything he had ever felt before. She buried her head deeper into his chest, stunning him to the point that his arms were rendered useless, dangling midair. He recalled the couple he'd witnessed so long ago, and how he'd dreamed of the day when somebody would finally be willing to stare into his eyes head on without fear. He wondered what Ao would think of the friends he had made. Tears surged out of his eyes yet again and he inclined his head towards the heavens in an attempt to prevent them from flowing down his now raw cheeks. He, with reservations, slowly wrapped his arms around her shoulders and softly squeezed them. He hoped he was doing it correctly. Yona eventually draws back, her eyes reddish and glistening like stars from the sun's beaming light peeking through the overhanging foliage. She embraces his neck delicately with both hands and sniffles. “I'm not going anywhere. Thank you for being by my side, Shin-ah.”
They leave for camp together, Shin-ah never once losing grip of her wrist while his other hand cradled the bell firmly to his chest. He nearly stumbled on several occasions as a result of being so enthralled by her presence. He loved her, he decided. He didn't know much about what the word meant, but he knew he cared for her more than anything in the world; she who rescued him from his relentless world of shadows and gave him a moonlight name that he would treasure for eternity. He wasn't sure how exactly to express this love to her, but he knew he would do whatever it took to protect her and prevent her from wearing that melancholic expression on her face ever again. That's how he would show her.
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