#haikyuu  x you
emmyrosee · 2 days
Rintaro has no idea what’s coming to him.
So far, there’s been three videos about couples breaking up on your for-you-page, full of tears and heartbreak and anger as you scroll. You try not to linger on these videos for too long, lest they mess up your perfected algorithm, but for some reason, they always find their way back to you.
You don’t know how, or why he would… but you blame Rintaro.
With a huff, you throw your phone back onto the couch and stomp your way into the kitchen, where Rintaro doesn’t even spare you a glance. He merely takes a bite of his sandwich and continues to scroll on TikTok.
“Hey baby,” he says, mouth full of food. “What’s up-“
He’s cut off by you gripping his collar sharply, pulling it taught and pulling him with it. He whimpers and his eyes bug out of his skull, but he doesn’t say anything as you lean down to be face to face with him.
“Listen to me,” you snap, trying not to laugh at the way his puffed cheeks turn up to look at you. “We’re not breaking up.”
“…okay?” He whines a small laugh.
“Listen.” You pull his collar tighter, and he starts to giggle nervously, his cheeks growing bigger as he tries to swallow the bite of food in his mouth around your choking. “If you’re sick of me, take some medicine. If you’re bored of me, go play a video game. If you’re tired of me, take a nap. We’re not breaking up. Not now, not ever, do you understand me?”
He nods around his laughter, trying so hard to weasel free from your gripping of his collar. His hands paw at his plate for a chip to give you, in an attempt to satisfy you, but all you do is click your tongue.
“Do you love me?”
He can’t respond around his laughter.
“I said: DO YOU LOVE ME?!”
Finally, he’s able to nod and choke out a ‘yes,’ bringing the chip to your lips. “Okay,” you whisper menacingly, slowly releasing his collar and taking the chip from his fingers. “I love you too.”
“My throat hurts now,” he pouts.
“I’ll baby you once I’m done fixing my for-you-page,” you promise, kissing his head and leaving the kitchen, leaving him to process what just happened.
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haikyu-mp4 · 20 hours
Delivery boy
word count; 717 – f!reader
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Akaashi gulped as he reread the order to ensure he wasn’t hallucinating his predicament.
Please send your cutest delivery boy<3
The sushi shop he worked at was family-owned, mainly run by the older family members, whose children went to university and couldn’t help deliver anymore. Thus, they hired him.
And when someone sent this request with their delivery order, the ladies had cooed and assured him he must be exactly what they were looking for. Those ladies loved their sweet, honorary family member.
He, however, wasn’t so sure. He looked at his reflection in a window he passed on his bike, pulling at the collar of his uniform and feeling the clammy edge, suddenly also noticing how the hair that peeked out of his cap clung to his forehead.
Honestly, didn’t feel like the kind of cute boy they wanted. At least not today.
Not when he had rolled out of bed way too late after studying until midnight last night. He broke his shower time record this morning and was incredibly thankful for his uniform including a cap when he had to leave it to dry by itself on the way to work.
Turning onto your street, he shook his head, trying to rid it of irrelevant negative thoughts. He has to deliver it anyway, it’s just a funny request.
It’s fine. It’s fine. It’s fine.
He parked his bike by the curb, taking a look around for anyone who looked like they might want a new bike for free before choosing to put the bike lock on even if he wasn’t staying.
The window on the door greeted him with his reflection once again, and he instinctively adjusted his glasses. Checking the names on the doorbells for the apartment building, he found the right one according to the order instructions and rang it.
It didn’t take long before he could hear two giggling voices from behind the door, making him purse his lips nervously and clutch the bag of food that he pulled from the delivery bag a minute ago.
“Hi! Can I pay by card?” you asked while Akaashi handed over your order. He nodded, going back into the delivery bag to fish out the handheld card machine.
“Did you write cutest boy in town?”
“Shh!” you hushed your friend, who hid behind the other door and just peeked at Akaashi through the little window. “Sorry about that…” you mumbled and held up your credit card, which was decorated with cute stickers.
Akaashi cleared his throat, completely overthinking it and assuming your friend thought you had forgotten to specify since you only got him. “I’m sorry, we currently don’t have any other delivery staff.”
You looked up with wide eyes, startling him. “What? No, you’re plenty cute!” you clarified before planting your face in your hands in defeat. “I mean- don’t worry about it. You’re great.”
Akaashi tried not to smile, finding you beautiful already and even sweeter when you were flustered. Flustered about him nonetheless. “Oh. Thank you.”
You came out of hiding to pay, but quickly lifted your card again. “Wait, is there a student discount?”
Akaashi hummed in thought before nodding, turning the machine’s screen back to himself. “Can I see your student ID?”
He was rolling on his heels while you fumbled for the other card in your pocket, holding it up so he could check. Instead of looking at the date, like he was supposed to, he observed your name and picture, then the school logo in the corner.
“Hm? We go to the same university.”
While he put in the student discount and then held the card reader out again, you said something about hoping you might see him around.
His teeth showed when he smiled, keeping his eyes on where the payment was confirmed because he knew that looking at your pretty face might give him heart palpitations at this point. 
There was an added tip as well, so he politely bowed his head before stepping back. “I’ll keep my eye out for you.”
He practically skipped down the steps, back straight as he glanced over his shoulder and just managed to catch you still looking at him through the window on the door before disappearing when he caught you.
Cutest delivery boy in town, huh.
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noosayog · 2 days
gravitate ft. miya atsumu
wc: 4.1k, part 1 of 2
contents/warnings: fwb dynamic, fluff, heavy on angst, suggestive but sfw, reader uses she/her prns, referred to as girlfriend, wife, reader has minor social anxiety
when i said this, i was referring to this
Of course it’d be the one time you say yes to the many invitations you get from Hinata to celebrate a post-game win with his teammates and other close friends. 
Even though you’ve met a handful of Hinata’s volleyball friends and teammates before, the prospect of being in an enclosed space with people you don’t know still makes you anxious. You pay a bit closer attention to your outfit before heading out. 
A 15-minute commute and one deep breath at the door later, you’re sat next to Hinata at the table as he introduces you to the rest of his current Black Jackals teammates. 
“You know Kageyama and my old high school teammates already. That’s Bokuto-”
“That’s Sakusa-san,” 
A silent nod. 
“And Miya Atsumu-kun, our setter.” 
“Hi,” you nod shyly to everyone. The immediate halt in the conversation leaves you feeling like you need to bust out a joke or something. Luckily, everyone quickly turns their attention back to the menu, leaving you to catch your breath even though all you’ve done was say a one-syllable greeting. 
You spend much of the first half of dinner talking only to Hinata, racking your brain for topics for small talk, and speaking up only when you’ve been talked to first. 
A few drinks help loosen you up a bit and dinner ends without a hitch before the group decides to move to a nearby bar. 
You’re content to watch the group and their antics quietly, before excusing yourself to get another drink at the bar.
“‘Scuse me.” 
“”Oh,” you say, shying away from the voice. “I’ll move over.” 
“Thanks,” the unfamiliar voice responds. 
You stand awkwardly at the bar as you and the stranger try to flag down the bartender. You feel the prickly sensation of a stare at the side of your face and when you glance over, you find the stranger’s gaze on you. 
You give him an uncomfortable smile, before averting your eyes again. 
“Busy night, huh?” 
You glance at him again, giving him one nod of acknowledgement. 
“What’cha drinking?” 
“Oh, uh… just a beer, I think.” 
“Yeah? What kind?”
“Uh… I don’t know. Just whatever,” you say, hoping he takes the hint. 
“Can I make a suggestion then? What do you usually like to drink?” You glance back towards your group and accidentally make eye contact with Miya Atsumu, the setter you had met at dinner. He looks away just as quickly. 
You close your eyes in defeat before turning back to the bar, being careful not to make eye contact with the man beside you. “No, I’m okay. Thank you, though.” 
He inches closer, arm almost touching yours now. “Aww, c’mon. Just tell me. It’ll be on me.” 
You lean further away, the back of your thighs now pressing against the bar chair behind you. “I-” 
“Hey! Gettin’ another drink?” 
The said bar chair suddenly gets yanked away, leaving you stumbling back a few steps, but a hand comes up on your shoulder to steady you. You look up to see Miya Atsumu. He places one arm between you and the other man, angling his body to face you. 
“Oh! Atsumu. Yes, I am,” you can’t contain the relief in your exhale. 
You notice Atsumu inching backwards to give you more space and simultaneously box out the other guy. His back pushes into the other guy’s arm, who gives a weak protest. 
Atsumu looks behind him and offers a flippant, “sorry, buddy,” before flagging the bartender down with no issues.
“Another beer for me and…” Atsumu looks to you. 
“Make it two.” 
The two of you stand side by side while the bartender fills up the mugs and you rack your brain for things to say. 
“Sorry if I was bein’ a busybody,” Atsumu speaks first. “Just didn’t look like you were enjoyin’ it.” 
He juts a thumb behind his back to gesture at the guy, now a distance away. 
“Oh yeah- I mean, no. Uh, thanks. Yeah…” 
Atsumu laughs. “No worries and… there’s no need to be nervous around the guys. We’re a rowdy bunch, but all good people, I promise.” 
You pick at your fingers. “Was I that obvious?” 
“Little bit,” he chuckles. “Seems that the drinks are loosenin’ you up a bit though.” He gestures at the glass that the bartender dropped off in front of him and hands his card over. 
“I can pay…” 
“Nah, on me. You can take the next one if you feel bad.” 
You thank him and take the glass. 
Atsumu sits down on one of the bar chairs facing you. “So, how do you know Shoyo-kun?” 
Still standing, your eyes flicker to your group, still huddled around the same table where you left them. 
“Are…” we not going back? The question dies on your tongue when you turn back to Atsumu and see the way he stares, eyebrows raised as if he knows what you’re thinking and curious as to what decision you’ll make. 
You sit down in the bar chair next to him and he’s so easy to talk to and one thing leads to another and before you know it, you end up in his bed later that night.
You wake up the next morning with foreign sheets tangled around your legs and an unfamiliar body warmth under your cheek. When you tilt your head up, you're met with Atsumu’s brown eyes. He’s awake and blinking lazily down at you, one arm still wrapped around your waist. 
It’s instinct, the way you look back down, embarrassed at having been caught and shy despite the state of your undress.
A raspy chuckle shakes from his chest where you have one palm flat against as your brain awakens its overthinking engine. 
You have no experience with hooking up with strangers, but he wouldn’t be looking for a no-strings attached type situation if he’s cuddling you in the morning, right? Or maybe you should’ve left last night?
But at the same time, isn’t poor etiquette to kick your partner out of bed the second you’re done? So maybe he’s just being polite by letting you crash here? And the cuddling, as comfortable as it is, is just him being a decent man? 
“Hey,” his gentle voice shakes you from your thoughts, one finger coming below your chin to meet his eyes. “Good mornin’” 
“Morning,” you mumble demurely, eyes desperately looking anywhere but him, even as he holds your face close. 
He drops a light kiss on your lips. “Last night was great. You feelin’ okay?” 
Your legs twitch in response. You belatedly realize that your legs are pushed between his. “A little sore, but I’m okay.” 
“Good. Wanna take a shower and we can talk over breakfast?” 
You reluctantly take your legs back, relishing the last bit of his body heat, but Atsumu has other ideas. In one sweeping motion, he flips his duvet off and tosses you over his shoulder. 
He gives your thighs a pat before walking you over to the bathroom. You thank every god out there that you had some sense to pull your panties and one of his shirts on before passing out. 
He drops you off on the toilet seat. “Use anything you want. Fresh towels are in that drawer. There should be a new toothbrush under the sink.” 
“I could’ve walked myself.” 
He presses another kiss to your lips, the contact making you realize you’ve been pouting. “I know. Take your time, darlin’.” 
You make sure the door clicks shut behind him before you grab a fresh towel, hold it tight against your face and scream into the abyss. 
A hot shower revives you. The ache between your legs stays but  the hot water helped, so you wobble your way to the kitchen. Two plates of toast and eggs sit on the dining table already as you watch Atsumu fill up a glass of water. When he sees you, he gestures for you to sit. 
“Hey, how was the shower?” 
You give your own body a once over before frowning at him. “I could’ve worn my clothes from yesterday.” 
A clean t-shirt was sitting folded for you on the toilet seat when you came out of the shower, so that’s all you were wearing over yesterday’s underwear. 
“And can you put on a shirt?” you add. 
He grins. You’re already getting used to seeing that expression on him. “Why? Am I distractin’ you? And in case you forgot, you spilled water all over yourself at the bar yesterday, so your clothes are still wet.”
“We should’ve put them in the dryer or at least hung them up last night…”
He walks over to you and pulls you towards the dining table. You let him coax you into a chair. “Well, we were a bit preoccupied when we got inside, yeah?” 
“Whatever…” you deflect, jabbing at the scrambled eggs on your plate. 
“So…” he starts, after putting the dishes in the sink and refusing your attempts to clean up. “About last night.” 
You tense up, clenching your fists. 
“I had a really good time and I really enjoyed talking to you.” 
Enjoyed, past tense. A part of you relaxes. At least you know the general direction he wanted to take this in. 
“Me too,” you respond. 
“And I don’t wanna give you the wrong idea, but I’m not looking for a committed relationship right now. I need to focus on volleyball and I mean, you’re Shoyo-kun’s friend, so I don’t want that to be weird either.” 
You nod. “I get it.” 
He looks startled at your easy response. “Really?” 
“Yeah. I really enjoyed talking to you too, but I’m not expecting us to start dating or anything.” 
He blinks. 
“Why do you look so surprised?” you ask, wondering if you should be offended by the reaction. 
“It’s not that I’m surprised. Well,I guess I am a bit. You don’t really seem like the type who’s used to casual hook ups.” 
“Excuse me?” 
“I just mean-”
You laugh. “I know what you mean. I’m just playing with you.” He relaxes a bit. “You’re right. I don’t really do this,” you gesture between the two of you, “often. But like you said, I think we both really enjoyed each others’ company and we can leave it at that.” 
“Okay, then.” 
An awkward breath passes before he speaks up again. “I hung your clothes up to dry earlier this morning. They should be good now.” 
You’re not positive that he means it this way, but you take the hint anyway. “Thanks. I’ll get changed and get going.” 
He gets up after you. “Can I walk you back?”
You put a hand out to keep some distance between you two. “Atsumu. I think I can manage.” 
He smiles, unsure, but nods anyway. 
At the door, he opens his arms and you file in robotically, giving him a loose hug before saying goodbye. 
You feel slightly bad at the obvious distance you were putting between the two of you, and you’re sure Atsumu can pick up on it, but it’d be far better to make things a little awkward than to let him get any closer than he already has in just one night. 
It takes another afterparty hosted by Hinata for you to see him again. You had kind of figured that the unspoken rule was that if neither of you reached out, it really meant nothing. Even though the two of you never exchanged numbers or social media, you’d be lying if you didn’t have a little hope that he’d ask someone for your social and DM you. But days, weeks, went by with your messages and DMs dry, so you packed up your foolish hopes and chucked them to the furthest corner of your brain. 
This time, the gathering is hosted at Bokuto’s beautiful lofty apartment, fully furnished with a modern kitchen, balcony overlooking Tokyo, and massive living area. 
Even though you know pretty much all the attendees today, it doesn’t keep you from feeling a bit nauseous on the elevator ride up. Once again, at the front door, you raise your finger to press on the doorbell, pausing to take a deep breath before pushing the button. 
When the door swings open, the loud chatter of the inside makes it clear that this was not the small gathering you were expecting. The apartment is packed with people, many of whom you don’t recognize. 
“Hey! You made it!” 
“Welcome to my place!” 
Hinata and Bokuto, with one arm around each other, greet you loudly at the door. 
You awkwardly push your gift of red bean mochi in front of you. “I’m so sorry… I thought it was going to be a small thing, so I only brought a pack of 12.” 
Bokuto laughs heartily, plucking the gift from your hands. “This is great! Akaashi loves red bean mochi, so thanks! We’ll just keep it to our close friends instead of sharing it with the entire party,” he winks at you. 
Hinata grabs your arm and ushers you to the kitchen area, which is slightly less packed than the living room and balcony. “Are you drinking tonight?” 
“Yep, I’ll have something.” 
He produces a can of beer and pops the tab for you. 
“Lemme introduce you to some of the people here. You already know the usual Karasuno alum. You met most of my current BJ teammates last time. Oh, yeah,” he interrupts himself. “What happened to you last time by the way? We were all at the bar and then I don’t really remember seeing you go home at some point.” 
Not seeing any particular reason to keep it a secret, you tell him about going home with his setter. 
“Ah.” Hinata says. 
“What?” you ask warily. “Maybe… has Atsumu asked about me?”
Hinata shakes his head. “No, not really?” 
You scowl. “Then why’d you say ‘ah’ like that?” 
“Did I? My bad!” 
You roll your eyes, having momentarily forgotten that your friend hardly thinks about much else other than volleyball. 
He introduces you to some other people, mostly other volleyball players before dropping you off at the kitchen since you said you needed another drink. 
“You sure you’re going to be alright on your own?” 
You try to smile reassuringly. “I’ll be fine. Go have fun.” 
He leaves, so you busy yourself rummaging through the fridge for another drink. When you find nothing of interest, you look around the room, eyeing what people have in their drinks. The longer you spend looking around without a drink in your hand and in your own company in the crowded room, the more you feel out of place. With that, you grab the first unopened drink on the counter and snake your way through the crowd in search of a familiar face. 
And it just so happens that the first familiar face you find is Atsumu. 
“Hey, stranger,” he says easily to you. 
“I’m not the one who’s a stranger,” you blurt out the first quippy line you could think of. 
His eyes widen. “What-” 
“It’s just a joke.” you cut him off. “I didn’t mean it in any special way.” 
He doesn’t buy it, expression sobering up quickly. “Didn’t sound like a joke to me.” 
You scramble for words, your social anxiety not helping. “I really just blurted out the first thing that came to mind. You know I get really nervous at these group things…” 
He stares at you. A couple of seconds go by and you contemplate just turning around and walking away to mourn your social ineptitude somewhere private. But Atsumu breaks out in a small smile. 
“You were pretty nervous at that time, huh?” 
“Exactly!” you eagerly add on. “Atsumu, I really didn’t mean anything by it.” 
“I believe you. But…” 
You stiffen. 
“Wouldn’t blame you if you meant it in a special way. I hear I’m pretty unforgettable.” 
You punch him in the arm. 
He laughs good-naturedly and offers a crooked arm. “Another drink?” 
You look down to see your bottle empty. You take his arm and let him lead you to another drink which turns into four. 
Atsumu’s presence is massive and it makes meeting new people easier. He introduces you (as Hinata’s childhood friend, of course) to new people, resting a heavy arm over your shoulder as he gets more drinks in his system. 
The gesture doesn’t alarm you. After all, men who are interested in someone would put an arm around your waist, right? Friends do shoulders, just like how Hintata and Bokuto had greeted you at the door. 
But just like last time, he melts your worries away and before long, the two of you are giggling into each others lips and sneaking out to go do something other than talk. 
And it happens again, and again, and again. Before you know it, every single dinner, afterparty, night out becomes an opportunity for the two of you to get together. You always somehow find yourselves all alone where you always talk for hours and enjoy each others’ company too much, and fail to resist the temptation of falling into bed together. And each morning, you wake up, act like lovers until breakfast, before parting ways to radio silence until the next time. 
Your mutual count of offenses gets into the double digits before you really realize you’re in hot water. 
The next time it happens, it’s when Hinata invites you to watch an official game. You show up wearing a plain black top to show your support for the Jackals. As you settle into the seats Hinata offers up to you and some ex-teammates, he spots your group and gives you his usual sunny smile. 
The rest of his team notices you and now that you’ve met them a couple of times, a natural smile comes easier when you meet each of their eyes. When your gaze finally falls upon Atsumu, he gives you a silly grin, not unlike the one you’re getting used to seeing over breakfast, and holds his fingers up in a corny heart. You roll your eyes playfully and he clutches his heart dramatically in response. 
A giggle escapes your lips, keeping a ghost of a smile on your lips until Tsukishima, who decided to join you to watch the game, catches you with one eyebrow raised. 
“What?” you ask defensively. 
From there, you make sure to keep your expressions reigned in. Sure, your eyes may follow him a bit more than any other player, but that’s not something to read into. He’s the setter, after all. They touch the ball the most so it only makes sense that anyone watching the game would watch him the most. 
The Jackals end up losing in the close third set. You meet the players outside afterwards to tell them it was a great game and when the group emerges, it’s sans the setter. Mustering up a reassuring smile, you give each one of them a hug before sneaking away back to the gym to check up on the one you’re most concerned about. 
After your first hookup with Atsumu, he had told you that volleyball was the reason he couldn’t be in a committed relationship at the moment. To anyone, that would have sounded like an excuse. But after getting to know him more, you could tell he really meant it. So it’s not a surprise to you when you find him still on the court, practicing serves even when his eyes are rimmed red. 
“Atsumu,” you call out. 
He jumps and slams another serve, as if he hadn’t heard you. 
“Atsumu,” you say a bit louder. 
You step closer and closer, taking tentative steps until you’re right behind him. As he picks up another ball, you put your hand on his arm to stop him. 
“Atsumu,” you say softly. 
He doesn’t shake you off so you take the chance to pry the ball out of his hand, letting it bounce to the ground as you circle around to face him. His eyes stayed glued to the floor, fists clenched. You bring your fingers to his, lightly uncurling them from where they make angry crescent imprints in his palm. When his hands relent, you let them fall limply back to his side before pulling him in for a hug. It only takes one second of hesitation before he returns the embrace fiercely, crushing you against him. You swear you can feel a dampness on your shoulder that isn’t sweat. 
“You need to rest,’ you whisper. 
He nods, letting you guide him home, where something in him seems to snap. His hands and lips are all over you even in the hallway of his buildings and it leaves you with barely enough sanity to dig  his keys out of his gym bag to unlock the door before he takes you against the door, on his couch, and one last time in bed. Maybe you imagined the “thank you” he whispers to you before you pass out cold. 
It’s sometime in the middle of the night when you come to, somewhere between awake and asleep. You stir to the sensation of Atsumu’s fingers brushing against the crown of your head. 
“Hey sleepy,” you hear him murmur. 
You hear yourself make some incoherent noise, curling your body closer into the warmth of his body. 
“You awake?” 
He chuckles. “Up for another round?” 
“‘Tsumu… I’m tired.” 
“I like you calling me that.” 
You open one eye. “‘Tsumu?” 
“Yeah,” he says before leaning down and kissing you. It’s not a close lipped, innocent kiss that he often gives you the morning after. It’s languid but still urgent. You can feel your reservations slipping away. He slips a warm palm under your shirt and as he ghosts over your stomach, ribcage, then higher. 
There’s something intensely intimate about the way he touches you tonight: his forehead pressed to yours, vocal in the way he insists that you keep your eyes open. That intimacy fills your insides with something warm, and at the same time, dangerously hot. It trips some sort of alarm in your mind, but all your reservations fly out the window as he starts to move. You can’t think. 
Definitely not when he keeps kissing you up until the moment you fall asleep and you fade away to the feeling of his lips pressed to yours. 
For one of the first times ever, you wake up dreading the morning-after routine with Atsumu. Because this one feels different. The way he says good morning with a lazy smile, the way he strokes your forehead, the way he stares when you stretch, the way he carries you like a princess to the bathroom. 
By the time it’s time for you to make your exit, you’re convinced he feels it too. His stares linger too long, too hot to be casual. He says goodbye with a longing that is hard for even you, in all your inexperience, to ignore. 
And you have to know. 
You turn back right as you’re leaving. “Atsumu.” 
“What happened to ‘Tsumu?” he teases. 
“Can I come watch your next game?” 
“Hm? ‘Course you can. Shoyo-kun usually gets you tickets right?” 
You test the waters: something subtle but gets the message across. 
“Would it be okay if I wore your jersey?” 
His laughing stops abruptly. 
If he laughs it off and makes a joke about you joining his army of fans, you’d take the hint. This would still be casual and you’d need to re-rectify your barriers. But if by chance… 
He looks at you for a long, excruciating moment, before offering a small, shuttered smile. 
You tense up. It’s not the answer you wanted, but you always knew there was a chance this would happen anyway. You’re just grateful you waited until it was time to leave before bringing it up. 
“No… I don’t think you should.” 
That takes you by surprise. 
“I mean, I don’t want our friends to think that-” 
“That what?” you bite back with a bit more aggression that you wanted. 
Atsumu stands up straight from where he was leaning lazily in the doorway. A quiet, but stern calling of your name snaps you out of whatever reverie you’ve been in for the past couple of months. “I thought we both agreed that this was a casual thing. It goes without saying that I don’t want our friends to think we’re together. That would only complicate things.” 
Complicate? You want to scoff. As if being the outlet for his frustration last night wasn’t complicating things already. As if every kiss and touch from just a couple hours ago wasn’t complicating everything. 
But, you take a breath, composing yourself. 
“Right, sorry. I just wanted to… let you know I’m here for you. Like last night.” you bite out. 
He winces slightly. 
“See you around, Atsumu.” 
He doesn’t stop you when you walk off. In fact, everything remains the same. No texts, no calls, no messages.
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clawsdevour · 2 days
newly weds
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wc: 0.4k content warning: fluff, kuroo x reader, just married the loml btw, not proofread
୨ৎ * ˳ ・ׅ
Prying your eyes open due to the shining bright sun that peeked through the blinds. Rubbing your eyes in exhaustion from last night before stretching in the comfy warm sheets.
Reaching over to your right, rolling on your stomach until you realized your fiancé─ husband, isn't in bed next to you. Lifting your head with your brows slightly furrowed to check if he's really there or somehow rolled off the bed last night, he really wasn't laying right by your side!
Moving around till you're laying on your back again. Huffing the crisp air in and out of your lungs with the cool morning air you so longed for after celebrating your wedding last night with the crowds of family and friends. Not to mention, having that alone intimate time with your new husband...
Completely sore and mentally tired, you still got on your toes to get a start to your day. Slouching up in bed, you yawned and let out a nice refreshing stretch before touching the surface of the cold wood planks with your toes.
Gradually you make your way to the bathroom with your eyes still groggy as you rub them with delight. Twisting open the bathroom door, you see your shirtless husband already halfway into his morning routine!
"Morning sleepyhead," Kuroo's deep husky voice croaked after spitting out the frothy toothpaste.
"Why are you up so early.." your voice low and congested while you grab your toothbrush.
Looking at him in the mirror, you can see Kuroo's tired and dried eyes crinkle in content with a toothy smile starting to spread on his face realizing it's the morning after the whole ceremony and event.
Of course, you caught him staring, it's silent. But the type of silence that's comforting in a way. The day after your wedding where you're all happy, almost like when you first fell in love all over again. As if you're that shy little teenager on your first date type of silence.
Exchanging sneaky glances, you both are gawking in joy when the reality starts to sink in. Marriage was just a thought, until it became real.
You can call each other husband and wife now.
masterlist here
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oshygoshy · 2 days
1:38 am
word count - 524 words
warnings - slightly suggestive
a/n - wow 2 whole writings?? yeah ik im spoiling my 23 followers...get ready for 4 months of radio silence from me after this though
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"how would you describe me to the police if i went missing?" 
"...i'm sorry?"
miya atsumu, professional volleyball player (and who should be asleep by now...!) rolls over, unceremoniously plopping his elbow next to your nose. his shifting weight caused the bed to dip, and you felt your body tipping towards his (because of physics, not for any other reason...!!).
he squinted at you in the dark. "ya heard what i said."
"yeah, and it was stupid. and i'm tired. so please repeat it?" you say, holding back a yawn. "don't you have practice in like...4 and a half hours anyway-"
"hush, baby." (you'd be lying if you didn't get tingles from the pet name.) "jus' answer me?"
you rested your temple on his bicep, curling your body against his (again, physics), and hummed absentmindedly. what a strange question. 
"uhh...suspect has an ath-"
"suspect?? not victim???" he whispered furiously. in the dim moonlight, you could see his eyebrows furrow in mock anger. "whaddya mean suspect??" 
you smirked at his indignation. placing your pointer finger gently over his lips, you gently shushed him. "hush, baby," you mirror him. you could feel his lips twitch down in a frown. 
"ok let me start again. the suspect has an athletic build, is tall, and..." your eyes flit downward (respectfully, to answer his question. nothing more.) "'s pretty muscular."
"pretty mus-excuse me?? i'm very muscular-"
this time, you silence him with a kiss (to shut him up, not for any other reason!!) which works very effectively. he immediately stops talking and places his free hand on your waist. 
"yeah, petty muscular. strong abs-" you punctuate this statement by taking a hand and gently tracing his stomach under his shirt. you could hear his breath stutter, but pretend you don't notice. "great ass," you say with a cheeky giggle as your hand wanders, and he lets out a snort. "and a waist that would make any girl jealous. oh, and the best part?" you move your hand downward. his eyebrows raise but fall back when your hand stops at his thigh. "really nice thighs. like, really nice. they're really juicy, trust me, officer. you'd recognize them from an ocean away." 
your hand pats his thigh politely before you move it back up. 
"got me excited for a sec. yer hand was awfully close to sometime else for a bit," he mumbled into your hair. 
"whoops," you say, not very apologetic. 
"i don't like it when ya tease me," he continued. 
you push yourself back against his chest, looking at him with a raised brow. "oh, we both know that's a lie." 
he blushed, which you also pretended to not notice. "i don't like it when you tease me and do nothing about it. correction."
you sigh, setting yourself against his body. "well, i'm sleepy and you need to get up early. but.."
"i'm free this weekend," you say nonchalantly. 
he kissed the top of your head, grinning. "deal."
"so, who do you think is more muscular than me?"
"tsumu, please."
"it's bokkun, isn't it? it's ok, that's valid. he's really beefy."
"okay, okay. sorry, sweets. goodnight."
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sun4r1nnity · 19 hours
atsumu secretly dating reader the nerd of the school
miya atsumu x nerd!reader
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1- (L/N) (Y/N)
3- ...................
atsumu gave a slight shrug, recognizing the two familiar names at the top of the list. he squinted, scanning the list closely in search of his own name.
well that's not bad, he thinks.
atsumu swiftly made his way out of the throng of students crowding around to see the list, when the sound of a conversation caught his interest. "seems like i beat you again huh?" you teased, a playful glint in your eyes. "maybe you need to work harder then," you put both of your hands on your waist, with a smirk on your face as you taunt your ultimate academic rival.
hiroshi gritted his teeth, clearly irritated that the fact he lost again—to you. and the way you're taunting him right now is just adding fuel to the fire. "one of these days, i'll catch up to you," he replied, pointing at you before walking away. you chuckle, turning around to leave the area as you felt a pair of eyes watching you. atsumu, leaning against a nearby wall, a proud smile on his face. he gave you a thumbs up, and you felt your heart flutter.
you watch him walk back to his class, and you feel your phone vibrate in your pocket. you take out your phone, click on the message you've received, and a smile forms on your face.
tsumu :D <3
lunch at the rooftop tday? special treat for my smart girl :p
"tsumu, you're the best!" you exclaimed, as you saw atsumu holds the best-selling karaage crepe in each hand, one for him and one for you. the crepe stall was always bustling, and the queue stretched on, yet atsumu succeeded in being the early bird. he hands you a crepe and then sits down beside you. "a reward for securing first place, again," he says, taking a bite of his own. you eat yours contentedly, acknowledging atsumu's words with a nod.
"thanks, tsumu. how about you? has my nerdiness finally rubbed off on you?" you asked with a playful tone in your voice, eliciting a chuckle from atsumu. "nah, not strong enough. ya have to physically rub yerself on me," atsumu winced as you hit his arm, both of you laughing at his joke. "what a pervert," you remarked, a soft chuckle escaping your lips. as you were about to savor another bite of the delicious crepe, you noticed atsumu's gaze fixed on you. Meeting his eyes, you were puzzled by his actions. "what? can't get enough of me?" atsumu snickered at your comment, then reached out to wipe the sauce from the corner of your lips with his finger.
"yer a messy eater, ya know that?" he said, a slanted smile on his annoyingly handsome face, aware that you were blushing from his tease. "shut up," you retorted, continuing to devour your crepe as your ears grew warm. a comfortable silence settled between the two of you, enjoying the breeze and the blue sky adorned with beautiful clouds. "hey," atsumu said, breaking the silence.
"wanna go on a date tomorrow?"
"i dont understand how these guys are so good at volleyball," hiroshi said. "like, how did they even keep up with all that jumping and hitting and managed to not pass out on the spot?" he continues, flipping the pages of the volleyball magazine, one of the inarizaki charming star setter, miya atsumu being on it.
you and several people in the library chuckled at his remark while organizing books on the designated shelf. "yeah, they're like monsters, but volleyball is fun. It's not just physical; you should see how intimidating they are when they put their minds to use. It's truly mind-blowing. like how a setter can control their spikers, i think thats super cool," you said, but didn't receive a respond, not even from hiroshi. shortly after, you heard hiroshi clear his throat. "hey, (l/n)," hiroshi called out. you responded with a hum.
"since when you're into volleyball?"
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leahrintarou · 2 days
Suna with an s/o who's really scared of thunderstorms pls?? Your work is always so awesome btw-
✩₊˚.⋆ SAFE & SOUND - suna rintarou
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CW: y/n is scared of thunderstorms ofc, suna being a sweetheart, fluff, she cries just a teeny bit, reader with she/her pronouns.
Word Count: 1k
Author's Note: hi guysss, i hope that you enjoy reading this! i found it sweet and cute to write so i hope you enjoy it anon. (i'm so happy that you like my works btw!) ty for reading ;D show your support by leaving a like or reblogging :P
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ever since she was a child, a mere girl in grade school, the reverberations of thunder and the harsh flashes of lightning that bled through her window panes had filled her with dread, a fear that dug deep into her very being. the tremors of anticipation, the oppressive silence before the crackling sky split open, and the way the air itself seemed to hold its breath—all conspired against her peace, robbing her of sleep. those sleepless nights became a constant companion, gnawing at her young mind with a persistent unease that lingered long after the storm clouds had passed. tonight was no different.
y/n lay beside suna, her eyes wide open, pupils dilated against the darkness. exhaustion weighed heavy on her bones, yet her mind refused to surrender. though her body ached for rest, her thoughts churned restlessly, denying her the release of slumber. beside her, suna embodied tranquility, his form rising and falling with each untroubled breath. he was a man who could sleep through any chaos—be it the squabble of the twins or even the catastrophic shockwave of a sonic boom. he seemed impervious, shielded from the disquiet of the world by some blessed indifference.
his arms were folded beneath his pillow, his broad back exposed and facing her, a silent wall between his peaceful dreams and her waking nightmare. his head, cushioned against the soft fabric, was turned away, as if even in sleep, he sought to shield her from his contentment. the room lit up briefly as lightning cast spectral shadows against the walls, and y/n stiffened, every muscle bracing for the inevitable roar that would follow. the thunder did not disappoint, crashing through the silence like a judge’s gavel, making the house shudder beneath the sound. her hands trembled as she curled into herself, seeking comfort where there was none.
she stole a glance at suna, his features serene and undisturbed, and guilt twisted in her gut. he had been through so much this week—long hours, relentless days—and waking him for something as trivial as this felt selfish. she should have outgrown this irrational terror; it was a childish fear, something to be dismissed like nightmares in the light of day. yet, here she was, her heart racing with each peal of thunder as if it were some primordial beast come to claim her. each fresh rumble tore another sob from her throat, her arms tightening around herself in a futile attempt to hold it together. her breathing was ragged, panic prickling at her lungs, and tears gathered at the corners of her eyes, spilling over to stain the sheets below.
a sob broke free, soft but sharp, piercing the quiet. though suna was impervious to the clamor of the world, there was one sound he could never ignore. his eyelids fluttered open, his gaze bleary and unfocused, drawn to her shape beside him. “sweetheart?” his voice was thick with sleep, rough around the edges, like sandpaper against silk.
for a moment, confusion clouded his eyes, but comprehension dawned swiftly as the storm outside roared its fury, shadows of the tempest dancing across their room. “shhh, it’s alright. you’re safe, y/n,” he murmured, the haze of sleep dissipating as he reached for her, drawing her trembling form close. his voice, though still laced with fatigue, was warm and reassuring, an anchor in the midst of the storm.
“it’s so loud,” she whispered, her tears falling freely now, soaking into the pillow they shared. he felt a pang of guilt, a knife twisting in his chest, for her suffering. “why didn’t you wake me, sweetheart?” he asked gently, his thumb brushing away the wetness on her cheeks.
“you’re tired,” she mumbled, shaking her head, her voice laced with resignation.
he huffed, a sound that was half-amused, half-exasperated, and he found her chin, tilting her face up towards his. “and so are you. how long have you been up?” she shrugged, the movement small and helpless, and his hand slipped beneath her shirt, tracing soothing patterns along her lower back.
“a few hours,” she admitted, her voice barely more than a breath.
suna cursed himself silently, frustration simmering beneath his calm exterior. he should have known. he had been aware of the storm’s approach, but the knowledge had slipped away, lost in the depths of his exhaustion. another roll of thunder reverberated through the house, and y/n flinched, pressing closer to him as if seeking refuge. he pulled her nearer, her head resting against his bare chest, his heart beating steadily beneath her ear. “it’ll pass soon, okay?” he promised, his voice a low murmur against the crown of her head.
she wanted to believe him, to let his words soothe her frayed nerves, but it wasn’t about how long the storm would last. it was about the fact that it was happening at all, that the fear was still there, alive and pulsing, even after all these years. suna’s hand left the warmth of her skin, and she looked up, startled, as he placed both palms gently over her ears.
her world muffled, the roaring tempest outside reduced to a distant murmur, and she blinked up at him, eyes wide with surprise. the thunder rolled again, a muted tremor through the house, but the sound did not reach her. only the soft vibration of the walls registered, the storm’s voice silenced by his touch. “better?” he asked, his lips brushing against her temple.
she nodded, a sigh of relief escaping her lips. suna leaned down, his breath warm against her skin, pressing a tender kiss to her forehead and then to her lips, the gesture gentle and comforting. he guided her back down, her head resting once more against his chest, his hands still shielding her from the storm’s wrath.
she could hear his heartbeat, a steady, soothing rhythm beneath her ear, even as his hands softened the world around them. “thank you, rin,” she whispered, her voice heavy with fatigue.
he hummed, a deep, resonant sound that she felt more than heard, the vibration echoing through his chest and through her, anchoring her in the present moment, safe in the circle of his arms. for the first time that night, the fear began to ebb, her eyes growing heavy as the storm raged on outside, distant and far away, a mere echo of the terror it once was.
“get some sleep now, sweetheart. I’ve got you."
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got a request? send it in and i'll write it :D
Taglist: @nemoo888 @delicatexmoonchild @flowerpjimin @tedcruzumakii @sugacor3 @selysixn @mitsuyas-version @matchaismylove @cyberrthegreat @ivydoesit23 @riririntaro @ilovechickfilasauce @sincerelyzee @daydreamteardrop @satorusluvrgirl @tired-jaz
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sokuroo · 6 hours
𓆩♡𓆪 kuroo tetsurou x gender-neutral!reader — domestic fluff, established relationship!au; 0.59k.
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[lover.] it’s with a sheepish smile and a hand tucked inside his pocket that kuroo tetsurou places the ring on the counter.
it’s a thin band of pale rose-gold. mock ivy, cut painfully carefully, curls around the frame—a startling likeness to the branch of ivy that creeps up the walls of his childhood home, out in the garden. the vines come to rest around a bright diamond. he had got it made three months ago, back when the idea of settling in and living life with you forever became more of a concrete structure and not a mere wooden foundation. 
it’s a beautiful ring—and that’s why kuroo can’t fault the jeweller for looking at him like he’s probably insane. 
“sir?” the store owner asks as placidly as possible. “may i know the reason for returning the ring?”
“it’s still within the warranty period, right?” kuroo shifts from one foot to the other, still sporting that same sheepish smile. 
“yes, yes, of course, but—” there’s a twitch to the jeweller’s eye that wasn’t there before— “was the ring not… satisfactory enough? did you face any problems? was it not cut to the correct size?”
“oh. um. no—not that i can tell,” he says mildly. “the ring’s pretty much perfect.”
he lifts his head up when he hears the sound of laughter ringing outside the glass windows of the jeweller’s shop. it’s a familiar tone, but if kuroo could hear it over and over again on loop, he would. what a sap, you’d say if he told you, and then you’d pull him down for a kiss, laughing against his lips. the thought makes him smile.
“—issues with the warranty. sir?” 
kuroo looks back at the owner, sheepish smile replaced by a more fond one. “sorry, i zoned out. could you please repeat what you said?”
“i was asking about keeping the ring for future purposes. it would cause no issues with the warranty.”
he tilts his head. “i’m sorry? what do you mean by future purposes?”
“did your partner not agree to marry you? isn’t that why you’re returning the ring, sir?” 
a flush creeps up kuroo’s neck. oh. so that’s what it must have looked like. he must appear like a heartbroken lover, if the pitying glance thrown towards him is any indication. the thought makes him chuckle.
sensing his lack of tact, the jeweller quickly backtracks. “ah… i’m sorry. that was rude of me. i just meant—”
“please, don’t worry about it,” kuroo waves him off. “i guess it does look like i’ve been rejected, huh?”
he drums his fingers on the countertop before leaning closer, giving the owner an impish wink. 
“wanna know the secret?” he whispers, and then pulls his free hand from his pocket. a silver band glints on his third finger, sitting snugly just above his knuckle. 
kuroo gestures to you from inside the shop. the jeweller follows his gaze. though your laugh cannot be heard through the transparent walls, the joy is clear on your face. you tip your head back ever-so slightly, nodding your head at what the local neighbourhood auntie says—she often sends over side dishes she’s prepared, and won’t take no for an answer; your fridge is always stocked thanks to her. you turn your head just then, and meet kuroo’s eyes—and if possible, your eyes light up just that little bit more, your smile widens by that tiny fraction, your posture straightens up by that small amount.
kuroo grins at you. he looks back at the jeweller. 
“the secret is,” he says, “someone proposed to me before i could.”
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warlocksoup · 10 hours
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on the way ⋆✴︎˚。⋆ k. sakusa
tags/warnings: hurt/comfort, established relationship, grief, awkwardness/tension, family member death, funeral, mentions of a dysfunctional family
a/n: me stop writing abt dead brothers challenge failed. sorry im coping still.
word count: 1.6k
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His alarm goes off. It’s dreary and gray outside. Her body’s absent from the left side of the bed.
It doesn’t take very long to find her, and Sakusa doesn’t try very hard. He rolls out of bed, rubbing the sleep out of his eyes, and drags his feet into the living room. She’s standing out the window, looking out of it. He’s not surprised. Staring out windows silently, pensively, is a lot of what she’s been doing lately.
Sakusa approaches her from behind. She doesn’t flinch or acknowledge when his arms snake around her middle. “Are you going to get ready soon?”
They’re late. Thirteen minutes late to leaving. Sakusa doesn’t make a thing out of it, like he normally would. He doesn’t say anything at all as she climbs into the passenger seat and unceremoniously throws her back into the backseat. Sakusa figures that’s his cue that he’s the one driving. He doesn’t complain about this, like he normally would.
Once he’s settled in the driver’s seat, he takes a moment to wrap a wide hand around her knee, squeezing slightly, even though they’re running late. She doesn’t react. Sakusa looks at her, lips pursed together like he’s waiting for some kind of reaction from her. He’s been waiting for a reaction since the news broke. “You ready?” he asks.
She turns her head to look at him with her eyes dry and decorated with heavy, purple shadows. “Yeah,” she replies, voice devoid of animation, flat and stale. “Let’s go.”
Her grief makes him uncomfortable. Sakusa can only think of how uncomfortable it makes him as he pulls away from their home. He knows this makes him bad person. Or at least, it’s a bad feeling for him to have. He knows that he should be supportive, whatever that means, and that he should be a partner she can rely on.
Whatever that means. Sakusa hasn’t figured it out yet.
It might be easier if she cried. He would at least know what to do then. He could take her in his arms and tell her it’s okay to cry and he would make her some of her favorite food and do things that loving, doting partners do in times of grief and sorrow. But she hasn’t cried. She hasn’t done anything but stare out the window and become a whittled down, blank version of herself.
He feels like all he can do is stare and wait. Just watching as she slowly dissolves, day-by-day.
The car pulls onto a main road. There’s traffic.
She doesn’t play music. None of her aggressive and headache inducing rock music or bubbly and headache inducing pop music. It’s just silence. The wind that sneaks in through the backseat window that never fully closes, and Sakusa’s breathing.
There’s nothing else.
He keeps looking at her, glancing at her for just a second when the road in front of him is clear. He’s taking stock of her expression, checking for slight changes and variations. But each time he looks, her lips are slightly downturned, eyes half-closed, cheek resting in the palm of her hand.
She’s unmoving, statuesque.
Sakusa watched when she got the call. He saw in real time as her mind started to shut down. With her phone pressed against her ear, standing in the kitchen with a half-cooked pot of curry, he watched as any traces of joy or excitement slip off face like melting snow plummeting off a roof. “Oh,” is what she said, “thanks for telling me.” That was all Sakusa heard before she hung up and turned to deliver the news back to him.
“My brother’s dead.”
He took hold of her at once. He whispered condolences into her hair, and he felt her shake but he never heard her sob or cry or anything.
She’s looked the same since then. She looks the same now.
He steals another glance at her, hoping for something different. It’s the same.
 She talks. Sakusa feels like it’s the first time she’s talked in days.
“He used to carry me around the neighborhood on his shoulders,” she says, out of nowhere. It makes him jump, slightly, before he steadies the steering wheel. He glances again. She still hasn’t moved. “His friends used to pick on me a lot but he always defended me. One time I caught him smoking cigarettes behind the house, and I pretended like I was going to tell our mom, but I didn’t. When my mom disappeared, he made sure I still went to school. Packed my lunches and everything. And when I was really little, I remember being confused. Because sometimes he felt like my brother, but a lot of the time he really just felt like my dad.”
Sakusa’s grip on the steering wheel tightens. He thought he would have something to say, but he doesn’t. Nothing feels right.
They’re late. Sakusa has a nervous pit in his stomach about this, but everyone else in her family is later than them.
She hugs her mom, looking stiff as she does, and returns to Sakusa’s side as soon as the awkward embrace is over. He holds onto her hand and doesn’t let it go for the rest of the service.
He listens to people talk about him. Sakusa never met her brother, never knew him personally, but it seems like the him that existed to everyone else didn’t exist to her. They get up there and they talk about him and the dark path he was on and how far he had strayed and how he was so untouchable, unsavable.
She’s stiff beside him the entire time. It seems like she’s holding her breath. Sakusa has to lean down and whisper in her ear, “Breathe.”
Her shoulders rise and fall.
She looks smaller in her childhood home, but she moves around it like she’s too big for the space. Sakusa still won’t let go over her hand.
In her brother’s childhood room, she flicks through piles of CDs and old mangas. There’s posters for bands Sakusa’s never heard of on the wall. There’s a half-full jar of foreign coins and trash that still hasn’t been emptied. Sakusa feels that it is all too intimately human.
Her fingers graze along the spine of a book that’s shoved under small television on his dresser. Love is a Dog from Hell. “He never read this,” she comments, lifting her fingers away. The tips of them are coated in dust. “He stole it from me, and then never gave it back.”
Sakusa watches her carefully. Her shoulders are more relaxed in this space, and there is a ghost of a smile on her face. He doesn’t want to make her leave, but he knows she can’t stay here, surrounded by memories and dust. “Do you want to take anything home?” he asks.
This makes her frown, and he doesn’t know why. “I can’t just take it from him,” she tells him, sounding so small.
She doesn’t need to take anything, anyways. Her mother prepared a small box of belongings that she thought her daughter would appreciate it. She shoves it into her arms on the way out, and it finds itself stuffed into Sakusa’s trunk.
She wanted to leave early, so they left early. She wanted to drive home, so Sakusa let her drive home.
She put in a CD for the drive home. It’s sad. If Sakusa felt like he knew better, he’d tell her that maybe they shouldn’t listen to something so depressing. That maybe they should let the radio play or they could talk about something. But Sakusa doesn’t feel like he knows anything.
He doesn’t feel like he even knows her, right now. Not shrouded in grief, not with this black veil pulled over her eyes. He doesn’t know what’s best for her. He doesn’t know how to help her or how to make anything better, even slightly.
He reaches over the center console and lets his hand rest on her thigh. He leaves it there this time. He doesn’t know if she appreciates it or likes the comfort or if she even notices at all. But he leaves his hand there, and hopes it does something.
They get home. She goes inside without grabbing the box. Sakusa gets it for her, and puts it somewhere where she won’t have to see it, if she doesn’t want to.
Sakusa cooks dinner. Her favorite. Definitely not curry. She eats it in small bites, and then takes a shower that lasts too long. He cleans, and listens for the sounds of her.
She’s in bed already. Funerals take a lot out of you, he figures. He joins her, if for no other reason that he doesn’t want her to be alone. She’s on the let side. He’s on the right.
His arms snake around her middle. He pulls her closer and kisses the side of her face. “I love you,” he tells her, because it’s true, and he wants her to know it. Even if he’s useless. Even if all he can do is watch.
He can almost feel it cracking in her chest. The way it boils over. She inhales sharply, and says, “Kiyoomi,” in a pitch or two higher than she normally speaks, like she’s out of breath. “I really miss him. I miss my brother.”
Sakusa tightens her arms around her as the sobs let loose. It rocks through her violently, and he holds her through it all. “I know,” he whispers back. “I know.”
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whisperofwonder · 1 day
!!Very late timeskip spoilers!!
Kageyama told you a few days ago that he's joining Ali Roma - now you have a big decision to make.
(There's a chance this could become a small collection of drabbles - I have a lot of ideas floating around in my head.)
~ 900 words
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These past three days have felt like the longest of your life. From the moment Tobio told you he'd received the offer from Ali Roma, you knew he'd accept. You wouldn't have expected anything different from him. The only thing that hung in the balance was your three year relationship.
He'd insisted that you take some time to think, and you have. You've spent these three days reliving the early days of falling in love with this quiet, intense, dedicated man. He'd surprised you by being earnest, attentive, even thoughtful. Alongside of his eternal love for volleyball, he's cultivated a deep love for you, and shown it in a thousand little ways. You'd moved into this apartment with him around this time last year, and some foolish part of you had thought that this might end up being forever. Now you're at a crossroads. These next moments will change everything.
"Hi," You say simply when he finally walks through the door. You've been orbiting around each other these past few days, him giving you some space to think and you grudgingly accepting it. You'd barely spoken, your schedules easily falling out of alignment with the sudden lack of coordinated effort. It had shocked you to see how different your relationship could have been if you both hadn't put in the time to make it work.
Now, your time to think has come to an end, and you're ready to tell him what you've decided. He carefully takes the seat next to you on the couch, angling himself so that his full attention is on you, but careful to leave a few inches of space between you. His gaze is intent on your face. "Hi," He finally echoes, when he's settled.
You take a deep breath. You've made your decision. "Tobio," You say his name slowly, and he leans ever so slightly closer to you. "I want to do this," You can't stop the smile breaking across your face, "I want to go with you to Italy." You watch him sag with relief, his knee pressing forward against yours.
"Really?" He breathes out, looking at you like you're too good to be true.
"Yes," You say, and you can't resist any longer. You throw yourself across the space between you, wrapping your arms around his neck as you feel his lips skim against your cheek before he presses his face into your shoulder. He's holding you tight, as if he's trying to memorize every inch of the feeling of you pressed against him.
This decision hadn't been easy, but in the end you think you've always known this is what you'd decide. You'd gone back and forth, lived with the thought of letting him go, but no matter what you envisioned, you could never quite imagine the rest of your life without him in it. Everything else will still be here, even while you're in Italy, but next to him is where you truly feel at home. The country you're in won't change that.
"You really want to go to Italy?" He's finally pulled away, now gripping your hands in his.
"I do," You confirm. "I want to be with you. And I think it will be an adventure," You add. You know Italy won't be forever, but it could turn into years, depending on how things go. "There's nothing here that won't be here whenever we come back - to visit or for good."
"Yeah," He agrees, the smile steadily growing on his own face. "I can't believe it," He admits. "I had to tell myself this was it. It didn't feel fair to you to let myself hope." You feel your heart clench at his words, the thought of him reconciling to the idea of life without you settling uneasily in your middle.
"Well, you can't get rid of me that easily," You say with a quiet chuckle, trying to keep the mood lighter, the weight of this decision settling heavy on you. His smile slips to a more serious expression, and you give his hands a squeeze.
"We should get married, then." He breathes out, the last words you'd expected him to say. "I want to marry you," He adds, and you aren't sure if your heart can take it. Finally, you feel the tears well up in your eyes.
"Are you proposing?" You ask in a choked whisper, "Right now?"
"Yes," He says firmly, though you're half convinced he'd made that decision half a second ago. He slides down to one knee in front of you, fixing his intense gaze on you. "So will you marry me?"
The last decision had taken three days, but this one takes three seconds. "Yes," You're nodding, a single stubborn tear slipping down your cheek. He reaches with his thumb to swipe it away, his hand cupping the back of your neck as he draws you into a kiss. You can feel him smiling into it.
"We're going to Italy," You say in disbelief when you finally pull away. "We're getting married."
"We are," He says, taking your face in his hands, his own face a picture of utter adoration. "I love you," He adds softly.
"I love you too," You breathe back, letting your eyes slide closed as he leans forward to rest his forehead against yours, soaking in this moment.
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imoncloud7 · 2 days
the one that got away; oikawa x reader drabble
notes: i have been so busy with exams and school lol but i have been lurking on tumblr. i saw a random tiktok this morning with this song and i wrote this pretty quick before class cw: none really, just kind of angsty lol. wc: 432
although you procrastinated a lot of things, your yearly spring cleaning was one of things you didn’t. on the first weekend following the spring solstice, you took the two days off of work to sort through old clothes, clean out the fridge, deep clean your apartment, and look through old photos and trinkets. 
this year however, a dusty box in the back of your closet caught your eye; a box you hadn’t seen in years. to be completely honest, you had forgotten the contents of the box, considering its bland cardboard appearance. as you pulled it out, you gave it a quick dusting before ripping off the packing tape. 
you suddenly began to remember why this particular box was shoved in the back of the closet, its memories buried along with it. you were met with a sweatshirt neatly folded on top of the rest of the items in the box, a simple teal hoodie with the words “seijoh vbc” displayed across the front. you stared at the hoodie for a moment, memories of your high school boyfriend and childhood friend flooding back. pulling out the hoodie revealed the stacks of printed photos and polaroids, along with countless letters addressed to you dating years back. one thing that stood out in particular was a small velvet box, which you knew contained a simple gold ring, a promise that he would one day return back to japan. return back to you. 
oikawa tooru was a man larger than life, with a long list of achievements and countless awards. before that, however, he was just a boy with dreams and aspirations of greatness. dreams that took him across international borders following your high school graduation. dreams that also didn’t include you. while you would’ve done anything for him, he would’ve done anything for his volleyball career. 
“you seriously won’t come with me?”
“my entire life is here, in japan, tooru. i can’t just up and leave to another country. a country i have no business being in, a culture i don’t belong to, a language i don’t even speak!” 
your final fight with him was the last time you had seen him, or even spoke to him. in the past two years of being gone, he had joined the argentina national men’s volleyball team and renounced his japanese citizenship, his dream finally realized. it was bittersweet really, you were so, so proud of him, and still you were upset with him that you didn’t have a place in his future. 
maybe in another life, you would be his, and he would be yours. 
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emmyrosee · 16 hours
I don't hesitate to leave all my legacy to you for Akaashi and newborn mei 🙂‍↕️👆🏻
Just in the other room, you hear Keiji and Mei playing, and it brings a warm smile to your face. You’re quick to set down your purse and make your way into the living room, leaning against the wall as he babbles to your daughter.
“Dadda, dadda!” He coos, to which Mei giggles down at. Her tiny fists enclose Keiji’s index fingers, and he allows her to wave them around as she animatedly babbles back to her father.
You laugh softly at the adorable scene, to which Mei’s head immediately whips to look at you.
You’re taken aback as Keiji’s tone drops, his finger pointing at you from across the room. "Mother. Mooother."
Mei's head looks back over at Keiji, and he smiles, "dadda! dad-dad-dadda!"
Mei looks back at you, "mother. Mother. Birth Giver."
"Akaashi Keiji!" You laugh, making your way into the living room. "What are you doing!"
"Her first word is so close to being dadda," he explains, as if you're being the weird one. "And I'm going to make sure that it will be."
"By making my name scary and unpronounceable?"
He smirks, "hey, she's going to say whichever one she wants. If it happens to be dadda, so be it."
You hum and lean over to press a kiss to his cheek, chuckling against his skin as you feel the smirk relax into a smile. Then you lean into his ear, "over my dead body, will her first word be dadda, now."
He snorts and tosses his head back laughing, and when Mei sees you, she eagerly launches for you to be held, cooing happily at the sight of her mother.
"Oh, it's so on."
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niceutossu · 8 hours
Misconceptions | Osamu x Reader
-Osamu lives in the same area as you
-he has seen you look so CEO-ish early in the morning and he’s convinced you’re some super important business person
-he’s developed an innocent crush since you both always get coffee at the same convenience store, at the same exact time
-you were very punctual and so was he (it was good motivation to see your sweet face)
-when you would leave you would always turn left and he would right and that was that
-it’s nice to see you smile while holding the door open for him or when he does the same for you and he gets to hear your soft voice say ‘thank you’
-beyond that, he’s never talked to you, he feels like you’re from two completely different worlds so he’s content leaving things as they are
-one night, his usual delivery boy has only one order left but unbeknownst to Osamu, he’s also been on the verge of hurling his entire shift and throws up right before he can complete it
-Osamu sends him home because he refuses to not follow food safety guidelines (plus he also feels a little bad he was unaware that his employee had pushed himself so hard)
-since it was also for someone who lived in the same building as him, he really didn’t mind being the one to drop off this last order
-while packing up to leave his employee makes a cheeky remark, something along the lines of “Thanks for doing this, though we’ll be even after you see the babe it’s for.”
-Which Osamu completely disregards because there were a lot of beautiful women living at his complex (as once commented by Atsumu) so he wasn’t really all that excited about the prospect
-he was tired and he just wanted to go home and get enough sleep before he had to rush out the door in the morning to catch a glimpse of your face
-when he finds the apartment, two floors above his, he knocks and is getting ready to leave when the door swings open and he looks up to find you looking back at him
-except you don’t look anything like how you usually do
-you weren’t wearing your black blazer and matching skirt, both of which were clearly ironed with lots of care
-the white lace of the crisp white blouse you normally wore wasn’t peeking through the collar of your jacket, and your hair wasn’t pulled back into the neat half updo he had grown a bit fond of (how could you pull off something so simple so well?)
-instead, your hair was down and damp, your shirt wrinkled, and you were wearing athletic shorts so oversized they almost reached past your knees
-the smell of shampoo meant you weren’t wearing any make-up but you looked the same to him, the only real difference was the glasses perched on your nose
-he couldn’t tell if they were real or blue light but he didn’t care, you looked good
-you looked so good like this, so cute
-he had always thought you were attractive in a mature way, radiating confidence that made head turns everywhere you went
-your tight clothes did you justice, and your ‘I have my shit together’ attitude was undeniably magnetic 
-but the way you looked now, so small and tired, clearly irritated from hunger but ready for bed was what made the little crush he had on you turn into a full-blown ‘like’
-Osamu liked seeing you like this, maybe even more than he did seeing you be a professional
-before he could continue to gawk any longer you took the food from his hands and stared at him for a moment, squinting your eyes before widening them in some sort of horrible realization
-“Wha- where’s the usual guy?” You asked, blushing in a way that had Osamu feeling a mix of confused and a little bit annoyed
-“You got the food…so does it matter?” Even if you were cute, he wasn’t about to pour his feelings out to someone who was still a complete stranger, and currently, a seemingly unsatisfied customer
-you scrunched your nose at his response, huffing slightly and seemingly contemplating for a moment before speaking again
-“do..do you not recognize me?” You asked hopefully, eyes looking up at him past the glasses and making his heart twirl as he held back the smile that tugged at his lips
-“Convenience store.” He replied, keeping it short but only because he couldn’t handle the implications of the entire interaction
-did you also think of him beyond just seeing him once in the morning?
-your eyes lit up at the acknowledgment before offering him a smile he hadn’t seen before, one that was more carefree now that it was just you two alone and in private 
-“I had no idea you worked here.” You spoke, pointing your hand towards the bag of food he was still holding while offering him friendly conversation
-“And I had no idea you were a customer.” Osamu said while handing you the bag, deciding to use the chance to show off a bit and maybe even get you to come visit in person
-“How long have you been working there?” You questioned, eyes glazed with genuine curiosity that made his heart curl
-“Well, I kinda own it so, since I opened it?” He replied, feeling nervous and now stupid for the way he had explained himself. There goes his opportunity to show off
-despite his awkwardness, you laughed at his stupid joke and he felt himself bubble with pride, he needed to hear more of that
-he suddenly thought back to what his employee had said about you being a ‘babe’ and felt himself get annoyed, he’d definitely have to convince you to start coming in person
-“you’re funny and the owner of your own business? Man, you’re doing way better than I am.” You admitted, the nervous atmosphere settling into a more comfortable one
-at your words Osamu frowned, were you not some up and coming CEO yourself?
-you looked at him, confused as Osamu suddenly realized he had asked that out-loud
-you both stared at each other as a couple beats of silence passed before you suddenly broke out into laughter again like he had just said the funniest thing in the world 
-he should’ve been more annoyed given that you were practically laughing in his face but he was intrigued more than anything else 
-“CEO would be awesome but I’m nothing more than an intern at the moment.” You admitted after calming down, still letting out a few giggles as your cheeks were now flushed from having laughed so hard
-Osamu thought you couldn’t look more perfect than you do now, face rosy from something he said and pretty eyes focused solely on him 
-so you weren’t some fancy CEO, that was a relief but he also knew somehow in his gut you wouldn’t stay an intern for long
-he didn’t know a lot about you past admiring you for always being on top of it and on time, unknowingly inspiring him to do the same
-but now he wanted to get to know you more than anything, to see you become the boss you were clearly meant to 
-“well, just know when the time comes you’re already the perfect, pretty picture of a CEO.” Osamu complimented, somehow confident in your abilities despite your status as strangers
-at his compliment your blush deepened, the sweet tone and sincerity in his words causing a rosy red to stick to your cheeks
-the word pretty rang out in your mind as you unconsciously went to tuck a piece of damp hair behind your ear, something that made Osamu’s lips finally twitch into a smile
-to know and see that he had an any sort affect on you, like you had on him all these months made it hard to hide the giddiness he felt
-he really had to get to know you, he had been so wrong about you this entire time and he needed to get it right, to get to know you fully 
-“Jeez, you’re not supposed to flirt with customers y’know?” You joke, voice light as you poke at his chest playfully 
-your eyebrows raise ever so slightly as you feel all the muscle underneath the simple black t-shirt and you give him a shy glance 
-“I promise I’ll try and come by in-person. But only if you promise me one thing in return.” You speak, finger unmoving from his chest as your eyes remained fixated on his own
-he swallowed thickly before responding with a small ‘hm?’
-“Same time tomorrow?” You asked, referring to your daily morning routine
-Osamu felt himself almost soar at those words, he’d see you practically every day but this time- this time you’d both know that you’re each looking for one another  
-“you know I’ll be there.” 
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quirrrky · 15 hours
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—LEAVE ME LOVING YOU [miya osamu x reader]
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❝The sun is setting in purple and blue. Is there no getting closer to you?❞
Miya Osamu, your crush's twin, secretly pretended to be his brother to save you from embarrassment. It was supposed to be just for a day, but he never expected he'd yearn for more with you.
Will you be able to see right through his facade? Can he leave his brother's shadow before it's too late?
𐑂 inspired by jackson wang's LMLY 𐑂 secret admirer, unrequited love? timeskip, mini-series 𐑂 ongoing; weekly 𐑂 taglist: drop this emoji 🍙 on the ask box or on the reply section to be added    —𐑂 
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LMLY [moodboard]
✦ 𝐨𝐧𝐞 (october 5!) reaching out for you to bring you to me
✦ 𝐭𝐰𝐨 what if I just hold on for a while?
✦ 𝐭𝐡𝐫𝐞𝐞 baby, there's no drug quite like denial
✦ 𝐟𝐨𝐮𝐫 if you're out of this when I'm all in, I need a warning
✦ 𝐟𝐢𝐯𝐞 if you don't feel it too, whatever you do, don't leave me loving you
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this idea is in my head even before nonnie-chan requested for an osamu fluff. I know I did a serious damage with glimpse of us. I may have broken hundreds of hearts, so now I'm fixing them. while reading the request, I was listening to this song and the plot thickens. I just cried at how I imagined the last chapter to be. I'm just so excited! ദ്ദി ꒦ິ꒳꒦ິ )✧
© quirrrky 2024 - All rights reserved. No work shall be reproduced, reposted, modified, translated in any form or by any means.
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samu coloring by @/hiddeninventories | @pixelcafe-network
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hyunteru · 2 days
my serenity - s. kōshi
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home is more than a place. to him, you are his home.
pairing: sugawara kōshi x gn!reader
tags/warnings: fluff, timeskip, no specific pronouns are used, probably overused concept i’m sorry(i wrote this during one of my gaps because i wanted to release a nice short fic! hope you enjoy <3)
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As a teacher, it’s important for Kōshi to be precise. It’s important for him to know things and correctly explain them to students, especially elementary kids who are just learning how the world works. It’s important for him to give these kids the proper stepping stone they need to succeed in the future. So, if one of his students were to ask him what a home was, he would simply tell them— “Well your home would be where you live!” Short and sweet.
Though when he thinks of home he thinks of you. He thinks of the small things you do like when you welcome him with opens arms and a smile. He thinks about your dulcet voice and your melodious laugh that fill the apartment with life. He thinks about the warm aura you bring around that always has his mind at ease. He simply thinks of you. To him, home was never a place where he just lived. If he could choose between an empty apartment or your empty arms, he wouldn’t waste a second before stepping into your arms and wrapping his own around your body. So, the actual definition of home is far from what he truly believes. But, explaining that his home is actually a person would be too difficult for a kid to understand.
Coming home from work is always a huge relief for him. Kōshi loves his job and he loves what he does, but his social battery can only last so long. It’s the same route back home as everyday, the same path he has scripted to memory as he opened the door to your guys’ shared apartment and placing his bags down. It’s only when you appear that his shoulders relax and his eyes soften, “Welcome home” you greet as you smile and walk towards him with open arms— engulfing him in a hug as he squeezed you in his own. He buried his head in your shoulder as he inhaled your scent— “I’m home.”
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inariyazaki · 2 days
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The Prophecy
Atsumu Miya x Gn!Reader
Warnings : self hatred, self doubt, js plain old negativity, mentions of self harm, alcohol, suicide, please scroll away if this is sensitive to you. I guess implied female ( Only implied with the nickname "Nee" meaning older sister in Japanese, however the pronouns are they/them )
Synopsis : Y/n Sosogi, someone who has many troubles, even as a child. Growing up, she had a hard time trusting others, and takes everything to heart. Their encounter with a certain someone did not go well.
PART [1][2] A/N : possible grammatical typographical errors hhh I apologize for that, I would like to apologize for giving Atsumu such a shitty character but its for the plot pls I also would like to apologize if the ending was not expected LMAOO
wc : 3,089
First year, and first day of high school. Y/n Sosogi doesn't know what to feel, ever since the death of their mother, they have been independent, but that doesn't mean they don't have limits.
Walking through the halls, they have never felt this overwhelmed, it's exactly like their first day of elementary school, where their brother was still present. I wonder how Ashitaka's doing? Did he finally go pro athlete? Brother's really old now. I hope he can visit.
Y/n Sosogi's first class wasn't that bad, it was just navigating through the rules, the names of the teachers, the different subjects and other things. There were clubs, and clubs aren't Y/n Sosogi's forte, they refuse to talk to anyone and get close with people.
The day has finally ended, Y/n Sosogi can't wait to just walk back home and sleep. There wasn't much to do since it was the first day, but the day after tomorrow is Club Festival, where people promote their clubs. While Y/n Sosogi isn't a fan of festivals like this, they had to attend.
The day of the festival has arrived, and luckily all the students could wear anything they want. Y/n has picked something comfy. Walking through the grounds of the High School and looking at the banners of the clubs, they sigh, none of the clubs felt ecstatic– well to be fair, it's hard to feel ecstatic nowadays.
Walking past club after club, they didn't find anything that caught their eye. While they had deep interest in volleyball, they didn't join the club. For one; they don't have the experience nor athleticism, and for two; they'd much prefer to be well and rested rather than training and coming home tired.
“I feel like I'm the only one without a club..” Y/n Sosogi thought to themselves, their eyes narrowing as they looked at the festival grounds from all the way at the end, “This is tiring..” They mumbled, brushing off their outfit, and they continued to walk, until the coach of the volleyball boy's came up to them, “Hello, excuse me.. I'm going around asking for students if they have clubs, and I'd like to ask if you have signed up for one yet?” He asked, Y/n Sosogi looked up at the coach, and shook their head, “No.. I haven't found a club yet.” The coach sighs in relief, “Would you like to sign up for the volleyball boys as our manager?” The coach offered, handing at the poster advertising the club, Y/n Sosogi takes a look at the poster, then looked up at the coach, quickly hummed, and nodded. “Sure.”
"It's such a relief finding someone who's willing to join the club. For now, you'll only be observing the team and get used to the atmosphere." the coach, who he introduced himself as 'Kurosu Norimune'. Y/n Sosogi slowly nodded their head and looked at the records in their arms. "Ah, I forgot to ask. What is yer name? And what year yer in?" He asks, Y/n Sosogi hums as they close the record book and hugged it, as a way to keep their arms preoccupied. "Sosogi.. Y/n. 1st year in class 5." They replied back, coach Kurosu nods. "Great to know. I'm sure you'll get along with the other 1st years, and you might like them, there's a fascinating duo, too." The coach muses with a chuckle, stopping in front of the gym doors and placing his volleyball shoes on. "Have you met twins before?" He asked, attempting to make small talk with the first year beside him, Y/n Sosogi shakes her head, and the gym doors open. "Gather! Gather!" The team captain exclaims and surrounds the entrance of the gym.
"Everyone, this is Sosogi Y/n, 1st year class 5. Today, they will be trying out for the position of being our manager. Please continue practicing normally, as Sosogi will only observe before making a decision." Coach Kurosu announced, and everyone just let out a loud "Understood", making Y/n Sosogi slightly winced at the loud volume. Kurosu had led Y/n Sosogi to the bench to explain the things to do as a manager.
"As the manager, in every practice and match, you will be recording every set and plays- for example, any quick shots and write if it is successful or not. This way, we will be able to analyze and calculate the percentage rate of the move or not." Coach Kurosu informs and explains, Y/n Sosogi just listens attentively while watching the drills. "Oh, and during the drills, you will also keep note of everything." He adds, Y/n Sosogi hums and they turn their head to the coach. "Do I have to remember anything about the uh rules in volleyball or..?" They mumbled, coach Kurosu nods. "Indeed you do, you'll also write down every out of bounds, or touch nets. et cetera. This role is quite demanding, so I'd understand if you'd want to back down." He says with a reluctant expression, clearly hesitant to let a potential manager go. Y/n Sosogi shakes their head. "It's alright. I made up my mind anyways." They mutter, coach Kurosu sighs in relief, and nods. "That is absolutely great news, Sosogi. I'm sure the team will welcome you."
oh the team was welcoming alright, there was just on asshole who was pissed at Y/n Sosogi for some reason, sending glares at them every time they'd hand him a towel or his bottle, muttering a "I can get it myself, thank ya very much." Bitterly, a dialect can be heard; clearly grew up in Hyogo. Curiosity got the better of them, and so they turned their head to the coach, and so does the coach. "Who's that?" They asked, pointing at the boy and the coach hums. "Ah, that's Atsumu. Miya Atsumu, he's a promisin' player, he'll surely go far." The coach says, clearly prideful of his players, and a vein pops on Y/n Sosogi's forehead as their eyebrows furrows. "He's annoyin' as hell."
Months passed, and their rage over the certain Miya has gotten exceedingly bad to the point they'd ignore him whenever talking to the team. The reason why Atsumu is being an asshole? "Why do we have a manager when we can already handle ourselves? That's useless!" word by word. In short, Atsumu looks down on Y/n Sosogi, and Y/n Sosogi is NOT letting that slide. Every training, they'd deliberately give Atsumu some half-assed attempt in helping him, almost dropping his bottle because of how little to no effort Y/n Sosogi is giving, making Atsumu more annoyed with them. But even though Atsumu was clearly being an asshole, Y/n Sosogi knew that as a manager, they'd still help every player.
But they'd definitely be lying if they say that his words and demeanor didn't affect them mentally.
Once again, months had pass, and the 1st years were now second years. Not to mention, Atsumu had probably gotten more obnoxious. Not to mention, he had gotten extremely well known for being unfortunately attractive and playing for a power house, Y/n Sosogi had to limit her nasty looks or they'd get flamed by Atsumu's fangirls. But this doesn't mean they haven't been studying Atsumu; they're aware that Atsumu prefers his serves quiet to avoid any interruptions, they know Atsumu cares for his spiker than any setter, delicately sending his spiker a perfect set. They're also aware that Atsumu is disliked, too, by other people. Aware at the fact Atsumu hates people who slack off, saying that his sets deserves more "respect" in them. Y/n Sosogi couldn't help but think about something though, how Atsumu would always brush off those comments. Well, not that they'd understand emotions, that's what they lacked growing up, after all.
But Y/n Sosogi did something they didn't even think about doing. It was when they were closing up since training finished, only to return to the gym's doors opened and someone hitting a ball aggressively; "Probably Atsumu again." they thought to themselves, climbing up the steps and looking in the gym, and what do you know? Miya Atsumu in his full glory.
"What're ya doin'?" Y/n Sosogi speaks up, crossing their arms and tilting their head with their eyebrows furrowed, Atsumu stops in his serve practice and clicked his tongue. "Nun' ya damn business, Sosogi. Thought ya were cleanin' up already?" He grumbles under his breathe, grabbing a ball from the pile and raising his arm to toss the ball up in the air, Y/n Sosogi was about to speak, not until he tossed the ball up and Y/n quickly closed her mouth. Atsumu took notice of this, and grew curious as he practically violated the ball, hitting it out of bounds and clicking his tongue. Y/n slightly winced at the force in that spike and her eyes subtly narrow, "Are ya tryna blow off some steam off 'r what?" They mumbled, walking over to the other side of the net and grabbing the stranded balls, and rolling them over to the pile, "Huh? What're ya tryna say?" He spat in an offended tone, was his spike in your eyes or something? "I meant that yer hitting the ball more harder than you usually do. Like yer stressed or somethin'. I dunno." They mumble, walking to the pile and placing the left balls in and facing Atsumu. Atsumu sends her a glare and looked away with a huff. "Whaddya know?" He mumbles as he ran his fingers through his golden-yellow locks, Y/n frowns at his statement, he was clearly in distress about something but refused to open up. "Look I know ya aren't my biggest fan, but 'm still yer manager in the end. Ya've been playing shitty plays since the start o' trainin', an' it's clearly botherin' ya, so spit it out." They point out, crossing their arms, Atsumu gives them an offended yet intimidating glare, causing Y/n to avert their gaze for a few seconds but looks back at him again, blinking twice. "Well?" They say, cocking their head to the side to try to at least annoy him to pry the answer out.
"Christ, yer nosy as hell." He huffed, grabbing a ball from the pile out of frustration and serves once again, hitting out of bounds and cursing at himself, "Alright, 'm gonna bet those comments got inta yer head." Y/n said, looking at him with raised eyebrows and his head whips to their direction. "Shuddap will ya? Ya don' know shit." He spits gingerly and Y/n cringed at his tone, clearly not used to it. "So it did, huh. It's okay to be honest with yer feelings." Y/n Sosogi muttered, placing both of their hands in their uniform's pocket and Atsumu's brows furrowed, letting out a scoff and staring at Y/n in irritation. "Please, what do ya know?" He mumbles, rolling his eyes as he walks over to he astray balls. Y/n growing silent, as they watched him pick the balls up.
"Like.. everything? How the people would always mutter how yer so full of yerself and yer so arrogant?" Y/n started, walking and pacing around the court as they look around, humming in thought. "I'm pretty sure yer twin also mentioned he wouldn't want to be ya." They added, clearly hitting a nerve on Atsumu in which he clearly tried to stop himself from throwing the ball in his hand to them. "Okay, chill bro." Y/n muttered, giving him a side eye and sighing, walking over to the net and leaning on the pole. "Yer just gonna let it pass? I mean- ya aren't gonna do anything?" They mused, furrowing their brows as they watch him throw the balls in the pile. "If ya really aren't gonna be verbal about it, then just start setting those balls fer yer spiker out of spite, be a perfectionist if ya want." They continued, Atsumu just huffing in response and turning around to face Y/n. "As if that's what I wasn't doing in the first place? It just get's distractin' an' annoyin." He huffs, pushing the cart of the balls in the storage room. "Right, okay. Just get home, will ya? I'll clean the gym, get outta here." Y/n mutters, pushing themselves off of the pole and walking towards the storage room as well.
Atsumu had observed something for a while though, and curiosity got the better of him. "Yer always here late." He mutters, looking up from the pile of volleyballs and looked at Y/n who grabbed the mop. Y/n looks up from the mop, raises an eyebrow in confusion, "What?" They asked, confused at the boy's statement, Atsumu lets out a puff- he didn't like being repeated, after all. "I said, yer always at school at this time. Don't you have a family to go home to?" He asked, and that hit Y/n's nerves this time, their brows furrowing and giving an unintentional glare at the boy, causing Atsumu to give them a side eye. "T'was a genuine question, 'ey! Givin' me that look as if I killed'ya family or sum.." He grumbled as he looked away, clearly too prideful to have admit he was ( most ) probably in the wrong for asking that to cause such reaction from them.
"To answer yer question, I don't." Y/n answered back, turning around with their heel and mopping the court, leaving Atsumu baffled at the honest answer, whipping his head to their direction and blinked twice. "Wai-- wha?--" He stuttered, confused at the answer given to his question. "Well? Ya asked, right? I don't. Simple as that." Y/n mumbled, mopping the place near the nets because that's where normally the blockers would be. "Can you.. I dunno, elaborate? 'Cause that's sucha vague answer, can't blame me fer being shocked!" He exclaimed in defense, walking out of the storage room to continue the conversation they were having. Y/n lets out a sigh, looking up from the ground to give Atsumu a deadpanned expression and blink idly. "Look whose being nosy now." They retorted back, in return, Atsumu also giving them a deadpanned expression. "I'd like ta call it curious." He says in a taunting tone, Y/n tsk-ed at his remark and had no choice but to elaborate because he wouldn't stop staring at them. "I meant it literally. My mom's dead, took 'er own life, my dad died to a heart attack due ta too much alcohol consumption, I live with my step mom but we barely interact. Plus, 'er boyfriend gives me the heebie jeebies. There, happy?" They quickly explained, leaving no room for the emotions to start pouring out, and to avoid literally having a mental break down right there and there, it was sudden for both Atsumu and Y/n Sosogi indeed, both minds not even registering the facts that Y/n opened up to Atsumu no one else, and it was her first time, nothing less.
"Well uh that was er.. deep." Atsumu mumbled, he really wasn't good at this peculiar aspect of "comforting" and "empathy" in a sense, so he didn't know what to do-- but suddenly he felt conscious about his behavior towards to her, so that flipped a switch in him. "Yeah, no shit." Y/n muttered, finishing up with the mop and walking over to the storage room to return the mop. "Look- I er.. 'm not the best with comforting but uh.. Kita is good with words so you can probably go to im'.." Atsumu suggested, looking down at his shoes to sheepishly rub his nape, though he did wanted to do something, but his pride says otherwise. "Yeah, I know. Thanks, I guess?" Y/n mumbles with a shrug, fixing the mops so that none of the players or coach would trip on it. Atsumu just watched, clearly having an internal dilemma whether if he should or shouldn't do something. But, ultimately, he just gave in. "Sosogi.." He called, Y/n turns around and raises an eyebrow, waiting for him to continue. "It's hard for ya.. well, obviously, when ya don't have anyone ta rely on.. uh but if ya really need someone to hear ya out, the teams 'ere fer ya. Even if we aren't that empathy.. uh.. you can do it..?" He mumbles very awkwardly, receiving silence from Y/n. A few seconds of silence passed, and Y/n lets out a snicker, "Is that yer way of comforting me, Atsumu? Well aren't I delighted. Thanks." They say in a smug and sarcastic manner, walking over to him and patting his shoulder. "That made me chuckle, at least a bit. Made me feel better." Y/n muttered with a small grin, Atsumu scoffs and rolls his eyes, going back to his signature obnoxious tone and expression as he watches Y/n walk past him. But he did notice the small smile, something he didn't notice throughout the almost 2 years they've been Inarizaki's manager.
well, that was a start for both of the individuals for their character development.
the very next day, Atsumu had been acting more.. nicer and more respectable, mumbling a quiet "thank you" whenever he was handed a towel or water bottle. Leaving Osamu and Y/n very perplexed. "Is yer twin doing okay? Is he sick?" Y/n mumbled to Osamu, Osamu shrugging and placing the water bottle down. "Dunno.. something probably possessed him or sum.." He mumbled as well, giving Y/n a look and they both stifled a laughter. "Let 'im be, I guess. S'not all the time he's willin' ta be nice ta ya." Osamu says, shrugging a shoulder and Y/n nodding in agreement. "Good point. Okay, back to practice ya go."
even after being treated well by Atsumu nowadays, Y/n still makes sure to keep their distance, in the back of their mind, the thoughts that he'll leave like everyone else lingered the back of their mind, whatever they do. So they still make comments about him and his tendencies, however also apologizing afterwards since it'd make them sound insensitive.
Atsumu was offended. But he let it slide, after all, he did wanted to become friends with Y/n after all that opening up. And he made an internal promise to himself that he'll continue treating Sosogi fairly.
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