clanoffelidae · 3 years
@domosaur Since I still haven't gotten back to digging for more fics for you here's a short scene that refused to leave my brain and managed to drag my tired ass out of my bed and to my laptop lest I forget it.
Isaak grabbed Cain's hand, carefully avoiding the god's sharp talons as he swept it up towards his face. The god's fingers and palm were slightly calloused. The calluses had a distinctive texture and slight, rough friction against Isaak’s skin. The skin was just on the side of moist enough to be considered soft; neither wet nor sweaty, but warm and supple. The strength in his fingers belied his fine clothing.
Isaak pressed his lips against the backs of those fingers with brief but genuine reverence. The god’s pulse was dim yet steady beneath his lips. He pulled away after a moment, a small smile on his face as he leered up at the god through dark lashes.
Cain regarded him coolly, gaze aloof. He seemed impassive. The hint of playfulness curling at his lips gave him away.
"You know, you’re supposed to wait for me to offer you my hand to kiss. Doing so unprompted is generally considered to be too forward and rather rude."
The god's façade broke with each word, his smile growing until there was just the hint of teeth behind black lips. His eyes began to sparkle.
Isaak smirked. Something heated gleamed in his dark eyes as he slowly, deliberately lifted Cain’s hand to his lips again. He kept his eyes locked with Cain’s. The god could only stare, transfixed, all the while Isaak bent his head to kiss the backs of Cain’s fingers again. His lips grazed against the god’s knuckles as his hair cast shadows on his face. The half-demon lingered for several seconds, his breath warm and wet, before he pulled away almost reluctantly. His fingers gently caressed the sensitive skin of Cain’s palm. He never once looked away.
Isaak’s smile widened at the pretty pink flush that spread over pale cheeks.
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