#haha welcome to josephine's head
mushroompollution · 2 months
As Elliot leaves his dorm, pausing for the valet at his side to lock the door, he's approached by another student. The young man, with curly hair and big, brown eyes, gives a nervous wave.
"Welcome back, E-Elliot Nightray--" his voice shakes hesitantly, which only seems to annoy Elliot, causing his eyebrows to twitch together.
Still, the hotheaded lord manages to keep from yelling. After all, this student had addressed him formally, and that kind of respect tends to go straight to his head. He gives the other student a nod. "Yeah, you too, uhhhh--"
"Marcel," Leo says from Elliot's side. He gives the young man a cheery smile. "nice to see you."
"Oh! Y-you too," Marcel responds. It's likely he doesn't know the valet's name, and Leo makes no effort to remind him. However, as an awkward pause builds and Marcel fidgets, it quickly becomes obvious he hadn't expected to make it this far.
Elliot huffs and hikes the black instrument case he carries up on his shoulder, throws a half wave, half peace sign flippantly as he turns to leave. "We're running kind of late. See you around, er--"
His voice trails just ever so subtly, and Leo leans closer to whisper to his master.
"--Marcel," Elliot finishes, without missing another beat.
"How did you know that guy?" Elliot asks as they leave the dorm.
"he was in a couple of your first year classes. and you saved him from some bullies a few weeks before school let out for summer."
"This summer?"
"Huh. Why don't I remember him?"
"well, he--"
"WAIT. Don't tell me. It's obviously because I've saved so many people from bullies that--"
"ahahahaha pffftt," Leo's laughter, more earnest than usual, cuts him off. "haha yeah. i'm sure that's why, Elliot."
"Hey!!" Elliot shoots his servant a spiteful glare.
"you reprimanded him afterwards."
Elliot goes quiet, racking his brain. Finally, it seems to click. "Oh. He must've had a serious growth spurt over the summer, wasn't he smaller than you?"
"a real late bloomer~"
"Well hopefully he's learned to stand up for himself a little better, too."
Leo nods. "i don't think Josephine will be making him play dress up anymore, at least."
"Wait. What??"
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rubix-writings · 3 years
Punisher Pt. 10
Tenth part of Punisher. We’re halfway people. This is a Chicago PD/Fire imagine with an original character. I don’t own any of the plot points or characters from the show. Also, it doesn’t follow any particular season or sequence in the shows.
Series Summary: Josephine (Jo) never expected to find support and pure love when she left Los Angeles. She ran away to Chicago and was content with living an insignificant, hidden life. But everything changes when she walks into Molly’s to get a job.
Josephine (OC) x Jay Halstead
The italicized lines are internal thoughts of the character.
Warnings: mentions of alcohol, teeth rotting fluff
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I followed Voight’s advice to the letter, changed up my routines every day and had Hermann adjust my schedule at Molly’s. I wasn’t making the money on tips I used to with my closing shifts, but it’s necessary. I knew I made the right decision going to Voight as soon as I saw Jay. He knocked on my door the next night with a home cooked meal, he sat with me for a few hours giving me updates on all the things I missed. He came over every day after until I felt “well” enough to go back to work. It’s funny to think you can miss a place, but when I arrived back at Molly’s I was met with a warm welcome by everyone, instantly filling a longing I didn’t know was there. 
“Hey Jo, can you sign for the kegs out front? Make sure they know where to go,” Stella asks before disappearing into the back. I make my way out the front entrance of the bar and sign for the kegs of beer. The two large men start wheeling the beer to the back entrance, I pray that they move quicker. The wind is making goosebumps rise on my exposed skin, making me seriously regret not bringing a coat. My leg shakes as the men are wheeling back the last of the order. 
“Jo?” I turn and see Jay walking up. 
“Hi,” I can’t contain my smile. 
“What’re you doing out here, it’s freezing,” Jay takes off his coat and wraps it around my body. The warmth is immediate and the woodsy smell of his cologne dances across my nostrils. 
“You’re gonna get cold,” I try to protest, but Jay stops me from taking the jacket off and continues to rub my arms. 
“I wasn’t the one that was just sick for two weeks.” Oh right.
“Excuse me, can I get one more signature?” One of the workers asks. I grab the clipboard and sign my name, allowing them to leave to their next delivery. 
“I never got to thank you for bringing me dinner,” I say when I turn to face Jay. 
“You don’t need to, I think eating my cooking was hard enough,” he jokes.
“It was good!” 
“Oh yeah? You really liked that rice?” I laugh.
“Yeah how does someone mess up rice?”
“I don’t know!” I hug Jay, resting my head on his firm chest. His head rests on top of mine. I close my eyes and focus on his heartbeat. I slowly pull away and look up to Jay. His large hands move to rest on either side of my face, he strokes my cheekbones with his thumbs. Jay moves down towards my face slowly fluttering his eyes closed, I gradually met him halfway, closing my eyes at the last second. His lips firmly press into mine before our lips start to move more frantically. I grip his shirt desperately trying to extinguish any space between us. Jay’s soft lips are a sharp contrast to the stubble on his cheeks. I feel like my lungs are going to explode from lack of oxygen, but I lean in as soon as Jay pulls away, not wanting this moment to end just yet. We both reluctantly pull away, Jay rests his forehead on mine. I slowly release Jay’s shirt from my grasp, trying to control my breathing. 
“I should get back inside,” as much as I want to stay in Jay’s arms, I know Stella would come looking sooner rather than later and for right now I want to keep this between Jay and me.
“Yeah Will should be here any minute,” Jay pulls away a little more, looking in the eyes. His piercing blue eyes could melt anyone’s heart. I slip out of Jay’s jacket and hand it back to him before taking a few steps towards the entrance. 
“I’m closing tonight,” I blurt out. “Any chance you’ll lend a hand?” A bright smile spreads across Jay’s face.
“I can do that,” I match Jay’s smile, and then quickly make my way back into Molly’s. I pick up a few empties on my way to the bar.
“Everything go okay?” Stella asks while popping the caps off two beers. 
“Yeah, easy,” I say, avoiding eye contact. Luckily, Stella’s too busy to catch my blushing cheeks. 
I busy myself by filling a couple of orders and opening new tabs. Jay and Will enter the bar, most of the Intelligence Unit is at the bar and they grab seats on the stools next to them. 
“Hi Jojo,” Will snickers. 
“Hi Willy Billy,” Will’s smile falls and he looks at Jay. “Yeah two can play that game.”
“How could you? Your own brother?” Will gasps. Jay shrugs and smiles at me. I grab the brothers some beers and slide them across the bartop. I didn’t notice Will analyzing Jay and me, all I could think about is the kiss we shared outside. It was needy and passionate, all the pent up tensions finally released. 
“You two kissed!” Will announces. Jay and I snap out of it because of Will’s outburst.
“What?” Jay asks.
“You two finally kissed, or was it something more?” Will looks deep into his brother’s eyes. I look around the bar and see everyone staring, my heartbeat fills my ears, almost giving me a headache. 
“Will,” Jay warns.
“You’re giving me nothing,” Will turns his attention to me, his gaze is probing. “It was just a kiss, but…. But you want it to be more.”
“Will,” Jay warns again, everyone else on the other hand finds this exchange incredibly hilarious. 
“Alright, who owes who?” Will asks. Both Jay’s and my eyebrows furrowed in confusion. I watch stunned as people start exchanging cash, they mumble as they try to figure out who gets the payout. 
“Did you know about this?” I ask Jay. 
“No,” he runs his hand over his face, already exhausted by the night. 
“This is insane,” I whisper. Stella walks up to the group and realizes what’s going on. 
“Oh thank you! What’s my share?” She turns to Kevin and he puts some bills in her hand. 
“You too?”
“Yeah, and I think this shows how good of a friend I am because I was right.”
“I quit.”
“Haha yeah good luck with that,” Stella chuckles before heading into the office. 
Finally the last of the customers exit Molly’s leaving Jay and I in the bar. It was a night full of teasing and betrayal, the more of our friends that showed up at the bar the more the bet was brought up. Even Matt was in on it, he was mad we couldn’t wait another week otherwise he would’ve had the pot to himself. 
Jay is putting empty chairs on top of the tables as I finish wiping down the bar top. I move to start cleaning the booths against the wall. When I stand back up, Jay’s behind me rubbing my shoulders. 
“Are you feeling okay?” I lean back into his warmth. 
“Yeah, I feel really good,” I look back up at him. 
“I’m sorry about Will,” I laugh. 
“That was unexpected for sure, but in the end it made telling everyone easier,” I try to lighten the situation so Jay doesn’t punch out his brother the next time he sees him. 
“Still, it wasn’t his to tell,” he kisses my temple before grabbing the rag and cleaning the next booth. I follow him and grab the rag out of his hand to make him look at me. 
“I can think of a few ways that you can make it up to me,” I flirt. Jay grabs my waist and pulls me in between him and the table. 
“Yeah, I’m happy to oblige,” he leans down and kisses my lips. This time it’s slow and gentle. “Are you free Friday night?”
“I am, what do you have in mind?” I rest my hands on his chest. 
“I’m going to take you out, make it a proper first date,” my hands move to rest on his biceps. 
“Some would say we’ve already had a first date.”
“When you came over to my place.”
“What, no, that wasn’t a date,” he says trying to think through the nights.
“Well there was food, and just the two of us talking,” I try to reason. “Well actually we’ve been on multiple dates already.” 
“No, it’s not a date unless I ask you, therefore those were not dates,” I smile. A glimmer of light catches my eye near Jay’s neck. A gold chain peaks out from his neckline. I slowly pull the chain out and run my thumb over the medallion. The details are so intricate, the name Saint Christopher is engraved into the metal. “It’s the saint of protection.”
“It’s incredible.”
“My mom gave it to me before I left for the war, she wore it everyday before that,” I tuck the necklace back into his shirt. 
“That’s a beautiful memory.”
“It’s ok to miss her,” he nods.
“I know,” he replies sweetly. “C’mon let’s get moving,” he pulls me away from the table and smacks my butt. 
“How sinful!” I joke. 
“I’ll show you sinful,” he says and begins to chase me around the empty bar. He finally grabs my waist, pulling me back to him. Jay kisses my face relentlessly causing me to scream out in laughter.
Taglist: @whit85-blog @bestillmystuckyheart @nocturnalherb16 @5sos-imagine @miranda0102 @thexplosivegirl @annalism
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mllersjoel · 5 years
6x06 spec fic?
JUST A WARNING i havent read these haha :D
our love is six feet under - 4.7k
Death is not peaceful. Not at all like she expected it to be. Not like she hoped for all the lost souls she had sent to death’s door—some deserving, some not.
Clarke had welcome her own death once. This time is different. She had hope for something better than violence and struggling to survive. She was so close to forgiving herself. So close to a true glimpse of happiness, she clings on that much harder when the darkness reaches out to her.
No, Clarke screams inside her mind. A single tear rolls down her cheek. She’s not done fighting yet. She’s not done living.
Post 6.05 Speculation. Clarke fights to come back to herself.
upon waking - 5.9k
Clarke woke with her head screaming with pain and light. Her last memory, of Russell’s face hovering above hers, was so fresh it was seconds ago. Her vision was still splotchy, the purple undulating haze over her vision popping as she heaved in breath. Arms held hers locked back behind her, she felt pressure on her shins from someone pressing her down and holding her in place. She blinked down hard and tried to clear her line of sight, and slightly rough, calloused hands pushed her wet hair back and pulled her chin up.
“Clarke?” Bellamy. She let out a heavy shuddering breath as his familiar face came into view. “Clarke, please,”
a one-shot what if story post 6x05 and josephine taking over clarke's body. lots of feelings on all sides, and what I think clarke would actually be feeling if someone walked around in her skin. it's short, it's fluffy, it's a hurt/comfort emotional ride. I couldn't get it out of my head, so here you go.
there are no gods (so we cannot be them) - 2.6k
She’s not Clarke. God, she’s not Clarke. But that last word snaps what’s left of Bellamy’s heart into pieces.
Together. A lever.
Together. A starry night and a leap of faith.
Together. A betrayal.
Together. A new planet.
It’s always together. It’s always the two of them. It’s always him, and it’s always her.
Bellamy goes on a quest to bring Clarke back.
I read and enjoyed this one haha.
Want a bellarke fic rec? Drop me an ask!
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royal-writer · 6 years
Hogwarts au~
Amon’s a Ravenclaw, much to the disappointment of his father. Their family are Gryffindors with a few Ravenclaws once in a blue moon; maybe a Hufflepuff here or there, but his only son should not be a Ravenclaw. Especially with his intellect, he doesn’t feel Amon has the mind to be a Ravenclaw. It’s a humiliation upon Amon that echoes onto the family name, which in turn makes Arthur an even more stern. He’s constantly trying to push him and groom him to the standards he thinks his boy needs. Amon’s miserable; especially since some of the other Ravenclaw’s mock him because he’s ‘in the wrong house’ or ‘needs more time to solve things’, but keeps it hidden beneath a mask.
Enter Essatha. Two years younger than Amon; a girl who looks like a stray whose mother is in ailing health constantly in and out of medical ward. She gets placed in the Slytherin house. No one seems surprised the edgy hostile girl is a Slytherin. On the train of 9 and ¾ heading to Hogwarts alone, she had a bite in her tone and stayed in her own corner of her cart, with a book in hand or looking through her chest to make sure she had everything. Unfortunately even her own house isn’t too thrilled to have her; as most Slytherin tend to be pedigree proper and they gained what is essentially a half-blood rat (comes from a human father, and a witch mother).
After the first night and the freshman get sorted via the Sorted Hat, everything goes by routinely. Amon hangs out with the handful of friends he has; mostly Ravenclaw and Gryffindors, and keeps to his studies. Essatha, on the other hand, is quick to make a name for herself. Whispers and rumors almost immediately turn to awe and jealousy, as people begin to talk about her spellcasting. She’s got terrifyingly powerful skill. Even the teachers talk about her charms and hexes.
Thus, the school year goes by and ends. The next school year begins, and Essie gets placed in more advanced casting classes. The classes that, low and behold, Amon is in. Being both a little spellcasting prodigy and a Syltherin, she gains no favors in the class which seems to do her fine. Amon is appealed to her looks (*cough who isn’t cough*), but doesn’t go out of his way to speak with her or get to know her.
Eventually, he two get paired up for a project with a Hufflepuff and Gryffindor. Essie is almost immediately outcast by the two older houses; who find both her status and snippiness hard to swallow. They start jabbing at her for being a ‘typical Syltherin’ until she eventually quits putting up any fuss at all, and follows the elders orders and ideas.
After their assignment; which they pass by marginal quality because Essie’s suggestions are ignored; Essie overhears the others in her group not blaming her, but Amon. They’re all whispering that of course the tough, brawny, clueless Ravenclaw was the reason they got screwed. He’s supposed to be some Gryffindor after all; the sorting house put in him the wrong place and now they had to suffer the consequences of a mediocre mark. The entire thing is made worse when Essatha; a ‘promising student’, is berated by the professor because they expected more out of her after hearing how talented she was.
She’s infuriated by the whole situation, but concern gets the better of her when she begins to realize just how exiled her former Ravenclaw teammate is. After having been paired together, she begins noticing that Amon speaks to very few in claw. Most give him a wide berth, or simply ignore him like a ghost. So she makes herself open; starts sitting by him, offering assistance, giving him a warm greeting and a smile.
Amon doesn’t appreciate this. After a couple weeks of this, he snaps at her. Demands to know her intentions; what she had against him, what she wanted from him. She tries to be assertive in turn; gets rounded on, and eventually crumbles and admits she only wanted to be kind and extend a hand in friendship. She starts sitting by herself again, and Amon sits alone feeling like an ass.
Tentatively, a week or so later, Amon goes to sit by her. Essatha seems very uncomfy. He softly apologizes for his behavior. Though there’s an uneasy tension between them for a while thereafter, it slowly begins to dissolve through minimal conversation and partnership. Essie begins to correct and help him with his casting; offering him tips, acronyms, and sing-song tools he can use to remember posture, wrist movement, and incantation spells. In return, he begins to help Essie with everything else she either struggles with or is only passing on basic marks; mostly the history of magic, potions, astronomy, and above all: herbology.
Essie finds out how much Amon loves gardening and plants and oh my starts it’s the cutest thing she’s ever seen. He’s so passionate about it that she actually writes her mom, who has an owl send her with an old book they had on growing different things for different potions and spells. She uses it as a bridge with Amon; they both mull over it and he gets excited to tell her things not even in the book that they actually start penciling in together.
The next year comes and goes. Both of them have raised their marks tremendously in even their worst subjects to average or above average grades. They’re both delighted to realize they still have a scheduled course together in charms, and Amon now has advanced courses in potions making and herbology.
Essie is now in third year, thus is permitted to go to Hogsmeade now. Thus, begins traditional visits with Amon to go buy new items and share butterbeers together. Everyone is beginning to think these two are dating by now. Amon’s friends, and Essie’s that they’ve now made both together and apart (becuz fuck yeah they’re going to make more friends) will even ask ‘em if they’re ‘ready to go do x’ or ‘do you want to go to the Broomsticks for a butterbeer’ and both have been known to turn down these things, simply stating ‘Oh I have plans with Amon/Essatha thanks tho’.
On clear nights the pair start making it routine to chart star constellations and get ahead in astrology class. Not at all because they’re enjoying the time together nope. As the days ween on though Amon needs to focus on his N.E.S.T. tests and exams, so they spend a bit less time together or if they do, it’s mostly in the presence of studying together.
t also happens to the first year that, when Amon returns home for the winter holiday break and Essie decides to stay at Hogwarts (mum’s in the hospital again, and encouraged her to stay so she wouldn’t be lonely at home), Amon sends her a parcel. It contains Christmas roses, a Hellebore plant with some care instructions, candies, a sweet endearing letter expressing that he missed her and the kicker: a hand stuffed and sewn snake that seems to resemble a lot of the details Essie described in her long-lost favorite plush, Mr. Hiss.
After winter break is over, two are inseparable when outside of class. Amon is frequently walking Essatha back to the front of the Syltherin house entrance at the bottom of the school; ignoring the chiding remarks and jokes people make or how people warn him he’s “dating a girl who houses in the dungeons” (we’re not dating! she’s just a good friend…). Likewise, Essie is seen walking with Amon near the Ravenclaw portrait entrance near the observatory a lot. They’re almost always giggling like fucking dweebs sharing a secret. When they aren’t hanging out solo or in mutual groups, they’re with their own houses or small non-shared friends here or there.
Amon ends up trying out for quidditch. He gets up getting the position of a Beater; to which Essatha does not miss any games he participates in. He almost always spots her front row, regardless of what teams are playing, holding a sign in support of him or cheering in the front for him. It doesn’t make her the most popular among the Syltherin house when they’re facing off against Ravenclaws haha, but as she doesn’t seem keen on the sport otherwise people mostly just grumble and tell her to stop kissing up to her boyfriend (he’s not my boyfriend!).
When the end of the year comes, Essatha and Amon finally go to see each other during break. Hepsiba seems thrilled to meet him; stating how she’s heard so much about him (mooommm! - oh but honey you write about him all the time. Crumbcake don’t give me that look). They go to see some of their friends, they go out on not-at-all-dates holding hands and being enthusiastic about all kinds of shit. Amon airs some grievances about his future; what his family thinks he needs to do, what he wants to do, how things are changing and how he can’t believe how many years have went by already. Essie offers a calm voice from her perspective that seems to put him at ease. For now.
She goes to meet his family and hang out with him a bit later in summer. Arthur seems only just refraining from curling a lip at her. His sister Josephine who Essie has met a dozen or so times in campus is warm and welcoming. Essatha expresses a soft-spoken understanding to Amon’s feelings after getting to know the expectations of his father, and their lifestyle.
School starts up and they fall back into a similar routine. Essatha gets a giggle at Amon’s large owl patronous. It’s quite alarming to find that Essie is able to summon a occamy as her patronus; to which Amon teases her for the creature’s serpentine feathered appearance and protective motherly instincts over its eggs and chicks.
Amon spends every moment not in classes he can with Essie. They study together sometimes; but she understands his classes have gotten more rigorous so he mostly studies alone or with his fellow Ravenclaws now. He also has N.E.S.T. base classes and pays for Aparation courses as well, so he’s not around as often. They still make time for ‘hanging out’, to which everyone still chides is clearly their dates. The year comes and goes relatively uneventful; Ravenclaw actually manages to win the last Quidditch game that year but as always, neither of their classes win the end-of-the-year house point rack up (Gryffindor again? Deadpan. Gee. This seems. Favoritism.) Summer vacation is spent together once more, where their hand holding and timid smiles have turned into full blown cuddling and Amon wrapping his arm around Essie all the time. Essatha opens up more and more about how she feels about her mom’s situation, her dreams, her hopes, her fears. Amon is infatuated with all these new layers to this lovely woman and all this trust. He listens. He gently offers her praise and encouragement. It makes her brighten up all the more around him.
When school starts up the next year all goes as per normal, but there’s a rare ball being held due to some special event. Amon invites Essie as his date. Eyes emoji. Essie taking lessons with Amon for a few days prior to get the hang of a few popular waltzes and ballroom swings. Say it’s a ‘just as friends’ thing but oh no… Amon looks really sharp in a dress uniform. Better than wizard robes or casual clothes. Nervous sweating.
Oh Shit Essie looks amazing in a gown. Wow. Obviously she’s gorgeous she’s always looked gorgeous I mean I haven’t noticed how beautiful she is she just- I mean she Obviously is just really pretty and cute but wow. Speechless.
The cliché of Amon hanging his coat around Essie’s bare shoulders later as she shivers saying the castle is cold and when they’re close and he’s still holding the edges of his dress jacket draped over her they just sorta. Fall into each other’s arms. Oops.
“Is this okay?” Ess’ grabs Amon’s collar and pulls him back. Smooch.
Days later when folks joke about them dating they just agree to it. Everyone is actually surprised by this nugget of knowledge. They think the two have finally cracked and are messing with them but nope. “What were you expecting you kept saying we were dating?” “Idk at this point it was just a running gag joke I didn’t think it was going to happen anymore I guess.”
You get the gist on the rest of this goes down. More years of exams and growth; Amon graduates and gets into a career and they keep in contact. A very low-key relationship for a good handful of years thereafter; even after Essie graduates. Working on their careers a bit, getting to know themselves and the world as adults. The dating gets more serious in their twenties where ya’ll know where this is going to end.
Wow I typed a lot for no fucking reason but man this would be a fun au to write thoroughly.
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lecriteuse · 8 years
Dear Wintersend
Howdy, friend, and thank you in advance for making something for me. I can’t wait to see/read it!! I really hope there’s something in my prompts that you’re excited about. I’m SO looking forward to seeing what you do with these, how you interpret everything and add onto it in your own unique way.
I’m not going to re-iterate my prompts here, but I wanted to give you some extra information about me and why I chose these particular prompts….
General stuff:
- As you probably gathered from my requests, I like happy endings, romance, and fluff. But that’s certainly not the only kind of fanwork I like, and I do understand that not everyone is into that, so don’t feel you have to go hard in that direction. But I’d definitely prefer something that isn’t bleakly dark.
- I am fine with any rating in pretty much any of the prompts, go with whatever you’re comfortable producing! In my requests, I’ve put down the rating I think would work well with what I have in mind, but you do you. Characters are more important to me than rating.
- Things I am into: Unconventionally attractive bodies and faces, fluff, smut, kissing, hurt/comfort, seemingly-unrequited pining, friends-to-lovers, humour, canon-accurate cultural portrayals of Qunari/dwarves/elves, appearances by characters not explicitly requested (any DA-universe characters are welcome), OCs (if you want to put your own Inquisitor/Hawke/Warden into one of my requests, I would be very honoured!).
- Things I am not into: Darkfic, pain or extreme BDSM/kinks, AUs, dub-con or non-con… I mean, as long as no one is unrelentingly miserable, and any sex stuff stays mostly on the vanilla end of the spectrum, I will be perfectly happy.
As for my requests, here’s a bit of context:
1. Sera/Josephine: I love this pairing so much, I mean, it absolutely tickles me to consider these two together. If you decide to do this one, I hope you have fun with it. I will admit that I am a bit of a stickler about Sera’s accent and speech patterns, so that’s something to keep in mind if you’re a writer. Mostly, I think this is a fun and potentially really hot pairing, and it would make me very happy to see another piece of art or writing for it — there just isn’t enough! :D
2. Cassandra/Femquisitor, jealousy: What can I say, I have a weakness for your standard, tropey, ridiculous jealousy story. It lends itself to hurt/comfort and insecurity/reassurance, both of which I am super into, heh. I think that, beyond the tropetastic nature of this request, there’s a lot of possibilities for exploring characters: how would they react to feeling jealous, how would they react to their partner’s jealousy, how does it impact their relationship, how do they resolve it and move on?
3. Morrigan/Leliana: Another pairing I really can’t get enough of. And… to be honest, this is my porny request, haha. If you’re a writer considering this request, and you’d like to do some really in-depth character explorations of these two, that is fantastic… as long as there is also sex, please. Also for writers: I’m fine with a fade-to-black if this request appeals to you, but you’re not comfortable writing explicit sex scenes. But I just want these two to bone. ¯\_(ツ)_/¯ Sometimes I have very simple tastes.
4. Isabela/Josephine, lady pirates! “Do you ever wonder what lies at the edges of the map, past the seas?” - Josephine I want to see what happens if Isabela somehow ends up with Josephine aboard her ship. So I would be fine with an AU — still set in Thedas, please! — in which Josephine never became Ambassador to the Inquisition… though I would also be happy to see Josephine somehow end up on Isabela’s ship after the Inquisition, or perhaps before, when she was a straight-laced young lass visiting home after her disastrous stint as a bard…. How does Josie adapt to life on a pirate ship? How does Isabela respond to the worldly and dignified Lady Montilyet? I love the idea of these two falling into unexpected infatuation, and I’d love to see how you bring them together.
5. Leliana character portrait: My long-shot weirdo non-shipping request. :) I’d love to see this one filled, because I find Leliana fascinating, more and more as time goes by. I always romanced her in DA:O because I thought she was adorable. Encountering her in DA:I is so interesting, trying to reconcile what she was with what she now is. Especially when her personal quest, and her candidacy for Divine, are considered. What I’m hoping for with this one is an exploration (whether visual or written) of her character in DA:I, something that reveals the foundations of her character, why she changed so much, where she might be headed…. (Extra points and all my love forever if you’d consider tackling the Leliana-as-lyrium-ghost possibility, because I find that so odd and difficult to process.)
That’s about it. More than anything, I want you to enjoy this. I want you to have fun creating something out of one of these prompts. I know that if you’re having fun with it and enjoying it, I will absolutely love whatever you make.
Thank you again for making something for me. I hope you enjoy my ridiculous prompts, and I look forward to being able to thank you directly. <3
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mysdrymmumbles · 8 years
Holding Hands for Josephine and Kaitrith, if you still take prompts
Thank you for the prompt! Sorry to take all day, haha.
Word Count: 556
Kaitrith Disapproves
A Helping Hand
Kaitirth didn’t realize she’d been rubbing at her hand untilboth of Josephine’s were curling around hers. Blinking, she looked over hershoulder to see her lover had sat up and wrapped her arms around her.
“It pains you,” Josephine murmured, chin on Kaitrith’sshoulder as she rubbed gentle circles across her palm and the back of her hand.
While she considered lying so that Josephine wouldn’t worry,Kaitrith also knew that brilliant as Josephine was, it would just be an insultto her intelligence. Instead, she leaned her head back to rest againstJosephine’s shoulder and sighed. “Sometimes.”
“It…” Josephine had turned Kaitrith’s hand so that she couldsee the mark better—it never went away, even for a second, anymore—and shestarted to trace the outline of it with her index finger but stopped when she wasabout three fourth’s down it.
There was a pause between them before Kaitrith tilted herhead toward Josephine and kissed her cheek. “I know.”
The mark was growing.
Josephine frowned a moment, tracing the new outline of the mark,fingers hesitating when it flared slightly, as though in warning. “Have youconsidered going to Solas?” At Kaitrith’s scoff, Josephine squeezed her alittle tighter. “He does know a lot about the mark.”
“He’s an insufferable ass,” Kaitrith hissed in response.More than that, she recalled one of their last conversations going somethingalong the lines of her telling him she’d never need his help and he was mostwelcome to leave.
To have to go to him now…
She could withstand a bit of pain every now and then,surely.
“You may find him insufferable, but what would be worse? Along life where you talked to someone you dislike, and they helped you, or a shortlife where you stubbornly let yourself die to magic you don’t understand?”
Even as Kaitrith rolled her eyes, wanting to snap back somesort of retort, she realized that she didn’t really have one. More than that,the nightmares she’d been having, the ones where she lost Josephine, were soheart-wrenchingly unbearable. Josephine would worry about this. To think shemight end up with the same nightmares that Kaitrith suffered made her heartsink.
Leaning back against Josephine, she laced her fingers withone of Josephine’s hands and brought it up to press to her lips.
“Does this mean you’ll talk to him?” Josephine’s voice washopeful in her ear.
“I’ll talk to him,” Kaitrith mumbled against her skin, oneof her usual, more pronounced frowns settling into place at the mere thought. “Tomorrowthough. It can wait a night.”
Josephine rocked the two of them gently before kissingKaitrith’s neck. “Thank you.”
“Only because I love you, though,” Kaitrith clarified. “And Imay have to throw him off the ramparts if he starts going on about how wrongthe Dalish are.”
“Well, do try to get him to help you before that,” Josephineteased, squeezing her once and then letting her go to lay back down. “Come. Youwill need your rest for tomorrow’s battle.”
“He’s worse than a dragon,” Kaitrith muttered, laying backwith Josephine, curling up beside her. As she got comfortable, she paused,reached out, and caught Josephine’s hand. “I love you, Josie.”
Josephine smiled and snuggled a little closer. “I love you,too, Kait.”
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