#haha no I'll rather keep up my dream of working in music but I did have a phase as a child when I wanted to join the circu
bungouchronicles · 5 months
Fighting the urge to join the circus and pursue a carrier in tomfoolery
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distant-velleity · 1 month
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Just listen to your instincts and do what feels natural!
[SR Music Week] Yuhua joins the battle as a dancer and backup vocalist for Hazard/Riff! Many thanks to @raguiras2 for hosting this Music Weeks event!
Voicelines and concept sketches beneath the cut~
Summon: Don’t think that I’m in this to win, I’m here to have fun and do what I love. That’s fine, right?
Groovification: — LOCKED —
Set to Home Screen: A little rocking never hurt anybody, did it?
Home Transition 1: Actually, confession time, I’ve started to feel a little shy. Everyone in this group is so talented in their own way, y’know? …But I gotta keep up and pull my weight.
Home Transition 2: To think Deuce would be a leader for Hazard/Riff… Well, not what I expected, but where else would he go? It just seems right. …Sorry, just thinking out loud.
Home Transition 3: So this is what Allen looks like when he’s in his natural habitat… Ah, I’m just making some observations. I’m not trying to say anything bad, rather—the opposite of that. Like, he seems… more sincere?
Home, after login: Practice waits for no one~ I’m gonna go start warming up. Wanna join me?
Home Transition (Groovification): — LOCKED —
Tap Home 1: Eh? You didn’t think I’d ask to join this group? …Rude~ We can’t all be soft all the time. 
Tap Home 2: It’s funny to me—all you have to do here is call something a competition and—boom. Even someone like Leona’s motivated. …Oops, did he hear me say that?
Tap Home 3: Working with Floyd is a double-edged sword—when he’s having fun here, I get all excited, too. But if he’s not in the mood, then… haha, we just gotta hope and pray.
Tap Home 4: Don’t worry, I’m used to wearing loose clothing when I dance. Compared to the long pants and dresses I sometimes wore, this fit is like a breath of fresh air~
Tap Home 5: I wouldn’t touch me if I were you—I’m all sweaty and tired from rehearsal. 
Tap Home (Groovification): — LOCKED —
Duo Magic (yes I know SRs don't have them but let us dream):
YUHUA: How about we give them one hell of a show, Vizzie?
VIZZIE ( @twistedwonderlandshenanigans ): We’ll blow them away with the sound we’ve got, Yuhua!
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ALRIIIIGHT let's get into the design of this bad boy
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the idea was ... basically just a bit of techwear, modern street style, all that-- i was sort of winging it haha. i wanted a very loose and free style with the cargo pants, belts, and unzipped jacket, while the hood was added for dramatic effect when i started the lineart~
i felt like experimenting with his hair so once again i slicked back the right-hand side of his part, i would have given him his pre-overblot hair (for more variety w/ the long hair) but to be honest i kind of like the short hair with this look~ it kind of screams kpop idol but whatever HAHAHAHAHA
fishnet under clothing was an absolute must, and i went a little more on the ""bad boy"" look by giving him the chain and cuff earring on one side... plus the dramatic eyeliner/eyeshadow... yeah. RIP yuhua's lip gloss we will always miss you
also shoutout to V for volunteering vizzie for the duo magic-- i love me a good RIOFY friendship
(as for headcanons on how yuhua would act during this whole event, um-- he'll behave i promise 🥰🥰 he'll try not to let his inferiority complex get the best of him I MEAN WHAT WHO SAID THAAAT)
i can't think of anything else that i thought about particularly hard during the process, so uhm-- thank you for reading this far and no promises on when i'll get the groovified version out if ever LMAO
art taglist (ask to be added or removed, i'm very sorry if i forgot someone): @thehollowwriter @theleechyskrunkly @elenauaurs @casp1an-sea @nahelenia
@skriblee-ksk @boopshoops @scint1llat3 @nyx-of-night @nemisisnemi
@beneathsakurashade @ramcatshackle @kathxrat-01 @the-banana-0verlord
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megan-loves-surveys · 6 months
What is your Starbucks order? or any coffee shop order? I change it up - mocha java chip frappe, caramel frappe, cookies & cream frappe etc. I also love trying the limited time drinks, I try every single one of them lol.
What is your dream vacation? OMG, so many options.
Would you ever go on a game show? Which one? I'd go on Mastermind and have a wrestling thing as my subject, maybe about The Shield xD
What TV show character do you relate to most? Dunno.
If you had to choose to be an animal, what would you be and why? Cat.
When was the last time you wore a dress/suit? The other day I wore a cute summer dress.
Have you ever been to Tennessee, USA? No.
Do you prefer more mellow music or loud? Both.
Do you get along well with your family? I don't see them much outside of my immediate family.
When was the last time you played in the snow, if ever? Never.
Are you clumsy? Not really.
Does anyone you know have a birthday coming up soon? Not super soon, but my boyfriend is next.
Do you ever go bowling? Not regularly, but on occasion.
Have you ever worn a wig? Probably.
Do you enjoy musicals? Depends.
What shoes did you wear today? None, I haven't gone out. I'll probably go for a walk later to my boyfriend's place (he lives down the street from me lol) and wear flip flops.
Do you enjoy 60’s music? Sure.
Do you know anyone who is a great drummer? No.
Would you rather watch or play sports? Neither unless it's wrestling lol.
Does your name have a meaning behind it? It's a variation of my Mum's name, but that's not why they picked it oddly. It also means pearl.
Do you have a certain brand you are very loyal to? Converse. I don't wear any other sneakers but them lol, my collection is growing <3
Are you too short for the sun visor in the car to work properly for you? Yes haha.
Do you have a favorite planet? Dunno xD
How often do you spend time on Bzoink? It shut down, but I was on there a lot.
What did you last have to drink? Water.
What type of movies are you most amused by? Comedy :P
What is your sense of humor like? Sarcastic, but also random shit makes me laugh too.
Are you materialistic? I can be.
Do you listen more with your heart, mind, or stomach? Haha mind.
What are some things that fascinate you? Scams, glitches in video games, geography, useless facts about my fandoms like wrestling and Pokémon etc.
Do you suffer from any diseases? No.
Have you ever broken a bed? No.
Have you ever worked in retail? No.
What’s the strangest food combination you’ve seen someone eat? Dunno.
Do you pick up on others feelings easily? Sure.
What is your current mood? Hungry.
Do you prefer shopping online or in store? Both - I love ordering stuff online that I can't get in NZ, but I also like going to the store and seeing it in person, plus no delivery fees lol.
What did you last remember dreaming about? Dunno.
What’s your favorite condiment? Ketchup/tomato sauce.
What is the last thing you borrowed? Hmm, not sure.
When was the last time you took a group picture? Does my pic with Five count? There's a group of us xD
Name the first person who pops in your head whose name starts with T. Dunno.
Is there a song or songs you can rap all the lyrics to? Yes.
Have you hugged anyone today? No.
What did you last watch on TV? Shortland St.
If your last words were the last message you received, what would they be? "Love you!" Aww, from my boyriend.
Are you good at keeping secrets? Sure.
What last disappointed you? Not sure.
If you could see a concert of any celebrity who has passed away.. who would you like to see? Girls Aloud with Sarah there, cos she passed from cancer :(
How many blankets do you own? A few.
What was your favorite food as a child? Mac & cheese, like it is now.
Do you like denim shorts? Yes, love them!
What was the last picture you looked at? A photo of Jon Moxley above my desk.
What’s the main thing you use the internet for? Loads of things.
How many questions do you prefer in a survey? Depends.
Have you ever made someone cry unintentionally? Probably.
Is it easy to offend you? Not really.
When did you last wear a hat? Hmm, a bit back at an outdoor event.
Do you work well under pressure? Depends.
What is something that is or was hard to let go of? Hmm.
What colors do you normally use to decorate with? Purple, green, black, white, grey etc.
Have you ever bruised one of your ribs? Yes.
Have you ever burned yourself on a candle? No.
What is one of your toxic traits? I procrastinate a lot.
Have you ever found a skeleton while outside? No.
What time is it currently? 12:28pm.
How many mirrors do you have in your bedroom? 1.
What is something you cannot get enough of? Chips.
When is your birthday? July 13.
What do you usually do to celebrate? Go to lunch with my Mum, do something with my BFF and with my boyfriend.
Do you enjoy surprises? Sure.
Have you ever had a surprise party? No.
What’s the best gift you’ve ever received? A kitten. And it wasn't even from my parents, it was from my aunt and uncle!
Do you ever get sad on your birthday? Not really, but I'm not a big fan of getting older.
Do you like ice cream cake? Yes.
How about sprinkles? Yes.
What cake is your favorite? Any!
Do you tend to go all out for others birthdays? Not all out, but I always do stuff.
Have you ever thrown your own party? Yes, all the time. If I didn't, I'd never have one xD
Do you just prefer a more low key celebration? Sure.
Have you ever forgotten your birthday or anyone else’s? Most likely.
Do you share a birthday with any celebrities? A Google search tells me Harrison Ford, Patrick Stewart and Ken Jeong just for three. Pretty cool.
What season does your birthday fall in? Are you happy with that? Winter, and no, I hate it lol.
Do you know anyone born on a holiday? Yes, one of my cousins is born on New Year's Day, and a friend of mine was born on Christmas Eve.
Can you say happy birthday in another language? No.
Isn’t being sang to so awkward? Yes haha.
Have you ever baked your own cake? No.
Baked anyone else a cake? No.
Do you dress up? Oh yeah.
Have you ever worn a tiara or sash saying it was your birthday? No.
What year has been your favorite? 2016 was great.
Are you happy with your life so far? Mostly.
What age were you when you stopped believing in Santa? I have no idea actually.
What was the last thing you had to drink? Water.
What was the last movie or video that made you cry? Oddly, it was part of a Simpsons episode lol.
Which would you sing at karaoke: “Don’t Stop Believin” or “I Will Always Love You?” Don't Stop Believin'.
Do you binge watch TV shows or watch one episode at a time? Depends on if the show is available all at once or not.
Which do you prefer: getting the perfect gift or giving the perfect gift? I love both!
Did you ever have a first impression of a coworker that was totally wrong? Yeah, one of my coworkers I thought looked like a bitch, but she's actually very kind.
Do you send memes to friends/family/coworkers? Sometimes, mostly to my boyfriend.
Do you prefer salty snacks or sweet snacks? Salty!!!
Have you ever gotten a really bad haircut? No.
Would you tell a friend if their outfit was hideous? If they asked me about it and told me to be honest.
Do you know where your car keys are right now? -
Have you ever met your doppelganger? No. The idea of that freaks me out lol.
Could you draw a horse? A super bad one, lol.
When was the last time you stayed up past 2AM? The other night, I got distracted watching a YouTube video and it was like 2:15am when I finally went to sleep lol.
Beer, wine, cocktails, or alcoholic beverages? Cocktails and the rest, cos beer is gross and I can't drink wine.
Have you ever ordered from the secret menu of a fast food restaurant? No idea.
Do you wear jewelry? Yes.
Do you wear makeup? No.
What is your favorite way to work out? Treadmill and cycle.
Do you send handwritten letters to anyone? No.
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flameontheotherside · 4 years
Interview with Autumn Wells
Today I reached out to Autumn for a little interview about her experience with her TF in spirit, Jimi Hendrix. 
Me: Thanks for agreeing to this interview. For my readers, I thought it would be nice for them to get to know you a little bit especially if you are planning to contribute by submitting your input here on this very blog. I think we all appreciate you sharing your story and that it’s exciting to meet yet another “spiritual widow”.  You would be the 4th one I’ve met with a TF inspirit who was a musician! 
This experience can be difficult but of course has its rewards as we learn and grow from this. It’s great and comforting to know you’re not alone. This was something Erik stressed to me all last month while I wasn’t feeling my best. So I really don’t feel you reaching out when you did was in any way a coincidence. There’s no doubt also that Jimi Hendrix is a legend who inspired many and had an amazing talent. 
Autumn: Thank you so much for interviewing me. I really appreciate it. I'm glad you enjoy the blog! It's funny, but when many people describe how it is to hear Jimi Hendrix play for the first time, they're blown away, too! :)
Me: Where are you from? Are you American?
Autumn: I come from the USA, and I'm a young African-American woman in my twenties. I like to create art, stories, and other artistic projects. Jimi is African-American, too. We both come from mixed backgrounds, with Native American and European ancestors in our backgrounds, too, but our African roots are the strongest.
Me: Are you spiritual or religious?
Autumn: I consider myself more spiritual rather than religious. I do learn a lot of wisdom from different religions, but I don't follow any one religion in particular. I believe in God, through Jesus Christ, but I'm open to shamanic wisdom and many other cultures as well.
Me: I think most of us have a level of intuitiveness. Do you have intuitive or psychic gifts?
Autumn: Yes, I have intuitive and psychic gifts. I've always sensed people's emotions ever since I was little, and the psychic gifts grew stronger as I grew older. They became stronger because of my experience with Jimi's spirit, too. I can type down Jimi's thoughts when he wants to talk and share something with the world. I can also communicate with deceased relatives and other loved ones. Sometimes I sense the emotions of people who are alive on the earth, too. I've had moments where I can psychically detect knowledge about people without really knowing them.
Me: What is Jimi like?
Autumn: Jimi is a sweetheart, really. His personality is the same as it was when he was on the earth. Although he was really flashy on the stage, off the stage he was quiet and so shy. That surprised me in the beginning, because I didn't realize how quiet he was as a person, but the way he is to me is the way he was to many people on the earth - gentle, shy, and loving. He is very intelligent, and he still thinks and dreams in visions, as he did on the earth. He can be romantic, but most of all, he's unconditionally loving.
Me: How do you both communicate?
Autumn: I communicate with Jimi through telepathy, and I often see him with my eyes, too. He can affect my physical reality at times, but not always. For instance, he may draw me to him without me doing anything to move closer to him.
Me: How would you describe your relationship? For instance Erik can be in spirit guide mode which is serious and sometimes we can be friends and more.
Autumn: Yes, Jimi is like a spirit guide, and recently, well... he asked me to be his wife. I was so shocked! :) I didn't expect him to do that. In the past, we've spent many different periods where we were sometimes friends, and other times he was more like a guardian angel. There were also times when we developed a romantic relationship, and we would feel like husband and wife, but Jimi also sometimes would withdraw from my life if he felt I needed to have new experiences on the earth. So for us, we've experienced many different kinds of love on our journey, but right now, he asked me to marry him, and I said yes, after nearly fainting, haha.
Me: How does Jimi appear to you?
Autumn: Jimi looks the way he did on the earth, and he usually looks very young. He has beautiful brown eyes and a kind smile, and he's about 5.11. He wears colorful clothes and sometimes brings his guitar with him. He still loves to play in the afterlife. Here's a picture of Jimi, I think there's no copyright on it:
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Me: Telling someone about this can be hard. Did you have problems explaining to anyone close to you?
Autumn: I did try to tell my mother about Jimi and the experiences I had with him, but it didn't really turn out well. At first, she seemed to believe me, and she even said I was lucky. But then she started to doubt me because she didn't see Jimi the way I did, so she thought maybe I was making it all up because I was just a teenager. My Dad figured it was just my subconscious mind, although it was harder and harder for me to believe it was my subconscious when I started seeing Jimi while I was awake. My mom and dad's disbelief did make this journey very challenging because I had no one I could really turn to. I was not on the internet at the time, so I couldn't reach out to anyone who had a similar experience. The best I could do was keep it to myself, but I trusted in Jimi, and I read all I could about Native American spirituality, and how the Native Americans believed they had guiding spirits to help them in life. That helped me out a bit.
Ironically, though, during the accident incident where I had the near-death vision, my Dad was actually present when he saw me speaking to Jimi in the state I was in. I saw Jimi, and felt him so strongly, even though I was malnourished and in very bad shape. I had no clue I was about to go, because I didn't realize how sick I was, but I knew Jimi, so when I saw him, I had this blissful smile on my face and felt I was in heaven. I saw another deceased relative, too, who had just passed away. When my Dad asked me, "Are you in heaven?" I turned to him and said with tears of joy, "I love you so much, Jimi!" My Dad was shocked, and he said, "Now I know you're in heaven," because he always believed Jimi went to heaven after he passed away at 27 (in 1970). But I think even witnessing that moment I had with Jimi might have been too much for my Dad to comprehend.
Me: What can you tell us about your past lives? 
Autumn: Anyway, about past lives, that's an interesting question, because recently I asked Jimi if we shared any lifetimes together. He told me he didn't want to overwhelm me with too much information, but he did say that we shared a past life in England in the 19th century. He said we had several other lifetimes together, too, but he wanted to start with one at the time. It's really intriguing because I didn't know much at all about England in the 19th century, and Jimi told me about a very detailed experience about his life as a music teacher back then. It turns out that everything he told me, when I searched for the historical context, matches up with that time. I'll write about it on my blog eventually, but yes, this is the first past life we are working on. I don't exactly know how many past lives we've had, but I'm sure Jimi will share more when the time is right. (Jimi loved England in his last lifetime, too; that's where he felt really at home.)
I was a skeptic about reincarnation for the longest, but the evidence has led me to believe it's a reality. There is so much pointing to the fact that we've come to this earth before, and I've had that feeling myself.
Me: We have a twin flame (or spirit spouse) who isn’t living. Most of us have never gotten to meet or be with our counterparts while they were alive. So, it can be difficult. What is the hardest thing about having this experience?
Autumn: I'd say the hardest thing about having this experience, as beautiful as it is, is that most of the loved ones and people around me don't really understand it. I tried to open up about it in the past, but it didn't go over well, so I just keep it to myself. I hope that one day, I can integrate this experience into my life more fully, but right now, I just keep most of the details to myself in my everyday life, and try to find a balance.
Another hard thing in the beginning was dealing with the fact that Jimi died young, and tragically. That really hurt my heart, especially as a child. I just couldn't believe it. I kept asking my Dad, "Why? Why?" because I just couldn't understand why Jimi had to pass on when he was only 27. It took me a long time to accept that he was in the afterlife, but it really helped me when he came to me and told me he was at peace, and he came to me because he loved me, not because he felt haunted.
Me: What are some important things you’ve learned being Jimi’s TF?
Autumn: There are many important things I've learned from this experience, though, and the main thing is learning to trust in God, myself, and Jimi. I've had trust issues throughout my life, to the point where I didn't know if I could even trust Jimi or not, but he helped me to love myself, and love him, too. He showed me unconditional love which really helped to heal my heart, and he was there to guide me through some really difficult times in my life. He also brought me closer to God, who I love, too.
Me: How often do you communicate with each other?
Autumn: Jimi and I talk quite a bit, depending on the flow of my life. Sometimes I spend a lot of time studying, so we don't talk as much (I really need to set aside more talking time!) but I can always feel him near me. Early on, we spoke nearly all the time, and I'd write down a lot of our conversations. That helped me connect a lot of dots later on.
Me: What are some funny or good moments you’ve had?
Autumn: I think there were a few funny moments between us sometimes, but mostly Jimi's pretty serious. But he's serious in a light way, if you know what I mean. He's often smiling and telling me stories about his life on the earth, and he helps children a lot in the afterlife.
Me: Like physical twins (I have a twin brother btw), twin flames or twin souls aren’t always alike. In what ways are you alike? Different?
Autumn: I agree that twin souls don't have to be exactly alike. With Jimi and me, we do happen to be amazingly similar, although we have some differences. We both look similar, especially in the eyes, although we don't look exactly the same. We share a deep interest in spirituality, God, and the afterlife, and neither of us believe in organized religion. We love music and the creative arts, although I tend to get more addicted to writing, and Jimi's addiction was music.
We both experienced ESP and psychic phenomena during our lives on the earth; Jimi said in the 1960's that he saw the spirit of Handel while he was living in the composer's home (you can look it up on the internet if you like, it's really interesting!) He also believed his mother, who passed on at a young age, was watching over him in spirit.
We both have the tendency to be nervous perfectionists with our creative arts. I used to feel kind of bad about driving the people crazy around me with my "everything must be perfect" tendencies, until I found Jimi was the same way. :)
We have a ton more things in common, but we also have a few differences. I'm deeper into writing, while Jimi is more into music. But a lot of our differences are more like different sides of the same coin. For instance, we both grew up in blended families, but the blended family for Jimi came later in his life, when his father remarried, whereas I grew up in a blended family (although I didn't always spend time with my older half-siblings).
Considering that Jimi and I never met on the earth, and he lived and passed on before I was born, it's amazing how our lives and personalities parallel each other. Many of the parallels I didn't even know about until I got older and could get on the internet to research.
Me: How do you think you’d be together if he were alive or reincarnated now as your significant other?
Autumn: I think my life would be different in some ways if Jimi were incarnated as someone else. I used to wish I'd meet a guy like Jimi one day, but I knew it was hopeless because no one else is Jimi, unless he came to the earth again, of course. I do think it's good that Jimi is in spirit, though, because the way my family life is, we probably wouldn't spend much time together if he were incarnate. I don't get into the outside world that much.
If Jimi were incarnated with me, I do think it might work out, but he would have to be free from many of the things which led to him passing away so young. Drugs, for instance, were a problem Jimi dealt with, as well as ruthless people in the music business who took advantage of him. I do believe that in spirit, he has much less to worry about, and that has really helped both of us. So although it would be wonderful to have Jimi physically here with me, I also know that it's best that we connected in this way, because he's in the peace and love of the afterlife. I also think that having Jimi as a spirit guide and partner is wonderful because he can be with me wherever I go in the world, and we don't have physical distance separating us. Sometimes I do long to be where he is, though, in the afterlife. One day, I'll be with him for all time, God willing.
Well, that's it for now! Thanks for asking the really good questions.
Me: Thank you for answering and thank you especially for reaching out and sharing us your story! 
If you guys who are following me or stumbling on this, want to know more about Autumn Wells and her amazing story about being Jimi Hendrix’s twin soul, you can find her blog at:
She will also be guest posting here as well so watch out for her content. You can see all her submissions with the tag: #Autumn Wells <--Click that link for the goods!
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