#haha i'll stop rambling in tags about side things
bigkickguy · 2 years
roland and chesed or roland and malkuth
I can try both! Roland Chesed = B! I like that pairing they are so fun! Roland Malkuth = B! I have seen almost nothing of this pairing but I think they could be sweet!
rolsed is very cute and so is... chesland? I have never seen anyone refer to this with anything other than Rolsed for a name mash name actually (i don't know how many people still use them to mean first name pursuing/top 2nd name bottom/feelings recipient i guess? oh well ahdkfjgha) I think they have a lot of fun range and I like that in pairings. They get a lot of good meat in convos because Chesed gets to talk about Roland's Feelings and Roland gets to react in actual gameplay convos so we have a lot of like established interaction for the pairing about cool stuff to think about! I don't want to spoil the topic of convos since they are later into the game but I enjoyed them a lot! I can go over it a bit more past the read more~ Rolkuth? Would that be their mashup name? I see so little content for them but I think they have a fun dynamic. I personally like seeing them as friends but I could totally see them in a romantic pairing sort of way! They have some nice interaction and there's not a lot of more serious meat in their discussions since the majority of them are in the early game. I still think they feel nice in my mind though because they are just mainly positive and both of them seem to enjoy spending time / talking with the other - and I like when pairings just like spending time with each other personally! There's a bit of Roland helping Malk with some breathing and panic and some lessons going back and forth but whenever Malkuth tries to talk to Roland (similar to other early floors) he puts up a polite wall in the convo. And I think that's where their dynamics could get a little deeper or move into different feeling themes if you wanted to think down that route! I love that dynamic potential haha
As usual for my answeres here comes the spoiler zone!!
Rolsod was me and my BF's pairing we were talking about a lot during our playthrough and we had a good time thinking over it! Chesed is very personable and does the best job of trying to reach out to Roland and make him feel better that I can remember. Geb tries to reach him and get him to be more truthful (both to fill in the player and also for Roland to be truthful to himself iirc) and Tiph I unfortunately have forgotten a lot of her + Roland's interactions. I remember learning more about Tiph and what she's been up to and some fun character bits from the group librarian section but my mind is totally blank on her convos with roland for some reason?? I should replay ruina!
I remember feeling like a lot of people were understandably trying to get him to cut his bullshit and chesed was too but he was doing it in a like softer seeming way. He was answering his questions as best as he could and offered his own experiences and thoughts as answers and explanations and I don't remember a lot of other people doing that for Roland.
Roland is a pretty lost feeling character - he kind of loses control when things go badly for him and he spirals and we don't know how the few people that reached out to him tried to help him or stop him. I think its possible Chesed is one of the only people that has been talking with him so openly and offering a normal conversation about how he feels and such. And that is a great dynamic for some good emo shit to write / draw lots of fun dynamics in there! There's also a good potential for softness between them - reading all those interactions as like Chesed wanting the world to be kinder to Roland and himself and such. And those are also some great emo reads in another flavor - like they just could be written so many ways it can be so much fun! We could also get the super bitter routes with how much of Roland's interactions are truthful vs trying to get information / get him out of his hair and such. They can be messy and they can be fluffy that's that fun dynamic potential I love!!
I personally like the potential for that crunchy reading where Chesed's wish for atonement come up and get confusing in his intentions. They have a lot of pretty dark angles with guilt or confusion about the legitimacy of feelings for their partner vs feelings for anyone to avoid loneliness. There's that emo shit I eat that shit up! But I also really like their soft sides too! They have that range haha
Also all the art + fic that already exists for this pairing makes it nice to get into! You don't Have to do like 90% of the legwork yourself or gush into the void like some other pairings if you don't like doing that! Sometimes its nice to kick back and just binge read into a good pairing its nice!
Rolkuth(?) is also pretty cute but I have seen very little content for them outside of a few fanarts I've seen! I feel like I've mainly seen them in the dynamic that is their early convos and it's not super clear how Roland is really feeling at that time.
It's up in the air how honest he's being so you could write it a bunch of different ways - but I have a pretty charitable view of Roland and I think he does respond legitimately in many ways early on when he's not directly trying to get information. He's probably embellishing and acting softer / more approachably (don't we all in the office haaa haaaa) but I think his actions are around things he would normally do. Like the little breath a bit Malkuth scene when she is getting really high energy in a almost manic or anxious way - I personally think that was an honest reaction since it wasn't necessary to get more info.
I think that like anchoring dynamic he could have when she is too overloaded or stressed is a pretty classic dynamic for pairings! I like it with them because he doesn't seem like he's trying to be condescending and he listens to her thoughts and asks her about them in the same scene and such. I could see that is pretty decent anchoring for a relationship - if he didn't constantly cut of talking about himself all the time in the early game. And that's where the potential for emo interaction comes in! We don't get a lot of interaction for them in the later game which leaves a lot of interesting things to write / draw / think about. How does Malkuth react to Roland's reveals - how does she feel about his actions? They have more dynamics potential than I've seen people draw art for them in - but I also see so little of the pairing around that it feels weird to say are maily shown in one way.
I personally like to think about how Malkuth would handle Roland's heavy backstory - but I also like to think about them in a lighter weight context where they just kind of have chat time that makes them both feel good. There's not a whole lot of interactions in Ruina that leave everyone involved just feeling nice - so it is kind of a novelty and I want good things for both of them!! I can think up a number of crunchy bad feeling dynamics but personally I just want them to continue to meet and have a good time! :,)
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nipuni · 1 year
im sure you get this question all the time but how do you go about procuring those amazing outfits? do you thrift, get things tailored, make items yourself? do you buy things as you go or do you search for specific items one at the time? it's just that id love to have a style like yours (but masc haha) and i always wonder how you do it because i wouldn't know where to get clothes such as you wear anywhere, let alone for a price i can afford. and also, now im here, thank you for your amazing art, it always brightens my day when you post <3
Hello! 🥰 I collect pieces from different places that I feel fit the aesthetic I created for myself, kind of like character design, and I stick to certain silhouettes and color palettes that I already know I will feel comfortable in.
In my case I go for structured pieces instead of flowy draping ones, plain colors over patterns unless it's straight lines, earth and jewel tones on the warmer and muted side, medium height heels, gold over silver, etc. All of this makes for safe purchases for me no matter the store or outfit
Most of my clothes I buy from the historical reproduction shops I list under my posts ( I made a list some time ago here and also in the tags of each post as well as in my Instagram )
Some of these shops are on the more expensive side but offer custom tailoring which is ideal and a must for me because I'm built weird 😅 so I try to get my staple pieces there and plan the whole outfit around it before purchasing.
Then you can get the basic pieces to complete the looks from regular stores! stuff like plain shirts and trousers I usually get from places like Zara
I also thrift at curated stores which makes it easier to find interesting pieces (Edwardian revival from the 70's, capes, belts, handkerchiefs, scarves, bags and hats are some of the things I go for) I don't go with an outfit plan in mind for this, I just look around every once in a while and see what I can find and what I can do with it since it's usually very cheap too. I've also found that thrifting for masc clothes is way easier (at least where I live?) for some reason. I go antique shopping for accessories too, hats and pins from the 20's!!
Then the more specific and inexpensive stuff to tie the outfits together I get from aliexpress, (like the clock bags) and for blouses I also shop at lolita stores online sometimes
When it comes to planning outfits I just play dress up in front of the mirror like you see in the videos I make, I pull out a bunch of stuff from my closet and start matching. it helps me see what I'm missing or what colors would work best or which cut or fit creates an interesting look. It also helps you see and remember everything you have so when you are shopping or dressing up to go out you have this mental library and know whether something new will fit in with your wardrobe or not.
I also got a sewing machine some time ago and I'm teaching myself to sew! So far I've only fixed mine and my husband's clothes to make them fit but I'd love to move on to making my own clothes eventually!
I think that cultivating a personal style makes shopping for clothes easier and allows you to invest in pieces you know you will keep without fear of them going out of style and you don't feel the pressure to update your whole wardrobe every year. it's also super fun and has helped me build confidence and feel a lot more at peace with my appearance. I hope any of this helps you 😭 I rambled a lot I'll stop now!! Thank you so much for the kind words!! ❤️❤️❤️
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kaylinalexanderbooks · 4 months
Character voice
Thanks to @urnumber1star here, @bookish-karina here, @leahnardo-da-veggie here, and @elsie-writes here!
I'm not getting behind like last time! Four is plenty!
“I promise you everything is going to be okay.”
Lexi: "It's okay. Everything will get better eventually. I promise. I'll help."
Maddie: "Hey, on the more optimistic side of things, there's no real way this can get worse, right?"
Ash: "I dunno, try being optimistic about this."
Gwen: "Hey. Don't worry. Things will get better. We will make things better. I promise I'll do whatever I can."
Robbie: "It's okay, man, things will get better." (Internally unsure if this is the right thing to say because what if they don't???)
Akash: "It's gonna be okay. I promise. I'll help you."
Jedi: "Generally speaking, it will get better. But you must believe it will before it does."
Carmen: "Well, worrying about it won't make it better."
“you're making us look bad.”
Lexi: "Can you stop? Imagine what these people are thinking of us!!" (Ash: I don't have to - they don't care)
Maddie: "Why can't I do this? This isn't fair. Now no one will see how cool and awesome that was."
Ash: "Hey, why do you get to have fun with your powers while I have to sit and meditate? Now I look lame."
Gwen: "Shh! You're making us seem so rude! We should stop this argument. Imagine if you were them! You'd be judging us. Thinking terrible things."
Robbie: "You're making us seem ultra lame and pathetic."
Akash: "Dude, you're embarrassing me in front of everyone. Now first impressions are ruined."
Jedi: "Well, I don't think you're making quite a fair judgement on our character with that display."
Carmen: "See, if you'd just gotten your act together, they would actually respect us!"
“Is that really all you've got?”
Lexi: "Really? That's it? Huh."
Maddie: "Wait, that was the best you got? Wow, that was kinda lame."
Ash: "You don't think I can handle more? I think I can, so give it all you've got."
Gwen: "You think that will hurt me? Well, it won't! You'll have to try harder."
Robbie: "Woo! Is that it?! I was expecting more of a punch!"
Akash: "Haha, that's the best you got. Kinda underwhelming."
Jedi: "I do not suppose there is anything more impressive that you would like to demonstrate."
Carmen: "That was the dumbest thing I have ever seen. If that's your best, you're even worse than I thought you were."
“I'm going to kill you.”
I'm gonna operate under the assumption that you've done something that has pushed these characters to killing, regardless of how hard that will be. All are capable, I think, but we have to push them...so far. Hehe, this will be fun.
Lexi: "If you come anywhere near her, I promise that I will kill you."
Maddie: "Leave me alone or I swear I'll kill you."
Ash: "Get OUT OF MY WAY!"
Gwen: "You're such an awful, evil person! If you don't end your suffering on others I swear I'll end you."
Robbie: "Huh. Wow, you really are a piece of shit. You're gonna regret that. You have no idea what I can do to you." (Please, if you will, imagine lights flickering and our lovely boy here glowing maroon, eyes included)
Akash: "Agh! Leave me and everyone else alone! I'm sick and tired of awful people like you!"
Jedi: "I would rather not do this, but it is for the greater good."
Carmen: "Shut it! I'm in control of this situation, and I know what's right! This is for the good of the cause, and if you don't understand that -- Well, let's play a guessing game, shall we?"
Ok guys we're done hooray
Tagging @ahordeofwasps @sarandipitywrites @andyswritings @tabswrites @mk-writes-stuff
Your phrase is: "Are we going to wait here all day until a decision is made?"
TSP intro
TSP tag list (ask to be +/-): @thepeculiarbird @illarian-rambling @televisionjester @finchwrites
@nebula--nix @literarynecromancy @honeybewrites
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transofthecicle · 6 months
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Hey chat ! One could say I'm a pretty cool, goopy guy. I'd say I'm a pretty rad, goopy guy ! B}
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I'm a Charlie Slimecicle fictive, apart of a self diagnosed system. Our "disorder label" isn't very bold, so we like to just call ourselves a collective.
Being a fictive, I particularly come from the DSMP-ERA of things.. at least, that's how I like to look at it, so Dapduo related topics are particularly special to me! :) /pos
My main pronouns are he/it/slime, but hey ! don't let that stop you! I'm a fluent guy, and I'm happy with letting anyone use any pronouns for me that one sees fit. You can even just call me Charlie the whole time!
My source memories are awful, and I don't have an in-sys sourcemate either, so—in advance—if I speak to an out-of-sys sourcemate, I'm sorry if I can't remember source memories to a T (in the situation of which they're asked about). I'm a recently formed goop, you have to be easy on me !!! </3
My collective is insanely disorganized and [mentally ill], so forgive me in advance if i respond slow, or out of pocket. :( (can you tell i apologize a lot ?!! AHAHAHH..hah...)
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I come from a RADQUEER system, so there will be points where i will reblog or have conversations about radqueer topics. (transx, paraz, you get the gist.)
I come from a collective with AuDHD, so my line of focus, communication skills, and opinions are very oriented, and generally all over the place. I only say this so one can be aware of it in later conversation.
* I mean, generally just a meanie / anti. If you're going to go against someone's views simply because you don't agree with their 'morality state' then go away !!! My collective is accepting of any and all, and if it's something we do don't understand/ are familiar with? We're all happy to learn! /gen in conclusion, we're not ones to argue with others.
* y[onger] than 14 and o[lder] than 21 (chrono / bodily)
* pro-contact (we're pro-consent, and also stand by legal laws based on state, country, ect., and are very firm on the legality of things.)
* only here to dislike my content and start something. whaaaat?!! if you don't like something, then ignore me ! shoo, with you ! /silly
* doubles and irls are typically okay, but they make me antsy since I'm used to only one of me ! but I'll still okay with saying hi or having casual conversation once in a while !!! :D
* people who support certain cc's ... our hosts feel very negatively about certain content creators, and usually pushes people who still support them to the side. if you need specifics, don't be afraid to ask !
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QUICK, BEFORE I DIP ! here's tags i use for reblogs and stuff !
#🦠⸝⁠⸝⁠⸝ . REBLOGS - self explanatory !
#🦠⸝⁠⸝⁠⸝ . SLIMIN' AROUND - rambles or more public interactions.
#🦠⸝⁠⸝⁠⸝ . GOO GOOBIE ! - ask responses !
#🦠⸝⁠⸝⁠⸝ . HAHA ME FR. - identities !
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#🦠⸝⁠⸝⁠⸝ . MAAAANN. - stances, general "tone" for "damn, dude!/pos"
#🦠⸝⁠⸝⁠⸝ . SLIMY DOODLES - my drawings !! :D
so yeah, you could say I'm pretty rad.
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bluewinnerangel · 3 years
I don't think I saw any two ghost analysis in your master post. Can you link me? This one irl of me is bugging saying it's about Taylor and I have to put some sense into her with credible facts. She is not an anti but just doesn't believe in 'ships'
That's because I don't have one. There's a lot in the Two Ghosts tag tho and the explanation about Two Ghosts and Sunflower vol 6 linking is a good one, here in short but it links to the longer one, basically what I think is that Two Ghosts is about Taylor in a way, but not like that. I think Harry wrote this song in a way to purposefully fit his uh.. made up story of his life and his true feelings, that he used linking this to Taylor on purpose because that stunt was the time he felt like this, or started to, or did the most, whatever. I'll copypaste the bit in the sunflower post, as well as some messy songlinking doodles i got going on:
I’m also entirely convinced it’s placed both before and after Two Ghosts. Basically, when he takes this sharp loud inhale about 1,5 mins into the song, that’s where you could just plop down Two Ghosts. (you could say, he’s about to jump into the water, about to swim in the glass half-empty, I know now I’m just going too far but eh), then when Two Ghosts ends we’re coming back to Sunflower at “your flower just died”, the aftermath of their first “things were good and now they’re not” that is Two Ghosts, (or: the dying of the sunflower is described in Two Ghosts) but now we’re moving on and the story continues, where he is still wanting to get to know the person, wanting to start over, “I’m still tongue tied”, and so on. Lemme just stop rambling and actually convince you, really, because he links the 2 songs through the lyrics:
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To make matters worse, I also think Two Ghosts was a great attempt at weaving lyrics in such a way that the majority of it can be applied to both the beard (or PR stunt counterpart, Taylor in this case) as well as the real deal (Mr haha 28 haha 369 haha you read into things lololol I hate him), and that this kitchen dancing in the night thing was initially a nudge to miss Swift, as in All Too Well she sings:
Cause there we are again in the middle of the night,  We're dancing 'round the kitchen in the refrigerator light
All Too Well being on the album Red, the album the whole Haylor stunt was for from her side, written before she knew H, was supposed to be about Jake, just think about the logic of H taking that lyric and using it to describe their relationship and how idiotically strange that would be if it wasn’t a stunt. And there are more nudges like it, but, I don’t think I should sidetrack even further. Let’s just quickly pause and try to consider Sunflower being about Camille and Two Ghosts about Taylor and then H using the same words and descriptions for each relationship that were 7 years apart while his albums clearly show he absolutely doesn’t lack the ability to songwrite and... use new words... and describe things... like with range and stuff... just sayin....
Anyway have this doodle whatever I was on when i did this also don't ask me about dianna and stuff idk i wrote this a longass time ago when i was in a gaylor hole I really don't come at me for these stuff this is a larry blog bye:
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Also I don't think the ghost thing is because taylor was ghosting around too, rather it's a Pink Floyd Wish You Were Here nudge, but ok a parallel is a parallel
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Weird confusing story short, I think the important takeaway here is Harry writing two ghosts nudges into sunflower vol 6 and there beiing really 0 sense to doing that if that's truly about Taylor and not in a sneaky plottwist kinda way
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kyber-crystal · 4 years
An Accidental Confession
Pairing: Steve Rogers x Reader
Words: ~3.1k
Summary: In which you decided to a record a message explaining your feelings for Steve in case you didn't make it out of your mission alive. You don’t have any intention of it actually being heard by him, but you have no other choice to face your fear when it’s accidentally broadcasted across the entire compound.
Warnings: none, this is pure fluff haha with hints of a cocky steve hehe.
A/N: Some dialogue credits go to Descendants of the Sun! (yes, this is a oneshot of a scene from it, bc I love that drama with my whole heart) 
Tags: Dedicating this to @sylvie-writes​ because she’s an absolute SWEETHEART. I LOVE YOU BB. go follow her!
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"Hey, Y/N, check this out!"
You glanced up from where you were furiously typing away at the computer to see Peter with a wide grin on his face. "Hm?"
"Look what I found! Mr. Stark's old speaker set!" The teenager went around to behind the table and rolled out the speaker in front of you. "It was a bit souped up, but all it really needed was some TLC and here it is, good as new!"
"Found this old thing while he was cleaning up," Tony explained, "you wanna hook your phone up and give it a go?"
"Uh...sure, why not," you shrugged, standing up and pushing your seat in, making your way over to the two of them. You took your phone out of your pocket and plugged it in.
"Check, one, two," Peter spoke into the small microphone. "Check one, two, three. Hey! It's working!"
You couldn't help but grin at his enthusiasm. "How old is this thing, anyway?"
"Older than me, that's for sure. Now play something!"
"Alright, alright. Let's see..." you scrolled through your playlists until you found the one you wanted, pressing 'play' and putting it on shuffle. "There."
"Fly Me To The Moon! May played it for me all the time when I was little," Peter exclaimed. "She always insisted I educate myself on older music. Now I'm glad she did."
Bucky and Sam stopped screaming at each other as they battled it out in Mario Kart, quieting down and humming to the beat as they held their controllers tightly. Wanda smiled to herself as she stirred the pot of soup on the stove, Bruce on the verge of falling asleep as he sipped his coffee at the kitchen island and read a news article on his phone. The energy within the compound seemed to lighten significantly as Frank Sinatra's soothing voice echoed off the walls.
You went out to the patio to relax, crossing your arms and closing your eyes as the sounds of chirping crickets and music mixed together in one soothing melody, the moonlight reflecting over the water. For a brief moment in time, you were at peace - and you relished in the temporary feeling of serenity. The 'city that never slept' was sleepy, for once. It wasn't all that late, but you were already beginning to succumb to fatigue's temptations.
But then, the song came to an end and switched off to something else.
"Hey, Steve. I hope this message never finds you because if it does...it means I'm most likely dead-" your all-too familiar voice came over the phone, thick with tears as you struggled to contain your sobs. "God, what am I even doing here? I have a gunshot wound that most likely pierced a vital organ so I'm just gonna bleed out here alone- why am I even doing this? I don't even know how much longer it'll be before you arrive with the evac team...so I just want to apologize in advance for not coming back to you like I promised. If I'd known I'd die in a foreign country, I would've lived a more carefree life instead of constantly worrying, like you always told me to just relax sometimes, I'm so, so sorry-"
Your eyes widened in realization and you rushed across the facility as fast as you could possibly go to the labs.
"Leaving words like this before dying is so uncultured- please, Steve...are you on your way? Please tell me you're on your way. If I'm really dying here I don't wanna die alone. Please hurry...I don't think I can last until you get here. Even so, you'll be the first to find me if I die, that is, if my corpse isn't dragged away or some shit like that - God, this hurts- I almost forgot how much it hurt to get shot...damn...I really underestimated the power of a bullet, huh?
Steve's bandaged fists fell to his sides, the punching bag swinging back and forth so wildly that it would've knocked him over if it weren't for his muscular figure. His brow furrowed in concern and he felt a small ache his chest upon hearing your voice crack - you never cried, and even if you did, which was extremely rare, you were good at hiding it from others.
But then a small smile tugged at the corners of his lips - you did ramble sometimes, and he found it rather adorable. It was, in fact, one of the main reasons why he admired you so much.
"FRIDAY? Where's the source of this audio?"
"It's playing from Mr. Stark's speaker in the lab, Captain," the AI responded.
"Thank you."
He unwrapped the tape from around his hands and exited the training facility, going into a light jog as he headed up to the lounge.
"If I knew that I'd die like this, then I would've told you my true feelings. That I'm in love with you and I really wished you'd kissed me when we were watching that movie together- it was Die Hard, wasn't it? I really wished you'd done something. We were sitting so close, and...I couldn't stop thinking about it. I was tempted to just run my hands through your hair and kiss you. And I almost did. I'm so in love with you, hopelessly in love with you...and if there's anything that scares me more than dying alone, it's probably thinking of a way to tell you, and the fear of being rejected by my best friend, my partner in crime-"
A small smile tugged at the corners of his lips. You were in love with him? He felt his heartbeat pick up speed at the thought. He always held that small bit of hope in his heart that you'd feel the same way.
Just as Steve arrived at the labs, you came bursting through the doors with a look of sheer panic in your eyes, your face drained of all color. You quickly unplugged your phone from the speaker as he watched on in amusement.
"Want some, Mr. Stark?" Peter offered through a mouthful of popcorn, holding the bag out to his mentor. "Seems like we're in for a treat here."
"Where'd you get these, kid?" Tony questioned as he reached over and popped several kernels into his mouth. "Mm. Caramel, a classic."
"I always keep some with me. Never know when drama will break out."
Steve laughed and shook his head as you quickly turned around on your heel and sprinted out of the room. It was so unlike you to act like this - normally you were rather guarded and stoic. To see you as anything but was not only amusing, but adorable in his eyes - it was one of the many things he loved about you, in fact.
"Music...really changes a lot of things," Peter cleared his throat awkwardly.
The super-soldier cracked a smile. "I seem to be in the center of that change."
He said a few quick goodbyes went to find you, as Peter and Tony continued enjoying their popcorn together.
"Oh my god, I'm so stupid, oh my god, why did I even record that damn message," you muttered, finding yourself going back outside again. You needed to clear your head and get away from Steve. The secondhand embarrassment you just knew was waiting for you was almost too much to even think about - what would he think of you now? What would everyone else think of you?
Steve had beaten you to it and was already out there, leaning against the glass railing  with his arms crossed over his chest, wearing an amused expression on his face.
"Oh my god! You scared me!" your voice heightened to a shriek. "What the hell, Rogers? How are you here? Why are you here?"
"I know you like the back of my hand, sweetheart," he chuckled lightly. "You always come out here whenever you're restless or stressed out. Figured you'd try to flee as soon as you heard," he gestured back inside, "all that."
"That was none of your business!" you squeaked. "It was a private message, not meant for you to actually hear! It wasn't for you!"
"Well, you did announce it, publicly," he defended himself, pushing himself away from the railing and raising his hands in surrender. "And it sounded like it was for me. You said my name."
"It wasn't for you!"
"Then why'd you say Steve?"
"It's a different Steve?"
"A different Steve with a stealth suit, Quinjet, and evac team?"
"Y-yeah! B-but it's really funny. Why are you listening to other people's recordings?'
"Like I said, doll," your face flushed at the nickname, "it was broadcasted publicly. I didn't listen, I heard."
"Because you heard it, you carelessly hear it all the way through?"
He smirked. "You know, you're really cute when you're upset." He smirked, taking several steps towards you. You instinctively stepped back. "But why are you running away? When you were about to die you wanted to confess." With each step he took, you took another backwards. "But since you lived, you changed your mind?"
"Confess? That wasn't a confession. That wasn't me."
"This cell phone is yours," he held up your hand that tightly gripped your phone.
"This isn't a phone- Y/N, what the hell are you saying? Stop talking," you cursed yourself under your breath.
"It's an honor knowing I'm in your will," he said kindly.
"If you know then that's enough," you exhaled, stepping around him to leave. Steve stopped you by placing a hand out in front, before moving it to grip your wrist. You felt your skin heat up rapidly under his touch.
You gasped. "Look! Thor set the toaster on fire!"
"I'm not fooled, sweetheart."
You moved to try and leave again, but he only tightened his grip. "Whether or not it was a confession, I'm going to listen to it, so let's not run away, shall we?"
You were silent for several moments before responding, swallowing hard. "Okay. I got it. I'll answer you so let go of me and let's talk. Really."
"Really, right?"
He obeyed, releasing his hand from your wrist. You quickly moved around him and ran back inside. Steve just laughed to himself, shaking his head in disbelief.
"She finally did it," Sam nodded in approval as he and Bucky finished their Rainbow Road deathmatch. "Good game, man."
"Yeah, good game," they shook hands, "but if I'm being honest...I didn't expect things to go down like that. If anything, Steve seems like he'd be the first to confess. The way they're dancing around each other like oblivious monkeys...damn."
"Couldn't have described it better."
You flopped onto your bed, panting heavily as you stared up at the ceiling. Your heart was beating so fast that you felt like passing out. Maybe I'll just die like this and I won't ever have to confess for real, you thought. That sounds much better than death by blood loss from a gunshot wound.
"Hey, darling."
You sat up and let out a short scream as you saw Steve leaning against your doorframe, that damn smirk still on his face. "What the hell? You can't just ambush me like that! How long have you been standing there for?"
"Long enough," he chuckled, sliding his hands in his pockets and stepping inside. This time, you were too lazy to push him away, and just allowed him to sit down next to you at the edge of your bed. Steve propped his hand on his chin as he gazed at you, smiling.
You sighed and let your head fall into your hands. "This is all your fault."
"My fault?" Steve tilted his head in confusion. "How is this my fault?"
"Becau- never mind. I'm busy. I gotta go check up on the new lab I'm working on with Bruce."
You stood up abruptly, but he reached out and grabbed your wrist again. "I'm going to go to the labs, too. He asked me to help with a few things. I think you just found yourself an escort."
"I can go by myself, Rogers. I'm an adult," you gave him a pointed look.
"Ouch. That stung," he pretended to look hurt. "Last name calling? I thought we agreed on sappy pet names. And besides, you know what happened last time you went somewhere alone. You got shot."
"Hold on," he tugged you back so that you had to sit down again. "Why do you keep running away from me? You confess your feelings in your will and then you run."
"It wasn't my will."
"You said you were scared to die alone."
"It wasn't me. Where is your bout of confidence even coming from?"
"I'm not asking how you feel about me at the moment. Don't feel bad that I found out how you feel about me. Because I'm in love with you too, and nothing can change the fact that I like you even more now."
You swallowed hard.
He smiled again. "And you look beautiful today, doll."
"Stop with the pet names," you mumbled. You couldn't stop the tremor in your tone as you spoke
"Hey hey hey, what's wrong? Why are you crying?" Steve brought a hand up to your face, lightly skimming the tip of his thumb across your cheekbone to wipe away the tears that had fallen. "Hey. Tell me what's wrong, darling."
As soon as that last word left his lips, you lost it. A broken sob escaped from your mouth before you broke down, and he felt guilt settle in the pit of his stomach. Sure, he was lightly teasing you - but he didn't intend for his jabs to hurt you in any way. That was the last thing he wanted to do - to see you cry. He hated seeing you cry.
"Oh, God, I'm so sorry," he whispered, carefully wrapping his arms around you and pulling you to him, rubbing circles onto your back. "I'm sorry. I shouldn't have taken the teasing so far. I'm so sorry, Y/N-"
It took nearly twenty minutes for your sniffles to die down and another ten for your crying to stop completely, but he patiently held you until you did. And when it finally stopped, it still took you several moments before you could bring yourself to meet his eyes.
"I look like a mess," you muttered, quickly ducking your head down to wipe at your nose. "I'm sorry you had to see me like this-"
"You look lovely, regardless," Steve murmured, kissing your forehead. "You'll always look beautiful in my eyes."
"You're such a sap," you mumbled, closing your eyes. "I hate you."
"You know you love me, Y/N."
"No I don't."
"That message told me otherwise. You sounded like you were pretty in love, judging by the desperate tone in your voice-"
"Shut up!"
"Make me," he challenged, a smirk appearing on his face.
You huffed and stood up, crossing your arms. "You're a pain in the ass, you know that, Rogers?"
"Watch your language-"
"Make me."
"Using my own words against me, are you?" Steve raised a brow as he stood up as well, walking towards you. You kept walking backwards until you felt your back hit the wall and internally panicked when you realized there was nowhere else to go.
"Shit," you whispered. "I'm not escaping this one, am I?"
"Not a chance," he chuckled wistfully. You felt your heart do somersaults and your stomach twist itself into knots as he met your eyes, a softened look to them that you'd never seen before - what was it? Just a few minutes earlier you'd find yourself squirming beneath his intense gaze but for some reason, you stayed put.
When his lips pressed against yours, you felt a crackle of electricity across your skin and the world fell away. It seemed as if time stopped and held its breath as it watched the two of you, his arm curving around your waist as his free hand rested at the back of your neck, pulling you flush against him. Though you were taken aback by the sudden gesture and terrified you wasted no time in reacting, sinking deeper into the kiss. You could feel him smile against your lips and fireworks exploded inside your chest - if there was a way to describe pure magic, this would definitely be it. And he felt it too - and he swore to himself that he'd never felt a bigger rush of adrenaline before until now.
You looked absolutely stunning to him in that moment as you pulled apart - with your half-closed eyes, reddened cheeks, and swollen lips - his doing, no doubt. Your gaze slipped down to his equally swollen lips and you felt your face flush at the sight. Steve was quick to catch what you were doing and pulled you back in for more.
This time, it wasn't as innocent and quick. It was more needy, passionate - months, no, years of pent-up frustration he didn't even know he had seeping into it. Years of not being able to tell you finally being poured out into one grand gesture - years of finally getting closure because he now knew the girl he'd loved for as long as he could remember felt the same way.
"Oh my fucking shit."
The two of you were practically gasping for air as you broke apart a second time to see a smug-looking Sam.
"You just- I didn't interrupted something between y'all, did I?" Sam cocked a brow. "Looked like you were this close to-"
"No," you exhaled, "we weren't."
"I'm a GENIUS for fixing that speaker! If I hadn't done so you guys never would've gotten together!" Peter squealed as he appeared by the Falcon's side. "I believe a thank you is in order!"
"I hope my timing isn't bad, but I have to ask," Steve cleared his throat and looked you straight in the eye. "that was a confession, right? And you didn't do it just because you felt compelled to. Be honest with me."
You let out a sigh of defeat. "Yeah...it was."
He broke into a gorgeous, million-dollar grin that made you weak at the knees. He leaned down, lips ghosting over yours as if he was going to kiss you again - but pulled back, much to your disappointment.
"I guess I'm the victor of this battle, huh," he whispered before releasing his hold on you and walking out, leaving you to stand there utterly shell-shocked and speechless as Peter and Sam began teasing you.
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