#had a moment of weakness when i was h*rny and now the moment's passed
blackpink · 1 year
my girl. you dated that boy, and you liked him, he was respectful towards you AND he made you laugh. believe me when i tell you, two years are nothing. my mom and dad had two years, she was also the older one. IT MEANS NOTHING!!! it means something when he makes you laugh tho. so i am here to tell you dont ruin it with this boy !!!! TALK TO HIM trust me. you are also not old so dont feel like it plss
usually i don't feel like a two year age gap is that much, most of the men i dated were younger than me but with this guy i could simply feel he was too young. not sure how to explain it but he was a bit childish? and still a student with no stable income living in a shared apartment, which is fine of course, but as someone who has been out of uni for 5 yrs and living on her own for ages i could simply feel a big gap in maturity – i think that's the best way to describe it. and then there was the missing attraction, you can't force that..
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cupofcowboys · 5 years
Cigarette Seduction - Javier Escuella/Fem-Reader - Part 2
A few people wanted a part two and well... ask and you shall receive!
Javier attempts to show off for his favourite audience... except the audience is rather rude about his plans
TAGS: Spoiler Free, Fem Reader, NSFT, Not really, just h*rny, flirting, teasing, Javier is a cruel, cruel man
832 Words
Part 1
Many days had passed since you watched Javier smoke. Opportunities to chat had been scant as you’d both been out on jobs separately. The rare times you’d crossed paths, he’d given you a smirk and a nod of his head, and every time it sent your heart pounding and your stomach fluttering. Slowly, tensions had built without even a word being shared. At least, they had been for you.
You thought on it as you brushed the coat of your tired horse. The effect Javier had on you from even the tiniest of interactions was unnerving. Part of you yearned to find him alone and delve into the depths of what you had started, another screamed at you not to get involved. Being with a member of the gang was a hell of a commitment. You’d have to live with them regardless of whether or not it turned out well. Taking the risk didn’t seem smart to you. Look how it turned out for John and Abigail.
Footsteps interrupted your reprieve. The sight of Javier sauntering over made you jump. It was as though your thoughts had summoned him. He was wearing the most extravagant ensemble he had; huge hat, grey coat, bandolier and blue waistcoat. The smirk on his lips had to be the crowning jewel as he leaned against a tree opposite you. He tilted his head back, eyes glittering with mischief. With a great effort, you tore your eyes away from him, quickly busying yourself with your horses’ coat.
This false distraction lasted mere seconds. A motion drew your attention as he pulled a pipe from his pocket. Just like his outfit, it was one of the most extravagant pipes you’d ever seen. Made of mahogany, exquisitely polished, and engraved with gold patterns. It was clearly worth more than it had any business being. Your mouth fell open as your eyebrows shot into your hairline. Javier paid you no mind, busy inserting a pinch of tobacco into the bowl.
“You can’t be serious.”
He looked up at your words, his hand halfway towards dropping the second pinch into his pipe. The genuinely surprised expression on his face told you everything. It was too much. Laughter erupted from your mouth before you could stop it. You doubled over, clamping your hand over your mouth to muffle the sound. The sheer audacity he had! Dressing up and getting a ridiculous prop, with the sole intention of flirting with you. You knew he was vain, but this was a whole other level.
“What’s so funny?” He demanded, peeling himself from the tree and looking affronted.
“Y-You..!” You gasped, desperately trying to calm yourself. “I can’t… believe… you… a pipe!!”
Once more, you doubled over, fresh waves of laughter wracking your body, tears threatening to run down your cheeks. It was useless to try to silence yourself, but knew you must. Offending Javier was an excellent way to ruin your chances and laughing at him was the ultimate sin. Yet you couldn’t stop. You hadn’t laughed so hard in years.
In your fit, you hadn’t seen him approach. Without warning, he pushed you backwards against a tree, palm pressing into the bark by your head. It successfully silenced you, your laughter stopped as abruptly as it had begun. You were left with your eyes locked on his, anxiety plucking at your gut. His dark eyes were as unreadable as his expression.
“Do not laugh at me, Amor.”
“I-I wasn’t…”
“You were.”
“No… it’s just…”
“Just what?”
You swallowed. Now that the humour had died, you felt terrible about your reaction. Clearly he had wanted nothing more than to show off for you, and you had laughed at him for it. It took time and effort from him to prepare for that moment.
“I’m surprised you would do that.” You admitted. “F-For me…”
“So you laughed at me?” he quirked a brow.
“Well… it was… a bit much.” A smile crept onto your face despite yourself.
Javier glanced at your lips and then back to your eyes. After an intense moment, his lips twitched with humour.
“It was.” He agreed.
Before you could say another word, his lips ghosted across your cheek. When you did not cower away, he began to plant small, soft pecks across your cheekbones. Slowly, he made his way towards your lips, trailing kisses as he went. Yet as he reached the curve of your lips, mere millimetres off gracing them with a kiss - he pulled away.
“You shouldn’t laugh at a man trying to impress you, Amor.” He whispered, running his thumb across your bottom lip as he watched it. “It’s rude.”
“I-” You swallowed, feeling distinctly weak at the knees.
“Next time, I think you should just watch.” He retracted his hand, pulled himself away from you and tipped his hat lightly in your direction. Without another word, he strode off back towards camp as though he hadn’t just left you alone with the heat between your thighs.
AO3 / Masterlist / Requests
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