#gynaecologist in Max Hospital
gynaecologist01 · 1 year
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ukrfeminism · 2 years
Two women are facing prison for having an abortion — including one who obtained the pills from an authorised provider — as doctors warn of the “chilling” effect a rise in police investigations will have on the reproductive freedoms of women in the UK.
On Friday, a 25-year-old woman pleaded not guilty at Oxford Crown Court to a single charge of administering poison with intent to procure a miscarriage. She is accused of having “unlawfully administered to herself a poison or other noxious thing, namely Misoprostol”.
She is alleged to have taken the drug, which is one of two pills that are together routinely prescribed by abortion doctors, in January last year. The crime, which falls under a piece of Victorian legislation, the Offences Against the Person Act 1861, carries a maximum sentence of life in prison. The woman, a mother to a toddler, was told via an interpreter that she will stand trial in February next year.
This week, another woman is due to appear before magistrates in Staffordshire charged with child destruction under the Infant Life (Preservation) Act, which dates back to 1929. The woman had obtained pills from the British Pregnancy Advisory Service (Bpas) in lockdown, under legislation which was introduced during the pandemic, and allowed women up to ten weeks’ pregnant to receive abortion pills in the post to take at home following a remote consultation.
In March the at-home provisions, which previously had a two-year time limit, became permanent after MPs voted to support an amendment to the Health and Care Bill.
After taking the pills, the woman went on to deliver a 28-week foetus and was reported to the police. Following the initial hearing, the case is set to be sent to Stoke Crown Court. If convicted, the woman also faces a maximum sentence of life in prison.
Senior doctors have written to the country’s chief prosecutor calling for him to stop taking women to court for ending their pregnancies as police investigations into abortions are increasing.
Dr Edward Morris, the president of the Royal College of Obstetricians and Gynaecologists, is among medics, lawyers and charity workers who have signed a letter to Max Hill QC, the director of public prosecutions, which states “it is never in the public interest to charge women who end their own pregnancy.”
“These prosecutions may well deter women experiencing miscarriages and incomplete abortions from seeking treatment when needed,” said Clare Murphy, the chief executive of Bpas. “For some migrant women who are ineligible for NHS-funded abortion care, they may feel that accessing abortion pills illegally is their only option. If these women attend hospital needing help, should the police be called, or should these women receive medical care and support without fear of prosecution?”
She said data suggests recent criminal cases are “only the beginning of an increase in the criminalisation of women in the most complex and difficult of circumstances”, adding that “it is abhorrent that 160 years later vulnerable women should suffer from legislation drawn up in a world which is unrecognisable to us now.”
The Crown Prosecution Service has received a letter from the charity and will consider the issues raised as a matter of urgency.
According to a Sunday Times analysis of Home Office data, eleven women were reported to police last year in England and Wales accused of illegally procuring an abortion. This was up from seven in 2020, eight the year before, and just two in 2018.
In total, 52 women have been reported to police since 2015. The figures do not include the past six months, as Home Office data is not yet available for 2022.
The letter to Hill, which has also been signed by Jemima Olchawski, the chief executive of The Fawcett Society, Frances O’Grady, the general secretary of the TUC, and Justine Roberts, the founder of Mumsnet, among others, calls on him to “cease all current proceedings and to not [bring] any future charges against women or girls who end a pregnancy or experience pregnancy loss.”
Doctors have voiced concerns that an increase in police investigations will have a “chilling” effect on women’s reproductive freedoms in the UK at a time when they are being curtailed in the United States with the overturning of Roe v Wade, the Supreme Court ruling that gave women a right to seek a termination.
Jonathan Lord, the medical director of MSI Reproductive Choices UK, which provides contraception and abortion support, and a consultant gynaecologist at the Royal Cornwall Hospitals NHS Trust said, in some cases, women have found themselves under suspicion after suffering a natural miscarriage or stillbirth because they had considered a termination at an earlier date.
One of his patients, he said, had been discharged from hospital into police custody where she was held for 36 hours, rather than be allowed to grieve and recover from the emergency surgery the previous night.
In another, he said, a 15-year-old girl had her phone confiscated after a natural stillbirth, isolating her from her friends and family. She spent more than six months waiting to know whether she would face criminal charges.
“That’s institutional child abuse, really,” he said. “At the time of most need, her whole social support was withdrawn.
“I simply can’t believe in Britain in 2022, that you can be suspected and investigated, and have your phone and laptop impounded and spend the best part of a year, longer, in some cases, not knowing whether you’re going to be charged with a crime that carries life imprisonment.”
The fear of being prosecuted if they later suffer a pregnancy loss may leave women too afraid to even discuss terminating an unwanted pregnancy, Lord said, while confiscating phones for what he described as “digital strip searches” left medics unable to communicate with their patients to offer aftercare.
“Just because they came to an abortion clinic doesn’t mean that’s what they’re going to end up with,” he added. “So to use evidence of a Google search against someone I think, is deeply sinister.”
Charlotte Proudman, one of the barristers who has signed the letter to Hill, said she is considering bringing a case against the government under human rights laws, arguing “the current legislation is in breach of women’s human rights.”
MPs have called on the government to change the law, so that abortion is regulated as a health procedure, and removed from the criminal statute books — as is already the case in Northern Ireland.
“Abortion is first and foremost a healthcare matter that should be treated as such,” Labour MP Stella Creasy said, adding that “having a criminal foundation to access to a healthcare service leads to horrific outcomes, where we further traumatise vulnerable women.”
She said that she is “determined to write into law, a human right [to access abortion].”
Fellow Labour MP Diana Johnson, said she has also “long argued for the decriminalisation of abortion, removing what is essentially a healthcare issue between a woman and her doctor from the criminal law.”
“Of course, decriminalisation does not mean the deregulation of abortion,” she added. “I think the British public do not want to see women and doctors criminalised under a Victorian law when medicine and public opinion have moved on so much.”
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pointlesswalks · 3 years
Never Look Away
Biographical films are strange beasts in that they are, perhaps somewhat unfairly, expected to cleave closer to truth than ordinary dramas. Biographical films about artists, moreover, carry the extra burden of attempting to locate the genesis or turning point in an entire artistic style whilst only showing a small part of an artist’s life. Florian Henckel von Donnersmarck’s 2018 film, Never Look Away, is loosely based on the life of German artist, Gerhard Richter, and by the time we get to the end of the 180-plus minute running time, we get the impression that Kurt Barnert (Tom Schilling) – Richter’s stand-in – has become a fully formed artist. How we get there isn’t entirely clear or convincing, but, strangely, it’s not entirely to the detriment of the film.
 The film covers the Kurt’s years as a child living under one totalitarian system, that of the National Socialists’, as a young man living under another, that of the German Democratic Republic, and of his escape with his wife to West Germany where he finally achieves both his personal and critical artistic breakthrough. Complicating matters is that Barnet’s father-in-law, Professor Carl Seeband (Sebastian Koch), is the man responsible for the sterilization and euthanasia of one of Kurt’s aunts.
 Never Look Away was inspired by the revelation in Jürgen Schreiber’s book, Ein Maler aus Deutschland, that Richter’s father-in-law, Heinrich Eufinger, a high-ranking SS-doctor, had actually been responsible for the forced sterilisation of women no longer deemed fit to procreate by the National Socialist regime. One of these women, it turns out, was Richter’s aunt, Marianne Schönfelder, the subject of one of his celebrated photorealistic, blurred paintings, Aunt Marianne (1965). Henckel von Donnersmarck punches up the drama somewhat, and Marianne, an aunt Richter barely knew, has become Elisabeth May, a vibrant young woman, much involved in young Kurt’s life and who is intent on developing his interest in art. It is also this aunt that delivers the invocation of the (English) film’s title, the command to “never look away,” a command that Kurt will carry with him.
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  The film opens in 1937 Dresden at an exhibition of “Degenerate Art” hosted by the Nazi party which includes works by luminaries such as Picasso, Mondrian, Kandinsky and others. The guide explains that the abstractions expressed by these artists can only either be the product of some hereditary disease or otherwise a pernicious attempt to undermine society. The natural conclusion is that creators of such works should, in the latter case, be open to criminal sanction, or that, tellingly, in the former, steps should be taken such that their peculiar “ocular afflictions” are not passed to future generations: the seeds of the Final Solution have already been sown.
 The young Kurt Barnet (Cai Cohrs) is accompanied to the exhibition by his aunt, Elisabeth (Saskia Rosendahl), who quietly confides in Kurt that she rather likes the “degenerate” art that is on display. Elisabeth’s approval of these works isn’t driven by an ideological sensibility – although the Barnert family seem decidedly anti-Nazi – but rather that more clichéd, banal one in which “madness” informs artistic receptivity. Elisabeth suffers from schizophrenia, and the same affliction which can drive her to ecstasy when hearing a symphony of bus horns or when witnessing the pomp of a Nazi parade is what will ultimately see her treated so monstrously by Professor Seeband when she is finally institutionalised .
 Kurt finds Elisabeth the morning after the Nazi parade, naked at the piano, and in the middle of a full-blown psychotic break and rambling about having discovered “the code of the universe.” It is as a result of this breakdown that Elisabeth is forcefully taken to a sanatorium. As she is removed by the nurses, we get an important shot from Kurt’s point-of-view, a shot that comes to represent the film’s most significant recurrent visual motifs. As Kurt lifts his hand up to cover his eyes from the awful scene of his beloved aunt being sedated and forced into an ambulance, the camera focuses on his hand. When his hand drops away, the scene behind it remains blurred. This visual motif will gain significance each time Henckel von Donnersmarck employs it, its significance becomes clearer to the audience such that by the time Kurt produces his first blurred painting, they know exactly how to read it. The key for how to read this motif, however, is present right there the first time we see it, in the very first shot of the film, in fact. The film opens with a blurred shot of the degenerate art exhibition, and the first thing we see in focus is the face of the Nazi tour guide when it comes into the shot before he delivers his polemic against degenerate art.
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  Both Kurt and Professor Seeband find success in the new East German regime: Kurt, by excelling in art school and making a name for himself as a muralist of socialist realism works; and the professor by successfully concealing his past as a Nazi and becoming an “active co-creator of the [the] Socialist Republic.” However, where the professor has slotted quite naturally into the new regime Kurt can’t quite resign himself to the abandonment of innovation and artistic freedom demanded of him in order to make socialist realism art. Once again we see the blurred visual motif at play: as Kurt’s art teacher implores his students to reject the “Ich, ich, ich” of the innovator while paradoxically beseeching them to “Be different, gentlemen. Be different,” artworks by Picasso, Francis Bacon and Max Ernst are continuously coming in and out of focus as they are passed through an episcope. As at the exhibition of degenerate art, the discussion of “ideology” only serves to obscure. It is also at art school where Kurt meets his future wife, another Elisabeth (Paula Beer) who he insists on calling Ellie, and who bears more than a passing resemblance to his now deceased aunt.
 In the West, Kurt finds himself at the mercy of a different, but just as limiting, regime. Where in the East art was made to service the worker’s revolution, in the West, “money is all that counts,” and one doesn’t innovate to make good art but to find the idea that allows one to stand apart from the rest. Kurt’s teacher is Professor Antonius van Verten (Oliver Masucci), a stand-in for Joseph Beuys, who was in actuality for a time a contemporary of Richter. van Verten, dismissed as a maniac by his students, particularly because his idea – making art using only felt and grease – isn’t considered to be interesting, nevertheless locates true freedom in art and urges his students to develop their own subjective abilities without reference to external guidelines. van Verten is intrigued by Kurt but can tell immediately that the work he is creating isn’t reaching its full potential, because there is nothing about it that is true to Kurt. The professor confides to Kurt of his time in the war, of being shot down over Crimea with terrible head wounds that should have killed him. He recalls how Tatar nomads nursed his wounds with grease and wrapped him in felt. van Verten concludes that if he were to distil everything he had learnt in his life, if he had to make a claim about what he truly knew, it would be the feeling of felt and grease. Armed with this, Kurt abandons his first aborted attempts at art, and after a slow start, he paints his first photograph, a painting of Dr. Burghart Kroll (Rainer Bock), architect of the program that saw Kurt’s aunt sterilised and murdered by his father-in-law. A second painting follows, of his beloved aunt, Elisabeth. And in a moment of insight – and we see once again the shot of young Kurt’s hand dropping away from his eyes and the blurred shot of his aunt being taken away – Kurt deliberately brushes his photo-realistic painting over his painting creating a blur.
 Here we come to the jarring contradiction at the heart of the film. The visual motif Henckel von Donnersmarck consistently deploys is of blurred, out of focus shots. In Never Look Away these shots, when out of focus, paradoxically, represent a deeper access to truth. However, the culmination of Kurt’s idea is a composite painting which layers a picture of his aunt, a passport photo of Professor Seeband and the photograph of Kroll – it’s the sort of composite painting that Richter never made. When Professor Seeband sees this painting in Kurt’s studio, he loses his composure for the first time. However, if we consider what exactly spooked Professor Seeband, it’s not that Kurt’s painting, by virtue of being blurred, revealed a deeper truth that otherwise would have remained hidden, but that the painting clearly – with respect to what it represented, not how it represented it – revealed his involvement with Elisabeth’s death. Furthermore, it is inconceivable that Kurt – who knows his father-in-law enjoyed preening around in his SS uniform, who knows he is a world-class gynaecologist who happened to work in a hospital at around the time Elisabeth was treated, who knows his father-in-law deceived Kurt and his wife into having an abortion that he then himself went ahead and performed – fails to see any sort of connection between his painting and his father-in-law’s past.
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Another contradiction is in the nature of reality in Never Look Away. The film is a drama grounded in conventional cinematic realism so that when Elisabeth has her psychotic breakdown and begins to ramble on about the code of the universe we aren’t expected to think for a second that there is a code to the universe. This isn’t to say that the film is spiritually devoid. The moment of artistic transcendence for both Kurt and certainly for Professor van Verten is spiritual, but it is also decidedly not supernatural. Henckel von Donnersmarck undercuts the materialist nature of his film with the inclusion of two sequences. The first comes towards the end of the war when a slightly older Kurt witnesses the bombing of Dresden. As Kurt looks into the Dresden night, shots alternate not only between the planes dropping their bombs and carnage taking place in Dresden, but also of the Russian front, where we witness his brothers die, and of his sister being led into a chamber as the Nazi party prepares to liquidate her. The editing of the shots, in particular with respect to Kurt’s searching eyes, give the sequence distinct impression that Kurt can somehow see or is aware of these other events taking place. Even more troubling is the second sequence. When Elisabeth is first brought to the office of Professor Seeband, she makes her way first to a clock, then comments on a picture drawn by the professor’s daughter, Elly, and then, finally, on learning that she is going to be sterilised, she cowers in a corner of his office. Some twenty years later Kurt has been invited to Professor Seeband’s office in order to paint his portrait. While waiting for the professor, Kurt’s eyes linger on the clock first, then on Elly’s drawing, before widening with fear and turning to the same corner where his aunt had cowered. What are we to make of his preternatural sight?
  Intentionally or not, Henckel von Donnersmarck’s film, with its contradictions and what can only be described as deviations from narrative coherence, somehow works because they echo something of Richter’s pronouncements about his own work. Try to find something about why Richter blurs his photo-realistic paintings... His statements are sometimes contradictory, oftentimes confusing, and never entirely clear; this is not because Richter doesn’t know what he’s talking about but rather because he is either suspicious of or not entirely interested in that sort of precision. After all, this is the man who once said, “To talk about painting is not only difficult but perhaps pointless, too.” At the heart of Never Look Away is a major fabrication, in which the nature of Richter’s relationship to his aunt was entirely embellished. Henckel von Donnersmarck made this change because reality, as it stood, simply didn’t make for a good film. These changes, like the blurring of Richter’s paintings, inexorably lead us to some sort of truth. Perhaps this is why Richter can denounce the film saying it both distorts his biography but still remains too true for him to watch.
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lostatseattle · 3 years
if anyone wants to know, where everyone’s at/been is under the cut!
tw: addiction, mental illness, miscarriage, death
carina deluca, 42, OB/GYN attending and research assistant at sgmw.
carina hasn’t left seattle for very long since present time. for a time, she went back to sicily to be with her father as he suffered a particularly damaging breakdown. she cared for him in his fragile state for almost a year before returning to her position at sgmw. she brought her father with her and he lived with her up until a year ago when he decided to fly back to italy with little to no warning. she realised then that she could not stop him living his life, and he wasn’t her responsibility. they still keep in touch regularly, just to make sure nothing is terribly wrong. because of her father’s presence in her life she has had little by way of a romantic life, bar a few casual hookups. she doesn’t mind much as it has given her time to focus on her continued research in neurological pleasure centres. aside from this, she has been the acting gynaecologist to many of seattle’s finest, past and present. 
 rumour has it she was almost shortlisted for a harper avery a few years ago, but the subject matter was challenged and she missed out. not that she would have accepted it anyway, as the institution hasn’t historically aligned with her viewpoint. she is attending the dinner this year as a means to build her connections.
cristina yang, 38, co-chief of cardiothoracic surgery at sgmw.
once cristina completed her fellowship, she took on a position as a cardiothoracic attending for a few years but grew impatient. she believed she wasn’t benefiting or growing in the environment and applied for positions at other hospitals. she was offered a position as chief of cardio in new york and, despite warnings that she would hate it, she left. less than six months later she returned to her position as an attending and would like no one to mention the blip every again, thank you.
a few months after her return, she was appointed co-chief of cardio at sgmw, dividing the work load and allowing herself and andrea to have more time for surgeries. despite having a home five minutes away, she is staying at the hotel before the dinner because she would like to live her dramatic widow fantasy standing on the balcony in a bathrobe she doesn’t own. and because she’ll probably get drunk on complementary champagne.
also, she filed for divorce from owen shortly after present time.
eleanor sharma, 40, full time professor at ucla.
eleanor took well to life in seattle and she planned to stay there long term. but disaster struck and left her brother a widow so she left to live with him in california. her parents have been encouraging her to get married for years now, but she is quite happy living the single life. aside from that, she is helping to raise her niece, priya. to have more time for her family, she quit surgery and took up a full time job as a professor. she loves it and, aside from her sister-in-law’s tragic death, she is happy with where she has ended up. 
gwen sadler-mills, 50, head of trauma in miami, FL.
gwen and joanna managed to fully reconcile and a couple of years after present time they became engaged. although, mentally they had been engaged for a while already. the decision to move back to miami came after the death of joanna’s mother, mostly due to the fact that they both missed home a great deal - but also because gwen was gradually overcoming her fear of having another child. after a lot of talking they decided to try one round of IVF. it worked, but unfortunately did not carry to term and joanna suffered a miscarriage. after that grief had settled, they decided to adopt. jude and scarlett sadler-mills entered the equation two years ago and they live in a modest four bedroom house with their dogs nova and scotia - ironically named until that was the only thing the latter would respond to.  
max walker, 38, rock musician.
max was fired from her job two years after present time, which was ridiculously long for her all things considered. she was caught having sex with a new intern in the copy room and a whole host of discrepancies came to light soon after. she moved back to los angeles and took up various menial jobs until she found a place at a record shop in hollywood. short after she joined a band with her new friends called the six pastels - the logic being that, should anyone try to look up the sex pistols and misspell it, they would come across their band instead. although it didn’t quite work that way, they eventually managed to get signed by a record label and found moderate success. but in typical max fashion, success wasn’t easy. she ended up with a DUI and entered rehab for six months.
not that it worked very well. after that stint, she ended up having a string of one night stands - one of which left her pregnant. wanting a change, she took a hiatus from her career and moved to new york to give birth to her son, axel. it was there that she reconnected with her old friend, rosalie lincoln. she knew just how to feed into max’s messy, unpredictability, and max wanted her son to have more parents than she ever had. 
lately, max has been feeling disjointed and unfulfilled. she is back in seattle to see her siblings and to have some time away from being a mother and a songstress to reevaluate what she needs in life. debatable whether she will have a big revelation or dig herself into a hole so deep she can’t escape. 
thomas donovan, 44, (soon to be retired) firefighter in north carolina.
since appearing in seattle, thomas steadily started to come into his own again. he seemed more relaxed, less inclined to shut himself away and regained some of his sense of humour. broody silences weren’t at the top of his to-do list any more. he’d rather cook a meal than grab a beer when he got home from his shift. he made friends with those at station 19 and became a valued member of the firehouse. amongst all of this great character development, he reconnected with lucy. it was casual at first, both of them probably wary about their history, until lucy accidentally got pregnant and they both decided to throw caution to the wind and move in together. they aren’t married, nothing was ever actually made official, but living together and raising a kid seem good enough signs. 
thomas is there because lucy is, but his mind isn’t on any award. his mind is on the ring in his pocket and the hand he wants it to be on...
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Dr Rchana Singh
Dr Rachna Singh (www.drrachnasingh.com) is one of the best Obstetrician, Gynae Surgeon and Reproductive care expert in Gurgaon. Dr. Rachna trained at Lady Harding Medical College (LHMC), Delhi and Safdarjang Hospital, Delhi. Both these institutions provide tremendous clinical education and experience in reproductive health.
Currently working as Consultant Obstetrician and Gynaecologist at CK Birla Hospital for women, Gurgaon, her past workplaces include Paras Hospitals Gurgaon and Max Hospital, Gurgaon.
She keeps herself updated about the recent developments in her field while providing evidence-based medical care with healing touch. Your experience with Dr Rachna will be professional from clinical perspective and non-rushed from personal perspective.
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 Visit www.drrachnasingh.com
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drarchitpandit · 3 years
How the Gynecological Oncologist Helps in Treating the Cancers?
The gynecological cancer surgeon in Delhi is appreciated nationwide to offer better outcomes while treating ovarian cancer. The oncologists who know about a specific treatment method can give a new life to women having ovarian cancer. That’s why many women who are diagnosed with cancer contact the best gynae oncology in Delhi.
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Dr. Archit Pandit is a well-reckoned gynecologic oncologist in Delhi awarded for his contribution to changing the lives of many people. Presently he is working as Associate Director in the Department of Surgical Oncology at Max Institute of Center Care.
There are many reasons that make women come in contact with the best gynea oncologist. Have a look!
Highly skilled
Being an experienced doctor, he with his team of surgeons collaborates with the patients, consults them, and decides on the best treatment that can be given to the patients. He is best in this field or treating the most difficult cases. The team is completely dedicated to managing even the advanced ovarian cancer that has spread a lot.
Use quality methods for a speedy recovery
Dr. Archit Pandit has pioneered the method of minimizing the risk of cancer spread. There are different methods like HIPEC Surgery, Laparoscopic cancer surgery, Video Assisted Thoracoscopic Surgery, and others to treat the cancer in a better way. It is always ensured that gynae cancer surgeon in Delhi makes use of minimally invasive methods that include keyhole-size incision. This results in nominal pain and blood loss, a shorter stay in the hospital, and quick recovery.
Having access to various modern treatments
Dr. Archit Pandit always stays abreast in using the updated surgical approaches and strategies for improving the quality of life at the time and after the treatment is completed. The latest therapeutic approach is ideally providing a new hope to patients with gynecologic cancers.
Apart from these, there are some other important things that one should consider while contacting the best gynecologic oncologist in Delhi.
The surgeon must have vast years of experience in treating the ovarian cancer.
Must follow proper guidelines for treating the advanced disease diagnosed in women.
Make use of modern technologies for treating the ovarian cancer.
Gynaecologist cancer surgeon in Delhi must be certified gynaecologists. Moreover, they must have appropriate training that makes them proficient enough to treat the ovarian cancer.
The conclusion
Dr. Archit Pandit follows the standard guidelines to practice the treatment for managing the cancer. Don’t worry about the scars, side effects, or pain. Dr. Archit Pandit opts for the aesthetic ways of surgery. He has many papers published related to this and being a strict believer in evidence based practice, he is now able to treat many cancer patients who are affected by the cancers. Contact him for the treatments of gastrointestinal cancers, gynecological cancer, thoracic/chest cancers, breast cancer, head and neck cancers.
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maxmongelli · 3 years
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drushamkumar · 3 years
Hysterectomy refers to the surgical removal of the uterus and the surrounding structures like the cervix, ovaries, and fallopian tubes for medical reasons. It is a very common gynecological procedure offered at Max Hospital by Dr. Usha M Kumar, the Best Gynaecologist Laparoscopic surgeon in Delhi. The procedure has helped to treat and save the life of several patients. A lot of patients prefer to undergo hysterectomy surgery as the services offered here are at par with excellence.
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tritonhospitals · 4 years
Best Childrens Hospital in South Delhi
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Best Hospitals in South Delhi
Delhi being the capital of our country offers the best services than any other state or region of India. You could find several multi-speciality hospitals in Delhi. Also, you must have seen doctors from smaller states refer patients to bigger & best hospitals in South Delhi. Furthermore, there are numerous multi-speciality hospitals in Delhi/NCR that provide different speciality services over a different field of treatment methods, such as gynaecology, cardiology, or paediatrics. Here is a list of 10 best childrens hospital in South Delhi, which provides Paediatrics services.  
Triton Hospital
Triton Hospital is on the top of our list. It has been set up as a twin tower hospital including 8 floors over a carpet area of around 24,000 sq ft. The hospital has a broad range of room options available to purvey to all populations from the general ward to deluxe suites plus specialized labour and mother and infant suite. The hospital is a well-equipped building that houses a team of dedicated, hard-working, and highly qualified doctors. It has emerged from the heart of the cohesive group of renowned doctors working under Dr Anuj Gupta having a post MD experience of more than 11 years in the field of Paediatrics and Neonatal intensive care.
Indraprastha Apollo Hospitals
The Apollo Group is a prominent health-care group in India. It is the first corporate medical facility in India. The Delhi building is a 710 bedded unit. The patient sanctuary is their top priority and that makes it the best among its equivalents. The Apollo Centre for Advanced Pediatrics is the child-care or Paediatrics section of Apollo Hospital.
Max Superspecialty Hospital, Saket
Max Super Specialty hospital is one of the few reliable and highly esteemed hospitals in Delhi. They provide treatment options for every medical speciality under the same roof. The pediatric facility aims to become the best and preferred child care centre in the whole of Delhi.
Fortis Memorial Research Institute, Gurgaon
Fortis Memorial Research Institute is a spacious hospital located in Gurgaon. It is one of the most inquired after quaternary care centres known for its world-class treatment adroitness and modern infrastructure. The department of paediatrics is well equipped with state of the art technology to ensure the best quality of treatment.
BLK Super Specialty Hospital
BLK Super Specialty Hospital is among reputed health-care centres in New Delhi. It was set up by an experienced obstetrician and gynaecologist B.L.Kapur in January 1959. It ranks among few of the largest tertiary-care hospitals in the National Capital Region. The hospital provides multi-disciplinary treatments in Delhi. The pediatric department furnishes neonatal and adolescent medication besides child-care. Artemis Women & Child Center, Gurgaon
Artemis hospitals are known for their excellent services and talented surgeons ready for assisting their patients. The childcare unit has all the necessary medical and technological support to help the surgeons treat every type of medical emergency and child disorder. Columbia Asia, Gurgaon
Columbia Asia is a chain of healthcare providers having hospitals in multiple continents like Asia, Africa, etc. The facility at Gurgaon is a 90-bed unit. It has gained trustworthiness and trust among parents because of its dedicated medical workers serving the paediatrics department of the unit. Max Super Speciality, Patparganj
Max Super Specialty hospital is a 400 bedded multi-speciality medical facility located in Patparganj region of New Delhi. It is well known for modern infrastructural facilities and the highest quality of medical care provided to patients. A competent staff of medical and non-medical professionals strive hard to ensure the provision of best service to each patient. Moolchand Children hospitals, Lajpat Nagar
Moolchand Medcity is a health-care facility that is extremely trusted. Moolchand Children's Hospital is a unit that is patronised by multiple generations of families for their children's health issues. The experienced pediatric surgeons provide to the positive reputation the hospital has gained. Fortis Hospital, Noida
Fortis Hospital located in Noida, is an enterprise established by Fortis Healthcare Ltd. It is a multi-speciality hospital with state-of-art medical abilities. Its modern infrastructural facilities and patient-friendly staff, make the hospital one of the most sought after medical centres in Delhi NCR. Adiva Super Specialty Hospital
Adiva Hospital is one of the most notable hospitals located in Delhi NCR. It is well equipped with cutting edge medical facilities and latest amenities. The staff here is incredibly patient-friendly and doctors are distinguished specialists which make the hospital, one of the most preferred medical centres by patients from all over India as well as abroad. Max Super Speciality, Vaishali
Max Super Specialty is a super-speciality hospital located in Ghaziabad. The hospital founded by Max Healthcare group is equipped with the modern infrastructural facilities, the most advanced medical technology, and a team of highly competent staff. The hospital has earned global recognition by catering to patients from all over India as well as abroad. So, these are the 10 Best Childrens Hospital in South Delhi & also best for Paediatrics or child care. Although there are many other decent hospitals in the NCR, these are one of the best out of them. Additionally, if you are looking for a good hospital for your child, then you should choose from the above-mentioned hospitals.
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jigyasagovil-blog · 4 years
Gynaecological Laproscopic Surgery and Infertility. She is a Gynaecologist for a lifetime working closely with women of all ages from adolescence to post menopause. Her objective is to ‘help women live better’ through balanced, experienced emphatic and holistic approach in dealing with not just medical but even physiological, hormonal and psychological aspects of women’s health. When you visit her be assured of a personalized and compassionate care with concern. She is a Consultant Gynaecologist at Govil’s Clinic, Indirapuram and 78 Clinic Noida. She is a visiting consultant at Cloudline, Jaypee Hospital, Fortis, Max Hospital Vaishali and Shanti Gopal Hospital Indrapuram.
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sarkarimirror · 4 years
Government taking cancer care on mission mode, multiple schemes to help patients; says MoS Health at Cancer Summit 2020
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Cancer drugs at Jan Aushadhi stores Cost 50-80% less Than Market: Pharma Secretary ·         The high-level international summit hosted by premier health think-tank Integrated Health & Wellbeing (IHW) Council on the occasion of World Cancer Day ·         Health expenditure is one of the biggest causes of pushing families below poverty line and the middle-class is particularly vulnerable, Secretary, Department of Pharmaceutical, Dr. P. D. Vaghela. ·         Ashwini Kumar Choubey, Minister of State, Minister of State for Health and Family Welfare, emphasizes on the need to establish national cancer tissue banks to make treatment accessible to more people. ·         The summit was supported by Biocon Biologics and global cancer advocacy group Union for International Cancer Control (UICC) New Delhi, 05.02.2020: In a major gathering of health professionals on the World Cancer Day, Minister of State for Health and Family Welfare Shri Ashwini Kumar Choubey has announced that the Narendra Modi-led government has taken up the mission of curbing the dreaded disease from the roots on priority. He also stated that the government has also introduced many schemes and policies for the cancer patients as it has been observed that 50 percent of deaths happen due to the lack of treatment. Ashwini Kumar Choubey, who was addressing Cancer Summit 2020, an initiative of Integrated Health and Wellness Council, said that people should not be scared of the disease and rather should come out in the open as there are many policies in place to take care of their every need. “I am very happy and thankful to the IHW Council that they have taken up the initiative to make people aware about the disease that can take life if not checked on time. The government-funded schemes for cancer patients include Rashtriya Arogya Nidhi under the Ministry of Health & Family Welfare gives financial assistance as one-time grant up to INR 1, 00,000 for BPL patients for treatment at super specialty hospitals/Institutes or other Government hospitals. Another scheme under the Ministry of Health & Family Welfare is State Illness Assistance Fund (SIAF) in which, BPL patients get treatment for cancer or other life-threatening illnesses if they undergo treatment at the government hospitals for costs upto INR 1,50,000. We also need to establish cancer tissue banks to make treatment accessible to more people,” says Shri Ashwini Kumar Choubey, Hon’ble Minister of State, Minister of State for Health and Family Welfare.
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Hailing the government’s move to set up Jan Aushadhi stores and regulate drug prices through National Pharmaceutical Pricing Authority (NPPA), Dr. P D Vaghela, Secretary, Department of Pharmaceuticals, Ministry of Chemicals & Fertilizers, said it has made cancer drugs affordable to a large section of the affected people and may play an important role in addressing the cancer treatment needs of the Indian middle-class. “Health expenditure in India is INR 2500 per capita, 50 per cent of which is spent for medicine. Health expenditure is one of the biggest causes of pushing families below poverty line and the middle-class is particularly vulnerable. Therefore, we need to encourage the use of generic drugs. The Jan Aushadhi stores supplies 6000 types of generic drugs, including 38 types of anti-cancer drugs and at a price that is 50 to 80 per cent less than the market rate. However, it is only multispeciality hospitals were cancer treatment are carried out. We request such hospitals to open Jan Aushadhi stores at their facilities and urge the practitioners to prescribe generic drugs so that the middle class does not suffer due to cancer treatment expenditure. Generic medicines are as good as branded medicines; in fact, the sample success of generic medicines is higher than the branded ones,” says Dr. P D Vaghela, Secretary, Department of Pharmaceuticals, Ministry of Chemicals and Fertilizers at the first Cancer Summit here organised by the Integrated Health & Wellbeing (IHW) Council. Dispelling the idea that NPPA is a price control mechanism, Dr Vaghela said, “We do not want to control the price but we need to regulate profiteering. Through trade margin rationalisation approach, we have made 42 cancer drugs more affordable to patients – cancer drugs that were earlier sold for INR 10,000 and INR 25,400 are now available for INR 892 and INR 2,510, respectively. It has benefitted 1000 crore cancer patients in India.” The summit is powered by Biocon Biologics, a partner to Union for International Cancer Control (UICC), and Prevention and Public Health Fund (PPHF). Dr. Christiane Hamacher, CEO, Biocon Biologics, Dr. Anil D'Cruz, President-Elect, Union International for Cancer Control & Director, Oncology, Apollo Hospitals, and Dr. Bhawana Sirohi, Director - Medical Oncology, Max Institute of Cancer Care were present at the event along with Mr. Kamal Narayan, CEO, Integrated Health & Wellbeing (IHW) Council. “We want to fight the emperor of all maladies as we can today detect far more cases than before. Also people these days are aware of the cancer-causing physical and environmental factors they need to be cognizant of. I am a cancer survivor myself as I was diagnosed with the disease 8 years ago and was fortunate to have the support of loved ones as well as good health care. The disproportionate strain on family savings when cancer strikes and the dread of cost management is real as although we have many toolkits to diagnose cancer, we are yet to make a significant advance. Women are more prone to cancer as the camps to diagnose breast and cervical cancer are just not available. However, we cannot defeat it alone as we need strong alliance and we can see that Biocon's commitment for affordable cancer care resonates with WHO and Government of India. Every opportunity to look for precancerous lesions should not be missed if you are going for a regular check-up or the gynaecologist’s office as only the can we truly beat it,” says Dr. Christiane Hamacher, CEO, Biocon Biologics. According to the World Health Organization (WHO), one-third of deaths from cancer occur due to 5 leading behavioural and dietary risks. These are high body mass index (BMI), low fruit and vegetable intake, lack of physical activity, tobacco use, and alcohol use. “Cancer is a huge concern and a timely one as over 1300 people die of cancer every year. This causes massive distress on the economy as people who are still in their working years are unable to contribute positively. Today, most cancer deaths are not only caused by tobacco consumption and HPV but are a result of poor environmental and dietary choices. The government has helped people with cancer with Ayushman Bharat and other initiatives. In the recently concluded budget, the FM announced the initiative for TB free India with ‘TB Haarega Desh Jeetega’ message and I hope in the next budget, we have made enough progress to say ‘Cancer Haarega Desh Jeetega’,” saysMr. Kamal Narayan, CEO, Integrated Health & Wellbeing (IHW) Council. The five most frequent cancers in men and women in India are that of breast, cervix, oral cavity, lung and colorectal; together, they cause maximum number of deaths after cardiovascular diseases and are largely preventable. Other sessions at the event included panel discussions on government's perspective on addressing cancer, upgrading the healthcare ecosystem for early diagnosis and initiation of clinical care, accessing state of the art therapeutics at affordable prices, and leadership for an effective cancer response. About Integrated Health and Wellness Council IHW Council is a not-for-profit organization that works towards creating awareness and advocacy for a healthier world. The Council’s past initiatives such as India Health and Wellness Summit, CSR Health Impact Awards, Ayushman Bharat Conclave and CME Excellence Awards have been witnessing support and participation from India's political leadership, law makers, policy bigwigs, industry captains, civil society, and academia. Read the full article
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jigyasagovils-blog · 4 years
Dr. Jigyasa Govil's an experienced Senior Gynaecologist and Obstetrician with a keen interest in Gynaecological Laproscopic Surgery and Infertility. She is a Gynaecologist for a lifetime working closely with women of all ages from adolescence to post menopause. Her objective is to ‘help women live better’ through balanced, experienced emphatic and holistic approach in dealing with not just medical but even physiological, hormonal and psychological aspects of women’s health. When you visit her be assured of a personalized and compassionate care with concern. She is a Consultant Gynaecologist at Govil’s Clinic, Indirapuram and 78 Clinic Noida. She is a visiting consultant at Cloudline, Jaypee Hospital, Fortis, Max Hospital Vaishali and Shanti Gopal Hospital Indrapuram.
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credihealth · 7 years
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Dr. Manisha Ranjan is a Senior Consultant Obstetrician & Gynaecologist at Max Hospital in Noida and Nidan Mother and Child Care. With over 15 years of experience, Dr. Manisha has worked with many renowned Hospitals in her career. She has been excelling in her professional as well as student life by topping the RSBY project by INDIA and made a mark of delivering 5000 babies along with conducting 7000 major operations including Hysterectomy.
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anupsingh11-blog · 5 years
Gynaecologist In South Delhi | ElaWoman
Best gynecologists in South Delhi have information in gynecological processes and treatments. The gynecological services supplied through exceptional gynecologists in South Delhi consist of considerable fulfillment costs. Some of the satisfactory gynecologists are Dr. Sunita Gupta, Dr. Vaishali Sharma, Dr. Anju Ahuja, Dr. Anita K Sharma, and Dr. Juhee Jain.
List of Top 5 Gynecologists in South Delhi with Highest Success Rates:
Dr. Sunita Gupta
Dr. Vaishali Sharma
Dr. Anju Ahuja
Dr. Anita K Sharma
Dr. Juhee Jain
What to understand about laparoscopy for infertility
Laparoscopy is a surgical treatment that lets in a physician to peer inside the body. When the process is part of fertility checking out, the medical doctor is comparing the structures of the reproductive gadget, which includes the ovaries, fallopian tubes, and uterus.
Laparoscopy can assist a medical doctor diagnose many situations that have an effect on fertility, which includes:
blocked fallopian tubes
buildups of scar tissue
other abnormalities of the reproductive system
Laparoscopy also can assist whilst a woman has unexplained infertility. This is the diagnosis whilst results of other diagnostic tests were normal, but a female continues to be not able to conceive.
By taking a study the reproductive organs, the physician can be capable of become aware of situations which can be preventing idea and are in any other case undetectable.
A laparoscopy is a simple outpatient process. A person can go through it in:
a health facility
an ambulatory surgical center
in a few instances, a fertility medical doctor's workplace
A person will receive anesthesia earlier than the technique, so they'll no longer be unsleeping or able to feel ache. After giving them the anesthesia, a health care professional will:
insert a needle into the stomach
inject gas into the abdomen, to make it simpler to see the organs and structures
remove the needle and insert a small digital camera on an instrument known as a laparoscope through a tiny incision
make a second incision and insert a small tool known as a probe
With the digital camera, the health practitioner will look at the structures within the abdomen. They will use the probe to move or elevate organs out of the manner.
Depending on what the doctor sees, there can be other steps, including:
injecting dye through the fallopian tubes to see if they're open for sperm and eggs to travel through
attempting to open blocked fallopian tubes
putting off scar tissue or adhesions
correcting abnormalities
They may additionally make a 3rd incision within the stomach and insert contraptions to carry out these additional tactics. Finally, the health care professional will get rid of the gear and sew up the incisions.
A person will need to continue to be below observation for some hours to make sure that there aren't any headaches and that recuperation is going properly.
Anyone who has passed through a laparoscopy have to have a person else pressure them domestic. Also, a person needs to live with them for as much as 24 hours after surgery.
What to expect
Some pain and pain are commonplace after surgical procedure, although it ought to be minimal. A man or woman may additionally experience ache within the shoulders or abdomen because the injected fuel starts to dissipate. It can take some days to relieve all of the gasoline and discomfort. Walking round and drinking peppermint tea can help. The medical doctor need to offer discharge instructions with extra records about what to anticipate in the course of healing.
While uncommon, headaches can arise after surgery. Anyone experiencing any of the subsequent headaches have to touch the doctor proper away or head to the closest emergency room:
heavy vaginal bleeding
worsening or extreme ache
contamination of the incisions, which include redness, swelling, or discharge
being not able to use the toilet
Compared to other surgical procedures that may help a medical doctor diagnose the motive of infertility, a laparoscopy entails:
less invasive techniques
a lower risk of infection
smaller scars
the opportunity of correcting the problem throughout surgical procedure
a simpler recovery
Also, if a person gets treatment throughout the manner, the chances of conceiving may additionally growth right away.
As with any surgical procedure, it's miles essential to bear in mind the dangers.
Risks associated with laparoscopy include:
inner bleeding
harm to the inner organs
poor healing on the incision web sites
In the past, laparoscopy has become a standard diagnostic tool for ladies with unexplained infertility. The accelerated use of assisted reproductive technology, which includes in vitro fertilization (IVF), has led a few medical doctors to propose IVF right away, before laparoscopy.
However, a doctor may additionally still suggest laparoscopy if they trust that it could assist. A person has to talk the procedure, and whether the ability benefits outweigh the dangers, with their doctor.
Dr. Sunita Gupta
Dr. Sunita Gupta is recognized as one of the main practitioners in internal treatment in NCR, having 15 years of revel in in the back of her. She has worked with prestigious hospitals just like the Apollo health facility, Sitaram Bhartia Clinic, Max Devki Devi Heart & Vascular Institute, Saket, New Delhi and Fortis FLT. LT. Rajan Dhall Hospital, Vasant Kunj, New Delhi. Now she has started out & established a totally successful health center in Gurgaon for remaining five years and has a sturdy preserve on her profession. In addition to imparting awesome healthcare offerings, Dr. Sunita Gupta, compassionate inner treatment health practitioner, in reality listen to the patients' concerns and make an effort to offer explanations in phrases which are understandable. The patients are never rushed all through the go to and she is one of the best Gynaecologist in South Delhi.
Dr. Vaishali Sharma
Dr. Vaishali Sharma is a completely famous and particularly respected Gynecologist who's primarily based in New Delhi. With an enjoy of over 14 years in hand and numerous high-quality affected person reviews and ratings, she has been regarded as one of the maximum honest gynecologists whose treatment methods are rather advanced and up-to-date. She is an Associate of the Royal College of obstetricians & Gynecologist (RCOG), London and a LifeTime member of Federation of Obstetrics and Gynaecological Societies of India (FOGSI), International Society for Fertility Preservation (ISFP) and she is one of the best and high rated doctors. She has provided many research papers in both the international and country wide meetings. An especially successful infertility expert treating blocked tubes with both performing laparoscopic tuboplasty (correction of blocked tubes) or offering IVF, she has superior talent, comprehensive uptodate information and an illustrated instructional profession.
Dr. Anju Ahuja
Dr. Anju Ahuja is a Gynecologist and Obstetrician at Ahuja Clinic Saket, Delhi and has an experience of 31 years in those fields. She graduated (MBBS) from Govt. Medical College, Rohtak in 1983 and did her submit-graduation from the equal organization 1986. Further, she labored in Safdarjung Hospital, St's Stephen's Hospital, Kasturba Hospital that are the busiest hospitals of Delhi. She is a member of Federation of Obstetric and Gynaecological and she is one of the best and high rated doctor. Some of the offerings supplied through the doctor are Miscarriage, Cervical Cerclage, Pre-Marital Counseling, Intra Uterine Insemination - IUI and Pre and Post Delivery Care and so on and she is one of the best Gynaecologist in South Delhi.
Dr Anita K Sharma
Dr. Anita K Sharma is an across the world trained and a popular name inside the global of obstetrics and gynecology. She has over 30 years of medical understanding, research, and teaching. She is an excellent gynecologist to run a high-danger pregnancy health facility. Dr Anita K Sharma takes the unique interest in performing essential vaginal surgeries, laparoscopic surgical procedures along side managing gynecological cancers, infertility and different urinary problems with girls and she is one of the best Gynaecologist in South Delhi.
Dr. Juhee Jain
Dr. Juhee Jain is an experienced Gynecologist and Obstetrician, specializing in Complicated Pregnancies and Infertility. Her relentless willpower and commitment to the sector of Gynecology and Obstetrics have helped lots of women stay a higher and a more fit life with elevated possibilities of motherhood that every girls's desires off. She has her very own hospital at Mehrauli Clinic and Day Care Center, placed in South Delhi. She is likewise a consultant with a number of the pinnacle hospitals in Delhi consisting of Fortis Le Femme, Greater Kailash Part II, Fortis Vasant Kunj, Max high-quality distinctiveness health facility Saket, She completed her M.B.B.S. And MD in Obstetrics and Gynecology from K.G Medical College, Lucknow. Her regions of know-how lie in Infertility, A.R.T. (Assisted Reproductive Techniques) and High-Risk Obstetrics.
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Dr. Renu Mishra | Elawoman
Dr. Renu Mishra
nDr. Renu Mishra is one of the most respected and experienced infertility specialists and obstetricians in Gurgaon. She is an expert in High-Risk Pregnancy Care, Normal Vaginal Delivery (NVD) and Infertility Treatments like IVF and IUI treatments. Dr. Renu Misra graduated in 1981 and obtained her MS degree in Obstetrics and Gynaecology from M.L.B. Medical College, Jhansi in 1985. She is also a Fellow of Indian College of Maternal and Child Health and a Member of National Academy of Medical Sciences (India).
She has over 3 decades of experience and has treated thousands of patients in her career. Besides active involvement in patient care, Dr. Renu Misra has taught undergraduate and postgraduate students in India and abroad. Dr. Renu Mishra has delivered more than 200 lectures all over India in professional meetings. She also has a keen interest in public awareness and health education programs. She regularly invited for health talks on Doordarshan - Total health, Rotary club, Schools and Colleges, multinationals institutions. Dr. Renu Mishra is presently practicing as an infertility specialist at Miracles Hospital in Gurgaon.
Miracles Hospital ranks among the top infertility clinics in Gurgaon. This hospital is backed by highly-qualified doctors who are experts in the field of infertility. The services provided by the hospital include, In Vitro Fertilization (IVF), Embryo Freezing, Consultation on Irregular Periods and Semen Freezing. Apart from Dr. Renu Mishra, the hospital is also visited by the renowned gynecologist and obstetricians, Dr. Jyoti Sharma. The rooms are spacious, well-organized and offer a nourishing atmosphere. The center provides high standard treatments at an affordable price. The hospital also provides 24-hour service, online help, in house pharmacy and transportation services.
Best IVF Doctors in Gurgaon
Below are the Best IVF Doctors in Gurgaon with options to book your first appointment FREE. Check Reviews, IVF Success rates, Fees, Address, Contact Number for all treatments they offer. Find details to affordable test tube baby costs.
Dr. Anu Sidana
Dr Anu Sidana is a senior obstetrician and gynaecologist with more than 15 years experience in gynaecology. She is a visiting consultant at Apollo cradle, Max Hospital, Sheetla Hospital and Columbia Asia. She is  an expert in infertility treatment also any couples have been blessed with a baby with her advice and treatment. She is a wonderful General Physician also before doing her post graduation in gynaecology she worked in General Medicine Department as Resident doctor.
Dr. Anu Sidana is a well-known name in the field of Gynaecology and Obstetrics in old Gurgaon. fraternity and her patients. Dr. Anu Sidana gives individual attention to every patient. She has the special interest in handling routine and high-risk pregnancies, infertility management, adolescent gynecological disorders, menstrual dysfunctions, and cancer screening.
Dr. Neeru Thakral
Dr. Neeru Thakral is a renowned infertility specialist and surgeon in Gurgaon. She is specialized in Hysterectomy, High-Risk Pregnancy Care, Infertility Assessment, Laparoscopic surgery, IVF, IUI and Normal Vaginal Delivery (NVD). She earned her MBBS degree from SP Medical College in 1988 and DGO from the best Medical College in Rohtak. She further completed her DNB in Obstetrics and Gynecology from Sri Ganga Ram Hospital in 1996.
After achieving her academic qualifications, Dr. Thakral went through extensive training in Advance Infertility in Germany. She also did her Diploma in Advance Gynaec Endoscopy from Clermont, France. She has over a decade of experience in this field and has achieved great success in her career. Most of the patients in Delhi prefer to visit Dr. Varsha Jhunjhunwala for infertility treatments. She is practicing at Thakral International IVF Centre in Gurgaon.
Thakral International IVF Centres are one of the most successful centres situated in Shivaji Nagar, Gurgaon. It was established in the year 2000 and since then it has been helping patients conceive and give birth. It was established with the primary objective of providing advanced yet affordable IVF treatment to its patients. This hospital is well-equipped and has a professional Medical Staff to give the best treatment. 
The hospital is not just limited to In-Vitro Fertilization(IVF) and Intrauterine Insemination (IUI) but also provide Gyn Laparoscopy, High-Risk Pregnancy Care, Gynecological Endoscopy, Polycystic Ovarian Syndrome (PCOS) and thyroid disorder treatments. The rooms are also spacious and well-furnished for the comfort of patients. From years of experience, learning, and research, the hospital has developed very effective management strategies for diagnosis and treatment to various ailments.
They provide comprehensive and fruitful management of infertility along with 24-hour assistance and counseling services. Along with Dr. Neeru Thakral, Dr. Alka Goel is another renowned gynecologist who regularly visits the hospital.
Dr. Leena Yadav
Dr. Leena Yadav is a well-acclaimed infertility specialist with a rich experience in this field. She has completed her MBBS, MD in Obstetrics and Gynecology, Diploma in Gynecology and Obstetrics (DGO) and Fellowship in Infertility. She is an expert in Infertility Treatments, High-Risk Pregnancy Care and Normal Vaginal Delivery (NVD) procedures. Dr. Leena Yadav is working at Bourn Hall Clinic in Gurgaon. The contact details of Dr. Leena Yadav are available at elawoman.com.
Dr. Saguna Shukla
Dr. Saguna Shukla is a well-established Infertility Doctor and Obstetrician with significant years of experience. Her professional competence and high ethical standards have made her one of the most sought-after specialist in IVF and infertility treatments. She pursued her MBBS in 1998 and completed her masters in Obstetrics and Gynecology in 2003 from Himalayan Institute Hospital Trust. Dr. Saguna Shukla also did DGO from Dayanand Medical College and Hospital, Ludhiana. You can find the services provided by the doctor at elawoman.com.
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