#guess I'm hitting the road at the ass crack of dawn
vibinwiththefrogs · 9 months
Me: oh my friend is visiting from out of country, I'll just pop by to see them for New Years
Popping the address into the GPS: 4 hour drive
Me: o-oh...
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invisibleraven · 8 months
I want everyone to see that we belong together, sweet tarts
"Carrie! Time to get up lady!"
Reggie stirred from where he was curled around Carrie, then sat up quickly, almost jumping out of the bed, grabbing his things and diving into Carrie's large walk in closet just before Kayla walked in.
"Geez girl, you're still in bed?" Kayla asked as she pulled open the curtain, causing Carrie to groan and wince as the light assaulted her eyes.
"Kayla, too early," Carrie hissed.
"Hey, you're the one who told me to get you up at the ass crack of dawn so we could get your insane schedule done," Kayla said, hands on her hips, glaring at her.
"Remind me to put a hit out on past me for that," Carrie said as she slowly got up. "And not to let me schedule an early morning wake up call again."
"Duly noted, now up and at 'em!" Kayla said, clapping her hands. "Shower, dress, all that nonsense so we can get on the road for your eight AM appearance." She started to walk out and then turned around, pointing at her. "And no going back to sleep! If I don't hear the shower in ten minutes, I'm dragging you in there myself."
Carrie felt like she could breathe again once the door closed. "It's safe," she called out.
Reggie popped out, his tank and jeans already pulled on, flannel in his hands. "You gotta take the key from her, that was too close."
"She probably has a copy or five around," Carrie stated. She bit her bottom lip then, looking at him. "Would it have been so bad if she had caught us?"
Reggie looked at her then, his expression unreadable. "You're the one that wanted to keep us a secret doll."
"I know, I know," she said with a sigh. "It's just... I guess I wonder if my reasons are all that important anymore."
Reggie sat on the bed next to her, taking her hand. "Are you saying you're ready to start telling people about us?"
"Would you be okay with that?" she asked, giving him a small smile.
"I want everyone to see that we belong together doll, you know that," Reggie said. "Everyone would ask how a dolt like me got a bombshell like you on my arm, but to have you there to show off?"
"I'm not a piece of arm candy," she replied, smacking his arm playfully. "But... I do have a red carpet tomorrow, you wanna be my date?"
"It'd be my honour," Reggie stated, pulling her in for a chaste but loving kiss.
"I don't hear the shower, so I hope you're ready for me to drag you...oh," Kayla said as she came in. "Well then."
Carrie and Reggie exchanged glances, grinning at one another. "Guess the cat's out of the bag," Reggie said.
"I have a million questions and you," Kayla said, pointing at Carrie, "owe me a good gossip sesh, which we will be having in the car ride. So get in the shower. Alone."
"Yeah yeah," Carrie grumbled, getting up, but kissing Reggie as she went, whispering good luck.
Reggie was left alone with Kayla, and he was sure he gulped as she glared at him. "Um... I'm Reggie?"
"You're a complication," Kayla said. "a cute one to be sure. So you wanna give me your side of things over breakfast while I contemplate why my best friend and client decided to keep you a secret from me?"
"You say that like I have a choice," he said, getting up and following her to the kitchen.
Carrie emerged in the kitchen some time later, fearing for whatever is going on there, but she sees Reggie and Kayla sharing a laugh over coffee. "We all good?"
"He's gotten the Kayla Seal of Approval, but we're still having a talk on the way to your thing this morning," Kayla said. "Now, say goodbye, and let's get on the go."
Carrie grinned, looping her arms around Reggie's neck, kissing him goodbye, and he swayed her a bit before she took off, trusting that he would lock up before he started his day.
"Spill," Kayla stated as soon as the driver left the driveway.
Carrie sighed, but did, unable to wipe the smile off her face as she talked about Reggie. "Oh and he's my date tomorrow night."
"Of course he is," Kayla muttered, but then grinned. "Happy for you Care Bear."
Carrie pulled out her phone, seeing a kissy face emoji from Reggie, and beamed. "Yeah, me too."
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saiilorstars · 5 years
Right to Survive
Fandom: Batwoman Characters: Alice, Original Female Character Warnings: A few curse words and a bullet shot!
// Masterlist of my other stories //
A/N: I honestly have no idea where this came from but I just wanted someone to be on Alice's side, so...here we are! And let’s just say that the OC looks like Karen Gillan right now okay)
Summary: Rosalind "Dawne" Coleman was dying last time she remembered, but now she finds herself in the world of Batwoman where she now has to survive Alice's plans for Gotham City. 
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She was running for her life. That's usually how it went. She could hear the men screaming for her to stop. As if she would do them that favor.
She blew on the pieces of hair that kept falling over her face. Perhaps she could do with a haircut soon. Or maybe you could just stop stealing from people. She smirked. Another as if.
If she stopped stealing, then how would she eat? How would she survive? No, see, the world couldn't be that unfair with her. It was her right to survive.
So, she continued to run.
Her legs already knew the drill. She made a quick swerve into the next street, running past people on the sidewalk minding their businesses. She had no problem pushing her way through, ignoring the strangers' protests. Okay, maybe she laughed a little.
Laugh time was over, fast time was now!
Her breath was heavy but her endurance was great. She'd been doing this her entire 22 years, after all. Nothing could stop - THUD!
Her back had hit the ground too hard that she actually felt the reverberation from the blow. Wait, it wasn't the ground that made that noise in her ears. The ringing had to be from something else.
"Well, well, well," she heard a man's voice, although it sounded a bit distorted.
She tried getting up but there was a terrible pain in her chest. Her hand reached over her chest and felt a pool of liquid. She'd been shot. That was the ringing noise left in her ears.
"Well Rosalind," the man's voice was closer now. "I bet you're regretting taking the bosses' jewel, huh?"
Rosalind blinked rapidly in hopes of clearing up her vision a bit. Her lips curved into a crooked smile. "Rosalind Coleman never regrets. I'd steal that thing...all over again." She inhaled sharply but when she did she felt the pain of the bullet spreading throughout her body. "You know how much money people...are willing to pay for that...thing?"
The man bent down beside her, smiling too smugly for Rosalind to believe she'd make it out alive. "Then you should've been smarter in how you do business. I wouldn't have gotten caught." He carelessly threw her arms to her sides and opened up her jacket. His hand searched her inside pockets until he found what he was looking for. "And I won't," he smirked once he had the purple stone in his hand. "I can't believe you sold the jewel, dear Rose." He would be taking her money and she couldn't do a damn thing about it.
"Screw...you..." she managed to glare at him.
"Thank you," the man dramatically bowed and stuffed the stone into his pant's pocket. "I think I'll let you die slowly and alone for kicks. Make it look like the buying went wrong. Until next time - er, next life, I guess."
Rosalind couldn't see him leave anymore. Her vision was too blurry to make out anything by now. She could try to move but where exactly would she drag herself to? A hospital? As soon as she stepped foot in there - assuming she would even be able to stand - the cops would be on her ass. Her rap sheet was too big to ignore.
It was her right to survive but it seemed like her life was finally up.
As Rosalind felt her life slowly slip away, she could swear that she felt the ground shaking. She could think it was just her body perhaps convulsing but...she was pretty sure she was hearing the cement cracking too. She blinked fast again and for the few seconds that she could see, she saw a fiery orange wave coming from ahead. People were screaming and in panic, much too panicked to take notice of the dying woman on the ground.
Rosalind swallowed hard and tried to move, shift on one side, but she yelped in pain. "It's my right to survive!" she exclaimed, but her body gave out and she dropped on her back again.
It was too unfair to die like this. Things had never gone as planned for her, ever since she was a child - since she was born - so how could she be dying now?
Her eyes closed before she could come up with an answer.
The orange wave was coming for her, coming for everyone in its path. However, before it reached Rosalind something else gobbled her up. One of the cracks in the cement next to her had opened wider than the others on the ground. A bright white light struck up into the sky, expanding in that area until it reached Rosalind's body. Tendrils of white wrapped around her body until she was completely gone.
And then the orange wave took care of the rest of the world.
~ 0 ~
Rosalind felt cold prickling her face. Her face scrunched and before she knew it, her hands reached to her cheeks. Once she realized what she did, her eyes snapped open and she saw a dark sky.
"What...?" her hands went to her chest but she felt no blood, no pain. She raised her head the necessary to see with her eyes - because even her vision was clear now - and she was stunned to see nothing but her striped shirt without a bullet hole.
She'd been dying, she'd been really dying. She couldn't have made a mistake like that.
She sat upright and let her hands roam her body to make sure she was actually awake and not dreaming. One of her hands checked her jacket's inside pockets and to her dismay she found they were empty. Her stone was gone.
"You've got to be kidding me," she groaned. She pushed herself up and started looking around.
It was a regular street with regular people and regular cars and whatnot. Where was the mass panic she'd heard before...before she'd closed her eyes. Did I even die, then? Or is this what the afterlife is like? She walked a couple steps towards the road and couldn't see anything that looked familiar to her.
In her growing panic that she really was in the afterlife, her hand seized to grab the nearest stranger on the street. "What city is this!?"
The stranger, a woman with terrified blue eyes, pried Rosalind's hand off her arm. "G-Gotham City."
Rosalind's face scrunched in confusion. "Excuse me? Isn't that the place where Batman lives or something?"
The woman nodded her head shakily. "Yes. And Batwoman so don't try anything."
"The hell are you talking about?" Rosalind snapped. "It's a fictional city! You know, from the stupid comics?"
"I-I don't know what you're talking about but you need to leave me alone!" the woman made a hasty getaway.
"Hey lady! Come back! I'm not done asking questions!" Rosalind was left shouting in her spot. "Gotham City," she repeated, rolling her eyes. "Give me a break." Some people were just too into their comic books to know where reality began.
She turned in the opposite direction and began to walk.
So if she wasn't in her city, Los Angeles, where the hell was she? And how was she supposed to make sense out of the fact she'd been shot and close to dying? Or the fact her stone was gone from her pocket? None of it made sense.
Maybe I just hit my head hard or something, she reasoned for the tenth time in two blocks. Something happened but she couldn't figure out what.
'In the latest news, Batwoman just finished saving an entire family from a burning car crash...'
Rosalind stopped walking. Her eyes flickered in the direction the newscast was broadcasting from.
'The family is reported to have suffered only minor injuries. Had it not been for Batwoman's interference, those injuries could've been more, including death!'
Rosalind turned her entire body towards the street pole that had a screen broadcasting such news. She hurried up to it in time to see Batwoman herself in the act of saving the family. "What the...?" Rosalind's eyes were wide as could be.
Batwoman was real. She was actually fucking real.
"N-n-n-n-n-no, that's not possible," Rosalind shook her head, letting her ginger curls once again fall over her front shoulders. "This is...this is not possible." Last time she heard that woman was a character in a comic book and, lately, a series. "This is not real! You can't be real!" she yelled at the screen. "None of this-" she turned around, hands bunched in her hair, "-is real! You're all fake!"
"Well," went a female voice Rosalind didn't know, "You're right about that part. This city and its elite are all fake."
Rosalind met the woman's face and felt her blood run cold. Maybe it was a little bit real.
The woman was tall and had short, wavy blonde hair that almost seemed platinum. Her blue eyes were cold and intense, but her smile was delirious. Of course her odd choice of fashion could rival the delirious smile.
"But you-" the woman suddenly had a pocket knife pointed at Rosalind's face, almost touching her nose, "-aren't. In fact, Rosa, as far as I've heard...you're the go-to-girl when someone needs a jewel."
Rosalind's eyes seemed cross when she looked at the knife now poking her nose. "Um...who said that...?"
"I'd steal it myself but I have more pressing matters and even though I'm that good, I can't be in two places at once," the woman's delirious smile widened.
Rosalind's eyes finally met the woman's again. "You're not...you're not actually..." she swallowed hard, "Please, for the love of God, tell me you're not Alice?"
The woman stepped back and dramatically bowed with her knife in hand. "How do you do?"
Rosalind actually whimpered. Her head turned to the screen on the pole where they were still broadcasting Batwoman's save. It was real?
"I'm not...I'm not Rosa," she began to say. "I'm not...whoever you think I am. I'm just a very confused woman who has no idea how this all possible!"
Alice straightened up on her feet, eyes narrowing as she scrutinized Rosalind from head to toe. And suddenly, her hand struck across Rosalind's face, knocking the woman to the ground. Before Rosalind could even move, Alice had one of her combat boots over her chest and the knife brandished towards her. "If you're not Rosa then I guess there's no use for you...which means..." she wiggled one of her laced, finger-less gloved hands at Rosalind.
"W-w-w-w-w-wait!" Rosalind shouted just as Alice's hand swooped to stab her. "I'm not 'Rosa' but I am useful!"
She was choosing to pretend that this entire thing was real; that Gotham City was real, that Batwoman was real, that the crazy Alice was real too.
Alice didn't remove her boot from Rosalind's chest, nor the knife that was midway to Rosalind's face, but she tilted her head and waited for Rosalind to explain herself.
Rosalind swallowed hard again. She knew that this character - this person - was a force to be reckoned with. She was crazy and intelligent, a deadly combination. The good thing was that Rosalind herself had a bit of crazy in her and lots of smarts. She wasn't a stranger to the dark side.
"I-I know my way around thievery," Rosalind found her voice a few seconds later. "I've stolen things no one else can. I'm not...I'm not the person you were looking for."
"You look just like her," Alice's icy eyes looked Rosalind over two times before stopping at her eyes.
"But I'm not her, I swear," Rosalind raised her hands in defense. "I'm...someone else. Call me...call me...Dawne."
"Yeah, you know, like the sun's about to set and stuff...?" Rosalind never liked her first name, it sounded too soft for who she was. Her middle name was a lot better. Dawne. Mysterious and elegant. "I'm Dawne and whatever you need, I can get. Just don't kill me."
Alice licked her lips and looked to the side while she presumably thought about it. Rosalind's eyes were glued to the knife in Alice's hand that was twirling and twirling...deciding her fate.
It was her right to survive. She'd already survived whatever the hell happened to her earlier, she could survive this too.
After what seemed forever, Alice finally withdrew her boot from Rosalind's chest and put her knife away. "Alright, Dawne, let's get to business."
Dawne Coleman would rise and leave behind Rosalind if that meant surviving in this...new world she'd somehow gotten into.
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