#gucci creatures
bodyfrmabalcony · 1 year
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gucci garantine & kalvin brnine
i drew them completely separately (brnine post is here) and something about putting them in the same space is making me cry my eyes out. a perfect match <3
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fatedstrands · 1 year
The Drunken Beast
Continued from Here / @letsbreakhearts
He hadn't planned for there to be anyone there, thought he'd sniffed it out, but he noted the pungent scent of alcohol smothered the smell of the human. There was the smallest spark of recognition in his eyes though, eyes squinting behind purple glasses, like he was familiar with the other, but couldn't put his finger on it. The gun hadn't been shot and the other looked surprised, so he didn't feel too threatened. The alcohol bothered him, the fact it covered up the scent had a familiar teal colored hand pressed a finger into the barrel as he darted forward, stopping a few inches from the other to sniff. This close, it was easy to see the man from that day, hair sweapt back, blue eyes glowing with the same Plant lines the other had seen on the sand steamer. The same lines to his face were found, the beauty mark, everything about this man was the same, right down to the inverted colored cloak. And yet, everything was horribly different. His face had a few more eyes, thin, tiny tufts of feathers on hit throat in patches, tiny wings tucked into his nek, framing it. Not to mention the sharper teeth, clawed hand and the three pairs of wings on his back. He snuffled at the other, nose twitching as his head tilted, trying to figure out where he knew the human from, eyes squinting as he did.
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Happy birthday you delicious hunk of space man
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flynnyfan · 11 months
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A couple of Thomas Flynn's IG stories from last Tuesday.
At the Gucci Cosmos Exhibition that's in London until December 31st + with Maimuna Memon at Southwark Playhouse Borough where her show "Manic Street Creature" is on until November 11th - details here
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flanaganfilm · 1 year
Hi, I'm a big fan of your work. Sorry if this is a dumb question, why kill the kitties? I notice it a lot in horror in general, and it completely takes me out of the story and just makes me feel bad for the cat. I feel like I'm missing something.
Not a dumb question at all - and I knew I'd be getting some of this the moment we decided to include Poe's The Black Cat in TFOTHOU. The comments sections of the world are full of accusations that I hate cats and/or hands, and - well - neither is true. I've admittedly gotten a little flippant with my humor in the past when people have brought this up. My knee-jerk reaction is always to say something along the lines of "well, Websters defines 'horror' as..." But honestly, as far as I'm concerned, it's just not a thing.
A brief history of cats in my work:
HUSH - Maddie's beloved cat, "Bitch," escapes the danger of a home invader completely unharmed and is alive and well at the end of the movie. The last shot of the movie is Maddie lovingly petting the cat on the porch.
THE HAUNTING OF HILL HOUSE - Yes, a malnourished stray kitten dies within Hill House, only to be horrifically reanimated. This was done to show the horrors of Hill House, serve as a warning to the family, and foreshadow the deaths of several human beings (who would meet more horrible fates) later. Hill House is an evil place, and it killed and collected all sorts of living things... there are dead humans aplenty, and also phantom dogs, which Stephen and the kids hear several times and see in episode six. I'd argue that Hill House is an equal-opportunity horror show.
DOCTOR SLEEP - Azzie the cat is a great friend to Dan Torrance. Azzie also has a "shine" of her own, and can sense when patients at the hospice are going to die, and goes into their rooms to comfort them. Azzie is never once in any danger throughout the film and, we presume, lives a long and happy life.
MIDNIGHT MASS - All of the residents of Crockett Island, which include 157 people, a huge population of stray cats, and at least one particularly sweet dog, do not fare so well in this show. But nothing against the cats - everybody dies. The arrival of a certain evil creature marks doom for literally every living thing on the island (except for two people). And yep, it started with the cats, because they were plentiful and would not alert anyone to its presence. We see its lair full of dead rats, birds, and raccoons as well, all eaten while the creature was in hiding.
THE FALL OF THE HOUSE OF USHER - we adapted The Black Cat, written by Edgar Allan Poe. If you're familiar with the Poe story, you know that it involves the horrible death of a cat, which then seems to get revenge from beyond the grave. This is Edgar Allan Poe's story - we did not write it. HOWEVER, we decided to make a huge change to Poe's story. At the end of our retelling, we reveal that Pluto the cat is alive and well (and still wearing the Gucci collar), and that the supposed violence against the cat existed entirely in the person's mind. Pluto 2 - the terrifying, supernatural replacement that stalked Leo - is not real either. It is just Verna, taking another form (hence the injury to VERNA'S eye). So in this show, not a single animal is harmed AT ALL. We did that on purpose. We decided to change Poe's classic story so that the cat lived. We went out of our way to do that. I truly don't have anything against cats. I do tell horror stories... but that's about it! I hope it doesn't make it more difficult to enjoy the story, and thank you for watching.
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annievrse · 1 year
spider in the apartment
satoru x reader —ᡣ𐭩 blurb
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Walking into the living room, for most people, is a daily occurrence. What isn’t a daily occurrence, though, is the giant spider chilling on the living room wall above the TV.
You freeze in shock at the size of the creature before regaining your senses and shouting for Satoru. You shake your limbs in disgust, and when he doesn’t respond, you run to the bedroom. 
“What? What?” He asks, swinging the ensuite door open and throwing his dirty clothes into the basket like a basketball.
“There’s a spider,” You say, and he pales.
You point to the living room, and Satoru walks down the hallway and pokes his head around the corner to see. But, instead of being your knight in shining armour, he sprints back into the bedroom. “Fuck, no!”
“Satoru!” You whine, tugging his hand. 
“We can just stay here, and he can have the TV! We don’t need a TV, right?” Satoru laughs nervously, and you roll your eyes. 
“Just go,” You push him out the door, and he stumbles, throwing daggers at you over his shoulder. Reaching out, you grab his hand, squeezing when the spider comes into view again, a few centimetres higher on the wall than before. Once he realises how big it is, Satoru latches onto you, arms around your shoulders and right leg hitting your hip.
You both stare at the spider in fear and feel Satoru’s breath on your neck. “Please kill it.”
“I can’t,” Satoru separates himself from you and leans down, eyes still on the spider, snatching a stray shoe beside the couch. He then drops the shoe. “No, no, there’s no way.”
“Kill it!” You yell, your voice shrill.
“Hell no! You kill it!” Satoru screams. He climbs onto the kitchen counter and grabs your hand to hoist you up. “Get up here, baby! You’re too pretty and young to die, especially to a spider.”
Then, Satoru rummages around in his pocket for his phone, and when he pulls it out, his hands shake as he clicks on a contact; it's a little funny.
"Who are you calling?" You ask, keeping your eyes on the arachnid.
"Shoko," He mumbles, fumbling with the keyboard before bringing his phone to his ear.
"She won't answer you," You say, but Satoru is too occupied with his phone to notice the dig.
"Ugh," He groans after the call goes to voicemail.
"Told you," You whisper, suddenly fearing the spider can hear what you're saying.
So, he calls her again. And after calling Shoko 2 more times, he finally gets an answer. 
“Shoko! Thank God, can you come over and kill this spider?” Satoru pleads. “—Yeah, well, I’m the strongest among sorcerers, not spiders!” 
You shake his arm when you see the spider's legs moving. But because Satoru is laser-focused on the spider, his sunglasses begin slipping off his nose, and you reach to push them up onto his hair so he doesn't break the Gucci's (a tragedy waiting to happen).
"Thank you," He mutters. "Hurry! Please!" Satoru then yells into the phone. "Shoko! I'll do anything."
And when Shoko sighs ‘fine’ after a few minutes of negotiating — an all-expenses paid dinner at Sushi Yoshitake to get the spider out — you're relieved. “You guys are such pussies.”
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verysium · 11 months
ACT 1, SCENE 4: blue lock headcanons
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shidou would view traditionally ugly creatures as strangely cute. it's not a disgusting cockroach, it's a silly little bug with eyelashes as long as his. no, he's not going to let go of that scraggly one-eyed cat that likely has rabies. it looks too sweet to be abandoned on the streets. his dream childhood pet was definitely a piranha.
aiku wears band t-shirts without knowing the actual music group. no, he does not listen to sex and the pistols, he just thought the design looked very cool. would also wear lana del rey merchandise just to impress the ladies. the only song he realistically knows is west coast, and even then he's only heard it at a random sushi restaurant.
reo would have stereotypical rich people problems. he can't decide if he should bring his chauffeur and valet or actually drive the car himself for your upcoming date. also spends at least one hour seriously pondering over which gucci silk pattern tie looks better on him. trick question, they're both the exact same shade.
shidou steals your covergirl perfect point eyeliner because he thinks it looks way better on him. also a big fan of body glitter and super vulgar eyeshadow palette names. his favorite hue so far is that one hot pink fuchsia that literally burns your eyes with its brightness. nothing is too neon with this man.
ness is the epitome of the sunshine-turned-unhinged-maniacal-killer trope. he would be the bestest boy, but if someone even lays a single hand on you, he’s already plotting their murder. eerily good at hiding bodies but would never divulge his secrets in fear of scaring you off.
shidou would walk unashamedly to the women’s clothing section of the general department store. would never be embarrassed by the bra sizes. you have a double D? he’s already trying three of the cup sizes on just to see if he can get you a comfortable one. if you’re part of the itty bitty titty committee, he wouldn’t judge either. this man loves femininity in all its full glory.
aryu exclusively uses dior beauty. he would rather die than use a generic drugstore makeup brand. sometimes you wonder if he's secretly a dermatologist because this man knows the exact shade, tint, and quality of product for every possible skin tone and type. also very passionate about the controversies behind animal testing and parabens. would be exceedingly picky when it comes to anything he smears on his face (think jeffree star but without the problematic issues.)
sae has his phone screen set to default wallpaper. he only has the translator app downloaded, and that's about it. his personal trainer takes care of all the rest of his stats. after he started dating you though, he kept pictures of you in his private photo albums.
noa cannot tell a white lie to save his life. if he doesn't know something, he will not know something. he doesn't see the point in hiding that. sometimes has trouble reading the room, so you need to remind him that brutal honesty and pure rationality aren't always the way to go. he does become more conscientious after that.
bachira used to draw crayon portraits of all the imaginary monsters he saw at night. scared the shit out of his parents because they thought he was hallucinating (he actually was.) nowadays, he's a lot tamer because you force him to take his meds.
isagi is, in fact, the number one mind reader and manipulator throughout the entire series. this man is clairvoyant, psychic, and telepathic all packaged into one. sometimes his right ear twitches, and he just knows someone is talking about him behind his back. unfortunately, all of this occurs in his head, so no one on the outside world actually knows about his sixth sense.
rin was absolutely bombarded with valentine's chocolates last year, but when he sorted through the entire pile and realized you hadn't given him one, he returned them all to their respective senders. will refuse any form of sweets unless it came directly from you. you need to be there physically to hand him the box.
kaiser writes, thinks, and speaks entirely in german even if no one else can understand him. he secretly can speak english but chooses not to because he absolutely hates anglicization. refuses to compromise his own language and culture just to fit in with the rest of the world. it's degrading. if he had it his way, german would be the new lingua franca. definitely thinks translation is for dummies. what do you mean you're not already bilingual? you better run, not walk, to that little green owl app. does use his foreign accent to make you feel flustered though. has a voice kink but in a non-traditional sort of way. you have to be the one turned on by his voice. only then will he start feeling it.
yukimiya loves it when you lose your shit. one time a jerk cut you off in traffic, and you started aggressively cursing. he fell in love with you right there on the spot. it was something about the fire in your eyes and the way you refused to take any attitude from the other party. that self-assertiveness you exhibit is so empowering.
aiku takes you out to karaoke bars just to hear you sing. you look so pretty under the purple disco lights, belting your little heart out to the rock lyrics. sometimes he has to take a minute to just appreciate how lucky he is to have you.
nagi didn't know that you have to actively check and update your email inbox. he had no clue school even started until one day the principal called his parents over his thirteen student absences. he thinks it's a headache to even get out of bed and put his fingers on his laptop keyboard. since when was the distance between his arrow cursor and the search bar that wide? it looks too long for him to reach. maybe he should just do this tomorrow.
reo does not know what saving money is. the first time you asked him for a promo code, he looked at you as if you had just spouted a strange language. when you showed him your little wallet full of cut-out coupons, he literally had to hold them up to the light and closely inspect them. it was definitely a moment of enlightenment.
sae likes anklets, especially the super thin gold chain ones. something about the way it brushes against his bare leg when you sleep beside him drives him out of his mind. he's also a sucker for subtle jewelry as evidenced by his necklace and wrist bands.
otoya practically lives for instant gratification. he would be guilty of love bombing. loses interest quickly, but sometimes wishes he could actually commit for once. football is important to him because it is one of the only activities he has consistently practiced for over a decade.
karasu is down bad for anyone who can actually outsmart him. you got a higher mark than him on the recent exam? damn, his heart just beat a little faster. spaces out in a love-filled haze whenever you ramble on about your nerdy little subject interests. he is a sapiophile through and through. intelligence just does it for him.
loki is the type of person who absolutely demolishes your self-esteem, and yet you still cannot bring yourself to hate him. when people say god has his favorites, they mean this man right here. he would be an innately talented genius while simultaneously being the most humble human being in existence. at this point, it's not his problem. it's a you problem. try harder next time.
chris is very similar to a neurosurgery resident. he has the largest self-entitled ego in existence. not a single day goes by when he doesn't remind you that he is, in fact, one of the highest ranking football players in the world. you can't say anything about it though because he has rightfully earned his arrogance. i mean, what are you going to use against him? his grueling hours of blood, sweat, and tears? this man works harder than the devil himself. in fact, he is the devil.
rin is the type to get emotionally attached to the most ordinary objects ever. he collects batteries and keeps a separate drawer as a graveyard for them once they die. the triple A ones get a special funeral since they're so hard to find. he just can't bring himself to let go of objects that no longer serve a purpose (just like his relationship with sae, sorry not sorry.)
hiori cannot go to bed unless it is absolutely dark. the curtains have to be closed. the door has to be locked. everything has to be drowned in pitch black. the reason he does this is because he still has flashbacks from that tiny strip of light underneath his bedroom door. his parents would argue all night when they thought he had gone to sleep. it still haunts him to this very day.
nagi wishes he could be a cat. sleeping all day and sunbathing on the rooftop seem like great ways to spend his life. unfortunately for him, he is not a cat. when he dies though, he wants to be reincarnated as one. either that, or a rock.
rin snores like a whole power drill at night. sae secretly hates his brother for that but can’t bring himself to wake him. whenever the itoshi family goes on vacation, ear plugs are not an option but a necessity.
chigiri knows ventriloquism. he used to play with his sister's dolls and make up character voices for each of them. definitely uses it as a party trick or as a way to make you laugh when you've had a bad day.
sae always keeps his feelings to himself. sometimes he finds it easier to rant to you than others, but then he almost always ends up retracting back into himself after realizing just how much he's revealed. he hates being emotionally slutty.
ness is the big scary dog in his relationship with kaiser, not the other way around. everyone thinks kaiser is the intimidating one, but ness wears a leash for a reason. one of them is the chihuahua, and the other one is a rottweiler. you can already guess who is who.
reo was having a mental breakdown in his limousine one time, but he ran out of his usual luxury aloe vera lotion tissues. instead of buying more, he took out his cheque-book and ripped out the pages to dry his tears. money is just paper to him. it can be recycled (no, it can't.)
loki is the type to show you a sweet and heartwarming smile before pulling out the most atrocious uno card combination in existence. i'm talking reverse, wild card, skip, draw 2. you sat there for twenty-five minutes trying desperately to draw a green. by the time you were done, he only had one card left. (screw you, loki.)
niko draws his own manga whenever he doesn't like how the official plot ends. if the canon ever diverges from the way he imagined it in his own head, he will draft his own fan fiction instead. one time, he rewrote an entire shonen jump series just to bring his favorite character back to life (*cough cough* said character wears a blindfold.)
karasu is definitely the "um, actually..." type of student. he will always have a rebuttal on hand. the truth is never black-and-white with this man, and he will argue both sides if it furthers his own agenda. he reads the encyclopedia front and back every night just so he can pull out a random arbitrary fact to win an argument some time in the near future.
shidou had a bad habit of chewing pens as a child until one day it finally exploded in his mouth. from then on, he vowed only to chew glittery gel pens. that way when it exploded in his mouth, his tongue would be stained a bright, shimmery purple. if you ever got him a scented gel pen pack, his life would finally be complete.
rin cannot differentiate between colors. if you asked him to find the difference between bubblegum pink and cotton candy pink, he would not know. to him, seven colors is already a lot to memorize. when he was a child, he only drew pictures with a single color because it was less of a hassle that way.
otoya used to think lime green was the most aesthetically pleasing color in existence. almost considered dying his hair that shade until karasu told him that girls don't actually like guys who look like neon highlighters. still wishes he did it though. he wants to glow in the dark.
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© verysium 2023 / please do not translate, repost, or plagiarize any of my works
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toomuchracket · 3 months
late night talking (sweetheart!george x reader smut)
calling it smut is lowkey misleading, but it's definitely extremely very sexy. day 7 of summer75, set in the weird tentative dating era after you and george reunite. enjoy <3
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you're in bed when your phone buzzes beside you, cocooned in blankets while watching a third consecutive episode of drag race; when you see the caller ID, you extract your arms as fast as you can, one hand scrambling to mute snatch game while you answer the call with the other, smile surely audible. “hi, george.”
“hi, angel,” comes the reply, the always-devastating combo of gravel voice and pet name awakening the butterflies in your stomach. fuck, you've missed him. “how was work?”
“was okay. busy.”
“you're settling in alright, though, yeah? nobody giving you grief?”
“yeah, everyone’s nice. how was your day?”
“busy, too. really busy, actually,” george sighs. “still found time to miss you, though.”
you smile. “i missed you too, babe.”
“missed you calling me that and all,” he giggles after he speaks, the same stupidly high laugh that's always made your heart feel funny. “sorry for how uncool i'm being, by the way. i know we said we'd be cool about everything, about us, but…”
“s'alright. i get it,” you reply, not unkindly, because you do get it, you understand completely. choosing not to rush back into a relationship seemed like the sensible thing for you and george to do after four years and a few countries apart, but it's proving to be much more difficult in practice; he is your first (and honestly only) love, after all, and you never could resist that voice. or those eyes. or those lips, actually - the first time you kissed him again recently (just a normal smooch, mind you), you almost swooned. like, actually swooned, proper virgin behaviour. “feel like a teenager all over again with you, to be honest.”
“so do i, baby - can i call you that, or-?”
jesus. you hope you don't sound too breathlessly desperate. “of course.”
“thanks, baby,” the grin on george's face is obvious, and yours widens even more as you wriggle further out of your blanket cocoon and roll onto your stomach. “but yeah, i genuinely do feel like i'm seventeen again…”
“good film, that.”
“knew that was coming as soon as i said it,” he sighs down the phone, before joining in with your giggling. “genuinely, though, angel - feel like it's still 2007, because all i can think about is kissing you. m'serious. can't get anything done.”
you kick your legs back and forth, overjoyed to hear him admit he feels the same as you. still, you don't miss the opportunity to take the piss out of him. “jesus, it's the new gucci perfume fiasco all over again.”
“christ, don't remind me of that,” george groans, voice slightly muffled by what you know is him facepalming, dragging his hand down his face slowly; he's a creature of habit, your… well, your george. “thought i’d died and gone to heaven when i got a whiff of it the day we ran into each other in the shop, when we first saw each other again.”
“shut up.”
“m'not kidding, baby. driven me mental since day one, that perfume.”
you rest your head on your folded arms, wistful. “i remember. you walking into the art classroom door because you were that distracted trying to lean over and smell me? how could i forget?”
“yeah, well, it had its benefits too, that day,” george retorts. “if i recall correctly, it motivated me to get all my homework done quickly so i could kiss you, no?”
“that's true,” you allow yourself to briefly get lost in the memory, so strong you swear you can feel the shitty bic pen in your hand now. the flashback progresses to a scene you almost wore out repeating at the time, the workbooks and pencilcases shoved off the bed, and school uniforms following as you and george took advantage of having his house to yourself that monday afternoon. despite not having even discussed doing that with george in the modern version of your relationship yet, the mention of that after-school activity leaves your lips before you realise. “and if i recall correctly, we did a lot more than kiss that night.”
there's silence from the other end of the phone line. a very particular, pregnant type of silence, one that you intuitively know will end with something pivotal to you and george's relationship; despite this make or break moment, you keep quiet, not wanting to make it worse by fumbling an apology or explanation, even though you've got a growing sense of creeping dread that you might've just fucked the whole dynamic up beyond repair already.
and then he speaks, and you can exhale again. “i think about that a lot, you know.”
the atmosphere shifts again - it's still one of anticipation, but of the more… sensual variety, you'd say. heart pounding against your sternum, you wriggle out of the blankets completely, clicking the tv off so you can give george your complete, undivided attention. “yeah?”
“yeah. that night, and my eighteenth, and your eighteenth. prom, and all our holidays, and christening your uni flat,” george hums, giggling after he's done listing. “just any time we fucked, really.”
“you miss it?”
he sighs. “a lot.”
“so do i,” you say softly. “i really miss… no,” you close your mouth, shaking your head. “i can't say it. not yet. s'inappropriate.”
“baby,” there's a hint of forcefulness in george's voice, and it goes straight to your already-slick core. “tell me, please. wanna hear you.”
fuck. you really have missed him.
you sigh. “you're sure you wanna do this?”
“angel, i've never been more sure of anything,” george replies, and you know he means it. “talk to me.”
“alright,” you can't help smiling, both at george and the memory. “was gonna say that i really miss the way you would hold me after we both came, you know? you'd just wrap your whole body around me and kiss my neck, and i'd just feel, y'know, so safe, and happy,” you pause, then grin. “i mean, i miss the actual sex too, of course, but…”
he laughs, and your heart flutters. “i miss that too, the post-shag hugging. you're cute, y'know, baby - thought you were about to say something filthy, honestly.”
you twirl a strand of hair around your finger, flirty. “well, if you want me to be dirty, g, i can. can be whatever you want me to be.”
george groans. “don't fuck me about, angel.”
“m'not!” you decide to be proper serious for a second. “i just want to make you feel good, george. i miss doing that. i miss you,” you bite your lip, releasing it slowly in a poor imitation of the man at the other end of the phone line. “and i want you. i really, really want you.”
another brief silence, then he replies. “how do you want me?”
you smirk. “you tell me. like i said, sweetheart, whatever - and however - you want me to be… i'll do it.”
“well, in that case,” god, his voice. “i want you to come over. right now. how does that sound?”
“perfect,” you aren't lying. “is there anything else you want me to do?”
“be my girlfriend again, but we can discuss that when you get here, yeah?”
you beam, kicking your legs excitedly. finally. “yeah. alright,” you roll out of bed and make a beeline for your lingerie collection. “i'll be over as soon as i get changed, babe.”
“please be quick,” george sighs. “oh, a final thing, baby?”
the smirk on his face is crystal clear. “bring a vibrator.”
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justarandombrit · 4 months
Okay well as you may know from looking at my blog for five seconds, I saw the matinee for Starkid Innit. During the interval and after the show I wrote down some notes. I tried to get them in chronological order but my memory is dogshit and I definitely missed some stuff, I hope you appreciate it though.
. IT WAS SO GOOD (except for the high note lmao)
Act 1:
. The Nightmare Time sting punched me in the face
. The shout-out to the confused parents
. High School Is Killing Me, Literal Monster and Nerdy Prudes Must Die all got mashed together!
. Corey!Richie is my Roman Empire
. Jaime in NPMD….
. Jaime had a different line to PJ’s original in Literal Monster. I couldn't hear half of it but it was different
. Jaime singing Sami/Harry ABOUT HER DOG (Nori)
. The audience whipping out the phone cameras
. Joey finally giving the white, male side characters attention
. Joey changing “I know I'm not a star” to “I know I'm not Clark”
. He pointed the mic at the audience for the “DEFINITELY NOT!”
. Joey mistimed his jump 😔😔
. Genuinely his best performance of Sidekick yet
. Joey making fun of Brian for not getting a big solo
. Brian kept pretending to beat him up, it was brilliant
. Not Over Yet is definitely Brian's song, shut up
. Brian accidentally singing the same verse twice (How does he always mess this song up?!?!?)
. My mum took a photo during the “EVIL PLAAAAANSSSS” bit and it was right when Brian was choking Joey
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. “So look alive and don't forget”
. Rogues Are We still goes so hard
. Rogues Medley without Kick It Up A Notch is weird, but Kick It Up A Notch without Dylan would definitely be weirder
. Ice cream :D
Act 2:
. Starting with We Got Work To Do is so iconic
. Joey shouted “Draco, get on the floor!” at Lauren
. I love how it was hyped up like it was going to be Boy Toy, and then just straight up wasn't lmaooo
. Brian finally got the slow, sexy Hideous Creatures (Take that, Nick Lang!)
. Okay I'm trying to remember the order of the underrated songs they did
. Hideous Creatures (Lauren)
. Pays To Be an Animal (Corey) (He didn't sit in the spotlight and someone yelled “TO THE LEFT, COREY”)
. Get In My Mouth (Jeff) (He fully sprawled out on the stage it was hilarious)
. Land of the Dicks (Jaime)
. Hermione Can't Draw (Meredith) (She sung it so well I briefly didn't recognise the song)
. I genuinely cannot remember what Brian sung
. Gotta Find His Dick (Joey, and eventually everyone)
. The entire “Oh you wanna know where I got my shirt?” bit
. Brian, Jaime and Joey got it from Primark, Meredith got it from “Primed-mrak”, Lauren’s was a family heirloom, Corey got it from Gucci and Jeff got it from America, from Pri-mart (He made the guy on the drums do a baddum tsh)
. COREY SINGING SHOW STOPPIN' NUMBER. OH MY GOD. (The entire crowd joined in, also, Jeff and Jaime as Steve and Stu)
. Everyone cheering so loud when Joey and Lauren came on stage, and them claiming we had no idea what they were going to sing, and it was actually a completely new song (it was Granger Danger obviously)
. And them continuing to claim it was new throughout the song
. As I expected, I almost cried during Not Alone. Also apparently Darren thought it was going to be a big hit??? And just begrudgingly let them use it for A Very Potter Musical
. Super Friends!
. So sad Jeff’s mic was so quiet for “I WANNA BE A MODERN DANCER”
. The fakeout of everyone leaving stage, then the band coming back on and playing the start of Goin' Back To Hogwarts
. “Darren's not here”
. JEFF DID DYLAN'S PART (but he didn't do “All of you to [city name] :( )
. Jeff pointed at various parts of the audience for “Welcome hotties, nerds and tools!” and then whispered “I'm so sorry” immediately after
. Singing (/ shouting) Goin' Back To Hogwarts along with hundreds of other Starkid fans was so exhilarating, I loved it and I almost cried (also I'm gonna be so hoarse tomorrow)
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wrathofrats · 5 months
idk why but I thought you may like the idea of Aurora, when she's new to performing publicly, fears that the fans may see her as "the innocent one" or something similar due to her being Very Obviously Smol in comparison to the other ghouls, ghoulettes, and of course, Papa. Being, y'know, a demon, she instead decides she wants to be the raunchiest one on stage...
So she decides to try and sneak a flash of some kind to the crowd during a ritual and it may go a bit further than she intends :]
I hope this is ok!! I modified the request a bit bc I was having thoughts and ideas. It’s maybe a bit misogynistic, dew and Swiss really teasing Aurora over the whole innocent thing. But I am a gay woman so I’m allowed to perpetuate sexist stereotypes and if you disagree you’re also sexist. (THIS IS A JOKE) but know the banter is in good fun, they’re obv all some kind of poly bonded pack thing so auroras gucci.
Or aurora decides to throw her panties into the crowd, and things don’t exactly go her way (based on that panties on dews guitar gif you know the one)
“I’m not doing this with you right now dew” Aurora grumbles, batting his hands off of her.
Dew looks too smug. Like hes won some secret game that Aurora doesn’t know about. A mischievous glint in his eye that makes Aurora want to kick him in the balls to hopefully neuter his perpetual horniness.
It’s their own little tradition at this point in the tour. Swiss and dew and whoever else was bored would come hang out in the ghoulettes dressing room while they pinned their hair to fit neatly under their helmets and to apply the black face paint. Dew usually showed up to steal cumulus’ never ending supply of bobby pins, and swiss was there to help with smearing the paint onto everyone.
“Iighten up your highness” dew laughs, backing away from her with his hands up as if he didn’t just wrap them around her body to grab at her waist. “You’re not this prudish when you come knocking at my hotel door”
“I’m not a prude,” Aurora grumbles. Swiss and dew giggle to themselves as Aurora swipes her hands at them to make them back up from where she’s placed herself on the counter. She can feel cirrus’ glare through the mirror, directed at the two idiots that are currently still laughing among themselves.
“You’re telling me you’re not ms ‘don’t mention sex around the other ghouls! They can’t know I’ve fucked you!’” Swiss teases, his voice pitching to mock auroras. “Come on princess, I don’t know why you demand to be seen as so innocent.”
Aurora wants to scream at them to leave their dressing room already. Dew and Swiss can tend to be idiots while they’re separated, but together? Aurora isn’t sure how they manage to lose brain cells when they combine.
“I just didn’t want anyone knowing I’ve fucked you, I don’t care about anyone else”
She’s not innocent like Swiss says, is she? Sure she’s smaller, tends to be more reserved in that regard, but Aurora thinks it’s unfair to call her innocent of all terms. She could be worse sure, not tending to go as far as humping the stage or groping her bandmates like dumb and dumber, but she likes her little act. She likes her swishy cape and little dances with her tambourine, and how she twirls and -
God maybe she is a princess.
The boys continue to laugh, mostly shoving each other around at this point. Aurora can hear cirrus yell at Swiss to shut up and help her with her paint, even now lost in her own thoughts. Ideas come and go, staring at her lap and swinging her legs. She’s not innocent. She’s just as bad as the rest of them and they all know that. The fans know that too, right? She’s a demon, a fucking creature from hell.
She’s not innocent.
She hops off her perch to shove her way past dew and into the bathroom to pull her uniform bottoms off. Her idea is probably stupid, will probably get her reprimanded and placed on whatever terrible chore imperator comes up with when they get back. But the reactions from the other ghouls, especially Swiss and dew, will make it worth it.
Aurora quickly takes off her panties and pulls her uniform back up, cringing at the feeling of the rough fabric against her. It’s not exactly uncomfortable, but the weird insecurity of not wearing underwear makes every sensation feel tenfold.
A 5 minute call sounds through the rooms. She grabs her underwear and hastily puts them in her pocket before running out to get in her position.
Her movements are meant to tease. Hands running over her body, jutting her hips behind her hoping Swiss will look back at her. She wants him to come on her platform, wants him to take her on the innocent act she’s been offering. She wants him to smell her through her uniform.
It’s just an extra personal part in her plan. She tries not to bounce giddily as he does notice and run behind the different set pieces to come walk up into her space. He can feel his breath on her neck as he approaches her, his all too wide smile trying to intimidate her, mock her after their conversation earlier.
Auroras lucky Swiss is good at improv, and an even better performer. Barely reacts as she shoves him to his knees. Even grabs her thighs and mock drags his tongue along her legs. Hes fucking obscene, she should’ve known the reaction she would get like this.
The real reward is the way she can see Swiss’ mouth twitch as he shoves his face right next to her cunt. He can smell her, would nose against the outline if they weren’t still performing in front of thousands of people, honestly she’s sure he’s forgotten considering the way his face turns into a snarl. Aurora is positive she will pay for this later, but for now? She couldn’t be happier.
The second phase of her plan comes once Swiss leaves. She eyes the audience carefully, eyes her bandmates to wait for the perfect opportunity. Dew turns to mess with rain, while phantom moves to mess with the audience on his side of the stage. All the ghouls are occupied, not paying attention.
Aurora pulls her panties out of her pocket, balling them in her fist so they can’t be seen through her hand. Hastily she throws them towards the crowd, praying they make it to their destination.
Whatever she prayed to however, is not listening.
They land directly next to dewdrop, right by his feet as he steps back onto them. He pulls his foot up, eyeing the black fabric in confusion. She watches in horror as he swings them around his finger, looking back at her as if he knows they’re hers,
Before hanging them on the head of his guitar. Displaying them for the whole crowd.
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meowmeowmeowmeow4x · 5 months
Dark Blue Moon and the Suffering Sun Chapter 21
MASTAPOST credit to @adonneniel, @brekitten and @bucketorandomness for all their help brianstorming. The scene with bruce has been a long time coming!
Walter Wekapipo puffed his second cigar of the day. Puff. Puff. Smoke filled his lungs, taking the edge off. Just another cold, damp day on a cold whaling boat in the middle of nowhere.
The captain shouted his orders. Walter got to it. He trawled to the back and grabbed some rope. He heaved. He hauled. The whale they got was a small one. Probably a baby. Should leave it alone. Let it grow big, but captain’s orders.
See, Walter saw himself as a morally complex man. You, dear readers, may consider him with disdain, He is a whaler! You may say. They are endangered species, you continue. And these are very valid points, for which this narrative will not only not judge you but appraise you for.
And Walter considered these points too. Sure they were pretty creatures, but they could always make more. People have been huntin’ whales for centuries. Millennia even. How could you blame him for needing to make a livin’?
No, who you should blame, Walter thought, was the rich pricks out on the East Coast. The assholes who run around in Armani and Gucci and drive fancy cars and do big speeches about the environment and then sneak off to Japan to try whale meat and raw horse. Bleugh.
What he could do with that kinda money…
But he didn’t have that kind of money, and you know? Mama always told him he needed to be happy first with what he got. So Walter picked up his harpoon gun, and dragged his feet to the side of the boat. A whale surfaced. There she was. Huge, meaty, tonnes of oil. Crying out like a bitch too. He remembered his mama crying out like a bitch every single day, till they institutionalised her. Poor mama.
Maybe in a better life, he wouldn’t be out here killing whales illegally. Walter didn’t really have the heart to fire the thing. Not really. But captain’s orders. And it was this or the streets.
Walter flicked his cigarette into the water. Time to get over with it. The captain yelled at him again. He knew he wasn’t getting’ fired. Boat was barely staffed as it was. Walter picked up his harpoon and took aim. So sorry, whaley-girl.
Something wet smacked into his cheek. Then it slid down his face, and dropped onto the floor. What in the world-?
Water slowly lowered his head. His half-smoked cigarette lay there innocently, chock fulla water.
Then came the most hideous, horrifyin’ screechin’ Walter had ever heard in his life.
May God have mercy on his tainted, tainted soul.
Damian opened his gills pre-emptively. He jumped out of the water at full speed, roaring the moment he surfaced. The first man, the repugnant one with the harpoon gun. He was to go down first. The poacher was too stunned to even move. Damian sank his teeth deep into the man’s hand, going deeper than his human bites had ever gone.
The man screeched like a distressed school girl. Damian did not relent. His opponent attempted to fling Damian off, but the small siren held firm. The man stumbled back, howling and trying his best to rid himself of the monstrous child.
The two men beside him shouted. They reached for their harpoons. Twin blue beams blasted them back. The ice bound them to the back wall, leaving only enough room to breathe and wiggle their fingers.
Damian moved to finish his opponent. Tired of the incessant screeching, Damian unhooked his teeth from the man’s arm. Raising his head to eye level, Damian matched the poacher’s terrified look with a hiss of his own. One firm head butt later, and he was down for the count.
And Damian was hardly done.
He may be without his grappling hook. He may be without his legs. But he was still Robin, and a Robin who could not adapt was no Robin at all.
Shouting erupted along the boat. Footsteps scrambled and ran in every which direction. Men rushed to where he was lying ‘prone’ on the deck. Let them come!
“You handle the right. I will decimate the left.” Damian shouted. Danny nodded, charging up another beam.
Damian held his sword in one hand, and activated the wrist ray on the other. The men hesitated.
“Come on mates. It’s just a baby! We could get rich selling it!” With that, the trio of sailors yelled and rallied, each of them carrying harpoons. Child’s play.
Damian coiled his tail, and jumped as a wound-up spring would. A harpoon fired. Damian fired back. The wrist ray’s beam hit true, and the harpoon flew off course. The siren boy continued his course, and latched onto the first man.
His movement came as fluid as gentle river. In one motion with one hand, a slash at the stomach. In another with the other hand, he launched himself at the next poacher. His second total victim fell to the floor like a sack of bricks, writhing and crying out. The second of the trio faltered. A fatal mistake. Damian went for the head. His tail wrapped around the disgusting human’s neck and squeezed. The third man lunged for him. Damian burned his feet with the wrist ray. Then he sent him flying back with a shot to the shoulder.
There were more men. Damian did not relent. He would not relent until nobody was standing, until they could no longer continue their dirty deeds.
His platform was beginning to lose consciousness. Damian slammed him behind the head with the hilt of his sword. As the man fell, Damian launched himself to the next person foolish enough to approach. Then the next, and then the next. Damian dodged and deflected harpoons. He leapt from person to person in a bloody game of leap frog, and when he ran out of people to jump to, he instead went for the crane in the centre of the boat. Damian clambered up the crane using nothing but his upper body strength, aided by his lighter weight.
The remainder of the men were cowering under shelter. It was foolish to think they could escape from him for long. A death rattled emerged, a warning for anyone who dared approach. A foolish man peeked from a window. The wrist ray burned off a patch of hair for his troubles.
Damian had no patience for these games. It seemed Danny had the same idea. The flashes of blue light     ceased alongside the screaming. Oh how therapeutic the screaming was.
Before long, chaos emerged from even the cabin rooms. Looks like Danny had breached them. His opportunity granted, Damian dropped.
He landed on a hapless sailor. A slam to the back of the head had him slumping against the doorway. Damian leapt into the fray.
As soon as it had started, the bloodbath ended. Damian and Danny sat there in the bridge, surrounded by fallen poachers, still breathing, a small mercy. The boys panted heavily, their bodies not quite used to exertion over water. However, the deed was done.
“Has anyone told you you’re totally insane?” Danny asked.
Damian nodded breathlessly. “Many times.”
Damian’s shoulders slumped. “Very well.”
They still had work to do. Danny tipped over a bucket of sea water on them both. “To keep our scales wet.” He said. Together, the sirens worked on freeing Dorothea. Damian cut the ropes, while Danny used his ice to smooth over the deck.
Damian laid his hand on her nose. He trilled his goodbyes. “Farewell, Dorothea. May you travel safely.”
With the ice acting like a smooth ramp, just a couple pushes were enough to slide Dorothea back into the water, safe and sound. Her mother sang to them in thanks. The whale pod departed soon after, leaving the two siren boys to the rest of the dirty work.
Damian emerged from the brig with rope. A lot of it. Danny worked on icing over the wounds inflicted by Damian’s rampage, many of which Damian would attest were well-earned. However, Damian did not intend to become a murderer again. Despite everything, he still wished to live up to his father’s ideals.
With the crew and captain rounded and tied up, that left another question.
“How are we gonna get these guys to the authorities?”
“We could always just sink the ship and allow them to perish.”
Danny crossed his arms, his face going flat. “No thanks.”
“It is simple. We emulate Basil the Second of the Eastern Roman Empire, who blinded 99 captured soldiers out of a hundred, and gouged out only one eye from the remaining one. Then he had the enemy soldiers return, led by the one-eyed men.”
Danny’s own eyes widened to dinner plates. His nictitating membranes flashed back and forth rapidly.
“I mean to say we allow one man to captain the ship home, while still heavily restrained.”
Danny’s body slumped in relief. “Oh thank god. I thought you were gonna actually try and do that.”
Damian bared his teeth at the crooks, who cowered as far as they could, tied up in rope and ice. “I would like to, but I am bound by higher principles these days.”
“Not concerning at all, but ok.”
Danny wisely chose to not press the issue. He chose someone relatively skinny, freed him out of the bunch. The scrawny man did not even try to flee. Damian’s sword made sure of that.
Just because they were allowing them to live did not mean they had to be nice. Land was less than a day away, so they could afford to be a little harsh. Damian tried the man wrists to the steering wheel, and Danny welded his feet to the floor. “Just so you don’t get any ideas, buddy.”
Danny patted the man on the shoulder, a gesture that was normally meant to encourage and provide support. The scrawny sailor trembled.
“Oh, Dami!” Danny perked up.
Damian’s fins rattled at the childish nickname.
“Now that we’re on a boat, we can call home.
That was… that was good news! Yes! He had completely forgot about that, lost in his righteous rage. That was the whole reason they’d ravaged the previous Atlantean town. Only the map had showed the nearest island to be thousands of miles away, and the coastline would have been too risky. Yes, this was good news indeed.
Damian put his sword to Scrawny’s throat.
Danny cleared his voice. “You might wanna give us your phone password, or my friend here is gonna make a sushi restaurant out of you.”
The man rattled off a series of numbers. Danny fished out his mobile phone, an old battered model, but functional.
“Here you go, Damian.”
Damian’s heart lightened. At last he could contact his father. Perhaps set up an extraction of some kind at the other end of Panama, or even earlier. This would be an enormous step towards bringing this adventure to an end, and returning back to Gotham where he was needed (and deep inside his heart, where he needed to be as well).
Damian slid the phone’s screen to unlock it, only for it to not work. Damian swiped the screen again.
“Why is this not working?” He rapidly rubbed the screen with his thumb, but the device did not respond.
“Oh yeah. These things are designed for human skin, which, uh, you know.” Danny showed his open palm, showing fingers coated in scores of tiny scales.
Damian looked to the side. He crawled up to one of the piles of tied-up poachers and came up to one fortunate enough to have been rendered unconscious. Damian yanked his arm forward, not caring for the deafening crack sound that motion created, and used the poacher’s human fingers to input the call for him.
An inelegant solution for an inelegant problem.
But that was no matter. Damian checked and double checked the numbers, making sure it was his father’s and nobody else’s. He took a deep breath, and pressed call.
Bruce Wayne sat on the back deck of the SAV, alone for the moment. The Fentons were just below, manning the controls. Apparently there was some kink in the system that was causing them to lose speed. Unsurprising, considering they had invented this whole new system in less than 48 hours. Or at least that was if Jasmine was to be believed.
The back deck sported an umbrella over a desk and a couple chairs for relaxation. On his tablet, Bruce carefully read the Fenton’s previous papers on sirens, a length catalogue dating back to over twenty years, when they were both in college.
In college with Vlad Masters, until he had disappeared, only to return grievously ill.
His phone rang. Bruce stared at the call. An unknown American number. He’d long ago stamped out the scam callers and telephone advertisers from ever bothering him or his family. The only person who could be calling this number was someone who knew it. Or at least someone who’d manually dialled it and wasn’t a scammer.
Hope began to swell. Surely it couldn’t be. It had to be Damian. Wasn’t it? No, he had to quash his hopes down. He had to stay focused.
Bruce answered the call.
“Hello, Bruce Wayne speaking. How may I help you?” His body tensed, hoping to God that it would be his son’s voice on the line, in the one and a million chance.
But what came through the line wasn’t his son’s voice. Or anyone’s voice. Instead, a series of frantic high-pitched trills, clicks and whistles came through. Almost like the caller put the phone next to an excited dolphin.
“Listen, I do not have time for any pranks. Who is calling me and why?” Bruce clenched his first. Of course he was a fool to get his hopes up.
Another frantic dolphin call. What a waste of time.
“I hope you’re proud of yourself for prank calling me.” The clicking went on in even more rapid succession, but Bruce ignored it. “Goodbye, and do not call this number again.”
Bruce hung up.
He hung his head in his hands, wishing for Damian to be back and safe. Wishing nobody had to be in danger.
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preet-01 · 1 month
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Maxiel Political AU
Word Count: 958
Summary: Max Verstappen only had one goal - to be President. It's all he's wanted since he was just seven years old and all that he's worked towards. But bachelors don't get elected as Presidents, for the most part. Enter Daniel Ricciardo. Daniel's the ideal candidate for the country's most prominent and stressful unpaid job: the President's loving partner, a pretty bauble for the country to fall in love with and look towards. In secret meetings, contracts are signed and a marriage is arranged. Max and Daniel must convince the American people that they are a loving couple and perfect for the White House
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Chapter Four
This is not a meeting for the public. They don’t meet on the golf course or some insanely fancy restaurant where policy is negotiated. Nor do they meet underneath the clandestine moonlight in a park with no one else present. 
No, they meet in the little farmhouse that Seb had built for himself just an hour outside of DC in Northern Virginia. It’s quaint and nothing like the townhome he keeps in the District. With no one around, it’s the perfect spot. 
Max is the first to arrive. Always so prompt when he needs to be somewhere or do something important. He arrives with his father close behind and an air of annoyance as the two Verstappens step into the little farmhouse. 
They don’t talk much. Mostly just sit in silence as Jos Verstappen reads the file Seb had made on Daniel and his very prominent family. Max had been sent the file days ago and had memorized just about everything that was in it during his preparation for this meeting. He had not deemed it something that he needed to share with his father, so of course his father had hounded Seb about the file as soon as they sat down. 
Approximately twenty minutes after the Verstappens had arrived, Daniel arrived. “You’re late,” Seb says to the younger man in greeting. Daniel’s dressed in a suit with his tie loosened and has a Gucci briefcase in hand. 
“Drama at the office,” Daniel sighs, “then major accidents on 495 and 66. Almost makes me miss Cali.” 
“California traffic is worse,” Seb deadpans, he’d heard Daniel complain about traffic countless times over the years they’d known one another. If he was in California and stuck in traffic, he’d say he missed Virginia traffic. And it would be vice versa if he was stuck in Northern Virginia traffic. 
“Why would you take the Beltway at this time?” Max questions, looking at Daniel as if he was odd for taking 495 when leaving DC. Though Seb agreed with avoiding the Capital Beltway as much as possible, he also knew that Daniel was a creature of habit despite what he said. He’d taken the Beltway, or 495 as Daniel and so many others preferred to say, once when he first moved to DC and hadn’t changed his preferred route out of DC ever since. 
“As much as I love talks of traffic and travel routes,” Seb says, “but we have greater things to talk about.” 
That’s all it takes for Daniel to straighten up and take a seat opposite the Verstappens. He places the Gucci briefcase on the coffee table and opens it. 
“Contract, I presume,” Seb mutters when Daniel hands each of them a file. Ever the good lawyer, Daniel had come prepared. 
“Just a preliminary contract with room to negotiate. My terms are laid out,” Daniel says.
Before he met Senator Verstappen, Daniel knew he’d be tying himself to the man and agreeing to a political marriage. 
Maybe if he hadn’t spent a few hours with his grandfather and talked about legacy and political aspirations, he would’ve called Seb crazy and been done with it. Maybe then he would’ve listened to his father and mother’s hopes for him marrying for love. Maybe then he would’ve called Michelle and let her talk him out of this as she had talked him out of so many bad decisions. 
But he’d done none of that.
He had left his office and spent hours with just his grandfather. He had listened to his grandfather talk about the burdens of legacy and the aspirations of their ancestors. He had thought back to his own childhood dreams and desires to be the President of the United States. Then he’d spent hours before work writing out a contract. 
Senator Verstappen, his soon-to-be fiance, sits across from him on Seb’s couch. He’s handsome – much more handsome than some of the men his grandfather had suggested in the past. Daniel could see himself chatting up the man at some bar and going home with him. People who know him would believe that Daniel Ricciardo was seeing someone like Max Verstappen. 
“These are very reasonable terms,” Max says, flipping through the contract pages carefully. Next to him sits his father, who looks much less pleased than his son does. Daniel didn’t know much about Jos Verstappen. To be fair, why would he? Jos Verstappen, in the context of US politics, was nearly a nobody. Insignificant except for the part he’d played in birthing and raising a rising star Senator with presidential dreams. 
“I’m a reasonable guy,” Daniel states causing Seb to raise his eyebrow. But the older man does not say anything contrary to his statement. 
It’s not until the last page, that Max has objections. He’d only put in the last few terms to see how far he could push the Senator’s willingness. 
Farther than he expected, Daniel notes when Max brings his objections to the last two terms – Cabinet appointments and judicial nominations. More specifically getting to choose at least two Cabinet appointments and federal judge nominations. 
“I’m willing to compromise on that,” Daniel says, “I want my opinion considered. I grew up amongst many of the establishment names that will be suggested for such positions.” Seb wanted Daniel for a reason. It wasn’t just his ability to birth children and look pretty on the arms of a Presidential candidate, but his connections and the inherent power he held as a scion of a major political dynasty. Max Verstappen, for all he could become President and the most powerful man in the free world, he would never have the privileges that Daniel was born into. 
Three days later, a finalized contract is signed and plans are made. 
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Can We Keep Him Pleeeease?
Platonic Sam Wilson x gn!reader
The youngest super soldier brings home an unusual pet.
Warnings: swearing, Sam is basically reader’s dad
WC: 1.4k
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“What the fuck is that?!” 
“A smoothie.” Y/N stood awkwardly in the middle of Sam’s living room, a squirming bundle wrapped tightly in their arms, with one hand clutching an obviously empty smoothie cup. 
“Oh ok, so just a smoothie then. I obviously wasn’t talking about the FUCKING ANIMAL YOU HAVE IN YOU HANDS?!” Sam threw his arms into the air in frustration and gestured wildly at the gray snout now poking from the hoodie Y/N had wrapped it in.
“Why are we yelling?” Bucky groaned, stumbling from his bedroom and almost running into the Captain. Y/N shoved the cold snout back into the fabric, receiving a grumble in reply. 
“Look, a bird!” They shouted quickly and pointed over his shoulder, effectively distracting the super soldier for a couple seconds, which was more than enough time for them to turn and make a mad dash to their room.
The younger avenger sighed deeply, already regretting inviting the teen hero to live with him and Bucky during their summer break from college. He winced as he heard their bedroom door slam shut, rocking the house with the force. Two super soldiers in his home, what could go wrong?
“There’s no bird.” Bucky whined sadly. 
“How have you survived this long?”
Bucky shrugged. “I spent most of my life frozen.”
“Ok and here’s a temporary bed for you until I buy you a new one. Or you can sleep with me, it’s your choice. Now, is there anything else you need?” Y/N’s voice was muffled through their door but Sam could hear it clear enough if he pushed his ear against the wood at just the right angle.
He had already ruled out a bird, a frog, and a fish, but everything else was fair game. He was ever so slightly terrified that they had brought home an alligator and he couldn’t put it past them. Sam shivered at the memory of them appearing on the local news after ‘rescuing’ a crocodile from the zoo a few years back. And their defense had simply been ‘she looked lonely’.
“Food! Yes, I have some food for you already. But don’t tell Bucky I’m taking his salmon. He wanted to cook it tonight but we all know that he can’t cook to save his life so this will be a mercy for that poor fish. You stay here and I’ll be back in a second.” Sam didn’t bother stepping away from the entryway, only standing up straight with his arms crossed over his chest, his face set in a disapproving frown that only tired dads could pull off.
Y/N jumped slightly as they opened their door and was met with Captain America’s chest. “What’s gucci, Sam?” The door quickly shut behind them, blocking Sam’s view into the room.
“What animal do you have in there?”
“There is no animal in my room, what are you talking about? I think the added responsibility of being America’s greatest superhero has made you go crazy.” 
Sam could actually feel his blood pressure rising. “Y/N.”
“Why would I bring an animal home? Bucky is pretty much like three dogs worth of animal so why would I need another pet?” They were rambling now.
“Tell me what’s in your bedroom or I’ll send you to live with Bruce.” They stopped, their eyes narrowing on the slightly taller man.
“You wouldn’t dare.”
“Try me.” They held his gaze for another minute, silently weighing their options. To live with Bruce meant more freedom with animals, sure but they didn’t know if they could put up with his yoga and ‘breathing exercises’ for months on end. Y/N relented.
“Fine but please, give him a chance.” 
Y/N slipped back into the small bedroom designated as theirs but left the door open so Sam could follow. Taking a deep breath, he braced himself for the hell he was about to walk into, and then stepped over the threshold.
The young super soldier was on their knees at the foot of their bed, carefully lifting the yet to be identified pet into their arms. They cooed at the creature, rocking slightly before turning around.
“Sam, meet Jeff the land shark. Jeff, meet Sam.” Huge black eyes stared back up at him from Y/N’s arms, observing the man before it’s large mouth broke into what Sam guessed was a grin, exposing rows of razor sharp teeth. It Jeff wiggled in their arms, pleased with the new person in its space.
Y/N smiled brightly alongside the shark-hybrid thing. “Look how cute he is!” They squealed, hugging him tightly to their chest. Jeff, quite pleased with the attention, grunted happily, his four short limbs waggling around, along with his tail, which seemed to be at least as long as his stout body.
“You’re such a perfect boy aren’t you? Yes you are. You’re my perfect boy.” Sam didn’t know what he was more disturbed by, the shark creature or the fact that this teen, who he had witnessed punch a man so hard, his body flew through five walls of solid concrete, was baby-talking said shark creature. 
Jeff’s triangular snout pressed into their pudgy cheek, nosing at their flesh affectionately. “I um- what? I have so many questions.” 
“If I answer them, will you let me keep him?”
“No.” Sam said firmly, eyes still fixed on Jeff.
“But Saaaaaaam.”
“No buts Y/N. You brought a dangerous animal into this house without my permission.”
They turned away slightly, shielding Jeff. “You brought Bucky home without my permission so I think we’re even.” Jeff propped his thick head against their shoulder so he could continue to look at Sam, his tail wagging wildly beneath him.
“That’s different, as much as I hate to say it, Bucky is a person.”
“Ha! I told you I would get you to admit it!” Came from the other side of the house.
“Shut up Bucky!” They both shouted in unison. 
“You can’t keep him.”
“I’ll be good! I’ll wash your car! I’ll go on runs with you! I’ll even do your laundry!”
“You can’t keep him.”
Y/N grumbled something under their breath, tucking their face into where Jeff’s neck would be. “What was that?” Sam raised an eyebrow at them.
“I said Tony would let me keep him.” Sighing deeply, he pinched the bridge of his nose.
“Tony also let you regularly jump out of planes without a parachute.”
“So I really can’t keep him?” Their voice trembled with barely contained tears, Sam’s kryptonite. They clung tightly to Jeff who was now looking at them curiously, concerned whines emanating from him. Fat tears hung to their lashes as their eyes slowly went bloodshot and their chest hiccupped.
“I can barely stand Alpine and I don’t think Jeff would like cats.” They’ll understand logic right? Sam wondered. Y/N’s eyes dropped to the floor, absolutely heartbroken.
And as if summoned, said white cat strolled into the room without a care in the world. “Brrr?” She chirped. Alpine tilted her head at her second favourite person, as if questioning why she hadn’t been picked up yet, like she usually would have when she wandered into Y/N’s room.
Jeff copied her movement as best he could while still being smothered by the teen. Her blue eyes fixed themselves on the shark. With little hesitation, she launched herself up, landing gracefully on Y/N’s opposite shoulder. Sam froze, already coming up with explanations as to why Bucky’s prized cat had been devoured by a ‘land shark’. 
But instead of the bloodbath he expected, Alpine nuzzled into his cold skin, the tip of her tail flicking happily. Jeff grinned once more and leaned his head into the cat, accepting the affection.
And when Sam looked back up at Y/N, they were smiling victoriously, all evidence of tears gone from their face. He knew he was screwed.
“Fine, you can keep the damn shark but don’t expect me to look after it. Jeff is your responsibility.”
“Thank you! Thank you! Thank you!” They bounced around the room, both animals hanging on for dear life. Sam couldn’t help but smile at their pure joy of having a new pet. 
“Go on and get some food for him and I’ll bring you to PetSmart tomorrow for more supplies. Also, where did you even find him?"
Y/N shrugged. "Side of the road."
"I'm not even surprised. Alright, go do what you need to do, kid."
“You’re the best! C’mon Jeff, I have to introduce you to Bucky!”
And as they ran out of the room, Sam swore he had never heard a grown man scream that loudly before in his life.
“Is that a fucking shark?!”
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dykeravengard · 1 day
something ive been noticing is that usamericans especially talk about italian culture like we're some sort of otherworldly alien. do you know in italy they are always well dressed in high heels full face of make up gucci belt prada bag dolce&gabbana blazers etc. do you know that in italy they put olive oil in every dish they are obsessed with olive oil and drink it from the bottle. italians believe they invented tomatoes because tomatoes are so prevalent in italian cooking that it's only reasonable to think they would worship tomatoes and believe it is an italian invention when it is not. do you know italians sleep in the afternoon after lunch instead of going to work. like are you guys hearing yourself it's like we're some sort of folk creature. calm down & relax
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foxes-that-run · 3 months
You don't have a post on I Just Wanna Love You. It was apparently recorded in 2019. I was reading the lyrics and they are very much haylor but I also think it could be about CR. The voicemail from cherry was added in 2019 right? So maybe they were talking again trying to be friends. I'd think TBSL is also about her but "i was just a little kid" makes it clear that it's about Taylor. This one feels haylor too. Idk.
I'm Not Happy is also very interesting. I wonder when it was written. It was recorded in 2016, I'm guessing the same session as Kiwi. But it has to be written a bit earlier like January 2016. They may have met in February and this song feels written when they weren't talking and he was daydreaming about her reaching out to him. Do you have a post on that?
To be so lonely
I have a detailed post on that here, it answers Ready for it…? With “Wasn’t ready for it all” so one of the clearest about Taylor on Fine Line.
I’m not happy
I have a post about it here, I think the fire it refers to is 26 February 2016, which would have it in the same session as Sweet Creature, the first session for HS1. That’s also a year and several days after they were last seen together.
I just wanna love you
I love this song and yeah I don’t have anything about it. The timing of it being recorded in 2019 and when it leaked 10 September 2023 is interesting. 10 September is close to one of the dates on Stevie’s poem, try honey was leaked too and Taylor posted the ‘damn Griff’ about vertigo, if the leaks were intentional they were going through it.
In the 2019 timeline also, Harry was pretty overt in his affections round May 20 with the Gucci swan campaign, playing on the beach in yellow shorts and a white horse t-shirt. He also wrote adore you, boyfriends and TPWK. I can see the similarities of this song and adore you. Adore you is kind of the less specific version of it in some ways.
He was also 25, as in Peter and the line “a week ago you said we’ve started running out of time”
This sounds like an ex-lover who’s in a relationship with someone else having an emotional affair with Harry. With Joe taking a step back at the end of 2019 and Harry and Taylor having the same missing days after Ed’s wedding… well…
Do you regret it? Talking to me late night. I'm getting heavy. You know what it feels like
And this screams of a Delicate reference “Is it cool that I said all that? / Is it chill that you're in my head?”
Shouldn't have said it / Tell me it don't feel alright
So to me it is about taylor also
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laughing-with-god · 7 months
What type of fashion do you think victor bts would wear including victor jungkook
oooh loves this q, if your gonna shift into my universe you prob need some visual help lmao! (i fully expect a report when you do!)
but this is roughly how I picture them;
I think Jin had a good fashion sense even before the games. his dad was the mayor of District One so I think he's always had to dress "presentable". I don't see him as a fashionista, but he does care about brands. if he was in our modern universe, he'd be the type to find Gucci very tacky and obnoxious but love Hermes and Ralph Lauren. classy and understated. honestly very "old money, country club" vibes. jin is a nepo baby lol
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there are two jimins - the one at the capitol and the one at district four. when he's in the capitol, he wears whatever his designer team arranges for him. he has lots of sponsors, and many are fashion brands so he's obligated to wear clothes or accessories from those brands. his team likes to market him as very chic and clean, lots of suits with the undershirt open to show his chest. however, when he's at home or just being himself, i think he's very in touch with his ocean roots. i see him in a "surfer boy" aesthetic, pearls, seashells, and free-flowing tops. in my universe, District Four is like a Florida or tropical place- so it's always sunny and hot.
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sweater vests. turtle necks. slacks. this is it. mainly in black, sometimes blue. very dark academia. does not really understand fashion and just wants to look as smart as he is. feel like he'd also be one of the victors who fired his designer team right away because he didn't get the point and hated being treated like a doll. sometimes he wants to try out diff styles but ultimately I see him being a creature of habit and being like "nah"
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poor boy just wants to be cozy and warm. I think I had his games take place in the Arctic? so I think he'd be like really hypersensitive to the cold now. he feels one chill and he'll want to die. he would love oversized sweaters and cardigans. I can see him wearing lots of neutral colors too, browns and creams with hints of green here and there. Very 'coffee shop boyfriend' vibes. also think he's such older bro that he'd carry a lil fanny pack or bag all the time, he carries little snacks and stuff just in case his siblings ever need anything
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tough one. I don't think he'd give a shit tbh. but he's from 11 and it's all about agriculture, so i feel like farmer vibes? like boyish cottage core. feel like he likes loose shirts as well, tae doesn't like feeling constricted so no tight clothes. also feel like he loves rolling his pants up and walking around barefoot. country boy to the core.
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hoodies, loose fitting and oversized. likes beanies too. I think he has bad blood circulation and as a kid didn't get great access to food, so he's prob anemic and smaller than his Victor counterparts. a lil insecure about it so he covers it up with baggy clothes. another one that prefers darker colors like grey and black. capitol ppl are known for their colorful clothes since they can afford them, and yoongi isn't tryna associate with that.
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i never made a victors revenge jk since i didn't know if i was just going to make it qq jk when he won the games lol. either way, i'm sticking with district two for him. so def a career and def a lil cray. i think he'd enjoy looking as intimidating as possible, fully leaning into the 'bloody thirsty career' reputation he has. I see him getting tats and piercings and wearing things like leather jackets and steel-toed boots. probably like "grunge" or "cyberpunk" aesthetic??
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